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Machine learning enhanced worker safety product: potential

integration with smart jackets

Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College Department of ECE Department of ECE
Coimbatore, India Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College Coimbatore, India Coimbatore, India

Department of ECE
Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College
Coimbatore, India

Abstract—In today's era, the importance of health monitoring acquisition, transmission, storage, analysis, and output systems.
has reached unprecedented heights, necessitating innovative In this system, a Raspberry Pi serves as the central processing
solutions to ensure timely intervention and proactive care. unit, leveraging its computational prowess to aggregate and
However challenges include ensuring data security and digitize data from diverse sensors. Unlike simpler
privacy, managing the high initial costs and maintenance microcontrollers like Arduino, the Raspberry Pi enables
demands, addressing interoperability issues, training complex data processing and analysis, making it ideal for health
complexity, and navigating ethical considerations for care application requiring higher computational capabilities.
responsible deployment. To overcome this the work Data transmission is facilitated through WiFi connectivity,
introduces an innovative Intelligent Monitoring System for enabling wireless transmission of sensor data to cloud storage.
health, leveraging IoT with advanced methods of machine Here, the cloud serves as a repository for the vast amounts of
learning to enhance worker care and preventive health collected data, providing scalability and accessibility across
management. Utilizing sensors for vital sign monitoring, various devices and locations.
including temperature, pulse, blood pressure, and oxygen
In the cloud, machine learning algorithms analyze the sensor
levels, and a Raspberry Pi microcontroller for data
data, identifying patterns, anomalies, and trends indicative of
processing the system analyzes data and makes predictions
potential health concerns. This data-driven approach enhances
about health status using machine learning methods like
early detection and intervention, contributing to proactive
random forest, logistic regression, gradient boosting
healthcare management.
classifier, KNN and SVM. Demonstrating superior
performance, the Random Forest algorithm achieves 95% The output and prediction components of the system aim to
accuracy, 87% precision, 100% recall, and a 92% F1 score deliver actionable insights to users. A user-friendly LCD
while done in software. When it comes to hardware and interface displays processed information such as blood oxygen
software setup with real time data handling SVM provides the saturation, blood pressure, temperature, and pulse rate, along
best result with accuracy 97%, precision 92%, 100% recall with alerts for abnormal readings. While the system doesn't
and 95% F1 score. By promptly identifying abnormalities and directly predict health risks, it provides valuable information to
alerting healthcare providers, this proactive approach users, prompting them to seek further medical attention if
ensures rapid responses to critical health situations, thereby necessary.
enhancing worker care.
Overall, this integrated sensor system represents a significant
advancement in remote health monitoring, offering continuous,
Keywords— Intelligent Health Monitoring System, timely
personalized insights to promote proactive healthcare
intervention, critical health situations, Raspberry Pi
microcontroller. management and improve patient outcomes.


I. INTRODUCTION The reference [1] focuses on real-time monitoring for
In modern healthcare, the integration of sensor technology underground miners' safety, utilizing wearable terminals and
with advanced computing capabilities has revolutionized the advanced networking for data transmission by integrating
way we monitor and manage vital health parameters. Sensor lightweight devices for vital signs collection, multi-gas
blocks such as oxygen sensors, pressure sensors, temperature detection, and personnel positioning, effectively enhancing
sensors, and pulse sensors play pivotal roles in collecting real- miner safety. However, challenges such as sensor wearability,
time physiological data. However, the real power lies in the fatigue measurement accuracy, and wireless communication in
seamless integration of these sensors with sophisticated data demanding mining environments are crucial for ensuring
optimal performance and miner well-being. Reference [2]
delves into mine safety systems, highlighting advancements
like intelligent helmets and real-time monitoring. It highlights
the merits of continuous monitoring for improved safety.

