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Situation 1

Barangay Talampas is a village in southern town. It is known to have many of its men
folks as wife beaters. Studies made on the dynamics of this phenomenon revealed that
men perceived dominant (including those considered "violent" behavior as indicators of
being "macho". This domestic violence inevitably also lead to child abuse. The barangay
council invited you to attend general assembly to discuss this problem.

1. When you help people in this community to identify their

common problem-develop their capacities to solve this, you are
playing the role of a*

2. As a CO worker assigned in this community in attending the

assembly, your objective will be to*
raise level of consciousness of the community on the problem
organize the women to protect themselves against further abuse
recommend sanction to abuser
refer victims to authority for filing of complains

3. What model of CO practice would appropriate in pushing for

legislative measures against domestic violence?*
social action
community development
Social planning

4. Women's rights are basically human rights. The women victims

in this barangay can therefore considered abuse in terms of their*
rights to freedom of thought and religion
right to life, liberty, security of person
right to join association
right to freedom of opinion and expressions


The correct answer is right because x, y, z

Situation 2
The Aetas of Camachile were among the victims of Mt. Pinatubo. Prior to the eruption in
1991, the resettlement was part of the area coverage of the small integrated development
approach of an NGO. This NGO is composed of young professionals who believe in holistic
approach in helping impoverished people in recognizing and exercising their power in
reshaping their destiny. The aeatas are traditionally knit. Being patriarchal, family
members are duty bound to pay respect to their elders, particularly the lame ones.
Decision making within the household is still within the father’s role although claim they
are consulted in matters concerning discipline of their children

5. The most immediate need of the aetas, being victims of Mt.

Pinatubo eruption was*
relief and rehabilitation
rebuilding of the resettlement
income and employment
communal farming

6. The aetas have a history of self-organizations. With the help of

the partner NGO, what would you consider their organization?*
civic organization
people's organization
interest group
lobby group

7. What model of CO is most appropriate in working with these

social action
social research
community development
social planning


The correct answer is right because x, y, z

8. In rehabilitation work, food for work was introduced what trait

of the aetas was tapped to undertake group projects?*
very shy
closely knit family
peace loving


The correct answer is right because x, y, z

9. With the displacement of the aetas, the following are goals

which the CO worker had discussed with the group except one.*
access to resources necessary in rebuilding the settlement
resumption of farm activities
rehabilitations plan for the community
organize the people as part of the empowerment process

Situation 3
Peace and order used to be a major problem in the area in the 1960s to the late 1970s.
Outsiders dared not to visit for fear of getting into gang fights that constantly erupted
between the northern and southern side of the community. The north side used to know
as the "Visayas island named for the place of origin of its residents. The east side
residents came from different provinces dominated by Bicolanos. Along this divisions
when gangs have been formed to lead the defense and attack the member felt necessary.
Time, however, have apparently dulled differences and memory. The gang wars gradually,
disappeared. The youth of that period could now barely recall why animosity ran so high
nor why specific fight started.

Peace and order, however, did not cease to be a concern of the community. Petty crimes
against person and property, unruly drunks and rowdy parties and open gambling are kept
to a minimum by the tanod bayan (volunteer village guard). The Tanod bayan with about
100 all male volunteers, currently has at least 7 teams that takes turns in peace keeping
specially during late nights and early mornings. Team leaders are selected and authorized
by the barangay captain. The kabataang barangay, another youth organization have about
27 members that takes on one day a week of the barangay tanod's work. The later though
is not an evely active organization at some periods there are not enough volunteers to
take turns, timing out and causing enthusiasm of the more enthusiastic. Some attribute
these periods of inactivity to times when volunteers are fully employed. Other attribute it
to team leaders who do not know how to lead or relate well with members, in some cases,
there are tanod volunteers who do not want to work with each other but in any case, it is
one area of community work where male members of the community are required to be
visible and constantly active.

