The Webinar Lab E-Book

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The Webinar Lab

Discover formulas, strategies, and steps to grow your business

through webinars, even if you’ve tried everything else.

Casey Zeman
ISBN 979-8-9864288-0-2 Paperback
ISBN 979-8-9864288-1-9 Ebook
ISBN 979-8-9864288-2-6 Audiobook

Copyright © 2022 by Casey Zeman

All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in any form, or by any mechanical
or electronic means including photocopying or recording, or by any information storage or
retrieval system, in whole or in part in any form, and in any case not without the written
permission of the author and publisher.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of
the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or
persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Published July 2022

Table of Contents

Dedication.......................................................................................... v

Introduction ....................................................................................... 1

Section 1: What is a Webinar ........................................................... 13

Understanding the Power of Webinars ......................................... 14
What is a Webinar? ................................................................ 15
How Does a Webinar Work? ...................................................... 17
10 Reasons Why Webinars Are the Best Marketing Tool ..................... 23
The Who and How of Webinars ................................................. 35
8 Ways to Use Webinars in Your Business for More Impact & Income ..... 39
7 Most Common Webinar Myths Debunked .................................... 44
The Webinar Funnel versus a Traditional Sales Funnel………..50

Section 2: Creating a Successful Webinar Funnel .............................. 51

Success Secret 1: Create a Registration Page that Attracts the Right People .... 54
Success Secret 2: Give Them a Reason to Attend .............................. 65
Success Secret 3: Give Them a Reason to Stay With You .................... 72
Success Secret 4: Follow-Up Matters ............................................ 80
Bonus Secret 5: Build a Highly Effective Thank-You Page ................. 87

Section 3: Types Of Webinars ........................................................... 97

7 Fail-Proof Strategies to Crush Your First Webinar ....................... 107

Section 4: Automated Webinars ...................................................... 113

How to Build Scalable Systems Without Hustling More .................... 114

Automated Webinars 101......................................................... 116
The Evergreen Webinar Funnel versus a Traditional Sales Funnel ....... 131
Power Webinars ................................................................... 138
The Webinar Lab

The Instant Replay Webinar Formula .........................................149

Converting a Live Webinar to an Automated Webinar: 5 Easy Steps ..... 156

Section 5: Frameworks Event Launch Blueprint ............................. 165

Sales Webinars: 6-Step Framework for Making More Money ............. 172
The No-Pitch Webinar Formula ................................................188
How to Get Started With Automated Webinars................................198
Evergreen Webinars: Warm Traffic ........................................................... 202
Evergreen Webinars: Cold Traffic............................................................. 207
High-Ticket Offers 101: Everything You Need to Know .................... 214

Section 6: How to Acquire Leads and Build Your Business

With Webinars................................................................ 227
Webinars x MOFU = More Sales & Higher Conversion Rates ........... 231
Increase Conversions With These Bottom of Funnel Hacks ............... 237
How to Create Epic Webinar Slides That Keep People’s Attention ....... 241
20 Best Practices to Increase Registration, Attendance, and Sales ........ 248
How to Repurpose Webinars: 7 Easy Strategies ...............................258

Section 7: Next Steps ...................................................................... 269

Final Thoughts ................................................................................ 275


To my wife. Thanks for putting up with my all-nighters,

random live streams, and countless webinars throughout
the years to figure out what works and what doesn’t
in growing an online business.

My Story: Foreclosure Notices
to A Better Income
W ebinars changed my life.
Rewind to the great recession of 2008, when times were
challenging for everyone across the globe. Things felt even more
complicated for me because I was in the worst possible industry.
Yep, you guessed it—real estate.
Things were great before the real estate bubble burst and the
recession hit. I lived in Los Angeles, earning $250,000 per year as a
mortgage broker.
In the blink of an eye, everything went downhill. I went from a
six-figure income to making fifteen thousand dollars the very next
year. If you know how expensive it is to live in Los Angeles, you
realize fifteen thousand is at best a few months’ rent.
I almost lost my house twice. I desperately tried to figure out
how to get leads for real estate when no one was finding success.
At that frantic moment, I tried YouTube to attract more leads. I
was immediately drawn to the platform because it was video—an
excellent way for people to connect online.
I eventually fell in love with the platform—so much so that I
became a YouTube consultant and gave up my real estate career.
The real reason I went to YouTube is that it was the only way I
could make money. Real estate wasn’t doing it for me.
By 2011, I had become quite proficient with YouTube and started
hustling for clients to make it my full-time gig. This was at a time
very different from today’s internet marketing world. There were
no sales funnel softwares, no online course platforms, and most
social media platforms didn’t yet exist. Facebook hadn’t acquired
Instagram. Microsoft had not bought LinkedIn. And platforms like
Snapchat and TikTok weren’t even a thought.
Desperate to find success, I began working with anyone who
would hire me because I was fighting off foreclosure for the second
time. I mean this literally—anyone who would hire me. One of my

first clients was a flash mob company. This gig and others led me
to work with more prominent clients like HarperCollins and Estée
I held off a short sale and foreclosure. I bought time to modify
the loan while going through the changes in my business. This
seemingly never-ending process with the bank took about two
years. But in 2011, I just wasn’t earning enough money to stay
My wife, Diana, taught pilates and planned to open a studio
nearby. I had tried to shield her from some of the financial troubles,
but eventually, it all came out. She knew I was struggling and that
we were weeks away from losing our house.
At that moment, I realized I could not lose the house. Saving the
house became my “why” and fueled me to continue when I wanted
to quit. I told Diana we would somehow keep that house no matter
Desperate to scale my YouTube business, I decided to sell an
online course. I named it “YouTube Revealed.” It took about six
months to create. You might be thinking—really? Six months to
build? Yes, half a year. These were different times; building an
online course was as tricky as flying to Mars.
Once it was complete, I thought it was the solution to all my
problems. This is how I can finally make money online consistently,
get out of financial hell, and gain my freedom.
Then I launched it. The result? Crickets. I spent six months
building a fantastic course loaded with valuable information, but I
had no clue how to sell it.
Once again, I felt defeated. I was shocked that the course didn’t
sell itself.
The worst part was that lots of leads were coming from my
YouTube channel. People were submitting their email addresses
left and right. But for some reason, I failed to convert these leads
into buyers.

The Webinar
Right about then, I heard about people running webinars. I
was intrigued. They seemed like a live YouTube video, and I was
interested in learning more. In addition, I was desperate to make
consistent sales and entice people to learn from my program.
Despite my experience with video, I was exceptionally nervous
about running webinars. My fears of not being good enough ruled
me. I constantly worried about what people were thinking.
Imposter syndrome racked my psyche.
I remember crying one night when I got a notice from my
mortgage company that we were in default. I felt like an utter
failure. I felt like I was spending money and resources on an
How were other people doing this? How were other people
making millions?
I called my mentor and friend that night. He talked me out of
making the biggest mistake of my life. He said, “I know it’s hard,
but if it were easy, everyone would be doing it.” He wouldn’t let
me quit. He said, “Dig in. Have faith in your beliefs and trust your
I almost ignored him and nearly quit a couple times over the next
few months. But throughout, I kept the faith in the back of my
I finally pushed past my fear and ran my first live webinar. I’ll be
honest with you—I was awful when I started. Genuinely awful.
I stuttered. I overshared during each webinar. Content poured
out of me like a fire hose without a shutoff valve. I thought people
might buy my YouTube course if I only provided enough value.
But sales didn’t roll in. I’m pretty sure I shared so much content
that I left attendees more confused than anything else.
Looking back, I couldn’t believe people showed up and stayed
over an hour. (If you were one of them, thank you.) But I reminded
myself that I would improve if I kept showing up.
Let me be clear: this did not happen overnight.

Instead of selling my course, I decided to focus on giving. I
realized that selling made me anxious. Imposter syndrome was the
leading cause of my anxieties about webinars. So, I pivoted from
hard selling to strategically sharing valuable information about
And it worked.
Eventually, people asked me if they could buy something to
keep learning. They loved my free webinars but wanted even
more. At that time, I realized it was a huge disservice to not offer
my course as a problem solver. I realized I had to scrap my own
and start offering this course to more people.
I still remember my first webinar experience, where I gave a sales
pitch at the end. I was at my wife’s parents’ farm in Iowa, in a
little back trailer in the dead of winter, shivering in front of a
battered PC and microphone. It was dreadfully cold, with a heater
droning in the background the whole time. Even the internet was
sketchy—I prayed it held on for the length of my webinar.
Not knowing how to price things and desperate to make sales, I
offered “YouTube Revealed” for $197. Thanks to my growing
email list and helpful affiliates, a few hundred people attended the
To this day, I remember that moment like it was yesterday. After
two and a half hours of presenting as much information as I could
conjure, I sold two thousand dollars in courses. Yes—in two and a
half hours. As you’ll learn in this book, that’s not recommended,
but it worked, and that one webinar literally changed my life.
Later that year, I increased my price to $297 despite massive
paranoia that no one would buy. But my fear quickly subsided
when I made more sales and paid out fewer refunds than I had at
the $197 price. I kept raising the price and tweaking the offer until
it eventually became a $997 product.
I ended up selling the same number of units as I had with the
lower prices and had even fewer refunds! I was officially hooked
on using webinars to sell my online course.

The Webinar
Over the next year, I built my email list to fourteen thousand
loyal fans and earned over $250,000 from selling my YouTube
I mean it when I say webinars changed my life—they allowed
me to keep my home. I was able to keep the promise I made to my
wife. Since then, they’ve helped me in more ways than I ever
After becoming the number-one fan of webinars, I realized no
webinar software did everything I wanted. I saw an opportunity. I
went all in to build my own software, which started out as a
browser plugin named EasyWebinar. Not only have I earned
millions of dollars selling digital courses, but I’ve since founded
my company, EasyWebinar.
This platform has allowed me to continue using webinars to
impact thousands of other entrepreneurs and thought leaders and
help get their message to the masses. In 2015, our official launch
year, we generated over a million dollars in sales. We worked with
amazing industry experts, including Bob Proctor, Jay Shetty, Amy
Porterfield, James Wedmore, and others featured in this book.
While I’m eternally grateful for webinars and how they’ve
changed my life, they’ve also allowed me to generate revenue
without streaming live webinars. As you’ll learn in this book,
another method—automated webinars—is equally effective.
If live webinars helped save my home from foreclosure, automated
webinars helped me adopt my two boys. In 2016, my wife and I
traveled to Haiti to start the adoption process. I had no idea how
much time and effort would be needed to make it happen.
Over the next three years, we traveled to Haiti sixteen times. Our
adoption experience was infinitely more complicated than
surviving the 2008 recession.
Going through the adoption process in a corrupt country was the
most brutal battle of my life. We would be told that we’d have to
wait all day at the embassy with our kids on our laps in ninety-
degree weather with no food, and then—psych! You’ll have to do

that over and over again, day after day. It taught me humility and
gave me perspective on the essentials of life.
After what felt like forever, finally, in March 2018, we were able
to bring our children home. Not to mention that we had gone
through a pregnancy and the birth of our daughter. Suddenly, my
wife and I belonged to a family of five.
None of this would have happened without a business that I
could automate. Setting up systems to keep generating revenue,
even with the battle to take my kids home from Haiti, kept our
dreams alive.
While it hasn’t been an easy journey since 2008, I can say it’s been
an experience I would never take back—not even for a second. The
sum of my experiences and the suffering I’ve endured have made
me the man I am today.
Maybe you haven’t recently lost $200,000 or more income over
the past year.
Maybe your house isn’t in foreclosure.
Maybe you aren’t trying to adopt children from Haiti.
But chances are, if you’re reading this book, you want to impact
the world with your gifts. You desire to turn your passion into a
real online business that allows you to generate a massive impact
and income. You may have a set of skills people want. I did, in my
YouTube days, but I didn’t know how to turn my skills into a
profitable online business.
But maybe you’re like me, too, and don’t understand how to
create and sell something online.
If this sounds like you, you’re in the right place.
Throughout the remainder of this book, I’m going to share with
you the exact formulas that have worked for me and thousands of
others. This isn’t some theory about what might work—these are
the same strategies that changed my life, and I hope they can also
change yours.
In a post-pandemic world, we’re in a time unlike any other. I
don’t want you to miss out on this fantastic opportunity. When

The Webinar
you finish this book, I’m confident you will be equipped with
everything you need to adapt to the times and create a profitable
online business.
It’s no secret that if you’re trying to position your business and
brand as a leader in your industry, building a relationship and
rising above the noise is crucial. But how?
With more than 1.4 billion pages on the web today—equal to
about 1/5 of the world population—the idea of tapping into an
audience and outselling your competitors seems daunting. What
do we do? Shout out our message louder than the rest from our
rooftops? Beg people to come over to us?
Think about this phrase: microcosmic actions can produce
macrocosmic results.
This means that finding the right high-leverage solution can be
the cornerstone to achieving significant results. Since the beginning
of my online presence, there has been one thing that has always—I
repeat—always helped me triple and quadruple my growth, year
after year, along with that of my clients.
This one thing takes the age-old principles of trust, engagement,
and value—the keys to building a successful business—and
essentially feeds them steroids.
What is this one thing?
It’s using the power of webinars to create a “know-like-trust
factor” (KLT), build a targeted list of prospects, and sell your
products and services to those hungry audience members.
The idea of the webinar has evolved. Historically, they were
standard 4:3 PowerPoint presentations, often dry and impersonal.
Today, they are so much more.
Webinars can be:

• A live video broadcast event with you in front of the camera.

• A conversation event with a panel of experts at a round

• A web show or weekly series that consistently builds a
larger audience.
• An online summit on the topics that matter most to you and
your community.
• A show-and-tell, QVC-style event that demonstrates how to
use a physical product in real-time, answering questions
from those interested in buying.
• An on-demand, live-streamed, or pre-recorded video event
teaching the best management ideas that deepen
engagement and build relationships automatically.

Why aren’t more people using these incredible tools?

Personally, I think the biggest problem is that too many people
give up early. Too many people quit before they’ve truly begun.
They feel like they’ve exhausted the opportunity. Maybe they tried
and failed. Perhaps a tech issue occurred. Or maybe they “froze
up” during a presentation.
So, they throw in the towel, believing the problem is themselves.
Quitters say things like, “I must not be good at this; the gods are
against me. So-and-so can do it, so why can’t I? Do they have some
special ability?” The truth is that they aren’t any different from you.
I’m not afraid to say I sucked at webinars when I started.
I would overshare, have plenty of technical glitches, and throw
in enough “ums” and “ahs” that I’d put even a seasoned tax law
convention attendee to sleep. Yep, I sucked when it came to doing
webinars. Heck, I still suck sometimes.
Some of us were born to sell; others were born to teach. For
me, selling from the perspective of sharing education and creating
awareness became my most important asset.
Webinars allowed me to do that. In my first year of overshared-
content webinars, I built a list of about fourteen thousand contacts
and made about $250,000 in online course sales—all while having
lousy CTAs and lengthy presentations of two hours or more.

The Webinar
Whether you have experience with webinars or not, this book
will give you the clarity you need to profit from webinars in your
business. I will show you how to generate more revenue and
impact more people, all while working less leveraging webinar
experiences. Automation and engagement are the keys to a
profitable business. I will show you how to leverage both in this
Do any of these sound like you?
Do you:

• Have months when cash pours into your business but can’t
seem to maintain it?
• Start out every month wondering where the clients and
sales will come from?
• Secretly know your worth is more than what you’re
charging, but you’re afraid if you raise your prices, no one
will pay them?
• See other people in your business making the kind of income
you want, and you have no idea how they’re doing it?
• Feel like technology or online marketing is an enemy or
threat to your business, not an asset?

If one or more of these resonates, you’re in the right place. And

I’m psyched that you’re here with me.
Here’s my promise: when you finish reading this book, you will
have learned:

• Why now is the best time ever to start or scale an online

• Why webinars are the perfect way to rise above the noise
and competition in your niche in an authentic way.
• More than ten formulas to scale your online business while
working less and selling more.

My goal is to educate you on the power of webinars so you
can use them to impact more people and make the world a better
place. In this book, I will be sharing the frameworks I learned from
scaling my business from $15,000 a year to millions in sales over
twenty-four months.
If I can do it, you can too.
Let’s begin our journey.

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Understanding the Power of Webinars

H ave you ever wondered what a “webinar” is?

With so much content and endless marketing messages
online today, you probably get offers to register for webinars
without even knowing it. You might have watched a webinar
at work or at home without realizing it was a webinar. Instead,
it might have been disguised as a virtual training session, a
masterclass, or a workshop.
Rewind to five years ago. Webinars were a lot different from
what they are today. They used to be a simple PowerPoint that let
you teach and then sell your online products.
While they still work wonders for selling online offers, tons of
new features make webinars even better. A webinar gives you the
power of live-streaming (video) to bridge the information gap and
exhibit your personality on the web.
Two things allow you to connect with your audience in a way no
other marketing can: showing your sincere interest in helping
others and providing extreme value.
Education-based online seminars might just be the one thing
missing from your business.
Here’s why . . .

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What is a Webinar?
Online video is the Swiss army knife of internet marketing. It
really can be used all over the customer lifecycle, whether it’s
customer service, marketing, or even recruitment.
—Mark Robertson

A webinar is a live or automated virtual event. It’s a video on

steroids that can provide an amazing experience
for you and your audience. Other common names for the webinar
include online seminar, workshop, masterclass, or virtual training.
Webinars are educational sessions that include audio and visual
communication between the presenter and attendees. Webinar
software, like EasyWebinar, simplifies slide sharing and interacting
with your attendees through chat boxes and Q&A features.
The goal of a webinar is to educate, instruct, or demonstrate to
your audience.
Professionals, coaches, and online course creators like yourself
use webinars to give educational presentations about their
businesses or organizations.