However, challenges faced are cost, training requirements, patient data and privacy.
data security, and maintenance reliability.The Reference [3]
presents an IoT- based health monitoring system utilizing
Arduino Nano and Wemos D1 Mini microcontrollers for
tracking vital signs, securely transmitting data to the cloud for
analysis. However, challenges such as internet connectivity
issues, cost barriers, and adaptation to local requirements need
to be addressed for optimal system deployment and
effectiveness. Additionally, ensuring security, scalability,
interoperability, and continuous functionality improvements
are essential for overcoming limitations and enhancing
healthcare outcomes.
Meanwhile, reference [4] presents a standalone health
surveillance system for remote patient monitoring at home.
These studies highlight the potential of IoT and sensors to
advance healthcare monitoring and intervention strategies.
However, potential demerits may include limited validation,
scalability challenges, and concerns about data privacy and
security. The reference [5] thoroughly explores IoT's potential
benefits in healthcare, emphasizing remote monitoring and
improved management, while acknowledging associated risks
like privacy concerns and hardware failures. However, it lacks
depth in discussing technical challenges and ethical
considerations, which could enhance its comprehensiveness.
Reference [6] introduces a fog-centric framework for real-time
health monitoring in smart gyms, integrating IoT and fog
computing. These studies collectively underscore the
innovative use of technology to address safety and monitoring
challenges across industries but faces challenges with data
privacy, cost, and training requirements. Achieving
widespread adoption and addressing limited generalizability
are crucial for its success beyond specific gym environments.
The reference [7] offers remote health monitoring and
predictive analytics, enhancing patient care efficiency.
However, data security, reliability, cost, complexity, and
ethical considerations pose challenges in its implementation
and usage.
[8] focuses on predicting cardiovascular disease outcomes
using IoT and artificial intelligence. It enables timely
intervention and remote monitoring, predicting major diseases
and facilitating communication with healthcare providers.
Challenges include ensuring data security, maintaining
accuracy, managing integration complexity, addressing
implementation costs, and navigating ethical considerations in
algorithm deployment.[9] integrates internal and external
sensors for comprehensive monitoring, ensuring both worker
health and workplace hazards are continuously monitored for
enhanced safety. he implementation of smart wearable systems
in industrial settings presents several challenges that may
impede widespread adoption. Firstly, the initial costs
associated with acquiring and maintaining these systems could
be prohibitive for certain organizations, posing a barrier to
entry. Additionally, the complexity of training required for
both workers and supervisors to effectively utilize and
interpret the data generated by the wearable gadgets could
hinder adoption efforts Moreover, concerns regarding data
security and privacy arise with the storage of sensitive health
and environmental data in the cloud, necessitating robust
measures to prevent unauthorized access or breaches. [10]
presents cost-effective continuous monitoring post-surgery,
ensuring improved patient outcomes. Challenges include
frequent recharging of battery-powered devices,
interoperability issues with sensor communication standards,
and the absence of explicit security measures for safeguarding
III. PROPOSED SYSTEM precision is 48%, model's total recall is 94% and F1 score is
The proposal outlines a cutting-edge health monitoring
system tailored for the well-being of workers, emphasizing
preventive health management. By integrating IoT
technology with advanced machine learning algorithms, the
system ensures continuous monitoring of vital signs such as
body temperature, blood pressure, oxygen level, and pulse
readings in real-time. The utilization of algorithms like KNN,
Support Vector Machine, Logistic Regression, Gradient
Boosting classifier, and Random Forest demonstrates a
comprehensive approach to data analysis, with Support
Vector Machine emerging as the most accurate during
Real-time data processing is facilitated by a Raspberry Pi
microcontroller, enabling instant generation of alerts upon
detecting any abnormalities in the monitored vital signs.
These alerts are swiftly communicated to healthcare
providers, empowering them to intervene proactively and
respond rapidly to critical health situations. This proactive
approach not only enhances worker care but also contributes
to overall improvements in occupational health outcomes.
The reliance on sophisticated machine learning techniques,
coupled with IoT integration, signifies a significant
advancement in health monitoring systems tailored for
occupational settings. The system's ability to predict health
status with high accuracy ensures efficient and reliable
performance, instilling confidence in its capability to safe
guard the well-being of workers.

