Solution-BTS MT-3-10-03-2024nn

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NEET PATTERN TEST Brahmastra Major Test-03

13th NEET - Phase 12

Date: 10-Mar-2024

Duration: 3 Hours 20 Mins

Max Marks: 720

Physics - Section A

1. 2.

Answer: 2 Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

Enet= –σ



k =

(– k )

Net pulling force

Acceleration a =
Total mass

30−10 2
a = = 5m/ sec

∴ Tension in string →

FBD of kg ⇒T − 10 = 1 × a

T = 15N

Now the young's modulus is given by


stress A
Y = =

Y = ΔL

ΔL T 15
= = −6 11
L A×Y 1×10 ×10

ΔL −4
= 1. 5 × 10
3. 7.

Answer: 2 Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

Work done by electric field :

w = PEi − PEf = q[Vi − Vf ]

o o
KPcos 45 KPcos 135
= q[ 2
− 2
−2 −2
(1×10 ) (2×10 )

5×1+3× ( −1 ) +2×2+4× ( −1 )
work done = 100

xcom = =
5+3+2+4 7

6×5+3×5+2× ( −3 ) +4×(−4)
ycom =
14 Answer: 4
30+15−6−16 45−22
ycom = = =
14 14 14

4. →
ν cm =
1× î +2×2 ĵ
î +4 ĵ

1+2 3

Answer: 3
∣→ ∣ 1
√1 2 + 4 2 =
ν cm = = 1. 37 m/s
∣ ∣
Sol: 3 3

Resultant focal length = ∞ 9.

∴ It behaves as a plane slab of glass. Answer: 4

5. Sol:

For a compound microscope m ∝

Answer: 3 fo fe

Sol: So in a compound microscope magnification will

be large, if the focal length of the eye piece is
Electric charge is a derived quantity in SI
Therefore, the correct answer is (3)


Answer: 3


We know that,

The Magnetic field on the axis of circular current

carrying wire:
μ0 2πnir
B = .
4π 2 2
(x +r )

B ∝
2 2
(x +r )


The option (3) is correct.

10. 12.

Answer: 3 Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

[ax ]=[F]
The centripetal force provided by the magnetic
force is given as:
2 –2
[a][L ]=[MLT ] 2
= qvB

mv p
–1 –2
[a]=[ML T ] ⇒ r = =
qB qB

Also, momentum can be written as:
2 KE =
[b t]= [F] 2m

2 ⇒ p = √2 mKE
2 –2
[b t][T]= [MLT ]
Here, KE and B are same for all the particle,
2 –4
[b ]=
2 2 –5 r ∝
=[M L T ] q

] [M L T
2 2 –5
] Now the ratios are:
∴ =
[a] –1
[ ML T ]
√m √2m √4m
rp : rd : rα =
(Let the

mass of proton is m)

So, rα = rp < rd .
Therefore, the correct answer is (1).
Answer: 1
Answer: 3
The initial area (A1 ) = πr
= (3 .14)(20 cm)

= (3.14) (400cm2) = 1256cm2 U =



.02 .04

The final area (A2 ) = πr

= (3 .14)(20 .5 cm) U = 9 × 10 [2 × 10 – 5000]
9 4


= (3.14) (420.25cm2) = 1319.585 cm2 = 135 × 10 (J)

The change in area (ΔA) = 1319.585cm2 – 14.

1256cm2 = 63.585cm2
Answer: 2
Formula of the change in area : ΔA = βA ΔT
63.585 = β(1256) (70°C)
Magnet A is allowing all the field lines
63.585 = β (87,920°C) passing through it , therefore it is
β = 63.585/ 87,920°C
β = 0.00072/°C Magnet B is repelling the field lines therefore
β = 7. 2 × 10
/°C it is diamagnet.
Magnet C is attracting the field lines
therefore it is paramagnet.
15. 18.

Answer: 4 Answer: 2

Sol: Sol:
→ Volume of a liquid flowing per second is equal to
torque is the cross product of the force F and the product of area and velocity of liquid i.e., Q =

the position vector' r ' Av

→ →

According to Torricelli's Theorem velocity of efflux
τ = r × F
i.e. the velocity with which the liquid flows out of
so the angle between τ and F is 90° and between a hole is equal to √2 gh where h is the depth of
τ and r is 90°
the hole below the liquid surface. So we have
for example if we take dot product between two
Q = A√2 gh
vectors as θ = 90°

⟹ cos θ = cos 90° = 0

Hence volume of liquid flowing per second
depends upon the hight of the liquid above the

→ →
r . τ = 0 orifice the acceleration due to gravity the area of
the orifice and it is independent of the density of

→ the liquid
F. τ = 0

16. 19.

Answer: 3 Answer: 2

Sol: Sol:

Only the central fringe is white all other Given

fringes are coloured. V1 = 26 Volt

17. A1 = 2 Amp .
Answer: 4 R ( Total resistance)
Sol: = (6 + 3 + x) = (9 + x)Ω

We know that - V 26
I = = = 2
R (9+x)
1 2
S = ut + at
13 = 9 + x
Given u=0 , then -
or x = 4Ω
1 2 1
S1 = a(10) = a(100)
2 2 20.

And S2 =
a(400) Answer: 3
2 2

Hence, S2 = 4S1

K = √

= √ =
3M √3
21. Sol:

Answer: 3

case (1) when there is no friction,

From Newton's second law , F = ma

⇒ mg sinθ = ma1

⇒ a1 = g sinθ _____ (1)

Now, as body starts from rest so initial velocity(u)

= 0 m/s.

Let, body travels 'x' distance in t1 time, so from

equation of motion.

x = ut + 1


⇒ x= 1

a1t1 2 (from equation (1))

t2 = √

⇒ a1

g sin θ
______ (2)

case (2) : - When there is friction

From Newton's second law, F= ma

⇒ mgsinθ–μmg cosθ = ma2

⇒ a2 = gsinθ–μg cosθ ______ (3)

Now, as body starts from rest so initial velocity

(u) = 0 m/s.

Let, body travels 'x' distance in t2 time.

So from equation of motion.

x = ut + 2 at2

x = 2 a2 t
⇒ 2

⇒ t2 =√ 2x
= √
------------ (4)
1 g sinθ–μg cosθ

It is given that t2 =2t1 -------------- (5)

So, =
2x 2x
√ 2√
g sinθ–μg cosθ g sinθ

Now, substituting θ = 45° and solving above

equation we get


= = 0.75
22. 25.

Answer: 4 Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

By theory of angle of contact & capillary

We know that the capillary rise is given by the

formula ; h = ρgr

T, is the surface tension,
θ is the contact angle,
Therefore, the correct answer is (3)
ρ is the density of the liquid,

g is the acceleration due to gravity 26.

r is the radius of the capillary tube. Answer: 3
From the equation we have, the capillary rise
inversely proportional to the radius of the Sol:
capillary tube. Therefore, if the radius of the
Distance from centre x = A −
A 2A
capillary tube is halved then the capillary rise is 3 3

doubled. 2

So potential energy =
1 2 1 2A
= Kx = K( )
23. 2 2 3

Answer: 2 2
PE = 4 1 4E
( kA )=
9 2 9

Induced emf

Answer: 2
ε =
1 dϕ
i =
R dt
Given :
ΔQ 1 Δϕ ϕ = 5t − 100t + 300
Δt R Δt

Δϕ e =–
So, Q =

e =–[15t – 100]
e =–[60– 100]
Answer: 1
e = 40

Unit of stefan's constant
Answer: 1
The Net power radiated is
P = σAT
Apply ΔQ = msΔT
P watt
σ ⇒
m −K
ΔQ = 5 × 4200 × (100 − 20)

ΔQ = 1680 KJ
29. 32.

