Physics All Long Question 1st Year

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Q4 (i)
A simple pendulum is a point mass (bob) attached to a fixed point by a massless,
inextensible string or wire, swinging back and forth under the influence of gravity.

To show that the motion of a simple pendulum is simple harmonic motion (SHM), we
can analyze its motion as follows:

1. The force acting on the bob is the gravitational force, which is proportional to the
displacement from the equilibrium position (F = -mg sinθ, where m is the mass, g is
the acceleration due to gravity, and θ is the angular displacement).

2. For small angular displacements (θ << 1), sinθ ≈ θ, so the force becomes F = -mgθ,
which is proportional to the displacement.

3. This force is always directed towards the equilibrium position, making it a

restoring force.

4. The motion of the pendulum is oscillatory, with the bob moving in a circular arc.

5. The angular displacement (θ) can be described by the equation: θ = A cos(ωt + φ),
where A is the amplitude, ω is the angular frequency, t is time, and φ is the phase

6. This equation represents simple harmonic motion, with the pendulum's angular
displacement oscillating sinusoidally about the equilibrium position.

Therefore, the motion of a simple pendulum is indeed simple harmonic motion.

Q4 (ii)

The time period (T) and frequency (f) of a simple pendulum can be derived using the
following steps:

1. Start with the equation for the angular displacement of the pendulum: θ = A
cos(ωt + φ)

2. The restoring force (F) acting on the bob is given by: F = -mgθ

3. Using Newton's second law (F = ma), we can write: -mgθ = m(d^2θ/dt^2)

4. Simplify the equation by dividing both sides by -m: gθ = -(d^2θ/dt^2)

5. Substitute the angular displacement equation into this simplified equation: g(A
cos(ωt + φ)) = -Aω^2 cos(ωt + φ)

6. Divide both sides by A cos(ωt + φ): g = -ω^2

7. Take the square root of both sides: ω = √g

8. The time period (T) is the reciprocal of the frequency (f): T = 1/f = 2π/ω

9. Substitute the expression for ω from step 7: T = 2π/√g

10. The frequency (f) is the reciprocal of the time period: f = 1/T = √g/(2π)

Therefore, the equation for the time period and frequency of a simple pendulum

T = 2π/√g

f = √g/(2π)

where g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s^2).

Q6 (i)

Here are four sources of energy:

1. Solar Energy: Energy from the sun, which can be harnessed using solar panels to
generate electricity or heat water and buildings.

2. Wind Energy: Energy generated by wind, which can be harnessed using wind
turbines to produce electricity.

3. Hydro Energy: Energy from moving water, such as rivers or ocean tides, which can
be harnessed using hydroelectric power plants or tidal power turbines to generate

4. Geothermal Energy: Energy from the heat of the Earth's core, which can be
harnessed using geothermal power plants to generate electricity or provide heat.

These four sources of energy are renewable and sustainable, meaning they are
naturally replenished and won't run out. They also have a lower environmental
impact compared to fossil fuels!

Q6 (iii)
The First Law of Thermodynamics states:

"Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another."

Mathematically, this law can be expressed as:

ΔQ = ΔU + ΔW

- ΔQ (heat added to the system)

- ΔU (change in internal energy of the system)

- ΔW (work done on the system)


1. Consider a closed system (no mass enters or leaves) undergoing a thermodynamic


2. Let Q be the amount of heat added to the system.

3. Let U be the internal energy of the system.

4. Let W be the work done on the system (e.g., compression, expansion).

5. The change in internal energy (ΔU) is equal to the heat added (Q) minus the work done
(W): ΔU = Q - W

6. Rearranging the equation to solve for Q, we get: Q = ΔU + W

7. Since Q, ΔU, and W are all energies, we can express the equation in terms of
infinitesimal changes (dQ, dU, and dW): dQ = dU + dW

8. Integrating both sides, we get: ΔQ = ΔU + ΔW

This equation represents the First Law of Thermodynamics, stating that the heat added to
a system (ΔQ) is equal to the change in internal energy (ΔU) plus the work done on the
system (ΔW).
Q5 (ii)

The speed of sound in air is temperature-dependent, and can be calculated using the
following formula:

c = 331.3 + 0.606T

where c is the speed of sound in m/s, and T is the temperature in Celsius.

Given the speed of sound at 0°C (273 K) is 332 m/s, we can use this formula to find the
speed of sound at 220°C (493 K):

c = 331.3 + 0.606(220)

= 331.3 + 133.32

= 464.62 m/s

So, the speed of sound at 220°C is approximately 464.62 m/s.

Q5 (i)

Speed of sound is the distance traveled by a sound wave in a given medium (such as air,
water, or solid objects) per unit of time. It is a fundamental property of a medium and is
denoted by the symbol c.

Newton's formula for the speed of sound in gases is derived based on the following

1. The gas is ideal and behaves according to the laws of thermodynamics.

2. The sound wave is a small disturbance, and the pressure and density changes are small
compared to the equilibrium values.

3. The sound wave propagates through the gas in a linear manner.

Starting with the equation for the propagation of sound waves in a gas:

c^2 = dp/dρ

where c is the speed of sound, p is the pressure, and ρ is the density.

Using the ideal gas law (p = ρRT) and the equation of state for an ideal gas (p = γp₀
(ρ/ρ₀)^(γ-1)), we can rewrite the equation as:

c^2 = γp₀ (ρ/ρ₀)^(γ-1) / ρ

Simplifying and rearranging, we get:

c = √(γp₀/ρ₀)

This is Newton's formula for the speed of sound in gases, where:

- c is the speed of sound

- γ is the adiabatic index (approximately 1.4 for air at room temperature and pressure)

- p₀ is the equilibrium pressure

- ρ₀ is the equilibrium density

Note that this formula is a simplification and does not account for factors like humidity,
temperature gradients, and non-ideal gas behavior, which can affect the actual speed of
sound in a gas.

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