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0:00:00 - 00:06:00 -Gayo Maranan The way we describe our bureaucracy is

one of a UNITARY form of government,
even if the term unitary is not found in the
constitution, by way of case law, the use
of local government units are referenced
to subdivisions and local autonomy being
granted to LGUs.

All support the accepted view that we are

compared to a federal form of government
wherein the states could lay claim against
the federal government which in our case,
Nature of LGUs: our LGUs do NOT have the prerogative.

4 Terms that we can interchange and they Therefore, under a unitary form of
will mean the same thing: government, all our local governments
(1) Territorial and political subdivisions form part of the state. Hence, referred to
(2) Municipal corporation proper as subdivisions of one unit — that would
(3) Local governments be the STATE. Therefore our local
(4) Local government units governments cannot be considered as
empires within an empire. There is only
Territorial and political subdivisions, local one empire — the STATE.
governments and local government units
are terms found in the Constitution itself. Because under the unitary form of
government, our local governments are
The term municipal corporation proper is a not impenetrable, even the BARMM →
borrowed term from commentaries from Even if they enjoy a higher degree of local
the United States. autonomy, they’re still under the
supervisory authority of the President.
But local governments are also (1) Public They are also accountable to the states.
corporations; (2) they are administrative
agencies and at the same time (3) they Right now under the Constitution, we have
are public offices because they perform 5 levels/kinds of local government units:
sovereign functions. 1. Autonomous Regions - two are
identified under the Constitution,
Form of government: only one has been incorporated
We do NOT have a federal set-up. and approved under a plebiscite. In
● Congress CANNOT by ordinary the case of Cordillera Autonomous
legislation provide a shift to a Region, while we have two organic
federal set-up. acts already, there were two failed
plebiscites. Therefore, we do not

have an incorporated Cordillera
Autonomous Region. Right now, we
have the Cordillera
similar to Region 5 and NCR. Only
for administration purposes, not
autonomous nor is it a local
government unit
2. Provinces - within and outside the
autonomous region
3. Cities - 3 types of cities:
a. Highly-urbanized cities
Local governments exist in 2
- NOT under the
supervision of the
1) Governmental or public capacity
2) Private or proprietary capacity
- deprived of the right
to vote for provincial
Reason for distinction: purposes of
b. Independent cities
(Note: Before there were 2 reasons. The
- NOT under the
reason that is NO LONGER APPLICABLE -
supervision of the
Matter on liability. Before, in the exercise
of the governmental public functions of
- deprived of the right
the LG, they are exempt from suit and
to vote for provincial
could not be held liable. Now that matter
does not exist. **will be discussed after
c. Component cities
- under the
supervision of the
a. Governmental or public powers,
eg. power to tax, police power,
- their voters are
power to legislate, issuance of
qualified to vote for
business permits, CANNOT be
provincial officials
delegated to the private sector.
4. Municipality - all except one
b. Private or proprietary powers, eg.
municipality is a component of a
waterworks, cemeteries, markets,
province because Pateros is not
which are proprietary in nature (for
under the supervision of a province
the special benefit of the
5. Barangay - components of
municipalities and cities
i. LGUs can delegate or share
these to the private sector
00:06:01 - 00:12:00 - Paguio & Senador through a public-private