Answer: 2 Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

When a person is standing on a weighning D

machine, and the machine is going downward
with acceleration 'a'

then, the Normal reaction is given by,

N = M(g– a)

So, N < Mg

So, the measured weight is less than the

true weight.


Answer: 2


When block in air m3g – T2 = m3a ............ (1)

n1 = 260 =

1×g m2g + T2 – T1 = m2a ............ (2)
2L M

T1 – m1g = m1a ............. (3)

When block is immersed in a liquid of density 1.2,
then (m3+m2–m1)g = (m1+m2+m3)a

weight in liquid = weight in air - loss in weight a =

(m3 +m2 +m1 )g

m1 +m2 +m3

Tension = Mg (1 − )
1.8 put this value in eq. (1)
= Mg =
m3g – T2 = m3a
(m3 +m2 −m1 )g
1 g n1 m3 g − m3 = T2
n2 = √ = (m1 +m2 +m3 )
2L 3M √3

( m3 +m2 –m1 )
n2 = = 150 Hz. m3 g[1– ]= T2
( m1 +m2 +m3 )

2m1 m3 g
∴ T2 =
m1 +m2 +m3

Answer: 1
Answer: 3
XL = ωL
Curve represent incident radiation of same
Therefore, the correct answer is (1) frequency & different intensities.
34. 35.

Answer: 3 Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

The proces of changing a liquid into the vapours 1

= Rz (
2 1

is called the vaporization. The process involves λ 1

the absorption of heat energy. 1 2

∝ z
Phase change is a isobaric process.
λ ∝

1 1 1
λ1 : λ2 : λ3 = : :
9 4 1

= 4 : 9 : 36

Therefore, the correct answer is (3)

Physics - Section B

36. 38.

Answer: 2 Answer: 2

Sol: Sol:

Given :

n = 2×1021

l = 10mm

Vd = 0.25mm/sec

Total charge Q = ne = 2×1021×1.6×10-19 = 320

Path difference on the circle of radius R around O C
on the wall will be same hence concentric circle.
Drift velocity(Vd) =0.25 =
distance 10
Therefore, the correct answer is (2). time T

37. T = 40 sec

Answer: 1
now current I = T

= 8A
Sol: 39.

Answer: 1


The Root mean square velocity is given by

3 RT
vrms = √

As we know, Where, M = molecular mass

I = 3 RT
Req VrmsH = √

P = I R
3 RT
VrmsO = √
For maximum power dissipation, I should be
maximum. 3R(320)
Vrms = √
For maximum I, Req should be minimum. 32

Hence, for given condition, Rmin = 2Ω when Vrms

= √3R(10)

Rp (shown in diagram) became zero (i.e. Rp = 0) Given : VrmsH = VrmsO

Now, 3 RT
∴ √ = √3R(10)
I = = 6A
= 10
Maximum power dissipation in is
∴ 2Ω

T = 20K
Pmax = (6)2 (2)
Pmax = 36×2 = 72 W
Answer: 4


h ≥ 5r/2
41. 44.

Answer: 1 Answer: 2

Sol: Sol:

mg(h1 – h2 ) = ms Δ T

10(2. 5– 0. 5) = 25. 2 × ΔT
a =
Δ T =

V = u + at
Δ T = 0. 79 K
42. V = 0 +

Answer: 3 K. E. =
m ×
t =
F t

2 2 m 2m

Apparent acceleration due to gravity because of
force of buoyancy Answer: 2

g' = g(1 − )
2 2
A R = √A + A + 2A1 . A2 . cos(Δϕ)
1 2
ρi = ρs /10

2 2 2
1 0 = A + A + 2A cos(Δϕ)
⇒ g' = g (1 − )
2 2
⇒ −2A = 2A cos(Δϕ)
= g
⇒ cos(Δϕ)= −1
T ∝
⇒ Δϕ = π

10 2π
⇒ T' = √ T ⇒ . Δx = π
9 λ

43. Δx =

Answer: 1 46.
Sol: Answer: 4
As no external force is there so its angular Sol:
momentum will remain conserved.So,
In a because reactor, useful fuel obtained from
angular momentum
is Pu .
238 239

L = Iω = constant 47.
since mass gets stick to the periphery its mass Answer: 3
will increase and to get it conserved its
ω decreases. Sol:

Net MOI increases. ΔP

× 100 =[2(
P α β γ

Therefore, the correct answer is (1)

=(2 × 0. 1 + 0. 2 + 4 × 0. 4)×100

= 2. 0 %


Answer: 1


PN-junction diode conducts when the value of

forward bias is more than the potential barrier.
49. 50.

Answer: 4 Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

The maximum efficiency that can be obtained by A B Y

the half-wave rectifier is 40. 6%
0 0 0
So, according to the question, option (4) is
0 1 1
1 0 1

1 1 0

¯¯ ¯
Y = (A ⋅ B)(B ⋅ A)

Therefore, the correct answer is (3)

Chemistry - Section A

51. 55.

Answer: 4 Answer: 4

Sol: Sol:

H2O(l) ➝
+ −
Haq + OHaq

ΔH = 57.32kJ

H2 + 1

O2 ➝H2O (l)

ΔH = –286.2 kJ

57.32 = ΔH0f + ΔH0f – ΔH0f H2O

+ −
Haq OHaq

= 0 + ΔH0fOH– = 57.32 – 286.2

= –228.88 kJ.


Answer: 2
Answer: 4


Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is used as a group

reagent for the zero group.


Answer: 1 57.

Sol: Answer: 2

If both Assertion & Reason are True & the Reason Sol:
is a correct explanation of the Assertion
The elements in Lanthanide series are
La,Ce,Pr,Nd,Pm,Sm,Eu,Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Y b
and Lu. In Lanthanides ( Ce−Lu), the atomic and
54. ionic radii decrease steadily.
Answer: 2 This steady decrease in atomic and ionic radii is
known as Lanthanide Contraction.
Lanthanoid contraction is caused due to the
BaSO4 is Colourless.
imperfect shielding of nuclear charge (nuclear
attractive force on electrons) by 4f electrons on
outer electron.


Answer: 3


Facts & Zn can reduce Cu+2

59. 65.

