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“(Title)“ by (author) was drawn on the (date) and published in “(source)“. The
cartoon comments on (topic) as the artist used many methods to get his
opinion across.

- What strikes the eye is…
- The focus of attention…
- At the top / At the back / At the front / At the bottom
- In the middle / In the center
- In the top right/left-hand corner / In the bottom right/left hand corner
- On the right / left
- One can see speech bubbles / thought bubbles next to / above…
- Underneath the cartoon is a caption which says/states that…

- The light / dark colors / position of (elements) indicates…
- The cartoon implies…/ is supposed to… / stands for/ represents
- The cartoonist tries to / aims to/ intends to / is making fun of / criticizes /
draws attention to…
- It can be assumed that… because it brings ist message across by…
- The cartoon evokes the feeling of … hence…
- The choice of colors supports the idea of /contributes to… / reinforces
the cartoonist´s message that…

In summary it can be stated that…
- The overall effect of the cartoon is…
- The cartoonist criticism towards … is skillfully / effectively shown
- In my opinion the cartoon is convincing / authentic / well composed /
too abstract / simplistic / confusing…
- Although the cartoon manages to…, it is not convincing because…
- As seen by (special interest group), the cartoon´s intention is to…, which
it does effectively / in a poor / weak way because…

- Achten auf Farbe / Größe von Objekten / Körper
- Titel und Sprechblasen beachten
- Welche Leute, Objekte und Ort gibt es?
- Hintergrundwissen nutzen
- Keine kurzen Formen!
- Absätze
Media / international workshop

Blog post / e-mail

1. eye-catching title
2. opening that gets the reader´s attention by asking a question
Bsp.: Do you think…? Than you are wrong. (Then) let me tell you that…
Do you sometimes catch yourself…?
3. getting the reader´s sympathy and introducing the main topic
Bsp.: But do not get me wrong, …
Many people have the opinion…
In this case you are not the only one.
4. backing up one´s argument with personal experience
Bsp.: From my experience, I can tell you that…
To support my experience…
5. finishing the post and inviting the reader to respond
If you have had some similar experiences, (got some good advices for
others) or disagree with myself, then just comment on my blog.

Marcel Betz
Sprache (60%)


- In addition (to that) …

- Additionally…
- Moreover…
- Furthermore…
- Besides…

Buch S. 190

past participle

Sitting in front of the window, a man ordered a coffee.

There are several people in the café using devices.

Staring two famous actors, the film is very popular among young people.

After being called by his friends, the teenager did not know exactly
where he was.
Having been hit by a rock, the mountaineer was taken to hospital.

Having been sold out, the novel turned into a film.

Adrian invited all his friends while having the house all to himself.

Not feeling well, Susan stayed at home.

infinitive passive: verb + to

wish + to

Vee hopes to be envied for her new shoes.

demand / advice + to

Tommy warns Vee not to take part.

Tommy urges Vee to stay at home.
´Nerve´encourages teenagers to make fools of themselves.

opinion / assumption + to

Tommy believes Vee to be addicted to online games.

Vee expects to be sent the new shoes the next day.
Vee hates to be criticized.

probability + to

Vee seems to have understood to her friend´s arguments.

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