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Nama : Dewa Made Aditya Nugraha Mardani

NIM : 045243081

Diskusi 8 Bahasa Inggris

1. Draw a concept map/mind map of the materials in modules 1-9.

You can draw it either manually or digitally. Then, please upload

in the form of an image in the reply section.

2. Which part of the topics in this tutorial that:
● you are confident about, and
● you are not confident

about? answer :
I’m confident about Module 1 (two ways of communicating in English), Module
3 (Writing Informal Emails and BusinessMemos), Module 4 (Art of
correspondence in business), Module 5 (letter of request), Module 6 (letter of
Appreciation) .

And not confident about Module 2 (things you learn in business), Module 7
(job application letter and CV), Module 8 (Making appointments and giving
explanations), and Module 9 (Different ways of business communication).
However, these modules are a challenge for me to further improve
my understanding.

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