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July 30, 2022


1. A socio-economic phenomenon characterized by deprivation brought about by

a cause and effects relationship resulting in a cyclical processes.
A. Jealousy
B. Drug addiction
D. Poverty

2. Central focus of concern is around the mouth.

A. Oral-sensory
B. Maturity
C. Locomotor-genital
D. Latency

3. A pluralistic society ______.

A. Is made up of different groups
B. Tends to discourage subcultures
C. Does not have core values
D. No longer exists in the world

4. Norms of endogamy specify that people should ______.

A. Marry outside their group
B. Marry designated relatives
C. Marry within their group
D. Not get married more than once

5. Represents the moral percepts of the mind.

A. Id
B. Superego
C. Ego
D. Libido
6. Regarded the dynamics of personality as a product of three systems in the
A. Maslow
B. Erickson
C. Sigmund Freud
D. Jung

7. A two-fold attitude toward both parents: on the one hand a wish to eliminate
the jealousy-hated father and take his place in a sensual relationship with the
mother and on the other hand, a wish to eliminate the jealousy hated mother.
A. Love
B. Oedipus complex
C. Electra complex
D. Ambivalence

8. Social work principles have their roots in this basic belief.

A. Man is a rational being
B. Man will comply to the will of a strong person
C. Man has dignity and worth
D. Man is guided by his values and motives

9. This stage of personality development involves the resolution of a basic conflict:

autonomy vs. shame and doubt.
A. Adolescence
B. Oral
C. Anal
D. Latency

10. A 16-year old child is expected to show characteristics of a girl/boy in this

stage of development.
A. Latency
B. Old age
C. Adulthood
D. Adolescence
11. The number of children that the average woman bears is the ______ rate.
A. Menarche
B. Fecundity
C. Fertility
D. Crude birth

12. “No culture tolerates indiscrimate lying, stealing or violece within the group” is
an example of:
A. Cultural universal
B. Culture shock
C. Ethnocentrism
D. Cultural relativism

13. To protect himself from factors that threaten him, man resorts to ______.
A. Sibling rivalry
B. Migration
C. Defense mechanism
D. Crisis situation

14. The following are negative effects of deviance in society, except one:
A. deviance is generally perceived to be disruptive in society
B. it can weaken established social norms
C. it is one way to create social change
D. it can create division and disorder

15. Persons who manifest personality disorganizations when confronted with

trying situations and difficulties in life.
A. drug addicts
B. alcoholics
C. psychoneurotics
D. war lords

16. An example of a condition which hinders effective communications.

A. Hostility
B. Fatalism
C. Oedipus complex
D. Electra complex
17. The atmosphere that prevails when group members completely disagree with
one another on the topic to be discussed, decisions to be made, or action to be
A. Flight
B. Fight
C. Laissez-faire
D. Sluggish

18. “Laying cards on the table and looking at them as they are”.
A. Confrontation
B. Play
C. Flight
D. Fixation

19. Factors pushing someone to migrate include ______.

A. Poverty
B. Lack of religious and political freedom
C. Political persecution
D. All of the above

20. The act or process of becoming like someone or something in one or similar
aspects of behavior or thought.
A. Projection
B. Identification
C. Ego-esteem
D. Pleasure principle

21.According to this theory, needs are the primary influence on an individual’s

A. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
B. Blueler’s theory
C. Murry’s theory of needs
D. Erik Erikson’s theory
22. It views human development as a product of interaction between individuals
and societal expectations.
A. psychology
B. psychosexual
C. psychosocial
D. psychotic

23. When one is trying to be sensitive to non-verbal communication, he is making

use of his ______.
A. Third ear
B. Goal
C. Focus
D. Learning

24. The external markings and trappings that visibly distinguish and rank people in
relation to one another.
A. Status
B. Personalism
C. Social values
D. Social acceptance

25. Communication involves the use of ______.

A. Timing
B. Symbols
C. Status
D. Morals

26. The most critical period for the proper development of body structures and
mental development.
A. Ages 1-5
B. Ages 10-12
C. Ages 16-20
D. Ages 20-30
27. A procedure designed to cure or alleviate some disorder is known as ______.
A. Liberation
B. Small talk
C. Therapy
D. Differential diagnosis

28. Interpersonal relations, money, status, security may be referred to as ______.

A. Hygiene factors
B. Social expectations
C. Concept of provision
D. Prioritizing

29. Refers to the right and need of the client to make his own choices and
decisions in the process of being helped.
A. Self-determination
B. Individuality
C. Privacy
D. “See-saw” approach

30. The conflict present in adulthood.

A. Autonomy vs. shame & doubt
B. Trust vs. Mistrust
C. Generativity vs. stagnation
D. Industry vs. Inferiority

31. Often influence people’s choices and decisions.

A. Social legislation
B. Felt need
C. Behavioral modification
D. Value system

32. Zia was given a smiley sticker as reward for behaving properly in her nursery
class. This is:
A. negative punishment
B. positive punishment
C. positive reinforcement
D. negative reinforcement
33. Durkheim said a religion is define by all the following except ______.
A. Authoritarian personalities
B. Beliefs
C. Practices
D. Moral communities

34. Extreme form of personality disorder in which the person seems to lack any
normal conscience taking advantage of others without showing any traces of guilt
and have no affection for anyone.
A. antisocial
B. paranoid
C. borderline
D. schizoid

35. Submissive and clinging behavior to an excessive need need to be taken care
A. avoidant
B. aggressive
C. obsessive compulsive
D. dependent

36. Expose to traumatic stresses like death or serious injury which involves intense
fear, helplessness and horror.
A. post partum disorder
B. panic disorder
C. generalized anxiety
D. post traumatic disorder