LGUs are “double agents” due to their

dual capacities.
1) Agents of the State

a) Exercise of governmental with the Constitution,
powers statutes, and their charters.
2) Agents of the People
a) Exercise of proprietary System of separation of powers under the
powers Constitution (Executive, Legislative,
Judiciary) at the national level does not
Distinction between land area and apply to LGUs.
territory. a. It is entirely up to Congress, under
1) Local governments can only Sec 3. Art. 10 and Art. 6 of the
exercise their powers within their Constitution, to delineate what
territory (Intramural powers). powers may be exercised by
a) Subject to certain whom.
exceptions, there are ART.10 SEC. 3. The Congress shall enact a
local government code which shall provide
extramural powers.
for a more responsive and accountable local
government structure instituted through a
2) Local governments, particularly system of decentralization with effective
cities and municipalities, have mechanisms of recall, initiative, and
referendum, allocate among the different
jurisdiction over their municipal or
local government units their powers,
city waters. responsibilities, and resources, and provide
a) 15 km from the shoreline. for the qualifications, election, appointment
and removal, term, salaries, powers and
functions and duties of local officials, and all
3) For purposes of creation of an LGU,
other matters relating to the organization
what is important is not the and operation of the local units.
territory, which includes water, but
only the LAND AREA. b. Provinces, cities, municipalities:
a) LGC uses the term “land there is a legislative system of
area”. separation of powers.
i) Delineated by law,
NOT jurisdiction. c. Barangays: Punong barangay is
both the chief executive of the
Where are the powers of LGUs drawn barangay, and the presiding officer
from? of the Sangguniang Barangay.
1) Constitution (Note: Sir said this will be after
2) Their respective charters MT)
3) 1991 LGC
4) Other laws Up to Congress whether there will be a
separate system of separation of powers
LGUs do not have inherent powers. or a fusion of powers.
Because of local autonomy, they have
broad powers.
Qualified self-government. 00:12:01 - 00: 18:00 - Aquino & Palma Gil
Powers are not unbridled, not
absolute; limited by doctrine of
subordinate legislation.
- All policies, actions of LGs
must not be inconsistent


A: The real party to the contract will be

the LGU itself. The mayor, governor, or
any head of the LGU will not be the party
to the contract.



A: Yes, but only if the impairment is a

valid exercise of police power. It must be
remembered that the only exception to
the non-impairment clause in the
Local governments are public corporations
constitution is a valid exercise of police
so the principle of corporate succession
applies to them


A: It is the principle that states that a

corporation subsists even if there is a
conversion of the corporation (e.g.
contracts of the municipality will be
carried over to the city)



A: Notwithstanding changes in the

leadership or administration of a local TOPIC: NO CONTACT APPREHENSION
government to the corporation will subsist
even if there is a conversion. The validity of the no contact
apprehension joint venture is still pending
Q: CAN THE HEAD OF THE LOCAL before the Supreme Court. The venture is
GOVERNMENT UNIT UNILATERALLY one between the LGUs and private sector
RESCIND A CONTRACT ENTERED INTO proponents. The fee-sharing scheme
BY THE PREVIOUS ADMINISTRATION? between the two is of interest as the
ruling of the Supreme Court on the matter
A: No, because the mayor only acts as a will clarify the dilemma of whether or not
representative or an agent of the local the private sector, on behalf of the LGU,
government unit. can perform governmental functions (e.i.
the collection of fees).

A: No. Again, only the Congress and
Sangguniang Local Councils may create



A: If there is no quo warranto case

regarding the creation of the LGU and
judicial nullification of its creation is
absent, the LGU will be considered as a de
jure LGU. This is due to the curative
provision in the Local Government Code.



A: All three requirements of land area,

income, and population must be met for
the creation of a municipality.


Only the Congress and the Sangguinang VALIDLY?
Local Councils, through validly delegated
authority, can create LGUs. As for the case A: Other LGUs need only meet two of the
of barangays though, they can be created three requirements for their creation.
by Congress, provinces, and cities.
Municipalities, under the Local Q: CAN THE CRITERIA SET BY THE
Government Code, cannot create LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE FOR THE
The creation of an LGU is subject to the
criteria of population, land area, and A: Yes. However, such may only be done
income. The creation, dissolution, and through a special law of Congress.
substantial alteration of LGUs would Congress has the plenary authority to
require the conduct of a plebiscite. change the criteria through special law for
other LGUs.

A: When a municipality is converted into a the jurisdiction of Quezon City, then there
city, the city acquires a separate and will be economic dislocation.
distinct personality from the municipality
(again, the principle of corporate Q: HOW MANY PLEBISCITES ARE
succession still applies). Under case law, REQUIRED WHEN A MUNICIPALITY IS
when a municipality is converted into a CONVERTED INTO A HIGHLY
city, such amounts to a substantial URBANIZED CITY THEN LATER ON A
alteration of boundaries. COMPONENT CITY?