Answer: 3 Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:
Al2 O3 /P t Fact
n- hexane −−−−−→ benzene + H2
500 C

When vapour of n-hexene are passed over but Answer: 4

supported on Al2O3 at 500°C benzene is formed
and the reaction involved is aromatisation. Sol:

60. N, O & F do not have vacant orbitals to promote

Answer: 4
Answer: 2
When we add one more electron in X– ion, there
will be repulsion for upcoming electron. Therefore Sol:
energy is required to add 2nd electron.
r = K[A] [B]
∴ II electron affinity is always endothermic.
1×10–2 = k×1×1 ……..(i)
61. r2 =1×10–2 ×.1×.1
Answer: 1 = 1×10–4 mol L–1 s–1
Sol: 68.
It is based on law of mass action
Answer: 3
62. Sol:
Answer: 2


The reactivity of the alkyl halide in SN2 reaction is

decided by the ease with which the halide leaves
the substrate. Larger the size of the halide ion,
more is the leaving ability.
As per the leaving ability, the order is I− > Br−
> Cl− > F−.
Answer: 2
Hence reactivity order is RI > RBr > RCl > RF.
cis − 1, 2− dichloro ethene
Answer: 3


64. Answer: 3
Answer: 3 Sol:
Sol: 1 g atm phosphorus = 31g
%S character↑ EN↑ 2 mol water = 2×18 = 36g

22.4 L of CO2 gas at NTP = 44g

6.02×1023 atoms of sulphur = 32g

71. 74.

Answer: 1 Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

Victor Meyer Test is used to differentiate between

primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols. They
give different colour on reacting with victor Meyer
reagent whereass 3° alcohol do not give any


Answer: 3


Answer: 1
Answer: 2
Both Assertion and Reason are correct and
Reason is correct for the Assertion. [MA3B3]- 2 geometrical isomers
[MA2B4]- 2 geometrical isomers
[MA4B2] - 2 geometrical isomers
Answer: 2 The complexes of general
formula [MA6] and [MA5B] octahedral geometry
Sol: do not show geometrical isomerism.
Molar conductance of strong electrolytes
increases slightly on dilution while that of weak
electrolytes increases exponentially on dilution.
77. 79.

Answer: 3 Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

On mixing the two solution Log Kp =7. 282– 8500

+ .01
[Ag ] = = 0. 005M
2 7. 282–

– .01
[Cl ] = = 0. 005M 8500
2 ⇒ T =

IP of AgCl = 0.005×0.005 = 2.5×10–5 T = 1167 .26 K

∴ IP > Ksp t + 273 = 1167.26
Precipitate occur t= 1167.26–273
78. t = 894°C
Answer: 2 80.
Sol: Answer: 1
Cis-[Co(en)2Cl2] Cis-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2] Sol:


No plane of Presence of plane Answer: 4

symmetry optically symmetry optically
active Inactive Mn
and O2
Trans-[Co(en)2Cl2] Trans-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2]


Answer: 3

+ 2.0×10
[H ] =
Presence of POS Presence of
POS pH = –log (1×10–3) = 3
optically Inactive Presence of COS
Optically Inactive
Answer: 3


The common oxidation state of Lanthanides is


Ce+4 and Tb+4 gains electron and reduces

into Ce+3 and Tb+3 and oxidises others and
therefore, these are good oxidising agents.
84. 85.

Answer: 2 Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

Chemical properties depends on elecronic In that sense, it is difficult to say what an orbital
configuration and isotopes haev same electronic looks like. On the other hand, it is certainly
configuration convenient to think of orbitals in terms of specific
shapes, particularly in discussing the formation of
chemical bonds between atoms.
Chemistry - Section B

86. 89.

Answer: 2 Answer: 2

Sol: Sol:


1–Butyne having acidic hydrogen gives silver

acetylide precipitate.

CH3–C≡C–CH3+AgNO3+NH4OH→NO reaction
2–Butyne has no acidic hydrogen, so it does not
Answer: 2 give a ppt.
Sol: 90.
Functional isomers: that have the same Answer: 4
molecular formula but with the atoms connected
in different ways and therefore falling into Sol:
different functional groups.


Answer: 1

88. Sol:

Answer: 3 Al2O3 < MgO < Na2O < K2O

Sol: Basic nature of oxide ∝ Metallic character ∝



The chocolate colored precipitate is EN ↓ Basic Nature ↑

Cu2 [Fe (CN) ].

Potassium ferrocyanide precipitates red-brown
copper(II) ferrocyanide from Cu2+ solutions : Answer: 3

2+ 4−
2Cu (aq)
+ [Fe (CN) ] (aq)

First law fails to develop any criterion for the

→ Cu2 [Fe (CN) ](s)
6 spontaneity of a process because the energy of
the universe is constant in both natural and
unnatural directions.
93. 95.

Answer: 3 Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

According to Henry's law, the solubility of gas in a

given solution increases with the increase of
pressure of the undissolved gas above the
solution, Since the process of dissolution of gas is
exothermic. The amount of gas dissolved
decreases with increase of temperature.

In H2O (polar solvent) dibromophenol derivative 96.

and in CS2 (non-polar) solvent momeobromo Answer: 4
phenol derivative is obtained.
The complex [Co(SCN)2(NH3)4]Cl exhibits
Answer: 4 ionization isomerism, geometrical isomerism as
Sol: well as linkage isomerism.

Configuration of the C2 molecule Linkage isomerism is possible as SCN ligand is

2 ∗ 2 2 ∗ 2 2 2 ambidentate ligand and has two donor atoms N
σ1s σ 1s σ2s σ 2s π2px = π2py
and S.
Therefore bond order = Ionization isomerism is possible due to exchange
Number of bonding electron−number of antibonding electron

of ions inside and outside the coordination
= =2

Two geometrical isomers cis and trans are

The last two paired sets of electrons enter the possible.
degenerate (identical energy) pi-bonding set of
orbitals, i.e. π2px and π2 py according to In the cis isomer, the two SCN ligands are
Molecular Orbital theory. adjacent to each other and in the trans isomer,
they are opposite to each other.
Because these four electrons are in the pi
orbitals, the C2 molecule's two bonds will be pi 97.
bonds alone, with no sigma bonds.
Answer: 1


NaNO3(s) ⇌ NaNO2(s) + O2(g)

Decomposition is an endothermic reaction and a

temperature increase favors an endothermic
reaction. In heterogeneous equilibrium such as
this, the active masses of pure solids (being
constant) do not appear in the reaction quotient
expression (Q). Thus, the addition of NaNO3(s) or
the addition of NaNO2 (s) does not change the
value of Q. Hence, equilibrium is not disturbed.
For this equilibrium. Dng is +ve. Thus, increase in
pressure favors backward reaction as it leads to
decrease in the number of moles of gas.
98. 99.

Answer: 1 Answer: 4

Sol: Sol:

This reaction is called Hell-Volhard-Zelinsky


More basic because availability of l.p. on Nirogen

because of steric hinderance from two methyl

Answer: 3

This reaction is called stephen's reaction
Phenolphthalein turns pink in the basic solution
while methyl orange turns yellow in the basic

This reaction is called Perkin's reaction

Biology - Section A

101. 104.