10. It is apparent that this community had multifaceted problems.

But over and above solution of problems, the CO worker must
consider the following except one:*
Enhance people's human worth and dignity
Enrich knowledge and skills in problem management
Project positive image for organization
Reorient values important in a viable community life

11. Barangay council structure is often times the point of entry in

communities. In this urban poor community, the Barangay tanod is
part of the Barangay's committee.*
Dispute resolution

12. Organizing the people for the problem on peace and order, a
temporary committee may be created for the special task of studying,
planning, and taking appropriate action by the barangay council, this
is called*
Work group
Ad Hoc committee
Special task Force
Planning committee


The correct answer is right because x, y, z

Situation 4
This urban poor community, in the early 1980's teamed with people house in makeshift
shanties. Its alleys are often times dark and muddy. Families were on hand to mouth
existence. Some were recipient from dole outs from better off relatives or from the
government. There were no community facilities such as health centers, day care
centers, barangay hall, chapel. Most houses tapped power connection from nearby

Twenty years later, notable physical transformation has changed the community. The
changes were the results of many factors hut it clearly demonstrated what community
self-help meant and what it could possibly achieved, if people willed themselves into it.

13. Readiness to change could have been brought about by the

following, except one.*

14. Promotion of social and economic well-being of this area within

the time period of 3 years is an example of*


The correct answer is right because x, y, z

15. When formulating an objective for this urban poor community

the social worker is guided by her professional values example of this
are the following except one*
people have potentials and can improve their life situation given the opportunity
commitment to enhance people's total well-being in accordance with their capability
people have worth and dignity and should therefore be given due respect.
people cannot and should not be trusted

16. The following except one are some of the social and human
welfare program that addressed specific community needs*
day care center
health center
radio program

Situation 5
When the Taal volcano erupted, last year the people were confused. They gathered their
belongings and ran, not sure where they were going. Some found themselves in the
church while the other went to the highway expecting that they will be rescued. Finding
several people walking, they join the exodus. Most people were in a daze.

17. In disaster preparedness and mitigations, the objective is to*

reduce vulnerability and capability
reduce vulnerability and increase capability
increase vulnerability and capability
increase vulnerability and decrease capability


The correct answer is right because x, y, z

18. Confusion, panic, aimless walking. These are indication that the
people were not adequately prepared for this disaster. When the
volcano erupted the most immediate response should be in
coordination with local disaster coordinating council to conduct…*
search and rescue
stress debriefing
emergency feeding

19. In disaster management, families are displaced, with the

destruction of their houses, crops and other belongings. One program
that helps them build new permanent communities is*

20. When people in the community are informed of warning signals,

given evacuation drills on what to do arid where to go when disaster
strikes, we say that there is*
disaster evacuation
disaster rehabilitation
disaster mobilization
disaster preparedness

Situation 6
The landless tobacco farmers have been at the mercy of influential money lenders or
usurers for years. Each planting season they practically beg for loans to buy needed farm
inputs. Their incomes are not enough for their basic needs. It is an endless struggle for
survival. However, with the help of an NGO, they began organizing themselves into a
people's organization. They started to learn about the roots of their dependence and new
possibilities for improving their lives.

21. After the initial training and when an adequate number of people
have been attracted to their common objective, then the organization
can be formalized into a*
Political organization
civic organization
Sectoral organization

22. What do you call the initial group of people to be organized?*

pressure group
core group
lead group
interest group

23. Networking when used in working with communities has one of

the following purposes. *
maximize use of other agencies' resources
build alliances for mass actions
to ensure enough resources for your clients
to avoid committing the same mistakes as other groups have done

24. Linking clients to other resources systems require careful

handling. The following guidelines will assist in making referrals,
except one.*
make promises and reassurance about what other agencies can do in assisting
respect the client's right to self-determination but offer your recommendation as to which resource
is likely to be most beneficial
determine together what resource best matches the needs of the client
ascertain the client's readiness for a referral by eliciting his/her feelings

