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Final Year Project Allocation System Techniques:

A Systematic Literature Review

Nik Intan Syahiddatul Ilani Jailani Dr Al-Fahim Mubarak Ali Ts. Dr Syahrulanuar Ngah
Faculty of Computing Faculty of Computing Faculty of Computing
Universiti Malaysia Pahang Universiti Malaysia Pahang Universiti Malaysia Pahang
Kuantan, Pahang Kuantan, Pahang Kuantan, Pahang
2022 IEEE 12th Symposium on Computer Applications & Industrial Electronics (ISCAIE) | 978-1-6654-8703-0/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ISCAIE54458.2022.9794501

Abstract—Undergraduate students require to undertake the only a title, the FYP coordinator will assign
Final Year Project (FYP) for the completion of their studies. The them any lecturer as their supervisor while
allocation of FYP can be fundamental for students to be considering the quota available for each
allocated to the project based on their interest with supervisors lecturer.
that expertise in their project field. However, the usual practice
Besides, this complex process has been a major
for the FYP allocation process is done manually by the FYP
Coordinator. In this paper, few studies have been made on challenge for the FYP Coordinator to allocate the project to
existing FYP allocation systems. Besides, we also focus on all students under this faculty which satisfied the student
allocation techniques to provide the best decision which satisfied project field and lecturer preferences[2]–[4]. Allocating
both lecturer and student preferences and lesser the workload project to the student while taking students’ preferences for
of the FYP Coordinator. The existing FYP System which projects into consideration is the key to Student Project
includes subject allocation and implemented the allocation Allocation (SPA) problem[5]. Apart from the project
techniques were highlighted and presented. The efficiency of the allocation, the submission of the project is through email or
system is identified through the highest project allocation hardcopy. Students have limited time to update their progress
accuracy and shows the best FYP system and allocation
and plan for the task to be completed in the following weeks
technique. Therefore, this paper focused on a systematic
literature review (SLR) from a previous study regarding the during the meeting. Students and supervisors were unable to
existing Final Year Project Allocation System and allocation have a proper discussion about any problem that occur during
techniques. the project completion[6]. Every supervisor must monitor
Keywords—Final Year Project, Final Year Project Allocation more than five students which increases their workload in
Systems, Allocation Techniques, Systematic Literature Review their busy schedule.
Therefore, this paper reviews the aspect of evaluating
I. INTRODUCTION existing work on the current Final Year Project and allocation
Faculty of Computing (FK) earlier known as Faculty of techniques. The main purpose of this systematic literature
Computer Systems and Software Engineering in Universiti review is to summarize the literature that was published to
Malaysia Pahang. The faculty was founded on 16 February assemble and present an overview of current Final Year
2002 to produce experienced and highly qualified graduates in Project Allocation studies for the techniques used. Five
the field of Software Engineering, systems, and computer sections include section 1 as the Introduction. The remaining
network. The faculty focuses on the students’ growth in section which is Section 2 covered related works. Section 3
Software Engineering knowledge and technical skills. In discusses the method in this research, Section 4 analyses the
addition, the faculty has conducted research and development
results and discussion in this study, and the final Section 5
in various areas that are important to industry and business
explains the conclusion and future works.
Faculty consists of three courses majoring in Computer
Science but with different expertise; Computer System and II. METHOD
Networking, Software Engineering and Computer Graphic. This study process has been conducted as a
To graduate, all final year students must complete their Final systematic literature review guideline referring to the actual
Year Project (FYP). Final Year Project (FYP) can be defined guidelines suggested by Kitchenham for software
as an academic activity in which students will involve in engineering[7]. The study composes of seven phases which
research work related to their field of study that will be graded include research questions, search process, inclusion and
after they complete the project and covered a certain exclusion criteria, qualitative analysis, data collection, data
percentage of the overall scores for every final year student in analysis and deviations from the protocol.
final semester[1].
There are a few processes that need to be done before A. Research Questions
starting the first phase of FYP. The process is: The main purpose of this study is to review the existing
i) Students have to propose their project title, or work done for Final Year Project Allocation System along
they may discuss with the lecturer that already with the allocation techniques. Specifying the research
proposed the FYP title. question is the most crucial part of the Systematic Literature
ii) Students have to take a signature from their Review[8]. The research questions for this study are;
chosen supervisors, and they were given a
dateline to submit the declaration form to the RQ1. What are the earliest and latest works related to Final
faculty. Year Project Allocation System?
iii) If the student is not able to decide on their RQ2. What are the allocation techniques used in Final Year
supervisor and submit the declaration form with Project Allocation System?

