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Simple future tense and

Adjective Phrase

Komptensi Inti

4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan
pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan
metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

Kompetensi Dasar.

4.7 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang
tindakan/kegiatan/ kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi di waktu lampau yang merujuk waktu
terjadinya dengan yang merujuk pada kesudahannya, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsure kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa di harapkan mampu:

- Mampu memahami isi dan pokok pikiran dari dialog

- Mampu mengidentifikasi tindak tutur tentang meminta informasi

- Mampu mengidentifikasi respon tentang memberi informasi

- Mampu melafalkan tindak tutur bertanya tentang meminta informasi

- Mampu melafalkan respon tentang memberi informasi

- Mampu menggunakan tindak tutur bertanya tentang meminta informasi sesuai kontek.

- Mampu menggunakan respon memberi informasi sesuai konteks.

- Mampu mengidentifikasi kosakata sesuai konteks

- Mampu melafalkan kosakata sesuai konteks

- Mampu mengidentifikasi Simple future tense dan Adjective Phrase

- Mampu menggunakan Simple future tense dan Adjective Phrase sesuai konteks.
Warming up

Activity 1
Scan the barcode below to listen to the audio
Answer the questions related to video!

1. What is the video about?

2. What do customers need?
3. Who will the customer bring on vacation?
4. What type of place does the customer want?
5. What a place customers call amazing ?
6. Does the customer need visa to be able to go to Bali?



Activity 2
Scan the barcode below to listen to the audio !

Complete the dialogue based on the recording you hear!

Marsa : , sorry to disturb you, can I have a moment?

Hilda : . , miss.

Marsa : Introducing my name is marsa from realized SPG PTC Duo. I want to
. . you our newest product, Sis, which is shampoo. Previously, I wanted to
ask what shampoo did you use at home?

Hilda : Oh, I use horse shampoo because my hair is . .

Marsa : Well, coincidentally sis Marhil shampoo is . . for hair loss and it
can grow if it falls out less in one week of use if it grows it in one month already

Hilda : Can it really treat hair loss, sis?

Marsa : Yes sis, because the Marhil shampo contains amino acids and vitamin B3
which are good for this problem. Later, if your sister doesn't suit you using Marhil
shampoo, we have a . . service, you can contact your complaints there.

Hilda : Miss where is this product from?

Marsa : ., sis. If you want to smell the fragrance, we have a tester, sis.

(Hilda smelling the shampoo tester)

Marsa : We are also having a 50 percent promo for each product, so which . .
do you want?

Hilda : What is the original price?

Marsa : A variant of the bottle with conditioner IDR 200,000 sis. For those without
conditioner, it's only IDR 150,000

Hilda : Then I . . to try just one variant without conditioner

Marsa : It's not just two, sis, while you're on . . and buy two, you can also
get a shopping voucher prize of IDR 100,000

Hilda : OK, I'll take two, sis.

Marsa : . . sis

1. Customer 7. Falling out
2. Excuse me 8. Want
3. Thank you 9. Discount
4. Variant 10.Suitable
5. Yes, you can
6. Offer

Activity 3
Answer the following questions based the previous dialogue!
1. Where did the dialogue take place?
2. What products are the salesperson offered?
3. Whare the advantages of the product offered?
4. How do sales attract customers?

Activity 4
Pronounce the words clearly and correctly! Repeat the words your
teacher !

Vocabulary building and pronunciation practice

Office/ˈôfis Company/ˈkəmp(ə)nē voucher/ˈvouCHər

Product/ ˈprädəkt / customer/ˈkəstəmər discount/ˈdiskount

Seller/ˈselər/ Market/ˈmärkət shampoo/SHamˈpo͞o

Conditioner/kənˈdiSH(ə)nər Shopping/ˈSHäpiNG Card / kärd /

Activity 5

Let’s do role play the dialogue in activity 2!

Activity 6
Let’s learn the grammatical patterns of Simple Future Tense!

The simple Future tensee is a verb tense that is used to talk about things that
happened or existed in the future.

1. Positive/Negative/ Interrogative
Imagine what your sister did in the Future.

Example : my sister will go to school

Example : she will join our music club

In formula:
 Subject + will/shall + V1 + object
Subject + to be (am/is/are) going to + V1

Imagine what your sister did not do in the Future.