25. If you were the worker, you may have to present a course of
action to your supervisor regarding your new work in the community.
This would require a systematic way of mapping out your activities.
This is*
policy formulation

The correct answer is right because x, y, z

26. One type of evaluation that measures what transpired between

the people and the social worker and presents indicators of the level
of participation of people in the community.*
performance appraisal of worker
impact evaluation
outcome evaluation
process evaluation

Situation 7
In the course of your work as a community organizer in an urban poor barangay, you found
out that there are several cases of abortion among mothers in the area. The mothers are
often between the ages of 25 to 35, and have already four or more children. According to
them, they resort to abortion because their family can ill-afford to have another member.
As it is, they only eat twice a day, sometimes once a day for the children (the priority is
the breadwinner).

The women are interested in family planning but have no extra money to buy
contraceptives. Saying no when their husbands want sex is out of the question because
they are often beaten when they refuse. The abortion through hilot is not safe; the women
also tell you that some of their neighbors have died due to complications. At the local
public hospital, you also found out that vaginal bleeding and infection is one of the most
common cases in the emrgency room. The medical personnel suspect it is from an
abortion and some doctors refuse treating women with this case.

27. As the social worker in the area which of the following will be
your primary consideration*
abortion as a crime
women’s health
attitude of the medical personnel toward abortion
welfare of the women’s families (domestic violence, child neglect)

28. Your organization is interested in developing a community-

based maternal health program. Based on the initial profiling, which
of the following needs further investigation?*
the rate of malnourished infants in the area
the mothers have committed the crime of abortion
domestic violence is prevalent in the area
poverty hinders access to contraceptives

29. Which among the following is likely to be the first step in

addressing the case presented?*
talking to the barangay health workers and the barangay captain
exploring the issue further with the mothers
conducting a community seminar on reproductive health
referring the women to DSWD

30. The women want to have access to family planning information

and services which are not available in the barangay. What may be a
good next step?*
pressure the barangay to provide these information and services
mobilize resources outside the community so the women can access the information and services
they need
lobby the city government to look into the situation of reproductive health in the community
none of the above – the strategies are too confrontational

31. The extreme poverty being experienced by the people in

Cagayan Valley caused by the past natural disasters particularly
typhoon Ulysses necessitates extensive rehabilitation work from both
government and non-government agencies. It is best to distribute
resources to the victims indiscriminately since the victims suffered
the same fate. As social workers do you think this service delivery
arrangement is right? Choose which statement is applicable.*
Yes, since they are all experiencing the same situation, poverty.
Yes, because resources and services are there and should be given to all.
No, there is a need to look into the individual situation of the victims for a more responsive
delivery of services
No, the scarcity of resources should discriminate who should be given and who should not be

Situation 8
Ms. Reyes, a young social worker, has been working with Bgy. X for 2 years. A very
committed worker, her work has resulted in the active participation of the youth in major
projects like maintaining hygiene and sanitation in the community, sports and recreation
that veer the youth away from drugs and alcohol, and the construction of a multi-purpose
hall. When Ms. Reyes was called by her agency for transfer to another community, she
became anxious about how the community would react, and as such kept the information
from them until the week she was about to leave.

32. In situations like the above, what can be the result of Ms. Reyes’
action of keeping the information of her transfer to another
community from the residents, especially the youth?
a. sudden backsliding of the youth in their activities
b. distrust of any incoming worker
c. no effect at all since they are already self-propelling
d. separation anxiety that can initially immobilize the youth

Choices for item no. 32*

a, b, c, d
a, b, c
a, b, d
b, c, d

33. Which of the following can best explain the actions of Ms. Reyes
when she kept the information of her departure from the community?
a. She was too emotionally involved with the people
b. The youth has become a source of her power and authority
c. She did not emphasize the temporary nature of her work when she negotiated the
helping contract with the community.
d. It was a normal case of separation anxiety

Choices for item no. 33*

a, b, c, d
a, b, c
a, c, d
c, d

34. Disaster preparedness includes social work interventions that

assist communities to remove factors that can cause breakdown in
the social functioning of people once disaster strikes. This social
work function is*