37. The following are signs and symptoms of panic attack, except:
A. trembling or shaking
B. pounding heart
C. faint
D. humiliation
38. Person centered therapy should take place in supportive environment created
by a close personal relationship between therapist and client/ the direction of the
therapy is determined by the client, while the therapist seeks to increase client’s
insight and self understanding through what?
A. positive reaction
B. coerciveness
C. compliments
D. informal questions

39. According to Piaget, the primary accomplishment during the first period of
cognitive development as early as two months of age up to one year is referring to
the development of:
A. ability to imitate
B. concepts about objects
C. memory of sounds
D. language

40. Smoking is one of the factors of early death among adults.

A. true
B. false
C. not at all
D. either A or B

41. Excessive irrational fear that is out of proportion to the degree of actual
A. panic disorder
B. fright
C. phobia

42. People are born with minds that are a “blank slate”. Everything we know has
been learned since then.
A. Aristotle
B. Francis Bacon
C. Rene Descartes
D. John Locke
43. Branch of psychology states that the whole is greater than its individual parts.
A. Structuralism
B. Functionalism
C. Gestalt Psychology
D. Psychoanalysis

44. This is the level of our mind which acts as the reservoir of feelings, thoughts,
urges and memories out of our conscious awareness. Most of the contents are
unacceptable and unpleasant such as feelings of pain, aniety or conflict.
A. Preconscious mind
B. Subconscious mind
C. Conscious mind
D. Unconscious mind

45. What do people face during each psychosocial stage that can serve as a tuning
point in development?
A. epiphany
B. conflict
C. paradigm shift
D. tumoil

46. The stage that occurs between birth and one year of age is concerned with :
A. Trust vs. mistrust
B. Autonomy vs. shame and doubt
C. Initiative vs guilt
D. Identity vs. role confusion

47. Successfully completing the last stage of psychological development leads to

the emergence of what quality?
A. Hope
B. Purpose
C. Fidelity
D. Wisdom
48. If oral fixation happens, it is predicted that the person might grow addicted to:
A. Excessive drinking
B. Abnormal eating
C. Smoking
D. All of the above

49. Who is most likely to get a metal disease?

A. Poor and uneducated people
B. People with stressful jobs
C. Mental illness can affect anyone, regardless of intelligence, social class or
income level
D. All people with depression.

50. Depression is very common. When is depression most likely to occur?

A. In childhood
B. In adolescent
C. In older adulthood
D. Depression can occur at any agee


1. Any research starts with:

A. Title
B. Methodology
C. Research problem
D. Objectives

2. The chief contributor to the idea of using graphic schedules to plan and control
A. Henry Gantt
B. Elto John
C. Frederick Herzberg
D. Douglas McGregor
3. The priority target of social services is:
A. Youth offender
B. Social workers
C. The total population
D. The bottom 30% of the population’s economic structure

4. The greatest hindrance in developmental programs for developing countries is:

A. Multi-problem family
B. People’s resistance to change
C. Social injustice
D. Poverty

5. Relocation of families to an identified areas involving provision of facilities and

A. Human settlement
B. Settlement
C. Agrarian reform
D. Popular participation

6. The most critical factor in policy formulation and planning.

A. Popular population
B. Decision making
C. Helping process
D. Social research

7. It is considered as the heart of the economic process and provides nurturance,

safety, and self-fulfillment to the members.
A. Government
B. State
C. Nuclear family
D. Social research

8. Encompasses well-being of all members of human society.

A. Social work
B. Social welfare
C. Humanization
D. Human resource development
9. It is the complete women’s human right law that seeks to eliminate
discrimination against women by recognizing, protecting and fulfilling and
promoting the rights of the Filipino women, especially those in the marginalized
A. RA 9710
B. RA 9701
C. RA 6725
D. RA 9262

10. When a person is able to cope with social relations and tasks, he is to be:
A. Organized
B. Self-fulfilled
C. Socially functioning
D. Socially responsible

11. Serve as the basis for worker and client to determine activities and
interventions aimed at solving the client’s problem.
A. Goal/objectives
B. Values
C. Working with communities
D. Social services

12. The most underprivileged sector of the population are the:

A. Ethnic groups
B. Marginal group
C. Youth offenders
D. Multi-problem family

13. Change based on a decision for deliberate improvement of the system as well
as soliciting the assistance of an outside agent in making this improvement is
A. Change agent
B. Planned change
C. Humanization
D. Human resource development
14. An integrated set of measures designed to eliminate obstacles to economic
and social development arising out of the defects of agrarian structure is known as
A. Land reform
B. Social justice
D. Sariling Sikap

15. The focus of social welfare is the:

A. Poorest of the people
B. Training needs
C. Problem-solving
D. Meeting needs

16. Temporary shelter for youth awaiting court disposition of their cases.
A. Guidance center
B. Probation
C. Rehabilitation
D. Detention

17. The process of improving the capability of a country’s institution and value
system to meet increasing and differing demands of a social cultural, political as
well as economic character.
A. Development
B. Helping process
C. Unified strategy
D. Creating structure

18. Program established as an alternative to institutional care.

A. Adoption
B. Detention
C. Foster care
D. Rehabilitation

19. Set up to improve social services to children and families as part of the
country’s total development program.
A. UNICEF-assisted social services project
B. Council for the Welfare of children
C. Child Welfare Code
D. DWSD package of services

20. Specific activities performed to and in behalf of the client.

A. Casework
B. Service
C. Community outreach
D. Mobilizing people

21. Guide for a settled course of action affecting the social relationships of
individuals and their relationship to society as a whole.
A. Law
B. Statute
C. Social policy
D. Program

