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Haret Chronicles Vampire: Trial of the

Thunder Moon: A Fantasy Romance

Laurel Chase
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Sugar Plum: Haret Chronicles Qilin: A Fantasy Romance

(Sugar Bites Book 7) Laurel Chase

Shade of a Blood Moon: A Vampire Dark Romance and Urban

Fantasy (The Hades Blood Moon Book 1) D.L. Blade & C.M.

The Vampire's Bargain: a Vampire-Witch Fantasy Romance

(Empire of Eternal Night Book 1) Walt

Iron Moon: An Urban Fantasy Werewolves Romance Lil

King of Flames: A Fantasy Romance (The Foreigner
Chronicles Book 1) Rhea Rayne

Wolf Moon: A Werewolf Shifter Romance (Shadow of the

Moon Book 1) Mac Flynn

When a Moth Loved a Bee: High Fantasy Romance (Destini

Chronicles Book 1) Pepper Winters

Rising Dawn: A Fairytale Fantasy Romance (The Sythea

Chronicles Book 2) Elizabeth J. Rekab

Wings of Enchantment (The Vampire Genesis Chronicles)

Lara Bronson
Haret Chronicles VAMPIRE:

Laurel Chase
Copyright © 2023 Laurel Chase
All rights reserved.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the
products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual
persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
Cover design by
Christian Bentulan
Table of Contents
Title Page

