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SDN stands for Software-Defined Networking.

It's a way of managing computer networks that

makes them more flexible and easier to control. Traditional networks are kind of like having a
bunch of different switches and routers, each with its own set of rules. SDN is like having a
central control panel that can tell all of those devices what to do.

Here are some of the benefits of SDN:

 More flexible: With SDN, you can easily change the way your network is configured
without having to mess with all of the individual devices. This can be really helpful if
you need to quickly add new features or change how your network is used.
 Easier to manage: SDN can automate a lot of the tasks that used to be done manually by
network administrators. This can save you time and money, and it can also help to reduce
the risk of errors.
 More secure: SDN can make it easier to isolate security threats and prevent them from
spreading throughout your network.

If you're interested in learning more about SDN

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