22. Written expressions of the Social Worker’s principles and rules of conduct for
the guidance of the profession.
A. Board for Social Workers
B. Code of Ethics for Social Workers
C. The Constitution
D. Land Reform Primer

23. A strategy in the field of social policy.

A. Differential diagnosis
B. Purposeful expression
C. Establishing partnership
D. Viability

24. An environmental factor that influences the making of policy.

A. Values
B. Timing
C. Science/technology
D. Professional authority
25. The practice of social work in the Philippines was introduced by the:
A. Spaniards
B. Americans
C. English
D. French

26. A basic tool of social work:

A. Problem
B. Planning and execution
C. Referral
D. Therapy

27. An element of a profession:

A. Community sanction
B. Non-judgmental attitude
C. Integration
D. Working with communities

28. One possible role of a social worker in the establishment of human

A. Generalist
B. Therapist
C. Catalyzer
D. Observer

29. Its goal is to raise the standard of living of the people through a process that
foster growth and development of potentials of people to attain a better life for
A. Economic development
B. Social development
C. Agri-industrial development
D. Social work

30. Data such sex, geographical origin, opinion and ethnic groups are examples of
A. Ordinal
B. Nominal
C. Interval scale
D. Demographic data

31. This is the kind of plan which is designated for the organizational structure
within which are embodied the various administrative mechanism such as rules,
guidelines, standard operating procedures, reporting requirements and the like.
A. Procedural plan
B. Substantive plan
C. Program plan
D. Leche plan
(NO #32)
33. These are the people who are directly involved in the implementation and
accomplishment of objective is called in administration as:
A. Staff
B. Line
C. Social workers
D. Managers

34. A set of specific measures used in case management system to identify the
level of individuals or family well-being.
A. Social survey
B. Integration
C. Social welfare indicators
D. Social work functions

35. On May 31, 1941 Pres. Manuel Quezon issued an executive order abolishing
and the Associated Charities into ______.
A. Public Assistance Program
B. Public Assistance Service
C. Public Assistance
D. Public Service

36. The first to use casework in the Philippines.

A. Damas
B. Associated Charities
37. Continuous/coordinated process of rehabilitation which provides
assessment/guidance, social adjustment, vocational training/placement services.
A. Helping process
B. Vocational rehabilitation
C. Empirical approach
D. Rehabilitation

38. Forerunners of social work:

A. Daughters of Charity
B. Order of St. Benedict
C. Good Shepherd
D. Orders of Preachers

39. A national government commission that is concerned with coordinated

programs and services for the welfare of women:
A. National Federation of Women’s Club
B. National Commission on the Role of Women
C. National Commission Concerning Disabled Persons
D. Civic Assembly for Women

40. Private agency involved in the rehabilitation of people affected with problems
related to narcotics and dangerous drugs.
A. Elastic Gaches Village
D. Community Chest

41. A social work intervention aimed at situational change:

A. Health and nutrition
B. Human resource development
C. Child placement services
D. Parens patriae

42. Periodic unemployment, indebtedness, inadequate housing, poor

housekeeping, standards, conspicuous marital discord are among the difficulties
encountered by:
A. Youth offenders
B. Social workers
C. Multi-problem families
D. Mendicants

43. Places priority on those programs aimed at supporting increases in the

production of goods and services.
A. Developmental social welfare
B. Economic developmental goal of social welfare
C. Development as humanization
D. Rehabilitation

44. The actualization of resources, both internal and external, for the individual,
the family and the community.
A. Provision of opportunities
B. Implementing plans and solutions
C. Establishing positive relationship
D. Developing a sense of accomplishment

45. This includes consideration of shelter and related facilities which affect
habitability and efficiency from the viewpoints of quality of life and economic and
social opportunities.
A. Local planning bodies
B. Human settlement approach
C. Environmental settlement
D. Level of living

46. Overall goal of a social policy:

A. Improve the overall quality of life
B. Increase our dollar earnings
C. Encourage exports
D. Eradication of poverty
47. A process of understanding the psychological problem brought to your
attention by the client. It consists of examining the parts of the problem for their
significance and meaning, and their particular nature and organization and
relationship to the client.
A. Assessment
B. Diagnosis
C. Implementation
D. Evaluation

48. The most critical stage of policy formulation:

A. Legitimization of policy
B. Environmental analysis
C. Strategist formulation
D. Evaluation

49. The breaking of a problem situation or a collection of data so as to explore the

content; to examine its various aspects, the relationships involved in order to gain
insight and understanding of the problem.
A. Brainstorming
B. Brainwashing
C. Conscientization
D. Analysis

50. The national center for disabled children were care, training and rehabilitation
services are provided for the mentally deficient, the epileptic, cerebral palsied and
other handicapped children.
A. Halfway Center
B. Nayon ng Kabataan
C. Elsie Gatches Village
D. Lungsod ng Kabataan

1. The ability of a social worker to understand the uniqueness of her client, the
client’s situation and be able to adapt her techniques to client objectively.
A. Prognosis
B. Differential diagnosis
C. Assessment
D. Empathy

2. As a social worker, he is responsible in dealing with the mind and psychosocial

problems of the patient. It is the least inapplicable in his work.
A. Generalist social worker
B. Industrial social worker
C. Medical social worker
D. Clinical social worker

3. Social casework has the four components of social work practice:

A. person, problem, place, helping representative
B. client, agency, resources, community
C. client, agency, social worker, community
D. client, problem, agency, community

4. Emphasis was on the relationship, the dynamic use of time, and the use of the
agency function.
A. Task centered approach
B. Crisis Intervention
C. Psychosocial approach
D. Functional approach