Answer: 1 Answer: 4

Sol: Sol:

Regions of roots are- A 1:1 ratio for monohybrid and 1:1:1:1 for
dihybrid among progeny suggest one gene is
Root cap region - The root is covered at the involved in the phenotype, which would involve a
apex by a thimble-like structure called the root cross between a heterozygous (F1 hybrid) and
cap. homozygote recessive parent. This is called a test
Region of cell division - A few millimetres cross. In a typical test, an organism (pea plants
above the root cap is the region of meristematic here) showing a dominant phenotype (and whose
activity. They divide repeatedly. genotype is to be determined) is crossed with the
recessive parent instead of self-crossing. The
Region of elongation - The cells proximal to progenies of such a cross can easily be analysed
this region undergo rapid elongation and to predict the genotype of the test organism.
enlargement and are responsible for the growth Thus we find that the dominant organism was
of the root in length. This region is called the hetesozygous.
region of elongation.
Region of maturation - The cells of the
elongation zone gradually differentiate and Answer: 1
mature. Hence, this zone, proximal to region of Sol:
elongation, is called the region of maturation.
Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) is the
amount of light available for photosynthesis,
which is light in the 400 to 700 nanometer
wavelength range. PAR changes seasonally and
varies depending on the latitude and time of day.
Levels are greatest during the summer at mid-


Answer: 3


Albuminous seed retain a part of endosperm as it

is not completely used up during embryo
development. For example, maize, wheat and


Answer: 3


As we go higher from species to kingdom, the

number of common characteristics goes on
decreasing. Lower the taxa more are the
characteristics that the members within the taxon
share. So, order is more character, comparison to
family, genus, subspecies and species.

Hence, the correct answer is Order.

106. 108.

Answer: 1 Answer: 4

Sol: Sol:

Detritivores (eg. earthworm) break down Seed germination is a process in which dormant
detritus into smaller particles. This process is embryo of seed resumes metabolic activities and
called fragmentation. grows to produce a seedling. Vivipary is special
type of seed germination is characteristics of
Degradation of large organic nutrient into simple mangrove vegetation found in muddy, saline
and small in-organic materials known as condition. There is no resting period of embryo
Decomposition. and germination occurs inside the fruit, while it is
Decomposition process yields inorganic nutrients attached to the parent plant i.e. in-situ
and humus formation.Formation of humus is germination. The seedling is separated in the mud
called humification. with the help of lateral roots developing from
basal end of radicle this process is known as
Bacteria and fungi secrete digestive enzymes viviparous germination or vivipary.
over the detritus. It helps in the formation of
simple and soluble organic and inorganic Epigeal germination is a type of germination in
substances, the process is known as Catabolism which the seed leaves or the cotyledons are
brought on to the surface or above the soil along
107. with the shoot during germination.

Answer: 2 Hypogeal germination is a type of germination in

which the seed leaves or the cotyledons remain
Sol: below the soil surface during germination.
A tuber is swollen or oval underground modified Hence, the correct answer is vivipary.
stem lacking adventurous roots. It has a number
of spirally arranged depressions called eyes. Each 109.
eye represents axillary buds developing at nodes/
eyes in which grow into new plants during Answer: 2
favourable conditions. Unlike other underground Sol:
stems, tubers do not give off adventitious roots.
For example: potato. As we go higher from species to Kingdom, the
number of common character goes on decreasing.
Hence, the correct answer is axillary bud. Lower the taxa, more are the characteristics
which the members within the taxon share.
Polymoniales, poales and sapindales represent an
order and other one belongs to family, genus and
species. So, order have less similarities than
family, genus and species.
110. 113.

Answer: 1 Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

Genetic maps are widely used as a starting point In Pisum sativum, terminal leaflets is modified
in the sequence of whole genomes. Wherein, in a into tendrils i.e. a slender wiry and coiled
genetic map, the frequency of recombination structure made for support known as leaf tendrils.
between genes pairs on the same chromosomes
is a measure of the distance between genes, and Conical root is a modified tap root. In carrot,
their positions are ‘mapped’ on the chromosomes. roots are thicker at their upper side and tapering
A map unit refers to a unit of distance between at basal end.
genes on chromosomes that represent 1% Tuber is an underground modification of stem in
crossover. which tips of branches become swollen in the soil.
111. Hence, the correct answer is Pisum sativum.
Answer: 3 114.
Sol: Answer: 3
Assimilatory power is the power of plants in the Sol:
form of ATP & NADPH (produce during light
reactions) to obtain food in the form of
carbohydrates from the reduction of CO2
during photosynthesis. In C4 ​ plant one CO2 ​
molecule needs 5 ATP molecule as the process
occurs in mesophyll cells to bundle sheath cells
and came back to mesophyll cells again requires
more energy so in six turns of cycle 30 ATP and
12 NADPH are required. Hence, the correct
answer is 30 ATP and 12 NADPH2
The radicle and plumule are present at the two
112. ends of the embryonal axis.
Answer: 4 115.
Sol: Answer: 2
The biodiversity shows a latitudinal and altitudinal Sol:
gradient. The higher temperatures in the tropics
cause higher rates of metabolism, ecological In diatoms, the cell walls form two thin
dynamics and coevolutionary processes, which overlapping shells, which fit together as in a
generate and maintain higher biodiversity. This soapbox. The walls are embedded with silica and
ranks among the broadest and most notable thus the walls are indestructible. Thus, diatoms
biodiversity patterns on Earth. Biodiversity have left behind large amount of cell deposits in
increases the resistance of ecosystem productivity their habitat; this accumulation over billions of
to climate extremes. In the temperate region, the years is referred to as 'diatomaceous earth'.
climate is severe with the short growing period
for plants while in tropical rain forests the
conditions are favourable for growth throughout Answer: 1
the year. This makes it possible for a large
number of species to occur and grow. Sol:

In pedigree analysis, half shaded circle and

square are used for heterozygous for autosomal
recessive. Full shaded circle and square are used
for affected individuals. A square with a diagonal
line is used for death. a dot in a circle shows
the carrier individual for sex linked recessive.
117. 121.

Answer: 1 Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

Class 11th NCERT Page No.212 Transformation is a phenomenon by which DNA

isolated from one type of cell when introduced
118. into and able to give some of its properties.
Answer: 2 A deoxyribonuclease (DNase) is an enzyme that
Sol: catalyses the hydrolytic cleavage of
phosphodiester linkages in the DNA backbone,
Species diversity is the diversity at the species thus degrading DNA. So digestion with DNase did
level. For example, the western Ghats have a inhibit transformation. Digesting enzymes
greater amphibian species diversity than the (proteases) and RNA-digesting enzymes (RNases)
eastern Ghats. Although India has only 2.4 per did not affect transformation, so the transforming
cent of the world's land area, its share of the substance was not a protein or RNA.
global species diversity is an impressive 8.1 per
cent. That is what makes our country one of the 122.
12 mega diversity countries of the world. Answer: 3
Megadiversity refers to the diversity in various life
forms. India is one of the megadiverse countries Sol:
where diversity of global species is found. There
are 4 biodiversity hotspots (the area where large The glycolysis is common phase for aerobic &
species diversity is present) in India. anaerobic respirations both. Glycolysis involves a
series of ten biochemical reactions in cytoplasm.
119. In glycolysis, neither consumption of oxygen nor
liberation of CO2 take place. In glycolysis, 1
Answer: 4 glucose, produces 2mol. of pyruvic acids (3C)
Sol: 2NADH2 (equal to 8 ATP) & 2ATP are generated in
Sclereids are spherical, oval, or cylindrical,
highly thickened dead cells with a narrow lumen.
Sclereids are found in the fruit walls of nuts,
the pulp of fruits like guava, pear, and
sapota, and the seed coats of legumes. In tea
leaves, sclereids, also known as stone cells, are
also developed. 123.
11 NCERT Page No.: 86 & 87 Answer: 4
120. Sol:
Answer: 2 Scotoactive stomata are the stomata that open at
Sol: night due to organic acid metabolism and close
during the day. The stomata are found on the
A virus is an infectious agent that replicates only lower surface of the leaves. eg. xerophytes.
inside the living cells of an organism. It lacks
their own metabolic machinery, so they infect
host cells and use the host's machinery to
reproduce. Viruses are obligate parasites because
they cannot multiply outside the living cells.