35. The goal of a social worker in working with the indigenous

people is to assist them to:*
change their ways of life to be acceptable to society
maintain their culture and be independent of other communities
be absorbed into the larger community/society
regain their own potential to live independently

Situation 9
Barangay San Andres is an urban community in one of the northeastern provinces in
Luzon. Results of data – gathering revealed that men perceived dominant (including
those considered “violent”) behavior as indicators of being “macho”. This perception
inevitably also leads to domestic violence that includes wife battering and verbal abuse.
The barangay council invited you to attend a general assembly to discuss this problem.

36. As a social worker assigned in this community, your objective in

attending the assembly is to *
raise level of consciousness of the community on the problem
confront the brgy council on its duty to recommend sanction to abusers
assist victims in filing complaint with police authority
organize the women to protect themselves against further abuse

37. Since Brgy San Andres is an urban poor community, most of the
residents were found to be migrants from the Bicol region after a
series of typhoons that hit their villages wiping out their homes and
sources of livelihood. The land is public and as such squatters have
dominated the area for some time. The MMDA has been tasked to
remove the structures since the land has been earmarked for the
construction of a school. This sector of the population is referred to
a. informal settlers
b. urban poor
c. migrant workers
d. internal refugees

Choices for item no. 37*

a, b, c, d
a, b, c
a, b
c. d

38. The law that protects the urban poor from immediate relocation
without prior consultation, as such, they can invoke the provisions of
the law. *
RA 7277
RA 8368
RA 7279
RA 6657

39. It is possible that the use of dialogue between two opposing

parties in a controversy like relocation may not succeed. In which
case, the urban poor may still continue their struggle through the use
of the following tactics:
a. Negotiation
b. Brokerage
c. Mild coercion
d. arbitration

Choices for item no 39*

b, c
a, b, c
a, d
a, b, c, d

The correct answer is right because x, y, z

40. As one measure to alleviate poverty situation in the barangay,

economic activities may be introduced by the worker in the process
of her work. Income-generating projects are therefore called for.
For the project, the social worker may be able to tap the following
a. the local (municipal) government unit that can provide capital for the project.
b. any non-government organization
c. the DSWD to launch CIDSS
d. the PCSO for the other needs of the community.

Choices for item no 40*

a, b, c
a, c, d
a, c
a, b, c, d

41. Urban poor families migrate from the provinces in search of

better income. Migration as a social phenomenon finds causes in the
following situations:
a. Migrants are usually rural folk who do not have their own land to till.
b. The rural folk believe the city is a haven with a lot of work opportunities.
c. The rural areas do not have parks where the rural folk can relax after a hard day of
d. They believe they can stay anywhere on public lands in the city.

Choices for item no 41*

a, b, c
a, b d
a, b, c, d
c, d

42. The influx of rural people to the urban centers in search of

better life results in the increased number of informal settlers. With
no place to stay, they find themselves in overcrowded spaces which
are usually vacant public or even private lands. This situation may
be described as:
a. the issue of migration that forces people to contend with the harsh realities of
urban life
b. raises the problem of squatting
c. The rural folks become professional squatters when they reach the city
d. Informal settlers become easy prey to leftist ideologists because of their situation.
Choices for item no 42*
b, d
a, b
a, b, c, d
a, b, c

43. The following issues/concerns can serve as rallying point in

organizing the urban poor.
a. Acute housing problem
b. Legalizing Occupancy of vacant public land
c. Demand for basic services like electricity and water for their area despite illegal
occupancy of the area.
d. A change of leadership in the city where they are staying.

