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Zestaw zadań egzaminacyjnych

z podziałem na 14 tematów egzaminacyjnych

Marta Patkowska-Dudziak
Spis treści str
1. Człowiek 2
2. Miejsce zamieszkania 4
3. Edukacja 6
4. Praca 8
5. Życie prywatne 10
6. Żywienie 12
7. Zakupy i usługi 14
8. Podróżowanie i turystyka 16
9. Kultura 18
10.Sport 20
11.Zdrowie 22
12.Nauka i technika 24
13.Świat przyrody 26
14.Życie społeczne 28
Klucz odpowiedzi 30
Karty odpowiedzi 31 Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 1


Uzupełnij dialogi. Wpisz w każdą lukę 1.1.-1.15. brakujący fragment wypowiedzi, tak
aby otrzymać spójne i logiczne teksty. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.
Uwaga​! W każdą lukę można wpisać maksymalnie ​trzy​ wyrazy.

X​: What ​………………………………..​ on, Jason?
Y​: I’m really into computer programming at the moment. It’s not easy but it’s so much fun!

X​: What’s ​……………………………….. w
​ ith Joe? He seems really upset.
Y​: He’s lost his mobile phone. He can’t find it anywhere.

X​: I’d like to cook dinner for my girlfriend but I have no idea what to prepare.
Y​: Well, what …
​ …………………………….. t​ o eat?
X​: I’m not sure. We’ve only known each other for a month.

X​: Could you turn the music off, please? I can’t …
​ …………………………… t​ hat noise any longer!
Y​: Sure, sorry.

X​: I didn’t know that your little brother can already walk! …
​ …………………………….. ​he?
Y​: He’s nearly one. His birthday is next week.

X​: Why are you crying, Donna?
Y​: My grandma passed away last night.
X​: Oh, dear. I’m so ​……………………………….. h
​ ear that!

X​: Can you believe that Chris and I …
​ …………………………….. ​the same day?
Y​: What a coincidence! This means that you are exactly the same age. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 2

X​: Bob, …
​ ……………………………..​ parents? I haven’t seen them for ages!
Y​: They are alright. They are on holidays now, actually.

X​: What ​……………………………….. s​ tatus, Sir?
Y​: I’m divorced.

X​: Hello. I’d like to collect my parcel. My name is Smith.
Y​: Could you …
​ …………………………….. ​for me, please?
X​: It’s S-M-I-T-H.

X​: I’d like to report a missing cat.
Y​: Certainly. …
​ …………………………….. ​look like?
X​: It has got black fur and it has got a little white spot behind its left ear.

X​: It’s hard to cooperate with Martin sometimes. He tends to be really stubborn.
Y​: ​……………………………….. r​ ight. Maybe we should talk to him about it?
X​: It’s a good idea.

X​: Hello, we’re here to see Mr Jones.
Y​: I …
​ …………………………….. t​ hat​ h
​ e isn’t here. He left an hour ago.

X​: I’m going to my grandparents’ …
​ …………………………….. ​party this weekend.
Y​: How exciting! How long have they been married?
X​. For over fifty years! It’s truly impressive!

X​: Hi, Tim! Did …
​ …………………………….. e
​ xciting last weekend?
Y​: Not really. I wasn’t feeling very well so I had to cancel all my plans. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 3


Uzupełnij dialogi. Wpisz w każdą lukę 2.1.-2.15. brakujący fragment wypowiedzi, tak
aby otrzymać spójne i logiczne teksty. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.
Uwaga​! W każdą lukę można wpisać maksymalnie ​trzy​ wyrazy.

X​: Hi, Sam. I’d like to send you a postcard from Peru. What …
​ …………….…………….. ?​
Y​: It’s Shenley Avenue 145, Cambridge.

X​: Hey Mary! What’s up? I’ve heard you’ve moved out of your parents’ house. How
………………………………​ living in a big city?
Y​: I love it! It’s a little bit noisy but there’s so much more to do!

X​: Excuse me, how can I get to the post office?
Y​: Go down this street and then ​……………………………… f​ irst turning on your right.

X​: It’s our first time here in New York. What would you like to do today, Brian? Any
Y​: ​………………………………..​ to Central Park! The weather is sunny, so it’ll be very nice.

X​: Would you like to visit me in my new house?
Y​: Of course! …
​ …………………………… ​wait to see your new bedroom! When can I come?

X​: Do ​……………………………… i​ f I use the bathroom?
Y​: No, go ahead. It’s upstairs.

X​: Chris, ​……………………………… b
​ ookshops in your town?
Y​: Yes, there’s one and I highly recommend it! They have a great selection of fantasy books. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 4

X​: Zack, ​……………………………… ​your bedroom with your older brother?
Y​: No, we have separate bedrooms.

X​: How …
​ ……………………………..​ use public transport, Kelly?
Y​: Hardly ever. I go everywhere by bike.

X​: ​……………………………… ​visiting our grandparents this weekend, Sarah?
Y​: I’m afraid I can’t, sorry. I have so much to do.

X​: Hello, I’m here to see Jane. I’m her new classmate.
Y​: Hello! Please come in and ​……………………………… home. Jane will be down in half an hour.
She has to finish her homework first.

X​: I don’t visit my aunt and uncle very often because they live so far away.
Y​: What a shame. Where …
​ …………………………….. ​?
X​: In Houston, Texas.

X​: Excuse me, could ​……………………………….. t​ he way to the nearest chemist’s?
Y​: I’m sorry but I don’t live here. I’m a tourist.

X​: I went to Holly’s housewarming party last Saturday.
Y​: Really? What did you …
​ …………………………….. ​her new flat?
X​: I loved it, it’s really nicely decorated.

X​: Tommy has finally decided to move in with us.
Y​: That’s great. His new bedroom is …
​ …………………………….. ​previous one, so he’ll like it.
X​: That’s true, his old bedroom was really tiny. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 5


Uzupełnij dialogi. Wpisz w każdą lukę 3.1.-3.15. brakujący fragment wypowiedzi, tak
aby otrzymać spójne i logiczne teksty. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.
Uwaga​! W każdą lukę można wpisać maksymalnie ​trzy​ wyrazy.

