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Course Code : LCC500



Total SLT : 80
Equivalent to 2 Credit/2 Contact Hours
Face-to-Face (F2F): 20 Hours
Non Face-to-Face:8 Synchronous and 52 Asynchronous

Part :

Course Status :
(Core/ Non-core)

Pre-requisite :

Nama Fakulti: Akademi Pengajian Bahasa Tahun Mula: 2023

Nama Program: Tahun Semakan:
© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

1. adhere to appropriate language functions in verbal and written communication during

informal discussion related to academic or occupational matters. (A4)

2. display ideas with precision in verbal and written communication skills during formal
meeting related to academic or occupational matters. (A5)

Course Description

This course aims to develop skills students need for workplace communication both in formal
and informal settings. Students will be exposed to a wide range of language norms and
conventions needed in informal discussions and formal meetings. The communicative aspects
of conducting virtual and face-to-face meetings and discussions will also be emphasised,
especially in expressing opinions, justifying ideas, and solving workplace issues. The course
also trains students to relay relevant information based on workplace discussions and formal

Syllabus Content

1. Fundamentals of workplace communication

● Introduction to workplace communication
● Forms of communication; verbal communication, non-verbal communication,
written communication
● Formal and informal workplace communication
● Types of direction in workplace communication; downward, upward, lateral,
diagonal and grapevine

2. Principles of effective hybrid collaboration in the workplace

● Face-to-face meeting vs. online meeting/video conferencing
● Strategies in conducting hybrid meetings
● Aspects of professionalism in hybrid meetings
● Challenges of hybrid meetings
● Communication during hybrid meetings
● Small talk in hybrid meetings
● Turn-taking strategies in hybrid meetings

3. Formal and informal workplace communication strategies

● Essential aspects in interpersonal communication; problem-solving skills,
negotiation skills, decision-making skills, group discussion skills, listening skills

Nama Fakulti: Akademi Pengajian Bahasa Tahun Mula: 2023

Nama Program: Tahun Semakan:
© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA

● Language forms and functions in workplace discussions

● Expressing opinions and ideas (making suggestions, making decisions, seeking
clarifications, agreeing and disagreeing, initiating, and closing conversations,
giving compliments, praising and congratulating, interrupting, questioning,
negotiating, apologizing, making requests, taking leave)

4. Language expressions in face-to-face and virtual meeting (CEFR level B2-High)

● Face-to-face meeting: language phrases for informal discussion
● Virtual meeting: language phrases for online meeting

5. Principles in relaying information

● Purpose of emails
● Structure of emails (recipients, subject line, salutation, email opening, email body,
email ending, email sign-off)
● Language aspects in writing emails (CEFR level B2-High)
● Etiquette in writing emails
● Common email writing mistakes

6. Introduction to formal meeting

● Language phrases in formal meeting (CEFR level B2-High)
● Procedures in formal meeting (Chairperson’s address, apologies of absence,
minutes of previous meeting, matters arising, special business, any other business,
date/time/venue for next meeting, closure)
● Roles of office bearers; Chairperson. Secretary, Treasurer, committee members
● Etiquette in formal meeting
● Special business
● Checklists for formal meeting (before the meeting, during the meeting, after the

7. Formal meeting-related documents

● Language structure for meeting-related documents; reported speech, active and
passive forms (CEFR level B2-High)
● Format in writing notices and agenda
● Types of meeting minutes: action, discussion, verbatim
● Procedure in writing minutes of meetings

Teaching Methodology

● Interactive lectures
● Collaborative Learning
● Simulation activities
● Informal meeting practices
● Formal meeting practices
● Email writing practices
● Minutes writing practices

Nama Fakulti: Akademi Pengajian Bahasa Tahun Mula: 2023

Nama Program: Tahun Semakan:
© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA


Week Assessment Duration Weightage

Workplace Discussion

● Workplace Discussion 10 minutes preparation

6&7 (40%) 30 minutes discussion

● Email (10%) 30 minutes

Formal Meeting

● Formal Meeting 10 minutes preparation

(40%) 30 minutes discussion
12,13 &
● Minutes (10%) 30 minutes

Total 100%

Recommended Text



Cep Publishing. (2020). Business English official vocabulary 2020 edition: All the most
important business English words with detailed explanation.

Chan, M. (2020). English for business communication. Routledge.

Dorling Kindersley Publishing Staff, Boobyer, V., & Burrow, T. (2017). Business
English, level 2: A visual self study guide to English for the workplace.

Komou, A. (2020). English for meetings: Phrases, expressions, and one case to be
fluent in meetings.

Reed, K. M., & Allen, J. A. (2022). Suddenly hybrid: Managing the modern meeting.
John Wiley & Sons.

Robert, H. M. (2019). Robert's rules of order. Blurb

Nama Fakulti: Akademi Pengajian Bahasa Tahun Mula: 2023

Nama Program: Tahun Semakan:
© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA

Roche, M. (2020). Email writing: Advanced (C). How to write emails professionally.
Advanced business etiquette & secret tactics for writing at work. Produce professional
emails, business letters, proposals & reports.

Rogelberg, S. G. (2018). The surprising science of meetings: How you can lead your
team to peak performance. Oxford University Press, USA.

Vine, B. (2020). Introducing language in the workplace. Cambridge University Press.

Internet Sources

1. Chairing a meeting

2. A team meeting

3. Participating in a meeting

4. The Basics of Making a Motion

5. Phrases for Business Meetings

Nama Fakulti: Akademi Pengajian Bahasa Tahun Mula: 2023

Nama Program: Tahun Semakan:
© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA

Nama Fakulti: Akademi Pengajian Bahasa Tahun Mula: 2023

Nama Program: Tahun Semakan:
© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA

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