Copyright Page









































This series is for all the girls who like sex and sugar, but sometimes crave it dark and violent.
And for the women who have seen some shit and come out strong enough to fight for something better.
So, that’s everyone, right?
Carry on.
L Running, night and day.
I’d been running on four legs for long enough that I’d forgotten how I’d ever managed it on
The ice wolf pack had covered so much ground that I wasn’t sure if we’d been gone from the
palace for two nights or maybe three. It was all a blur of following Vento’s commands alongside the
other wolves, deeper and higher into the Sans Cesse Mountains. They were definitely living up to
their name - endless.
My muscles ached, although it was nothing compared to my heart.
But finally, Vento circled us around a dense growth of pines, sheltered from the snow and as
warm as it would get up here. Some of the wolves spread out to hunt for us, and several more shifted
to their two-legged forms to cut branches and build shelter. We needed rest, desperately.
None of the pack seemed to care about each other’s nakedness, although I felt my cheeks heat any
time the others’ eyes skimmed over my bare skin. I turned to Vento instead, intent on finally getting
some information from him.
“I have questions,” I said, and he chuckled, stretching his arms above his head and raking his
hands through his beard.
“I’m sure you do. Just remember that you’re here on my invitation, and it was to save your ass
from doing something you’d regret, and getting killed for it.”
I ground my teeth, hating both reasons. I went where I wanted - when I wanted. I was an alpha in
my own right, leader of my little pack in the city slums of Saori Sang. But he was right. If I’d stayed at
the palace with the other Trial contestants, the activation of Merden’s blood contract would have
forced me to try and kill Kana, over and over again.
And the woman I loved would have only had two options: lock me away or kill me first.
I never should have taken that fucking contract, and I hated owing Vento any part in protecting
Kana from my stupidity. It hurt my pride that I hadn’t had the strength or the foresight to reject
Merden’s offer.
“Tell me how you’re claiming alpha,” I growled instead, unable to broach the subject of thanks. I
wasn’t fucking grateful, and I didn’t think I could pretend.
“Your grandfather refused to back down on isolation. Refused to help the vampires, even when
we had solid evidence that the gobbelins had returned,” Vento said simply. Too simply.
“I barely knew him,” I muttered, thinking of the harsh old wolf who had greeted me in the
mountains during the first Trial. He’d forced me to shift for the first time, opening a world I’d never
known I was part of.
Then he’d fucking shoved me out the door, banishing me from the pack for something I’d had no
part in, and leaving me to die, stuck in my wolf form and delirious from pain.
Vento sighed, his watchful eyes still on the pack as they went about their tasks without instruction
- they trusted him, even if I didn’t yet. “Your grandfather was hard in ways that no longer matter to the
ice wolves. His generation... their purposes and hangups... no longer serve the world as it is today.”
“So you killed him?” I asked dryly, raising my brows at Vento.
He chuckled again, turning hard eyes on me. “I challenged him. Not all challenges end in death,
pup. Your grandfather still lives, licking his wounds in the mountains. But if he had refused my
victory, I would have torn out his throat,” the new alpha warned, his voice dropping to a growl of
“I have no plans to challenge you,” I snapped back, feeling the second warning flowing beneath
his words, like an underground river rushing in the darkness.
“You have a different pack now, and a claim on a mate,” Vento added like he needed to explain
my statement. He glanced across the horizon where the palace would be, if we weren’t quite too far
away to see it. Any view would have been blocked by the icy mountain peaks and dense fog, anyway.
I nodded, feeling my heart beat a staccato rhythm, torn between protect Kana and kill Kana.
What good was I to her? I was meant to be a weapon to protect her. Instead I was a double-edged
“I have to break this contract,” I murmured, to nobody in particular. Vento growled a low noise of
agreement, and I respected him all the more when he didn’t throw the contract back in my face. It had
been a rash, stupid decision, born of insecurity and childish hurt. Merden had twisted it from me all
too easily, though, and I knew I’d spend a lifetime making that moment up to Kana, as long as she’d let
me near her.
Vento pointed to a bed of pine branches someone had made behind us. “Get some sleep, pup. We
should reach our first checkpoint tomorrow if we leave at dawn, and there will be food when you
wake,” Vento said, shifting back to his tawny wolf body. I allowed myself to do the same, the black
and gold fur bringing the extra warmth I needed.
Soon, I felt the welcome pull of his alpha magic tugging my eyes into heavy sleep, and I circled
the pine branches, matting them down into a comfortable nest. It was an odd sort of relief to have an
alpha looking out for everyone and a pack taking care of each other.
My parents had been caring when they’d had the time, but serving in the palace didn’t leave many
spare moments for family life. But pack life? I wanted this - wanted to make my own version of this
with Kana and the other men who orbited her like planets. She was our alpha, and we were all drawn
to her, helpless but loving every second of it.
My thoughts drifted into nonsense dreams, and long before I was ready to wake, Vento’s howl was
rousing everyone.
I shook off the chill of the snow, grateful for the heavy wolf pelt that had kept away the worst of it
during the night hours. As promised, there was fresh meat piled next to my nest, and I gulped it down
as the others woke and did the same.
To the lake, Vento commanded through the pack speak, straight into our minds.
I found myself answering his command in tune with the others, howls of excitement echoing
across the mountain range as we broke into a loping run, eager to stretch our muscles and see what the
day would bring.
My body had never felt as natural in its two-legged form as it did in this wolf body, leg muscles
stretching and contracting as my claws gripped the ice and packed snow. My snout caught every whiff
of possible danger or prey to hunt, and my ears filtered through every sound easily, picking out the
distinct gait and breathing of each wolf that ran beside and behind me.
We moved like a single wolf, led by instinct and the subtle guidance of our alpha.
And when we reached the lake, I skidded to a stop at its frozen edge, sitting down on my haunches
and tilting my head.
I knew this place.
Knew of it, anyway.
Ice Clover Lake? I questioned Vento through the pack speak when he caught my eye. He nodded,
his golden eyes narrowing.
What is it, pup?
I overlooked how he kept me in my place with that single word and told him what I suspected.
I’m pretty sure this is where Kana and Kingston found the Book of Ice. It was buried out there in
the middle of the frozen lake, locked in a box covered in strange markings. And Kana almost
drowned retrieving it, I added.
Vento’s golden eyes turned to slits, and his muscles tensed as I felt him send the message to the
other wolves.
Be on high alert, he warned. Gobbelins may be here.
K I hadn’t truly slept in days.
Even when I’d taken a minute here or there to attempt some rest, my mind hadn’t let me,
instead swirling with a constantly lengthening list of crises we needed to take care of immediately.
Not to mention the killer load of worry I was trying not to break beneath.
Luca was gone, and his blood contract on me was active. Cade was still unconscious and barely
clinging to life. I hadn’t seen even a glimpse of Nicolas in the ever-present mist.
Kassian and Rush were my fucking rocks, though. Kas had been absolutely insane with his skill in
convincing commoners to take shelter inside the palace, and Rush was proving to be better at healing
than any doctor I’d ever known. I secretly wondered if he had some extra fae magic he hadn’t told me
about, or if his energy magic had healing properties.
And then Blaise - the girl was sent from the Goddess, for sure.
If it weren’t for the whole winning the Trial to get the Ancient Magic restored thing, I’d have
gladly bowed out and let Blaise wear the crown.
“You’d be an amazing Queen,” I told her as we swept the perimeter one more time. Vento’s ice
wolves had set up steady watch, but none of us knew exactly how many gobbelins were out there. The
palace was locked down as well as we could manage with the few guards we had left, but an ambush
wasn’t far from anyone’s mind.
“I know, princess. It’s why I joined the Trials,” Blaise answered, winking at me. “Maybe once
you win and get that Ancient Magic back on our side, you can retire early and name me as your heir.”
I laughed, wishing it were that simple. And maybe it was - hell, it wasn’t like I had been able to
finish my education or even the training to take my mother’s throne. Merden had made sure of that.
She had knowledge I’d never have, and she’d kidnapped the only woman I might trust to give it to me
- my Grand-mère.
I missed that grumpy old woman something fierce.
“Princess?” a hard, female voice called from the shadows near the garden entrance.
I slowed, and Blaise immediately covered my back.
One of the ice wolves stepped into the light of the torches, her fur gleaming white and golden
down her body in the reflected fire. She had the unnerving ability to keep her head human and her
body shifted into its wolf form. “I’m Valanga. Vento’s second.”
“I met her before they left. She’s good,” Blaise assured me, straightening and lowering her
weapon. Valanga sat back on her haunches, blond hair spilling incongruously over her shoulder.
“Thank you for all the protection,” I said, meaning every word of it. I had no idea why the ice
wolves had broken their fierce vows to never leave the mountains or help the vampires, but I was
grateful. I suspected it had something to do with Vento taking over the pack. And the threat of the
gobbelins, of course.
None of us had seen that shit coming, and I was mad as hell at all the teachers who had ever told
me that gobbelins were completely extinct. Unfortunately, I had a feeling they were just repeating the
same lies they’d been taught as students. Somewhere in Saori Sang’s history, generations ago,
someone had been a little cavalier with the truth and woven boasts into the stories that should have
contained warnings.
“The city is impressively empty,” Valanga said, sweeping a paw elegantly toward the quiet
streets. “It makes our job easier.”
“There are holdouts. Not many of the commoners wanted to trust their lives to the palace at first,”
I admitted.
“A change in guard will always mean some are slow to trust, but they’ll come around,” Valanga
said, her voice holding a faraway lilt that told me she wasn’t only talking about the vampires.
“Why did Vento come?” I blurted, then scrambled to backtrack. “I’m very grateful. Just... the old
“The old alpha was hard. Vento can be hard when needed, but he’s also kind. And he understands
what we younger wolves do - this world is not meant to be lived in isolation. This world is better
with community. The gobbelins are as much a threat to us as to you, so why would we deny the aid
when we hope you would not deny us?”
The question was loaded, and I found myself wanting to apologize for my own ancestors, the
vampires who had taken back the wolves’ ice magic and locked them out of the Vault. But Valanga
saw the words in my eyes and smiled, shaking her head.
“We are not our ancestors. Judge me by my own actions, and I will do the same for you.”
“Thank you,” I said again, feeling a ray of actual hope shining for the first time in a while. Hope
was different from the dogged determination I felt when I thought of the battles to come. I knew I
could push through - I could protect my city. Hell, I’d even died twice now. But with Valanga’s talk of
community and moving forward together, the burden of pushing through felt easier.
“Beyond that, though, we are bound to honor Khione. She has awakened in you, and so the ice
wolves are here. It is the covenant,” Valanga continued, and my eyes widened. Vento had called me
Khione, recognizing something in my icy blue eyes the night he brought the gobbelin to Merden’s
court. What was she to the ice wolves?
“Who is she?” I managed, my mind swirling with questions, and I felt the light touch of Blaise’s
fingers on my shoulder, offering stability.
“One of the ancient sources of power. She transcends the races, like Iaga once did. Not vampire,
not ice wolf. Just... Khione. The wolves in the Sans Cesse Mountains have always served the
Goddess of ice and snow,” Valanga said, as though it were the simplest concept. And if I’d grown up
with bedtime stories of this goddess, perhaps it would have been. But the vampires had long ceased
to truly worship the magical energy of Haret, no matter whose name it bore.
I’d once thought Iaga was the end of the ancients, but she had passed her magic to Queen Carlyle,
my friend. Now Khione had been awakened in me. What other Goddesses and magic lay sleeping in
Haret, forgotten and discarded?
The vampires had been disconnected from the Ancient Magic as long as they’d been disconnected
from the goddesses of Haret. I blinked, trying to grasp the tail of the thought and haul it into the light.
This... this may be the piece I’d been missing. The unraveling of the mystery of our magic being
locked away for so long, and the answer to why it had to be me who claimed the throne from Merden.
It wasn’t just my bloodline that was important, passed from generation to generation.
I was Khione. Her chosen vessel.
I had never wanted to be Queen, and I was even less certain about becoming a Goddess, but if that
was what my people needed, I would. Suddenly, my decade-long vendetta to kill Merden made sense
within the mess of the gobbelins’ return.
I wasn’t here just for a revenge kill.
I was supposed to undo all of our city’s recent horrors, by killing Merden, of course. But I was
also meant to release the Ancient Magic and remind the vampires of what they’d lost when they
stopped holding Haret’s magic higher than their own. Khione was the embodied destruction and death
of winter - of snow and ice.
But once winter is over, spring renews everything. Khione would help me destroy, and the
Ancient Magic would help me rebuild.
It was suddenly so clear, I could have laughed out loud. Of course, I still had no idea how to
actually make that happen.
Before I could turn back to Valanga and break the growing awkward silence, though, another ice
wolf skidded to a stop beside her.
“Gobbelins. West side of the city,” he barked out.
Valanga cursed under her breath, but she was grinning, too. Glancing at Blaise and me, she
nodded curtly and shot away with the messenger, shifting into full wolf form.
“Let’s keep the guards with the palace. You and I can head into the city and see the damage,” I
suggested, and Blaise smirked, already turning toward the palace entrance.
“I’m always in the mood for violence,” she said, stalking in the direction of the weapons room.
We’d been gathering everything left behind and equipping anyone willing, but there were a few
choice stashes left.
“That’s probably why we get along so well,” I answered, beckoning to a nearby guard so I could
have him spread the word. I made certain he understood to find Kas first, so my thief could make sure
the commoners stayed safely inside the palace. We didn’t need them panicking or worse - trying to
play hero.
“You know, you’ll make a great Queen, too,” Blaise said as we headed west into the city.
I pressed my lips together to avoid the smile. I hoped she was right.
By the Goddess, I hoped she was right.
Valanga’s words echoed in my mind as we hurried to find the others - we are not our ancestors. I
was not Merden, and my people would judge me by my own actions.
K By the time Blaise and I found the wolves, they’d ripped through a fair amount of the
attacking gobbelins.
The wolves’ claws and bulky, muscular bodies made it easy for them to leap onto the gobbelins,
knocking them down and tearing through their thick, greenish black skin without the danger of
ingesting the sludgy, toxic blood.
Still, there were plenty of the creatures to go around, and just like in the maze, it seemed as though
they kept respawning. Blaise and I quickly fell into a herding pattern, using our vampire speed and the
heavy weapons we’d grabbed to push the gobbelins toward a central area. And that was where the
wolves pounced, hemming them in from all sides and doing maximum damage.
Iridescent, foul-smelling gobbelin blood ran deep in the grooves between the cobblestones.
“Your fae is here,” Blaise called, and I glanced over to see Rush had joined the fight, twisting up
vines from the landscaped areas and spearing branches through the chests of gobbelins with that feral
fae cry I loved so much. I darted closer to him, returning his ferocious grin. There was no need for
him to hide as Monsieur Saint Laurent now, and his pointed ears and forest green skin were beautiful