X​: I failed the Geography test that I had taken last month.
Y​: Oh, no! What a …
​ …………………………… !​ You’ve worked so hard. Can you retake it?

X​: Excuse me, Miss. ​……………………………… t​ o the toilet?
Y​: Yes, but please be quick. We’re about to start the lesson.

X​: Martin, what ​……………………………… s​ chool subject at the moment?
Y​: Actually, it’s Maths! I used to find it difficult but now I think it’s very interesting!

X​: ​……………………………… ​what you’ve just said, Mr Denver? I didn’t hear you.
Y​: No problem. I said that there will be a test next week.

X​: Fortunately, students in my school …
​ …………………………… w
​ ear school uniforms.
Y​: Why do you hate them so much?
X​: Well, I prefer my own clothes.

X​: I love working in groups on various projects!
Y​: ​……………………………… ​too! It’s a lot easier and more interesting than
working individually.

X​: Guess what! Sam …
​ …………………………… t​ he morning training again yesterday!
Y​: Really? Maybe we should buy him a new alarm clock to help him be more punctual. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 6

X​: We think that mobile phones should be banned at school.
Y​: I ​……………………………… ​with you. I actually think that mobile phones could be very useful
during lessons. There are plenty of fantastic learning apps that we could use!

X​: ​……………………………… ​library in your school?
Y​: Of course! Many students visit it every single day.

X​: Why don’t we skip lessons tomorrow, Nick? What do you say?
Y​: That’s a bad idea! I’ve ​……………………………… t​ ruant before and I’m not going to.

X​: I find it so easy to learn poems ​……………………………… ​. I repeat it only a few times and I
remember all the lines. It’s amazing how my memory works.
Y​: That’s great. Maybe you should be an actor in the future.

X​: We’ve just got the results of our last tests. We passed with flying colours! We’re so happy!
Y​: ​……………………………… ​! You’d studied so much and it paid off! Well done!

X​: Are students ​……………………………… u
​ se calculators during Math tests in your school?
Y​: No, they aren’t. Calculators are forbidden during tests.

X​: Do you ​………………………………​ in any after-school activities?
Y​: No, but I’m thinking of joining the school choir.

X​: Mum, did you know that we have a new Chemistry teacher? Her name is Mrs Coal.
Y​: Really? …
​ …………………………… l​ ike? Is she nice?
X​: Yes. She’s very demanding but she’s also very friendly and helpful. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 7


Uzupełnij dialogi. Wpisz w każdą lukę 4.1.-4.15. brakujący fragment wypowiedzi, tak
aby otrzymać spójne i logiczne teksty. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.
Uwaga​! W każdą lukę można wpisać maksymalnie ​trzy​ wyrazy.

X​: What ​……………………………… ​for a living, grandma?
Y​: I’m actually retired now. This means that I don’t have to work any longer.

X​: I love working as a teacher.
Y​: ​……………………………… ​I. It is so satisfying.

X​: Have you heard that Martin got a pay rise yesterday?
Y​: ​……………………………… ​him! He’s been working so hard lately.

X​: My son’s looking for a job. Do you know any job opportunities?
Y​: He ​……………………………… ​to apply for the position of a personal assistant in my company.
He’d be perfect for this job.

X​: Who do you look up to in your family?
Y​: I really admire my dad. He ​……………………………… as a doctor. His job is very stressful but
he treats people and saves their lives. I’d like to be like him in the future.

X​: ​……………………………… ​responsibilities at work?
Y​: I manage different projects and monitor progress.

X​: I’m so excited! I just got promoted to a higher position at work!
Y​: ​……………………………… ​done! I knew you could make it! Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 8

X​: Whose laptop is it? Is …
​ …………………………… ?​
Y​: No, it isn’t. I left mine at home.

X​: ​……………………………… ​dream job?
Y​: I’d love to work as an actress in the future. I enjoy being on stage.

X​: How long have you had your own office, Gerald?
Y​: I’ve actually had it ever ​……………………………… ​working in this company which was ten
years ago.

X​: Guess what! I got an after-school job at our favourite cafe! I’m starting tomorrow!
Y​: You …
​ …………………………… j​ oking! How did you do that?

X​: I’m sorry but I can’t come to work today ​……………………………… ​daughter came down with a
cold and I have to take care of her.
Y​: That’s OK. I hope she feels better soon.

X​: I’d like ​……………………………… ​you on setting up your own business. I’m sure it required a
lot of courage and determination. I hope you become very successful.
Y​: Thank you, that’s very nice of you.

X​: What are …
​ …………………………… ​do when you’re older?
Y​: Hmm. That’s a good question. I haven’t decided yet.

X​: I got fired last week and I don’t know what to do.
Y​: If I ​……………………………… ​, I would start looking for a new job immediately. I’m sure you’ll
something better. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 9


Uzupełnij dialogi. Wpisz w każdą lukę 5.1.-5.15. brakujący fragment wypowiedzi, tak
aby otrzymać spójne i logiczne teksty. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.
Uwaga​! W każdą lukę można wpisać maksymalnie ​trzy​ wyrazy.

X​: Do you ​……………………………… ​well with your younger cousins?
Y​: They tend to be very childish but I like spending time with them.

X​: Good afternoon, Mrs Jenkins. Can I talk to Jason?
Y​: ​……………………………… ​on a minute, I’ll see if he’s in.

X​: Hi, Joe! What’s the big news that you wanted to share with me?
Y​: Me and Joanna are getting married! We got engaged last weekend.
X​: Congratulations! I’m so …
​ …………………………… y
​ ou! When’s the wedding?

X​: We’d like to ​……………………………… ​our birthday party this Friday night. We hope you can
make it!
Y​: Thank you for the invitation! I’ll be there. It’s going to be so much fun.