Hence, the correct answer is Virus.

124. 127.

Answer: 1 Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

The Fucus plant body is differentiated into three the physical position and functional role of a
regions; holdfast, stipe, and frond. Air bladders species within the community
are present that helps in providing buoyancy.
The Dictyola plant body is in a flat shape which is
usually a ribbon-like structure with well- Answer: 2
developed branching. Sol:
Polysiphonia is a multicellular branched structure This is the "clover leaf-like" two dimensional
that is filamentous too. structure of tRNA in which (A) represents amino
Porphyra has a thalloid form of structure. acid binding side facilitated by OH group and (B)
represents tyc loop (Thymine-pseudouridine
Hence, the correct option is "1" - a - residues) for binding with ribosome. D)
Porphyra, b - Ficus, c - Dictyola, d - represents DHU loop. It is the binding site for
Polysiphonia. aminoacyl synthetase enzyme. C) Anticodon loop.
It has three bases that form anticodon for
125. recognizing and attaching to the codon of mRNA.
Answer: 1


Chargaff's equivalency rule - In a double stranded

DNA amount of purine nucleotides is equals to
amount of pyrimidine nucleotides.

Purine = Pyrimidine

[A]+[G] = [T]+[C]

Base ratio = A + T / C + G = constant for a given



Answer: 4


When respiration is aerobic, pyruvic acid enters

into mitochondrial matrix. where pyruvic acid
(3C) is oxidised to form 2C compound Acetyl Co-
A. It occurs in presence of O2 and CO2 is released
first time during it.

Acetyl Co-A is a connecting link between

glycolysis & Krebs-cycle. Decarboxylation and
dehydrogenation (Oxidative decarboxylation) take
place during formation of acetyl Co-A.

Acetyl Co-A is formed in perimitochondrial space

by enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase complex.
(Mg++, LA (Lipoic Acid), TPP (Thiamine
pyrophosphate), NAD, CoA).
129. 132.

Answer: 3 Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

Pyruvate, which is formed by the glycolytic 12th NCERT Page No. - 105
catabolism of carbohydrates in the cytosol after it
enters the mitochondrial matrix undergoes 133.
oxidative decarboxylation by a complex set of Answer: 4
reactions catalysed by pyruvate
dehydrogenase. Sol:
The scheme of glycolysis was given by Gustav
Embden, Otto Meyrhof, and J. Parnas and is Class 11th NCERT Page No.249,250
often referred to as the EMP pathway. 134.
In the electron transport system, the energy
of oxidation-reduction is utilised for the Answer: 3
production of proton gradient required for
phosphorylation; thus, this process is also called Sol:
oxidative phosphorylation.
The surface features of the earth are called
The TCA (tricarboxylic acid cycle) starts with
topography. Topographic influence on the
the condensation of the acetyl group with
climate of any area is determined by the
oxaloacetic acid (OAA) and water to yield citric
interaction of solar radiation, temperature,
acid. The reaction is catalysed by the enzyme
humidity, rainfall, latitude, and altitude. It
citrate synthase. Thus, Option C is correct.
affects the vegetation through climatic variations
11th NCERT Page No – 228, 231, 232, 233 in small areas (microclimate) and even changes
the soil conditions. Topographic factors include
130. latitude, altitude, direction of the mountain,
steepness of the mountain, etc.
Answer: 4
Biotic factors are the living parts of an
Thallophytes lack differentiation of plant body into
The edaphic factors are the soil properties that
the stem and leaves. The plant body is called as a
affect the diversity of organisms living in the soil
thallus. They lack vascular tissue, the sex organs
environment. These include soil structure,
are unicellular and when multicellular, all are
temperature, pH, and salinity. Some of them are
fertile. So, the correct option is D.
influenced by man, but most are independent of
131. human activity.

Answer: 3 Climatic factors are the temperature of the

region (climatic warming), the duration of the
Sol: ablation season, the proportion of winter and
summer precipitation, etc.
Population density in a given habitat is influenced
by four processes: mortality, emigration, natality, 135.
and immigration.
Answer: 4
Mortality is the number of deaths in a
population during a given period of time.
Gibberellin was first isolated from
Emigration: The number of people who leave a
fungus Gibberella fujikuroi thus it was given
given population in a given time period. gibberellin name. It is a plant growth regulator. It
Mortality and emigration will, therefore, is involved in various processes like stem
decrease the population density while elongation, germination, dormancy, leaf and fruit
natality and immigration will increase it. senescence. Kinetin is a type of cytokinin, a plant
hormone. It was first isolated from sperm DNA
of herring fish. It helps in cell division.
Biology - Section B

136. 139.

Answer: 3 Answer: 2

Sol: Sol:

Structure of Microsporangia- Class 11th NCERT Page No.16

A microsporangium appears to have a circular
outline when viewed transversely. It is 140.
surrounded by four layers .The wall layers from Answer: 3
periphery to centre consist of:
A single layer of epidermis Sol:
A single layer of endothecium
One to three middle layers Class 11th NCERT Page No.29
A single layer of tapetum 141.
The outer three layers protect the pollen and help
in the splitting of anther to release the pollen. Answer: 4
The tapetum nourishes the pollen grain. The cells
of the tapetum are multinucleated and have Sol:
dense cytoplasm. A young anther comprises of a
Variable number tandem repeat (or VNTR) is not
group of compactly arranged homogenous cells
associated with human genome project HGP.
called sporogenous tissue.
A variable number tandem repeat (or VNTR) is a
location in a genome where a short nucleotide
sequence is organized as a tandem repeat. These
can be found on many chromosomes, and often
show variations in length (number of repeats)
among individuals.

Bioinformatics is useful in human genome project

137. as it identifies genes and their functions

Answer: 4 While carrying out the procedure of HGP, DNA

fragments are inserted into cloning vectors BAC
Sol: and YAC to get them cloned.