Choices for item no 43*

a, b, c, d
a, b
a, b, c

44. Aside from the primary function mandated by law the barangay
structure also provides for the protection of abused children through*
Organization of PWDs
inquest proceedings
Barangay Council for the Protection of Children
women protection desk

45. A social worker may introduce economic activities in the

barangay. If she is successful, she may initiate the formation of a
cooperative. The creation of a cooperative can be a good
development, as this is a clear action toward empowering the people.
Cooperatives have the following common need as rallying point.*
the need for a protest group
the need for a day care center
the need for economic activities
the need for medical services

46. Community work requires the worker to be competent in

training and organizing groups/sectors. The following are the
worker’s bases in the formation of groups. Which one is not?*
Formation of groups comes about naturally and spontaneously in any community life
The worker’s assessment of the people’s needs to organize.
Formation of groups must emanate from the will of the people
The needs as well as the interests of group members become the basis for demanding a
particular support service.

47. The extreme poverty being experienced by the Bicolanos

caused by the past natural disasters particularly typhoon Rolly
necessitates extensive rehabilitation work from both government and
non-government agencies. It is best to distribute resources to the
victims indiscriminately since the victims suffered the same fate. As
social workers do you think this service delivery arrangement is
right? Chooe which statement is applicable.*
Yes, because resources and services are there and should be given to all.
Yes, since they are all experiencing the same situation, poverty.
No, there is a need to look into the individual situation of the victims for a more responsive
delivery of services
No, the scarcity of resources should discriminate who should be given and who should not be

Situation 10
(excerpt from a documentation)

We had an informal interview with some of the residents, and they shared with us their
sad experiences. At present, they are still in the state of trauma, “Natatakot na po kami
kapag humahangin at maging sa patak ng ulan”, ayaw din po naming makita o pumunta sa
tabing dagat dahil sa takot na baka maulit muli ang nangyari”, those were the statements
of the people whom we have interviewed. The teacher told us that most of the children
were traumatized, and afraid of going into the ocean to play. To help overcome those
fears, the three social work students with a social worker brought the children along the
seashore. Socialization activities were conducted through different games in which the
children became excited. The children were asked to touch the water. At first, they were
so anxious, but later on they seemed to have overcome their fears. The teacher told the
group, “alam nyo po ngayon lang ulit sila naging masaya at ngumiti at parang nawala ang

48. When a naturally-caused disaster happens the most immediate

response from the mswdo, together with relief services, and in
coordination with the local disaster risk reduction and management
council should be:

a. Rehabilitation
b. stress debriefing
c. evacuation
d. search and rescue.

Choices for item no. 48*

a, b, c, d
b, c, d
a, b, c
c, d

49-50. Survivors of naturally-caused disasters would need the

following interventions for rehabilitation: (Please choose two
psychosocial interventions
evacuation and relief and services
case management
search and rescue

51. These goals according to Arthur Dunhum are concerned with the
process of helping people in a community or group to strengthen their
quality of participation, self-direction, and cooperation. Its concern to
help people to grow and develop to prepare them for their specific
roles in community building and development.*
Tasks Goals
Process Goals
None of the above
Relationship goals

Situation No. 11
On the first week of March, the worker receives her transfer order to assume bigger
responsibilities in the capital town-100 kilometers away effective April 25, that year. In
the village, she handled a group of youngsters, 14-16 years old, whom she organized more
than a year ago. It was a play group to begin with but as time passed the youth start to
think about bigger things for the neighborhood – cleanliness and beautification projects
that would change the image of their neighborhood completely. To begin with, the
worker motivated them to practice habits of cleanliness, orderliness at home. The big
project was going to be launched at the end of the school year. The worker has mixed
feelings about her living – there were project to finish, group projects were picking-up
momentum, the community at large which was now beginning to fill her positive influence
on the youth, etc. Thus, she decided to keep the news to herself until the week of her
giving, causing the group mixed emotional responses: confusion, bitterness, feeling of
being abandoned, etc.