Machine learning models are essential by enabling the
analysis and interpretation of data collected from various

a. K-Nearest Neighbors
A versatile proximity-based categorization method
suitable for various domains, including health monitoring,
due to its simplicity and interpretability. This classifier
exhibited high recall, correctly identifying all instances of
unhealthy conditions, but its precision was moderate,
suggesting some false positives. Overall, the model's total
accuracy is 76%, model's total precision is 57%, model's
total recall is 100% and F1 score is 73%.
In health monitoring, its effectiveness can be limited by
various factors. The algorithm may struggle to capture
complex relationships between physiological parameters and
health outcomes due to its simplicity. Additionally, its
sensitivity to noise in health data and performance
degradation in high- dimensional datasets pose challenges.
Imbalanced data distributions and increasing computational
complexity with larger datasets further hinder its accuracy.
These limitations highlight the need for complementary
approaches in health data analysis.

b. Logistic Regression
A statistical technique called logistic regression is used to
model binary outcomes by calculating the likelihood that an
input will belong to a specific class. It's commonly applied in
health monitoring due to its simplicity and interpretability,
making it suitable for analyzing medical data and predicting
binary health outcomes such as disease diagnosis or risk
assessment. The model's total accuracy is 66%, model's total
64%, indicating moderate overall performance with a notable Random Forest offers scalability and ease of use in Colab,
trade-off between precision and recall.
This model encounters hurdles in health monitoring due to
its constrained model complexity and assumption of linearity,
limiting its capacity to handle complex relationships and
nonlinearities, along with its sensitivity to outliers and
assumption of independence among predictors, potentially
yielding biased estimates and inaccurate predictions in health

c. Support Vector Machine

A reliable technique frequently utilized in health
monitoring which effectively classify complex patterns in
medical datasets. After training, the linear kernel model was
able to predict health states with 97% accuracy and 100%
recall. Its F1 Score was 95%, its Precision is average as 92%.
During training which aggregates predictions in producing
accurate results, making it beneficial for tasks such as disease
classification, patient risk prediction, and medical image
analysis. Import necessary libraries such as pandas, numpy,
matplotlib, seaborn, and scikit- learn modules. The dataset,
containing parameters like systolic blood pressure, diastolic
blood pressure, pulse rate, temperature, and oxygen levels,
alongside the target variable 'Status' indicating health
condition, is then prepared for analysis. The data is split into
training and testing sets using the function named
train_test_split to ensure model evaluation on unseen data with
a reproducible random state of 42
Next, SVM instantiated and trained on the training data.
Predictions are made on the test set, and performance metrics
are computed to evaluate the model's effectiveness in
predicting health conditions based on the provided
physiological parameters.
SVM demonstrates efficiency with clean datasets, excels in
cluster classification, and adeptly handles high- dimensional
medical data, capturing complex relationships and enabling
real-time processing for continuous health monitoring while
offering interpretability for healthcare professionals.

d. Gradient Boosting
Gradient Boosting, an ensemble learning technique,
sequentially builds a series of weak learners, usually decision
trees, to create a strong learner with improved predictive
performance for health monitoring. The Gradient Boosting has
94% accuracy, 84% Precision, 100% Recall, and 91% F1
In health monitoring, gradient boosting's accuracy may be
compromised by challenges such as limited or poor-quality
data, difficulties in feature engineering, and sensitivity to class
imbalance. Additionally, its complexity may hinder
interpretability, while susceptibility to over fitting poses risks
to generalization performance, especially with small or noisy

e. Random Forest
The Random Forest model's accuracy and reliability stands
second after SVM in classifying health conditions using
complex physiological data make it a suitable choice for real-
time prediction in health monitoring systems. The output
provides insights into the Random Forest model's
performance, indicating high accuracy rate of 95%, 87%
precision, 100% Recall and 92% F1 score.
making it ideal for processing large datasets and high- (beats per minute) Accuracy: ±1 bpm.
dimensional feature spaces. Its parallelized training enables
faster processing, while its feature importance ranking aids in
exploratory data analysis. However, its higher prediction
latency, computational intensity, and large model size may
limit its efficiency for real-time applications.