to me as his muscles twisted and flexed.
Although, maybe his skin was a little too similar to the gobbelins’ for a quick and dirty fight.
I snarled at a wolf who’d taken a swipe at Rush, mistaking him for one of the nasty creatures.
“Maybe a little glamor wouldn’t hurt,” I called, winking at my fae.
He chuckled and the glamor of Saint Laurent glided down his form, fastidious suit and all.
“Glamor can never hide your traitor skin, Torrence,” a tall gobbelin shouted, lunging for us. I
whirled and leaped, catching the brute in the neck with my sword and chopping his head clean away.
Another came at us, and I barely had time to shove Rush to the side and tackle the gobbelin. My
fae was shaken - frozen in place by the gobbelin’s words - and I worked like a whirlwind to clear a
path. Finally, I wrapped an arm around Rush’s middle and dragged him back to the safer sidelines of
the fight.
When our backs were to the wall and the wolves had cornered the remainder of the gobbelins, I
turned to Rush.
“What is it? What’s Torrence?” I asked, recalling what the gobbelin had said. I knew the fae rode
horse-like animals called torrents... but that wouldn’t explain Rush’s pale face and wide eyes.
“Who,” he managed after a long moment, his voice rasping. “Torrence. He’s... was... my brother.
My twin brother,” Rush said, forcing out the words as though their existence was painful.
A heavy beat of silence settled between us as I absorbed the information, while the screams and
clashes of metal continued in the background, sounding tinny and faraway.
“And how did that gobbelin know him?” I asked finally, not sure I wanted the answer.
“I don’t know, love. He’s been dead for many, many years.” Rush had regained control, and his
features were now a mask of hard refusal. Whatever else was left to this mystery, I wasn’t getting it
out of him today.
“Did you look alike?” I asked instead, and my fae only nodded curtly. Twins were rare in Haret,
except in the shifter races. I wondered if his brother had shared the same energy magic. None of it
made sense, though. Rush wasn’t old enough to have a twin who knew the gobbelins before they were
frozen in ice - that was generations ago.
Rush pushed off the wall and leaped back into the remainder of the fight, his energy more feral
than ever. This had rattled him to his bones, and he fought like a man with something to prove. Joining
him, I kept silent as we helped Blaise and the wolves kill every last gobbelin who dared show their
“There will be more. This was likely only a scouting party,” Valanga warned everyone as we
dragged the stinking bodies into a pile for burning. We couldn’t have contaminated blood running in
the city streets, on top of everything else.
“There have to be at least a hundred here,” one of the wolves grumbled, kicking at a headless
“There could be thousands more,” Rush snapped, bending to close the lifeless eyes of an unlucky
wolf. His golden and turquoise eyes were molten, and his glamor had begun to slip again.
“You’re tired. Let’s go back to my rooms,” I said under my breath. He looked away in frustration,
but he followed me when I slipped away. Blaise had already begun working side-by-side with
Valanga, cleaning up the mess and directing others to help the wounded. I didn’t have to be involved
in every detail.
My fae needed me, and I needed to understand more about what had happened to Torrence.
“Ask your questions,” Rush said as I locked the door to my rooms behind us. The words were
bitter, though I could feel that his anger wasn’t meant for me. “Tell me what I must do to clear my
name again. That’s all that matters,” he added softly, meeting my eyes with an expression of deep
He thought the gobbelin’s words would come between us, casting suspicion again that he’d had a
role in their rising. But that didn’t feel right to me. There was a snarl in history here, something to
unravel. But I felt in the thump of my heartbeat that Rush wasn’t the one to blame. He would have told
me before. He wasn’t hiding things, surely.
I crossed the room quickly, taking his hands between mine. “I still trust you, Rush. Just tell me
what you can.”
He sighed deeply and flopped down onto my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I climbed up next to
him, tucking my legs beneath me and waiting for him to gather his thoughts.
“All my life, I was told my mother was dead, killed alongside my twin brother in the deep forests.
When I visited Aralia after the second Trial ended - after you tasted my blood in the arena - I learned
Julianna is alive. That she may be coming for me, though I don’t know what that actually means.”
“She was part gobbelin, wasn’t she?” I asked, remembering our conversation in the labyrinth.
Rush nodded, grimacing. “Tante, my mentor, told me Torrence absorbed more of the gobbelin
blood in Julianna’s womb. She claims I have very little gobbelin blood in my veins, although it was
still enough to poison you and begin the prophecy,” he added bitterly.
“And... how old was Torrence when he died?” I asked.
“Not even fully grown into a man,” Rush said, his voice barely a whisper. I sighed as I realized
what had shaken him so badly. It definitely was a complication, but it also would clear Rush’s name.
“He could be alive too, then. If the gobbelin thought you were him,” I guessed.
Rush slumped back against the bed frame, misery etched over his handsome face. “How could I
have known so little about my own family?”
“We can’t help but believe the lies we’re told, especially by people we trust,” I said gently,
thinking of all the lies I’d swallowed from my own father.
Rush reached his hand to cup my cheek, the pad of his thumb skimming my lips. “I’m sorry, love.
For whatever this will come to mean between the fae and the gobbelins.”
I narrowed my eyes, hearing what he wasn’t saying out loud. “You think your mother and brother
might have had something to do with their return?”
“You said it yourself - you saw a vision of me, opening the door to the darkness. To the gobbelins.
We thought it was tasting my blood that brought them back, Kana, but what if...”
“What if it was your brother who I saw, opening the door,” I finished, and it wasn’t a question.
It made too much sense to discount. Sure, prophecies and visions could be metaphorical, and
blood had power. But it was never smart to ignore this level of coincidence.
“I can’t see the Tri-Kings working with Julianna, though. She was never welcome in their
circles,” Rush continued, sounding more thoughtful now.
“Well, at any rate, if the fae are working with the gobbelins, then we have a whole new world of
trouble to deal with.” I suddenly felt very tired. How was I supposed to save my city from both the
return of the gobbelins and a massively powerful fae kingdom?
“One thing at a time, love. We will manage by focusing our attention on what we know, and on
what we can do.” Rush leaned forward and dropped a kiss on my lips, pulling me from the swirl of
thoughts that were quickly threatening to drag me under.
Pushing the new intel aside along with the worry, I vowed to take advantage of what I did know,
and what I could do now.
“Look, I made myself a promise. I’m trusting you because I know I can survive anything. If you
cross me, Lachlan of Aralia, I will gut you and hang you to rot from the tower. And it will hurt, but
I’ll get over you.”
“I love you too, Kana,” Rush said, giving me that soft smile of his that was anything but sweet.
Maybe some people wouldn’t find it romantic to say I could survive my love being ripped away
again, but I didn’t care.
I trusted myself, and that was the only way I knew how to be open enough to love again.
“Prove it, then,” I challenged my fae, kicking off my boots and straddling him in a smooth
He grinned up at me, that feral look I loved so much focused on me now. “Oh, I have so many
K Before I could tease Rush any further, he’d pushed me smoothly to the side and disappeared
into the bathroom.
I smiled when I heard the water running, and the grin grew wider when he poked his head through
the doorway and raised an eyebrow at me.
“Coming, love?” he asked.
“That’s the plan,” I shot back, giving in easily to the magnetic pull he had over me. As soon as I
was within reach, he began to peel my clothing away, his fingers skimming up and down each new bit
of bare skin while the room filled with steam.
“You forgot to plug the drain,” I said as I glanced down to see if the tub was ready yet.
Rush kissed the words from my lips luxuriously, allowing me the chance to fumble with his
clothing. “I didn’t forget. I have a plan. A game, perhaps.”
He urged me into the empty bath, and I settled against the chilled sides with a frown. Rush
apparently wasn’t going to tell me the plan, though. He only lifted my leg and draped it over the side,
then dove between my legs to taste me. My head fell back with a moan as his tongue ran slowly
through my folds. My fae was goddamn talented with that mouth, and it took me a few moments to
realize that the bath was heating up from more than just desire.
Rush had placed the plug, and the water was beginning to puddle beneath me as it rose in the bath,
only a couple of inches from where Rush was kissing my inner thighs.
“Care to race?” he asked, fixing me in a challenge stare. “I’m not coming up for air until you come
twice,” he threatened, and I gasped again as he fixed his mouth against my core, his chin already
dipping into the water. I could see the determination in his eyes - he was dead serious.
And even though Rush was more than up for the job, the pressure of coming so quickly made me
“Relax, love, and focus on your pleasure.”
I forced my eyes closed and gave in to what he wanted, cutting down any stray thoughts about how
fast the bath was filling. By the Goddess, this man knew the benefits of adrenaline.
My heart was pounding as his tongue lashed against my clit, two fingers already pressing inside
my body and curling to beckon my orgasm forward. A bead of sweat or steam rolled between my
breasts, and Rush groaned as he sucked me harder, his eyes flashing gold and blue beneath his dark
lashes as he met my gaze again.
Something in his stare pushed just the right button, and almost before I realized it, I was writhing
against him as my body rippled with orgasm.
“Rush, please,” I begged softly, seeing the water lapping at his chest. I tried to tug him up, needing
more than two fingers to fill my pussy. “Fuck me now.”
He chuckled, the sound low and teasing. “I said two. And although I have lots of fun magic,
breathing underwater is not one of my talents,” he reminded me, lowering his lips back between my
I could feel the water against my thighs, and I knew there was barely a minute left. Was he really
serious with this? But then he pressed another finger inside me and groaned, his eyes rolling back into
his head as he lapped at my clit.
“You taste so fucking good,” he rasped, his other hand cinching my waist to pull me even closer
against his mouth. I felt my hips begin to buck, grinding against his face as he licked and sucked,
pumping his fingers in and out. My hands rode the curves of my body, settling on my breasts and
pinching desperately at my nipples while I squeezed my eyes closed and willed myself to focus only
on the pleasure.
“Fuck me, Rush, please,” I chanted, the desire riding higher and higher with every drop of water
falling into the bath. And then I was coming, screaming his name and clenching around his fingers just
as the hot water crested my thighs. Rush surged up against me, laughing as his red hair dripped down
in our faces.
His mouth fastened on mine, kissing me hard as I whimpered and squirmed against him, trying to
line up his cock with my pulsing core. I needed him.
“So impatient, love,” he murmured, clearly enjoying the hell out of my reaction. “Keep begging.”
As soon as he asked for it, I felt a stubborn streak rising in my chest. He must have sensed it
because a dark chuckle bubbled from his lips.
“Oh, you’ll beg, little princess,” he warned, reaching back to twist off the water. My fingers
grasped his cock as it bounced in the water, and he hissed as I gripped his shaft, toying with his
piercings. But before I could command him any further, vines began to grow from nowhere, dripping
down from the ceiling and glistening with steam and fae magic.
Their tendrils curled around my wrists, dragging my arms above my head and forcing me to kneel
in the bath, body fully on display for Rush’s greedy eyes.
“Absolutely gorgeous,” he whispered, running his fingertips between my breasts. My body
twisted toward the touch, nipples aching for more. The vines twirled above me, and I found myself
spinning on my knees to keep up, stopping when I was facing the large bathroom mirror.
Steam billowed around it, clouding its surface, but Rush commanded a vine to wipe its thick
leaves across the mirror. He pressed himself behind me, his eyes bright in the mirror as he watched
my reaction. The vines kept me from sagging backward into him as he rubbed his palms against my
nipples, skimming down to part my thighs.
His cock pressed between my legs and he thrust against me gently, rubbing himself between my
folds as I bit back a whimper. I was so much closer to begging than I wanted to be. The vines holding
my arms slackened a little, and Rush pressed me forward, the chill of the metal bath sharp on my
breasts as he grasped my ass, kneading the skin and spreading me a little more.
A single finger slipped inside my ass, and I swallowed down a groan, resting my forehead against
the bath as I tried not to imagine how much better that would feel if it were his cock.
“So stubborn,” Rush chuckled, reaching around my hips to cup my pussy. The promising heat of
his hand against my clit without any friction was my undoing.
“Please, Rush. Please. Fuck me now,” I whispered, losing any dignity as desire flooded across
my mind, drowning all my sanity.
“As you wish,” he said, and I cried out as his cock finally thrust deep inside me, filling me the
way I’d been aching for. His hand slid up my spine, wrapping in my damp hair and pulling my head
back enough to ensure I was watching our reflections in the mirror.
His face was an open poem of promises to me, swearing without words that he was mine, all
mine, and always would be.
Whatever our two families might have done in the past, we were the new hope. We would set
things right, then spend the rest of our lives learning to love better than they’d ever been able to.
“Rush... Lachlan... please,” I murmured, and at his true name, he unraveled, bucking wildly
against me and wrapping his arms around my torso, squeezing us together tighter and tighter.
“You see me,” he gasped, his breath ragged as he worked harder to pull another orgasm from deep
within my body.
“I see you,” I breathed, giving into the crash and sucking tide of his body’s movement as he
toppled us both over the precipice, our voices crying out together as the steam slowly covered over
our reflections in the mirror.
The vines dissolved from my wrists and retreated from the room, and Rush gathered me in his
arms, wrapping us both in a large towel as he stumbled toward the bed. We burrowed into the
blankets and each other, exhaustion descending rapidly.
Sleep was calling me like a siren as I nuzzled my face into his neck, breathing in the rich, clean,
wild scent of male fae as he stroked my damp hair away from my face. My eyes slid closed, and our
breathing slowly evened out.
“I don’t deserve you,” Rush whispered just as I drifted into the stillness of sleep, the words so
soft I wasn’t sure I’d heard them at all.
K I woke to a surprisingly quiet palace and a handsome thief bringing me breakfast in bed.
Rush was still sleeping soundly beside me, and I carefully untangled my limbs from his,
gratefully taking the warm clothes Kas offered from my closet. Together, we settled onto the couch in
the living room, speaking in soft voices as I caught him up with the gobbelin attack from the previous
day as well as the new mystery of Rush’s twin brother.
“I trust your trust, but I can’t say I’m happy about that development,” Kas admitted, his eyes
searching mine, heavy with unspoken words.
I sighed, leaning my head onto the back of the couch and staring up at the ceiling. “I know. But we
can’t control our families. I know that better than anyone.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t know to come help with the gobbelin fight,” Kas said after a moment of
silence, and I smiled at him, taking his hand in mine.
“The ice wolves were amazing. I spoke with their leader, Valanga. She’s Vento’s second, and I
think the wolves were the break we needed. How are the people your crew gathered from the city?”
“Scared. But safe, and I think having so many of them here is giving them hope. Me too,” he added
softly, and I wondered if he was thinking of his mother and the rest of the vampires in the countryside.
I had no idea how to protect them, and it was making me a little crazy to feel so helpless.
Kas set his plate to the side and stood, his face dark with anger. “But there have been a few
reunions. Families searching for missing vampires, then finding them among the blood slaves. What
good is finding someone if they’re still captive in their own minds? We have to figure out how to help