Webinar Example
Now that you understand what a webinar is, you may wonder how
a webinar works.
If you’re concerned about coding and building a website, don’t
worry—none of that is required. In fact, running a webinar is pretty
Here’s an example of how a live webinar works. (We’ll cover all
things related to live webinars in the next section.)

The Webinar Lab

• Choose a date and time for your webinar training (as you
would with an in-person event).
• Invite people to attend your event so you have an audience
to teach (some ways might include emailing your list,
Facebook advertising, networking, etc.).
• Teach, demonstrate, or instruct your audience on a specific
topic. This will usually last for thirty to sixty minutes.
• Throughout the webinar, you will actively engage with the
audience to increase their participation, answer questions,
and make sure they understand the topic.
• When the presentation is over, it’s common for the host
to sell their product. This is always done after they have
provided free value to the attendees. Usually, participants
are rewarded for buying on the webinar and might get a free
bonus, such as extra course modules, additional coaching,
or similar things.
• (Optional): Some hosts will record live webinars and then
convert the online training into an automated, “evergreen”
webinar. We’ll break this down in detail in Section Three.

Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of what a

webinar is and how they work, at least from thirty thousand feet.
Now that you do, I want to show you how they can become an
integral part of your online business.

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How Does a Webinar Work?
Webinars are the fastest way to help you build the know, like,
and trust factor with your audience. Period.
—Casey Zeman

N ow that you understand what a webinar is, you might ask

how a webinar works.
It’s a good question.
Webinars are a powerful online tool for both businesses and
As a consumer, it’s a great way to quickly learn and digest new
information for only about an hour of your time. As a business
owner or marketing executive, it’s a great way to share your
message with people worldwide.
In addition, you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on
fancy equipment or be a “techie” to run webinars and generate
consistent revenue.

What’s Needed for an Online Webinar

Here are the basics to running a successful webinar, even if you’re
just starting out.

Webinars are great because they don’t require much hardware.
Unlike creating YouTube videos, you don’t need a fancy thousand-
dollar camera, video editing team, or high-end production gear to
start. While some extra lighting can help with webinar formats, it’s
far from necessary.

The Webinar
As long as you have a laptop or computer with internet connection,
you can run a webinar. Depending on the type of webinar you’re
running, a built-in camera or webcam could work. But if you’re not
someone who wants to put your face on camera, or you don’t feel
it’s beneficial to participants, don’t worry about it.

While you don’t require much recording gear, one webinar tool
that you need is a professional microphone. Since your face likely
isn’t on video, your voice must be crisp and clear so that the
audience doesn’t have any problem hearing your presentation.
Don’t rely on your computer’s built-in audio—it won’t deliver
the same performance as a high-quality, external microphone,
available for under a hundred dollars on Amazon. It will pay for
itself quickly.

Now that you have the hardware, the next thing your webinar
needs is a guest speaker: you, the coach/educator. You need
someone who has expertise in the topic you discuss with your
You can choose to make your webinar a one-person or two-
person event.

Webinar Software
The glue that makes the entire presentation work is a webinar
software like EasyWebinar. You need webinar software to host the
event, create a registration page to enroll attendees, allow people
to log on, and to present the meeting.

Once you have the software, you can create a registration page and
invite people to attend the live event. Depending on the type of
webinar format, attendees can log on at a specified time to listen
and learn.

Slides (optional)
Most webinars have a slide show that the presenter will discuss
during the online training. The slides are shown via screen-
sharing. They make it easy for participants to follow along and
keep their attention as you present.
In rare instances, you can do a Q&A-style event where you
broadcast live before an audience without any prepared slides. The
participants can see you and type questions in the chat box.
Running an AMA (“Ask-Me-Anything”) video webinar series is
another webinar format. It’s a great way to build the know- like-
trust factor with your audience. In this instance, you wouldn’t
create any slides—you’d simply answer questions from your

How a Webinar Works: 5-Step Process

Now that you know what’s needed to run a webinar, here is a five-
step process for how a webinar works:

Create a Live Event → Invite Attendees → Host the Webinar →

Q&A → Follow-up as Needed

Step 1: Create a Live Event

The first step is scheduling a webinar. Think of it as a live event—
as if you were speaking in front of a real-life audience.
To begin, choose a date and time that works for you and your
audience. Don’t forget the time zone factor. Pick the right day of

The Webinar
the week as well—both can significantly impact your registration
and attendance.
The second part of your live event is creating a place to register
and learn more about the training. This is the registration page.
A registration page is crucial for getting attendees to enroll and
understand the webinar’s subject matter.

Step 2: Invite Attendees

The second step is to invite attendees to participate in your online
training. You can invite attendees in all sorts of ways, including:

• Promoting on social media.

• Mentioning your event in a podcast.
• Sending an email invitation to your list.
• Adding a link in your YouTube video description.
• Promoting within blog posts that rank high on Google.
• Running paid ads on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and

Distributing information about your event is a critical step in this

process. Even if you have a high-converting registration page, it
won’t matter if you only get a handful of people to visit.
You should spend eighty percent of your time enticing people
to attend the event by picking a date and promoting it across all of
your social platforms. The more people you can get to attend, the
more people you can educate, and the more sales you can make.
Webinar attendance is a vital KPI to scaling your online training.
The final step is for people to attend a webinar via the registration
link from your webinar software.

Step 3: Host the Webinar

Using your webinar software, you will then host your free webinar.
Your attendees can join from anywhere in the world. The training

will generally last forty-five to ninety minutes, but most webinars
typically hover around the sixty-minute mark.
If your event is shorter, it’s hard to teach enough material and
pitch an offer. Conversely, anything longer than an hour and you
risk having your audience drop off and miss your offer.

Step 4: Q&A Time

The fourth step is to engage with your attendees once your
presentation is complete and have a formal question-and-answer
session. Be sure to save ten to fifteen minutes for ample Q&A time.
Using EasyWebinar is simple. Participants can ask questions
in real-time using the chat box feature. You can keep educating,
review pricing, and go over any other objections during this time.

Step 5: Follow-up with Participants

Most people think the event is over when the webinar ends. In
reality, once the webinar is done, the real work begins. While some
people will buy on the webinar, a good portion of sales will happen
in the days following your online training.
After you’ve concluded your event, the final step is to follow up
with your list. Ideally, segment your audience into:

• People who attended the session.

• Individuals who attended part of the event but left early.
• People who registered for the webinar but didn’t attend.

As you can imagine, the messaging is very different for each

audience type, which makes segmenting vital.

The Webinar
At this point, you should have a clear understanding of how a
webinar works and what is needed to start. Hosting a webinar
doesn’t need to be overly complex. Running a successful webinar
doesn’t require much more than a qualified speaker, slides,
attendees, microphone, computer, and webinar software for
hosting the event.
Webinars are an incredibly effective tool that allows you to
educate people worldwide and increase lead generation with
minimal costs. Gone are the days of having to fly halfway around
the world to teach and spread your message.
Once you get more comfortable running webinars, they can
become an integral part of your business and help you scale
quickly with minimal overhead.
EasyWebinar is the best webinar platform. We make it easy to
run your first webinar or replace your existing webinar software to
scale your business. Our webinar platform is exceptionally user-
friendly and effective for all sizes of businesses.

Get more resources and book bonuses by going to

10 Reasons Why Webinars
Are the Best Marketing Tool
Make your marketing so useful people would pay for it.
—Jay Baer

I f you’re like most online course creators and coaches, you know
there are many different ways to put your message in front of
audiences, whether you write blog posts, record podcasts, film
YouTube videos, or go live on social media. It seems like more and
more social media platforms are popping up as methods to share
your message every day.
These are great, but I’m confident that webinars are still
more effective than any of these methods.
So why are webinars so much more effective?
Let me share my story to illustrate.
When I say webinars changed my life, I mean it. Before I used
webinars to sell my YouTube course in 2012, my course sales were
sporadic at best.
I knew the program was terrific, but I couldn’t get students to
enroll. Nothing I did ever seemed to generate consistent revenue
until I began using webinars.
Even though I wasn’t a confident speaker at first and suffered
from a ton of fear when running webinars, they still converted
higher than any other marketing strategy. In addition, the more
webinars I ran, the more comfortable I became, and my sales
I generated over $250,000 in revenue from my online course
within one year!

The Webinar
Fast-forward to the present. Webinars are still a highly effective
marketing tool. Here are ten reasons why webinars are so effective
and how they can help you grow your online business, impact your
audience, and generate consistent sales.

1. Webinars Build Trust

What separates webinars from every other medium you can
connect with your audience? One word—trust.
Sincerity and value are the two things you need to become a
successful online entrepreneur. People won’t buy from you if
you lack sincerity. And if you show up asking for hundreds or
thousands of dollars but don’t provide any upfront value, good
luck staying in business.
That’s why webinars are so important: they help you with both
aspects pretty effortlessly.
Running webinars is the best way to connect with your audience
on a deeper level. Webinars offer a more personalized experience
than any other platform—it’s two-sided; you’re not merely talking
“at them” as you are on social media. Since webinars allow you to
actively engage with attendees, this will help people get to know,
like, and trust you more than every other platform.
Increasing the know-like-trust factor is difficult in a sixty-second
Instagram clip or YouTube video where people only want answers.
Webinars that last an hour or more demonstrate your commitment
to helping people get answers. This effort shows that you care and
are committed to helping others.
Plus, with the tools on EasyWebinar, you can run polls and
exchange messages with users in the chat box for even more
engagement. With any other medium, you’re simply talking “at”
someone instead of creating rapport and building trust. A one-
sided conversation isn’t likely to relate you to the audience nearly
as well, even if your messaging is spot-on.

Think about a YouTube video or social media post from someone
you enjoy following. Regardless of how much you appreciate or
admire them, it’s hard to establish a real connection.
Trust is often developed much faster with webinars where most
events last anywhere from forty-five to ninety minutes. By the time
the event ends, it’s easy for attendees to feel like they know who
you are, what you stand for, and how you can help them in a
specific way.
Compared to an Instagram caption or a ten-minute YouTube
video, it’s impossible to compare the engagement of a webinar to
anything else. It could take months—even years—to establish that
level of rapport on other social media platforms.
People only buy from people they know, like, and trust. Webinars
can help you establish the KLT factor quickly and easily!

2. Engaging Education
Webinars can work in any industry. They allow you to educate
people on your product or service and can help you bridge the gap
between what people find on the internet and real-life interaction.
Anyone can create a fancy website, but when people log on to your
webinar, they’ll learn more about you and any lessons you’re
teaching them.
In addition, people are hungry for knowledge and want solutions
to their problems. Running different webinar formats is how you
can help them get answers to address their most significant pain
Because webinars have some of the best engagement rates
compared with other media, they can help in almost any industry.
They allow you to rise above the noise and connect with your
audience in ways that video and email can’t.
Not everyone can find the courage to run webinars. But producing
webinars gives you a leg up on your competitors. It allows you to
connect with your audience at a deeper level.

The Webinar
3. Become an Expert
If you’re reading this book, you’re an expert in something and want
to help others find success, whether it’s helping others with
meditation, sleep, writing screenplays, getting into top-tier
colleges, or something else. While you know you are an “expert” in
the subject, not everyone might, which is where webinars become
The author of this Entrepreneur article about becoming an expert
said, “Part of having authority status is being both an educator and
an advocate for your clients. As an educator, you work hard at
communicating with your customers on a regular basis.”
The same article also mentions speaking at events and in podcasts
to establish credibility. Luckily, webinars do just that—they help
position yourself as an expert in your industry.
You give your audience more than sixty minutes of education
and value when running a webinar. You provide solutions to your
customer and familiarize them with you and your business.
If you’re passionate about what you’re doing—and I’m sure you
are—your passion will shine through your presentation. Sincerity
and confidence in who you are and who you aim to help will
emerge during your webinar. Speaking confidently about solving
a problem will automatically help you become an expert in the

4. Provide Value Up Front

Another reason to love webinars is that they allow you to create
value for your attendees. Providing immense value is the
cornerstone of building a successful online business. I love this
quote from Mary Kay Ash:

Someone said, “The secret to success is to give yourself away

with love.” And strangely enough, the more you give, the

more you get. All you send into the lives of others does come
back into your own. Giving is one of life’s greatest joys.

The more you give, the more you will receive.

But lately, it’s harder than ever to attract and keep people’s
attention with so much distraction from social media. Luckily,
webinars do what video content simply can’t do—they can keep an
audience engaged for an extended period.
If you’re running a live webinar, participants can get immediate
answers to their questions. In addition, you can ask your audience
a ton of questions and learn about their biggest struggles. It’s a true
win-win scenario.
As you’ll learn in Section Two, only about 10 percent of people
who attend a webinar buy from you. But regardless of sales,
anyone who attends can learn from you.
Even if ninety percent do not buy, they still gain value by
attending. They enter your ecosystem and become more familiar
with you and your product or service. This familiarity usually
leads to future sales, even if they aren’t ready to buy on the first or
second webinar.
Here’s the thing: not all free content is created equal.
With so much noise in the social media world, webinars allow
you to provide more value in less time. Even if attendees don’t
become paying customers when you pitch an offer, they can still
learn valuable lessons during your training.
In addition, don’t forget the Rule of Seven in marketing. As a
Balance Small Business article said,

The Rule of Seven is a determination of the average number of

impressions a brand must make on a member of their target
market before making a sale.

While you might have some customers buy the first time they see
your offer, it usually takes more than one interaction before people

The Webinar
transact. By providing value and getting your offer in front of
people regularly, you are more likely to convert them in the future.

5. Grow Your Audience and Email List

When it comes to creating content, not all platforms are created
For example, you could have millions of subscribers on YouTube
or tons of followers on Instagram, but what would happen if your
account disappeared tomorrow? Would you have an email list
to keep your business going, or would you spiral into a worried
With webinars, you aren’t leaving the fate of your business in the
hands of third-party platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,
or YouTube. Instead, webinars let you grow your audience by
acquiring their email when they enroll.
Don’t forget that business is driven by the number of regular new
leads. When people sign up for webinars, they need to fill in
their name, email, and other information. This instantly brings you
their contact information—a virtual Rolodex. Even if all your social
media were to shut down tomorrow, you would still have their
Of course, you won’t convert a hundred percent of webinar
participants, but you’ll constantly grow your email list by acquiring
new leads. For example, let’s say you get a hundred people to
attend a webinar and ten percent of the attendees convert into
buyers. “Oh, man—only one in ten people bought.” It’s easy to
become dismayed.
But the other ninety people are now leads in your ecosystem.
They may not have bought, but now you have their email, which
brings you a lot of options. For example, you can retarget them to
offer discounts, downsells, and other similar product offerings. In
addition, they are more familiar with you and your business,
making them a “warm” lead.

So even if you lose all of your social media followers tomorrow,
you still have your own list of warm leads. Plus—an email list is
still the number one way to communicate with your audience and
sell your programs.
While I’m not saying you shouldn’t create content for social media,
don’t forget about collecting emails. This way, you are protected if
another social media apocalypse happens, as it did in 2019.

6. Speed Up the Sales Process

If you’re like most people, you’ve purchased some sort of online
education program before. Maybe you followed someone on a
social media platform and eventually bought their online course,
their $27 e-book, or joined their membership program. Or, perhaps,
you saw a Facebook ad for a webinar on a topic that interested you,
you attended, and bought right then and there!
Since webinars grow the know-like-trust factor much quicker
than a long email sequence or Instagram post, they can significantly
speed up the buying process. The trust built during a webinar will
usually help accelerate the process of converting a lead into a
paying customer.
If you can increase the speed of your sales process, you’ll have a
positive ROI much sooner. This is extremely helpful if you’re a
cash-strapped startup or trying to grow a small business.
By speeding up your sales funnel, you don’t have to wait thirty or
sixty days, as you might with other funnels. This means more cash
now to spend on driving more leads and scaling your business.

7. Webinars Let You Scale Effortlessly

As I mentioned before founding EasyWebinar, I had a YouTube
course that I just couldn’t sell. I knew I created an inspiring course,
but my offer wasn’t converting—until I used webinars.

The Webinar
Webinars changed my entire business, and within twelve months
of using them, I was able to sell $250,000 in online courses. Now, I
help other digital CEOs do the same by using EasyWebinar.
Webinars allow solopreneurs and small businesses to reach many
more people without a comparable amount of additional effort. If
you’re selling digital products, it’s even easier to scale because you
aren’t selling a service or physical product. This allows you to
impact a much larger audience without more overhead like staff,
inventory, and warehouses.
Webinars let you scale more quickly and efficiently than other
marketing methods such as live events or sales calls. Think about
it— with webinars, you can have hundreds of people attending
your events and seeing your offer with almost no overhead.
All you do is teach—and they get to learn—from the comfort of
your home or office (and theirs). You also don’t have to miss time
with your family or worry about the hassle of traveling to these
live events.
Additionally, as you will learn with automated webinars, you
can run training 24/7/365. We have an entire section on automated
webinars, so keep reading. With EasyWebinar, you can easily turn
a high-converting recording into an automated webinar that works
even when you are not! Yes—the “laptop lifestyle” does exist once
you understand your consumer, messaging, and lead generation.
With automated webinars, people around the world (regardless
of time zone) can always attend without you having to present
live. Automated webinars will help get your offer in front of more
people, build your list, and grow your business as if on autopilot.