a. Hardware Used

The integration of Raspberry Pi into health monitoring

systems offers several advantages, including efficient data
processing, versatile interface connectivity, flexibility for
customization, wireless communication capabilities, low
cost, and robust open-source community support. Meanwhile,
vital sensors like the blood pressure sensor, SpO2 sensor,
pulse sensor, and temperature sensor play crucial roles in
monitoring cardiovascular health, oxygen saturation levels,
heart rate, and body temperature, respectively. These sensors
enable continuous monitoring, early detection of
abnormalities, and timely intervention to improve patient
outcomes. Additionally, the LCD monitor serves as a vital
interface, providing real-time visualization of data received
from sensors and facilitating easy interpretation for
healthcare providers.

b. Implementation
The main elements of an intelligent health monitoring
system are shown in Fig.1. The work contains sensors such as
pulse sensor, blood pressure sensor, temperature sensor, and
oxygen sensor. The sensors continuously monitor the patient's
vital signs, collecting live information about their health
status. The collected sensor data is then processed by a
Raspberry Pi microcontroller, serving as the interface for data
processing and communication. Once received, the Raspberry
Pi conducts preliminary processing of the sensor data.
Subsequently, the processed data is transmitted to a cloud-
based storage platform via Wi-Fi connection, enabling data
accessibility and scalability.

The cloud storage system not only accommodates massive

amounts of data but also allows remote access by authorized
healthcare personnel for real-time monitoring of the patient's
health status. The beauty of the SVM algorithm is it
distinguishes the exact parameter which is exactly low and
helps that parameter to provide necessities to normal by
health support. By also send mail chain through SMPT and
displays the reading in the LCDs provided as well.

A LCD display was integrated into the system presents

real- time values of the patient's vital signs and indicates their
health status. If the individual is not healthy, it will also
display which parameters are affecting their health, enabling
prompt attention and care. Overall, this integrated approach
enhances patient monitoring and healthcare delivery, ensuring
proactive management of health conditions. The model is
trained with thresholds of human parameters such as
Temperature Sensor: Range: 35°C - 42°C (typical human
body temperature range) Resolution: 0.1°C, Range: 80/40
mmHg - 200/120 mmHg (typical adult range) Accuracy: ±3
mmHg, SpO2 Measurement Range: 70% - 100% SpO2
(blood oxygen saturation) Accuracy:
±2% SpO2, Heart Measurement Range: 40 bpm - 200 bpm
(Indicating a specific health condition), 92% were correctly
Any one value which goes above or below is a red flag for identified by the model. A high precision is crucial in
us to be notified immediately .The thresholds are established in healthcare applications as it ensures that when the model
all the 5 different models are trained. predicts a positive outcome, it is likely to be correct, reducing
false alarms and ensuring appropriate interventions are
administered promptly.

Precision = TP
TP + FP eqn 2

c. Recall
In the health monitoring system, except for logistic
regression, all other models achieved a recall of 100% and itis
calculated by using eqn 3. This implies that these models
Fig.1 Architecture of proposed work correctly identified all positive samples, showcasing their
ability to effectively detect instances of specific health
conditions. A recall score of 100% is critical in healthcare
applications as it ensures that the models can capture all
SVM provides standard clustering insights where each positive cases, minimizing the risk of missing any crucial
parameter is mapped in such a way that even if one of the health issues and enabling timely interventions for patient’s
sensors reading goes down or not sensed properly it displays well-being.
immediately that the reading is low or not sensed properly. Recall = TP
The hardware connection is shown in Fig.2. TP + FN eqn 3

d. F1_Score
In the health monitoring system utilizing SVM, a high F1
score of 95% was achieved and it is calculated by using eqn 4.
The F1 score takes into account both precision and recall,
providing a balanced assessment of the model's performance.
With a high F1 score, the SVM model effectively balances and,
indicates robust performance in predicting health conditions
based on physiological parameters. This high F1 score suggests
that the model can accurately classify positive and negative
cases while maintaining a good balance between false positives
and false negatives, making it suitable for real-world
healthcare applications.
Fig.2 Hardware connectivity of proposed work
F1_Score = 2 * Precision * Recall

