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AP Audit Updated 3-23 (003)M-019 LP TEAM DUTIES (- Mon 05-20- Tue 05-21 ) -Officers-Ap Yorman C

Conduct carton check audit via camera. Ensure that associates are checking the contents of the box (observe 5
boxes 4x weekly)(20).
Date: Time: 1st shift QA checker:
Plate Nº : 6703750 Box Error Plate Nº: 568028 Box Error Plate Nº: 6831070 Box Error
5483675 2 2 1 1 1 1
Picker: Clearence Lucas 1530 Picker: Cinthia Torres 2342 Picker: Daniela Guzman 2731
Plate Nº: 5640218 Box Error Plate Nº : 5642171 Box Error Plate Nº: 5631318 Box Error
5660414 2 0 5660425 2 2 1 0
Picker: Tyler Sweet 1160 Picker:Zyona Austin 1519 Picker: Haliyah Mccorbin 1243
Packing audit: Ensure associates are adding plastic pillows to cartons to fill them up. Then watch to ensure
that boxes are taped shut properly (Observe for 10 boxes 2x weekly)(20).
Date: 05/20/2024 Time: 6:15 - 6:17
Lane Nº Box Error Lane Nº Box Error Lane Nº Box Error Lane Nº Box Error
2 0 0 3 4 0 4 4 0 5 8 0

Total Boxes: 16 Errors: 0 good job

Associates observed using proper box cutter behaviors:
Name Associate Date Time` Area

 Alejandro Fernandez 05/20/2024 5:52 HAV021

 Monica Romero 05/20/2024 6:14 SDR016

Associates observed NOT using proper box cutter behaviors:

Name Associate Date Time` Area

N/a N/a N/a N/a

N/a N/a N/a N/a

Are doc locs displaying all GREENs? If NOT (Door #, date and time place):
Doors Time Date Area

 72,74,75 (no Light)  6:35 pm  05/21/2023  Shipping

 27 (yellow)  6:05 pm  05/21/2023  Receiving

These are the items found on my patrol

Item Location Found Sku number Date / Time / Price


Note: (Safety Topic) / / -

Notes> 2nd Shift Sun and Mon-Tuesday audit submitted / Tues-Thurs- Thursday audit submitted (Revised /23).

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