978-1-6654-8703-0/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE 99

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RQ3. What are the metrics and characteristics of allocation D. Data Collection
techniques for the Final Year Project System? The data extraction is made by gathering and
summarizing each paper to derive the information from
Concerning RQ1, there is no specific range for year of chosen paper. The information derived from papers will be
publication as we focus on the previous work related to the sorted in a way that follows the question in the study.
Final The ear Project Allocation System. We have analyzed The data extracted from each study were:
the number of previous systems and determined whether the • The journal or conference paper and research thesis.
system implemented the allocation techniques or used a • Main topics refer to allocation techniques.
manual system. With reference to RQ2, we identified the • Year and Author of Publication.
allocation techniques used in previous studies. Regarding
• The summary of the allocation technique used in the
RQ3, the metrics and characteristics of allocation techniques
Student-Project Allocation problem from the previous
were analyzed.
• The summary for the existing Final Year Project
B. Search Process
Allocation System.
The search process used in finding the journal papers and • Whether the allocation technique applies to the system.
any related work is a manual search. Google Scholar, • Whether the Final Year Project Allocation Systems
IEEEXplore, Research gate and Science Direct are the most implements the allocation techniques.
indexing databases used for searching the journal. The search • The allocation techniques used in the current Final Year
process is followed by; Project System.
1) Primary search using main keyword: Refer to the
• The efficiency and accuracy are based on the percentage
main purpose of the project, the search keywords are
of project allocation.
“Final Year Project”, “Final Year Project and
The extracted data is focused on the comparison of the
Allocation System”, “Allocation System”, “Final
existing Final Year Project Allocation System and allocation
Year Project Management”, “Final Year Project
techniques for the study outcomes. We focused on the main
Allocation System”, “Subject Allocation” and
purpose of the studies for the data synthesis to analyze how it
“Student-Project Allocation”.
can be measured.
2) These keywords were used to check the best
keywords in searching the previous study of the FYP
E. Data Analysis
Allocation System.
3) The best keywords will be reused to search the The data was tabulated to show:
related journal paper which are “Final Year Project”, • Major allocation techniques used in previous studies.
“Allocation System” and “Student-Project • The existing Final Year Project System.
Allocation”. • Allocation techniques implemented in Final Year
4) Search for any existing system that related to the Project Allocation System.
final year project or included the allocation process • The number of studies regarding allocation techniques
in their research. used in the Final Year Project System.
5) Choose the work done related to the main study and • Metrics and characteristics of allocation techniques for
exclude unrelated journal papers that refer to the Final Year Project System.
titles and abstracts. • The performance of the existing Final Year Project
6) Write the result based on reading the full text of the Allocation System.
journal paper.
F. Deviations from Protocol
C. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria Based on Kitchenham’s Systematic Literature Review
The study was mainly aimed at full English language (SLR) guidelines, this protocol was developed[7]. The
articles as below: protocol sets out the context of the study, the research
• Peer-reviewed journals, conferences or proceedings, questions, the search strategy and method, the criteria for
technical studies and research thesis. inclusion and exclusion, and the qualitative analysis of the
• Published book chapters up to the end of 2020. data collected and data analyzed.
The studies included articles where the article related to
the elements mentioned in Search Process. The definition, III. RESULTS
suggestion or specification related to Final Year Project must This section shows the results of the research studies.
be included in the papers. The papers must also consist of
allocation techniques used for the project or subject allocation A. Search Results
solution. We excluded the articles on the following Referring to the studies from the literature; few articles
characteristics: are more related to techniques for Student-Project Allocation
• Studies which not related to the Final Year Project problem rather than implementing the techniques in the Final
System or techniques for allocation are removed. Year Project Allocation System.
• The same reports of the same study in a different version.
(The latest study was included in the review). Hussain et al. [9] did a systematic review of existing
project allocation methods for the Student-Project Allocation