5. This approach is concerned with the inner realities of the individual, her/his
emotional, mental, and social processes, and the social context in which s/he lives.
A. Psychosocial approach
B. Functional approach
C. Task centered approach
D. Crisis Intervention
6. Prioritization is a technique used in:
A. problem identification
B. interviewing
C. intervention
D. termination

7. What do you call the type of problem which the client is most concerned about,
which is causing the current difficulty, and which the client also perceives as
needing help with?
A. Underlying problem
B. Immediate problem
C. Presenting problem
D. Working problem

8. The goal of ___________ is to empower client system which means that client
will learn to use his/her own resources instead of those of the worker or the
agency to manage future difficulties they may encounter.
A. Evaluation
B. Assessment
C. Planning
D. Termination

9. The task centered approach can be used to the following client’s situations,
A. helping an unwed mother decides whether to go home and keep her
baby or work and leave her baby by foster care
B. teaching a father to secure resources for the operation and medical needs
of his son
C. helping a teenage girl resolves communication gaps that exist between
her and her mother
D. a suicidal mother who have not slept for several nights because of her
fear of death
10. Who was the main proponent of the Problem-solving approach?
A. Laura Epstein
B. Helen Harris Perlman
C. Emmanuel Tropp
D. Florence Hollis

11. The overall situation that created and tends to perpetuate the immediate
A. Underlying problem
B. Working problem
C. Immediate problem
D. Presenting problem

12. A process and a product on which action is made:

A. Planning
B. Assessment
C. Evaluation
D. Termination

13. Service delivery is a major part of social work practice through:

A. Information and referral
B. Creation of linkages
C. Provision of direct service
D. All of the above

14. The link between assessment and intervention:

A. Assessment and intake
B. Prioritization and partialization
C. Planning and goal setting
D. Evaluation and termination

15. Which of the following accurately describes the context of the social
A. person-in-environment
B. person and environment
C. person with the environment
D. person with his situation
16. In a case record, you should include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. The family history
B. The family’s perception of each other’s problem
C. Anything that family shares with you
D. Any occurrence of family problems

17. As a method of social work, one of the characteristics of social casework?

A. It can be used to help individuals and families
B. It is practiced in an agency
C. It is a process with the systematic steps in helping a person
D. It is a process with systematic steps to help individuals and families in
an agency setting

18. Data gathering for problem-solving is done:

A. During the identification of the problem
B. Upon assessment of the client
C. Throughout the entire process
D. During the planning of the solution

19. Treatment in casework is:

A. Activities to restore social functioning
B. The sum of all activities and services
C. The creation of all opportunities for growth and development
D. The prevention of social breakdown

20. These are used by the social worker which are previously collected and reports
from other professionals and social workers of other agencies:
A. Records
B. Collateral data
C. Secondary data
D. Existing data

21. Involves the rendering of all specific and interrelated services appropriate to
the given problem situation in the light of the assessment and planning:
A. Intervention
B. Helping process
C. Treatment
D. Casework help

22. The medium through which help is extended by the worker to the client.
A. Support
B. Client-worker relationship
C. Referral
D. Reach out

23. A process for assessing the client’s total situation and addressing the needs
and problems found in the assessment; its primary purpose is to improve the
quality of life for the client.
A. Social case work
B. Planning
C. Case management
D. Assessment process

24. A social work value which states that clients have the capacity to grow and
change, to discover and develop solutions to their difficulties and the right
capacity to choose responsibly:
A. Developing and utilizing resources
B. Affirming problem-solving capacities and self-determination
C. Affirming the client’s uniqueness and individuality
D. Affirming the worth and dignity of the client

25. Activities that social workers engage in establishing and sustaining relationship
with the client:
A. Responsiveness to the sentiments of the client
B. Starting where the client is
C. Frequent personal visit and material assistance
D. Limiting interaction to show professionalism

26. She began the development of training programs for social workers; she
authored the well known book entitled Social Diagnosis.
A. Mary Richmond
B. Mary Marot
C. Dorothea Dix
D. Julia Lathrop

27. Social workers often employ this skill in supplying information to clients about
positive attributes or specific areas in which they manifest strengths, effective
coping mechanisms, and incremental growth.
A. self disclosure
B. emphatic responding
C. Authentic responding,
D. positive feedback

28. _______________ is essentially a system theory approach to casework. The

major system to which social diagnosis and treatment are addressed is the person-
in-situation gestalt or configuration.
A. Crisis Intervention approach
B. Psychosocial approach
C. Functional approach
D. Task Centered approach

29. _____makes use of all the principles and techniques which have been
developed in casework methodology that are relevant and useful. The approach is
more active, directive and authoritative. Time limits are used for a framework, to
push toward problem-solving and to avoid regression. The client’s capacity for
autonomous action and decision is maximized.
A. Crisis intervention
B. Emergency approach
C. Quick action response
D. Service delivery

30. The __________ approach developed the concept of social casework as a

helping process through which an agency service was made available with the
principles of social work method having to do with the initiating, sustaining and
terminating of a process in human relationship.
A. Functional approach
B. Psychosocial approach
C. Diagnostic
D. Task Centered approach
31. _______ focuses upon alteration of either the immediate antecedents or
consequences of problem behavior. Instead of purporting to work on global and
general objectives, most behaviorists endeavor to modify very specific behaviors.
A. behavioral technique
B. behavioral intervention
C. behavioral modification
D. behavioral therapy

32. It is a forward moving course of transactions between active agents. These

active agents are the caseworker and his client and the people and circumstanced
life space in which they are involved. The problem is felt by, carried by, and
experienced by the help-seeking person. But it cannot be dealt with except
through him, with him and by involvement of his power.
A. Problem-solving approach
B. Crisis intervention
C. Family therapy
D. Task-oriented approach