Q: WHAT MUST HAPPEN WHEN THERE A: There must be two plebiscites. The
IS A SUBSTANTIAL ALTERATION OF same rule applies when the municipality is
BOUNDARIES? converted into an Independent
Component City then later on a
A: As per the Constitution, a substantial component city. Basically, whenever there
alteration of boundaries, as well as the is an upgrade or a downgrade, a plebiscite
dissolution and creation of LGUs, would must take place.
require the conduct of a plebiscite. Failure
to provide for the boundaries of the LGU Q: WHAT HAPPENS IF THERE IS A
will result in a fatal flaw in the creation of PENDING BOUNDARY DISPUTE?
the LGU.
A: No plebiscite could be held as long as
Q: WOULD THE FAILURE TO IDENTIFY the boundary dispute exists. A boundary
THE SEAT OF THE LOCAL dispute is a prejudicial question. In
GOVERNMENT UNIT BE FATAL TO ITS boundary disputes, you give way to the
CREATION? contemporaneous interpretation of the
courts (e.g. available evidence, available
A: No. A failure to provide the boundaries data). In the case of Taguig and Makati,
is though. nine barangays of Makati now belong to
Taguig so the question now is if the
barangays that are now part of Taguig,
Q: WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTS does that mean that the properties of
FOR A PLEBISCITE TO BE VALIDLY Makati in those barangays now belong to
HELD? Taguig? Unfortunately, that issue was not
ruled upon by the Supreme Court.
A: These are plurality and economic
dislocation. For example, once upon a
time, there was once a law that provided
for the creation of Novaliches as a city
within Quezon City. Who voted for this
plebiscite? All the residents of Novaliches
as well as all the residents of Quezon City.
This is because of these twin
requirements. Plurality implies more
rather than less. Economic dislocation
implies that if Novaliches is removed from

TOPIC: NATURE OF LOCAL This is not the case for provinces, cities,
GOVERNMENT UNITS municipalities, and barangays – their
charters can be amended by Congress and
It is important to note that, among cities, there is no need for a plebiscite.
provinces, barangays, and autonomous
regions, BARMM enjoys a higher degree of For barangays, they can be created by
local autonomy which is political Congress, provinces, and cities. However,
autonomy. When there is an amendment under the Local Government Code,
of the BARMM organic act, whether formal municipalities were not given the authority
or substantial, there must be a plebiscite. to create barangays.
The residents of BARMM enjoy a higher
degree of local autonomy such as CAR is an administrative region, not an
self-determination. autonomous region. MMDA is not a local
government unit. This classification is
Q: DOES THE SAME REQUIREMENT OF important because CAR and MMDA are not
HOLDING PLEBISCITES EXIST FOR local government units, therefore they do
OTHER LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS? not enjoy local autonomy, they do not
have police power, and they do not have
A: No. Charters for provinces, cities, the power to legislate. Both are under the
municipalities, and barangays may be control of the President while the five local
amended by Congress without need for government units are under the
plebiscites. supervision of the President.

00:18:01 - 00:24:00 - De Castro & Chanco The definition of local autonomy means
a more responsive and accountable local
government structure instituted through a
system of decentralization. This does not
make our local government units as states
or mini-states. Local governments are
subdivisions of one unit which is the

BARMM enjoys a higher degree of local

autonomy, which is political autonomy.
And because of this, every time there's an
amendment of the BARMM Organic Act,
whether it is formal or substantial, there
must be a plebiscite because the residents
of BARMM enjoy a higher degree of local
autonomy, such as self-determination.

There are two views on local autonomy:
the Centralist view (the cut-and-paste)
local governments can only exercise those
powers given to them, or those powers
which are implied or necessary from the
express powers.

While the Liberal view, aside from

exercising those express, implied,
necessary powers, a local government can
also exercise those powers which promote
the general welfare, for as long as no law
is violated.
There are two levels of decentralization:
deconcentration or administrative
decentralization, where powers of national
government agencies are transferred to
regional offices of these national agencies
like the Department of Health. It is
important for purposes of accessibility.
Those in the province need not go to
Metro Manila, they just have to go to the
region and get some support.

While for devolution or political

decentralization, the recipients of the
devolved powers are not the regional
Provinces, cities, municipalities, and offices of these national government
barangays enjoy administrative autonomy agencies but the local government units.
or decentralization of administration, Section 17 of the 1991 Local Government
in terms of governmental powers, Code, as well as other laws, provide for
regulatory powers, and delivery of basic these devolved powers.