X​: Who ​……………………………… p
​ erson in your family?
Y​: Actually, it’s my baby brother. He was born only two weeks ago.

X​: Holly, I’d like you to meet my parents: Mary and John.
Y​: Hello. It’s a ​……………………………… ​you.

X​: Tina has a new boyfriend. ​……………………………… n
​ ame? Do you know?
Y​: I don’t. She hasn’t introduced him yet. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 10

X​: Did you enjoy …
​ …………………………… a
​ t the Halloween party?
Y​: Yes, we had a lot of fun!

X​: Mum, do you know where dad keeps his drum sticks?
Y​: I …
​ …………………………… ​clue. You’ll have to wait until he gets back and ask him.

X​: Brian, could you give …
​ …………………………… w
​ ith the cleaning? I can’t do it all on my own!
Y​: Sorry, I’m very busy right now.

X​: What’s the matter? Why ​……………………………… ​? Dry your tears and tell me what’s
Y​: I’ve just had an argument with my best friend.

X​: What do your parents like doing?
Y​: ​……………………………… ​new hobby is gardening. She spends at least two hours a day
outside taking care of her plants and flowers.
X​: What about your dad?

X​: I never dance at parties.
Y​: ​……………………………… ​do I!

X​: Happy Christmas, Zack!
Y​: ​……………………………… ​to you, Lucy! Merry Christmas!

X​: My girlfriend has broken up with me.
Y​: How …
​ …………………………… !​ You’d been together for such a long time. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 11


Uzupełnij dialogi. Wpisz w każdą lukę 6.1.-6.15. brakujący fragment wypowiedzi, tak
aby otrzymać spójne i logiczne teksty. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.
Uwaga​! W każdą lukę można wpisać maksymalnie ​trzy​ wyrazy.

X​: My grandpa has baked some delicious cookies. ​……………………………… y
​ ourself!
Y​: Thank you.

X​: Do ​………………………………​ sugar in your tea?
Y​: No, I don’t. And you?

X​: Could you …
​ …………………………… t​ he salt, please? It’s right next to you on the table.
Y​: Here you are.
X​: Thanks.

X​: This meal was just delicious! Thank you so much.
Y​: I’m happy to hear you liked it. What would …
​ …………………………… d
​ essert?
X​: Oh, I’m so full that I’ll only have some grapes. Thank you.

X​: This soup isn’t …
​ ……………………………​ for me. Could you heat it up, please?
Y​: No problem. I’ll be right back.

X​: Have …
​ ………………………… ​at the menu. What would you like to eat?
Y​: I’m not really hungry, mum.

X​: What are we going to have for dinner tonight?
Y​: ​……………………………… ​we order some take-away? I don’t feel like cooking. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 12

X​: Which cuisine do …
​ …………………………… :​ Japanese or Italian?
Y​: Definitely Italian, I love pasta!

X​: ​……………………………… ​meals a day do you usually have?
Y​: At least five.

X​: In my view, everyone ​……………………………… ​breakfast in the morning. It’s the most
important meal of the day!
Y​: I totally agree!

X​: There ​……………………………… ​strawberries left in the fridge. Can I eat them?
Y​: Sure, go ahead.

X​: ​……………………………… ​you like your steak, Sir? Rare, medium or well done?
Y​: Medium, please.

X​: I promised myself that this year I am …
​ …………………………… u
​ p cooking.
Y​: What a great idea!

X​: ​……………………………… ​water did you drink yesterday?
Y​: Around two litres.

X​: Sushi Restaurant, how can I help you?
Y​: Hello. I’d like ​……………………………… t​ able for two for tomorrow night.
X​: Certainly, Madam. Can I have your name, please? Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 13


Uzupełnij dialogi. Wpisz w każdą lukę 7.1.-7.15. brakujący fragment wypowiedzi, tak
aby otrzymać spójne i logiczne teksty. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.
Uwaga​! W każdą lukę można wpisać maksymalnie ​trzy​ wyrazy.

X​: Excuse me, ​……………………………… t​ hose jeans?
Y​: They’re $70.

X​: Do you happen to know where I can buy some toothpicks?
Y​: To be honest, I ​……………………………… i​ dea. Why don’t you ask someone else?

X​: Could you …
​ …………………………… s​ ome money? I promise to give it back tomorrow.
Y​: Well, it depends… How much do you need?

X​: Hello. I’d like to make ​……………………………… ​. I bought this watch yesterday and it seems
to be broken.
Y​: Wait a moment, please. I’ll call the manager of the shop.

X​: Those trainers look awesome! Where did you buy them?
Y​: I got them in the local shoe shop last week. They were on ​……………………………… , so they
didn’t cost much.

X​: ​………………………………​ your parents go shopping?
Y​: Once a week, usually on Saturday morning.

X​: I’d like ​……………………………… t​ his blouse before I buy it. I’m not sure if it’s the right size.
Y​: Of course. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 14

X​: ​……………………………… ​like to pay for your meal, Sir?
Y​: By credit card.

X​: Can I have a bouquet of roses, please.
Y​: Certainly. …
​ …………………………… ?​
X​: Red, please.

X​: What’s the price of this house?
Y: Sorry, it …
​ …………………………… s​ ale any longer. Someone bought it yesterday.

X​: Excuse me, where …
​ …………………………… r​ oom? I’d like to try on this pencil skirt.
Y​: It’s over there, on the left.

X​: Can I have a packet of those flowery napkins, please.
Y​: Here …
​ …………………………… .​ Anything else?

X​: Can I help you?
Y​: Do you have this sweater ​……………………………… s​ ize? This one is too big for me.
X​: Let me check.

X​: This sofa was a real …
​ …………………………… !​ It was $100 cheaper than usual!
Y​: That’s great!