33. It refers to the agreement between client and the worker about what still
occur in the intervention process. It contains four types of information: goals,
methods, time tables and mutual obligations.
A. relationship
B. trust
C. participation
D. helping contract

34. It is establishing the professional client-worker relationship; it is the point

where the worker and the client first meet and begin to identify client needs.
A. working relationship
B. engagement
C. rapport
D. commencement

35. ______ is a “living event” within which there are always economic, physical,
mental, emotional and social factors in varying proportion.
A. client
B. person in need
C. social case
D. problem

36. One of the primary functions of a social worker is to:

A. receive and record all complaints
B. interview all applicants for aid
C. take inventories of materials to be used by needy persons
D. receive the commodities to be used by needy persons

37. Which of the following is not good practice in writing up a case?

A. include everything of importance said by the clients
B. give clear account of the client’s difficulties
C. record any line of actions the case worker may have agreed to follow
D. make the case record as lengthy and detailed as possible

38. These are families who have been overwhelmed by cumulative efforts of
chronic economic dependency and the repetition of this condition in succeeding
A. multi-problematic families
B. alcoholic families
C. psychotic families
D. neurotic families

39. Involves the worker in activities aimed at informing and interpreting to certain
sectors of the community, welfare programs and services, as well as needs and
problems, with the objective of enlisting their support and /or involvement in
A. advocate
B. enabler
C. mobilizer of community elite
D. mediator

40. Process of increasing the capacity of individuals or groups to make choices and
to transform those choices into desired actions and outcomes.
A. strengths perspective
B. rights based perspective
C. gender perspective
D. empowerment perspective

41. This attribute entails warmth, acceptance, support, and capacity to check for
A. capacity to trust
B. skills to self-disclosure
C. ability to communicate
D. ability to express feeling

42. Which of the following statement is an example of a specific goal?

A. the client will acquire knowledge in hair cutting through training from
B. within three months, the client will enroll and finish the short term
course and find employment
C. the client will have a healthy lifestyle
D. to regain self esteem and improve interpersonal skills

43. An assessment, planning, and interventive tool that presents the individual or
family and the major systems in the life space, as well as the nature of the
individual’s or family’s relationships with these various systems.
A. ecomap
B. genogram
C. life cycle
D. sociogram

44. The statement, “I am here to help you become more able, more powerful”
refers to:
A. compassion
B. enabling
C. involvement
D. support

45. This involves the process of negotiating the “service jungle” for clients,
whether singly or in groups. The worker connects the client to needed services in
the system until he has availed of them.
A. Resource provision model
B. Intercession-mediation model
C. Task Centered approach
D. Advocacy

46. Which of the following is not a core value of Strengths perspective?

A. cooperation
B. promise
C. resources
D. competence

47. When a worker prepares the family of a recovered drug dependent to be more
accepting towards the client, encouraging the need to change behaviors from
their previous hostile and prejudiced attitude, the social worker is said to be using
this type of technique.
A. psychological support
B. insight development
C. therapy
D. environmental manipulation

48. How would a social worker help the client resolve the “stucked up” feelings as
a result of painful ecperience after na abusive incident?
A. Tell the client to ignore it
B. Suppress it
C. Ventilate through various psychosocial interventions
D. talk to friends

49. RA 7610 is landmark legislation for what purpose?

A. Anti-sexual harassment
B. Early Childhood Care and Development
C. Inter-country Adoption
D. Provision of strong Deterrence and Special Protection Against Child
Abuse and Exploitation
50. Being a good listener is an interviewing technique that id applied properly is
desirable most because it?
A. catches the client more easily in misrepresentations and lies
B. conserves the energies of the investigator
C. encourage the client to talk about personal affairs without restrain
D. encourage the giving of information which is generally more reliable
and complete

51. In your capacity as a case worker, what is the best reason for you to utilize the
questioning technique while interviewing your client?
A. reinforce your own impression concerning the case
B. obtain necessary information to process the case
C. bring to light any fraudulent intent on the part of the client
D. reveals misinformation given by the client

52. As a method in social work, one of the characteristics of social casework is:
A. it can be used to help individuals and families
B. it is practiced in an agency
C. it is a process with the systematic steps in helping a person
D. it is a process with systematic steps to help individuals and families in
an agency setting


1. The following are structural properties of a social groupwork, except:

A. group size
B. group norms
C. group role structure
D. group cohesiveness

2. Social Work group work can be used as follows, except for one:
A. to effect change on the individual participants
B. to change the agency, the worker, and the process
C. to solve the problem collectively
D. to effect change in the social situation or condition outside the group
3. The advantages of using group work as a method in social work practice
includes the following, except for:
A. the group can use variety of activities relevant to individual needs and
group goals
B. the cooperative thinking process in a group can delay decision-making
C. members receive psycho rewards from helping others
D. internal forces in groups can influence attitudes, values, behaviors of
individual members

4. The group as TARGET of change means that:

A. the target of change is the group
B. the target of change is the individual member
C. the target of change is the environment
D. the target of change is the group worker

5. What should be a social worker’s response to negative feedback about her

group’s activities?
A. revise the activities
B. review the activities to see if feedback is justified and act accordingly
C. ignore it as one cannot please everybody
D. let the group decide what to do about the feedback

6. Who should decide the program media for a social group work of hospital
A. the social worker
B. patients/group
C. the social worker and the group
D. the medical team

7. What group building role where each of the members is given an opportunity to
express his/her opinion so that everybody has the chance to share?
A. information-giving
B. encouraging
C. gate keeping
D. following
8. Which goal is appropriate in Social Group Work?
A. enhancement of individual social functioning using dynamic client-worker
B. enhancement of individual functioning using group experiences
C. enhancement of group functioning using guided group experiences
D. enhancement of group functioning using program needed