In conjoint vascular bundles Xylem and phloem Given a sample of DNA, an automated DNA
are together. Collateral means both are present sequencer is used to determine the order of the
on same axis and closed means absence of four bases: G (guanine), C (cytosine), A
cambium and hence no secondary growth. In (adenine) and T (thymine). Hence, it is very
open type cambium is present which leads to useful in this project.
secondary growth of tissues.
Answer: 1
Answer: 3
Artificial ecosystem is characterised by high
Layer of cell which is present in between productivity due to the human intervention. For
endodermis and vascular tissue is pericycle. The example, the weeds in a crop field are removed
pericycle is located between the endodermis and and the crops are taken care of for high
phloem (vascular tissue) in plant roots. In dicot productivity by treating them with fertilizers.
stems, it is situated around the ring of vascular
bundles in the stele.
143. 148.

Answer: 4 Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

Transcription ends in a process called termination. Through photosynthesis, certain organisms

Termination depends on sequences in the RNA, convert solar energy (sunlight) into
which signal that the transcript is finished. After chemical energy, which is then used to build
transcription takes place, the DNA molecule re- carbohydrate molecules. Producers such as
associates to form its original structure. plants, algae, and cyanobacteria use
the energy from sunlight to make organic matter
144. from carbon dioxide and water.
Answer: 1 Organisms release energy back into the biosphere
Sol: as heat. Energy also enters the ecosystem from
the interior of the Earth. Energy is different in
PEP carboxylase plays a key role of binding CO2 in that it comes into the biosphere and then leaves.
the form of bicarbonate with PEP to create
oxaloacetate in the mesophyll tissue. But Decomposers are organisms that break down
in rubisco, an oxygen molecule can bind in the dead or decaying organisms; they carry out
site are bind to carbon dioxide. decomposition, a process possible by only certain
kingdoms, such as fungi.
Kranz anatomy and C4 metabolism are found
dicots in hot climate. 149.

145. Answer: 3

Answer: 2 Sol:

Sol: Phenotypically females having rudimentary

ovaries, underdeveloped breasts, short stature,
The amount of energy at each trophic level webbed neck, abnormal intelligence suggests
decreases as it moves through an ecosystem. As Turner's syndrome.
little as 10 percent of the energy at any trophic
level is transferred to the next level; the rest is This syndrome occurs because of monosomy. Two
lost largely through metabolic processes as heat. conditions persist:
The efficiency with which energy or biomass is
transferred from one trophic level to the next is a) Fusion of abnormal egg with normal sperm.
called as the ecological efficiency. Consumers at
each level convert on average only about 10% of b) Fusion of abnormal sperm with normal egg.
the chemical energy in their food to their own
In normal conditions, there are 46 chromosomes,
organic tissue (the ten-percent law).
but in this condition, 45 chromosomes are
146. present.
Answer: 4 Persons who have 45 chromosomes develop
symptoms like rudimentary ovaries,
underdeveloped breasts, abnormal intelligence,
Colour blindness is an X-linked disease. So, and face problems with hearing.
woman whose father was color blind will be
carrier for the disease. Hence, the correct option is "3" - Turner's
After looking at the crosses, the daughter born to
them can be either normal or carrier for the
disease, but the possibility of colour blindness is
zero percent.


Answer: 3


Class 11th NCERT Page No.228,231

150. Sol:

Answer: 3 (A) Sea anemone and Clawn fish-Commensalism

(B) Ophrys orchid and Ophrys bee-Mutualism

(C) Human liver fluke and Human-Parasitism

(D) Monarch butterfly and bird- Predation

(E) Parthenium and other plants-Amensalism

Biology - Section C

151. 155.

Answer: 1 Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

Class-11th NCERT-Page No.135 Heteropolymer is the polymer which is composed

of different types of monomers or it can be said
152. that the polymer can be formed by the two or
Answer: 4 more than different kinds of monomers. Proteins
are heteropolymers made of different type of
Sol: amino acids.
Protein primary structure is the linear sequence of
(ii) (iii) (v) amino acids in a peptide or protein. By
convention, the primary structure of a protein is
11th NCERT Page No. 40, 41 (Phylum porifera)
reported starting from the amino-terminal (N)
153. end to the carboxyl-terminal (C) end.
The C-terminus (also known as the carboxyl-
Answer: 4 terminus, carboxy-terminus, C-terminal tail, C-
terminal end, or COOH-terminus) is the end of an
amino acid chain, terminated by a free carboxyl
NCERT 11th Page No.116 group (-COOH). When the protein is translated
from messenger RNA, it is created from N-
154. terminus to C-terminus. The convention for
writing peptide sequences is to put the C-terminal
Answer: 1
end on the right and write the sequence from N-
Sol: to this statement is given in
antagonistic form .
Protonephridia or flame cells are the excretory The long protein chain is also folded upon itself
structures in Platyhelminthes. like a hollow woollen ball, giving rise to the
tertiary structure. This gives us a 3-dimensional
Nephridia are the tubular excretory structures of
view of a protein.
earthworms and other annelids. It help to remove
nitrogenous wastes and maintain a fluid and ionic

Malpighian tubules are the excretory structures of

most of the insects including cockroaches. It help
in the removal of nitrogenous wastes and

Antennal glands or green glands perform the

excretory function in crustaceans like prawns.
156. 159.

Answer: 1 Answer: 4

Sol: Sol:

Red muscle fibres are dark red in colour due to (A) In cockroach (Arthropoda) open blood
the presence of red haemoprotein called vascular system is found with colorless
myoglobin. Myoglobin binds and stores oxygen as haemolymph.
oxymyoglobin in the red fibres. Oxymyoglobin
releases oxygen for utilization during muscle (B) 10 pair of spiracles are present on lateral side
contraction. of body.

Mitochondria are more in number . Red muscles (C) Fat body/urate cells, nephrocytes and uricose
have less sarcoplasmic reticulum . They carry out gland are acessory excretory structures.
aerobic oxidation without accumulating much (D) 9 gangllia are found on ventrail nerve cord
lactic acid. Thus, red muscle fibres can contract i.e. 3 in thorax & 6 and abdomen
for a longer period without fatigue .
Example: Extensor muscles of the human back,
Flight muscles of kites . Answer: 2


Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the
correct explanation of (A)

Class 11th NCERT Page No.298


Answer: 3

157. Sol:

Answer: 4 The adrenal medulla produces norepinephrine in

response to low blood pressure and stress.
Sol: Norepinephrine promotes vasoconstriction, which
is a narrowing of the blood vessels, and this
Class-11th NCERT-Page No.132 & 133
increases blood pressure. Like epinephrine,
158. norepinephrine also increases the heart rate and
blood sugar levels
Answer: 4
Answer: 1
b and d
11th NCERT Page No. 42, 43 (platyhelminthes &
aschelminthes) Class 11th NCERT Page No.311


Answer: 4


Myasthenia gravis is a chronic autoimmune,

neuromuscular disease that causes weakness in
the skeletal muscles that worsens after periods of
activity and improves after periods of rest. These
muscles are responsible for functions involving
breathing and moving parts of the body, including
the arms and legs
164. 169.