BARMM enjoys a higher degree of local

autonomy, decentralization of power.
According to the Supreme Court, they are
free to chart their own destiny, although
they are still under the supervision of the
President. BARMM still remains to be a
subdivision of the State.

Devolution is power specific – what is not personnel, nor are they accompanied by
devolved is withheld; what is not devolved assets and money.
remains to be a power of the national
government agency or the government What is NOT devolved remains to be with
owned and controlled corporation. the national government agencies.

For example, the power to issue For example, the devolution of the power
franchises for cable TV operation is not a to issue franchises for tricycles from the
devolved power. This power remains with LTFRB. However, what has not been
the National Telecommunications devolved would be the franchising of
Commission. public utility vehicles and public utility
buses and jeepneys.
Congress, under its plenary authority, can
devolve and can even recall what they Enforcement of the National Building Code
have devolved. This is a political question. is now devolved to local government units.
Approval of subdivision plans of local
Under the Mandanas-Garcia case, the
significance have been devolved, but of
Supreme Court has commanded full
national significance they remain to be
devolution pursuant to this Supreme Court
with the Housing Land Use Regulatory
Board. For cable TV franchises, this power
is not devolved to local government units.

00:24:01 - 00:30:00 - Escueta & Zarate

Basic services, exercise of regulatory Another term is to compare devolution
powers, and together with these powers with delegation. Delegation are state
would be a transfer of personnel and powers which are now delegated to local
transfer of assets. government units. That would be the
power to tax, police power, the power to
However, if you look at other special laws expropriate, and even local legislation.
which are not the 1991 Local Government Local autonomy does not mean that our
Code, in these instances, some of these local governments are independent.
devolved powers are not accompanied by

Supervision is the power to oversee, the
power to monitor, to ensure that the
supervised is following the law. This power
will include the power to discipline, to
impose sanctions subject of course to due
process. This power will include the power
to declare illegal or ultra vires ordinances
and resolutions. discretionary matters
over factual matters.

For example, the Department of Justice

can declare a tax ordinance illegal but the
Supervision vs Control DOJ cannot declare a tax ordinance as
They are under the supervisory authority excessive or confiscatory because that is
of the Congressional control, the only discretionary in nature.
limitation like any other law would be the
Constitution. In the case of the Pork The one who has control would have the
Barrel, the PDAF, the systems under the power to change the decision which is
law, the prerogatives of our local made by the one which is being
governments cannot be untruly interfered controlled.
with through this system.
The system of control: the President has
Important principle would be the no, or the province has no control over a
principle of subsidiarity. Local component city, only supervision. The
government units know best, they have Department of Justice is not applicable
superior competence over local matters when we talk about local government
like the photo bomber building because units. Even if a local government unit acts
there was no violation of the law there beyond its authority, the supervisor
and they were just following their cannot change the decision made by a
ordinance. For local issues, you follow the local government unit. What they can only
local government unit because they are in say is to declare it illegal.
a better position. The only exception to
that would be if there is a law which says

If you look at the diagram, a province
cannot suspend a punong barangay,
because we must follow the hierarchy.

The President only exercises direct

supervision over autonomous regions,
provinces outside the autonomous
regions, over provinces within BARMM,
over cities and municipalities within
BARMM and over barangays.

It is very clear to know who is the direct

supervisor of local government units. Here
are some of the direct supervisors. An example of this control authority of the
Congress would be the system of political
While in the case of Congress, Congress dynasty, which prohibits political dynasty
can determine the structure of local but is ONLY APPLICABLE to Sangguniang
government units, what are the Kabataan officials.
qualifications of local officials, because the
Constitution does not prescribe their Today, there's NO system, NO law which
qualifications, the formula by which they bans a political dynasty for OTHER local
are selected because the Constitution officials.
does not provide for that.

When there's a conflict between National

Congress also exercises control to
GOCC and GI versus local government
determine what are the criteria for the
units, the default rule would be to follow
creation of local government units.
the law. Regardless of the extent or the
breadth of the controversy.