8. Attract Affiliates and New Partners

Partnerships and driving traffic are two parts of growing your
business that aren’t always easy for busy solopreneurs. Paid
advertising is becoming more expensive, and sometimes it’s hard

to find great partners or affiliates to help you increase sales—until
you have a webinar.
Webinars can help you find new partners and, therefore, more
traffic to your events. After running a webinar, you will acquire
loads of information about your event. You’ll know your earnings
per registrant, earnings per click, earnings per attendee, and many
other valuable metrics.
Once you have this information, you can find affiliates to help
promote your product or service for future launches. If you have
the numbers to back them up, affiliates are more likely to send
traffic your way. And you never know—if things go well, it could
end up being a long-term strategic partnership.

9. Webinars Help You Avoid Burnout

Not only do webinars easily build trust with your audience, but
they also help you avoid over exertion. Instead of traveling all over
the globe speaking at live events, you can broadcast virtual training
from anywhere. This helps avoid burnout—one of the most
common issues I see one-on-one coaches and online course creators
Burnout is real. It can stunt the growth of your business if you’re
not careful. Webinars are one of the most effective tools for helping
you do more without spending more time and energy to acquire
In a post-pandemic world, you don’t want to rely on traveling to
generate revenue. While travel will likely return in the future, you
will want to have several streams of income to keep yourself
In addition, automated webinars make it easy for attendees to
watch on their schedule. Who doesn’t want to make more money
while spending less time traveling?

The Webinar
10. Increase Sales
The final reason to use webinars in your business is to increase
sales. While webinars will almost certainly build your email list,
they should also help you increase sales, thanks to their insanely
high conversion rates. The higher your conversion rate, the easier
it will be to scale your business!
According to Search Engine Land,

We found that about a quarter of all accounts are converting at

less than 1%. Across industries, the average landing page
conversion rate was 2.35%, yet the top 25% are converting at
5.31% or higher.

Yikes! There are only 2.35% conversion rates from a traditional,

long-form sales page that takes forever to write! I completely
understand—I’ve also had struggles with sales page conversion.
In fact, it’s one of the reasons I love using webinars so much.
I regularly see 10 percent or more conversion from attendees.
Expert marketer Neil Patel said he sees webinars convert at twenty
percent or more.
While I wish I could promise 10 or 20 percent, many different
factors go into conversion. How you promote the webinar, the
content, presentation, industry, and the offer all play a significant
In my own experience, I have seen webinars convert at a relatively
high rate compared to standard, long copy, and video sales letters
(VSLs). Webinars are super-powerful, and I’m confident they can
help you become an expert, increase your likability, and scale your
While webinars have changed my life and business since 2012,
they’ve also worked for hundreds of thousands of other
entrepreneurs as well. After founding EasyWebinar, I regularly

see ten percent or more of attendees become paying customers.
Some entrepreneurs have even seen higher conversion rates.
Additionally, webinars allow you to put your offer in front of
more people without running live events or hiring a sales team to
close over the phone.
There are two ways of using webinars to increase sales which
we’ll cover throughout this book:

• Run more live webinars and tweak your presentation to

increase conversions. Test your registration page, slides,
webinar length, and pitch to find what converts highest.
With a small budget for paid ads, you can easily test and
tweak to see what your audience loves.
• Run automated webinars. While live webinars tend to
convert at a slightly higher rate than automated ones, they
also require you to be in front of your computer more often.
Luckily, with EasyWebinar, you can convert live webinars
into automated webinars without high-level tech skills. This
way, you can grow your business and save time to work on
other projects.

As you can tell, webinars are a great way to teach attendees,
showcase your expertise, and sell your online products or services.
They are still the best way to sell your products and courses.
There is almost no downside. You’re providing free content to
people who take time out of their busy lives to learn from you.
Even if they never buy anything, they learn something new and
learn more about you.
Webinars allow you to connect and engage more than typical
videos or sales pages. In addition, you get to converse with
attendees directly and engage with them in the comment section.

The Webinar
Remember—word of mouth and webinars are two of the best
ways to keep growing your business. While word of mouth will
always help your sales, it’s hard to scale on word of mouth alone.
Luckily, webinars can be set up fast to make consistent sales.


• The Balance: Using The Rule of 7 to Radically Grow Your

• New York Times: Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp All Go
Down at the Same Time:
• Search Engine Land: 7 Conversion Rate Truths That Will
Change Landing Page Optimization: https://
• Neil Patel: I Increased Webinar Attendance By Doing This
One Thing:

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The Who and How of Webinars
Entrepreneurship is the way we take
control of our lives in a tough economy.
—Lori Greiner

Y ou might think this all sounds great, Casey, but can anyone
use webinars?
My answer is yes—every type of entrepreneur can take advantage
of webinars.
At EasyWebinar, after working with hundreds of entrepreneurs
in nearly every imaginable industry, I’ve seen webinars work for
many types of businesses. Now that you see how everyone can
benefit from a webinar, I want to show you some examples of what
works for existing customers.

Who Should Use Webinars

The first type of entrepreneur who can tap into the power of
webinars is anyone who has a book. How can an author use a
webinar to sell a book? Is it even worth doing for such a low-ticket
Yes—when you set up the proper funnel, it’s a game-changer for
book sales, yielding larger chunks of revenue. We have clients who
use webinars to launch books, increase sales, and even obtain
clients for one-on-one coaching.

The Webinar
You might have found this book through one of my webinars!
While a book’s price is typically between ten and twenty dollars,
there are several ways to increase its overall value.
One way I’ve seen authors do this is by offering books in bundles
of fifty or a hundred. If someone buys that many books, they get a
free coaching call, or you can provide customers with additional
training. You can then use live or automated webinars to fulfill
training or coaching programs.
When people buy large quantities on Amazon, this can help their
book’s rank—potentially moving it onto the best-sellers list. The
strategy also works for any other physical product. Your intended
clients are out there seeking your product.
Another strategy resembles how some of you might have bought
this book in the first place. Using a funnel like “just pay shipping,”
I cover the cost of the book, and you paid the shipping. My payoff
was obtaining your email address—now I have you on my email list.
If you have a book or are thinking of publishing a book soon,
webinars can help with many aspects of distribution and sales.

Real Estate Agents

I am close to the real estate industry because I worked in it before
becoming an online entrepreneur. A creative use for webinars in
real estate is to conduct open houses.
How can real estate agents use webinars?
Because not every potential buyer is local, a link to the open
house is a great way to exhibit the home online. People can enroll
through a standard webinar registration process and view the
home from anywhere in the world. I’ve also seen real estate agents
who link their paperwork so a buyer can get pre-qualified quickly,
all through a webinar funnel!

If you’re reading this book, you know I think coaches can use
webinars to scale and impact more people. If you’re a coach in any
industry, I’m sure you know how valuable your time is, but also
know that one-on-one coaching isn’t scalable. You only have so
much time in the day, and the last thing you want is to burn
yourself out.
Luckily, webinars allow you to teach at scale. Webinars can help
throughout the process of landing coaching clients.
For example, as a coach, you can run specific training webinars
for thirty or forty minutes, then invite people to schedule a call
about working together. You can also use webinars for fulfillment.
Webinars allow you to teach large groups of people at scale—you
can work less, earn more, and continue to impact your worldwide
You can eventually parlay your coaching into a future online
course for more than one offer. Using automated webinars, you can
sell your courses, scale your income, and raise prices for one- on-
one coaching. We’ll cover the exact formulas you need to make this
happen throughout the rest of the book.

Course Creators
If you’re a course creator and aren’t using webinars for launches or
an evergreen funnel, you are missing out. Here’s what one of our
top EasyWebinar customers, Kim Constable, said about the
importance of webinars.

$750K in revenue with EasyWebinar. We use EasyWebinar

in an evergreen funnel where we run Facebook ad traffic to
a free masterclass, with the option to purchase at the end
of the training. There have been zero issues so far, and this
masterclass has generated more than $750K in revenue in the
past 18 months.

The Webinar
More Industries Using Webinars
Here are more examples of successful businesses and entrepreneurs
using webinars:

• Lawyers
• Teachers
• Podcasters
• Gym owners
• Financial advisors
• Investment bankers
• Membership site owners
• Software businesses (like Aweber and Convertkit)

Seriously, every kind of business can take advantage of webinars.

But the cool thing is that they aren’t only great for selling but can
help with various parts of your business.

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8 Ways to Use Webinars in Your Business
for More Impact & Income
If you do build a great experience, customers tell each other about that.
Word of mouth is very powerful.
—Jeff Bezos

I f you’re like most people, you probably think webinars are only
for selling online courses or products. Think again, because
webinars can do more for your business than sell awesome stuff.
Don’t forget, webinars provide the highest engagement rates of
any channel out there and can be used in many ways. While they
work incredibly well for selling digital products, they can be used
to build both your email list and better relationships with your
Below are some ways you can use webinars. We’ll cover specific
strategies throughout the book.

Webinar Formats: 8 Ways to Use Them To Build

Your Business

1. Q&A Interview Webinars

In the past, I used to run four hours of Q&A webinars with no
specific theme. Instead, I answered questions about my offer and
coaching program in front of a live audience. Many weren’t sure if
the course was right for them, so I did my best to answer all of their
objections live. Not only did this help me overcome objections, but
it taught me a good deal about my audience!

The Webinar
A live Q&A webinar engages your audience. They drive the
discussion, and your role is to make them feel more comfortable
about signing up and investing in your offers.
Q&A webinars are an excellent way to become acquainted
with your audience and begin building a genuine relationship with
them. This will set your business apart when driving new
customers and keeping them.
You can host a live Q&A webinar a few ways. The first is by
running an unscripted, live Q&A webinar format. Simply show up
and answer questions from your audience. That may feel a bit
overwhelming for some of you since you don’t know the questions
they’ll ask or don’t have two or three hours. But if you like being
in front of the camera and know your offer inside and out, I
recommend this option.
The other way you can use a Q&A webinar format is to ask
attendees to submit their questions beforehand. This will allow you
to identify the top questions and prepare your responses
If your first Q&A webinar is a big success, try making it a regular
event, such as once a month. I’ve found that most audiences enjoy
asking questions, and it can really help improve your conversion
rates. Even if you don’t get them to sign up for your offer, it will
build goodwill and make them more likely to purchase from you
in the future.

2. Sales Webinars
Sales webinars, also known as workshop webinars, are among the
most common webinar types. You teach, provide value, then pitch
your product.
This is a widespread webinar format for course creators and
membership site owners. Sales webinars can be either live or
automated. Both work well to help you scale your business, establish
yourself as an expert in your niche, and grow your email list.

Even though 90 percent probably won’t buy on the webinar, it’s
still a great way to build a relationship with someone new. As one
of my friends (and seven-figure entrepreneur) Amy Porterfield
said, “No matter if they buy or not, they walk away today excited,
inspired, and ready to take action.”
When running sales webinars, focus on value more than hard-
selling. You don’t want to burn your bridge if the attendee isn’t
ready to buy yet.
Sometimes they need to wait for a better time, more money,
or for various other reasons. But spending an hour teaching them
a valuable skill will help increase your know-like-trust factor and
increase the likelihood they will buy in the future.

3. Interview Webinars
The third type of webinar format is an interview. This webinar
format differs from a traditional sales webinar because it doesn’t
always include a slide deck. All you need for the webinar format is
you and your interviewee(s).
An interview webinar is similar to a podcast or YouTube
interview—it features a simple back-and-forth of questions and
answers. Since you are using video, you can even repurpose the
webinar for a podcast or YouTube if you have your own show.
Before the interview, make sure you and your guest(s) are ready
with talking points and responses, as you probably won’t have any
webinar slides. If possible, try to have a few questions ready and
keep the interview under an hour for optimal engagement.

4. Case Study Webinars

If you’ve ever sold anything online you know the importance of
social proof and testimonials. People want to know that others have
had success with your product or service before investing in it.
One way you can do this is by running case study webinars. With
this format, you can invite prospects and customers to

The Webinar
have a detailed look at how your case study subject is obtaining
meaningful results with your product or service.
During the webinar, you can either interview the customer or
allow them to talk about their experience. With these interviews,
make sure they share exactly how they use(d) your product and
what results they experienced. They should show where they were
before your product and how your offer transformed their life or

5. High-Ticket Strategy Call

A conversation is usually needed if you’re selling a high-ticket offer
because the investment is significantly more than a digital course
or membership. Webinars are a great way to fill up your calendar
with appointments and get people excited about working together.
With strategy call webinars, the goal is to put people onto
your calendar by providing value. It’s a format similar to a sales
webinar, but it usually lasts only thirty or forty minutes. Your
webinar will help educate your potential customers and ensure
you aren’t jumping on the phone with people who aren’t qualified.
Once they schedule a time, you or a high-ticket salesperson
on your team will go through the interview process and answer
questions as needed. We have an entire chapter dedicated to
creating and selling high-ticket offers with webinars.

6. List-Building Webinars
Webinars can also be used for list-building instead of selling an
online course. With a list-building webinar, the goal is simple—
provide as much free value as possible.
During the webinar, you provide free value on a specific topic,
preferably around your offer. This will help build your email list
to nurture and sell to them later.
This is a great place to start if you are new to webinars. We cover
this strategy more in Section Two. There is no pressure since you
are only providing value and not selling anything. People often

reach out afterward to learn about working together after you give
them meaningful value (which has happened to me).

7. Online Summits or Online Virtual Houses

An online summit is another effective way to use webinars. You
could introduce ten to fifteen guests and interview them about a
specific topic related to your market niche.
Virtual conference events can be either free or paid. If you offer
free ones, the guests can pitch their offers, and attendees will be
included in an email list for future use.
I’ve even seen real estate agents use this webinar format to host
open houses. Because prospective buyers can’t always visit a
physical location, this is a way for realtors to host an open house.
In addition, they can even make it easy to fill out paperwork or
submit an application if they are interested.

If you are only using webinars to sell your products or courses, you
are missing out. Because audience engagement rates are high,
webinars are an excellent way to teach, build your list, schedule
calls, run an open house, and more.
Don’t forget: webinars are still the best way to engage with your
audience, so be sure to use several different formats in your business.
Webinars yield the experience of interacting with your audience;
they differ from the one-sided communication of social media
platforms. You don’t have to present selling webinars alone—there
are plenty of other ways to engage with your audience.
Webinars can help you build your email list, interview experts,
run online summits, and more. When it comes to the best webinar
formats, you are limited only by your imagination.

Get more resources and book bonuses by going to

7 Most Common Webinar Myths Debunked
There has never been a better time in the history of time
than right now to start a business.
—Gary Vaynerchuk

W hen you hear the word “webinar,” how do you feel about
it? Which emotions are triggered, if any?
For some entrepreneurs, hearing the word webinar brings up
positive feelings. They might think of leads, sales, and revenue
growth, not to mention more clients and the impact made by
selling more online courses and group coaching packages.
But for other business people, hearing the word webinar might
make them feel overwhelmed, anxious, or unwilling to commit the
time to create one. These individuals may have had a negative
webinar experience, been burned as hosts or webinar attendees, or
simply never tried to run one.
So who is correct?
I’ve been working in the webinar world for nearly a decade now
and can say either entrepreneur can be right. For some people,
webinars have literally changed their life and business. They’ve
been a blip on the radar that didn’t work out for others.
But I know this, the entrepreneurs who think of webinars as an
integral part of their business tend to:

• Work fewer hours.

• Make a lot more sales.
• Generate plenty of leads on autopilot.
• Have a greater impact on their audience.

If this sounds appealing to you, let’s dive into how webinars
have evolved. We’ll consider some stubborn myths that hold
people back.

How Webinars Have Evolved

I’ve been running webinars for over a decade since the rollout
of my first program, “YouTube Revealed.” While the course was
terrific, I couldn’t sell it if my life depended on it. The harder I tried
to sell it to potential clients, the fewer units sold. Regardless of
pricing or the fanciness of the sales letter, nothing seemed to work.
It was a vicious cycle. I knew the course could change lives, but
people had to invest to achieve results. Even more frustrating was
that I had spent nearly six months creating it, which I
don’t recommend.
I desperately needed a way to sell it consistently. Video sales
letters, social media, and email marketing weren’t enough.
At that time, I stumbled upon webinars, thanks to a friend in the
internet marketing world. He told me this was the “latest and
greatest” way to connect with an audience with a high level of
engagement to sell digital products.
I gave it a shot. What did I have to lose?
After quite a bit of trial and error, it started to work. I grew my
email list to fourteen thousand people. I earned a quarter-million
dollars in revenue within my first year.
Since then, I’ve been obsessed with webinars. I founded
EasyWebinar to help others find success, too. While traditional
sales webinars literally changed my life and business, there are still
many misconceptions about these, even in 2023.
If you’ve ever been uncertain about whether webinars are for
you, I want to address some common myths so you can start using
webinars in all areas of your business.

The Webinar
7 Webinar Myths
Suppose you sell digital products, courses, coaching programs, or
services and are looking for a predictable and consistent way to
generate revenue and customers. If so, it’s time to start with webinars.
But it’s not quite as simple as saying, “Just do it.”
After working with thousands of people at EasyWebinar, I
realized it’s hard to convince people to start if they don’t have the
right mindset.
If you still believe many of the outdated myths about webinars,
it’s nearly impossible to take the inspired action you need. If you
don’t understand webinars and how they work in the first place,
it’s easy to procrastinate and neglect them. If you’re still undecided
about running webinars or doubt their effectiveness, let’s cover
some of the most common misconceptions.

