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The virus spreads through bites of
infected Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes,
with other Aedes species as
secondary vectors. Small, dark
mosquito with white markings;
distinctive striped appearance.

Life Cycle
DENGUE Individual measures to avoid mosquito bites, such
as wearing full-coverage clothing, using mosquito
repellents, installing screens on windows and
SEBASTIÁN ABULAFIA doors, using mosquito nets, avoiding stagnant
LISANDRO LAINO water areas, and maintaining well-ventilated
living spaces. Additionally, governments can play
implement mosquito control programs, raise
public awareness, and invest in research for
innovative prevention methods.

Environment Tropicalization
Climate change can have a significant impact on the spread
Aedes aegypti prefers tropical climates. It and development of mosquito populations, which, in turn,
thrives in shadowy and damp places with tall affects the transmission of diseases like dengue. Climate change
grasses. Contrary to popular belief, it breeds can lead to tropicalization, where regions that were previously
in artificial containers, not natural water not suitable for mosquito breeding become more favorable due
bodies This "endophilic" behavior occurs to rising temperatures and increased rainfall. This creates an
indoors, such as in apartments. environment conducive to the growth andd spread of Aedes
mosquitoes, extending the geographic range of dengue .

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