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Problem. This work summarized the existing allocation System. Moreover, this paper analyzes the techniques used
works specifically on allocation techniques. for the Student-Project Allocation problem which explains
the advantage and disadvantages of the present techniques
Unlike the previous work, this paper aims to evaluate and and devise the current Final Year project Allocation System
summarize the previous and latest works that have been that can be improved.
proposed and implemented in Final Year Project Allocation


Techniques Description
Integer Programming Algorithm This algorithm enables students to rank the project according to their preferences[10]. The student will be
assigned their first choices of a project if possible[11].
Linear-Time Algorithm This algorithm considers students’ and lecturers’ preference lists. It allows students to be assigned projects
based on student preferences over projects and lecturer preferences over students[12].
Hybrid Fuzzy Evolutionary Algorithm This algorithm assigns a project based on student preferences that satisfy the criteria set by students, lecturers
and FYP coordinator perspectives[13].
Approximation Algorithm This algorithm comprises three sets of agents; students, projects and lecturers, where students do have
preferences over projects and lecturers have preferences over students[14].
Genetic Algorithm This algorithm will be used as the clustering method[15]. It required two inputs to assign supervisors to
students which are the student preferences for lecturers and lecturer capacities[5].

Table I shows the major allocation techniques used to
Number of Journal Articles Published by Year
solve the student-project allocation problem. There are many

Number of Publication
algorithms were introduced in previous studies. Refer to 6
previous research studies, only two techniques from Table I 5
was implemented in Final Year Project Allocation System. 3
Table III shows the results of the search procedure[7]. 1
The extracted data chosen refers to the inclusion and
exclusion criteria stated in Section 2.3. The first work done
was published in 2003[16] and the latest work done was Year of Publication
published in 2020[4]. This section will discuss the answers to
our research questions. All work done were included in Table Fig. 1 Number of Journal Articles Published by Year
II. This section will discuss the answers to our research
questions. Fig. 1 shows the trend graph for the earliest and
latest works related to Final Year Project Allocation System.
The response to the research question is as follows: The first journal was published by Anwar and Bahaj in
2003. Each year, an average of two journal articles were
RQ1: What are the earliest and latest works regarding Final published throughout the first decade of its disclosure. Since
Year Project Allocation System? 2016, this topic began to gain greater attention from
researchers with an average of four journal articles published
up to 2020. Table II shows the existing FYP System.
There are twenty-one existing FYP Allocation Systems in
total that was identified as relevant to the project allocation
Id Author Year Final Year Project System Implementation Evaluation


1 Cheung et 2003 Final Year Project Expert System ActiveX Server VBScript
al.[16] Page (ASP)
2 Chan et 2006 Subject Allocation System Experiment Coding directed
al.[17] by intrinsic data
3 Hasan et 2009 Final Year Project Title Selection System Experiment Not mentioned
4 Callista & 2010 Data Management System for Student’s Final Not mentioned Not mentioned
Fiona [19] Year Project
5 Bakar et 2011 Final Year Supervision Management System Macromedia PHP
al.[20] Dreamweaver CS3
6 Ph et al.[21] 2012 Final Year Project Online Management System HTML Java and PHP