X​: I’d like to exchange this coat for a different colour.
Y​: Certainly. Do you have the …
​ …………………………… ?​
X​: No. Unfortunately, I lost it.
Y​: I’m really sorry but it’s not possible to make the exchange without this document. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 15


Uzupełnij dialogi. Wpisz w każdą lukę 8.1.-8.15. brakujący fragment wypowiedzi, tak
aby otrzymać spójne i logiczne teksty. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.
Uwaga​! W każdą lukę można wpisać maksymalnie ​trzy​ wyrazy.

X​: I hate commuting to work. It’s such a waste of time!
Y​: How …
​ …………………………… t​ ake you to get to work?
X​: It depends on the traffic but at least an hour.

X​: We’re traveling to Oxford tomorrow. We’re planning to do some sightseeing.
Y​: That’s great. ​……………………………… n
​ ice day!

X​: Excuse me, could you …
​ …………………………… w
​ ay to the bus station?
Y​: No problem. Go down this street and turn left. The bus station is on the right.

X​: Jimmy, could you …
​ …………………………… c​ arry these bags? They’re so heavy!
Y​: Sure! I’ll carry this one and you can carry the lighter one.

X​: I’d like a train ticket to Chicago, please. Are there …
​ …………………………… f​ or students?
Y​: Yes, 10%. Can I see your student ID, please?
X​: Here you are.

X​: ​……………………………… ​the next train to London?
Y​: At 6 pm. Why?

X​: Travelling abroad can be very expensive.
Y​: I …
​ …………………………… ​mean. This is why I only travel abroad once a year. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 16

X​: Do you ​……………………………… ​sit next to you, Josh?
Y​: No, go ahead.

X​: ​……………………………… ​dream holiday destination?
Y​: We’d love to travel around Indonesia one day. It’s beautiful out there.

X​: We …
​ …………………………… s​ uch a great time here in Italy. You should come and join us!
Y​: I wish I could.

X​: In my view, adventure ​……………………………… e
​ xciting than beach holidays. Do you agree?
Y​: Totally!

X​: Welcome to the National History Museum. Please remember that you
……………………………… t​ ouch any of the exhibits.
Y​: Of course, sir. We understand.

X​: Why were you late to the meeting?
Y​: We didn’t make it on time because our flight ​……………………………… ​. We spent around two
extra hours at the airport waiting to board the plane.

X​: I’d like a ticket to Newport, please.
Y​: ​……………………………… ​return?
X​: Return, please.
Y​: It’s $15, please.

X​: ​……………………………… ​to the Bahamas for your birthday, Gina! What do you say?
Y​: I’d love to! Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 17


Uzupełnij dialogi. Wpisz w każdą lukę 9.1.-9.15. brakujący fragment wypowiedzi, tak
aby otrzymać spójne i logiczne teksty. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.
Uwaga​! W każdą lukę można wpisać maksymalnie ​trzy​ wyrazy.

X​: Excuse me, where’s the box office?
Y​: It ​……………………………… t​ here, on the left.

X​: What did …
​ …………………………… ​the film we’ve just seen, Martin?
Y​: I absolutely loved every second of it! It was brilliant!

X​: The set book for this month is so long that I am not sure if I can finish it on time.
Y​: Well, it might be long but it’s definitely …
​ …………………………… u
​ ntil the end!

X​: This episode of the series ​……………………………… t​ hat I nearly fell asleep.
Y​: Really? I thought it was the best one so far!

X​: ​……………………………… ​love to see my favourite singer perform live on stage.
Y​: What’s stopping you, Ron?
X​: The tickets are way too expensive for me. I have to save some money up first.

X​: ​……………………………… ​a ticket to this play cost?
Y​: It only costs $5 if you buy it in the next 24 hours.

X​: Hi, Dan! …
​ …………………………… ​your theatre project going?
Y​: Not too well. Some people have resigned and we’re looking for some new participants.
Would you like to join us? Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 18

X​: ​……………………………… ​been to a pop concert, dad?
Y​: No, never.

X​: Your brother’s stand up comedy is this weekend, isn’t it?
Y​: Yes, so he …
​ …………………………… ​much time left to prepare.

X​: I’ve heard that your wife’s new song is a huge success! Please ​………………………………
Y​: I will, thank you.

X​: Hurry up, mum! We’ll miss the beginning of the film …
​ …………………………… l​ eave now!
Y​: I’m coming, just give me a second.

X​: How often do you go to art galleries?
Y​: I go every Saturday with my grandma. She is an art enthusiast and she loves Claude
Monet’s paintings. She could look ​……………………………… h
​ ours!

X​: Do you feel like going out tonight?
Y​: I’d rather stay in, actually. I’m reading such an interesting book that I ​………………………………
it down!
X​: Really? What is it about?

X​: What did Wayne ​……………………………… m
​ ost about the film?
Y​: He said he’d absolutely loved the special effects.

X​: Who should read your newest book, Mrs Bing?
Y​: I would …
​ …………………………… ​it to everyone who’s interested in self-growth. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 19


Uzupełnij dialogi. Wpisz w każdą lukę 10.1.-10.15. brakujący fragment wypowiedzi,

tak aby otrzymać spójne i logiczne teksty. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.
Uwaga​! W każdą lukę można wpisać maksymalnie ​trzy​ wyrazy.

X​: It’s your final game tonight. ​……………………………… ,​ Chloe!
Y​: Thanks, Tommy.

X​: Why weren’t you at yesterday’s training, Ollie?
Y​: I have ​………………………………​ ankle. I’m not allowed to train for over a month.
X​: Well, at least it’s not broken!

X​: Hi, Emma. I know you’re watching the football match right now? What
……………………………… ?​ Is your favourite team winning?
Y​: No. So far, it’s a draw.

X​: What do you …
​ …………………………… f​ it, Mr Smith?
Y​: Well, I go to the gym twice a week and I go swimming every Saturday. How about you?

X​: My son is taking part in an important race today. He’s been preparing for over a year.
Y​: ​……………………………… ​crossed! I hope he wins!

X​: Dad, do you know …
​ …………………………… p
​ lay cricket?
Y​: Actually, I don’t. I’ve never played.