Myth 1: Webinars are difficult to run

If you’re starting out like many entrepreneurs, you want to help
people with your product or service, but you probably fear the
technical side of things. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed with all
the software, from building a website, filming/editing videos, or
creating a digital course.
Luckily, webinars are incredibly simple to run, even if you’re
a beginner and don’t consider yourself a techie. This myth came
about because it wasn’t easy to run webinars in the past, and the
process frightened a lot of entrepreneurs away.
In the past, you had to connect multiple pieces of software to
make it all work together, which wasn’t easy. But now, software
platforms like EasyWebinar make the process of running your first
webinar simple and easy. All you need is a computer, a
microphone, and webinar software to start. People of all ages
and technical backgrounds use EasyWebinar, invalidating most
excuses for not integrating webinars into your business.
Seriously—if you can film a video or record audio, you can run a

Myth 2: Webinars are too long
Another common misconception about webinars is that most are
too long and that many people won’t sit through the entire
experience. This is a valid concern in a world where other people
are constantly trying to draw your attention. Most people can’t get
through a conversation without scrolling through their email or
social media.
But despite the population’s shortened attention span, webinars
still keep people engaged for forty-five to sixty minutes or more.
We even have EasyWebinar users who run 120-minute webinars
and generate hundreds of thousands of dollars online.
This belief is entirely false. People will watch and engage if you
give them a reason to stick around!
Just ask Amy Porterfield, who regularly runs long live webinars
and generates massive revenue. Don’t get me wrong, when people
enroll in your webinar, you need to give them a reason to stick
around. If attendees find the content repetitive or boring, they will
jump off, and you’ll have to work hard to persuade them to re-
As long as your content is helpful and engaging, people will stick
around longer than if you had used any other marketing strategy.

Myth 3: Webinars are only good for selling

I will come right out and say, “FALSE.”
Webinars are phenomenal at helping you close deals and get
sales, but they do a lot more as well. Webinars are a fantastic way
to run all aspects of your online business, regardless of your niche
and industry.
You can use webinars to:

• Bring new clients aboard. When someone enrolls in your

program, you can send them an automated webinar link to
welcome them and create a clear path to success.

The Webinar
• Run group coaching programs. Instead of using Zoom, use
EasyWebinar to run your group coaching sessions and
automated training. You can also record them and easily
repurpose them in other parts of your marketing.
• Build your email list. The money still comes from your list,
and webinars can help grow that more than ever. I got my
first fourteen thousand subscribers running webinars, and
Amy Porterfield now has more than 250,000 loyal

There are many other strategies.

In addition, sales webinars are still the best way to sell your
digital programs and shorten the sales cycle to help increase cash
flow. While I’m still a hundred percent convinced that webinars
are the best way to sell your digital products, they are suitable for
more than that. The most successful EasyWebinar users I work
with use them in all aspects of their business. It allows them to
automate, scale, and create tremendous results for their clients.

Myth 4: Webinars are expensive

Webinar platforms like EasyWebinar aren’t free, but they aren’t
expensive either.
Depending on which plan you choose, they are between $50 and
$150 per month. If you sell a $1,000+ program using webinars, the
entire year is paid in full with only one purchase.
Since there is no revenue sharing with the webinar platform, this
makes it one of the most affordable pieces of software for running
your online business.
Webinars are not expensive. Instead, webinars are a low-cost tool
to help you generate more revenue and run your online business.

Myth 5: Webinars require extraordinary public speaking
I know from personal experience that this is one- hundred
percent false.
As I mentioned, when I started running webinars, I was horrible
at public speaking. In fact, I had almost zero confidence in my
public speaking skills.
But I kept going and struggled through my fear of public
speaking. That’s why I’ve been able to generate millions of dollars
in revenue from webinars.
If you’re terrified of public speaking, webinars are one of the best
things you can do to improve your skills. Thanks to my experience
running hundreds of webinars, I now speak before large audiences
with plenty of confidence.
If I can do it, you can, too!

Myth 6: Webinars require a vast audience

Wrong. In fact, webinars build your audience and email list, unlike
social media platforms.
To attract people to your webinars, they first have to provide
their names and email addresses to sign up. So, when you start
running live and automated webinars, you’ll instantly build your
list in the process.
On the other hand, social media doesn’t help you build a list—it
makes you rely on a specific platform. You’re at their mercy and
are only one bad day away from losing your following overnight.
Every entrepreneur has to start at zero. Still, webinars can help
you grow your list quickly to attain your first paying customers. In
this book, I’ll even show you a few success stories—entrepreneurs
who gained 250,000 loyal email subscribers!

Myth 7: Webinars aren’t relevant anymore
Finally, you might think that webinars are no longer relevant
because they’ve been around so long. In reality, webinars have
never been more powerful—they evolve and create engaging
experiences for users.
Webinars help entrepreneurs educate audiences worldwide,
sell their products, and provide a full-service way to connect with
customers. At EasyWebinar, we enjoy working with all types of
entrepreneurs and love to see them crush it using power webinars.
Some of our highest-performing users generate $20,000 per day
using webinars! The t e c h n o l o g y i s still relevant and can play
an integral
role in growing your business.

Webinars have stood the test of time and can help your online
business in more ways than you could imagine. Now that you’ve
read about these myths, I hope they are all shattered once and for all.
It’s time to jump in and take advantage of webinars so you
can create more impact and income with your business. Don’t
forget—people worldwide need your coaching, courses, and
You can finally get the results you want and deserve when you
start using webinars.

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The Webinar Funnel versus a
Traditional Sales Funnel
You don’t get results by focusing on results. You get results
by focusing on the actions that produce results.
—Mike Hawkins

I f you’re like many entrepreneurs, you already have a sales

funnel in your business. But after reading about evergreen
webinars, you might be trying to figure out how they can work
hand-in-hand to produce more leads and sales.
If you’re a coach, course creator, influencer, blogger, or affiliate
marketer, sales funnels are a vital piece of your business. They
allow you to create a machine instead of relying on launches. They
help you create consistent income month after month, year after
year. But knowing what you know now about webinars and their
high conversion rates, how do you think they could help you grow
your business even more?
In this chapter, I want to share why creating a webinar funnel is
more effective than a standard sales funnel. What is the difference
between a sales and a webinar funnel?
Let’s break it down and map out an evergreen funnel for your

Sales Funnels 101

You might not yet have a sales funnel if you’re just starting out.
What exactly is a “sales funnel?”
As described in this article, Ryan Deiss
characterized the sales funnel “as a multi-step, multi-modality

The Webinar
process that moves prospective browsers into buyers. It’s multi-
stepped because lots must occur between the time that a prospect
is aware enough to enter your funnel to the time when they take
action and successfully complete a purchase.”
A sales funnel gets people from browsing to buying. Sales funnels
begin the process of persuading people to invest in your product
or service. Usually, the top of a funnel is someone exchanging their
email address for something in return. I like to think of this as an
ethical bribe—they give up their email and get a free e-book, video
training, or audio course in return. This is known as your “lead
From there, buyers are guided through a strategic set of emails
and/or videos to encourage them to buy something. It could be
a $27 product or something of much higher value, like an online
course that costs from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand

Traditional Sales Funnel

To better illustrate a traditional sales funnel that doesn’t use a
webinar, let’s assume a marketer is trying to sell a digital course of
successful webinars. They have a website, and they are trying to
draw people into their funnel to provide value and eventually
pitch their $997 webinar course.
Here is how a traditional sales funnel would work:

1. Opt-in or Landing Page. This is the first step in most sales

funnels. Users will land on an opt-in page (sometimes also
known as a “squeeze page”) that details the freebie. They
only have one option—give their name and email address
or exit the site. For this example, let’s say that once the user
provides their name and email, they are sent a four-day
video series about running webinars.
2. Four-Day Video Series. Once users give up their email
addresses, they receive the first email sequence. The initial

email provides a link to watch the first video in a series.
In this example, the seller would create a video explaining
webinars and how this one skill has changed their life. Over
the next week, the user gets more emails to watch the rest of
the webinar video series. At the end of the four-day launch,
the seller would pitch their online course to start running

Does this system work?

Yes and no. Don’t get me wrong, internet marketers have made
millions of dollars using sales funnels and video sales letters. But
adding an automated webinar and building an entire process
around it will be more effective.
I know because I once spent $25,000 on a traditional sales funnel
to test its effectiveness against a webinar sales funnel. That’s
right—$25,000 to see which one worked better. I did get sales with a
traditional sales funnel. But I got a lot more with a webinar funnel.
I’ll share that in just a second.
Also, keep in mind that it wasn’t me or my team running this
sales funnel. To keep my personal bias out of it, I hired an outside
team specializing in creating sales funnels.

How to Use a Webinar Funnel to Increase Your

While testing the sales funnel, I also ran a webinar funnel. As I’ve
said throughout this book, I’m constantly testing new ideas (and
encourage you too as well). I was eager to learn more about the
buyers’ experience with both types of funnels and wanted to create
my own case study. Before discussing the results of this A/B test,
here is how a traditional webinar funnel works:

The Webinar
Webinar Registration Page
Like a landing page in the traditional sales funnel, a webinar
registration page is how people sign up for your event. A webinar
registration page usually has two or three fields, testimonials, and
an overview of what people learn.
Once someone registers, they are sent an email with the webinar
link, date, and time. You can also send a pre-webinar email
sequence and share related content. This can help build the know-
like-trust factor and establish yourself as an expert before signing
on to the webinar.

Thank-You Page
Once someone registers for the webinar, they are taken to the
thank-you page. The thank-you page typically has event details,
social media links to share the event with others, and maybe a
video to hype up the webinar.
A sales funnel can also have this after the squeeze page as well. Many
internet marketers even make one-time offers by discounting a product
to entice users into an immediate transaction. This is known as an OTO,
a one-time offer. But the thank-you page of a webinar funnel is almost
always a confirmation of the event and what to do next.

Event Page
The event page is where the webinar actually takes place. People
who register receive all the sign-in details by email. Once they
attend the webinar, they also get a series of follow-up emails. But
unlike a traditional sales webinar, there are many more options
based on the user’s behavior.
For example, you can send out different emails based on whether
people attended, left early, or didn’t buy (segmenting). This will
allow your marketing to be on point and tailored to the specific
user. Your options are more limited if you’re doing a traditional
sales funnel with a four-day video sequence.

Timed Replay of Live Webinar
Another benefit of a webinar funnel is that you can send out timed
replays. For example, with EasyWebinar’s software, you can see
who attended and who didn’t. For those who couldn’t make the
webinar, you can send them a timed replay or direct them to an
automated webinar.
A timed replay is excellent because it creates urgency. Your
timed replay should be available for only seventy-two hours. The
short deadline will force users to watch quickly, and hopefully,
they will take action.

Webinar Funnel versus Sales Funnel: What’s the

The results weren’t even close. The webinar performed significantly
better! The webinar funnel led to higher engagement and more
sales, producing a better ROI.
During this experiment, I learned that fewer and fewer people
watched the videos as the days went on. The first video had the
highest watch time, then the second, third, and fourth. As time
progressed, fewer people were watching. Automated webinars
aren’t an issue because it’s only one video training, after which
people can decide if the offer is right for them.
While I did obtain some results from the sales funnel, the ROI
paled in comparison to that of the webinar funnel. This is why I’m
such a big proponent of webinars inside your sales funnels. It’s not
just me. Some of our top EasyWebinar users made the switch
because they tested and let the results speak for themselves!
As you can tell, there are vast differences between a traditional sales
funnel and a webinar funnel. The most significant difference that I
found from this experiment was the level of engagement.
Webinar funnels have much higher engagement than someone
who is left to watch a video series on their own time. I think this

The Webinar
happens because webinars allow you to engage with your audience,
unlike any other medium. With webinars, you can chat with your
attendees and answer questions they might have in real-time—even
via email—if you’re running an automated event, or post-webinar.
This is something you can’t do in a video or email series.
In addition, people have an incentive to watch the webinar
because it has a date and time, unlike a traditional sales funnel
which has no urgency. I’ve also found that with webinar funnels,
not only do attendees stay longer, but they also tend to be “high-
value customers.” Our experiment found that these buyers had
fewer refund requests and fewer failed payments. They also
converted better, making it a win-win scenario.
And who doesn’t want to have higher conversion rates?
A webinar funnel is still a sales funnel, but it includes a webinar
that creates an immersion-like experience for users. Unlike a video
series, people can engage and interactively learn new content.
Webinar users feel more commitment than they do in a video
series. By having a formal event or timed replay, they need to show
up live or watch at a particular time. People that do this are more
qualified and almost always have a higher lifetime value.
Once I learned about these results, I shared them with a few top
EasyWebinar users, including John Lee Dumas of Entrepreneurs on
Fire. In a Segmetrics study, they found that “leads who registered
for an automated webinar in 2015 have been worth $81.05 each—
243% more than leads who didn’t.”
How crazy are these numbers?
The webinar sales funnel was 243 percent more effective!
I’m a big fan of webinars, and the numbers show they are more
effective than a traditional sales funnel. Webinar funnels create an
immersion experience that encourages people to act.

The Webinar
Summary of Webinar Funnels
If you’re going to spend time and money creating a sales funnel,
create a webinar funnel instead. Your engagement, sales, and ROI
will soar. Because many marketers are using traditional funnels,
people aren’t engaging in the email and video series as they did in
the past. By differentiating yourself, you’re likely to generate more
revenue and impact more people with your programs.
Webinar funnels are more effective for a few reasons. First,
webinars are an event people need to attend, which creates a
higher sense of urgency. In addition, the replay is timed. This
differs from a video series that people can watch at their leisure,
multitask while watching, or even double the video speed.
Another reason is that webinars are an immersion experience.
Because webinar attendees learn with others and can ask questions,
they are more likely to stay throughout the presentation. This
is why webinar attendees stay for an average of fifty-seven minutes
on live webinars!
If John Lee Dumas were getting a 243 percent better ROI on
webinar leads than those from a traditional funnel, webinar leads
could work for you too. Creating this funnel won’t take much more
effort, and it will convert at a much higher rate. Throughout this
next section, I’ll take you through different types of automated
funnels and some best practices for seeing results in your business.


• Entrepreneur - What is a Sales Funnel: https://www.
• Segmetrics - How Segmetrics Can Earn John Lee Dumas an
Extra $221,075

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The Webinar

Creating a Successful
Webinar Funnel
Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the
natural consequence of consistently applying
basic fundamentals.
—Jim Rohn

B y this point, you’ve learned the exact strategies that six-

and seven-figure entrepreneurs use for live and automated
webinars. I’m confident you’ll see more impact and income when
you use these in your business. Webinar success is a matter of
testing strategies for their fit to your current business. You must
also be hungry for success.
Don’t close the book and start running webinars just yet.
Webinars themselves are only a part of what makes them so
effective in your business.
Four other factors play a pivotal role in webinars designed to
increase leads and sales, regardless of which formula you use.
The four factors are:

• Registration rates.
• Attendance rates.
• Engagement rates.
• Post-webinar follow-up.

Webinars only work if people attend, learn from your

presentation, and stick around long enough to hear the offer. Many
struggling entrepreneurs think it’s about getting more people to
sign up for your events. They believe more registrations equals
more revenue.

Casey Zeman

This isn’t true. It’s like pouring water into a bucket with holes.
We need to plug the holes before getting more leads from organic
and paid advertising.
We need to ensure that when you drive traffic to your registration
page, the messaging is right, and people enroll. We also need to
make sure the registrants attend the webinar at the scheduled time.
Once the webinar begins, we need to help them learn, stay active,
and engage with the content. Finally, we need to follow up with
attendees and non-attendees correctly once the webinar is over.
This is why it’s so important to have these four pillars inside your
business. This section is dedicated to each pillar and will help you
create the most effective webinars possible.
Let’s delve into secret number one—registration rates.

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Success Secret 1:
Create a Registration Page
that Attracts the Right People
The written word is the strongest source of power
in the entire universe.
—Gary Halbert

A s you know by now, I love webinars for many reasons.

One of the biggest is that webinars hold people’s attentions
longer than any other platform. Webinars are more engaging than
YouTube, podcasts, and social media platforms.
No other platform provides such high-quality engagement.
Recently, GoToMeeting released a survey that found the average
audience viewing time for a webinar is an astonishing fifty-seven
minutes—an impressive accomplishment in a world where the
average person has a shorter attention span than a goldfish. While
this is a remarkable statistic, you can’t get an audience to stick
around for nearly an hour if you never get them registered. This is
why I have dedicated an entire chapter to increasing your
registration rates.
Before you start sharing your story and providing value to your
audience, you need them to register for the event. Creating a high-
converting registration page is one of the most critical parts of
building a successful webinar funnel.
A good rule of thumb is to have 35 percent or more visitors who
land on your page register for the event. Your webinar registration
page is “crushing it” if you can get over 50 percent!

Even a 10 percent rise in registrations can have a massive impact
on your business.

The Two Things Your Registration Page Needs

The registration page is step one of your funnel, so it’s vital to
spend time creating a great first impression for your audience. This
is the mouth of your sales funnel, and if it doesn’t convert, your
business will suffer as a result.
Luckily, we’ve studied the results of tens of thousands of pages
on EasyWebinar and have discovered which strategies convert the
best. I’ll help you remove the guesswork and create a genuinely
engaging webinar registration page that compels people to sign up.
For starters, your registration page should:

• Be simple, straightforward, and easy to read.

• Get readers to want to enter their email addresses.
• Preview what the webinar is about and why they should
• Build trust and credibility in who you are and how you can
help registrants.

Most of all, your registration page should do two things above

all else. It should:
Speak to the pain they’re currently suffering,
Speak to their hope (visualization of what’s to come).
By speaking to the pain, you can make it clear to the audience
you understand where they are. You’re expressing empathy for
their situation. Conversely, the hope indicates you understand
where they want to go and what’s to come by the end of your

The Webinar
7 Steps for Creating a High-Converting Registration
Here’s how you can create a high-converting registration page,
starting at the headline and working your way down the page.