52. The worker violated this major responsibility in the worker-

client relationship.*
turn over
preparation of the group
exit interview
giving the group before project completion

53. You are the worker, From the choices below, what is the most
appropriate thing to do concerning the assignment/transfers such as
Tell the group that you are going to be replaced by equally good, if not a better worker.
Do exactly as this worker did
the group should know as early as possible the temporariness of the worker. Both worker and
group should work toward building leadership and independence.
Meet the group as early as possible and handle the group anxieties

54. Given this situation, what is most likely effect on the

subsequent worker-client relationship?*
willingness to give the relationship another try

55. It is apparent that the worker had her own relationship problem
with the group, what is this?*
uncontrolled emotional involvement
the group is her source of power and authority
did not maintain professional distance
mother-figure relationship


The correct answer is right because x, y, z

56. The worker’s keeping the transfer assignment to herself

indicates this coping mechanism referred to in the list:*

Situation No.12
A company labor union is already preparing a list of what workers should negotiate for in
the next collective bargaining meeting. All the union leaders are male only a few women,
are bold enough to speak up what other women workers would likely want, such as a day
care center in the company and more women overseers in factory departments where
more women are involved. But most of this request of women workers hardly end up in the
bargaining list. In the worker’s last meeting before the bargaining, this transpired. “Hindi
maintindihan ng ating mga lider ng unyon ang mga bagay na hinihingi nating ibang
manggagawa, kasi panay lalaki sila.” (The union officers don’t understand why these
things are necessary because of all of them are men!) One woman blurted to a co-worker
during a meeting.

“Hintayin n’yo na lang ang botohan, tingnan natin kapag sinwerte kayo”, (Just wait
for the elections, let’s see if your kind will win) a male co-worker teasingly butted in.

A union officer overheard the exchange, to which he retorted, “Tigilan na ninyo

yang daldalan kasi, para may pupuntahan itong miting!. (Will you two stops bickering, so
our meeting will have some direction.
57. You are the company social worker. The union is suspicious of
your motivations. Of the options hereunder, how best can you gain
the group’s trust?*
Give them small tokens to remember their birthdays/anniversaries
Visit them in their homes, befriend their families and look into their needs
Demonstrate your support to their cause if you find them justifiable including representations to
Attend all their meetings

58. You are the worker, given this particular situation what do you
Moderate the discussion initially to help group draw up a long list of needs as basis for further
Tell the group that the important thing is for them to negotiate for higher pay
Preside over the meeting to avoid conflict
Suspend the meeting to give you time to coach the leaders.

59. The process in decision-making that is most appropriate in

determining the union’s common needs include in the bargaining list.*
brain storming
short listing

Situation No.13
Several boys in a middle-class subdivision were organized by Mang Johny, parent of one
of the youths, into a basketball team. He provided uniforms and play equipment.

On his request, parents donated goodies for the boys snack every time they played.
It was the beginning of summer and they agreed that it was a good idea to keep the boys
busy and out of idleness and mischief in this manner. Sometimes the parents played with
them. By mid-summer the group started to disintegrate. And the fun was over.

60. What was wrong in the organizational process?*

over eager parents to help the youth
it was not the boy’s decision to form a recreation group
too much parental influence
the boys had other interest

61. You discover that Johny is a church elder. He grew up in an

atmosphere where obedience is strictly emphasized. How best
would you describe Mang Johnny’s relationship with the group?*
paternalistic & authoritarian
put self-interest above others

62. You are the worker. Among the options listed, what do you do
to start the work?*
Get acquainted with the boys and find out their needs
Meet with the boy’s parents and plan with them
The parents know them best. Encourage them to engage in sports
Make a survey of community resources

Situation No.14
Barangay Talampas is a village in southern town. It is known to have many of its
menfolks as wife beaters. Studies made on the dynamics of this phenomenon revealed
that men perceived dominant (including those considered “violent” behavior as indicators
of being “macho”. This domestic violence inevitably also led to child abuse. The
barangay council invited you to attend general assembly to discuss this problem.

