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This tutorial session is dedicated to helping players understand the basic flow of the game under a

2-player perspective. For that purpose, some mechanics are cut off, meaning that this tutorial will
not 100% reflect the actual game. To be specific, these features are not included:
● The wild (the card market where players recruit mons/landmarks into their team).
● Stun Check - Stunned turns.
● Basic tricks.
You may also use this tutorial to play alone.

Each of the two players set up their play area as follows:

1 You may use the health board

5 Player’s board
to track how much damage you
deal during the game.

4 3

8 7

● Take the “Time In A Bottle” advanced trick card and set it aside 1 .
● Set up your personal board by lining up 3 random stage cards (their other sides are advanced
tricks) 2 .
● Put 3 mana cubes on the left-most stage card, and 1 on each of the other two cards 3 .
● Place your staff on the left of the left-most stage card 4 .
● Take 8 runestones from the supply 5 .
● Take 2 meditation cards and place them in front of you 6 .
● Take the following cards and place them in front of you in the following order: One Tail, Umbella,
Pott, Pixie’s Grove, and Cornibus 7 .
● Place the ‘Turn Overview’ reference card in front of you 8 .

TURN 1: Collect ‘One Tail’ into your board
1. Stun Check: You skip this phase
every turn because this tutorial does
not feature stunned turns.

2a. At the start of every turn, gain 1

runestone as sponsor income.

3. Then, take a ‘Collect a card’

action, putting One Tail into your
board on the right end.

Pay its cost (5 ) by returning 5 runestones to the supply. You also

receive 1 stun token as part of the cost ( ).
Then, remove 1 cube from the left-most stage card.
Upon entering the board, One Tail resolves its Woodland origin
ability by placing 1 mana on itself. (Normally, origin abilities are
triggered right after a card enters a player’s board).

4a. The staff moves forward one space and lands on the first stage

Some cards, such as One Tail, have a blue-background ability. This is an ongoing ability that is active as long as its card
remains on your board, and is resolved every time its condition is met.

TURN 2: Meditate
2a. Receive 1 runestone as sponsor income.

3. Take a ‘Meditate’ action: Place 3 of your runestones

on a meditation card. Then, take 3 runestones from the
supply and place them on that same meditation card.

4a. The staff moves forward one space and lands on

the second stage card.

TURN 3: Collect ‘UMBELLA’ into your board
2a. Gain 1 runestone as sponsor income. Then, as
meditation income, take 2 runestones from the
meditation card that currently has 6 runestones on it.
Now you have a total of 5 runestones.

3. Then, take a ‘Collect a card’ action,

putting Umbella into your board on the
right end.
Pay its cost (3 runestones).
Remove 1 cube from the left-most stage
Now, resolve the Ghost origin ability,
moving the staff forward 1 space and
activating the card it lands on. Because
the staff lands on a stage card, nothing
4a. The staff now continues to move 1 space forward
and lands on ‘One Tail’. Now, the staff activates it. One
Tail does not attack because of its ‘Untamed’ ability,
but it still gains 1 mana. (Normally, a mon attacks and
gains 1 mana when the staff activates it.)

When the staff activates a mon, it attacks and gains 1 mana.

TURN 4: Collect ‘POTT’ into your board

2a. Gain 1 runestone as
sponsor income and
2 more as meditation

3. Collect ‘Pott’ into

your board by paying 3
runestones and receiving 1
more stun token.
Then, remove 1 cube from the left-most stage card. That card now has no cube on it, so you
remove it from the game.
Pott has no origin icon, so you don’t resolve its origin ability. But it has 2 abilities, so you resolve
them now. The first one is ‘Boil’ - Choose and resolve an origin ability currently present on your
board (Woodland or Ghost in this case). You declare Woodland and resolve its ability by
putting 1 mana on Umbella. Next, resolve Pott’s second ability - ‘Sweet Treat’ - by increasing your
health by 3 (because this is a 2-player game).

4a. The staff moves 1 space forward to Umbella. Umbella
attacks but no damage is dealt because it has an attack value
of 0. Then, it gains 1 mana.

Now, you can see that Umbella is full of mana, so it discharges.

When a mon is full of mana, it discharges. In this case, remove mana
needed to resolve its class ability, and then its spell.

Class ability


As a result of discharging, Umbella resolves its Diffuser class

ability first by giving One Tail and Pott 1 mana each. Then, it Two mons adjacent to this mon gains
casts its spell, placing 1 runestone on One Tail. 1 mana each.

After receiving 1 mana from Umbella, One Tail is now

full of mana, so it discharges.

As a result of discharging, One Tail resolves its Magic

Addict class ability first by removing 1 mana from
another card, which is from Pott in this case. Then,
thanks to the Magic Addict class ability, One Tail
casts its spell twice, gaining a total of 2 growth, and
dealing a total of 3 damage (attacking 2 times).
Magic Addict
You may remove 1 mana from another card
on your board to have this mon cast its spell
one more time.

TURN 5: Meditate
You should have gotten a fair grasp of the game by now, so please try carrying out this turn on your
own. In phase 3 (Action), please take a ‘Meditate’ action (look at the Turn Overview reference card to
proceed more easily).

TURN 6: Collect the landmark ‘PIXIE’S GROVE’ into your board
In the Action phase (phase 3) of this turn, collect ‘Pixie’s Grove’ into your board. The Pixie’s Grove
landmark card has an Imbued ( ) symbol, which means you now place 1 runestone from the
supply on it.

In the Active Staff phase (phase 4a), after the staff lands on Pixie’s Grove, collect the runestone on
it first. Then, resolve its ability.

When the staff lands on a card that contains one or When the staff lands on a landmark card, you resolve
more runestones, you collect the runestone(s) before that landmark’s ability. If that landmark does not
activating that card. have a ability, nothing happens.

TURN 7: Collect “CORNIBUS” into your board

In the Action phase (phase 3), collect ‘Cornibus’ into your board and resolve its Woodland
origin ability, giving One Tail and Umbella 1 mana each.

Since you have removed all 3 stage cards from your board, at the end of this turn, you get to use
the ‘Time In A Bottle’ advanced trick card. (In a normal game, after removing all 3 stage cards, you
will look at their other sides - which are advanced tricks - and choose one to use.)

Thanks to the effect of the ‘Time In A Bottle’ advanced trick, you choose the ability ‘Boil’ from Pott
to resolve again, and by that use the Woodland origin ability to give One Tail and Umbella one
mana each. Now you can try resolving the chain reaction yourself.

Remember to carry out phase 4a (Active Staff).

TURN 8: Meditate
You can try carrying out the turn yourself.
In the Active staff phase (phase 4), as there are no card on the right for the staff to move on, the staff
moves back onto the first card on your board (One Tail) and activates it.

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