them, Kana.”
My heart squeezed as I thought of Cade, still unconscious and nonreactive, just like all the blood
slaves we’d managed to rescue or recover from those Merden had left behind.
“Sounds like a good day to pay a visit to Jillian,” I said, standing as well. I grabbed my boots and
knives, checking on Rush once more before hurrying into the hall with my thief.
Jillian hissed at us through the bars of the cell Grand-mère had been kept in. Someone had at least
cleaned up the bodies Merden had left, but Jillian was understandably unhappy with her new room.
“Let me the fuck out of here, you foul cunt,” she growled at me, her eyes solid black with rage and
blood lust.
“Don’t count on it,” Kas snorted, rolling his eyes at her. “But we don’t mind bringing you a snack,
in exchange for some information.”
He pulled a vial of blood from his pocket and tossed it through the bars at her. She pounced on it,
but there was barely a swallow inside. Just enough to get her fangs out and break her will a little.
“Tell me more about how the blood slaves were created,” I demanded.
“You haven’t figured that out yet? So stupid,” she cackled, chucking the empty vial at the iron
“Suit yourself,” Kas said with a shrug, tipping a second vial of blood back into his mouth and
offering me one. Jillian screamed through clenched teeth, her fangs biting deep into her own lips.
“It doesn’t matter to me. They’re just going to die anyway, no matter what you do,” she hissed.
“Everyone dies, Jilly. Even your brother,” I taunted, licking at the blood in my vial. It was cruel to
mention Janus, but I’d had enough of Merden’s favorite torture team. Jillian would follow him into the
mist soon enough.
Kas held up another vial of blood. “You told Kana in the labyrinth that the slaves were drained of
blood three times. But what were they given to stay alive?”
“Blood, you idiot,” Jillian said, smiling sweetly. I clenched my hands into fists, narrowly
resisting slamming open the door and punching her teeth out.
“What kind of blood?” I managed. Now that Rush had planted the idea of gobbelin blood being
poisonous in our minds, we were all wondering what effects different types of blood would have on a
drained vampire.
“I have a whole pitcher of blood waiting for you if you just give us the fucking information,” Kas
snapped at our captive.
She huffed, and I could tell her patience was as thin as ours. She was hungry, and not used to
being denied her freedom.
“Fine. What do I care? Merden and Girard did a lot of experimenting, but the method that stuck
the best was stepping down the blood. They re-fed with higher order shifters first, like lions or
jaguars. Then a lower order, like a fox or something. And the third time was non-shifter animal blood.
She turned them into animals,” Jillian added, shrugging.
I narrowed my eyes, knowing this couldn’t be the whole process. That wasn’t quite how blood
worked. But magic... blood magic might be able to work like that.
“Now where’s my fucking blood?” Jillian growled, and Kas nodded before speeding away to
fetch it from the kitchens.
“Do you know where my father’s laboratory is?” I asked, hating everything that question implied
about Girard.
Jillian glared. “No. Merden never shared that. Janus and I searched when we could, but the only
thing we found was a guarded, walled-off section in the east wing, top floor.”
I startled, surprised at how easily she’d given me the information, plus the realization that I knew
the area she was describing. I’d grown up in the palace - specifically, in the east wing. On the top
I hadn’t even thought about visiting my childhood suite since I’d arrived in Saori Sang, assuming
Merden had long ago redecorated it.
I hadn’t counted on the decorator being my fucking father.
“You’ll never figure it all out, princess. Merden had years to perfect that process. You’ll just fuck
it all up, over and over again,” Jillian cooed. I growled at her, about to snap something back when
Kas returned with a full pitcher and an empty goblet. He poured a few inches of blood into the goblet
and handed it through the bars.
“Fucking tease,” Jillian said, licking her lips at him. She drank greedily, though, handing the cup
back. “More, commoner.”
“Why would bounty hunters be looking for higher order blood like fae or ice wolf, if Merden only
needed shifters?” he asked, pouring blood into the cup but not offering it to her.
Jillian gave a frustrated noise and stomped her foot. “I don’t know fucking everything! She liked
her exotic blood - you know that.”
“You’re lying,” I accused, raising my eyebrows. I wasn’t completely sure how I knew, but I’d
spent enough time with her in the labyrinth to feel the difference in her tone.
Kas raised the goblet to his own lips and took a sip.
“I hope the gobbelins fuck you in the ass, Kassian Kingston,” Jillian yelled, and he snorted a
“Good to know what you’ve been dreaming of. Answer the question and I’ll give you the rest. No
more games,” he offered.
She looked for a second like she was going to refuse, but her hunger finally won out. “Ugh. You’re
both dying first when I get out of here. Merden needed different blood for the mixed blood vampires. I
guess since their blood was already part shifter or whatever, her other process didn’t work. But I
never watched any of those conversions. Happy now?”
Kas laughed. “With you? Not possible.”
He handed her the goblet through the bars, then tipped the contents of the pitcher onto the floor of
her cell. She screamed as the dark red liquid splashed down onto the stone, falling to her knees and
scrabbling to scoop up the puddle before it soaked into the cracks of the floor.
“That was just mean,” I said to Kas as we left the dungeons, but I was grinning.
“She always has to make things so Goddess-damned hard. I was just returning the favor. So, now
what?” he asked, and I sighed.
“I think I have an idea where Girard played mad scientist.”
Taking my thief’s hand, I zipped through the palace corridors and stairs until we were standing
before a stone wall that looked newer than the others.
“My old suite used to be here. Behind here,” I explained, already starting to search the wall for a
hidden passage.
Kas joined me, tapping at every joint in the wall. Finally, I wiggled a sconce and found it loose.
Turning the decorative metal in a circle pulled on something inside the wall, and a grinding noise
echoed through the empty hall.
“There,” Kas said, excitement in his voice as he pointed to the opposite corner. A tiny rift had
opened, small enough that if we hadn’t been watching so closely, we might have missed it. Merden
and Girard had certainly gone to a lot of trouble to hide this portion of the palace.
Together, we pushed at the crack in the wall until it widened, a short, narrow door opening under
the pressure. We ducked inside, and I sucked in a breath.
It was the hallway leading to my private rooms, where I’d been born and raised, educated and
Where I’d been a true, fairytale princess. Before the whole nightmare wicked queen bit.
Stepping forward, I tried the door that should lead to my sitting room. It was unlocked and opened
“Fuck me,” Kas breathed as we stepped inside. The room was shadowy, but there was enough
light from the windows to make out dozens of shelves and tables that hadn’t been there before.
The stench hit us both at the same time, and I sprang forward with a knife in each hand.
“It’s dead,” I breathed, checking the gobbelin on the table in the center of the room.
“Probably the one Vento brought that first night,” Kas suggested, and I grimaced, noting the decay
on the body. He had to be right.
“Fucking Girard. What were you doing in here?” I murmured, moving slowly through the room.
Kas pushed the curtains open wider. There were dozens of containers of blood, labeled and lined up
in neat rows. Lines of surgical tools gleamed in the dim light, and books were stacked in even piles
on several tables.
“It’s not giving mad scientist,” I said reluctantly. I’d hoped to find signs of madness and chaos.
Something to indicate my father wasn’t himself while he was here, that he’d been driven insane by
Merden’s bleeding heart dosing and blood magic.
But everything pointed to the opposite.
Cold. Clinical. Uncaring about who he hurt to get what he wanted. How could he be the genetic
link between my Grand-mère and me? What was so different about him, and would I be susceptible to
Kas seemed to sense the shift in my mood, and he came up behind me, wrapping me in his arms.
“Hey. This is a lot. Do you need a break?”
Drawing in a deep breath, I nodded. Taking his hand, I pulled him toward the back of the room,
where the door to my bedroom should be.
It was darker in here, but I opened a drawer and found candles and matches right where they’d
always been. As the golden light shone around the space, I was relieved to find it untouched by the
horror of the other room.
“So this is the room of a princess?” Kas asked, keeping his voice light as he took in the cavernous
“Someone’s been cleaning it,” I observed, running my fingers over the books on a shelf. There
was no layer of dust, and the room smelled fresh, as though it had been aired out fairly recently.
“I’m sure he still cared about you, in his own... way,” Kas said, but even he didn’t sound
completely convinced.
“What if I’m like him?” I whispered suddenly, sinking down onto the freshly made bed. “His
blood is in me, even if Merden’s isn’t. What am I willing to do, to get what we both want?”
“You’re also not being force fed poison,” Kas reminded me, pointing out how Merden had been
drugging my father with bleeding heart. “You won’t be like anyone but yourself - your actions are all
your choice.”
I flopped back on the plush mattress, willing my mind to accept his words.
I was glad I’d solved the mystery of where Girard’s lab was, but seeing it had all been a little too
much. Especially contrasted with the disconcerting familiarity of my bedroom, and the puzzle of why
Girard had kept it so pristine.
I needed a distraction.
“You know, I never once sneaked a boy into my room,” I said softly, waiting for Kas to pick up on
what I wanted.
He scooted farther onto the bed. “Oh, yeah? I’m the first?”
“Wanna be?” I asked, my fingers drifting across my breasts. I was craving normalcy more than
anything - moments of peace and playfulness that had been stolen from me.
So much had been stolen from me.
“Fuck yes,” Kas breathed, swinging a leg across my hips and bracing himself on his elbows as he
stared down at me, black eyes flashing.
“Kiss away the weird, thief.”
“I’ll do a lot more than that, princess,” he promised, lowering his mouth to mine and pulling every
stray thought in to focus on the stroke of his tongue against mine and the nip of his fangs on my skin.
His body pressed down into mine, grounding me in the moment as I arched up into him.
K I needed the closeness more than the orgasm, and I wrapped myself around Kas as he
moved slowly down my body, peeling off my clothes and kissing as he went.
He shucked off his own shirt while I shimmied out of my pants, and we clung together, hands
roaming eagerly over bare skin. I fumbled with his waistband as he dipped to suck at one of my
“So impatient,” he teased, but there was a strain to his voice that told me he felt the same need.
After the horrors we’d just seen, and what I knew was to come, I just wanted to feel the simple
thrill of being a girl who’d sneaked a boy into her room.
I lifted my hips and encouraged him to settle between my thighs, his cock sliding against my folds.
Spreading myself, I reached down to guide him inside me, locking one knee behind his back. We
clung together while we rocked, the friction of his skin against my clit pinning my focus to that single
Kas wrapped one hand behind my neck and lowered his fangs to my skin, tilting his head just
enough to give me the same access. We shared blood in a rhythm that matched the gentle meeting of
our bodies, and time seemed to disappear. The messed-up world I’d been living in fell away, and all
my sensations were centered around this man’s skin and muscle, his lips, fangs, and the shaft of his
cock buried deep inside my body.
I moaned his name around the blood I was taking from him, and he wrapped his arms tighter
around me. We were barely moving, wrapped so tightly together in the moment. And still, he managed
to tug an orgasm free, my legs shaking around his slim hips as my back arched off the bed. My fangs
slipped free of his skin as I cried out my pleasure, and my pussy clenched hard around him, sending
him right over the edge of the same sweet precipice.
Breathing hard, we lay tangled together on top of the blanket, my skin heated and tingling.
“I wasn’t sure I wanted that to end,” Kas admitted. “You feel like home, Kana.”
“This is home, Kassian,” I whispered. “We’re saving this city, and you’re going to be my king.”
He stiffened a bit above me, and I curled my hand in his hair, tugging him down for another slow
kiss. I knew he was still uncomfortable with the idea of joining the royalty he’d always hated so
“Think of all the changes we can make together,” I murmured against his lips. “We’ll save the city
and remake it into what it should have always been. A haven - not just for one privileged group. For
anyone with vampire blood.”
“Is that what little girl Kana dreamed of?” he teased lightly, licking the bite marks on my neck.
I slid my eyes closed, enjoying the buzz of pleasure still running through me. “Little girl Kana
dreamed of running away. Being anything but a princess. And when I got exactly what I asked for, I
realized just how stupid I was,” I added, unable to keep the bitterness out of my voice.
Not only had I been forced to flee my queendom, I’d ended up as a slave on Earth.
“All of that is over. You’re the lost princess, and together we’re going to find a new dream,” Kas
said, propping himself up on his elbow to gaze down at me. “This is where you’re meant to be. It
feels right.”
I nodded, realizing his words were true for me. I hadn’t dreamed of running away from this fight,
and now that I could see how much was broken in my queendom, I was already beginning to rebuild
the city in my mind. There was one more Trial left, and then I would be Queen.
And I would have all the Ancient Magic to use and give back to the people of Saori Sang.
Sitting, I let my eyes wander over the room, taking in all the forgotten items I used to treasure so
much. Kas watched me stand and circle the room, staying quiet while I said hello and goodbye to
what I used to be.
“This isn’t mine,” I muttered, pausing at my desk, where some scribbled notes rested. The
handwriting was small and cramped, crossed out and rewritten several times. Smudges and drops of
ink marred the words as I held the pages up to see them better.
“Spells,” I breathed, whirling to face Kas. “Someone was trying to write spells - they look like
the ones I’ve seen in the Book of Ice.”
Kas brought a candle closer and we examined the pages together. The spells were incomplete, but
maybe I could find them in the book itself.
“Do you think it could help the slaves?” Kas asked, and I nodded.
“Of course, I don’t know. But yeah, I hope so. This is my father’s handwriting. He was trying to
recall the magic - I just know it.” My gut instinct was pinging like crazy. Girard wasn’t allowed to
inherit the Ancient Magic because he was male, but he was Grand-mère’s son. The knowledge would
still have slept in his blood, the same way it slept in mine.
“Let’s take this back to Rush and figure it all out together. He should see the lab, too,” I said,
reaching for my clothes. We hurried back to the rooms I’d been using as a Trial contestant, but Rush
had already woken and left.
“He’s probably with the injured. You stay here and try to figure out the spells, and I’ll find him,”
Kas offered.
“I have to figure this out. I’ll do anything to figure this out. We need a goddamn advantage.” I was
already willing the book to the surface of my skin as Kas slipped out of the door.
As I flipped through page after blank page of the book, though, my hope began to deflate. Cursing
to myself, I smacked the notes down on the table and rose to begin pacing the room. I always thought
better when I was moving. Why did I even have access to the book if so many of the pages were
I’d already used each of the spells that were visible, and I didn’t see how any of them would be
helpful for reversing the damage Merden had done to the blood slaves.
“Some Queen I’m turning out to be,” I grumbled to myself. Talking out loud to myself, I ranted
about how stupid I felt for hoping I’d been making progress. “I can’t believe I thought I could do this.
I’m a warrior, not a queen. Certainly not a scholar.”
Pivoting, I noticed the mist had begun to creep underneath the door and gather.
“Nic?” I asked hopefully, and intense relief surged through me as the form of my aima shimmered
into being. It had been so long, or at least it felt that way. “Thank the Goddess, Nic. I’ve missed you
so much.”
He floated toward me, and my arms ached to wrap around him, but his body was still made of
mist. As he crowded into my personal space, though, I couldn’t help but feel that there was a certain
mass and heat to him that I hadn’t felt before.