Example : my sister will not go to school
Example : She will not join our music club

In formula:
 Subject + will/shall + not + V1 + object
Subject + to be (am/is/are) + not + going to + V1

Imagine someone ask about something in the Future.

Example : will your sister go to school?
Example : will she join our music club?

In formula:
 Will/shall + subject + V1 + object
 To be (am/is/are) + subject + going to + V1

Activity 7
Change the the underline words in the following sentences into the
correct form!
1. Beni .... (are/will) go to turket next mount
2. I .....(am/shall) study tomorrow
3. What ...... (am/shall) i buy for dinner?
4. She is ...... (going to/will) be a teacher
5. I am ....... (going to/will) go to his birthday party next month
6. I .....(going to/will) not tell anyone your secret
7. John ...... (are/will) buy the luxury car tonight
8. They ..... (are/will) take the school examination tomorrow morning
9. We ...... (going to/shall) not come to her party next week
10. I ..... (am/will) carry your suitcase for you

Activity 8

Let’s learn the grammatical patterns of adjective phrase

1. Modifier (penjelasan kata benda)

a. Determiner (penanda kata benda)
b. Qualifier (memberi penegasan)
c. Classifier (menjelaskan kata benda yang lain)

2. Head (inti frasa)

Pembentukan atau rumus yang harus dipahami dalma pembentukan adjetive
phrase adalah

PRE Modifier POST Modifier

Adverb Adverb
Adverb phrase Adverb phrase

Determiner Prepotional phrases


Example :

The marketing was not to difficult

Activity 9
Arrange the following jumble words into good sentences!

1. Indonesia- car- cheap- new- blue- fantastic

2. Apartment-that- The – sale- very- pretty-for-is
3. Seller -customer- the- is –very- to -the- -friendly
4. The-is - the - disappointed –item- is- not -sold-seller-because
5. The - crowded –very -today-market-is



Activity 10
Please find the answer of the following questions by asking your
friends or your teacher!

1. In the "travel agent" conversation in activity 1, what are they talking about ?
2. Write down 5 adjectives phrases that are often used every day! (example
extremely happy)
3. When do you use simple future tenses ?
4. If you are a sales how do you convince the customer?

Activity 11
Work in pairs. Complete the following dialogue using the correct
expression of using simple future tenses !

Dialogues Answer: (choose one)

Dialogue 1.

A: What will you do tomorrow? 1. Thank you

B: I will meet Dinda for lunch to discuss the 2. That’s interesting. What contract will you

contract. two discuss?

A: . .
Dialogue 2.

A: good morning, ma'am, I'm from the Sri Asih 1. Yes, ma'am, because the construction is in 3

housing company, which will be built in 3 months, that is the advantage of demolition, we

months. Here, I want to promote subsidized can accept the design of the house according to

housing that is cheap and of good quality. the wishes of the owner.

Maybe you're interested. 2. Yes ma’am, this is the card

B: Incidentally, I'm looking for a subsidized

house for my child, can this house be designed

according to my wishes


Dialogue 3.

A: ___________________________ 1. Hey, Rina, summer is coming, what are your

B: I'm going on a trip with my family, I've plans?

booked tickets at toktok tiket, the prices are 2. Hello are you looking for a cell phone?

very cheap especially in summer like this, of

course there are lots of people going on

vacation, maybe you can order tickets there.

A: Wow, is there promo, okay, I will order

tickets there too because the plan is for me and

my family to have a vacation too

Dialogue 4.

A: What are you thinking Roy? 1. I will sell this repair shop to Beni

B: _______________ 2. I'm thinking about a good and strategic place

A: Well what a coincidence Roy my father is to open a repair shop after I graduate from

going to sell his workshop sorum, I think you college

will like it because apart from its strategic

location the workshop was also always



Activity 12
Work in pairs. Create a dialogue based on the following picture
involving expression using simple future tenses & adjective phrase!

Picture’s situations: 1. Father
Father and mother will going to the mall 2. Mall
in the afternoon to buying a pair of shoes, 3. Sales
then mother met a friendly salesperson 4. Shampoo
and was offered a shampoo product. Then 5. Friendly
dad said mom to buy it next month 6. Buying
because they are thrifty. 7. thrifty
8. Mother



Activity 13

Present the dialogue in the front of the class!


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