Assuming the law is silent, then if a

particular issue cuts across several local
government units and therefore to avoid
fragmentation and under the principle of

integration and centralization, then government unit can regulate the
the National will prevail. particular establishment of a local outlet in
terms of the business permits and in
00: 30:01 - 00:36:00 - Manimtim & Gerona terms of, let's say, following the National
Building Code. Local Governments do have
But if the concern is purely local affairs the authority to issue driver's licenses, to
and it pertains to protecting the rights of issue franchises for cable TV operators
the constituents, then it is pursuant also and for jeepneys and buses, because
to the local autonomy. Then, the local these powers are not devolved to the local
government will prevail. So again, you government units.
follow the National Dimension Rule and
Local Dimension Rule, only if the law is When there's a conflict between the
silent or there's no express provision of Laguna Lake Development Authority and
the law as to who will prevail. In these the Lakeshore municipalities as to who
particular cases, the national government would have the authority to demolish fish
prevailed: pens, according to the Supreme Court,
under the principle of integration, to avoid
fragmentation and National Dimension
rule. LLDA prevailed over local
government units.

In these particular cases, local

government units prevailed:

The DOJ cannot declare a tax ordinance as

excessive, while local government units do
not have the authority to issue franchises
for cable TV Operations. They have the
prerogative because they have authority
to enforce the National Building Code as
to regulating the towers, but not the

The Department of Agrarian Reform

cannot issue a Memorandum Circular
which would require its prior clearance
before a local government can expropriate
agricultural land because there is no law
which requires that.

So at present, only the DOJ and the DBM

can review local ordinances, the DOJ for
Local government cannot ban the setting
tax ordinances and the DBM for
up of Lotto outlets in a particular local
appropriations ordinances. DOJ and DBM
government unit because that will clip the
can declare illegal or ultra vires these
powers of the Philippine Charity
ordinances, but they cannot substitute the
Sweepstakes Office. However, a local
decision made by the local government

union, nor can they say that this is Can they lift the requirement of wearing
excessive or contrary to the general face masks when the national government
welfare otherwise that will amount to has not lifted it at that time, the wearing
control. of face masks? So there were two views,
then one of course the integration versus
So let me say this, this is the policy. Only subsidiarity, centralization versus
Congress can limit the powers of local decentralization. There is a valid rule
government units. The supervisor cannot versus there is no law which requires the
limit or curtail the discretion of local wearing of face masks. So these are the
government units absent a law otherwise, two views regarding that particular
this will amount to control. This will dispute.
violate local autonomy, this will amount to
law making and therefore, violate the rule 00:36:00 - END - Arrojo & Cajigal
on undue delegation of legislative
authority. Other matters:

OK, let me say that again. National So this ends my lecture for purposes of
government, the President, let's say, or our midterms. So are there questions, I
mean just to [clarify]? If there's none,
even the Governor or the Provincial
when is our midterms, beadle? Second
Government cannot limit what is not week of midterms? Not this week. Not this
limited by law, otherwise that will violate coming week, but next next week.
local autonomy, which would amount to October 9th, Monday.
control, not just supervision. That will
amount to lawmaking, and again violate Midterm Tips:
the principle of undue delegation of
By the way, every time we talk about local
legislative authority. government law or even admin law or
even election law, it's a matter of “can a
local government do this or they cannot.”
So can Congress do this or Congress
cannot? So can the President do this, or
the President cannot?

So most of my questions will be dos and

donts or can or cannot. So if you take a
position, then you have to justify your
position. Whether you say can or cannot.
Of course, you have to support your

Closing Remarks:

So if there are no questions, let's call it a

day. Good luck to all your exams. And I'll
So, example here, although this is not a
see everyone three Fridays from now. I
decided case, can the provincial will see everyone on October 20, 2023.
government of Cebu as well as the City
Government of Cebu, can they liberalize So ingat sa lahat, study well, and good
the use of face masks? They can. luck.



00:00:00 - Abad & Pimentel Counter check the trans with this recording:
Recheck the format; spelling; and grammar.
00:10:01 - Vasquez & Amores

00:20: 01 - Del Rio & Raneses

00:30: 00

00:30:01 - Ambi & Santiago



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