“I’m here, mon amour. Perhaps not for long, but the mist knows you need my help. It wants you to
succeed, Kana. The ancestors need you to save the city.”
My heart beat faster as I noticed I could actually hear the words as he spoke, his rich, cultured
voice echoing in my ears as well as my mind now. He was so much stronger than when he’d first
found me through the mist, but still so much less than alive.
“I’m trying, Nic,” I said, also trying not to sound whiny. “I was feeling pretty great about
protecting the commoners and fighting off the gobbelins. Making nice with the wolves - I’m doing all
the same tasks the mist set us during the Trials to prove our worthiness. I’m gathering an army and
protecting my people. Solving riddles and puzzles to unravel hidden history. Why isn’t it enough?”
“You need the magic,” he said simply, and I huffed. “And you can only gain the magic by winning
the Trial. Be ready, mon amour. The mist will call the final Trial soon, and you will be tested to your
limits. You will need a sacrifice.”
My heart lurched.
This was the only piece of the Trial lore that Grand-mère had been allowed to share with me - the
final sacrifice.
“She... is she still alive? Grand-mère?” I managed, my throat squeezing closed around the words.
Merden had been waiting for something - had the time finally come when Valda wasn’t useful to her?
“Valda is not in the mist,” Nicolas said simply, and I breathed a little easier.
“Can you go to her? In the mountains? I need her help, Nic. I need to know what she knows about
the magic. About the book. We were supposed to be able to meet-”
“I will go,” he said, cutting off my desperate words with a soft smile. “The mist is already
gathering its power to send me. I can feel its intentions - the ancestors will intervene as much as they
can. The vampires must live, Kana. Saori Sang must be saved.”
My shoulders sagged with the weight of what was being asked of me.
The ancestors in the mist could only do so much from their resting place. But so could I only do so
much in the face of so many problems and challenges.
“Goddamn her. Goddamn Merden,” I whispered, and Nicolas tilted his head down until his
forehead rested against mine, halfway solid.
“You will be Queen, but you must have the magic to save the city. To save Acadian,” Nic added,
and a gasp slipped from my lips.
“What can I do? What can I do now?” I begged my aima, even as the mist seemed to be pulling
him away. Too soon. Always too fucking soon.
“Protect the city. Love him. Remember,” Nic said, the final word trailing into a whisper as he
dissolved back into the smoky essence of the mist.
“Remember,” I echoed, feeling a mix of sadness and frustration. Remember what?
How could I remember things I’d never learned?
L We’d been all over this fucking lake, and no sign of gobbelins.
Well, according to the trackers, there was no sign. But I couldn’t shake the instinct in me that
said we were in the right place. I also imagined I could still smell Kana here, though I knew that was
pretty impossible.
“We’re gonna have to dive eventually,” I told Vento as we watched several ice wolves filling in
the grid of holes we’d dug searching for any sign of an underground entrance. He was meticulous, for
sure. But none of the wolves seemed keen to go in the icy water.
“Are you volunteering, pup?” Vento asked, his voice tired despite the front of endless energy he
was putting on for the others.
“I just don’t see any of us surviving that. Kana’s a vampire. They’re attuned to that level of cold,
and Kingston said she barely made it out alive.”
“Don’t give me a problem without a viable solution,” Vento growled, showing his teeth at me. We
were both half-shifted to make use of our hands to mark a crude map but keep the advantage of the
wolves’ thick coats. It was something I’d never seen lesser shifters manage for long, but the ice
wolves’ power was different, and I’d picked up the skill quickly with Vento’s instruction.
“Well, can you survive it? Now that the wolves have the amulet again?” I asked, wondering
exactly what sort of ice magic Vento could access.
He tilted his head, considering. “Possibly. Depends on how long it took to find whatever you think
is down there. I don’t suppose you’ve shared blood with Kana?”
My teeth bared at her name on his lips, but I nodded. “She gave me blood once when the alpha left
me to die. And she’s tasted me plenty,” I boasted, unable to help myself. Being around another strong
male wolf was bringing out the worst parts of my instinctive posturing and competition, even though I
knew Vento wasn’t against me.
“Do you consider her your mate? Does she think that of you?” Vento pressed, and I glared at him.
“What the fuck business is it of yours?” I did consider Kana my mate, but we certainly hadn’t
done any kind of vampire aima claiming, or whatever the ice wolves did, either.
“Pity,” Vento said, guessing at the answer I wasn’t giving him. “You could be the first werewolf in
generations, if you’d claimed each other as mates.”
My mouth hung open, considering the possibility. The old alpha had said werewolves were
forbidden, because of the damage they’d done to the relationship between the ice wolves and the
vampires, all those years ago. But he wasn’t alpha anymore, and Vento seemed more than open to the
“Would that give me the same magic as the vampires?” I asked, and Vento shrugged.
“As far as I’ve been able to learn, yes. You’d just be stronger physically. And probably less
strong magically, to even it all out.”
“I can’t fucking mate with her now,” I snarled suddenly, the fucking contract I’d taken with
Merden to kill Kana rearing up accusingly in my mind. If I even got near enough to see Kana - to
smell her - I’d go ape-shit crazy trying to kill her. And if I tasted her blood?
“There has to be another way,” I said firmly, slamming the door on the idea.
Vento chuckled. “I wasn’t suggesting you run your furry ass to her right now, pup. I was
wondering if the two of you had exchanged enough blood already to activate at least some of the
werewolf magic.”
“Oh.” I felt like an idiot now that he’d explained himself fully.
“Work on your patience, Luca. You jump to conclusions before you’ve heard even half the story.
Now, go test out the water and report back. Take two of the others and use the climbing ropes we
brought. Use the wolf speak if you need to be hauled up.”
I bit down on another growl. His plan had already been made when he’d started his questions.
There had been no need to make me look stupid, except for to point out where I was lacking.
That’s what alphas do for their pack, pup. Vento’s voice seared into my mind through the wolf
speak bond, and I staggered away from him, down toward the ice-covered lake. I never had been
good at keeping my mind closed to vampire magic, and I’d been even less successful keeping my
thoughts away from Vento’s alpha powers.
“I’m going in,” I called to the two wolves closest to the edge of the lake, and they nodded,
glancing up at Vento on the ridge. They grew still, and I could sense them receiving information from
him through the bond.
Shifting all the way to my wolf form, I closed my eyes and tried to locate the source of my power,
deep in my chest. It was the same place I’d once tried to access the vampire magic, when I’d thought I
was part vampire. And to my surprise, there was actually an icy center to the flame of the wolf.
It was small, but it was there. I sent a quick prayer to any Goddess who might be listening, asking
that the spark of ice magic would be enough to keep me from freezing and drowning in this deep, dark
After the wolves tied several lengths of rope together and looped them securely around my waist,
I stepped carefully out onto the ice, keeping low so I didn’t get forced under the water too soon. It
creaked beneath my paws, but it held. I belly-crawled toward the center, remembering that’s where
Kana had found the box containing the Book of Ice.
She’d told me about speaking to the water elemental, Gola, and she’d described how Gola must
have traveled through underground aquifers to reach the lake from wherever she’d been before. This
meant there were openings deep in the lake bed, and that meant there could be passage to the
I reached the center of the lake, snow piled halfway up my four legs. Peering back toward Vento, I
tried to send him a question, asking what I might be looking for and prolonging the reality of needing
to get in the water.
I never heard any reply, because the ice cracked and gave way beneath me, plunging me down,
down into the icy water.
Clamping down on my instinct to open my snout or gasp for air, I locked up my limbs and allowed
myself to sink below the ice. My eyes scanned the swirling depths, looking in vain for anything out of
the ordinary. Very little light reached under the ice, though, and the bottom was too shadowy and far
away to examine.
I needed to get deeper.
My wolf coat was warm, but it was heavy, resisting the feeble attempts at my paws to tread
deeper. I needed hands and feet to kick down into the water. Gritting my teeth against the onslaught of
cold without my fur, I shifted into a human form and dove straight down, lungs already screaming at
me that I was going the wrong direction.
What was that?
Swirling darkness was drawing my attention to the left, where it was darker than the rest of the
water. But sparkling, too, like the night sky full of stars.
I swiveled and pushed deeper, my eyes bulging with the effort of searching the lake bed.
My air was gone. I was pushing forward on pure adrenaline and the terror of failure. Kicking
harder, I finally felt my fingers scrape the bottom of the lake. Grasping a large rock, I pulled myself
flush with the darkness, wriggling my legs against the sensation of tickling plants against my skin.
Oh, fuck me. That wasn’t a plant.
I turned my head just in time to see the ropes that had been secure around my wolf form slip away
into the dark water. Holy hell. My human form was smaller, and I’d just kicked off my only way out of
this lake.
Panic flooded my mind, and my mouth opened, trying to suck in oxygen that wasn’t there. I
screamed wordlessly as I tried to cough out the water, but it was too late.
I writhed and kicked desperately toward the surface, but something had caught my leg. Something
was pulling me back down, yanking me against the bottom of the lake. I fought to get away, blackness
edging into my field of vision. Then a surge of electricity jolted around my body, locking my muscles
out straight and stiff.
I felt myself being pulled through what could only be a magical barrier, even though I’d never felt
anything like it in my life. That same electrical current skimmed over my skin, popping and sizzling as
I was dropped in a heap on my hands and knees, gasping for breath.
And to my complete surprise, I was getting air. My lungs burned as I hacked up the icy water, but I
was breathing air.
Finally, I managed to raise my head and look around me. I was in some sort of cave, lined with
shimmering black stone that still looked like the night sky. There was a wide pool of water next to me,
and I gaped at the magic crackling across its surface.
Between the strands of silvery magic, I glimpsed the lake bed, and deeper in, the bottom of the ice
I’d fallen through, a patch of sky still showing beyond the jagged hole. It was like I was in an upside-
down room beneath the bottom of the lake.
Gravity was inverted, and impossibly, the lake bed was on the opposite side of the floor of this
cave. My mind spun trying to take it all in.
“Who are you?” a female voice hissed behind me, and I whipped toward it, shifting halfway back
to my wolf form to hide my naked vulnerability.
A woman stood before me, tall and regal. She was beautiful and looked young, but somehow I
sensed she was much older than she appeared. Her hood covered her ears, though she smelled like
“Luca,” I said, coughing around the word as the rest of the water cleared my lungs. She watched
me silently with cold eyes. As I slowly acclimated to the idea that I hadn’t drowned, my body eased
up enough for me to take in more of my surroundings. Including the wall of gobbelins waiting silently
in the dark - I hadn’t noticed them before, but as my eyes adjusted, I stumbled to two feet, feeling the
fur prickle up around my waist, legs, and all the way up my back.
Fear surged through me, mixed with triumph.
I found them, I called to Vento through the wolf speak, but the words bounced like echoes in my
mind, and there was no reply. Whatever magic made that barrier was blocking mine.
Still, I’d found the gobbelins. This had to be where they were passing into Saori Sang - and they
were working with the fae, by the looks of it. But I wouldn’t be able to warn Vento or Kana unless I
got out of here alive. I straightened, measuring the woman before me.
Could I fight her? Could I be fast enough to get away, and could I make it through that magical
barrier on my own merit? It was so fucking cold down here - much worse than the water. My muscles
were still cramped up and weak from the lack of oxygen and the strain of swimming hard. And
regardless of the woman’s power, there was no way I could fight so many gobbelins.
The woman suddenly laughed, and the sound reminded me of insects scuttling across dry leaves.
“Well, Luca. You stink of shifter, but also of my son. Lachlan. Bring him home to me, wolf, and I will
consider sparing your vampire princess when I come for her city. She is what you truly want, yes?”
“Lachlan?” I repeated, my teeth chattering around the word. I knew the name, but my mind was
too fucking slow, shutting down as the extreme cold threatened to pull me below conscious thought.
Or was it the glittering magic swirling from her fingers toward me? And how did she know I wanted
Kana more than anything else in life?
“Bring Lachlan to me without delay,” she repeated, and then a blinding burst of her dark magic
shot through the air, propelling me down through the crackling magical barrier and back into the
freezing water where I tumbled head over heels. The force of her magic whipped my head forward
like a blow from a sword, stealing the last of my energy as I realized I had no idea which way was
up. I felt myself slipping down into the black nothingness of unconsciousness.
It was just too cold. Too much. Too far.
I had nothing left.
K Rush and Kas had already chosen a blood slave when they sent for me to begin our first
effort at curing the coma-like state they were in.
“I’m really glad you chose an empty room,” I said as soon as the young vampire who had led me
there was gone. The blood slave had been through enough - she didn’t need to see my father’s
gruesome laboratory or the inside of the dungeon room where Merden had done her work, either.
“We... chose a strong one,” Rush said, his lips set in a grim line. I heard the unspoken thought -
neither of them had wanted to risk beginning with Acadian, and neither of them was certain any of this
would work.
“I haven’t found any new spells,” I admitted, already feeling defeated.
“As much as I hate to admit it, I thought we might have to start with a simple reversal of what
Merden did,” Kas said, anger lacing his determined words.
“This vampire has veins full of winter rabbit blood,” Rush elaborated.
“So... you were going to drain her, then re-feed with... something like fox blood?” I asked, my
stomach turning at the idea of repeating Merden’s techniques. Just because our intentions were nobler,
it didn’t make this any less of a cruel experiment.
Kas nodded, sighing. “I questioned Jillian further, but of course, Merden never tried anything to
reverse the damage.”
“And she hasn’t woken at all?” I confirmed, touching my fingers to the girl’s wrist. She was cold,
even for a vampire. I frowned, thinking that veins full of animal blood should make her warmer.
“She’s been reportedly unconscious since before Merden fled,” Rush said.
“Well, I guess we need to start somewhere,” I agreed after a beat of silence. I had no better ideas.
Kas looked haunted as he helped Rush set up the necessary equipment for draining her blood, and
then readied the container of fox shifter blood that they must have taken from Girard’s shelves.
“Careful of the fin de vie,” I warned, although I knew they would be. If we took the final drop of
her blood by accident, she would die no matter what we filled her veins with.
The process took barely an hour, and we sat in silence the entire time, each of us lost in our own
“How long should we wait?” I asked as the last drop of fox blood drained into the girl’s arm.
“Jillian mentioned that Merden first waited several days between the steps, but that many of the
slaves were already so broken that their minds went much quicker,” Kas said, halting between the
words as though he didn’t want to say them out loud.
“Fuck, I hate her,” I murmured, sweeping a bit of the girl’s limp black hair away from her face.
“I suspect the guards were engaging in their own brands of torture with anyone captured,” Rush
added in a low voice. I winced, thinking of the sexual assault Jax had tried to describe. My heart
would always hurt for the cruelty they had faced, just for being childhood friends with me.
“There is no fate in this world horrific enough for that woman,” Kas said, turning away and