1. The Headline
Let’s start with the first thing that people see—the headline.
Just because someone clicked on your ad or found your webinar
registration page organically doesn’t mean they will automatically
register. The headline must motivate people to register for your
First, the headline needs to be catchy. Boring headlines won’t get
the job done.
Create a headline that mentions precisely what an attendee will
get from the webinar. Give them a preview of the most important
lesson you will teach them during the event.
I’ve found that “how-to” headlines and “x things that will solve
x problem” seem to convert the best.
Here are a few registration page headline examples from current
EasyWebinar clients:

• Want to Learn Exactly How to Sculpt a Physique Athlete’s

Body on a Vegan Diet? This headline is from Kim Constable,
who generated a million dollars in revenue from one
webinar in just fifteen months!
• Get Kids to Listen Without Nagging or Yelling. This
headline is from Dave and Amy McCready of Positive
Parenting Solutions. It’s simple, straightforward, and tells
their audience exactly what the webinar will teach them.

Your landing page headline should be compelling, catchy, and

speak in the language of your audience. It’s important to do plenty

of research on your avatar beforehand so you can use the right
words and phrases to nail your message.
The reader should feel like you know exactly what they need.
Here are a few other examples of effective registration page

• The Three Behind-the-Scenes Secrets to Digital Course

• How to Make Six Figures in Any Niche Using this Simple
Three-Part Formula.
• How to Create and Execute Your First $500 Automated
Webinar Funnel.

2. Sub-Headline
The next part of the registration page is the sub-headline, directly
below your headline in smaller text.
Your sub-headline should extend the headline’s purpose and
point toward the solution your viewers will gain from enrolling in
the webinar.
Here’s an excellent example of a headline/sub-headline combo:

• Headline: How to Start an Online Business in 30 Days or Less

○ Subt-headline: 7 Steps to Quitting Your Job and
Chasing Your Dreams

Your sub-headline should tease out a deeper reason for signing

up. Think of it like a one-two punch that gets people excited about
registering for your event.
The goal of your sub-headline is to give a thorough description
of what the webinar is about. Describe who the webinar is for by
calling them out directly.
For example, is it for CEOs, authors, speakers, or entrepreneurs?
Or is it for fitness coaches, personal trainers, or gym owners?
Clarify your target audience so you can speak directly to them in
the first two sentences of your registration page. By niching down,

The Webinar
you can ensure you attract the right audience to register, which
helps your total conversion rates.
Don’t forget—it’s best to have the “right” people in your webinar.
Here are two sub-headline examples from expert marketer and
webinar ninja Amy Porterfield:

• “My Proven 3-Step System for Leveraging the Most

Powerful, ‘What’s Working Now’ List-Building Strategies,
Even if You’re Starting from Scratch.”
• “How to Build, Launch, and Grow a Thriving Digital
Course Business Without Hiring a Big Team, the Constant
Overwhelm or the Momentum-Crushing Question, ’What
the Heck Do I Do Next?’”

Here is another example of a perfect sub-headline from Dave and

Amy McCready. They even use bold-face and underline the target
audience, so the page speaks to them directly:


• “Get Kids to Listen Without Nagging or Yelling”


• “For frustrated moms and dads who are sick of YELLING

. . . tired of power struggles . . . and desperately want to
improve their parenting skills.”

Try to use action words like “you’ll be able to implement” or

“you’ll create more, so then you can (insert the desired result). Or
“you’ll discover (insert result).”

3. Add Credibility With a Short Video
Once you’ve created your headline and sub-headline, I suggest
creating a short promo video for your registration page. I want to
clarify that you don’t have to use a video for every webinar
registration page. But if you have a cold audience and you’re not a
common name in your niche (yet), a short video can do wonders
for your registration rates.
Your video doesn’t need to be long or professionally produced
either. A short, one- or two-minute introduction video is perfect.
Your video should introduce you, the webinar topic, the pain the
audience is facing, and your solution (the hope). It will also allow
you to exhibit your personality and excite them about the
If you decide to record a video, keep it short and to the point.
Don’t try to add fluff or make it longer than it needs to be. Follow
this format to easily create your video:

• Speak to the most significant pain your audience is facing.

• Introduce yourself and add some social proof as to why
you’re an expert on the topic.
• Explain what they will learn by attending and how you will
help solve their problem.
• Give them a call to action (such as, “Enter your name and
best email to register today”), so they sign up.

An introduction video isn’t required, but it can help increase

registration rates. Like everything in business and webinars, test
for what yields the best results.

4. Nail Your Messaging

Beneath the first three items you should have a preview of what
your audience will learn when they attend your webinar. Do this
with bullet points. Make it easy to read to attract your ideal
audience. Please don’t

The Webinar
write long paragraphs of text—it’s hard to read, especially on
mobile devices.
To write compelling copy in your bullet points, you need to nail
your messaging. The more you know about your audience, the
easier it is to write persuasive copy in your marketing.
As with the sub-headline, describe your target audience’s
problem(s) in their words. Your registration page needs to speak to
their most significant pain points, so they are more likely to take
action. It also needs to address their hopes, dreams, and how your
webinar solves the problem.
You can choose two routes: help them avoid pain, or take them
towards pleasure.
I’ve done it and have seen it done both ways. You can speak
directly to their pain and really home in on their discomfort.
Or you can do the opposite and speak to how your webinar will
help them get to their desired destination. Or a combination of the
two. Speak to your audience directly. Cut to the discomfort
they’re facing. Don’t limit yourself to surface-level pain; address
the core of the issue so you can tap into their emotions as they
move to take action. I recommend combining the two styles (pain
and pleasure)
in the bullet points of your webinar registration page.
Using bulleted copy will let your audience know what they will
learn in the webinar without overwhelming them. The goal is to
tease your webinar content without oversharing in your bullet
points. Stick with three to five bullet points.
For example, here are some bullet points I’ve used for one of my

• How you can start selling your courses, services, and

coaching using EasyWebinar without working harder . . .
even if you are terrible at webinars.
• How to generate your first $12K a month from four hours
a month leveraging one live webinar and then how to use

EasyWebinar to quadruple your webinar revenue using the
Event Launch Blueprint.
• How to finally scale from there by tapping into consistent
and passive income to where you are selling your products
24/7 using EasyWebinar’s funnel automation technology.

As you can tell, these bullet points speak directly to my

audience’s pain and show them hope with a better solution.
With your bullet-point copy, don’t overshare or make the page
so long they have to scroll forever to register. Most people will read
your registration page on their mobile devices, so always think
about the mobile user first!

5. Provide Social Proof

After educating registrants on what they will learn during the
webinar, it’s time to offer some social proof that you are the
right person to teach them. To establish your expertise, leverage
testimonials from past attendees or clients you’ve helped; if
available, utilize media in which you’ve been featured.
Some potential audience members may need social proof to sign
up for your webinar, especially cold traffic who don’t know you. The
more testimonials you have, the better the chances of enrolling them.
Let people know what kind of results you’ve produced to help
build trust with your audience. I like to use a combination of video
and screenshot testimonials.
A compelling testimonial is simple—a few lines of persuasive
copy from people who have found success working with you,
along with an image of them. Or you can screenshot messages or
conversations from past attendees as well.
If possible, try to include one to three testimonials on your
registration page—they will help your new audience trust you and
through relating to past clients, will show how you can assist with
their similar problems.

The Webinar
The second way to use social proof is to showcase where you’ve
been featured online.
For example, my team created a custom image on my registration
page showing sources where EasyWebinar and I were showcased.
Some include Entrepreneur, Business Insider, Huffington Post, Inc.,
and more.
Showing where you’ve been featured will help a cold audience
get to know, like, and trust you quicker. Consider sharing your
appearance in publications, on TV, podcasts, and more.

6. Highlight the Important People

It’s also essential to introduce the reader to who you are or the
person presenting the webinar on the registration page. By setting
aside space, you can include information about yourself—your
name, professional titles, a brief bio, even a photo. If you’re co-
hosting the webinar, add a bio for the other speaker(s) as well.
This will help connect your users to the pending webinar. They’ll
get a feel for what it’s going to be like. They might even do some
background research for themselves. I also provide a few sentences
to add credibility to people who don’t know me.
For example, here’s my bio on a general EasyWebinar registration

Casey is the founder of EasyWebinar and Best-Selling Author

of Build Your Audience with Live Video. Casey creates tools and
training that have helped tens of thousands of businesses
grow. He’s consulted clients like Estée Lauder, Dell, and
HarperCollins on Webinar and Video Strategies.

Every item on your registration page must be highly intentional.

Each item should help build trust, show your expertise, and move
viewers one step closer to registering.

7. Make It Easy for Attendees to Register
Finally, the time comes to ask them to register for your webinar
with a clear call to action, also known as a CTA.
We’ve found that you shouldn’t have more than three fields in
any webinar registration form. The more fields they have to fill out,
the less likely they will sign up.
I’ve seen many new webinar creators with four or more fields,
which turns off the audience. Filling out that much information
seems like a lot of work, so many never end up registering.
Instead, use two or three fields to increase your registration page
conversion. The good news is that you only really need two pieces
of information: their full name and their email. A potential third
field might ask for their phone number. If you obtain a phone
number, you can send SMS reminders, which helps increase
attendance rates. We’ll cover that in the next section.
If you’re sending cold traffic to a registration page, I would keep
it simple—only request their email address. Tell your audience
what to do here. If you don’t, chances are, they won’t do it. Again,
make it simple and easy for them to enroll.

Creating simple yet high-converting registration pages is pillar
number one in successfully creating webinars. If you spend all
your time on the webinar itself and skimp on the registration page,
your results will suffer.
Examine every detail of your registration page and make sure
nothing is extraneous. Every image and piece of information
should work to entice the user to register for and attend your event.
A successful webinar registration page touts a “how-to” with the
goal of achieving an intended result. Provide information as to how
the event will help to produce a clear benefit. The workshop itself
extends your course and program—you can only teach so much in
sixty minutes.
Lastly, on the registration page, don’t position the webinar.
Instead, make it about the endgame—your offer. Highlight the
The Webinar
transformation they will receive from your offer, not just from
attending the webinar. Your offer will move them, and the webinar
is the first step in their transformation.
Use these tips to create a top converting registration page and get
more people into your webinars. Don’t forget, with EasyWebinar,
we have pre-made templates that make it easy to create effective
registration pages.
As you can see, there are quite a few things to include on your
webinar registration page. While it may feel like a lot of work,
templates make it easier than starting from scratch.
Spend some time on them, split test, and find what works best
for your business. I’m confident you’ll have tons of webinar
registration pages with significant conversions if you follow these
Once your registration page is ready to go, let’s jump into the
next step—increasing attendance rates.


• Go To Meeting: Introducing The Big Book of Webinar Stats
• TIME: You Have a Shorter Attention Span Than a Goldfish

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Success Secret 2:
Give Them a Reason to Attend
Knowing who your customers are is great,
but knowing how they behave is even better.
—Jon Miller

F ollowing the steps in pillar number one will help you get
more people to register for your event. But increasing your
registration rate is only part of the equation. Webinars are a
“numbers” game. The more people you get to attend and stay
through the end of the webinar, the more likely you can get them
to buy your product or service.
But a problem I see with many entrepreneurs is that they fail to
convince attendees to show up for the webinar.
Why don’t people show up to webinars?
In my opinion, most entrepreneurs don’t give attendees enough
reason to show up to the webinar or watch the replay. Once you
learn this valuable skill, I can almost guarantee your revenue and
impact will skyrocket.
How do you get people to show up to your webinar?
The main thing: nail the marketing message.
This is not to say the message has to be absolutely perfect, but
what the webinar will do for the audience needs to be super-clear.
As we discussed in the last chapter, your webinar needs to clearly
solve an urgent problem for your audience. People won’t show up
just to hear you talk about yourself and your business. People
would rather spend their time on activities that promise to improve
their lives and businesses.

The Webinar
Clearly communicate how you can help your audience with pre-
webinar reminders. You need to keep motivation high from the
moment people learn about your webinar through your webinar
follow-up sequence.

How to Increase Attendance Rates

First, what is a reasonable attendance rate to expect?
In general, a good rule of thumb is to get at least 30 percent of
registrants to attend your webinar.
Sadly, about 70 percent of people don’t attend the events they
register for. That’s okay. You don’t need everyone to attend to still
make sales and impact your audience.
Here are the best strategies to help you entice people to show up
to your webinar without doing a lot of extra work.

1. Confirm the Date and Time With Your Thank-You Page

Once someone registers for your webinar, remind them of the date
and time and the most significant takeaways you’ve planned. For
example, let’s say you’re an online fitness coach. Here is what your
reminder message might look like:

Thanks again for registering for the upcoming training about

(insert topic). Don’t forget, by attending this epic workshop,
you will learn how to perform weekly meal prep in under
ninety minutes without breaking the bank.

I also recommend having a short video on your thank-you page

that confirms the importance of showing up to your webinar. In
this one-minute video, tell them you’re excited about the
upcoming webinar and remind them of what they’re going to
learn. Make sure the message is a clear, concise statement that
speaks directly to your target audience.

2. Send Email Reminders
Once someone registers, they usually have a few hours to a few
days before the actual event. If you’re streaming a live webinar, it’s
probably one to three days out. But if you’re running an automated
webinar, it could be later that day or a few days in advance.
Generally speaking, the closer the webinar is to the time the
registrant signs up, the more likely they are to attend! This is why
“just-in- time” automated webinars work so well. They help people
take action quickly while they’re in the moment.
Regardless of whether it’s a live or automated event, I suggest
sending several reminder emails. I usually email attendees at these
specific times:

• Immediately after they register.

• Twenty-four hours before the webinar (if they sign up more
than twenty-four hours in advance).
• One hour before the webinar.
• Fifteen to thirty minutes before the webinar.

If this feels like a lot of reminders, keep in mind that most people
open roughly 20 to 30 percent of emails. In addition, the reminder
emails are fully automated when you use software like
EasyWebinar and/or an email marketing platform. Once the email
flow is set up, there is no extra work, and everything happens
Here’s the methodology behind sending emails in this format:

Confirmation Email
This email goes out as soon as someone registers. The point is to
confirm their webinar’s date and time.
If the webinar is one to three days away, you can also add
resources in the email to help build up the know, like, and trust
factor. I like to send a couple of helpful resources inside the email

The Webinar
to further strengthen the relationship. This works exceptionally
well with cold audiences—those who don’t know you very well.
For example, you could include a link to a published story on
your blog, a podcast interview, or a media appearance. This will
help prove your expertise before the event and build trust with a
complete stranger.
Or you could include a “problem-solving” scenario. To do this,
present one of the most common problems your audience has,
along with a solution. If done correctly, these emails will pre-frame
you as an authority before they even sign on. Then, when they do
attend the webinar, they already think of you as an expert.

Twenty-Four Hour Email

The twenty-four hour reminder email is just that, reminding them
that tomorrow is the day! Share your excitement about the event,
discuss more detail, ask them to download a workbook, if you have
one, and perhaps even share a testimonial from someone who
previously attended. Keep up the hype and momentum with these

One-Hour Email
This email is short and to the point. It alerts them that everything
is happening in one hour. You don’t want to include much else in
this email, resource-wise. Instead, focus on why it is vital for them
to sign on and attend.

Fifteen-Minute Email
The final email should be sent right before the webinar event starts.
Like the one-hour email, don’t include links other than a link to the
event itself.
Keep sharing your excitement about the upcoming webinar and
remind them not to miss this groundbreaking event!

3. Exhibit Social Proof
In pre-webinar emails, I highly recommend showcasing
testimonials and case studies from previous people who have
worked with you. This will help in a few ways.
First, it will show you can deliver results to your clients or
students. Registrants want to feel like you’re the expert on a
specific subject—that you can help them overcome the problems
they are facing.
Second, it will help people relate to those individuals and feel that if
others can achieve results, they can do it too. People often need to
know you’ve helped others. They need to visualize themselves as
someone who can get results. I like to write these emails with a lot
of momentum, hype, and optimism. It’s your job to convey one
thing: attending your webinar will transform their life!

4. Use Messenger Bots

While email marketing is still a great way to remind people about
your webinar, the rates at which people open email have declined
over the years. You shouldn’t ditch email marketing, but don’t
forget to try out new options as well. One solution to sending out
an email reminder is to use a messenger bot like ManyChat.
Messenger bots send attendees reminders and additional
information about your webinar via Facebook Messenger. These
work well with email marketing because registrants are likely to
see one or the other (or both). Plus, the open rates for Messenger
bots are much higher than emails.
Expert marketer Neil Patel got an 88 percent open rate and a 56
percent click-through rate in one experiment he ran with
messenger bots. Even if you don’t get numbers like Neil’s,
messenger bots can get significantly more people to attend your

The Webinar
The best part is this—their pricing is incredibly affordable at
about ten dollars a month! They often have a free option with
nearly as many features to get you started using it.

5. SMS Text Message Reminders

SMS text messaging is another way to persuade more people to
attend your webinar. Since only 20 to 30 percent, at most, are
opening your emails, texting a reminder will urge people to show
up live.
Send a text reminder fifteen to thirty minutes before the
workshop. Text messages tend to attract people’s attention more
than emails, giving you a much better chance of getting attendance.
Convincing people to attend over their phones has a considerable
advantage over computers. Because most mobile phones are one-
thing-at-a-time devices, webinar attendees cannot leave that
app and continue to receive your messages. If your message is
compelling enough, you can keep them engaged and focused on
your webinar’s content instead of multitasking.
None of this requires much work. Using software like
EasyWebinar, you can seamlessly integrate SMS text reminders
into your webinar workflow. All you need is a phone field on the
webinar registration page and their permission to send a text.
Don’t forget, not all text messages are created equal. Make it easy
for them to attend your webinar by including the link within the
text message.
SMS with Messenger and emails is the trifecta to enticing people
to attend your events. Think about it—if you’re sending emails
only, you are missing out on the other seventy percent of your
potential customers. Instead, use all the tools at your disposal to
attract more people to your webinar.

