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BG Chap-1 Worksheet Bhakti Shastri Course Page 1 of 6

Bhagavad Gita – Chapter 1 – Observing the Armies on the battlefield of Kurukshetra

Chapter Summary as given in the text book:

The very beginning of Bhagavad-gétä, the First Chapter, is more or less an introduction to the
rest of the book. [BG 9.1 ppt]

Section wise chapter summary: The first chapter has 46 verses which can be divided into
three sections as given below.

Section 1: Verse No. 1 to 19 - Description of the armies and blowing of conchshells

1) Dhåtaräñöra asks Saïjaya about the battle at the holy place of Kururkshetra, where the
Pandavas and Kauravas have assembled to fight.
2) Saïjaya says that Duryodhana described the strength of the Pandavas and that of his army
to Droëäcärya.
3) Duryodhana feels that the strength of his army is unlimited being protected by the most
experienced general Bhisma and hence he is confident of victory.
4) Bhishma tries to cheer Duryodhana by blowing his conchshell very loudly.
5) Thereafter, Lord Krishna and Arjuna blow their transcendental conchshells.
6) Other kings on the Päëòavas side also blow their conchshells separately.
7) The blowing of the conchshells by the Päëòavas shatters the hearts of the sons of

Section 2: Verse No. 20 to 27 - Arjuna observes the army

1) Arjuna requests Kåñëa, who has consented to act as Arjuna's chariot driver, to draw his
chariot between the two armies.
2) Arjuna seeing different grades of relatives on the enemy side becomes overwhelmed with

Section 3: Verse No. 28 to 46 - Arjuna’s reaction and his refusal to fight

1) Arjuna’s limbs begin to quiver, his mouth becomes dry, his hair stands on end, his bow
Gäëòéva slips from his hand, and his skin begins to burn.
2) Due to his impatience he is unable to stay on the battlefield.
3) Arjuna gives four reasons for not fighting:
a) Compassion
b) Enjoyment
c) Destruction of dynasty
d) Fear of sinful reactions
4) Srila Prabhupada concludes this chapter by saying: Such a kind and softhearted person in
the devotional service of the Lord is fit to receive self-knowledge.