X​: Next week we’re going to play football outside. Do you think I need any special gear?
Y​: ​……………………………… ​you, I would buy some new trainers. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 20

X​: It’s Aria’s boxing match tomorrow. Do you know …
​ …………………………… s​ tarts?
Y​: At noon.

X​: ​……………………………… ​the Olympics tonight, shall we?
Y​: Why not. Which channel is it on?

X​: Skiing seems to be so much fun! I’ve never tried it before.
Y​: Why don’t you ​……………………………… g
​ o and see if you like it?
X​: I think I will.

X​: Mr Blank says that Archie is an amazing athlete. What do you think?
Y​: I …
​ …………………………… ​agree more. He’s the best.

X​: You’ve won yet another competition. ​……………………………… ,​ Sophie!
Y​: Thank you!

X​: You’re really good at tennis. …
​ …………………………… m
​ atches have you played so far?
Y​: Over one hundred.

X​: Oscar, could you tell me what the rules in American football are?
Y​: You’d ​……………………………… ​ask Max. He’s an expert.

X​: What time is the match tomorrow, Chloe?
Y​: I can’t remember. Let’s ask our coach. Shall we …
​ ………………………….. a
​ call?
X​: It’s a good idea. I’ll call him right away. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 21


Uzupełnij dialogi. Wpisz w każdą lukę 11.1.-11.15. brakujący fragment wypowiedzi,

tak aby otrzymać spójne i logiczne teksty. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.
Uwaga​! W każdą lukę można wpisać maksymalnie ​trzy​ wyrazy.
X​: What ​………………………………​ , Grace? Are you alright?
Y​: I’m feeling a little dizzy.
X​: Take a seat over here.

X​: Are there any products that your daughter is ​……………………………… ​ to?
Y​: I don’t think so. She eats everything and she’s never had any symptoms.

X​: Hello. Take a seat and tell me what seems ​……………………………… p
​ roblem?
Y​: I think I might have appendicitis.

X​: Can you tell me what the results of the examinations are, doctor?
Y​: I’m ​……………………………… ​some bad news for you. The X-ray shows that your arm is
X​: How terrible!

X​: Mum, can I stay at home today? I’m …
​ …………………………… w
​ ell.
Y​: OK, you don’t have to go to school. We’ll go to the doctor in the afternoon.

X​: How are you feeling today, Caire?
Y​: I’ve ​……………………………… t​ errible headache ever since I woke up.

X​: My mum came down with awful flu last weekend.
Y​: Oh, no. I hope …
​ …………………………… b
​ etter soon. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 22

X​: Atchoo! Excuse me, I’ve just sneezed.
Y​: ​……………………………… ​you!
X​: Thank you!

X​: What do you do if someone faints?
Y​: I’ve heard it’s a ​……………………………… t​ o raise the person’s feet.

X​: My tooth hurts. What should I do?
Y​: ​……………………………… ​go to the dentist?
X​: You’re right. I should probably go but it always makes me so nervous.

X​: What are those red spots on your neck?
Y​: I think I’ve got …
​ …………………………… m
​ y skin. Maybe I’ve eaten something...
X​: Yes, it might be an allergy.

X​: So how was your visit to the doctor, Claudia?
Y​: He gave ​……………………………… ​for antibiotics. I’m on my way to the pharmacy right now.

X​: I think I need to …
​ …………………………… o
​ n the amount of sweets!
Y​: It’s a great idea. You’ll feel a lot better, trust me.

X​: What do you do if you’re very tired all the time?
Y​: If you ask me, …
​ …………………………… b
​ etter than a good night’s sleep!

X​: My children have stayed in their bedroom all day studying. They must be very tired.
Y​: Tell them to go outside and …
​ …………………………… f​ resh air. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 23


Uzupełnij dialogi. Wpisz w każdą lukę 12.1.-12.15. brakujący fragment wypowiedzi,

tak aby otrzymać spójne i logiczne teksty. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.
Uwaga​! W każdą lukę można wpisać maksymalnie ​trzy​ wyrazy.

X​: Excuse me, ​……………………………… t​ he science lab?
Y​: It’s on the second floor.

X​: I’m not allowed to use the Internet in the evenings.
Y​: Me ​……………………………… .​ My parents even take my computer away before supper!

X​: ​……………………………… ​buy your first computer?
Y​: A couple of years ago.

X​: What is the greatest invention ​……………………………… t​ ime, Professor Harrison?
Y​: It’s a very hard question. Let me think about it.

X​: What is this vase ​……………………………… ?​
Y​: Glass. Do you like it?

X​: My phone isn’t working. Do you have any idea why?
Y​: ​……………………………… ​me have a look.

X​: Hello, it’s Tristan. Is Monica there?
Y​: I’m afraid she’s out.
X​: ​……………………………… ​a message for her?
Y​: Sure, what is it? Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 24

X​: What’s your email address, Crystal?
Y​: I haven’t got one.
X​: You …
​ …………………………… j​ oking!

X​: ​……………………………… ​this photograph of you and me?
Y​: I’m sure it was Dean. I think he’s been following us.

X​: Can I use​ y
​ our phone to call my mum?
Y​: Sure, but …
​ …………………………… ​your own mobile phone?
X​: I do but the battery in my phone is dead. I had forgotten to charge it.

X​: Which dishwasher is better?
Y​: It’s …
​ …………………………… ​say because they’re both very good.

X​: Did you remember ​……………………………… t​ he light after you left the office?
Y​: Yes, I did.

X​: Excuse me, do you ​………………………………​ time?
Y​: It’s a quarter to ten.

X​: ​……………………………… ​text messages do you send every day?
Y​: Around twenty.

X​: Turn the volume down a bit, please. I’d like …
​ …………………………… a
​ phone call.
Y​: Sure. I’ll turn the TV off, I’m not watching it anyway. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 25


Uzupełnij dialogi. Wpisz w każdą lukę 13.1.-13.15. brakujący fragment wypowiedzi,

tak aby otrzymać spójne i logiczne teksty. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.
Uwaga​! W każdą lukę można wpisać maksymalnie ​trzy​ wyrazy.