To increase your webinar’s effectiveness and conversion rate you
need to convince people to attend your webinars. Scaling your
business will be nearly impossible if you don’t learn how to
motivate registrants to show up and learn from you.
You can no longer rely on a few emails to finish the job. Instead,
you need to use some or all of these strategies to attract more
people. You are more likely to increase attendance by sending text
and email reminders and using messenger bots.
Lastly, always provide value in your marketing: clarify how your
customers or clients will benefit from attending your workshop.
Now that you know how to persuade more people to register and
attend, let’s move to pillar number three—increasing engagement


• Neil Patel: How to Get 88% Open Rates and 56% CTR’s
Using Facebook Messenger

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Success Secret 3:
Give Them a Reason to Stay With You
You don’t get attention unless you’re trusted.
You don’t get trusted unless you get attention. The question is,
how do you get there? I think you do it by being generous.
People trust people who keep their promises,
especially when it’s not convenient.
—Seth Godin

T he third pillar to creating highly effective webinars is keeping

people engaged during the event. Now that you know how to
persuade more people to register and attend, you need to learn
how to keep them excited enough to stick around; easier said
than done in today’s world.
In a world of obnoxiously short attention spans, I’m sure you’re
wondering how to keep people on your webinars.
It’s a great question, and it’s one that I get asked a lot from my
clients at EasyWebinar. The most important thing is for them to see
your offer. If they don’t see the call to action, they won’t click on
the “Buy-Now” button or take the desired action on your CTA.

How to Keep People on Webinars Longer

For starters, your audience needs to know what transformation
they will receive during the webinar. As the presenter, it is your
job to position the expectation early in the webinar. Within the first
five minutes, you should clearly lay out the benefits of them

Call out the benefits directly by saying something like:

• “Stay around, and I’m going to share ABC, which will do

XYZ for you.”
• “By the end of this workshop, you will be able to achieve
• “Stay until the end, so you can learn XYZ results—plus, get
a free (e-book, strategy call, bonus offer, or other things of

Here are my top ten ways to help you increase engagement

during your webinars.

1. Send Them a Webinar Workbook Before the Presentation

The first strategy for retaining attendees on your webinars is to
engage them before the webinar begins. To do this, send them a PDF
workbook beforehand to ramp up their excitement about the
upcoming event.
A practical webinar workbook will give them specific, actionable
directions they should take. It could be in a checklist format,
including tasks such as blocking out a time slot in their calendar,
turning off distractions, and printing out the workbook.
You can deliver the workbook in different ways. The first strategy
is to include a downloadable link on your registration thank-you
page. After they register, they are directed to your thank-you page,
and a download link leads them to the workbook. A platform like
EasyWebinar simplifies this process.
Another way is to send the workbook in the webinar confirmation
email. This email gets sent immediately after registering to confirm
the date and time. You can even use both strategies. This will give
you the best chance of them downloading the workbook before the
workshop begins.

The Webinar
2. Incentivize Them to Stay Until the End
As I mentioned in the intro, it’s a great idea to create incentives for
attendees to stick around. But simply telling them to stay until the
webinar is over likely isn’t enough. People join your webinar to
learn what’s in it for them. Mention precisely how staying until the
end can benefit them during your intro.
Webinars are a time commitment for busy people, but they are
more likely to stay if they have something to gain. At the beginning
of your webinar, tell them they will receive something like a free e-
book, mini-course, strategy call, or other things of value, but only if
they stay until the end.
Make sure it has clear value for your audience. The more it feels
like a reward for your audience, the more likely they will stay
longer during the webinar.

3. Nail Your Intro

You only get one first impression. Your webinar might be their first
introduction to you and/or your brand. In your intro, remind them
of the benefits of attending before they have a chance to get cold
feet. Before you get into teaching and sharing, remind them what
they’ll learn in your time together.
Reaffirming—almost congratulating them for attending—will
help create an expectation for what they can achieve when they
stay for the entire webinar. Strongly remind them what they will
learn and how it will directly benefit them or their business.
Your webinar introduction should be short and sweet. Don’t take
twenty minutes to introduce yourself. Sorry, but it’s true that many
people don’t care. Instead, focus on them, not solely your
background. The introduction should be long enough for them to
connect with you and your story but short enough to vault into the
content that will benefit them. The more you run webinars, the
better you’ll become.

The webinar is about their benefits, not how great you are.
Finally, tease your webinar schedule, how long it should last, and
any other relevant details before jumping into teaching.

4. Acknowledge Your Audience Frequently

Tip number four is to make sure you’re checking in with your
attendees during the webinar. No one wants to feel alone on the
other end of a computer. Instead, make them feel like it’s a live, in-
person event by regularly acknowledging them.
Think back to the last time you attended an excellent webinar.
I’m sure the presenter thanked you for showing up, gave you
kudos during the webinar, and asked you to answer questions in
the chatbox.
This is precisely what to do when you run your webinars.
Throughout the presentation, thank your audience for being there,
and thank them for using the chatbox if it’s a live webinar.
Encourage engagement so they feel like part of the group and are
motivated to stay.
Another strategy is to call them out by name. Say something like,
“We have an awesome question from Susan.”
People will feel that you really care about them. When people
feel a connection to you, they are more likely to stay until the end.

5. Use Psychological Tactics

There are a few expert psychological tricks you can use to keep
people engaged with your webinar. The first trick is to use open

Open Loops in Webinars

As said, “An open loop is a concept that, in the telling
of stories, means our brains naturally want to seek out some sort of
conclusion. The open-loop eventually provides that conclusion.”

The Webinar
One way to create an open loop is to introduce some information
at the beginning of your webinar and tell attendees you will cover
it soon. This kind of foreshadowing will cause their brains to want
a conclusion.
You can learn another strategy from the world’s best movies and
TV shows—they all do well at creating cliffhangers. They generate
excitement, and people keep watching. You can also create a
cliffhanger scenario at the beginning of your webinar, making
them more likely to stay.

Use Pattern Interrupts

Another expert trick to use alongside open loops is a pattern
interrupt. A pattern interrupt is a way to change a person’s state or
During your webinar, you could use a funny image, meme,
or something totally off-topic to grab their attention. This will also
help break up the often monotonous cadence of a focused

6. Keep Your Energy High

If you’re nervous during your webinar, use that energy to pump up
the excitement. The mind doesn’t distinguish between excitement
and nervousness—internally, they’re the same things.
Knowing that, simply reframe your energy by repeating, “I
am excited!” to yourself before the webinar. People can feel the
energy—even through a webinar—so make sure you rely on your
nerves to improve your webinar.
Chances are, you love what you’re selling. Acknowledge that. Let
your inner geek shine through during the webinar as you share
your knowledge.
Attendees will be excited to know how passionate you are about
the subject. They will feel your energy.

7. Teach, Don’t Sell
To keep people engaged, don’t focus on selling. Instead, focus on
providing value. During the webinar, teach, teach, teach; otherwise,
you’ll appear as just another internet salesperson. Teaching will
position you as an expert who can clearly help them.
People don’t want to be “sold”—they want solutions to concrete
problems. It’s your job to persuade them by teaching valuable
information without the hard-sell.

8. Change Up the Webinar Format

If you run webinars regularly, change up the format to keep people
engaged! Try to think of other ways to experiment with new
formats. Surprise your audience.
You could invite current students to talk about their experiences,
hold a Q&A webinar, or interview an expert. Or you could choose
to go without slides and focus entirely on their questions. This
approach works well if you have already done a traditional selling
webinar. Potential clients might still have a few lingering questions.

9. Create an Engaging Presentation

If you choose to use slides, be sure they are engaging. The last thing
you want is for your webinar to feel like a boring PowerPoint
Spend the extra time in advance—create a stimulating slide deck.
Use GIFs, images, and memes to keep them engaged for the entire
Don’t use the same slide layout on each slide. Instead, use
three to five different slide layouts and mix them up during the

The Webinar
10. Get Feedback From Attendees
The final way to keep people engaged is to request audience
feedback once it’s over. Ask attendees what they thought by
sending them a brief survey to learn more about your event and
how to improve it.
You can ask them questions like:

• What was your favorite part?

• Was the webinar too short? Too long?
• How can I improve the presentation?
• Did the webinar deliver on the XYZ promise?

When asking for feedback, the only thing to remember is to keep

it simple. If you give attendees a twenty-question survey, they may
not complete it. Only ask the questions that will help create a better
webinar moving forward.

Hopefully, your audience is motivated to pay attention throughout your
presentation and stay until the end. Engagement is critical when you
expect people to watch something for thirty to sixty minutes!
If people don’t stick around until the end of your webinar, they
won’t see the “Buy-Now” button or call to action. But you can’t
expect them to sit through a boring presentation, either. It’s up to
you to create a compelling webinar that engages them throughout
so they are more likely to stay and hear the pitch at the end.
Lastly, at the beginning of your webinar, create an expectation
for what they will achieve in the workshop. Don’t forget—it’s all
about providing a transformation for your attendees. If you focus
on that and use the tips above, I’m confident you will get attendees
to stay longer, see your offer, and become your customer!

Now, let’s cover one of the essential parts of the entire webinar
lifecycle: pillar number four—the post-webinar follow-up


• Autogrow - Open Loop: The Pro Copywriter Secret That

Keeps You Reading

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Success Secret 4: Follow-Up Matters
Diligent follow-up and follow-through will set you apart from
the crowd and communicate excellence.
—John C. Maxwell

T he fourth and final pillar for webinar success is all about what
you do once the webinar is over.
Did you know that most sales don’t happen during the webinar?
Before you get discouraged, let me explain.
When running traditional sales webinars, the flow usually goes
from the teaching segment, which transitions to the pitch, and then
the offer. While some attendees are likely to buy on the webinar,
some might need to think about it.
From what we’ve seen, close to 50 percent of customers actually
buy after the webinar!
Let me qualify that statement: that’s true as long as you have one
thing—a webinar follow-up sequence.
You can’t simply run a sales webinar and expect them to buy
without additional follow-up. If you don’t have a follow-up
sequence, you are potentially missing out on a ton of sales. Not
everyone is ready to buy at that exact moment, even if your fast-
action bonus is impressive.
Some attendees need more time and convincing.
This could happen for a variety of reasons. Some attendees need
to think about it, others might not have their credit card handy, still
others might want to discuss it with someone else. Regardless of
the reason, if you didn’t sell on the webinar, that doesn’t mean you

Instead, you need to set up a post-webinar email marketing
campaign to convert and help turn leads into sales. This chapter
will show you what to say and when to say it.

Why You Need To Follow Up

Why is follow-up so important?
Because you need to hit each attendee with the right message at
the right time.
This is known as segmentation. The messaging for someone who
registered, attended, and watched the entire webinar should differ
from the messaging sent to those who didn’t.
For example, suppose attendees engage with your webinar in a
specific way. In that case, segment them into the perfect marketing
list to continue meeting them “right where they are.”
Segmenting allows you to customize your messaging.
You can choose to email segments of your list based on how they
initially watched (or didn’t watch) the webinar. Segmenting based
on viewing allows you to send customized emails to the right
people at the right time.
Think about it. The email you send to someone who attended the
entire webinar should be very different from the one you send to
someone who didn’t show up at all. Or to someone who left after
watching only 20 or 30 percent of the presentation.
The cool thing is that segments can be automatically queued into
pre-built campaigns with webinar software like EasyWebinar. Like
reminder emails, everything happens without having to click a
button or stress over sending your list the right email message.
Automated email marketing means you don’t have to do
anything manually. You can stay in your coaching zone of genius
without getting bogged down in the technical side of things.

The Webinar
How to Segment Your List
There are four categories into which you can divide your
webinar attendees—buyers, watchers, attendees who left early,
and registrants who didn’t show at all. Each one needs to hear
something different in your follow-up sequence to draw them one
step closer to working with you.

Segment 1: Buyers
The first group comprises those who registered, attended, and
bought a product or service on the webinar. First, congratulations
on the new customers and delivering so much value that they knew
working with you was a no-brainer.
The first thing to do with buyers is to remove them from your
post-webinar follow-up sequence. This way, you can ensure they
don’t get repetitive messages and pitch emails when they have
already invested in your offer.
With buyers, sync them up with some sort of onboarding series,
so they can hit the ground running. This is easy to set up as rules
or automations within your email marketing software.
You can send them a welcome email with links to the program,
a calendar link to schedule an introductory call, or send them to an
onboarding webinar. However, if you choose to welcome them to
work with you, separate them from non-buyers.
We don’t want them to experience any buyer’s remorse or
duplicate messages. Instead, they should dive into the content and
get results.

Segment 2: Watched Webinar but Didn’t Buy

The second segment of attendees watched the majority of your
webinar, heard the pitch, but chose not to buy (yet). For these
individuals, emphasize the main points of the webinar and your

Start your follow-up emails by sending them to the replay of the
webinar. Maybe they need to watch part of it again or were too
busy to pull out their credit card and invest during the webinar.
During your follow-up email, you can thank them for attending,
explain your offer in more detail, and send them the link to the
replay. Then, over the next few days, send multiple follow-up
emails explaining the benefits of your program. Use the right
messaging to convey how your program or service can help move
them from where they are to where they want to be.
To nudge your audience toward action, lean on their pain points
and desires. Finally, make sure you set a clear deadline when
the doors close or the offer price increases. This will help create
urgency and get them to make a decision.

Segment 3: Watched Webinar but Left Early

The third segment of attendees contains those who watched some
of your webinar but left early. With this group of people, be
strategic about conveying the value of your program. Encourage
them to watch the replay.
Let’s assume that at the end of your webinar, you informed
attendees that your cart is open for three days. Then, it either closes
or the price increases after, for example, seventy-two or ninety-six
Here’s how you could structure your follow-up sequence.

Email 1:
Since they left early, they probably didn’t get a chance to hear your
pitch or CTA. In your first post-webinar email, explain what
happened during the webinar, link to a replay, and open the
conversation about your offer.
Since they haven’t heard the offer yet, don’t get overzealous with
the hard sell. Instead, educate them about what they might’ve
missed by leaving early, like the helpful resources you provided
after the webinar ended.

The Webinar
Email 2
At this point, they should know your offer exists from the first
email. Now, it’s time to start selling it, speaking about the problem
it solves and why they need it now.
In this second email, you can provide a recap of your offer, the
transformation it provides, testimonials, and a link to the sales
page. If you are making sales calls, you can add a calendar link and
encourage them to book a call.

Emails 3 through 5
During your final follow-up emails, answer FAQs about your
program. This is the time to push them off the fence and so they
can make a decision about buying.
These emails should showcase testimonials and case studies and
invite them to reply with questions. Also, each email should remind
them of the deadline. Create urgency! People need deadlines to
make decisions. Without a deadline, it’s nearly impossible to make
consistent sales.
As you can tell, this flow of emails is different from that of the
previous segment. But it still gets them one step closer to making a

Segment 4: Didn’t Attend the Webinar

The final group is the registrants who didn’t show up to your
As I mentioned earlier, only about 30 to 40 percent of registrants
show up for your webinar. Instead of abandoning them, you need
a custom email sequence to draw their interest back to a webinar.
They never heard your pitch. As you can imagine, you don’t
want to send them emails to invest in your program if they have no
idea what it is. Instead, persuade them to take one of three actions:

1. Invite them to register for another live webinar.
If you have more than one live webinar, let them know and invite
them back. Always shoot for this option first, if possible, as live
webinars tend to convert at a higher rate than automated webinars.

2. Invite them to register for an automated webinar.

If you don’t have another live webinar scheduled, convert your
previous live webinar into an automated event. Once you do, email
them the registration link and ask them to register for the next
webinar that works best for their time. Automated webinars are
more effective than replays because they have the look and feel of
“live” yet don’t allow viewers to skip around.

3. Send them the webinar replay.

The final option with people who registered and didn’t show is to
send them the replay of your event. Typically, returning to an
encore live or automated webinar will yield the highest conversion
rate, but repetition is better than nothing.
Send them the standard follow-up emails if one of these methods
persuades them to watch the webinar.

Harvesting the most from your webinar depends on how well you
follow up with attendees. Arguably, this is the most critical pillar
to help you scale without much effort. It’s all about understanding
your email marketing platform and syncing it with your webinar
Your webinar content could be the best in the world. Still, if you
don’t have the system in place to continue engaging with
attendees, your effort will not result in the sales and relationships
it should. These tips will help all segments of your audience get
one step closer to making a decision.

The Webinar
The better you become at following up, the more likely they will
become paying clients.
As I mentioned, not all follow-ups are the same. You need to
send the right content at the right time to entice people to enroll in
your programs.
Once you do this, it’ll take a good deal of pressure off “selling”
during your webinar and allow you to trust that more sales will
come from in your post-webinar follow-up.

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Bonus Secret 5:
Additional Thank-You Page Conversion
Make it a habit to tell people “thank you.”
To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the
expectation of anything in return.
—Ralph Marston

E veryone loves hearing the words, “thank you.”

It’s programmed into us to say “thank you” after someone
helps us from a young age.
But did you know that this childhood trait can also have an
enormous impact on your business? Especially when it comes to
running webinars.
What am I talking about? A thank-you page!
A thank-you page is one of the most important and underused
features of webinars and online marketing. The most successful
entrepreneurs I’ve worked with don’t skip this step because they
know it’s vital to the customer’s journey.
Instead, the top marketers put a lot of effort into making an
effective thank-you page that produces better conversions. In this
section, I’ll help you learn how to build a world-class thank-you
page for your webinar (or opt-in) that will help:

• Build more rapport with your audience.

• Increase webinar registration conversions.
• Speed up the entire sales process and move customers
down your funnel.

And a lot more.