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1. [BG 1.1] Gita-Mahatmya: One should read Bhagavad-gétä very scrutinizingly with the help
of a person who is a devotee of Çré Kåñëa and try to understand it without personally
motivated interpretations.
2. [BG 1.1] Perfect theistic science: The Bhagavad Gita is the perfect theistic science because it
is directly spoken by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Çré Kåñëa.
3. [BG 1.1] Dhåtaräñöra’s fear: Dhåtaräñöra became very fearful about the influence of the holy
place on the outcome of the battle, because he knew very well that the holy place would
influence the Päëòavas favourably. Dhåtaräñöra did not want a compromise between his sons
and the Pandavas.
4. [BG 1.1] Saïjaya’s vision: Saïjaya was a student of Vyäsa, and therefore, by the mercy of
Vyäsa, Saïjaya was able to envision the Battlefield of Kurukñetra even while he was in the
room of Dhåtaräñöra.
5. [BG 1.1] Example of paddy field: As in the paddy field the unnecessary plants are taken out,
so it is expected from the very beginning of these topics that in the religious field of
Kurukñetra where the father of religion, Çré Kåñëa, was present, the unwanted plants like
Duryodhana and others would be wiped out and the thoroughly religious persons, headed by
Yudhiñöhira, would be established by the Lord.
6. [BG 1.2] Duryodhana’s diplomacy: Duryodhana, after seeing the military force of the
Päëòavas, at once went to the commander-in-chief, Droëäcärya, to inform him of the real
position, because Duryodhana felt fear on seeing the military arrangement of the Päëòavas.
To cover up his fear in a diplomatic way, Duryodhana went to Dronacharya.
7. [BG 1.8-18] As described in the text book, the following warriors are fighting on the side of
the Pandavas or Kauravas. Accordingly write “P” or “K” against each of them.
a. Jayadratha K
b. Kåpa K
c. Yuyudhäna P
d. Uttamaujä P
e. Bhuriçravä K
f. Käçiräja P
g. Bhéñma K
h. Viräöa P
i. The son of Subhadrä P
j. Drupada P
k. Kåtavarmä K
l. Dhåñöaketu P
m. Purujit P
n. Kuntibhoja P
o. Sons of Draupadé P
p. Droëäcärya K
q. Yudhämanyu P
r. Karëa K
s. Açvatthämä K
t. Cekitäna P
u. Vikarëa K
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v. Çalya K
w. Çaibya P
8. [BG 1.15-18] Name the personality to whom the conchshell belongs:
a) Anantavijaya Yudhiñöhira
b) Päïcajanya Kåñëa
c) Sughoña Nakula
d) Pauëòram Bhéma
e) Maëipuñpaka Sahadeva
f) Devadatta Arjuna
9. Akñauhiëé: A solid phalanx of 21,870 chariots, 21,870 elephants, 65,610 cavalry and 109,350
infantry is called an akñauhiëé.
10. [BG 1.19] Devotee is fearless: One who takes shelter of the Supreme Lord has nothing to
fear, even in the midst of the greatest calamity.
11. [BG 1.21-22] Significance of addressing Krishna as Achyuta: The relationship between the
Lord and His servitor is very sweet and transcendental. The servitor is always ready to render
service to the Lord, and, similarly, the Lord is always seeking an opportunity to render some
service to the devotee. He takes greater pleasure in His pure devotee's assuming the
advantageous postion of ordering Him than He does in being the giver of orders. As master,
everyone is under His orders, and no one is above Him to order Him. But when he finds that
a pure devotee is ordering Him, He obtains transcendental pleasure, although He is the
infallible master of all circumstances.
12. [BG 1.24] Samädhi: A devotee of Kåñëa can conquer both sleep and ignorance simply by
thinking of Kåñëa constantly. This is called Kåñëa consciousness, or samädhi.
13. [BG 1.24] Guòäkeça: Arjuna is called Guòäkeça because he conquered both sleep and
ignorance due to his friendship with Kåñëa.
14. [BG 1.28] A devotee has all good qualities: On seeing his relatives on the enemy side, the
symptoms displayed by Arjuna were not due to weakness but to his softheartedness, a
characteristic of a pure devotee of the Lord.
yasyästi bhaktir bhagavaty akiïcanä
sarvair guëais tatra samäsate suräù
haräv abhaktasya kuto mahad-guëä
mano-rathenäsati dhävato bahiù
TRANSLATION: One who has unflinching devotion for the Personality of Godhead
has all the good qualities of the demigods. But one who is not a devotee of the Lord
has only material qualifications that are of little value. This is because he is hovering
on the mental plane and is certain to be attracted by the glaring material energy.
15. [BG 1.28-30]Arjuna experienced various symptoms on seeing the different grades on
relatives on the battlefield. Complete the following based on this description in the text book:
I feel the limbs of my body quivering and my mouth is drying up. My whole body is
trembling, and my hair is standing on end. My bow Gäëòéva is slipping from my hand, and
my skin is burning. I am now unable to stand here any longer. I am forgetting myself, and
my mind is reeling.
16. [BG 1.31] Analogy of a person who is not hungry: Arjuna is reluctant even to kill his
enemies, let alone his relatives. He thought that by killing his kinsmen there would be no
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happiness in his life, and therefore he was not willing to fight, just as a person who does not
feel hunger is not inclined to cook.
17. [BG 1.36] According to Vedic injunctions, there are six kinds of aggressors, who are to be
killed at once and by killing them no sin is incurred. Who are they?
1) a poison giver
2) one who sets fire to the house
3) one who attacks with deadly weapons
4) one who plunders riches
5) one who occupies another's land
6) one who kidnaps a wife
18. Consequences of killing the enemies in this battle:
i. Destruction of dynasty (kula-kñaya)
ii. [BG 1.39] Eternal family tradition is vanquished (praëaçyanti kula-dharmäù)
iii. [BG 1.39] Family becomes involved in irreligious practise (adharmaù abhibhavati)
iv. [BG 1.40] Women become corrupt (praduñyanti kula-striyaù)
v. [BG 1.40] There will be unwanted progeny (jäyate varëa-saìkaraù)
vi. [BG 1.41] Hellish situation is created for the family and those who destroy the family
tradition (narakäyaiva kula-ghnänäà kulasya ca)
vii. [BG 1.41] There will be no offering of food and water to the ancestors (lupta-
viii. [BG 1.42] Community projects and family welfare activities are devastated
(utsädyante jäti-dharmäù kula-dharmäç ca)
ix. [BG 1.43] Those who destroy family traditions dwell always in hell (narake niyataà
19. [BG 1.42] Breaking tradition: The breaking of the sanätana-dharma tradition by irresponsible
leaders of society brings about chaos in that society, and consequently people forget the aim
of life—Viñëu.
20. [BG 1.43] Präyaçcitta: One who is always engaged in sinful activities must utilize the process
of ablution called the präyaçcitta.
21. Make a list of the different names by which Krishna is referred in the verses and purports of
this chapter and also give the meaning of each name which is explained in the text book.
i. Krishna Supreme Personality of Godhead
ii. Madhava Husband of the goddess of fortune
iii. Hrishikesha Director of the senses
iv. Madhusudana Killer of the Madhu demon
v. Govinda Giver of pleasure to the cows and senses
vi. Väsudeva Son of Vasudeva
vii. Devaki-nandana Son of Devaki
viii. Yashoda-nandana Son of Yashoda
ix. Partha-sarathi Charioteer of Arjuna
x. Achyuta Infallible Lord
xi. Keshava Killer of Keshi demon
xii. Janardana Maintainer of all living entities
xiii. Varshneya Descendant of Vrishni
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22. [BG 1.1] What kind of fortunate person can surpass all studies of Vedic wisdom?
One who understands Bhagavad-gétä in the line of disciplic succession, without motivated
interpretation can surpass all studies of Vedic wisdom.
23. [BG 1.1] What are the different reasons for describing Kurukshetra as dharma-kshetra?
i) It is a sacred place of pilgrimage from the immemorial time of the Vedic age.
ii) The Supreme Personality of Godhead was present on the side of Arjuna.
iii) It is mentioned in the Vedas as a place of worship even for the denizens of
iv) It is a place where religious rituals are performed.
v) The father of religion, Çré Kåñëa was present and hence it became a religious
24. [BG 1.3] Give an example of Dronacharya’s action as a liberal brahmana.
Droëäcärya had some political quarrel with King Drupada, the father of Draupadé, who was
Arjuna's wife. As a result of this quarrel, Drupada performed a great sacrifice, by which he
received the benediction of having a son who would be able to kill Droëäcärya. Droëäcärya
knew this perfectly well, and yet, as a liberal brähmaëa, he did not hesitate to impart all his
military secrets when the son of Drupada, Dhåñöadyumna, was entrusted to him for military
25. [BG 1.12] By blowing his conchshell loudly like the roar of a lion, Bhisma tried to cheer his
depressed grandson Duryodhana. But, indirectly what did Bhisma inform Duryodhana?
Indirectly, by the symbolism of the conchshell, he informed his depressed grandson
Duryodhana that he had no chance of victory in the battle, because the Supreme Lord Kåñëa
was on the other side.
26. [BG1.14] The conchshells in the hands of Krishna and Arjuna are described as
transcendental. What was the indication of the sounding of these transcendental conchshells?
The sounding of the transcendental conchshells indicated that there was no hope of victory
for the other side because Kåñëa was on the side of the Päëòavas.
27. [BG 1.15] Who had donated the chariot on which Krishna and Arjuna were seated? What did
this indicate?
It was donated by Agni (the fire-god) to Arjuna, and this indicated that this chariot was
capable of conquering all sides, wherever it was drawn over the three worlds.
28. [BG 1.20] Arjuna is described as kapi-dhvaja. How does this signify victory for Arjuna?
The emblem of Hanumän on the flag of Arjuna is another sign of victory because Hanumän
cooperated with Lord Räma in the battle between Räma and Rävaëa, and Lord Räma
emerged victorious. Now both Räma and Hanumän were present on the chariot of Arjuna to
help him. Lord Kåñëa is Räma Himself, and wherever Lord Räma is, His eternal servitor
Hanumän and His eternal consort Sétä, the goddess of fortune, are present. Therefore, Arjuna
had no cause to fear any enemies whatsoever. In such auspicious conditions, arranged by the
Lord for His eternal devotee, lay the signs of assured victory.
29. [BG 1.29] There are two kinds of trembling of body. Under what conditions are each of these
kinds of trembling experienced?
Such phenomena are experienced either in great spiritual ecstasy or out of great fear under
material conditions.
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30. The SB verse which has been quoted in BG 1.30 purport has been given below. Write the
meaning of the entire verse:
bhayaà dvitéyäbhiniveçataù syäd
éçäd apetasya viparyayo ‘småtiù
tan-mäyayäto budha äbhajet taà
bhaktyaikayeçaà guru-devatätmä

