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Jose Abad Santos Campus

Basic Education Department – Senior High School
3058 Taft Avenue Pasay City


Learning Delivery Modality: Blended Learning (Modular / Online Distance Learning)

School: Arellano University- JAS Campus Grade: 12

LESSON Teacher: Lazir C. Villafania Subject: English
Date: November 21, 2022 Semester: First
Time: 10:40-11:20 12 ABM 4 No. of days:
2:10-2:50 12 ABM 7
5:40-6:20 12 HUMSS 8

At the end of the class the students are able to;

I. Objectives:
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of media and information
literacy (MIL) and MIL related concepts.
B. Performance Standard The learner organizes a creative and interactive symposium for the
community focusing on being a media and information literate
B. Most Essential Learning
Competencies (MELC) put into practice their
understanding of the
intellectual property, copy
right, and fair
use guidelines
put into practice their
understanding of the
intellectual property, copy
right, and fair
use guidelines
put into practice their
understanding of the
intellectual property, copy
right, and fair
use guidelines
(A) Define text in the context of multimedia ;

(B) Describe the different dimensions of text information and media;

(C) Comprehend how text information and media is/are formally and
informally produced, organized and disseminated;

(D) Evaluate the reliability and validity of text information and media
and their sources using selection criteria.
II. Subject Matter Text Information and Media
(A) Definition, characteristics, format an types, sources, advantages
and limitations and value.
(B) Text as Visual
(C) Selection Cirteria
(D) Design principle and Element

III. Teaching Material/s:

A. References: MELC (MIL)
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages Syllabus, Course Outline and Curriculum Guide
b. Learner’s Material Pages
c. Text book Pages
B. Activity List of Learning Slideshow (Powerpoint), Pictures, Internet at
Resources for Development and Pegasus Management Learning System
Engagement Activities
IV. Procedures: a. Prayer
A. Introduction b. Greetings
c. Checking of Attendance
d. Review the previous lesson
B. Motivation The teacher will ask the students how is text used in media.

Guide Question:
How is text used in the following media?
C. Development After the discussion, the teacher will ask the students about the provided
text message and answer the following questions.

Guide Questions:

1. What is the tone of the tex message?

2. Why do you think some Filipinos will fall victim to this type of
text message.
3. Why do you think this message sounds convincing?

D. Engagement The teacher will give students a task to perform in the class in a
collaborative activity.

Pass the Message!

Direction: Group 1 will pass the message orally whispered to their

members then Group 2 will pass the message through action. Until the
message reach the last member and he/she will tell the message in class.

Group 1: Tongue Twister

 Sheep should sleep in a shed
 Four fine fresh for you

Group 2: Action Words

 I rode and fell on the bike
E. Assimilation
Multiple Choice:
Determine the period
when the following types
of media emerged
throughout the four ages
in history. Choose the
letter of the correct answer
the box.
The teacher will show an image to the students to answer the given

Direction: Based on the given picture, complete the table by supplying

the appropriate answer for each question.
F. Valuing The teacher will asks the students to share their knowledge on media and
information literacy as a means to improve lives.

Answer the questions briefly based on your

objective insight and critical thinking.
1. How will you call the attention of a blogger to
correct a wrong text information on the blogsite they
2. Would you apologize and honestly admit if you
provided text information on your newspaper
column? Why or why not?
3. In your opinion, who should be responsible in
ensuring that there would be no misleading and
erroneous text information released in print and
social media? Why?

G. Evaluation The students will DIRECTIONS: Draw a visual presentation on the

influence of media in the society.
Rubrics below will guide you for the evaluation. Do your output
in a short
bondpaper. You may also do your output in your computer if you have.
(DLP 2) Direction: Create a funny signages/poster that reflects our daily
lives using the design principles and elements.

Sample Image:

V. Assignment Students will present their activities (dlp) in class.

Prepared by: Checked by: Reviewed by:

Subject Teacher Subject Coordinator Assistant Focal Person

Noted by:


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