Aschalew Spelling Correction Form

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University Of Gondar Workflow Status Approved

Office Of Registrar & Alumini Service Directorate

Prospective Graduates required information releasing form

A. The purpose of this form is (a) to ensure that academics of prospective candidates are processed in time, (b) to,
secure the exact spelling (in English and Amharic) of the candidate for degree and diploma preparation, (c) to
ensure that all degrees and diplomas preparation, (d) to ensure that all degrees, and diplomas are prepared, paid for
and collected by the individual on time.

B. Instructions
1. No graduation will be processed unless this application is completed and submitted by the deadline with a
150.00 (one hundred & fifty birr) receipt. The fee is for the degree, diploma or certificate.
2. This form is to be completed by the candidate only. The candidate cannot introduce a new name or major
departure in the spelling form that used at admission.
3. The degree diploma or certificate must be collected within one year after graduation. For a lost Diploma or
Degree will cost the student 500.00 (Five hundred birr) to get, Only a replacement and not a duplicate.

C. Required information

Student ID 00000096641 Campus ID GUR/01168/12

Amharic Name አስቻለው ተሾመ ፀሃይነህ
Academic Organization INFOTECH Information Technology

Degree BSC Bachelor of Science

Admit Type REG
Academic Career Undergrad

Expected Graduation Year 2019

Expected Graduation Term

Cell Phone +251946095093

Home Phone

Academic Program RBSC5

Academic Plan RINFOTECHN
Spelling correction in Name? NO

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Sequence number User ID Last Update Date/Time Workflow Status

Last Update Date/Time 09/29/23 5:24:31PM by ASCHALEW.TES5

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