X​: I haven’t been outside yet. What’s …
​ …………………………… t​ oday?
Y​: It’s very warm and sunny. You should go for a walk.

X​: ​……………………………… ​national parks are there in the UK?
Y​: I think there are fifteen.

X​: Do you always remember to turn off the tap while you’re ​……………………………… t​ eeth?
Y​: Of course I do.

X​: Do you need any help with your school project?
Y​: No, thank you. I’ll do it …
​ …………………………… .​ I know quite a lot about wild animals.

X​: It’s raining cats and dogs. You’d ​……………………………… u
​ mbrella.
Y​: Good idea.

X​: What ​……………………………… ​season? Which one do you like best?
Y​: I love winters, unlike my husband.

X​: ​……………………………… ​ever been an earthquake in Poland?
Y​: Not that I recall. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 26

X​: Do you think it’s going to rain today?
Y​: I’m not sure. I haven’t watched the ​……………………………… y
​ et.

X​: ​……………………………… ​feel about joining a charity organization?
Y​: I’d love to do it. Which one should I join?

X​: I think the planet would be a lot cleaner if everyone recycled everything they can.
Y​: You …
​ …………………………… p
​ oint there.

X​: What’s the best way to save the environment?
Y​: As ​……………………………… ​concerned, we should all start by using public transport more

X​: When you go to London, ​……………………………… s​ ure you visit one of its beautiful parks.
Y​: Which one would you recommend?
X​: Greenwich Park is lovely. You should definitely check it out!

X​: ​……………………………… ​all those beautiful trees here? They weren’t here the last time we
visited this park.
Y​: I have no idea but the more trees, the better the air we breathe.

X​: When was the last time you went to the ZOO?
Y​: I haven’t been to the ZOO ever ​……………………………… a
​ little girl.

X​: What’s ​……………………………… ​mountain in the world?
Y​: I think it’s Mount Everest. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 27


Uzupełnij dialogi. Wpisz w każdą lukę 14.1.-14.15. brakujący fragment wypowiedzi,

tak aby otrzymać spójne i logiczne teksty. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.
Uwaga​! W każdą lukę można wpisać maksymalnie ​trzy​ wyrazy.

X​: Do your parents always …
​ …………………………… e
​ lections?
Y​: Of course they do!

X​: ​……………………………… ​Prime Minister of Poland at the moment?
Y​: Mateusz Morawiecki.

X​: How could we stop young people …
​ ……………………………​ the law?
Y​: Maybe we should educate them about the consequences of such illegal actions?

X​: Let’s brainstorm some ideas for the civic education project together! What do you say?
Y​: I …
​ …………………………… ​prefer to do it on my own first if you don’t mind.

X​: Mum, could you …
​ …………………………… f​ avour?
Y​: Of course, sweety. What is it?
X​: Could you …..?

X​: ​………………………………​ had a car accident, Liam?
Y​: Yes, but luckily I wasn’t injured.

X​: The students in my school are really fed up with the food that is served at the school
cafeteria. The meals should be more varied. What should we do?
Y​: Why don’t you write a petition and ask all the students to …
​ …………………………… ?​ Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 28

X: W
​ hat are ​……………………………… o
​ n capital punishment?
Y: I​ ’m against.

X​: We’re going to organise a fundraising party. Will you join us?
Y​: I …
​ …………………………… ​I could. But I have a ton of homework to do tonight.

X​: You ​……………………………… ​believe it! I’ve won the elections and I’ve become the form
Y​: Wow, congratulations!

X​: Have you heard about a digital footprint?
Y​: Yes, everyone is talking about it. …
​ ……………………………​ so important?
X​: Because everyone should be aware what data they leave behind while using the
Internet. It’s a matter of safety.

X​: Someone’s stolen that lady’s bag!
Y​: Calm down. The police ​……………………………​ coming. The shop assistant has already called.

X​: ​……………………………… ​a​ g
​ eneral election held in the UK?
Y​: I’m not sure, but I think every five years. Let’s check it online.

X​: I’m worried that Samantha might get addicted to the Internet.
Y​: ​……………………………… ​worry, I’m sure she will use it responsibly.

X​: Jim is such a cheater. He always copies my homework and says it’s his.
Y​: I know what you mean! I ​……………………………… ​rather ​not do it at all than commit
plagiarism! Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 29