9. Which of the following associated to the start of the use of group work methods
in the Philippines?
A. recreation and character-building program for the youth
B. guidance services in Welfareville institution
C. counseling services for patient in hospital
D. socialization activities for the youths

10. Which basic skill requires the social group worker to maintain objectivity while
helping the group to release both positive and negative feelings as well as helping
them to analyze their situation or conflict?
A. skill in analyzing group situation
B. skill in establishing purposeful relationship
C. skill in dealing with group feeling
D. skill in evaluating

11. What goal in social group work is based on the assumption that small group is
crucial in a democratic society?
A. social participation and democratic decentralization
B. development of personality to its greatest capacity
C. treatment or rehabilitation
D. prevention of dysfunction

12. Which one below is utilized by the individual in the group with the help of the
social worker, as a means of personality growth, change and development?
A. client
B. group
C. group interaction
D. person
13. The social worker’s purpose is to bring about changes in the behavior of
individual members of the group. How is she/he going to use the group?
A. as a medium of change
B. as an agent of change
C. as a target of change
D. as stimulant of change

14. What type of group will you organize if the members are concerned with
utilizing their potentials, the here and now effectiveness of living and dealing with
future goals rather than past failures?
A. social group
B. interest group
C. growth group
D. recreation group

15. You understand that a program should be of maximum value for the group
members. Which of the following is not included as a criterion?
A. person-centered and met specific needs
B. involve members in planning
C. develop of members needs or interests
D. worker must be able to put in the programs

16. What is the heart of program development process?

A. intervention among members
B. experiencing the program choice
C. guided group interaction
D. group organization

17. In program development process, what follows discovery of need and

A. allocation of duties to members
B. experiencing the program choice
C. selection of a starting point for program
D. analysis of needed work responsibility
18. Identify how the following personalities, one whose major contribution to
group work practice is the “Social Treatment Sequence”?
A. Grace Coyle
B. Robert Vinter
C. Gladys Ryland
D. Harleigh Trecker

19. Who described the Pre-group Phase of group development as consisting of

private pre group phase, public pre-group phase and convening phase?
A. Harleigh Trecker
B. Henry Sue
C. Margaret Harford
D. Helen Northern

20. Which of the following is not a program media?

A. games
B. role play
C. group dynamics
D. individual counseling

21. The Social Treatment Sequence is also called:

A. interactionist or mediating
B. remedial model
C. development model
D. crisis intervention model

22. Correctional institutions, Guidance clinics, Psychiatric hospitals are examples

of agencies pursuing which goal?
A. character-building
B. democratic decentralization
C. social participation
D. treatment

23. Which of the following is a typical characteristic of self-help group?

A. theory based intervention
B. avoidance of social policy issues
C. mutual participation of the helper and the person being helped
D. positive relationship with social work profession

24. Group work evolved from:

A. Charity Organization Movement
B. Cooperatives Movement
C. Settlement House Movement
D. Religious Movement

25. This principle in group work is anchored on the belief that groups have the
right to make choices and that they are endowed with the capacity to make
A. principle of continuous individualization
B. principle of democratic self-determination
C. principle of guided group interaction
D. principle of planned group formation

26. Which of the following is not the worker’s task before a group is organized?
A. conceptualizing/ proposing the group program
B. recruiting members
C. preparing logistics
D. defining group goals

27. Goal oriented group activities may result in the uninhibited expression and
sharing of thoughts, feelings and experiences which means the worker should
exercise good judgment so that this basic social work principle is observed:
A. participation
B. self-determination
C. individualization
D. confidentiality

28. Conceptualizing the group program is an activity that is done during this
period in the group’s development.
A. private pre-group phase
B. public pre-group phase
C. convening phase
D. formation phase
29. Which of the following is not a major theme of Developmental Approach?
A. humanistic
B. phenomenological
C. wholistic
D. developmental

30. In the remedial model, the social study process culminates in the worker’s
writing of this record on individual members before group formation.
A. intake record
B. diagnostic statement
C. case history
D. evaluation report

31. Phase which group tries to shape the new members’ thinking and behaviors so
that they can and will make the maximum contribution to the group.
A. storming
B. norming
C. socialization
D. investigation

32. The expected standards of behavior and belief established and enforced by a
group for the purpose of setting limitations and boundaries in terms of actions
and behaviors of individual members in a group.
A. group norms
B. group rules
C. leadership
D. power structure

33. Roles which help the group do its work.

A. non-functional roles
B. functional roles
C. group task roles
D. group building and maintenance roles
34. Phase in crisis intervention which is the setting up and working out specific
tasks designed to solve specific problems in the current life situation, to modify
previous inadequate or inappropriate ways of functioning and to learn new coping
A. assessment
B. termination
C. implementation of treatment
D. planning

35. The use of a group as a means and context for helping is a characteristic of a:
A. self-help group
B. remedial group
C. developmental group
D. mutual aid

36. “To mediate the process through which the individual and society reach out to
each other through a mutual need for self-fulfillment” is the function of social
work in what approach?
A. crisis intervention approach
B. remedial approach
C. developmental approach
D. interactionist approach

37. Which of the following is not part of the phases in interactionist approach?
A. tuning in
B. the beginning
C. the task
D. the ending

38. Her writings underscore collective self-help as the theme of group work.
A. Helen Philipp
B. Grace Coyle
C. William Schwartz
D. Emanuel Tropp
39. This theme of developmental responds to the question: what are the worker’s
functions and relations with the group?
A. positive
B. developmental
C. humanistic
D. phenomenological