Answer: 3 Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

During G1, most of the cell organelles increase The beginning of diplotene is recognized by the
in number, and the cell rapidly synthesizes dissolution of the synaptonemal complex and the
different types of RNA and non-histone proteins. tendency of the recombined homologous
chromosomes of the bivalents to separate from
In the s phase, replication of nuclear DNA each other except at the sites of crossovers.
and synthesis of histone proteins take place. These X-shaped structures are called chiasmata.
Special materials required for this phase are During diakinesis, the terminalization of this
synthesized in the G2 phase. e.g., tubulin chiasmata occurs.
protein, which is required for the formation of
spindle fibers. With that, some organelles and During zygotene, chromosomes start pairing
non-histone proteins are also synthesized while together, and this process of association is called
cell growth continues. synapsis.

Hence, during the G2 phase, DNA is not Pachytene is distinguished by the appearance of
synthesized. recombination nodules, which are the sites of

Answer: 4


b and c only

11th NCERT Page No. 42, 43 (Ctenophora,

platyhelminthes & aschelminthes)


Answer: 2
Answer: 4
Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the
correct explanation of (A). Sol:

Class 11th NCERT Page No.282 Pila ( phylum mollusca) : The mouth contains a
file-like rasping organ for feeding, called radula.
Bombyx (phylum arthopoda) : Respiratory organs
Answer: 4 are gills, book gills, book lungs or tracheal
Pleurobrachia (Ctenophora) : The body bears
The midbrain is located between the
eight external rows of ciliated comb plates, which
thalamus/hypothalamus of the forebrain and pons
of the hindbrain. A canal called the cerebral help in locomotion
aqueduct passess through the midbrain. The ​ aenia (platyhelmithis) : Specialised cells called
dorsal portion of the midbrain consists mainly of flame cells help in osmoregulation and excretion.
four round swellings (lobes) called corpora
quadrigemina. 11 ncert page 53


Answer: 4


(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

Pressure gradient less higher contraction increases
171. 174.

Answer: 2 Answer: 4

Sol: Sol:

Neanderthal and Homo sapiens have a common Both statement I and Statement II are correct
ancestor, that most people think of as Homo
heidelbergensis. However, since Neanderthal and 11th NCERT Page No. 332 (Hypothalamus)
Homo sapiens interbred, so another way to think 175.
of this is to simply say that we are both just a
sub-species of Homo heidelbergensis. Answer: 1
Australopithecus was an immediate ancestor of
Homo erectus, the ancient form from Sol:
which modern humans arose. Homo erectus, In population genetics, directional selection, or
an ancestor to modern humans, arose at least 1.8
"positive selection," is a mode of natural selection
million years ago. Cro-Magnon man is the direct
in which an extreme phenotype is favored over
ancestor of the Homo sapiens. Cro-Magnon man's other phenotypes, causing the allele frequency to
fossils have been found in Africa. shift over time in the direction of that phenotype.
172. When DDT was not used, the DDT-sensitive
Answer: 2 mosquitoes dominated the DDT-resistant
mosquitoes. Their DDT-resistant property spread
Sol: to more and more members of the population, so
now the mosquito population is dominated by
When a stimulus is applied at a site on the DDT-resistant ones. It is also an example of
polarised membrane, the membrane at the directional selection.
site becomes freely permeable to Na+. This leads
to a rapid influx of Na+ followed by the reversal of 12th, NCERT, CH-7, Pg. No.- 137
the polarity at that site, i.e., the outer surface of
the membrane becomes negatively charged and 176.
the inner side becomes positively charged. The
Answer: 3
polarity of the membrane at the stimulus site is
thus reversed and hence depolarised. The Sol:
electrical potential difference across the plasma
membrane at the site is called the action Only statement A is correct
potential, which is in fact termed as a nerve
Class 11th NCERT Page No.337
Answer: 2
Answer: 1
Oxytocin from maternal pituitary
After G2 phase of interphase prophase occurs -
Class 12th NCERT Page No.54
178. 180.

Answer: 1 Answer: 2

Sol: Sol:

• Diaphragms are barrier methods of pBR322 is a plasmid and widely used E. coli
contraception. They cover the cervix and block cloning vectors. pBR322 contains the ampR gene,
the entry of sperms. encoding the ampicillin resistance protein, the
tetR gene, encoding the tetracycline resistance
• Contraceptive pills are preparations protein, and the rop gene, encoding a restrictor of
containing either progestogens alone or plasmid copy number. The plasmid has unique
combination of progestogen and oestrogen. restriction sites for more than forty restriction
They inhibit ovulation and implantation as well enzymes. 11 of these 40 sites lie within the tetR
as alter the quality of cervical mucus to gene. There are 2 sites for restriction enzymes
prevent entry of sperms. HindIII and ClaI within the promoter of the tetR
• Intra uterine devices increase the gene. There are 6 key restriction sites inside the
phagocytosis of sperms within the uterus. ampR gene.

• Lactational amenorrhoea is a natural

method of contraception and it is based on the
fact that the ovulation and therefore menstrual
cycle do not occur during the period of intense
lactation following parturition.


Answer: 2


Glomus helps in the absorption of phosphorus

from the soil by plants. It is an arbuscular 181.
mycorrhiza. Phosphorus is a major nutrient
Answer: 2
required for the growth of plants.
Anabaena is a genus of nitrogen-fixing blue-green
algae, with beadlike or barrel-like cells and Biolistics is one of the methods of transformation.
interspersed enlarged spores (heterocysts), found It is one of the methods of direct gene delivery
as plankton in shallow water and on moist soil. into host cells. It is also known as a gene gun. In
this method, plant cells are bombarded with
There are both solitary and colonial forms, the
high-velocity microparticles of gold or
latter resembling a closely related genus, Nostoc.
tungsten coated with DNA. Gold or tungsten
In temperate latitudes during the summer are inert in nature, so they do not alter the
months, Anabaena may form water blooms. chemical composition of cells.


Answer: 2


In the separation of DNA fragments by gel

electrophoresis isolation of desired DNA
fragment: The separated bands of DNA are cut
out from the agarose gel and extracted from the
gel piece. This step is known as elution. The DNA
fragments purified in this way are used in
constructing recombinant DNA by joining them
with cloning vectors.
183. 185.

Answer: 2 Answer: 4

Sol: Sol:

Actually, the Bt toxin protein exists as inactive 1) The procedure for chemical safety testing /
protoxins, but once an insect ingests the toxicity is the same as that used for testing
inactive toxin, it is converted into an active toxicity of drugs - is correct
form of toxin due to the alkaline pH of the gut,
which solubilizes the crystals. The activated Chemical safety testing is known as
toxin binds to the surface of midgut epithelial toxicity/safety testing. The procedure is the same
cells and creates pores that cause cell as that used for testing toxicity of drugs.
swelling and lysis and eventually cause the Transgenic mice are being developed for use in
death of the insect. The inactive protoxin in the testing the safety of vaccines before they are
Bt toxin is converted into an active form in the used on humans.
insect gut. 2) Transgenic animals are more sensitive to the
184. toxic substances than non-transgenic animals - is
Answer: 1
Transgenic animals are made to carry genes
Sol: which make them more sensitive to toxic
substances than non-transgenic animals. They
Insulin consists of two short polypeptide chains: are then exposed to the toxic substances and the
chain A and chain B, that are linked together by effects studied. Toxicity testing in such animals
disulphide bridges. will allow us to obtain results in less time.
Insulin is in pro-hormone form( it contains 3) Golden rice, a genetically engineered rice has
extra stretch called c-peptide) and needs to be high vitamin A (retinol) content- is correct
processed before it becomes fully functional
hormone(C-peptide is not present). Golden rice is Vitamin A and Fe – rich.