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7 Rani[22] 2012 Final Year Project Intelligent Scheduling System Visual Studio 2005
8 Pudaruth et 2013 Project Allocation System Experiment Not mentioned
9 Shin[24] 2013 Online Final Year Project System for FICT, NetBean Not mentioned
UTAR using AMP technologies
10 Li et al.[6] 2015 Final Year Project Management System
11 Ismail et 2015 A Simple Recommender Engine for Matching Recommender Java
al.[25] Final-Year Project Student with Supervisor Systems[26]
12 L.Yahaya*, 2016 Group Student-Project Allocation Protoype JCreator IDE Java
A.Y.Tambuw System
al [1]
13 Hong[27] 2016 Project Allocation System (PAS) Django Java
14 Lightfoot [28] 2016 Student Project Allocation System HTML Python
15 Shukla & 2016 Decision Support System for Subject Allocation Not mentioned Not mentioned
16 Mohamed et 2017 Final Year Project Management System Microsoft Visio PHP
17 Kamaliah [31] 2018 Final Year Project Lecturer-Student Distribution HTML PHP
18 Surendran 2018 Unique Cloud Service for Final Year Project Not mentioned PHP
[32] Management
19 Emmenuel & 2019 Student’ Project Supervision and Allocation HTML Java
O.[33] System
20 Shabaz et 2019 Cloud Based Final Year Project System Not mentioned PHP
21 Khurwolah & 2020 Online Automated Project Allocation System in Not mentioned Not mentioned
Chuttur [4] Higher Education Institution

RQ2: What are the allocation techniques used in Final Year are manual and computer algorithm and cloud. Each system
Project Allocation System? is applied for one technique. From this table, we have
analyzed three systems in cloud category were not
Table III shows the allocation techniques applied in the implemented the project allocation technique in their system.
Final Year Project Allocation System. From the existing We have stated subject allocation and techniques as
systems stated in RQ1, there are technique and non-technique evaluation metrics. The studies showed not all FYP systems
systems. The system was divided into two categories which have implemented allocation techniques to solve the
allocation problem.


System Id Author Year Final Year Project System Techniques
Manual and 1 Cheung et al.[16] 2003 Final Year Project Expert System Dynamic Programming
Computer Algorithm
Algorithm 2 Chan et al.[17] 2006 Subject Allocation System Evolutionary Algorithm
3 Hasan et al.[18] 2009 Final Year Project Title Selection System Network Flow Optimization
8 Pudaruth et al.[23] 2013 Project Allocation System Marriage Goal Programming
11 Ismail et al.[25] 2015 A Simple Recommender Engine for Matching Final-Year Euclidean Distance Algorithm
Project Student with Supervisor
12 L.Yahaya*, 2016 Group Student-Project Allocation Prototype System Constraint Optimization
A.Y.Tambuwal [1] Algorithm
13 Hong[27] 2016 Project Allocation System (PAS) Linear-Time Algorithm
14 Lightfoot [28] 2016 Student Project Allocation System Busacker-Gowen algorithm
17 Kamaliah [31] 2018 Final Year Project Lecturer-Student Distribution (FYPSLD) Local Search Algorithm
Cloud 18 Surendran [32] 2018 Unique Cloud Service for Final Year Project Management Not Mentioned
19 Emmenuel & O.[33] 2019 Student’ Project Supervision and Allocation System Not Mentioned
20 Shabaz et al.[34] 2019 Cloud-Based Final Year Project System Not Mentioned

There are nine allocation techniques implemented in Linear-Time Algorithm are the major techniques for
the Final Year Project Allocation System. Most of the project allocation systems. There are two works done for
studies focused on the techniques itself for Student-Project Integer Programming Algorithm [11],[16] and three works
Allocation Problem. It was explained using mathematical done for Linear-Time Algorithm [2],[27],[12]. Previously,
theory to prove the techniques. Besides, the proposed Linear-Time algorithm was implemented in the Project
techniques cannot manage many possible different Allocation System developed by Hong[27].
formulations of the SPA model and are also time-
consuming [15]. Integer Programming Algorithm and

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RQ3: What are the characteristics and metrics of allocation techniques, this section defines the
allocation techniques for the Final Year Project System? characteristics and metrics overall.