40. The following are the basic purposive processes. Which of the following is
A. release of feelings, support, self-awareness, reality orientation
B. release of feelings, reality orientation, self-appraisal, support
C. reality orientation, support, self-development, release of feelings
D. self-appraisal, support, reality orientation, self-fulfillment

41. In this approach, people are not seen as being sick or healthy, but on a scale
ranging from socially functional, to a dysfunctional, to a eufunctional.
A. interactionist
B. developmental
C. crisis intervention
D. remedial

42. In this treatment sequence, the worker will have to undertake a more
thorough assessment of each client’s problems, the client’s capacity for help and
change, and the various resources that may be utilized for his welfare.
A. intake
B. diagnosis and treatment planning
C. group composition and formation
D. group development and treatment

43. Who said that in crisis intervention, the worker’s stance is active, purposive
and committed, conveying the message that the worker is capable and willing to
take risks.
A. Vinter
B. Schwartz
C. Coyle
D. Golan
44. It is prepared for every group member and it provides the worker a direction
as far as a particular group member is concerned.
A. case study
B. diagnostic statement
C. evaluation plan
D. intervention plan

45. Which of the following reasons is appropriate for termination to happen?

A. members are actively participating in group activities
B. the agency provides all the needed help to the group
C. clients/members are dropping out
D. treatment goals are in the process of achieving them all

46. It is considered as the major means for both group effectiveness and individual
A. self-direction
B. group direction
C. group fulfillment
D. self-fulfillment

47. Which of the following is the treatment technique in crisis intervention

A. precipitating factor
B. sustaining technique
C. state of reorganization
D. state of disintegration

48. Which of the following is a complete under direct means of influence?

A. worker as central person, symbol and spokesman, motivator and
B. worker as central person, motivator and stimulator
C. worker as central person, symbol and spokesman, motivator and
stimulator, and as executive
D. worker as symbol and spokesman, motivator and stimulator, and as
49. The worker and the group members discuss areas of mutual concern, consider
different means to pursue these concerns, sort out the differences and
incorporate individual interests into common group-oriented goals.
A. group formation
B. exploration
C. program media
D. group composition

50. It refers to all activities, worker intervention and group action which the group
system directs toward the achievement of individual and group goals.
A. plan implementation
B. program media
C. action planning
D. group formation


1. What is the goal of correction for offenders after their released and to adapt
and re-established themselves in the community?
A. deference
B. re-integration
C. reformatory
D. retribution

2. The following activities fall under the pre-entry phase, except:

A. site selection
B. administrative preparation
C. training of community leader
D. gathering a secondary data about the community

3. What is the stage in the project management cycle wherein committed

resources are applied to the project in order to meet the set objectives?
A. implementation
B. monitoring and evaluation
C. appraisal
D. preparation
4. The process by which a community identify its needs, orders these needs,
develops the confidence and will to work on these needs, finds the resources to
deal with these needs, takes action and develop cooperative and collaborative
attitude and practices in the community.
A. group work
B. community organization
C. community action
D. social mobilization

5. What are the two kinds of problems identified by the social work profession
which the community organization workers need to address itself?
A. social and economic
B. residual and institutional
C. socio and political
D. psycho and sexual

6. Which of the following best defines residual problems?

A. psychosomatic problems
B. irrelevant community decision making policies
C. problems brought about by the operational breakdown of either the
producing system or the consuming public
D. defective social policies

7. Which of the following best defines institutional breakdown?

A. failure to produce adequate food for our increasing population
B. gap in services
C. problems brought about by the operational breakdown
D. irrelevant or defective social policies and community decision making
process which needs to be changed or modified as they adversely affect
the interest and welfare of the majority of the group

8. Which of the following is not a distinctive feature of community organization?

A. its practice is based on a body of knowledge and principles
B. it involves a one to one relationship
C. it is practiced by professional trained social worker
D. its helping proceed from the analysis of baseline data on community
problems and needs with the participation of people involved in the
different stages
9. What is the goal and objective of community organization?
A. empower the people so they can attain a self reliant and self managed
B. facilitate development of groups
C. unleash the potentials for decision-making
D. interactive development activities

10. Which is not a concern of CO interventions?

A. functions
B. policies
C. programs and services
D. engaging

11. Which is not a characteristic of bottom-up planning?

A. plans form barangays are forwarded to municipal developmental council
B. municipal plans are submitted to the provincial development council
C. preference plans are forwarded to the regional development council
D. preference of the development head is reflected in the budget
allocation for each regional office

12. What is the target of intervention in community organization?

A. community
B. organization
C. institution
D. systems

13. What concept of community that is useful in understanding the influence of

smaller sectors or units like the economic sector on the degree of integration or
disorganization of a community?
A. community as a geographic unit
B. community as a neighborhood or relevant community
C. community as a social system
D. community as a functional unit

14. Who advocate the grassroots concept of community organization?

A. Murray Ross
B. Saul Alinsky
C. Arthur Dunham
D. Perlman and Gurin

15. What community integration as the sought for objective in Ross concept of
organizing means?
A. redistribution of resources, functions and decision-making power
B. exercise of cooperative and collaborative attitudes and practices
C. strengthening of social relationship
D. problem-solving capacities and relationship

16. What concept of community organizing spoused by Paolo Freire?

A. inter-agency level concept
B. consciousness- raising
C. mass-based organization
D. conflict-confrontation

17. What disadvantaged sectors such as urban poor, tenant farmers, marginalized
fishermen, etc. bond together to organized their group?
D. Civic Organizations

