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DAILY LESSON PLAN School Osmeña Colleges Grade Level 11

Teacher Airyll A. Verano Learning Area English

Teaching Dates and Time MWF - 9:00-10:00 AM Quarter 1

Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of: Recognizing that communication competence requires understanding of speech context,
speech style, speech act and communicative strategy.

Performance Standard The learner transfers learning by: Demonstrating effective use of communicative strategy in a variety of speech situation.

Learning Identifies the various types of speech context


Exhibits appropriate verbal and non-verbal behavior in a given speech context

Employ appropriate verbal and non-verbal behavior in different speech context


Teacher’s Guide
Learner’s Materials English Quarter 1- Module 6: Types of Speech Context

Textbook Pages CO_Q1_Oral Communication in Context SHS_Module 6 pages 63-66

Additional Materials from PowerPoint Presentation
Learning Resources (LR)
A. Reviewing previous The teacher will: The student will:
lessons or presenting the Good morning ma’am!
new lesson Good morning class!
How was your day? Were good and bless!

That’s good to hear! So, can I expect to have your positive energy and active
participation for today’s discussion?
Yes ma’am!
Before anything else, let’s pray.
(Student stand to lead the prayer)
Ms._____ please lead the prayer.
Everyone! please stand.
Let us bow our head and feel the presence of the lord. In
the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit,

Again, good morning! everyone but before you take your seat kindly pick up all
the trash and papers under your chair and put in it the trash can.
Thank you, you may now take your seat.
(Students raise their hands if they are called.)
We will check first the attendances. Say present if you are here.

Wonderful, no absent.
It is a process of verbally and non-verbally transmitting
Before we proceed to our discussion, let’s recall what happened last time? ideas or message within or across various context.

What is oral communication? Verbal Communication

Non-Verbal Communication

We have 2 main forms of communication? It is all about conveying information through the use of
First is… mouth.
Defined as the exchange of information without the use
When we hear the word, Verbal Communication? of words.

(Student answered based on their learnings)

And Non-verbal communication is about what?

Writing is an example of what? Is it Non-Verbal or

Verbal Communication
B. Establishing purpose of Before we proceed to our formal discussion, I have here an activitity to give an
the lesson snipit of our lesson and an idea what it is all about.

It is a crossword or word search activity and you only need to find the words
given in the box.

(Students raised their hand to actively answer about

what word they saw.)


Did you find any words? What is it?

 Communication
 Participation
 Speaking
 Interaction
 Speech
 Context
 Group
 Feedback

C. Presenting Excellent! Now, what have you notice about those words? How was it related to
examples/instances of the our new topic? Any idea?
new lesson
Therefore, let me present our topic for today which is all about types of speech
context and here’s the learning objectives.
Are you ready to participate? Yes ma’am!

At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:

 Differentiate intrapersonal and interpersonal communication.
 Identifies the various types of speech context
 Distinguish types of speech style

D. Discussing new concepts So, without further ado, let’s move on to our topic which is all about types of
and practicing new skills #1 speech context. It is actually under the verbal communication.

We have two types of Speech Context?

The first one is… Intrapersonal and second is Interpersonal.

What is Intrapersonal communication?

It is a communication that centers on one person where
the speaker acts both as the sender and receiver of the

Who can give me an example about intrapersonal?

- Having thought on something important about
- Analyzing
- Feeling happy toward others success.

What is Interpersonal communication?

From the root word, interaction. Meaning to say you interact with other people It is a communication between and among people and
in order to communicate. Whether two or more people. establishes personal relationship between and among

E. Discussing new concepts Now that we already tackled the two types of speech context and its definition.
and practicing new skills #2 So, let’s move on to the types of Interpersonal Communication and since
Intrapersonal is only pertaining about oneself, there’s no other type.

Types of Interpersonal Context

1. Dyad Communication
2. Small Group Communication
3. Public Communication
4. Mass Communication

First, Dyad Communication is?

It refers to communication that occurs between two

Example: You give feedback on the speech performance of your classmate.

Second, Small Group Communication is all about what? It is an involvement of at least 3 or more than 12 people
engaging face to face interaction to achieved a desire

Yes ma’am!

Can be consider our discussion now as an example of small group (Students answer based on their opinions)
It requires you to deliver or send the message before or
Why do you think so? in front of group.
Third, Public Communication. Any idea about it?  Graduation Speech
What is Public Communication?  Declamation Speech
 Oratorical

Who can give me an example of public communication?

Those examples are watched by a number of people or in a crowd. It takes place through television, radio, newspaper,
magazine or other types of media.

And lastly, Mass Communication.

What is it?
F. Developing Mastery (Leads Group Activity
to formative assessment) You will be divided into 3 groups and will be given 10 minutes to prepare for the

Activity 1
Directions: Based on the types of interpersonal communication. Each group will
be tasked to present a tableau in portraying a scenario regarding the topic.

Each group will choose a scene from picking some scrabble papers. Group 1- Dyad Communication
Group 2- Small Group Communication
Group 3- Public Communication
G. Finding practical Have you ever experienced in a situation where types of interpersonal
application of concepts and communication are used?
skills in daily living How can we apply the types of speech context in our daily lives? Are we able to (Student answers may vary)
differentiate what kind of situation were in if it is (dyad, small group, public or
mass communication)
H. Making generalizations Now that were done in our discussion, I want to ask you some question to
and abstractions about the assess whether you understand the lesson.
1. Is communication important in our daily life? Why? (Student answers may vary)
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of public and mass
3.What is the easiest and hardest of types of speech contexts as used in
communication? Why?

I. Evaluating learning Quiz

Directions: On a ¼ sheet of paper. Indicate the given situation and find out what
types of speech it this.

1. Delivering a graduation speech to your fellow graduates.  Public Communication

2. You are watching a televised briefing on COVID-19.  Mass Communication
3. You consoled your brother who was feeling down.  Dyad Communication
4. Kathlyn who came back from US announced to his three brothers and four  Small Group Communication
sisters that she is getting married.  Intrapersonal Communication
5. You felt happy thinking about how your teacher appreciated your works.
J. Additional activities for For your assignment, make an essay and write it on a short bond paper.
application or remediation
Try to recall what you did and how you felt when you experienced any of this
situation; (your best friend confided a secret to you, you delivered a speech in
front of your classmates as a subject requirement, you talked to yourself about
the things you did and what you were supposed to do instead).

What can you say about your experience? What did you learn from it? If you
have second chance, how will you deal with the situations? What examples of
verbal and non-verbal responses will you use?

Directions: Your essay will be graded based on this rubric.


No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
No. of students who require
additional activities for
Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
No. of learners who
continue to require
Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?”
Which difficulty did I
encounter that my principal
or supervisor can help me
What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by:

Practice Teacher

Approved by:

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