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Kazakhstan - Land of the Great Steppe

Where is Kazakhstan located?

The blue represents the sky

the sun symbolizes peace

these are national Kazakh


the eagle stands for freedom

Our capital is astana - dubai
among the steppes
National clothes
National jewelleries

Shashbau Bes bylezyk

her weight could reach up to According to the bracelet, it
3 kg. The pendants tightened
Syrga was possible to find out what
the braids, forcing them to The most ancient amulet kind of girl she was from, her
keep their posture. age and marital status
Sholpa Shekelik
The ringing is designed to Boitumar with the help of such
scare away evil spirits jewelry, you secretly wish
They performed the
a gifted person good luck
function of a talisman and happiness
Kazakh cuisine
Kazakh yurt
Nauryz - kazakh new year
Nauruz is a celebration of new
beginnings: the beginning of the new
year, the arrival of spring and the
rebirth of nature

Nauryz in Kazakhstan symbolizes

fertility, friendship and love.
Nauryz kozhe - main dish
7 ingredients:
water, meat, salt, milk or
yoghurt, one type of grains,
chosen from rice, corn or
wheat, and others.
Seven ingredients symbolize
seven virtues or qualities, such
as joy, success, intelligence,
health, wealth, agility and
why 7? 7 - the luckiest
number among kazakhs
7 can be said to represent completeness. There are seven days in a week. On
Sunday the week ends and everything starts all over again. The funeral takes
place on the seventh day. Ancient society lived according to the steppe law,
which was called “Zheti zhargy”. Each steppe dweller had to remember his
ancestry up to the seventh generation - “Zheti ata”, in order to prevent incest.
Seven treasures form the basis of the people - “Zheti Kazyna”.
These are:
er zhigіt - a worthy husband, sulu әyel - a beautiful wife,
zhuirik at - a fleet-footed horse, qyran burkit - a hunting
golden eagle, kumay tazy - a devoted dog (hound), tuzu
myltyk - a well-aimed gun and kara kazan - a black (full)
kazakhstan’s nature through my eyes
Why we chose Erasmus program?
Erasmus program

The Erasmus program is an

international exchange
program for students,
allowing them to study at
universities in different
European countries
Study Abroad New Friends

Language Learning

Personal Growth Adventures and Travel

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