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Name: Yuni kartika

Nime: 044081199

Assignment 2 of the Commercial English course


Please read the following situation below. Then, write an essay

consisting of 3 paragraph. Elaborate your own opinion with the
references related to the situation given.

Export and import are two things that are interrelated. Please
explain your thoughts on the export and import policy in Indonesia.
You can also add the examples to support your ideas.


Export and Import Policy in Indonesia

The export and import policy in Indonesia plays a crucial role in the
country's economic development. It is a complex system that
involves regulations, incentives, and restrictions aimed at promoting
trade and protecting domestic industries. In my opinion, a well-
designed export and import policy can have significant benefits for
Indonesia's economy, but it also needs to strike a balance between
promoting exports and safeguarding domestic industries.
Firstly, a robust export policy can help Indonesia tap into global
markets and boost its economic growth. By encouraging exports,
the country can generate foreign exchange earnings, create
employment opportunities, and attract foreign direct investment. For
example, Indonesia's palm oil industry has benefited from export
policies that have facilitated its global market presence. The
government's support in promoting palm oil exports has contributed
to the industry's growth and made Indonesia one of the largest palm
oil exporters in the world.
Secondly, an effective import policy is essential for protecting
domestic industries and ensuring their competitiveness. By
imposing import restrictions or tariffs on certain goods, the
government can shield local producers from unfair competition and
promote the growth of domestic industries. For instance, Indonesia
has implemented import restrictions on certain agricultural products
to protect local farmers and encourage self-sufficiency in food
production. These measures aim to strike a balance between
supporting domestic industries and meeting the country's import
However, it is crucial for the export and import policy to be
transparent, predictable, and consistent to provide a conducive
environment for businesses. Excessive bureaucracy, corruption,
and frequent policy changes can hinder trade and discourage
foreign investment. Therefore, the Indonesian government should
focus on improving the ease of doing business, simplifying trade
procedures, and ensuring policy stability to attract more foreign
investors and enhance the country's competitiveness in the global
In conclusion, the export and import policy in Indonesia plays a vital
role in the country's economic development. A well-designed policy
can promote exports, attract foreign investment, protect domestic
industries, and ensure a conducive business environment.
However, it is essential for the government to strike a balance
between promoting exports and safeguarding domestic industries,
while also ensuring transparency, predictability, and consistency in
the policy framework. By doing so, Indonesia can maximize the
benefits of international trade and contribute to its overall economic
growth and development.
• World Bank Group. (2021). Indonesia Economic Prospects:
Navigating the Pandemic. Retrieved from
• Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia. (2021). Export
and Import Policy. Retrieved from
• Bahasa Inggris Niaga ABDI 1420

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