Table IV shows the performance evaluation of In Final Year Project Allocation System with allocation
existing final year project allocation systems. Referring to techniques, there are several characteristics involved which
Table V, eight systems have followed the evaluation metric are:
which are subject allocation and implemented the • Finding the optimal solution for the total allocated
allocation techniques. Since the implementation of student assigned to the total allocated project[1].
allocation techniques in the system is much less • Provide solution with the highest level of satisfaction
emphasized, it is difficult to find the best available methods in meeting the varied objectives[13] which students
for project allocation. Most of the studies focused on assigned to the most preferred project while
solving the Student-Project Allocation (SPA) problem but considering the lecturer capacities[5].
not all techniques are applicable to the real system. Student- Student can choose their project based on their preferences
Project Allocation techniques were adopted as part of the and the lecturer to have preferences over students to get the
Final Year Project Allocation System. Therefore, for the best student for them to supervise[23].
Id Final Year Project System Year Technique Student Lecturer Second Allocation
Project select Round Accuracy
selection student Allocation (%)

1 Final Year Project Expert System[16] 2003 Dynamic Programming 89.50

2 Subject Allocation System[17] 2006 Evolutionary Algorithm 74.03
3 Final Year Project Title Selection 2009 Network Flow 78.50
System[18] Optimization Algorithm
8 Project Allocation System[23] 2013 Marriage Algorithm 82.00
Goal Programming
12 Group Student-Project Allocation 2016 Constraint Optimization 90.00
Prototype System[1] Algorithm
13 Project Allocation System (PAS) [27] 2016 Linear-Time Algorithm -
14 Student Project Allocation System[28] 2016 Busacker-Gowen -
17 Final Year Project Lecturer-Student 2018 Local Search Algorithm -
Distribution (FYPSLD) [31]

In summary, the main way in analyzing the Final Year consuming. There are many possible formulas that may not
Project Allocation System is based on the performance be applicable to the system. The researchers only focus on
evaluation of allocation techniques for the Student-Project the Student-project Allocation Problem.
Allocation problem. Performance metric is used in As for the future works, we suggest to focus on the
analyzing the allocation techniques and the efficiency of Final Year Project Allocation System implementing the
the allocation made based on student, project and lecturer allocation technique which taking into account a few
preferences include the percentage of allocation accuracy. conditions for student and lecturer to ease the FYP
Coordinator workload and satisfied both student and
lecturer preferences. We consider the student who already
V. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKS have project title can propose their project to their
This paper described a systematic review of the suggested supervisor and in the meantime student who
literature on the techniques of project allocation. Based on were not able to find any supervisor can choose the project
the previous studies, most of the Student-Project Allocation title provided by the faculty. The study is not only showing
techniques are capable to solve the project allocation the allocation techniques but will be focused more on the
problem. The allocation approaches help the FYP Final Year Project System with the implementation of
coordinator to provide the maximum solution for project allocation techniques as well. A systematic and the right
allocation. However, even though the allocation techniques techniques are required to compose a Final Year Project
can give optimal solutions for the project allocation Allocation System that can help the coordinator to reduce
problem, the techniques mostly focused on the total student their workload in allocating the FYP title while considering
assigned to the project which does not satisfy the both student and lecturer preferences for the best outcome.
perspective of student and lecturer. In consideration of this
both parties, this issue become a major challenge to the ACKNOWLEDGMENT
FYP Coordinator. The techniques proposed in the previous
study were explained in mathematical formulas but less The authors acknowledge the research facilities
focused on implementation in a real system. There is no provided by Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
proper software development with strict implementation of
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