18. What is the mark of genuine community organization?

A. people’s participation
B. self-help
C. self-reliance
D. people

19. Urban poor as a sector is represented by the following organization, except:

A. Trade Union Congress of the Philippines (TUCP)
B. Zone One Tondo Organization (TONDO)
C. Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU)
D. Alyansa ng mga Maralita
20. Social mobilization as planned process seeking to facilitate change considers
the following factor, except one:
A. empowerment of individual for action
B. involvement of the community
C. political issues
D. felt needs of the people

21. Which of the following is not an expression of a value of a community

A. community organization as a democratic process
B. environmental preservation
C. poverty alleviation
D. sustainable development

22. What is the role of the community organizer who provides expert knowledge
and information to achieved planned goals and objectives?
A. broker
B. guide
C. consultant
D. interviewer

23. The values of community organizing are the following, except:

A. commitment to seek justice and equity
B. right of community for self-determination
C. commitment to democratic processes
D. confidentiality

24. What activity done at the start of the organizing process which involves visiting
and meeting with the existing formal leaders and explaining the project or the
intention of the community organizes in the area?
A. legwork
B. courtesy call
C. establishing rapport
D. ground working
25. What phase in the CO process where orientation and training of the
community organizer takes place in addition to area selection, data gathering and
administrative and logistical preparations?
A. preparatory phase
B. strengthening phase
C. integration phase
D. phase out

26. What role of a CO worker entails ability to see deep-seated causes of

community problems?
A. change agent
B. planner
C. advocate
D. social therapist

27. What type of CO emphasizes changes in people’s capacities to solve their own
problems, and in the community’s social relations?
A. process goals
B. process and task goal
C. relationship goal
D. task goal

28. What is an effective strategy to respond to the problem of lack of manpower

and resources ensuring continuity and capability of community members?
A. creation of people’s organization
B. paraprofessional
C. use of volunteers
D. multi-tasking of staff

29. Who are the informal leaders in the community?

A. one who is able to influence the decision-making process in the
B. one who is able to elected to particular position
C. one who is able to read and write
D. one who has wealth or any other material resources
30. What condition will not promote genuine community organization?
A. democratic social welfare
B. citizen’s support and participation
C. people’s participation
D. centralized decision-making

31. What role of the social worker when she/he identifies and gathered people
from the community and makes them responsive to unmeet need of their
A. enabler
B. mobilizer
C. negotiator
D. facilitator

32. His administration launched community development as an organizing method

in response to the problems of underdeveloped rural communities.
A. Aquino
B. R. Magsaysay
C. G. Arroyo
D. E. Quirino

33. A process by which the people assisted by a social worker build their social
awareness with regard their situation, problems, capabilities and resources,
develop their commitment for transformation or development, and act
collectively to change their situation and achieve their goals and objectives.
A. social planning
B. conscientization
C. participative situational analysis
D. locality development

34. An American sociologist who advocated a type of community organizing which

is based on the assumption of a conflict of interests between the “haves” and the
“haves nots”.
A. Karl Marx
B. Mahatman Gandhi
C. Saul Alinsky
D. Paulo Freire
35. Which is not an element of community organization?
A. education and training
B. mobilization
C. organization building
D. top-down planning

36. Which is not a geographic community?

A. worker’s community
B. purok
C. town
D. barangay

37. The following are models of community organization discussed by Rothman,

except one:
A. locality development
B. social action
D. social planning

38. In the pre-helping phase of working with communities, what activities are
A. identification of target area, assignment of workers
B. organization of working groups, implementation of action plan
C. documentation
D. identification of the problem, planning of solutions

39. This principle in CO recognizes people’s inherent desire to change their

conditions to grow and develop:
A. trust in people
B. start where the people are
C. CO is biased to the interest of the majority
D. community resources

40. Social investigation includes the following, except:

A. focused group discussion
B. community meetings
C. groundwork and follow-up
D. dynamic interaction

41. The act by which people make their input into a process of decision-making,
planning, programming, and /or implementing that affects their lives.
A. empowerment
B. advocacy
C. participation
D. social planning

42. In CO, the CO worker uses the following techniques in identifying leaders,
A. directly asking the community people
B. using the field and documentary sources
C. personal observation using some objectives/ criteria
D. good human relation both within and outside the community

43. The social worker has contribution to make the development efforts through
social planning:
A. interest and resources of any agency
B. social worker’s objective and orientation
C. people’s motivation and participation
D. social worker’s knowledge of human needs and responses

44. The strategy is used in influencing change or modification of policies,

legislations, ordinances, programs and services deemed irrelevant, inadequate or
disadvantageous to the greater sector of society.
A. social brokerage
B. lobbying
C. uses of integrative mechanisms to strengthen organizations
D. social protests to support social movements

45. Selection of the community organization model is determined by:

A. preference of the worker
B. nature of the problem
C. availability of resources
D. competence of the worker
46. In prioritizing community problems, the worker and the people must be
guided by the following:
A. urgency and magnitude of the problem
B. preference of the local chief executive
C. availability of resources
D. relative eases of solving problems

47. A reformist, activist, leftist, famous for his “radical change” and structural
analysis. Establish the tactics of infiltration coupled with measures of
confrontation that ordinary citizens could employ as a means of gaining public
power/people’s power.
A. Paulo Freire
B. Saul Alinsky
C. Mohandas Gandhi
D. Karl Marx

48. An organizer’s quality that she never shields people from the hardships and
struggle necessary for real growth. She helps in the liberation from poverty and
A. genuine love for people
B. tenacity
C. flexibility
D. trust

49. The following, except one, are values of conducting community assemblies/
A. opportunity to visit homes
B. people feel important when consulted
C. people experience involvement
D. opportunity to reach several people ate one time

50. The goals of CO according to Arthur Dunham are:

A. task, process, development
B. process, organization, task
C. task, process, relationship
D. relationship, development, organization

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