walking to the room’s window. It was one of the vacant nobles’ rooms, and I was surprised they’d
found the space.
“How are the others? In the ballroom?” I asked Rush, needing to pass the time without thinking
about how much I wanted to kill Merden. I’d been thinking of little else for a decade.
“Nearly all the injured citizens are recovering, some faster than others. The ice wolves sustained
remarkably few injuries from the gobbelins, and they have preferred to tend their wounds outside the
palace. The vampires seem less threatened with that, as well.” He continued to describe a few odd
cases, his voice soothing me without asking anything back. I leaned into him, thanking him silently,
and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.
The girl on the bed began to cough, and we snapped to attention.
Her eyes were still closed, but choking coughs racked her thin body, growing worse and worse
each second.
“Can we sedate her?” I cried, scanning the room. But this was Haret, not an emergency room on
Earth. We had very little medical equipment and no mage to make potions for pain.
Rush laid hands on her chest, his energy magic pulsing in golden waves through her skin, but his
eyes met mine. His expression told me the worst.
“Her body is rejecting the blood,” I guessed, and he nodded.
The girl’s coughs grew more violent, and blood began to bubble between her lips. Kas moaned
wordlessly as more blood streamed from behind her closed eyelids, and the veins on her wrists split
wide again, soaking the bandages we’d just placed.
We all watched helplessly as the girl quickly bled out on the bed before us, soaking the blanket in
And we were equally helpless as the mist swirled into the room, silent and inevitable. It floated
across her body, dissolving flesh and bone and accepting her spirit into its gray depths.
“She’s with your ancestors now. At peace, without pain,” Rush whispered, and I knew he was
trying to help. The poor girl deserved peace, of course.
But she deserved to live even more.
“Fuck!” Kas shouted, tossing the empty blood container and all our instruments against the walls
in a crash and clatter of rage. He stormed out of the room, and I thought it was better not to follow him
Then again, he was probably headed to Jillian’s cell, and I didn’t trust him not to kill her after
I vaulted over the mess and sprinted down the hall after him.
“Kassian!” I yelled down the corridor, ignoring the stares of several vampires who had been
wandering the halls. Opening up my speed, I quickly overtook him, grabbing him by the arms and
shoving him against the stone wall.
“Let me go, Kana - I’m going to cut it out of her if I have to,” he cried, fighting against my hold.
For several seconds, we scuffled. He threw rage-blind punches and slashed at me with open fangs.
But I was faster, and I was stronger.
“We will solve this. But not like this, Kas. Not like this. We’re still in the Trials,” I panted,
subduing him in a chokehold. Thank the Goddess we’d turned down a narrow, empty hall where no
curious vampires could watch their future queen and king try to claw each other to pieces.
Kas gave up his fight all at once, slumping down into my arms with a sob.
“Ren,” he heaved. “I owe him this much, Kana.”
“We will help them, I promise. I just... I just have to learn more. We can keep them alive, Kas.
When I get the Ancient Magic, I can heal them. I know it. But we have to wait - we can’t subvert the
rules of the Trial.” I was rambling, and he was barely listening, lost in his own grief and guilt.
I hated the words falling out of my mouth, too. Why would the mist give me a taste of the magic,
but withhold the necessary pieces to truly help people? All I’d learned was more ways to kill. Surely
our Ancient Magic could heal as well as destroy.
If the vampires’ only true power was destruction, I didn’t want it back in Saori Sang.
Like the spring after winter, only after destruction can the rebirth begin, a sinuous female voice
echoed in my mind. Khione.
Clutching Kas to my chest while he raged through his emotions, I called to the Goddess living in
my veins. She’d been silent too long.
Can you help us? Surely, not everything must be destroyed all the way to death. Haven’t these
slaves already been destroyed enough? Where’s their rebirth? Don’t they deserve that, at least?
I knew my own rage was filtering into my words, and I hoped Khione wasn’t the type to exact
vengeance on the very person who was hosting her. We needed to work together, just like the mist and
I had.
Better, actually.
The mist only gave me the answers it wanted to, regardless of how many questions I asked.
Khione? Please. Help us, I begged her in my mind. Kas’s rage had begun to quiet, and he buried
his face deeper against my neck, seeking quiet comfort now.
Go read the book again. I will try, the Goddess promised after a moment of silence. And for
once, her voice wasn’t filled with daggers of solid ice.
K I tried to coax more from the Book of Ice for hours.
Rush had commandeered Kas to help him care for more of the palace’s newest residents,
keeping him distracted. Valanga and Blaise had reported no further gobbelin activity since the last
fight. The mist hadn’t been active enough to notice its presence, and I’d heard nothing from Nicolas,
or from Luca and Vento.
So I took advantage of the reprieve and holed myself up in my room - the new one - and flipped
the pages of that infernal spell book forward and backward, willing more words to appear with every
scrap of hope I had left and every bit of magic I knew.
“Fucking empty!” I yelled after I’d been at it for hours, slamming the book closed and barely
resisting throwing it across the room. Even Khione was silent in my head.
I was beginning to fear that even if I gained more spells, maybe the ice magic simply wasn’t made
to counter the blood magic Merden wielded. I knew even less about the power she’d discovered. It
had been forbidden and forgotten longer than anyone I knew had been alive, and there were no books
on blood magic in the palace - we’d searched all the likely places. Merden’s and Girard’s rooms had
been cleaned out, and the lab and libraries held nothing suspicious.
The only clues we had were the vast collection of different blood types in the lab, and the state of
the unconscious slaves.
Ice magic could certainly destroy a mind and even force an action if the vampire was strong
enough, but I’d never known it to hold a mind endlessly captive the way the blood slaves seemed to
be, locked away from the world and whatever was happening to them. A mage’s potion could keep
them this way, but I’d never known one to last so long. It had to be the blood magic.
Part of me knew it was a blessing that the slaves might not be aware of how they’d been treated,
but now that they were safe, this was no way to live.
Just as I’d gotten to my feet to begin pacing again, grumbling to myself, my bedroom door opened.
“I can feel your mind spinning from the hallway,” Kas said, raising his eyebrows at me as he
stepped inside, master of his emotions again. Rush was right behind him, and something in me
steadied at the sight of them both.
“Nothing is working,” I grumbled, gesturing to the closed book on the bed.
“Your energy is nearly depleted, love. As your prophet, I must predict that if you don’t replenish,
horrible things might happen.” Rush grinned to show me he was teasing, but there was a glint in his
eyes that told me he was also serious about the suggestion.
“Yeah, take a break, princess. Things are somehow under control and stable right now - take
advantage of it before something else goes wrong,” Kas said.
I snorted a laugh. “Optimism at its best. But maybe you’re both right. The new moon isn’t for three
days - the mist won’t call the final Trial before then. We have eyes on everything we can, right?” I
asked, and they both nodded.
“Valanga is superb, and Blaise has agreed to watch the blood slaves for a while,” Rush added.
“Besides... I may have taken a bit of time to explore the palace earlier and put my special stamp on
your home.”
It was my turn to raise my eyebrows. When had he found time to do that? “This place hasn’t felt
like home in a long time,” I said with a sigh, instead of asking where he’d found the energy to
“It will,” Rush assured me, reaching for my hands. “Now. Will you give in to your prophet’s
advice, love?”
Relenting, I let him pull me into the hall. Kas trailed close behind as Rush wove a path through
back hallways and concealed staircases, proving he really had explored well. Then again, he’d spent
years here as Saint Laurent, able to glamor himself invisible.
My heart beat faster when we arrived at the bottom of a staircase in a far corner of the palace. “I
know where this leads,” I whispered. Nicolas, Cade, Luca, and I had once used this empty tower for
our mischief - and it held a few more recent memories as well. Of all the places in the palace Rush
could have chosen, this tower really was the most mine.
I turned to smile up at him, and he gave a small bow as Kas unlocked the carved wooden door.
Rush pulled me up the ancient stairs, and as we rose, I began to smell impossible spring flowers
and hear the trickling of water that had no business being on top of a tower.
“Oh my Goddess,” I breathed, as my fae opened the door to the tower balcony, revealing a true
fairy bower under the stars.
He’d somehow rearranged the world to look like we were in a small clearing in an enchanted
forest, with lush, glossy blossoms open to the night air and springy moss beneath my feet. Vines
crawled up the tower walls and dripped overhead, twining around the railing to enclose us even
more. A tiny brook sprang from nowhere in the side of the wall, shining and bubbling as it wound
through the moss, cascading over the edge of the balcony into the air.
“All for my Lady of the Night,” Rush said, giving me a lopsided grin.
“This is beautiful,” I said, letting him pull me down onto the moss. He knelt to remove my boots,
motioning for Kas to sit behind me. They were working so well together that it was obvious they’d
made a plan before finding me, and I was here for it.
Rush slid my loose tunic over my head, baring my breasts to the moons above. “Relax, love. Let
your body be still while I clear and balance your energy.”
I eyed the fae as Kas pulled me down onto my back with my head in his lap. I debated whether to
ask if that was a new way of saying orgasm, but a different sort of moan left my lips when Rush began
to massage the soles of my bare feet. Relaxing took zero effort as Kas and Rush slowly finished
undressing me, massaging each muscle as it was revealed to the sweetly-scented night air.
“Pleasure - a kind of love - is always more powerful than fear,” Rush counseled in a soft,
soothing voice as he produced a bottle of warming oil. He poured a generous amount into my thief’s
hands, then more into his own. “But there is more to pleasure than sex. Do you remember your first
assignment from me? To find desire in small doses. Tonight, let pleasure flow through you like the
river, fortifying and quenching, rather than the crashing, sucking waters of orgasm.”
Kas smoothed the oil over my shoulders and down my arms, the silky warmth enveloping me like
a blanket of finest satin. After a speech like that, I was open to anything my men were ready to give
Rush began to do the same motion with his palms on my legs, their hands reaching toward each
other in the middle as though they were brushing all the energy toward my heart. Rush began to speak
softly, guiding me deeper under his special kind of spell.
“Close your eyes and breathe deeply, imagining your breath comes from the ground, through the
soles of your feet. Up your body, through each magical center, and flows out through the top of your
head. The magic of Haret’s land, flowing through your body.”
Kas began to massage the oil into my temples, then my scalp as I breathed in and out, visualizing
what Rush asked.
“Now, reverse the magic. Breathe from the top of your head, bringing in the magic of the triple
moons and letting it flow down through your limbs and out of your feet. You connect the land to the
sky. You are the conduit of power. Root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, crown.” Rush
touched each of my energy centers as he named them from bottom to top, pressing his palms into my
I gasped, feeling the energy surging beneath his touch, responding to his fae magic and my own
focusing. He drew the power up from the mossy ground, into the soles of my feet and up through each
swirling part of my body, then out of the crown of my head and back again in reverse.
“I feel it,” I whispered, my body feeling lighter and stronger than I’d felt in a long time. Resilient.
Supported. I was the magic of Haret’s quiet land and night sky. It was lush, dark, and sparkling with
hidden possibility, just like the forest at midnight under full moon energy.
In my mind’s eye, the darkness of my vampire ice magic glittered with crystals of power, and I
began to see how Khione fit so perfectly within my power. She enhanced it, shaped it, and pushed it
higher the way the winter wind tore through the mountain peas.
She’d chosen to incarnate in me, and I’d agreed to host her, but so far, I hadn’t really invited her
to show me what she could do. We’d taken turns, but we hadn’t really worked together yet.
“Release,” Rush said, his hands sliding up and down my body, linking the energy together in a
column of power within me. I felt both hollow and filled with magic at the same time - I was the
“Your skin...” Kas murmured, his voice laced with a hint of wonder and an undertone of fear. I
wanted to look, to see what he saw, but my eyes felt pinned shut, all my focus on the energy rocking
back and forth in my body. My skin felt cooler than even a vampire’s skin should, but it wasn’t
“The Goddess rises in you. Welcome, Khione,” Rush said softly. “Release her, Kana. Feel her
power unleash. She was bound to you for a reason - let the magic follow your intentions.”
I let go even more of my instinctive tight control, feeling the dizzying, biting cold of Khione’s
power welling up inside me. My intentions were to heal the slaves. To survive, and help my people
But that wasn’t what burst from my body when Khione finally stepped forward.
A cry bled from my mouth as my muscles clenched in freezing pain, trying to pull back her
influence. My eyes flew open in time to see the gorgeous flowers Rush had created wither and die
under an icy wind that seemed to blow from somewhere deep within me.
“I’m so sorry, Rush!” I cried, trying to sit up, but he pressed harder against my chest, right over
my heart.
“Trust her,” he begged, and his eyes rolled back enough that I feared he was seeing another
prophecy. I stopped struggling against him, my hands grasping his and my eyes finding Kas above me.
He looked like he was on the edge of panic, barely stopping himself from reacting.
And my skin... he was right. I looked down at my naked body, gaping at the deep black of my skin,
laced all over with icy blue veins that gleamed and shimmered in the night.
I was another creature. I was no longer myself, and that scared me more than any gobbelin ever
Rush wanted my intentions, but it looked like Khione had her own to manifest. I couldn’t control
her, and that terrified me.
Wrenching myself from the clinging fingers of my men, I scrambled to my feet. The frozen moss
broke beneath my feet, crunching into dust as I backed away from Rush. The stream was a slick
dagger spearing through the brittle leaves.
“Something isn’t right. Th-this is too much,” I stammered, shaking my head and regretting the
destruction Khione had spread across my beautiful gift from Rush.
I wanted to believe in the metaphor of winter giving birth to spring, but looking at the death
spread around me, life seemed so far away. How could rebirth come from this ruined garden?
Ignoring Rush and Kas calling after me, I turned and sped down the tower stairs, fleeing blindly
through the halls until I found the one place I’d been too cowardly to spend time in. Locking Khione’s
power tightly back in my chest, I opened the door to my old bedroom, where we’d brought Acadian
once he seemed stable, hiding him from any more harm.
He slept there like one of the silent princesses of Earth’s fairy tales, but no kiss from me had been
able to wake him.
Climbing into the bed with Cade, I wrapped my chilled, shivering body in a thick blanket and
huddled against my aima, whispering promises that I would find a way to free his mind from the
frozen, blank world it lived in. I wouldn’t let Khione shatter what was left of him, in the hopes that
something might one day grow again.
Acadian had survived enough experiments. I wouldn’t let him suffer another.
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
being used, of which her bunkers can take seventy-three tons. The
Tartar’s record was broken by the destroyer Swift, 345 feet in length
with a displacement of 1800 tons, and having quadruple turbine
engines giving her a speed of 36 knots.
The cruiser Invincible, launched by Armstrongs at Elswick in April
1907, is a first-class armoured cruiser 530 feet in length and of
17,250 tons displacement, and has turbine engines of an equivalent
horse-power of 40,000 and a speed of 25 knots.