63. When you help people in this community to identify their

common problem-develop their capacities to solve this, you are
playing the role of a*

64. As a CO worker assigned in this community in attending the

assembly, your objective will be to*
recommend sanction to abuser
refer victims to authority for filing of complains
raise level of consciousness of the community on the problem
organize the women to protect themselves against further abuse

65. What model of CO practice would appropriate in pushing for

legislative measures against domestic violence?*
community development
social action
social planning

66. Women’s rights are basically human rights. The women victims
in this barangay can therefore considered abuse in terms of them*
right to freedom of opinion and expressions
rights to freedom of thought and religion
right to life, liberty, security of person
right to join association
67. In the Philippines, under present laws wife beating can only be
prosecuted under*
acts of lasciviousness
physical injuries

68. An effective strategy in enabling the community to be self-

reliant and self-managed community is*
Information technology
Training of leaders for their role functions
Economic Development
Public relations

69. It is the expansion of assets and capabilities of poor people to

participate negotiate with, influence, control, and hold accountable
institutions that affect their lives.*
People’s participation
Value orientation
Leadership Capability Training

70. This refers to the ability of people to work together, organize

themselves, and mobilize resources to solve problems of common
Transformatory Praxis
Local organizational Capacity
Inclusion and Participation
Social action

71. The following are the elements of empowerment, which one is

Inclusion and Participation
Access to Information
Local Organizational Capacity
Pressure Strategy

72. It is a systematic process of gathering, analyzing, and utilizing

pertinent data about the community.*
Social Investigation

73. It is the ability to engage people in the process of individual and

collective discovery of their realities, visioning, planning, taking
appropriate action, evaluation and reflection.*
pakiki -sangkot
pakik -ipamuhay


The correct answer is right because x, y, z

74. Refers to a tool for problem solving derived from the work of
Kurt Lewin’s Field Theory of social change. A process of identifying
the dimensions of a problem and determining the strategies for
solving it.*
Appreciative Planning
SWOT Analysis
Force. Field Analysis
Gender Analysis


The correct answer is right because x, y, z

75. The process of enabling people to gradually take over the

responsibility through capacity building.*
Phase over
Sense of Leadership
Participatory Development
Problem-Focused Approach


The correct answer is right because x, y, z

76. An approach in social analysis that focuses on the problems and

their cause – effects relationships at the micro-macro levels*
situational Analysis
Force Field Analysis
Experiential Learning
Problem-Focused Approach
77. A process that elevates individual reflections to a shared
experience of developing a collective consciousness particularly to
generate lessons and insights.*
experiential Learning
Right -based approach
Social learning
Participatory approach


The correct answer is right because x, y, z

78. A process through which stakeholders can influence and share

control over development initiatives, and over the decisions and
resources that affect themselves*
People Empowerment
People Power
participatory development
Social Action

79. It is a conscious effort of understanding the reality of the

community life as basis for planning and expected to lead
transformative actions.*
data gathering
community integration
Social Analysis
community planning

80. It is an integral part of the development and change process

where interconnectivity of its various critical elements and
evaluations are seen from the contributive rather than attributive
Capacity development
Appreciative Learning
Social Analysis

81. A model in community organizing that refers to the effort to

mobilize the people , the victims, the unaffiliated , the unorganized
and the non-participating who are affected by a community
condition into groups and organizations to enable them to take action
on these social problems and issues which affect them according to
Kramer and Specht.*
Social Planning
People’s Participation
Community development
Social Action

82. It is popularly known associated with activism, protest rallies

and other forms of group dissent or dissatisfaction but as a CO model,
it refers to individuals or group or activity designed to influence
change in social policy or to lobby for the formulation of needed
policies or social legislations for the benefit and welfare of the
Community development
Social Action
Social Planning
Pressure strategy

83. A CO technique that involves breaking up of a problem situation,

or collection of data, exploring the content and examining and setting
forth of the various aspects , issues and relationships involved to gain
insight and understanding the content better for logical
conclusions /situations.*
Force Field Analysis
Situational Analysis
Structural Analysis
Right Based Approach