The Webinar
How to Create an Effective Thank-You Page
Before going into the strategies, let’s dive a little deeper into why
a thank-you page is so crucial.
What is a thank-you page?
It’s the page the user sees after registering for a webinar or
downloading a freebie like a PDF, video course, or other things of
A thank-you page confirms that the individual has registered for
the webinar or free offer. It can also provide a massive boost to the
entire customer experience and help with conversions if you’re
using them correctly. Allow me to explain.
Unfortunately, most people who run webinars spend their time
on the registration page and neglect the thank-you page. Don’t get
me wrong—the registration page is wildly important because if
you don’t get people to register, they won’t ever make it to the
thank-you page.
But, I don’t mean that you should rush the creation of your
thank- you page and move on.
Instead, the thank-you page should improve each visitor’s
experience. This will help them form a better first impression of
you and your brand and present them with helpful resources.
Here are some of my best strategies to make an engaging thank-
you page for your webinars.

1. Add Your Facebook Pixel.

Before doing anything for the look and feel of your page, make sure
you add your Facebook Pixel. This will help if and when you decide
to buy Facebook ads to drive traffic and run conversion campaigns.
Without it, Facebook can’t track conversions to your page.
This is a simple step, even if you aren’t a techie. There is a step-
by-step video to help you find your Pixel and add it to your thank-
you page in our bonus book section.

2. Confirm The Details.
Once your Pixel is added, the next step is to confirm the details of
your upcoming event.
If you’re building a custom page outside EasyWebinar’s
platform, call out the time and date of the webinar they registered
for. Maybe even include a countdown timer to create excitement
for your event.
One of the main goals of your thank-you page is to excite
people enough to attend your webinar!
As you scroll down the page, include a description of what
they’ll learn from attending the webinar. Make sure you nail your
messaging and speak to their problems with this copy. I prefer to
use bullet-point copy and tell them about the benefits of attending.
Luckily, if you’re building your thank-you page inside
EasyWebinar, we do the heavy lifting. We’ll automatically include
the webinar topic, subtopic, and date at the top of the screen. You
can add a description of the webinar, a bio about yourself, and more.

3. Enable Social Share Incentives.

Another great way to upgrade your thank-you page is to create
incentives for people to share your event. Using our system, it’s
easy to ask attendees to share the webinar on Facebook and Twitter
with the click of a button.
Add a special bonus for participating and sharing. This will help
you get more people into your funnel without extra work.
With EasyWebinar, you can enable a “reward” video or
document to thank them for sharing with their network. This
should be something related to the webinar topic that provides
them a quick win.
This incentive could be a bonus training video, a short e-book,
checklist, or something else.

The Webinar
4. Offer a Workbook.
While sharing incentives are great, don’t forget to add a webinar
A workbook will help your audience stay engaged during the
webinar and create a better experience for them as they follow
along. A workbook should also help your engagement rate too.
If you’ve never created a webinar workbook, here are a few tips
to help you get started:

• Use colors similar to your webinar slides.

• Include a cover page with an image of yourself and the
webinar’s title.
• Make it easy for your audience to read and have places
where they can fill in the blanks.

Once you have a PDF file of your workbook, upload it to your

thank-you page so they can download it instantly. If this sounds
like a hassle, it’s actually pretty simple. You can easily outsource
on or other freelancing sites as well.

5. Build Authority.
Because the thank-you page is one of the first interactions with you
and your brand, showcase your expertise. Add a section for
“Featured In” or “As Seen On” media you’ve appeared in. This
could include TV spots, podcasts, big websites, and more.
Another great way to build authority is to include testimonials
or screenshots from past webinar attendees. This will give you and
your webinar more credibility—people will see firsthand how it’s
already helped others. Including social proof can help your
engagement rate and build credibility with your audience.
I like to add “As Seen On” and testimonials to the middle or
bottom of the page near the button to register. Save the top portion

for reminding them of the details, your workbook, and perhaps a
video as well.

6. Include a Thank-You Video.

It’s never a bad idea to include a short video thanking them for
registering for your webinar. Since people resonate so well with
video, it’s a great way to introduce yourself, confirm the webinar,
and build hype for your event.
With your thank-you page video:

• Tell them the next steps—“You’ll get an email.”

• Keep it short and sweet (one or two minutes is plenty).
• Direct them to the workbook link if you have one.
• Introduce yourself, share your excitement for the event, and
thank them again.
• Briefly summarize the webinar details and what they’ll
learn from attending.

Also, include text on the video in case someone doesn’t watch

with the sound on. Then, upload your file to WordPress, YouTube,
or somewhere else. Copy the link. Next, paste the URL or embed it
directly into the thank-you page.

7. Additional Reminders.
The goal of a thank-you page is to express gratitude to your
audience and remind them to attend the webinar. There are two
great ways your thank-you page can help:

• Text Messaging Reminders: Make it easy for users to receive

text message reminders. I like to add this on the thank-you
page, not the registration page, as many people don’t feel
comfortable entering their phone number to register. But if
they’ve already registered, sometimes a reminder text will
ensure they don’t miss out.

The Webinar
• Facebook Messenger Reminders: Using something like
ManyChat, you can give users the option to obtain your
workbook and reminders via Facebook Messenger. Since
messenger apps have higher open rates than email, they are
another great way to remind people about the event.

Email reminders, text messages, and Facebook are the trifecta for
persuading people to show up. These three will give you the best
chances to have your audience show up for the event!

8. Keep Formatting Minimal.

Finally, make sure you keep the page clean, simple, and easy to read.
Don’t include pop-ups and additional links on the page. Instead,
only include the bare essentials mentioned above. To create the best
user experience, get them to take action on the next steps, whether to
download a workbook, watch the video, get reminders, or share on
social media. Don’t include any fluff or unnecessary steps because
it’ll take away from the primary purpose of your page.

Bonus: Upgrade Your Confirmation Email.

While the thank-you page is essential, don’t forget about the
confirmation email. Many entrepreneurs skip this puzzle piece; it
hurts their overall webinar performance.
You can easily send an immediate confirmation email when
someone registers for your webinar. This confirmation email has
the webinar URL, date and time, and anything else you want to
Unfortunately, many people have only the webinar title and
registration link. In reality, this is a great place to thank them again
and include relevant information.
Since this email usually gets a high open rate, don’t simply use a
stock template. Instead, edit it to enhance the experience for your

The Webinar
Here are some of the best ways to upgrade your confirmation

• Link to your top social media platform and encourage them

to tag you and follow in the PS section.
• Show excitement and congratulate them for signing up for
your webinar. People are taking valuable time out of their
day, so let them know how much you appreciate it.
• Provide another link to a workbook again. If they closed the
thank-you page too quickly, it’s a good idea to encourage
them to download it before joining your webinar.
• Share valuable content that they can learn from right now.
Link to a podcast you’ve been featured on or some of your
best pieces of free content. This will help build the know-
like-trust factor before they even jump on your webinar.

Paired with your thank-you page, I know you’ll have people

eagerly awaiting your upcoming webinar.

Bonus: How Tanya Aliza Uses Thank-You Pages

The above steps will help you create a high-converting thank-you
page for your webinar. There is another way to use them as well.
One of our top EasyWebinar users, Tanya Aliza, recently shared
how she uses them.
Instead of driving traffic straight to her webinar, she uses a
unique “freebie method.” She offers her audience a freebie before
inviting them to a webinar because it’s a smaller action for the user.
After they fill out their email information for the freebie, she sends
them to a thank-you page. Her thank-you page is an invitation
to sign up for a live or automated webinar directly aligned with
her freebie. We’ve even tested this out at EasyWebinar and had
excellent results.
This is an effective strategy if you want your webinars to be
exclusive to your email list (and not general social media followers
or blog readers). It also entices people to sign up and get on your

The Webinar
list to avoid missing anyLab

Final Thoughts on Thank You Pages
As you can see, thank-you pages are a great way to increase
engagement and provide a better experience for attendees. Avoid
using a stock thank-you page template and email, and hope for the
best. Instead, be highly attentive to each item on your page. Guide
your customer along and create the best experience possible.
Don’t forget, you can also try out Tanya’s freebie strategy as well.
Instead of inviting people straight to a webinar, offer them a freebie
and then ask them to a webinar with your thank-you page. As
Tanya said in our interview, over 60 percent of the people who sign
up for the freebie register for the webinar.
As always, test what works for you and tweak as needed. Paired
with a high-converting registration page, I’m confident your
webinar will perform incredibly well.

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You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just the first step.
—Martin Luther King Jr.

T ime for the fun stuff.

As you can probably tell by now, I’m obsessed with webinars.
I want you to benefit from them, too. This section will teach you
why I’m so passionate. Here, I’ll give examples of how I’ve used
them to rapidly scale my business.
Before discussing the exact formulas I’ve used to generate
hundreds of thousands of leads and millions of dollars in revenue,
let’s differentiate something. Remember from the last section that
a webinar’s goal is to educate, instruct, or demonstrate something
to your audience. These online educational seminars might just be
the one thing missing from your business.
The best part? Webinars work for nearly every industry. There
are two main formats in the webinar world—live and automated.
Both can play a crucial role in your business, helping you create
more impact and income. But there are times when a live webinar
is more beneficial to your business model than an automated one.
And vice versa.

But first, webinar types

What is the difference between live and automated webinars?
Here is a quick overview. Each type has its own section to help
you understand both and add the right formulas to your business.

Live Webinars
Live webinars are just that—live! A live webinar is a scheduled
training event with an audience. I would argue that live webinars
are the best way to engage your audience at a scalable level. I used
live webinars every week to start making $12,000 per month!
Here’s how a live webinar works if you’re starting out.

Step 1: Select Your Webinar Date(s) and Time(s)

Similar to an in-person event (when the pandemic and social
distancing wasn’t a thing), you schedule a live webinar in advance
and invite people to register and attend.
You schedule a live webinar on a specific day and time zone, all
within your webinar platform. Once it’s scheduled, you create a
slide deck (if needed), practice your presentation, and go live at the
appointed time. On the webinar, attendees can see you or your
slides, but not on a camera. However, with the chatbox, they can
engage and ask questions throughout the webinar.

Step 2: Promote Your Event

The next step is attracting people to register and attend. The more
people, the better! You can promote your event in all sorts of ways,

• Running paid ads.

• Emailing your list.
• Sharing the date on social media.
• Promoting it on podcasts (yours or as a guest on others).

There are many other ways, all of which we cover in Section Five
and Six. The goal of promoting your event is to draw as many
people to your live webinar as possible. More registrants mean
more attendees, which means more people see your offer, and
more people become clients or customers.

The Webinar
Unlike other live events, you don’t have to worry about booking
a conference room or other large venue. Because everything
is online, hundreds or thousands of people can attend using a
webinar software program. Webinars help you scale without more

Step 3: Run Your Webinar

Share your screen with slides, record the presentation, and deliver
as much value as possible to your live audience during the event.
If it’s a sales webinar, attendees have the opportunity to buy
your offer as soon as you make it, which is usually around the
forty-five-minute mark. Suppose it’s an AMA-style (Ask-Me-
Anything) webinar. In that case, you can go unscripted and answer
your audience’s questions on a specific topic. This usually happens
after a sales webinar and is used to dismantle objections and get
attendees to purchase your offer.

Pros of Live Webinars

• Live, in-person engagement.

• Higher attendance rates than automated events.
• Higher conversion rates than automated events.

Cons of Live Webinars

• Trading your time for revenue (not scalable).

• Must be in front of your computer to run them.

Automated Webinars
While live webinars yield many benefits, there’s another way
successful entrepreneurs are using webinars—with automation.
Automated webinars are pre-recorded events from past live
webinars or separate video files that you upload into your webinar
software. They are also known as “evergreen” webinars.

The most significant benefit of automated webinars is that they
generate leads and customers daily without forcing you to sit in
front of a computer to run the events.
Automated webinars allow you to run events continuously,
so you can spend your time doing other business activities or
spending more time with family. They have the look and feel of
being live without you having to show up for your online audience.
This allows you to have nearly the same engagement as a
live webinar, along with the feel of a live event, without being
forced to run the same event over and over. Our customers also
use evergreen webinars to bring new customers aboard, create
evergreen courses, run automated sales funnels, and much more.
Running automated webinars follows the same easy three-step
process for live events. The only difference is that you upload your
pre-recorded video instead of going live, and you have multiple
time options for attendees to register. The nice thing about these
webinars is that attendees can register and show up when it’s most
convenient for them.

Pros of Automated Webinars

• Build trust, sales, and leads 24/7/365.

• Scalable, which will help you avoid burnout.
• Don’t require you to show up live every day.

Cons of Automated Webinars

• Lower attendance rate.

• Lower engagement.
• Lower conversion rate.

While automation does pose some cons, I think they are far
outweighed by the pros.


Which webinar is suitable for you?

Live Webinar
Live webinars are right for you if you:

• Are comfortable running live events.

• Want to test new offers and see what works and what
• Desire to engage with your audience to learn more about
their pain points.
• Have the time to run live events (example: John Lee Dumas
used to run one every Friday).
• Want to test different webinar ideas to see what converts
the best for use in an automated funnel in the future.

Here are some examples of top EasyWebinar clients and case

studies using live and automated webinars.

Amy Porterfield
Amy Porterfield is a well-known authority in the digital marketing
space, named by Forbes as one of the Top Fifty Social Media Power
Influencers. She is the creator of the Online Marketing Made Easy
podcast. She’s also a webinar guru who is no stranger to massive
Each year, Amy runs several live webinar launches for her
signature programs, Digital Course Academy, and other online
programs like List-Builders Society. Both of them do multiple six-

The Webinar
or seven-figure launches, thanks to her massive email list and high
webinar conversion rates!

Automated Webinar
Automated webinars are right for you if you:

• Have a proven offer that converts.

• Are ready to scale using paid ads and automation.
• Don’t want to deliver the same training over and over again.
• Have a team that can help ongoing students enroll in your

Here are a few successful examples of business owners using

automated webinars with our software.

Tanya Aliza
Tanya Aliza is a business coach who helps entrepreneurs and
network marketers design a lifestyle they love. After reading The
4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss in 2009, she launched her first
online business a year later.
Fast-forward more than a decade, and she is a successful online
marketer and business coach. Today, Tanya works hard—for two
hours per day. That’s right, Tanya averages about ten hours of
work per week!
Tanya has several digital courses and automated webinars that
enable her to work less. She’s created the life of her dreams and has
made it her mission to help as many other entrepreneurs as
She sold that course through webinars, and her first launch
yielded $256,000! Now, she’s consistently doing launches and
growing her empire with automated webinars.

Dave and Amy McCready
Meet Dave and Amy McCready of Positive Parenting Solutions.
Like many entrepreneurs who run live webinars, there wasn’t
enough time in the day for all the webinars they wanted to run.
Amy taught the content of their course in person at churches and
events, but she wasn’t making much money. She knew their
content could change the lives of families everywhere but didn’t
know much about digital marketing—yet.
Everything changed when they learned the power of SEO,
blogging, paid traffic, and webinars. In the last ten years, they’ve
been able to reach hundreds of thousands of people with webinars
and get between one and two thousand individuals per day into
their sales funnel. This leads to their signature course, priced
between $200 and $250.

Final Thoughts
Instead of asking which is better—live or automated webinars—
ask yourself why you shouldn’t use both.
At the end of the day, each can help you share your message,
engage with your audience, and sell your products. The truth is—
live and automated webinars pair up like peanut butter and jelly.
With over eleven thousand customers using our EasyWebinar
platform, I know firsthand that nearly every business can benefit
from both. Each has a time and place for your goals—more leads
and revenue so you can create more freedom and impact.
With the right webinar platform, you don’t have to choose one
or the other. One of the best strategies I’ve seen with successful
EasyWebinar clients is to run live events first to see what works
and what doesn’t. You can automate the highest-converting
webinar after streaming a set number of live webinars (three to
five, for example).
This automated webinar funnel will help you earn revenue
without having to run live webinars every day. As your offer

The Webinar
evolves, you can test new live webinars and see if you can create
one that converts at a higher rate than before. It’s all about testing
and seeing what works best for your audience.
When both are used correctly, they can play an integral role in
growing your business. We’ll ascend from the easiest to the most
complex webinars throughout the rest of this book. Even if you’re
new to webinars, I promise I’ll make it easy for you to understand
how to use live and automated webinars.
Before automating, let’s first delve into the world of live webinars.

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Fail-Proof Strategies to
Crush Your First Webinar
Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.
—Neale Donald Walsch

B efore showing you the first webinar formula, I want to

address something you’re probably feeling. It’s that pit
in your stomach that makes you feel slightly overwhelmed,
panicked, or nervous about running webinars. If you’re like
most entrepreneurs, you’re likely thinking this all sounds great.
Webinars can help you earn more money, help more people, yet
you’re worried about running them. Or you’re concerned about the
technical requirements. Or both.
These feelings are entirely natural.
Being nervous when starting out is part of the process. Feeling
nervous is natural. When you feel nervous your brain is trying
to keep you safe, keep you from failing. If you recognize your
nervousness as just a feeling you can push it aside and try something
new. This is your brain trying to keep you safe—preventing you
from running webinars and taking risks in front of the public.
Yes—people will judge you. Asking them not to judge you is like
asking dogs not to bark; it will not happen. But at the same time,
attendees could potentially learn something from you that might
change their lives. So ask yourself what’s more important? Sharing
your gifts with the world? Or living in fear of what complete
strangers think about you?
As long as you have the right mindset, you can learn to embrace
the discomfort and move past it. I did. In fact, I know many of our
users still get nervous after having done hundreds of webinars.

The Webinar
Even I get a little nervous myself, but I know that it will all work out
if I maintain sincerity and value. I know that it’s worth it to step
outside my comfort zone and share my knowledge with others.