Photo. G. West & Son.

H.M.S. “Lord Nelson.”

Photo. G. West & Son.

H.M.S. “Invincible,” Armoured Cruiser.

The construction of warships has resolved itself into a struggle to

attain an ever-increasing speed combined with offensive power and
great range of action, and warships of varying types have been
produced with startling rapidity, so that one powerful vessel after
another has been evolved, each superseding its predecessor in
some degree, until there are “Dreadnoughts” and “Super-
Dreadnoughts” carrying guns and armour and possessing a speed
undreamt of a few years ago. Among smaller vessels, torpedo-boats,
destroyers, scouts, cruisers of various classes, commerce
destroyers, cruiser-battleships, and submarines now take their
places in the nation’s fleet. There is no telling in what direction the
next development will be. The battle of the boilers has played an
important part in the development of the warship, and it is safe to say
that had this struggle not taken place to produce a boiler which
should give a great pressure of steam quickly, the speed of the
warship as now known would not have been attainable. Twin screws
are succeeded by triple screws, and these are to be followed by
quadruple screws.
The second-class protected cruiser Bristol, launched at Messrs.
John Brown and Co.’s Clydebank establishment in February last, is
of special interest as she embodies the introduction of yet another
method of propulsion. When it became known that an experiment
was to be made there was some speculation as to whether the gas
system was to be tried, as the experiments in the gunboat Rattler are
understood to have been successful, and it is well known that more
than one engineering firm has been giving attention to the subject.
The Rattler experiments did not prove that the requisite power could
be developed by the method, and the Bristol experiment is an
installation of the “Brown-Curtis” turbine, this vessel being the first of
recent years for the British Navy in which Parsons turbines have not
been placed. She is of 4850 tons displacement and is to have a
speed of 25 knots. Four sister ships, also building, are fitted with
Parsons turbines. The Bristol will have twelve Yarrow water-tube
boilers, and the furnaces will use either coal or oil. Two other British
warships, one an improved Bristol, are to be fitted with Curtis
turbines, besides vessels for other Powers, and another experiment
which will be watched with considerable interest is the combination
of Parsons and Curtis turbines proposed to be placed in the 32-knot
destroyers under construction for the Argentine Government by
Cammell, Laird and Co.
Foreign Governments, the French especially, have made many
experiments in warship building and designing, for the attempts to
develop fixed types have failed in this country as elsewhere, as the
type has been generally superseded almost before the specimen
vessel has been completed. This was particularly the case with the
turrets when first introduced. The barbette system has descended
from it, and in turn has been subjected to numerous changes. The
amount of sail carried by modern gunboats and cruisers, if any, is
reduced to the smallest quantity, the masts being little else than
signalling poles; while in the big battleships and cruisers the masts,
which were at one time of the “military” pattern and were used as
hoists for ammunition, being made hollow and of large diameter for
the purpose, have in their turn given way to skeleton masts and
tripods, and combinations of the two, of a strictly utilitarian character.
The bringing down of a mast, fitted for wireless telegraphy, at the first
round in some firing practice recently, showed that naval architects
have not yet reached the last word in the development, or
diminution, of the masts.
Some exceedingly powerful battleships have been built in this
country for foreign nations, among the latest being the Minas
Geraes, by Armstrongs on the Tyne, for Brazil, which represents all
that is most modern in the construction of a warship, this vessel and
her sister being two of the most powerful battleships ever designed.
They show, too, what private yards can accomplish.

The “Minas Geraes,” Brazilian Navy.

Many of the vessels which defeated the Russians at the battle of
Tsushima were built in this country. Both Germany and Japan, which
were among Britain’s best customers for warships, now depend,
entirely in the case of Germany and almost entirely in that of Japan,
upon their own shipbuilding yards. The Germans have been building
warships of the “Dreadnought” class and making such improvements
as they thought suited to their needs, and of late years have been
producing a number of vessels equal in power and speed to the
British ships, and, if some people are right, of even greater fighting
capacity in every way. The rise of Germany to the position of a first-
rate Naval Power has been rapid, and the sacrifices the country has
made to obtain its magnificent Navy have been great.
The American Navy has developed in its own way. The naval
architects of the United States have been unfettered by the traditions
of the navies of other countries and their products have been
remarkable for the number of vessels designed to meet special
circumstances. This was particularly the case during the Civil War,
when all sorts of steamers, from excursion boats to tugs, were
pressed into service, and many gave an exceedingly good account
of themselves. A remarkable vessel which was expected to
revolutionise naval warfare was the Destroyer, in which a special
make of dynamite gun was fixed, but it was hopelessly outranged by
other guns. The opposition to steam in the Navy was as bitter in
America as in this country when the innovation was first proposed.
James Kirke Paulding, a member of Van Buren’s Cabinet in 1837,
disliked steamers so much that he wrote that he would “never
consent to see our grand old ships supplanted by these new and
ugly sea-monsters”; and elsewhere he wrote “I am steamed to
In 1858 the American naval architect, John Willis Griffiths, built to
the order of the American Government the gunboat Pawnee, which
was fitted with twin screws and a drop bilge to increase the stability
at the least expenditure of engine-power. The Pawnee carried a
frigate’s battery, but it is stated to have drawn only ten feet of water.
He also, in 1866, designed and constructed triple screws for great
The United States decided upon a very powerful Navy a few years
ago, and sent a splendid fleet on a tour round the world as an object-
lesson. As it is contended that the life of a battleship as a fighting
unit of the first class is only fifteen years, an extensive modernising
process has been going on. The sister ships Kentucky and
Kearsarge were constructed with superimposed turrets, two fore and
two aft, the lower turrets having two 13-inch guns and the upper
turrets two 8-inch guns each, but this method of placing the turrets
has not commended itself to naval architects of other countries, and
has not been repeated in the American Navy.
The warships Wilmington, Kearsarge, Missouri, Arkansas, West
Virginia, Charleston, Virginia, North Carolina, and Delaware are
among those built by the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock
Company, and several have been constructed by Messrs. Cramp at
Philadelphia and by the Union Iron Works at San Francisco.
The battleship of the future, in the opinion of one eminent
shipbuilder at least, will be very different from existing types. Messrs.
Vickers, Sons, and Maxim, who are no mean authorities on warship
construction, were stated recently to have been engaged in
elaborating plans for a mastless vessel, propelled by a system of gas
machinery, without funnels or other deck obstructions, of a greater
speed than any warship afloat, and able to fire ten 12-inch guns on
either broadside and six of them either right ahead or astern, without
counting a number of smaller guns. Such a vessel would be
propelled by four screws.
Photo. G. West & Son.

The “Kearsarge,” U.S. Navy.

Photo. G. West & Son.

The “San Francisco,” U.S. Navy.

Tugs — Cargo-boats — Floating Docks — Ferries — Icebreakers — Yachts —
Eccentricities of Design — Conclusion

ot the least important of the types of steamers which

throng the ports of the world—or which used to do
so, for their number is decreasing—is the tugboat. Up
to a few years ago it played a most important part in
the work of a port; every sailing ship entering port
usually engaged the services of a tug; many ports,
like that of London, could not be entered at all by a
large sailing ship without the services of “a fair wind ahead,” as
sailors often call the tug, and in the waters outside the Port of
London the tugboats found one of the best “pitches” in their
business. To be towed safely into port might mean a saving of many
days in avoiding the waiting for a wind. The tug was equally useful to
a ship leaving port, as she might not only tow her into the open sea,
but might even take her right out of sight of land altogether, in
helping her along until a favourable slant of wind was met. At ports
like Liverpool sailing-ship masters often, when wind and tide were
favourable, brought their ships into port under full sail without a tug,
though probably three or four of them kept her company in the hope
that their services would be required, as they generally were when
the time came to enter dock.
Nowadays sailing ships are few in number and are becoming
fewer, and steamers seldom require aid. They enter and leave port
under their own steam and even at times dispense with a tug when
passing through the dock entrance, their own steam or a steam
capstan ashore being found sufficient.
But a certain amount of towing has still to be done, and the tug is
then able to prove herself indispensable. She has often to tow a ship
from one coast port to another, while for rescue work on the coast
their services mean all the difference between success and failure. A
lifeboat is towed to a wreck or vessel in danger. The tug, which has
perhaps been several hours fighting her way forward against a
howling gale and a terrific sea which threatens to overwhelm her,
then stands by, and a paragraph in the papers to that effect is about
all the recognition she gets, yet the perils undergone by the men on
the tug are no less real than those of the lifeboatmen. Year in and
year out the tugs pursue their calling, and it must indeed be bad
weather that will induce a tugboat captain to seek the shelter of a
harbour if his bunkers are fairly full and he sees a chance of doing
The feats performed by some tugs are extraordinary. They will
undertake a voyage of a few thousand miles as serenely as one of
as many yards. Cleopatra’s needle, in its strange cylinder ship, was
towed to this country, after being lost adrift in the Bay of Biscay, by a
well-known London tug. Among the most remarkable recent feats
are the towing of immense unwieldy floating docks from this country
to South American west-coast ports; it is not too much to say that a
tug-owner will cheerfully undertake to tow anything that will float from
any one seaport to any other.
The cargo steamer until ten or fifteen years ago possessed no
special features. It was simply a big box carrying propelling
machinery and as much cargo as possible on the smallest attainable
registered tonnage. Such vessels were usually loaded and
discharged by the necessary machinery on the quay side, while if the
transfer of cargo had to be to or from barges alongside, the
operation was likely to be tediously performed by means of a derrick
or two, or a gaff with tackle that might or might not be worked by a
steam-winch. The increasing size of vessels and the use of steel for
steamer building rendered imperative the adoption of faster
methods, and the demands for special steamers adapted for
particular trades brought about the development in cargo steamers
of special types. These types have to a very large extent taken the
trade away from the steamer of the “tramp” class, which wandered
from port to port taking cargoes of anything or everything from
anywhere to anywhere. They were usually slow and uncomfortable
boats and the complaints made as to the condition of some of them
were fully justified. The demand for better cargo accommodation was
met by the supply of vessels of various types which are a
tremendous advance upon the old “tramp,” and their advent
compelled the builders of ordinary cargo carriers to produce a better
and larger steamer in every way, and fitted with modern appliances
for the rapid and satisfactory handling of cargo.
The cargo “tramps,” built about 1902, were on an average about
350 feet long, 2800 tons gross and 4000 tons dead weight. In build
they were of the poop, bridge, and forecastle deck type with main
deck below the upper deck, and fitted with double bottoms. The
appliances for working cargo are extraordinarily complete and
effective. To each hatch there are usually two winches and two
derricks, having 5 tons lift each, with, as a rule, a heavy derrick
capable of lifting from 20 to 30 tons; the last is portable, so that it can
be used at either of the two main hatches. Cathead davits have been
dispensed with as, with stockless anchors, they are not required
owing to the anchors stowing up the hawse pipes. Officers, &c., are
berthed in deckhouses built on the bridge deck, leaving the bridge
’tween deck clear for cargo. Electric light and steam-heating are
fitted to all rooms, advantages not enjoyed by older boats.
About the year 1904 the shelter-deck type reached its present
stage of perfection, the advantage of this type being increased cargo
capacity on a small net tonnage. The accommodation of officers and
engineers is fitted in midship deckhouses and side houses. Much
more attention is now paid to the ventilation of the holds and ’tween
decks, more especially in coal-carriers, where efficient ventilation is
of the highest importance. The adoption, within very recent years, of
wide-spaced pillars in holds and ’tween decks has greatly improved
the facilities for stowage of large cargo.
The four desiderata of a modern cargo-boat are that she should
have a low registered tonnage in comparison with her capacity,
ample water-ballast tanks, large hatchways, and holds as free from
obstruction as possible. Three or four methods are practised by
builders for attaining these objects, and every builder has made
modifications of them as time has shown the necessity of the
changes to meet varying trade conditions.
The principal types of cargo vessels are the turret, trunk,
cantilever, and side tank.
The earlier modern ocean-going steamers were usually flush-
decked. This left the machinery openings bare in the deck, so a
bridge was added for their protection, and the flush deck was further
encroached upon by the addition of a forecastle and poop. In some
cases the quarter deck was raised, which was an awkward
arrangement on account of the change it necessitated in the
structure and framing, and in others the bridge and poop were
joined. What is sometimes called the “three island” type, a very
appropriate name in rough weather when the steamer takes a sea
on board, came into great favour; it consists of a forecastle, bridge,
and poop, and many vessels of considerable size have been built in
that style. The cattle trade was responsible for some important
changes in design, the “wells” where the cattle are carried being
given iron and steel shelters, which thus form the shelter decks, a
type of light deck introduced into the superstructure of most ocean-
going steamers.
The secret of the turret steamer is strength without unnecessary
weight. Every ton of steel that can be kept out of a ship without
reducing her strength adds a ton to her carrying capacity. This object
is partly achieved in the turret steamer by the large amount of
flanging adopted in the construction of these vessels. This is shown
in the whole of the sheer strake and stringer plates, in the deck and
frames of the cellular bottom work, and with great success in the
joggled plating of the hull. Since 1895, when the Doxfords introduced
a new method of rolling ships’ plates with joggled edges, they have
built all their vessels under this system, making “packing”
unnecessary. The turret gives longitudinal strength in the hull and
leaves the hold clear. The strength is so great that in a steamer in
which, by the substitution of deep for ordinary frames, all internal
supports, beams, and girders are dispensed with, a clear hold is
obtained. The firm claims that 58 cubic feet per ton dead weight
under hatches is secured against 52 to 54 cubic feet per ton in the
ordinary type. Thus the turret carries more on a given displacement,
and having a lower registered tonnage, can earn more freight and
save expenses. There are several designs of turret steamers
adapted to different trades. Their suitability for bulk cargo, such as
coal, or for large and heavy packages, is evident, while other types
are equally suitable as passenger steamers, not a few lines having
adopted them. Another advantage is that deck cargoes of wood can
be carried with perfect safety on the turrets. Some of the cargo-boats
designed for the ore and coal trade have their machinery right aft,
and their holds are absolutely clear of obstruction of any kind
whatever. Many of these are mastless but are fitted with twin
derricks, a 10,000-ton boat carrying as many as seven pairs. The
first of the mastless type was the Teucer. Convention fixed the depth
of hold at about 15 feet, but now a depth of 26 feet and more is
becoming fairly common. All cargo vessels are built on the box-
girder system, which ensures great strength and capacity, and
permits of enormous hatchways, and marine engineers have solved
the problem of providing greater speed without additional expense.
Messrs. Doxford, in their latest attempt to solve the problem of the
easily-shifting cargo in bulk, proposed that vessels intended for this
trade should have inner upright walls fitted some distance from the
hull, and so arranged that when the vessel is heeled over within the
usual range of inclinations of a vessel at sea, the weight of the cargo
and the buoyancy create a restoring couple in all conditions of
loading. The spaces between the cargo-hold and the outer shell may
be left empty or used for water-ballast as required. In some
instances the bottom is reduced in depth as much as the loading
regulations will allow.
Among the more notable features of recent years in cargo-boats
specially adapted for the coal, iron ore, and other dead-weight trades
is the patent cantilever framed type of steamer built by Sir Raylton
Dixon and Co., Ltd., Cleveland Dockyard, Middlesbrough, on the
Harroway and Dixon patents. This type of boat has the advantage of
having totally unobstructed holds with very large hatchways and an
additional 75 per cent. water-ballast, which is placed in the tanks
inside the cantilever construction at the top of the holds under the
deck. In these steamers the space on either side and under the
decks is used for water-ballast, which is carried in triangular tanks at
either side of the vessel, immediately beneath the main deck. The
tanks extend from the coamings to the sides of the ship, the greatest
side of the triangle being towards the cargo and supported by the
cantilever framing; the tank framing and plating increase the strength
of the hull materially. The sloping topsides thus formed prevent bulk
cargo shifting. An advantage to the owner is that the tanks are
exempt from tonnage measurement. When these tanks are filled with
water and also the lower and peak tanks the vessel is seaworthy
even if the cargo-space is empty.
This additional water-ballast has the special merit of immersing the
ship deeper when in ballast only, consequently giving more power to
the propeller and rendering the ship more manageable when light, as
well as supplying unique security in case of damage, for when one of
these boats is loaded and the topside tanks are empty, they
correspond to the air tanks of a lifeboat and thus prevent the ship
from sinking.
These vessels in some cases have been fitted with shelter decks
right fore and aft for the carriage of cattle and horses, and indeed
would be suitable for passenger service, for which the very easy
rolling movement would be a great recommendation.
This type of vessel has been on the market for about four years
and already some 200,000 tons have been built. One of the largest
steamers built on this plan is the Echunga, 405 feet long, 56 feet
beam, and 28 feet 8 inches moulded depth. She was built in 1908 for
the Adelaide Steamship Company. Her net register is 2245 tons, her
dead-weight capacity 8400 tons, and her measurement 11,000 tons.
Her topside tanks contain 1350 tons, and her total water-ballast is
3200 tons.
In the steamers built by Messrs. William Gray and Co., Ltd., of
West Hartlepool, water-ballast is carried not only in the double
bottoms but in side tanks, the inner skin of the double bottoms being
carried a considerable distance up the sides. A hull within a hull is
thus formed, the intervening space being used as water-ballast
tanks. Not the least advantage is the great additional strength the
ship is given. The trunk system of shipbuilding adopted by Messrs.
Ropner and Sons, Ltd., of Stockton-on-Tees, differs from the turret
by having a double wall on each side, and has not the rounded turret
base. The steamer Thor, built for a Norwegian owner, has only one
hold, no less than 250 feet in length, the engines being placed aft.
Messrs. R. Craggs and Sons, Ltd., of Middlesbrough, have made
a speciality of building tankers, and were the designers and
contractors for the first ocean steamer to load oil in bulk. Their
stringerless system of construction is, they claim, the last word in
transverse framing, and has numerous advantages for single-deck
During the last three years three distinct innovations in steam-ship
construction have been made. All three are of a revolutionary
character, and two are likely to have no small influence upon the
construction of both passenger and cargo steamers, while the third is
of great importance for the rapid loading and discharging of coal and
ore cargoes. The first of these is the Isherwood system of
longitudinal ship construction, in which the transverse frame as
ordinarily understood is dispensed with, but deep transverse web
frames are placed at intervals of 15 to 18 feet apart and extending
right round the ship, forming both frame and beam together. These
frames are intersected by longitudinal frames consisting of sections
of convenient form, preferably bulb angles, spaced about 20 to 30
inches apart, just as transverse frames are under the ordinary
system. The fore and aft frames are fitted beneath the deck also,
and are spaced from 30 to 50 inches apart. In the double bottom the
fore and aft girders are formed of plates and angles.
The first general cargo vessel on this plan was the Craster Hall,
launched in February 1908 by Messrs. William Hamilton and Co.,
Ltd., Port Glasgow. Her length is 392 feet 6 inches; breadth, 50 feet;
depth, 29 feet to the upper deck; dead weight, 7300 tons.