84. This technique is the process of looking into the causes of the
problem and their effects on tose affected by it. In analyzing for
example the problem of employment due to lack of educational
qualifications that brought irregular income from odd jobs and low
paying jobs, lack of skills, poor health, sickness due to malnutrition.*
Right Based Approach
Force Field Analysis
Structural Analysis
Problem Analysis

85. Once the causes and effects of the problem had been
pinpointed, the solutions to the problems can be planned by
dealing with the causes as identified The effects used be used as
a motivator to prod the responsible leaders and the affected
populace to act on the problem before it results in dire
consequences. The CO worker may use this devise in solving the
Force Field theory by Lewin
Social Planning
Formal Study
Problem Analysis

86. The CO worker employs this technique to influence public

opinion and motivate people to act on certain community or national
issues. She carries this __________________ by gathering and analyzing
data in connection with current issues, problem, the results of which
she interprets and disseminates the public that they would
appropriately act on said issues or problem. *
Education and Promotion
Research Study
Problem Analysis
Formal Study


The correct answer is right because x, y, z

87. The strategy that is applicable when the people are not in
agreement on how the issue should be resolved. This strategy
employs educating, persuading and pressuring the recalcitrant into
agreeing with group’s proposed solution/approach to a major issue or
problem in the community*
People Power
Social Action
Pressure Strategy
Campaign Strategy

88. This strategy is popularized by Saul Alinsky, It is used in

communities where the people are apathetic towards their pressing
problems and needs when other strategies fails.*
Collaborative Strategy
Use of Conflict Strategy
Contest Strategy
pressure Strategy

89. A mass action activities where people march in the streets

with placards conveying the cause of their action or what the
group is protesting about.*
Social Protest
Campaign Strategy
People Power

90. Refers to the dynamic interplay of forces in which contact

between persons results in modification of attitudes and behavior of
Social Interaction

91. It is the process of influencing others for the purpose of

performing a shared task. This process requires that one person
direct, motivate, and coordinate others in the group in order to get
the assigned task accomplished.*
Social Interaction

92. It is the means through which information, symbols and

message are given or transmitted and received. It maybe verbal or
non-verbal. It is the element that facilitates interaction*
Social Interaction

93. The following are values of Community Organization.; which one

is not?*
Belief of the capacity of people to change
The right of client to self-Determination
A commitment to democratic process
Society can provide ways to achieve maximum compatibility of individual and community interest.


The correct answer is right because x, y, z

This approach seeks to develop the people’s capacity in the

barangays for planning , problem-solving and decision making by
assisting the Barangay Development Councils in identifying
problems and meeting their needs and aspirations and in
implementing and evaluating their plans designed for their
common benefit and welfare*
Baranganic Approach

95. The heart of community organizing according to Orlando

Buenvije is*
Social Orientation
People’s Participation
Community Awareness
Collaboration with people

96. It is a process of developing consciousness, but consciousness

that is understood to have the power to transform reality.*
Community Awareness
Liberation Theology
Social Orientation

97. It is a normative approach to human welfare that concentrates

on the actual capability of persons to achieve their well-being rather
than on their mere right or freedom to do so. Implication of which
development is not equal to wealth (Amartya Sen)*
Strength -Based approach
Capability Approach
Right-Based Approach

98. The following are functions of the core group, which one is not?*
Provides direction in organizing activities
Serves as a training ground for shared leadership
Assists in mobilizing other community members
motivate the people to be active in any political campaign during election

99. No education is neutral or a political. It is either domesticates

(maintain the situation by imposing on the people the values and
culture of the dominant class or liberates (helping poor became
critical, creative and free). Issues must have importance to the
people. People will act on the issues on which they have strong
feeling, a concientization model developed by*
Paolo Freire’s
Saul Alinsky
Arthur Dunham

100. A radical movement that grew up in South America . It said the

church should act to bring about social change, and should act to
bring about social change ,and should ally itself with the working
class to do so,*
Liberation Theology
Social Orientation
Conscientization Model

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