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Title= A Multilevel Study Focused And Individual-Focused Transformational

Leadership, Social Exchange Relationships And Performance In Teams
Source: Journal Of Organizational Behavior, APRIL 2016, Vol. 37, No. 3 (APRIL 2016),
Pp.374396 Published By: Wiley Stable URL: Https://Www.Jstor.Org/Stable/10.2307/26610535
Background Of The Author(S) Jae U+k Chun Is An Associate Professor Of Management At
Korea University. He Received His PhD In Management From The State University Of New
York At Binghamton. His Current Research Interests Include Leadership, Mentoring
Relationships, Feedback-Seeking Behavior, And Multiple Levels-Of-Analysis Incorporation Into
Theory Development, measurement, And Data Analysis.
Youngman Cho Is A Doctoral Student Of Management And Organization At University Of
Washington, Foster School Of Business. She Received Her Bachelor’s Degree From Korea
University And Master Of Philosophy (Mphil) Degree From University Of Cambridge. Her
Major Research Interests Are Morality And Ethics.
John J. Sosik Is A Professor Of Management And Organization At The Pennsylvania State
University, great valley school of graduate professional studies. He Received His PhD In
Management from the State University Of New York At Binghamton. His Current Research
Interests Include Transformational/Charismatic Leadership, Mentoring Relationships, Team
Dynamics and The Role Of Character Strengths And Virtues In Leadership.

Type of The Study

Case Study
Purpose of the Study
To Adds Knowledge on The Relationship Of Group-Focused And Individual-Focused
Transformational Leadership on Team and Role Performance.
Review of Literature in a Review of Literature The Author Try To Compare By Using Different
Study Conducted In The Previous On The Effect Of Group-Focused And Individual-Focused
Transformational Leadership on Team And Role Performance And The Authors Was Neither
Support nor Reject Theory and The References They Used Was Valid And But Not Relevant
(Most Reference They Used Was Old).

Research Design and Methodology

Research Design
The Study Followed A Explanatory Research Design; Quantitative Type Of Data Was Used.
According To (Saunders, Levies & Thorn Hill 2009) the Emphasis Of Explanatory Study Is On
Studying A Situation Or A Problem In Order To Explain The Relationships Between Variable
Primary Data Collected Through A Structured Questionnaire Administered On Respondents. In
Questionnaires With Seven Liker Scale Was Used. Every Item Was Rated On A 7-Point Scale
Ranging From 1 (Strongly Disagree) To 7 (Strongly Agree)

Reliability of the Study

The Study Used Cranach Alpha Coefficient In Order To Check The Reliability Of The All Data
Collection Instrument Was Greater Than 0. 7 And According To Cranach (1951) The Reliability
of Study Is In Fine If It Is Greater Than Or Equal To 0. 7 That Mean This Study Have

Method of Data Analysis

The Study Used Both Descriptive Statistics (Mean.) And Inferential Statistic: Correlation, (In
Order to See The Relationship Between Variable) And Regression, (To Examining The
Relationship Between A Dependent Variable And Independent (Predictor) Variables.)

Interpretation of Finding
Group-Focused Transformational Leadership Was Positively Associated With Team
Performance Through Team Member Exchange (TMX), Whereas Individual Focused
Transformational Leadership Positively Related To Team Members’ In Role and Extra Role
Performance Through Leader Member Exchange (LMX). TMX Not Only Positively Mediated
the Relationships between Group Focused Transformational Leadership and Member
Performance after Controlling for LMX but also Positively Moderated LMX Performance
Relationships. Moreover, the Indirect Effect Of Individual-Focused Transformational Leadership
through LMX On Member Performance Was Contingent Up On The Level Of TMX.

Writing Quality, Clarity Style and the Organization of Information

The Source Present the Information Logically, Sufficient and Objective. There Were No Clearly
identified research gaps.

The Value of the Study

The Study Ads the Knowledge and Theory on the Relationship Of Group-Focused And
Individual Focused Transformational Leadership On Team And Role Performance.

Citation and References

The Authors of This Paper Cited A Clear Review Of Literature And Several Appropriate
References Were Used and APA References Style Was Used.

Answer For Cause Request

1-Flllexbility 0f Nissan Decentralized Supply Chain Structure Cause of The Profitability Of
-That Maintains The Integrating Of A Variety Of Perspective Company.
-Nissan Corporate Officers Are The Most Experienced For Profitability Cause.
-Since 1999, It Rescued From Impending Bankruptcy By Experienced Management Team And
Took To Profitability and They Took Responsibility and Decisiveness To Disasters Recovery
2-The Management Philosophy Born Out Of Near Death Experience It Focused. On Identifying
and Analyzing Risk As Possible and Planning And Make Profitable The Board Of The Company
Focused On Disaster Recovery. After Nissan Disaster Control Head Quarter by Chief Officers
Was Convened to Evaluate the Impact on supply structure. Benefit Is By 36.8%Share Selling To
Recover From Disaster.
3-The Recovery Committee Send Persons To:-
-Share Information
-Allocating Supply
-Managing Production
-Empowering Action to Risk Distribution of Supply Chain
4-Dueto Disaster the Primary Objective T Reduce Cost & Risk Is Localization Strategy Have
Been taken Otherwise It Will Be Harmed By Disaster.
5-They Announced As The Localized Production Of Care &Converting From Japanese To
American Product.
6 -The Supply Chain Of Operation Needs Rehabilitation Through Business Continuity Plan.-
Trade-Off Mate Is Trading By Jape Trade Maker. B/C Due To the Product Is Produced In
Japanese &They Are Trying To Covert To Their Side.

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