The “Monitoria.”
The “Iroquois” and the “Navahoe.”

Two oil-tankers, the Paul Paix and Gascony, have been built by
Messrs. Craggs and Sons on this system. One of them grounded off
Calais with a cargo of oil or benzine on board, and on being dry-
docked for examination was found to have no damage to her plates
whatever. All the steamers built on the Isherwood plan have a
marked absence of vibration even when running light.
The corrugated steam-ship Monitoria, launched in the summer of
1909 by Messrs. Osbourne Graham and Co., Sunderland, to the
order of the Ericsson Shipping Company of Newcastle-on-Tyne, is
another departure from accepted ideas. She is an ordinary “tramp”
steamer so far as dimensions and engine-power go; her only
difference, and it is an important one, is that she has two
corrugations running along each side between bilge and load water-
line, and extending from the turn of the bow to the turn of the quarter.
These corrugations do not project very greatly, but according to the
inventor, they so affect the stream and wave action around and
under the vessel that a source of wasted energy is prevented, and
more power becomes available for propulsion. The Monitoria’s
dimensions are: length, 288 feet 6 inches over all; breadth, 39 feet
10¹⁄₂ inches; the breadth over the corrugations is nearly 42 feet. The
space for bulk cargoes is greater than on her sister ships by the
cubic contents of the corrugations, but the tonnages remain
unaltered. As a sea-going ship it was found that the corrugations
made her much steadier, acting as though they were bilge keels, and
that the coal consumption was less, notwithstanding that she made
faster time than her sister vessels under precisely similar conditions.

The “Monitoria”: Transverse Section.

The third innovation is the application of the belt-conveyor

principle to a collier. The steamer Pallion, in which the machinery is
installed, is equipped throughout with twin belt conveyors which,
travelling fore and aft the vessel in a space under the cargo, carry
the cargo towards the stern, whence it is carried on other belts at the
front of the poop for delivery. The latter belts are carried on swivel
booms which can be raised or lowered or moved sideways, so that
the cargo is delivered direct by the belts into railway trucks on the
quay or into barges, and the operation can be conducted at the rate
of 250 tons an hour on each side of the vessel simultaneously.
Under this system no shoots are used, and there is no handling of
the coal. The Pallion requires only about six hours to discharge a full
cargo with six men, as against over a hundred men and eleven
hours in the ordinary way. Her water-ballast tanks can be emptied or
filled as fast as the cargo is placed in her or taken out. She was built
by the Doxford firm at Sunderland for a Newcastle Shipping
The carrying of petroleum in bulk has spread enormously of late
years in both steamers and sailing vessels specially designed for the
purpose. In all such vessels the method of the subdivision of the
holds into tanks is of the greatest importance, together with that of
ventilation, and every builder and owner of such vessels has his own
theories as to the best means to be adopted. A later type of tanker
has the engines astern. A further innovation in this class of steamer
is to fit them for burning oil fuel, the two big tankers Oberon and
Trinculo having had the necessary installation placed in them last
year at Smith’s Dock, North Shields, sometimes called “the home of
tank-steamer repairing work.”
An economical method of transporting oil in bulk across the
Atlantic is adopted in the case of the steamer Iroquois, which herself
carries about 10,000 tons of oil in bulk, and also tows with her the
sailing barge Navahoe, carrying an equal quantity, one set of
engines thus doing duty for both cargoes. The Navahoe is the
largest sailing ship in the world, is schooner-rigged on all her six
masts, and is able to make her way to port in case she becomes
separated from her consort.
The floating dock is one of the most interesting of the many
developments in connection with the naval and mercantile marine of
the second half of the nineteenth century. Like all innovations,
floating docks were received with derision.
Now they have proved their worth, but circumstances are easily
conceivable in which all the marvels they have already accomplished
will be far eclipsed by what they may be called upon to do. In the
case of a naval battle, for instance, it may be a matter of impossibility
for a crippled warship to enter a dry dock, or even to get to one; but
a floating dock can be sent to meet the injured warrior and possibly
save it from going to the bottom altogether.
The floating dock is a sort of raft, and the first man who ever
hauled a boat from the water upon another boat or raft to repair, it
started the idea of the floating dock. The first real floating dock, as
the term is now understood, was probably that which was improvised
in the Baltic Sea, so tradition says, by the skipper of a vessel which
had sustained some damage in those waters. He bought an old hulk,
removed the stern, and in its place constructed a flap gate. His
vessel was then floated into the hulk, the flap gate was closed and
the water pumped out. Floating docks of this type were almost the
only kind known up to the beginning of the nineteenth century, and
are in use to-day at some ports for small yachts, fishing-boats, and
vessels of similar dimensions.
With the growing size of vessels, greater docking facilities became
necessary, and, as the commerce of the world increased and ports
were developed, demands arose for docking accommodation which
could not always be met, owing in some cases to financial
difficulties, and in others to the engineering difficulties connected
with the localities. As a solution of the problem, the floating dock, as
it is known to-day, was invented. In spite of the opposition with which
it was greeted, the new contrivance held its own, and its merits
became generally recognised.
The difficulties and the cost of constructing dry docks are very
great, and the time taken in the work may run into years; one dock,
indeed, is stated to have taken fifteen years to complete.
As an instance of rapidity of floating-dock construction, the Vulcan
Company of Stettin required a dock 510 feet long and of 11,000 tons
lifting power at short notice. The complete dock with all machinery
and fittings was launched within seven and a half months, and within
eight months and thirteen days of the inception of the project, the
dock, after being towed across the North Sea and moored in place at
its site, was sunk ready to receive its first ship. The Havana dock
was delivered at Havana within eleven months after the signing of
the contract for its construction; the actual time expended on it,
dating from the day the first plate was laid until the complete dock
was launched, was six months and a day. Both these docks are of
over 10,000 tons lifting power. How long would it have taken to
excavate and build graving docks capable of receiving vessels of the
size that these docks can accommodate?
No dry dock can take a vessel larger than itself, and in reckoning
the dimensions of a dock for receiving purposes it must be
remembered that its cill is a fixture, that the width of the entrance at
the cill must not be made greater than the strength of the structure
will permit, and that though a dock may in other respects be able to
receive a vessel it cannot do so if that vessel through any mishap
should draw as much water as that at depth of cill, or if in heeling
over, its bilges should be wider than the width of the dock entrance.
None of these drawbacks apply to the floating dock. These immense
modern structures of steel and iron can receive vessels longer than
themselves, and in the case of the off-shore docks, can receive
vessels wider than themselves.
Should a vessel be heavily down by the head or stern, a floating
dock can be tilted to lift it, and should the vessel be heeling over, the
dock itself can be inclined so that it shall receive it without difficulty.
Yet another advantage is that the floating dock can be used in any
kind of ordinary weather. Lying at its moorings it is head on to wind
and sea. The amount of surface it opposes to the direct action of
wind and sea is comparatively slight. The very massiveness of its
structure reduces longitudinal and lateral motion to a minimum,
especially when submerged. Even with a fairly heavy sea running, a
damaged and leaking vessel can be brought upon the dock where its
weight, added to that of the dock itself, makes the combined
structure additionally stiff, so that the necessary repairs can be
undertaken in safety as soon as the vessel is lifted, and with as
much ease as if the dock and its burden were in still water. Floating
docks also can be used at any state of the tide, but he would be a
rash man who attempted to warp a vessel into an ordinary dry dock
with the tide running past the entrance with any degree of strength.

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