Klucz odpowiedzi
1.1. ​are you keen 1.2. ​the matter 1.3. ​does she like / would she like 1.4. ​stand / put up with ​1.5. How old is 1.6. ​sorry to
1.7. ​were born on ​1.8. ​how are your ​1.9. ​is your marital ​1.10. ​spell your surname / name / it 1.11. ​What does it
1.12. ​You’re / That’s 1
​ .13. a
​ m afraid​ 1.14. ​wedding anniversary​ 1.15. y
​ ou do anything
2.1. ​is your address 2.2. ​do you like / is ​2.3. ​take the ​2.4. ​Let’s go 2.5. ​I can’t 2.6. ​you mind 2.7. are there any 2.8. ​do you
share 2.9. ​often do you 2.10. ​How about 2.11. ​make yourself at 2.12. ​do they live ​2.13. ​you tell / show me ​2.14. ​think of
2.15. ​bigger than the
3.1. pity / shame 3.2. ​May / Can I go ​3.3. ​is your favourite 3.4. ​Could / Can you repeat 3.5. ​don’t have to 3.6. ​Me 3.7. ​was
late to 3.8. ​don’t / do not agree ​3.9. ​Is there a ​3.10. ​never played 3.11. ​by heart 3.12. ​Well done / Congratulations
3.13. ​allowed to​ 3.14. t​ ake part / participate 3
​ .15. W
​ hat is she
4.1. ​do you do 4.2. ​So do 4.3. ​Good for 4.4. ​ought 4.5. ​works 4.6. ​What are your 4.7. ​Well 4.8. ​it yours / your laptop
4.9. ​What’s / What is your ​4.10. ​since I started ​4.11. ​must be 4.12. ​because my 4.13. ​to congratulate 4.14. ​you going to
4.15. ​were you
5.1. ​get on 5.2. ​Hang / Hold 5.3. happy for ​5.4. ​invite you to 5.5. ​is the youngest 5.6. ​pleasure to meet 5.7. ​What’s his
5.8. ​yourselves 5.9. ​have no / haven’t got a ​5.10. ​me a hand 5.11. ​are you crying 5.12. ​My mum’s 5.13. ​Neither 5.14. ​Same
5.15. ​awful / terrible / sad
6.1. ​Help 6.2. ​you take 6.3. ​pass me 6.4. ​you like for 6.5. ​warm / hot enough 6.6. ​a look 6.7. ​Why don’t ​6.8. you prefer
6.9. ​How many 6.10. ​should / ought to have 6.11. ​are some / a few ​6.12. ​How would 6.13. ​going to take ​6.14. ​How much
6.15. ​to book a
7.1. ​how much are 7.2. ​have no 7.3. ​lend me 7.4. ​a complaint 7.5. ​sale 7.6. ​How often do 7.7. ​to try on 7.8. ​How would you
7.9. ​Which ones / Which colour ​7.10. ​is not / isn’t for 7.11. ​is the changing / fitting ​7.12. ​you are 7.13. ​in a smaller ​7.14.
bargain​ 7.15. r​ eceipt
8.1. ​long does it ​8.2. ​Have a 8.3. ​show / tell me the 8.4. ​help me 8.5. ​any discounts 8.6. ​What time is 8.7. ​know what you
8.8. ​mind if I ​8.9. ​What is your 8.10. ​are having 8.11. ​holidays are more 8.12. ​mustn’t / must not / aren’t allowed to 8.13.
was delayed​ 8.14. S
​ ingle or​ 8.15. ​Let’s go / fly / travel
9.1. ​is over 9.2. ​you think of 9.3. ​worth reading 9.4. ​was so boring 9.5. ​I would / I’d 9.6. ​How much does 9.7. ​How’s / How is
9.8. ​Have you ever 9.9. ​doesn’t have / hasn’t got 9.10. ​give her my 9.11. ​if we don’t / unless we ​9.12. ​at them for ​9.13. ​can’t
put​ 9.14. l​ ike the​ 9.15. ​recommend
10.1. ​Good luck 10.2. ​sprained / twisted my ​10.3. ​is the score 10.4. ​do to keep ​10.5. ​Fingers 10.6. ​how to ​10.7. If I were
10.8. ​what time it ​10.9. ​Let’s watch ​10.10. ​give it a 10.11. ​could not / couldn’t ​10.12. ​Well done / Congratulations
10.13. ​How many​ 10.14. ​better​ 10.15. ​give him
11.1. ​is the matter 11.2. ​allergic ​11.3. ​to be the 11.4. ​afraid I have / sorry I have / sorry but I’ve ​11.5. ​not feeling ​11.6. ​had a
11.7. ​she is / feels / gets ​11.8. ​Bless 11.9. ​good idea 11.10. ​Why don’t you / Why not 11.11. ​a rash on 11.12. ​me a
prescription ​ 11.13.​ cut down​ 11.14. N
​ othing is ​ 11.15. g
​ et some
12.1. ​where’s / where is 12.2. ​neither 12.3. ​When did you 12.4. of all time ​12.5. ​made of ​12.6. ​Let 12.7. ​Can / Could / May I
leave 12.8. ​must be 12.9. ​Who has / Who’s taken ​12.10. ​don’t you have / haven’t you got 12.11. ​difficult / hard to 12.12. ​to
turn / switch off​ 12.13. ​have the​ 12.14. ​How many​ 12.15. t​ o make
13.1. ​the weather like 13.2. ​How many 13.3. ​brushing your 13.4. ​alone / on my own / myself 13.5. ​better take an 13.6. ​is
your favourite 13.7. ​Has there ​13.8. ​weather forecast 13.9. ​How do/ would you 13.10. ​have got a ​13.11. ​far as I’m
13.12. ​make​ 13.13. ​Who has planted​ 13.14. s​ ince I was​ 13.15. ​the highest
14.1. ​take part / participate in 14.2. ​Who’s / Who is the 14.3. from breaking 14.4. ​would 14.5. ​do me a 14.6. ​Have you ever
14.7. ​sign it 14.8. ​your thoughts 14.9. ​wish 14.10. ​won’t / will not 14.11. ​Why is it ​14.12. ​are (already) 14.13. ​How often is
14.14. ​Don’t / Do not​ 14.15. ​would Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 30

Karta odpowiedzi Karta odpowiedzi

Odpowiedź Odpowiedź

1.1. ……………………………………….. 2.1. ………………………………………..

1.2. ……………………………………….. 2.2. ………………………………………..

1.3. ……………………………………….. 2.3. ………………………………………..

1.4. ……………………………………….. 2.4. ………………………………………..

1.5. ……………………………………….. 2.5. ………………………………………..

1.6. ……………………………………….. 2.6. ………………………………………..

1.7. ……………………………………….. 2.7. ………………………………………..

1.8. ……………………………………….. 2.8. ………………………………………..

1.9. ……………………………………….. 2.9. ………………………………………..

1.10. ……………………………………….. 2.10. ………………………………………..

1.11. ……………………………………….. 2.11. ………………………………………..

1.12. ……………………………………….. 2.12. ………………………………………..

1.13. ……………………………………….. 2.13. ………………………………………..

1.14. ……………………………………….. 2.14. ………………………………………..

1.15. ……………………………………….. 2.15. ……………………………………….. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 31

Karta odpowiedzi Karta odpowiedzi

Odpowiedź Odpowiedź

3.1. ……………………………………….. 4.1. ………………………………………..

3.2. ……………………………………….. 4.2. ………………………………………..

3.3. ……………………………………….. 4.3. ………………………………………..

