Mibehaviour and Disruption by Arya Foods

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Subject: Complaint Regarding Disruption and Misconduct by Mess Contractor

Respected Sir,
I am writing to bring to your attention a concerning incident involving the conduct of the mess
contractor, Mr. Rishi Jalan which occurred on the 11th and 12th of March.
As you are aware, the mess contractor had previously requested the installation of exhaust fans in
the kitchen facilities. In response to this request, our administration promptly arranged for
workmen to carry out the installation on the aforementioned dates. However, instead of
facilitating the smooth execution of the task, the mess contractor's behavior resulted in disruption
and conflict.
It is regrettable to report that during the installation process, the mess contractor not only
obstructed the work but also engaged in an altercation with Mr. Avinash Kumar, the faculty co-
convenor of the mess committee. Furthermore, the mess contractor resorted to verbal abuse
directed at student members of the mess committee, creating a hostile environment and causing
distress to all involved.
Such behavior is entirely unacceptable and goes against the professional standards we expect
from our contractors. It not only hampers the progress of essential tasks but also undermines the
conducive atmosphere we strive to maintain within our institution.
In light of this incident, I urge you to address this matter promptly and take appropriate action to
ensure that such behavior is not repeated. Additionally, it is essential to reaffirm with the mess
contractor, Arya Foods the expectations regarding conduct and cooperation while carrying out
tasks assigned by the administration.

Mess Committee

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