When the living entity is attracted by the material energy, which is separate from Kåñëa, he is
overpowered by fear. Because he is separated from the Supreme Personality of Godhead by
the material energy, his conception of life is reversed. In other words, instead of being the
eternal servant of Kåñëa, he becomes Kåñëa’s competitor. This is called viparyayo ‘småtiù.
To nullify this mistake, one who is actually learned and advanced worships the Supreme
Personality of Godhead as his spiritual master, worshipful Deity and source of life. He thus
worships the Lord by the process of unalloyed devotional service
31. [BG 1.31] Which two kinds of men are eligible to enter into the powerful sun-globe?
The kñatriya who dies directly in front of the battlefield under Kåñëa's personal orders and
the person in the renounced order of life who is absolutely devoted to spiritual culture, are
eligible to enter into the sun-globe.
32. [BG 1.41] Anyone who has taken shelter of the lotus feet of Mukunda, the giver of liberation,
giving up all kinds of obligation, and has taken to the path in all seriousness, owes neither
duties nor obligations to six kinds of personalities. Who are they?
i) demigods
ii) sages
iii) general living entities
iv) family members
v) humankind
vi) forefathers.
33. What are the four reasons given by Arjuna for not fighting in this battle. Give the verse
number reference also against each reason.
a) Compassion (BG 1.27)
b) Enjoyment (BG 1.32)
c) Destruction of dynasty (BG 1.39)
d) Fear of sinful reactions (BG 1.44)
34. What is the conclusion of this chapter as given by Srila Prabhupada in the last purport?
Who is the person referred to in this conclusion?
Such a kind and softhearted person in the devotional service of the Lord is fit to receive self-
knowledge. Arjuna is that person.
35. Memorise the following verses (with meaning): BG 1.1, BG 1.15, BG 1.19
36. Write the verse BG 1.1, its meaning and explain the verse in ten sentences.

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