The main challenge for production of insulin using So answer is all of the above.
rDNA techniques was getting insulin assembled
into a mature form.

Hence, the correct answer is option "1".

Biology - Section D

186. 188.

Answer: 3 Answer: 1

Sol: Sol:

This overall ability of the host to fight the Health does not simply mean ‘absence of disease’
disease-causing organisms, conferred by the or ‘physical fitness’. It could be defined as a state
immune system is called immunity. of complete physical, mental and social well-
It can be of two types-Innate immunity
and Acquired immunity. Health is affected by –

Innate immunity is non-specific type of (i) Genetic disorders – deficiencies with which
defence, that is present at the time of a child is born and deficiencies/defects which the
birth.Innate immunity consist of four types of child inherits from parents from birth;
barriers-Physical barriers(Skin
and Mucus),Physiological barriers(Acid,saliva (ii) Infections, and
and tears),) Cellular barriers(PMNL- (iii) Life style - That includes food and water we
neutrophils,monocytes and natural take, rest and exercise we give to our bodies,
killer),Cytokine barriers(interferons). habits that we have or lack etc.
Acquired immunity, on the other hand, is Hence, the correct answer is option "1" -
pathogen specific. It is characterised by Only (ii).
memory.The primary and secondary immune
responses are carried out with the help of two 189.
special types of lymphocytes present in our blood,
i.e., B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes. Answer: 4

Hence correct option is C Sol:

187. A transmembrane protein (TP) is a type of

integral membrane protein that spans the entirety
Answer: 4 of the cell membrane. Many transmembrane
proteins function as gateways to permit the
Sol: transport of specific substances across the
The diffusion membrane is made up of three membrane. Some integral proteins traverse the
major layers namely, the thin squamous complete thickness of membrane. These types of
epithelium of alveoli, the endothelium of alveolar protein are called as tunnel protein which passage
capillaries and the basement substance water soluble material across the membrane.
(composed of a thin basement membrane Glycocalyx is a highly charged layer of
supporting the squamous epithelium and the membrane-bound biological macromolecules
basement membrane surrounding the single layer attached to a cell membrane. Glycocalyx is also
endothelial cells of capillaries) in between them. involved in development and progression of many
However, its total thickness is much less than a diseases.
Extrinsic proteins are entirely outside of the
membrane, but are bound to it by weak molecular
attractions (ionic, hydrogen or Van der Waals
bonds). Hence, the correct answer is tunnel
190. 192.

Answer: 1 Answer: 2

Sol: Sol:

Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the In eukaryotic cells, the cell cycle is divided into
correct explanation of (A) two phases; the interphase and the M phase. The
M phase refers to mitotic division while the
11th NCERT Page No. 334 (The Pituitary Gland) interphase is the duration between two successive
191. mitosis divisions.

Answer: 4 Interphase It is the time during which a cell is

preparing for its division by undergoing cell
Sol: growth and DNA replication. There are three
phases in interphase: G1 phase, S phase, and
Blood coagulation occurs in the following G2 phase.
Whenever there is rupture of blood vessels or Phase Key event
damage is caused to blood, a complex of There is no DNA
substances called prothrombin activator
1 G1 phase replication in this
complex is formed.
The activators convert prothrombin into
During this process, DNA
replication occurs, and
Thrombin acts as an enzyme and converts the amount of DNA in the
fibrinogen into fibrin threads. 2 S phase cell doubles. However,
the chromosome
Fibrin threads accumulate and clump to form number in the cell
blood clot at the wound site. remains the same.

In this phase protein

occurs to prepare the
3 G2 phase cell for mitosis division
and the cell continues
to grow.

It is given that the number of chromosomes in

the G1 phase in fruitfly = 8.

To find the number of chromosomes after the S


Since the number of chromosomes doesn't

change after the S phase, the number of
chromosomes in the fruitfly after the S phase will
be 8.
193. 196.

Answer: 3 Answer: 3

Sol: Sol:

Neurohypophysis (pars nervosa) also known as 1) Cerebrum - voluntary activities. It is correct

posterior pituitary, stores and releases two match
hormones called oxytocin and vasopressin,
which are actually synthesised by the It is the most important part of brain because it
hypothalamus and are transported axonally to controls and regulates different part of brain. All
neurohypophysis. the body's voluntary actions are controlled by the
motor cortex in the frontal lobe of the cerebrum.
Oxytocin acts on the smooth muscles of our
body and stimulates their contraction. In females, 2) Cerebellum - body Balance. It is correct match
it stimulates a vigorous contraction of uterus at The cerebellum coordinates voluntary movements
the time of child birth, and milk ejection from the such as posture, balance, coordination, and
mammary gland. speech, resulting in smooth and balanced
Vasopressin acts mainly at the kidney and muscular activity. It is also important for learning
stimulates resorption of water and electrolytes by motor behaviours.
the distal tubules and thereby reduces loss of 3) Medulla oblongata - pneumotaxic centre. It is
water through urine (diuresis). Hence, it is also incorrect match
called as anti-diuretic hormone (ADH).
In the pons, the pontine respiratory group
The two main types of cells in the Islet of includes two areas known as the pneumotaxic
Langerhans are called α-cells and β-cells. The centre and the apneustic centre.
α-cells secrete a hormone called glucagon,
while the β-cells secrete insulin. 4) Spinal cord - reflex action. It is correct match
Glucagon is a peptide hormone, and plays an Spinal cord regulates and conducts the reflex
important role in maintaining the normal blood action.
glucose levels. Glucagon acts mainly on the liver
cells (hepatocytes) and stimulates glycogenolysis 197.
resulting in an increased blood sugar
Answer: 2
Class 12th NCERT Page No.48
Answer: 1
Answer: 2
The ancestors were Australopithecus and they were also
having bipedal locomotion and their evolution is also very Sol:
complex as they did not evolve until 5 million years ago, there
were two evolutionary periods of hominins as they descended NCERT Page No. 64
from early Australopithecines.
Australopithecines ate fruits and hunted with the help of
stones. They had small brains and a jaw which is protruding in Answer: 4
Hence, the correct answer is option "1"
1) Indian Basmati was crossed with semi-
- Australopithecines.
dwarf varieties and claimed as an invention
195. or a novelty.

Answer: 3 2) Indian traditional herbal medicines, e.g.,

turmeric and neem, were also once attempted
Sol: to be patented by western countries because
of their curable or healing nature.
(A) is true statement but (R) is false.
Hence, the correct answer is option "D"—all of
Class 11th NCERT Page No.297
200. Sol:

Answer: 3 Apparatus- Sparged stirred tank; Function-

Carry out fermentation bioreactor process

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