Precision + Recall eqn 4


A. Evaluation Metrics
B. Comparison of Models
a. Accuracy
In the health monitoring system utilizing the SVM, a high
accuracy of 97% was achieved and it is calculated by using eqn
1. This indicates that the model made accurate predictions
regarding the patient's health status in the majority of instances.
The robust performance suggests effective identification of
patterns and abnormalities in the sensor data, enhancing the
system's ability to predict health conditions accurately.
Accuracy = TP + TN
TP + TN + FN + FP eqn 1

b. Precision
In the health monitoring system using the SVM algorithm, a
precision of 92% was achieved and it is calculated by using eqn
2. This indicates that out of all the samples labeled as positive
In health monitoring, various algorithms are utilized to individual's health status is provided. In instances of a healthy
analyze physiological data and predict health outcomes. For this state, the display shows "normal," as in Fig.3. At the same
purpose, several performance metrics are evaluated to assess the time, for sickness, it offers insights into the specific
effectiveness of each algorithm. parameter(s) contributing to the illness, empowering users
with actionable information to address their well-being
Table 1: Metrics comparison of different algorithms promptly as in Fig.4. This seamless integration of machine
These metrics provide insights into the algorithms' learning predictions with real-time hardware feedback
capabilities in correctly identifying positive cases, capturing all facilitates a holistic approach to health management.
positive instances, and overall performance. Combining accurate predictions with immediate feedback
empowers users to make informed decisions for proactive
The algorithms compared in this evaluation include Support health management.
Vector Machine (SVM), Logistic Regression, K-Nearest Neighbors
(KNN), Gradient Boosting, and Random Forest. The comparison of
these algorithms is given in table.1.

C. Predicted results

a. Machine Learning Model Trained Result

Utilizing Support Vector Machine (SVM), the system
analyzes collected data to predict the patient's health status. Fig.3 LCD Display: Person's Health Status – Normal
Employing a binary classification model, where 0 indicates an
unhealthy state and 1 signifies a healthy state as in Table 2, the
model utilizes sensor data features for real-time predictions,
ensuring accurate assessments of the individual's well-being.
In health monitoring, establishing healthy ranges for
physiological parameters is essential for identifying potential
health issues. For instance, a systolic blood pressure (SBP)
within the range of 90 to 120 mmHg, a diastolic blood pressure
(DBP) between 60 and 80 mmHg, a pulse rate of 60 to 100
beats per minute (BPM), a body temperature ranging from 97 to
103 degrees Fahrenheit, and oxygen levels between 90% and Fig.4 LCD Display: Person's Health Status – Sick
100% are generally indicative of good health. These ranges
serve as benchmarks for assessing an individual's health status.
A binary classification system can then be applied, where a VII. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE CONFERENCE THEME
value of 1 denotes a healthy condition within these ranges,
while a value of 0 indicates an unhealthy state if the parameters The research delves into developing intelligent health
fall outside the specified ranges. Such a classification system Monitoring systems that leverage IoT and machine learning
enables prompt identification of potential health concerns based technologies to enhance patient care and promote proactive
on deviations from established norms, facilitating timely healthcare management, aligning closely with the conference
intervention and proactive healthcare management. theme of "Smart Systems and Solutions for Sustainable
Future." By integrating advanced sensor technologies with
predictive analytics, The study emphasizes sustainable
Table 2:Predicted result from SVM healthcare practices that prioritize patient well-being and
optimize healthcare delivery. Through continuous monitoring
of vital signs and early detection of health abnormalities, The
system facilitates timely interventions, ultimately improving
patient care outcomes and contributing to a sustainable
healthcare ecosystem. The efficient utilization of resources,
empowered by real-time sensor data and actionable insights

Algorithm Accuracy Precision F1 Score Recall

Vector 97 92 95 100
95 87 92 100
KNN 76 57 73 100

Logistic 66 48 64 94
b. Real-Time Health Monitoring Hardware Result Regression
Gradient 94 84 91 100
Integrated with the machine learning model, the system Boosting
includes a real-time health monitoring hardware interface. for healthcare professionals, underscores The commitment to
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