3.4. ……………………………………….. 4.4. ………………………………………..

3.5. ……………………………………….. 4.5. ………………………………………..

3.6. ……………………………………….. 4.6. ………………………………………..

3.7. ……………………………………….. 4.7. ………………………………………..

3.8. ……………………………………….. 4.8. ………………………………………..

3.9. ……………………………………….. 4.9. ………………………………………..

3.10. ……………………………………….. 4.10. ………………………………………..

3.11. ……………………………………….. 4.11. ………………………………………..

3.12. ……………………………………….. 4.12. ………………………………………..

3.13. ……………………………………….. 4.13. ………………………………………..

3.14. ……………………………………….. 4.14. ………………………………………..

3.15. ……………………………………….. 4.15. ……………………………………….. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 32

Karta odpowiedzi Karta odpowiedzi

Odpowiedź Odpowiedź

5.1. ……………………………………….. 6.1. ………………………………………..

5.2. ……………………………………….. 6.2. ………………………………………..

5.3. ……………………………………….. 6.3. ………………………………………..

5.4. ……………………………………….. 6.4. ………………………………………..

5.5. ……………………………………….. 6.5. ………………………………………..

5.6. ……………………………………….. 6.6. ………………………………………..

5.7. ……………………………………….. 6.7. ………………………………………..

5.8. ……………………………………….. 6.8. ………………………………………..

5.9. ……………………………………….. 6.9. ………………………………………..

5.10. ……………………………………….. 6.10. ………………………………………..

5.11. ……………………………………….. 6.11. ………………………………………..

5.12. ……………………………………….. 6.12. ………………………………………..

5.13. ……………………………………….. 6.13. ………………………………………..

5.14. ……………………………………….. 6.14. ………………………………………..

5.15. ……………………………………….. 6.15. ……………………………………….. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 33

Karta odpowiedzi Karta odpowiedzi

Odpowiedź Odpowiedź

7.1. ……………………………………….. 8.1. ………………………………………..

7.2. ……………………………………….. 8.2. ………………………………………..

7.3. ……………………………………….. 8.3. ………………………………………..

7.4. ……………………………………….. 8.4. ………………………………………..

7.5. ……………………………………….. 8.5. ………………………………………..

7.6. ……………………………………….. 8.6. ………………………………………..

7.7. ……………………………………….. 8.7. ………………………………………..

7.8. ……………………………………….. 8.8. ………………………………………..

7.9. ……………………………………….. 8.9. ………………………………………..

7.10. ……………………………………….. 8.10. ………………………………………..

7.11. ……………………………………….. 8.11. ………………………………………..

7.12. ……………………………………….. 8.12. ………………………………………..

7.13. ……………………………………….. 8.13. ………………………………………..

7.14. ……………………………………….. 8.14. ………………………………………..

7.15. ……………………………………….. 8.15. ……………………………………….. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 34

Karta odpowiedzi Karta odpowiedzi

Odpowiedź Odpowiedź

9.1. ……………………………………….. 10.1. ………………………………………..

9.2. ……………………………………….. 10.2. ………………………………………..

9.3. ……………………………………….. 10.3. ………………………………………..

9.4. ……………………………………….. 10.4. ………………………………………..

9.5. ……………………………………….. 10.5. ………………………………………..

9.6. ……………………………………….. 10.6. ………………………………………..

9.7. ……………………………………….. 10.7. ………………………………………..

9.8. ……………………………………….. 10.8. ………………………………………..

9.9. ……………………………………….. 10.9. ………………………………………..

9.10. ……………………………………….. 10.10. ………………………………………..

9.11. ……………………………………….. 10.11. ………………………………………..

9.12. ……………………………………….. 10.12. ………………………………………..

9.13. ……………………………………….. 10.13. ………………………………………..

9.14. ……………………………………….. 10.14. ………………………………………..

9.15. ……………………………………….. 10.15. ……………………………………….. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 35

Karta odpowiedzi Karta odpowiedzi

Odpowiedź Odpowiedź

11.1. ……………………………………….. 12.1. ………………………………………..

11.2. ……………………………………….. 12.2. ………………………………………..

11.3. ……………………………………….. 12.3. ………………………………………..

11.4. ……………………………………….. 12.4. ………………………………………..

11.5. ……………………………………….. 12.5. ………………………………………..

11.6. ……………………………………….. 12.6. ………………………………………..

11.7. ……………………………………….. 12.7. ………………………………………..

11.8. ……………………………………….. 12.8. ………………………………………..

11.9. ……………………………………….. 12.9. ………………………………………..

11.10. ……………………………………….. 12.10. ………………………………………..

11.11. ……………………………………….. 12.11. ………………………………………..

11.12. ……………………………………….. 12.12. ………………………………………..

11.13. ……………………………………….. 12.13. ………………………………………..

11.14. ……………………………………….. 12.14. ………………………………………..

11.15. ……………………………………….. 12.15. ……………………………………….. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 36

Karta odpowiedzi Karta odpowiedzi

Odpowiedź Odpowiedź

13.1. ……………………………………….. 14.1. ………………………………………..

13.2. ……………………………………….. 14.2. ………………………………………..

13.3. ……………………………………….. 14.3. ………………………………………..

13.4. ……………………………………….. 14.4. ………………………………………..

13.5. ……………………………………….. 14.5. ………………………………………..

13.6. ……………………………………….. 14.6. ………………………………………..

13.7. ……………………………………….. 14.7. ………………………………………..

13.8. ……………………………………….. 14.8. ………………………………………..

13.9. ……………………………………….. 14.9. ………………………………………..

13.10. ……………………………………….. 14.10. ………………………………………..

13.11. ……………………………………….. 14.11. ………………………………………..

13.12. ……………………………………….. 14.12. ………………………………………..

13.13. ……………………………………….. 14.13. ………………………………………..

13.14. ……………………………………….. 14.14. ………………………………………..

13.15. ……………………………………….. 14.15. ……………………………………….. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 37

Karta odpowiedzi
















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