7 Webinar Best Practices

Once you have the right mindset, check out some of my best
practices to make your early webinars less stressful and more fun.

1. Practice, Practice, Practice

If you’ve ever given a presentation in college or at work, you know
preparation is everything. As Benjamin Franklin once said, “By
failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” The same goes for
running successful webinars.
Think about it. Most webinars last between thirty and sixty
minutes, which is a lot of time for most entrepreneurs to talk non-
stop. I highly recommend going through your webinar several
times in advance. Whether you choose to create slides or go with a
general outline, complete several test runs on the days leading up
to the event.
Find out if there are “trouble” sectors of the presentation so you
can fix them before going live. Rehearse the event’s timing.
Somewhere around the forty-five-minute mark, the webinar
should transition to your offer.
Practice this part the most. Ensure a smooth transition from
teaching to offering your solution. Make it feel natural to increase
conversions and get people enrolled at the end of the webinar.

2. Know Your Attendees
Knowing your audience before creating your materials and going
live is crucial.
Here are some questions to ask yourself before you create
webinar materials:

1. Who is the audience attending my webinar?

2. What are their most significant pain points and challenges?
3. What are their goals?
4. How can I help them during the webinar and offer a solution
for their pain?

Once you can confidently answer these questions, customize

your content and make sure it speaks directly to them. People have
extremely short attention spans, so your content needs to match
your audience, or else they’ll sign off.

3. Have An Easy-to-Follow Slideshow

Your webinar slide deck is an essential part of the presentation:
it’s your roadmap.
Here are a few best practices for your deck:

• Create consistent branding across all slides. Make sure your

logo and picture are on the beginning slides, and the logo is
shown throughout the presentation.
• Clean format. Make sure your presentation is easy to read
with large text, themed colors, and clear images.
• Don’t add fluff to make it longer. Stick to the point and make
it worthwhile for the audience. Longer doesn’t mean better!

The Webinar
4. Always Start on Time
Your webinar attendees are busy people. Don’t give them a bad
first impression of yourself or your business by running late.
Always start your event on time! If your webinar is supposed to
begin at 2:00 p.m., make sure you’re ready at 1:45. Spend the extra
fifteen minutes rehearsing, testing your equipment, and putting
yourself in the right frame of mind.
Once it’s 2:00 p.m., it’s time to go live with your audience. As an
attendee, there isn’t anything more frustrating than waiting on a
hold screen. Control what you can and show up early. If you’re
late, you’re probably going to lose out on sales.

5. Grab Audience Attention Quickly

I love webinars because they hold people’s attention much longer
than most media, even in today’s society. But if you start out dull,
you’re going to lose attendees quickly.
It takes only a few clicks to convince people to leave a webinar, so
you need to seize their attention and hold it. Hook them early and
tell them precisely what they will learn during the presentation.
Also, let them know why it’s essential to stay until the end for a
one-time bonus offer. Do your best to keep your energy high and
make this sound exciting for users.

6. Accept That Things Will Almost Always Go Wrong

Even though I’m confident that our software will deliver an
impressive webinar, unfortunate events will sometimes happen. If
you’re a beginner, definitely expect things to happen. Your Wi-Fi
could go down, your laptop battery could die, your microphone
could stop working—lots of things could happen. It’s what you do
in those moments that will brace your mental fortitude and push
you past your comfort zone.
Think about a newscaster who slips during coverage yet remains
calm and collected. You need to have the same attitude, regardless

of what happens during your webinar. Mistakes are part of doing
business. Stay positive and focus on serving your attendees.
If something does happen, stick to the script, laugh it off, and
have fun. Remember that we are all human—nothing ever goes
perfectly. Give yourself a break, have fun, and focus on providing
your audience as much value as possible.

7. Nail Your Sales Pitch

The last major tip for crushing your first webinar is to make
sure you own the final fifteen minutes when you transition from
training to pitching. What you do and say will play a big part in
how many people sign up for the webinar. Otherwise, you have to
chase them down, spend money retargeting, and have a future
follow-up sequence. But don’t worry—I’ll cover all the specifics of
each formula, so you know exactly what you need to do.

If you’re a new webinar user, I’m excited for you to start streaming
live webinars. Once you get a few webinars completed, you will
see how much they can impact your audience and business.
Unplanned things can happen, so don’t get flustered or stressed
during a webinar. It’s never the end of the world. Focus on
delivering value and helping users solve their problems. I promise
if you do that, you can become an expert in no time.

Get more resources and book bonuses by going to

Sales Webinars: 6-Step Framework
for Making More Money
Sales are contingent on the attitude of the salesmen,
not the attitude of the prospect.
—W. Clement Stone

N ow it’s time to learn all about sales webinars.

This might be one of my favorite formulas and possibly the
most important part of the book.
Sales webinars changed my life and business, so I know they can
work for you, too.
Once you get the hang of running webinars using the “no-pitch”
formula for list-building, eventually, you’ll need to sell something.
That’s where sales webinars come in.
While there are some similarities with no-pitch webinars, there is,
of course, one big difference—the pitch! These are webinars where
you sell online courses, memberships, and coaching at the end.

What is a Sales Webinar?

A sales webinar is an informative webinar that usually lasts
between forty-five and ninety minutes. The sweet spot tends to be
about an hour in length.
Here’s how it looks:

1. Create “buzz” for your webinar.

2. Get personal during the introduction.
3. Deliver valuable webinar content.
4. Bridge your offer after providing value.

5. Hold a Q&A session when the webinar is over.
6. End your webinar like a pro.

What Can You Sell During a Sales Webinar?

Sales webinars work for several types of offers, including one-on-
one coaching, group coaching, online courses, and memberships.
When you follow my 6-step webinar framework, I am confident
you can create your first sales webinar and scale your revenue like
never before.

6 Steps to a High-Converting Sales Webinar

Running an awesome webinar is about creating a great experience
for the user. While the goal is to sell your offer, you need to focus
on the attendee to create the most effective event.
Here is my proven, 6-step strategy to create a high-converting
sales webinar.

Step 1 – Create Buzz For Your Webinar

The first step—create some excitement about your upcoming
Creating buzz for your webinar happens before your webinar
date and in the first few minutes of the presentation. To convince
people to attend, you need to drive traffic to your webinar
registration page. The goal is to excite people when they think
about the potential transformation they can receive.

Part I: Drive Traffic to Your Webinar Registration Page

Two primary ways of driving registrants to your webinar are paid
ads and organic traffic. Here are some of the most common sources
of traffic (this is a mere snippet of advice; Section Five dives into
all of these strategies):

The Webinar
• Email list. Your email list is the warmest kind of lead. They
likely have a solid know-like-trust factor with you. Simply
shoot an email to your list to let them know about your latest
and greatest training. That will help get people excited
about attending. The webinar topic should address an issue
they’re struggling with. They should feel as though you
created it just for them!
• Social media. In addition to your email list, another great
source of registrants is your followers on social media. You
can invite attendees from every platform by directing them
to the registration page. This is a great way to convert fans,
followers, and subscribers into people on your email list.
• Facebook Ads. Facebook ads continue to be one of the top
ways for enticing people to sign up for your webinar. You
can use Facebook ads to place your message in front of cold
traffic, retarget, and even remind people to attend your
webinar. You can create Instagram ads using your Facebook
ads manager as well.
• LinkedIn. LinkedIn is another excellent way to generate
buzz and get people to your webinar. You can run ads, post
updates, engage in groups, and more.

Some other popular ways include a Twitter hashtag specific to

your webinar, email list, and YouTube. Get creative. Draw on all
your followers to generate interest in your upcoming webinar. This
is merely an overview that details how you can drive traffic to the
webinar. Once you learn this process, you’ll get all my strategies
for list-building and social media traffic later in the book.

Part II: Grab Their Attention Early in the Webinar

Once you get people to your webinar, it’s time to capture their
attention. As the host, it’s your job to keep people actively engaged
with your webinar. With many distractions, notifications, and

updates, you need to capture your audience early. If you don’t,
they may sign off and never hear your pitch.
How do you keep their attention?
Begin by creating a buzz with your introductory slides. Call out
to your ideal customer very early. Not everyone on the webinar
will be a perfect fit for your offer, and that’s okay. You would
rather have a smaller, more engaged audience that is an ideal fit for
your program, as opposed to people who are vaguely interested in
your offer.
I usually draw two to three types of people to my webinar. I call
them out individually early in the presentation. For example, let’s
say I’m running a webinar to help struggling coaches scale their
businesses. In the first few slides, I’ll say something like:
Title of Slide: Who This Training is For:

• Burnt out coaches who are tired of working twelve-

hour days.
• Someone stuck in a nine-to-five job who wants to monetize
their passion as a coach.

Have some version of this sentence, so you speak to them

directly: “If you’re a (insert types of people in your audience), this
training is for you.”
Speaking to your target audience will help you get the attention
of the people that need it most. It will help you build excitement
for your webinar and get them actively engaged early.

Part III: Create Buzz During the Webinar

During the buzz, keep up the momentum and enthusiasm. Think
about musicals where the performers are in the audience connecting
with people before the performance begins. For instance, in the
musical Cats, the performers dressed up as cats prowled through
the audience to excite them about the coming show. That’s what
your buzz is supposed to do.

The Webinar
At the beginning of your show build that excitement and energy.
Who are your viewers? I always ask which people are new to my
broadcast and who has listened to it before. This builds
relationships and shows that I genuinely care about everyone who
is signing on.

Part IV: Set Expectations

You want to become a successful entrepreneur who crushes it with
webinars, right?
Then understand these words: anticipation and expectation.
Let your viewers know what they will be learning at the beginning
and throughout the event. Here’s something I sometimes say at the
beginning of my webinars to ignite anticipation:

By the end of this webinar, you’ll learn how you can use this
three-part system of selling your products and services to a
hungry audience within forty-eight hours.

Let them know what they can expect. Future-pace them so they
understand why they should stay through the end. Also, tell them
that they will receive “XYZ transformation” or other gifts if they
do stick around. Dangling a carrot entices them to stay longer—
which means more people will see your pitch.
Overall, the buzz should last for the first five or ten minutes.
After that, you should drop your energy, but make sure your first
slides are captivating.

Step 2 – Get Personal During the Introduction

One of the most important things I’ve learned from running
hundreds, if not thousands, of webinars is that people buy on
emotion. People won’t buy your offer because of the benefits of an
online course, coaching, or membership. You might now be
thinking, wait . . . what?!

No—people want results more than anything, and your offer is
how they obtain those results. It’s up to you to position the results,
not the offer itself. Your course, membership, or coaching is simply
the vehicle that will allow them to achieve those results. People buy
based on what their life could be like, if and when they get a
meaningful transformation.
In most cases, you are probably selling a digital product because
you found success and want to help others with your framework.
If that’s so, share your story early in the introduction. Ask them to
stick around to learn the full transformation and give them a brief
snippet of your own journey.

Share Your Story

Although getting personal with a group of strangers on the internet
might first feel awkward, I promise it’s worth it. People want to
know the nitty-gritty details because chances are good they are
experiencing much of what you went through. The details you
share should be relatable. This is the point in the webinar where
you share your story and let them know who you are. Audiences
want to learn how your success story relates to them.
I often give details about when I started online in 2011. I had
created a YouTube course but couldn’t make money online. I was
transitioning from a real estate job. I share details about how one
year I made $250,000, the next I made $15,000. I could barely pay
the bills and was afraid of losing my house.
Then I pivot and introduce the “comeback” story. Think of
this like the training montage you see in every Rocky movie. Cue
the music, the training, and the courage to keep going. This is
the pivotal moment where the seed has been planted, and the
transformation begins.
In my case, it was webinars. I share how one day I started using
a webinar to sell my program. I created a video on YouTube that
invited viewers to register for my webinar. That began driving

The Webinar
traffic. Next, I describe what has happened since to illustrate the
positive ripple effect in my life and business.
Show social proof. Show them why you’re the expert who can
help them get out of the pain they’re currently in. I often share my
story as a failed mortgage broker and a failed actor in my
presentations. But then I talk about events at which I’ve spoken and
various successes I’ve had because they need to know I’m an
expert, and I know what I’m talking about.
As uncomfortable as it might be, you need to talk about yourself
to build trust and rapport with your audience. Unfortunately,
many of us shy away from that because we feel like we’re sharing
too much of ourselves. It’s not bragging. You’re simply letting
them know who you are so they can trust you.
This is the part of the webinar where you bridge a connection
between yourself and the attendees. Describe the transformational
arc of your story succinctly and effectively. The more you run
webinars, the more you’ll begin to fine-tune your story and make
it so powerful they’ll be glued to the rest of your presentation.

Tap Into Their Imagination

You should have a relatable story, so they compare themselves to
you. “If this person can do it, I can, too.” People need to visualize
themselves in the arc of your transformation and begin imagining
their own futures. Use words and phrases like “imagine” or “think
for a moment what your life would be like if this happened.”
These phrases will help tap their emotions and invigorate their
imagination. They should fall into a daydream about how great it
would be for them to achieve similar results. As Albert Einstein
said, “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you
In my own experience working with top EasyWebinar clients like
Amy Porterfield, I’ve found that you need to connect with the heart
first, then reason and logic. I begin by inspiring attendees to

dream and think big about what kind of transformation my offer
can provide.
To help tell your story better, step back to where you were before
you found the answer. Think about how you solved those
problems. The more you relate to your audience, the more likely
they will stay with you and listen to your pitch.
People are following you or are on your email list because some
part of them wants to be just like you and enjoy the same results.
Chances are good that 99 percent of your audience is in that part of
their journey right now. Persuade them that if they can only get
past certain obstacles, they, too, with your help, can accomplish
what you have.

Use Social Proof

The last aspect of getting personal is sharing testimonials or success
stories early in the workshop. Social proof has a significant effect on
enticing people to buy, so seed examples throughout your
Don’t stop with the sharing of your own story. If possible, share
the stories of your past coaching students, colleagues, and
individuals who have already completed your program.

Step 3 – Deliver Epic Webinar Content

Once you have delivered an inspirational introduction, it’s time to
dig into the core part of your training. This is the part of the sales
webinar where you teach a few lessons and deliver on your
webinar’s promise.
Share the shifts you’ve had over the past few years, and give
them valuable nuggets of wisdom. Your webinar topic should
directly relate to your online course, coaching, or membership site.
The core content should last about thirty minutes and provide
enough value that even if people don’t buy your product, they still
learn something new.

The Webinar
This is where to roll out your best stuff. Think of the webinar as
the movie’s trailer and your offer as the feature film.
Pull out all the stops. Provide them with a lot of actionable
content. This is also your opportunity to connect with your
audience’s reason and logic. When you told your personal story,
you connected with them on an emotional level. When you share
your content, be sure to focus on logic.
Think about it like this—what is the problem, and what are you
Webinars and online events have gotten huge in the last several
years. Webinars are a billion-dollar industry, and everyone is using
them, such as HubSpot, the National Association of Realtors, and
the University of Southern California.
I like to present statistics, marketing data, and research to support
my case. This is where you begin identifying the problem and
hinting at a solution. Back up your statements with statistics and
case studies, which are compelling and speak to your audience’s
logical, analytical side.
Be sure not to talk “at” them. Instead, encourage them to follow
along and take action on various things. For example, I sometimes
have people go to their YouTube channel to follow along while I
The middle part of your webinar is for tantalizing the audience
and giving them a glimpse of your offer. A valuable format is to
tease out the best lessons from your course under rubrics like “5
Shifts to XYZ” or “3 Things I Learned to XYZ.”
All this occurs while you hint at your solution—your solution is
your product. By having a set number of lessons, you can keep
your webinar under an hour but still provide a good deal of helpful
information for everyone who attends.

Step 4 – Present the Solution (Bridge Your Offer)
Once you have taught for thirty to forty minutes, it’s time to bridge
your offer as the solution. Depending on how you feel about
selling, this part might feel awkward at first. But I promise, the
more often you run webinars, the easier it will become.
To make this segment more manageable, seed your offer
throughout the webinar in a non-sales way. Mention it in
testimonials or share how it incorporates certain things you’re
teaching. Then, once you present your offer, it will feel more
natural and not careen from teaching into hard-selling.
During the webinar, you should have been giving valuable
lessons about how you overcame a specific problem. If you have,
you can easily bring up your program as the “how”—by using it,
they can obtain similar results.
Your webinar teaches what they need to do to achieve results, but
your offer is how they get the results. Teach the what, not the how.
If you try to teach the how of your event, you will probably
overwhelm more than help them. And overwhelmed people
seldom buy.
Now is the time to pitch your offer.

The Close and the Pitch

The close and the pitch contain the solution to this specific problem.
Highlight the product’s benefit. Wait . . . what?
People often highlight the product’s benefit instead of highlighting
the benefit of obtaining the benefit. I could tell you the Social Share
feature of EasyWebinar brings you 10 to 15 percent more viral
traffic, but that doesn’t tell you the benefit of the benefit. The
advantage of the benefit is that you could get an extra 10 to 15
percent viral traffic, which gets more people to your webinars and
essentially sells more of your product.
An excellent way to talk about this principle is by using the “So
That” method. For example, in module one, we cover mindset so

The Webinar
that you can learn how to think like an entrepreneur and make your
success inevitable.
You must always arrive at the ultimate goal, which, in my case,
is selling more products, making more money, so that you can have
more free time to do what you want. This is what really matters to
your attendees. They want results, not modules and lessons.
After your pitch, showcase testimonials and case studies. By
sharing testimonials, you will establish credibility and help them
relate to individuals you’ve worked with in the past.

Call to Action
Next is the call to action, also called the close and pitch.
This is where you present a price breakdown of your product:
“We normally sell this for $X, but for the people on this call, we are
selling it for $Y.” This is where you really make the final call to
action. The offer should almost sell itself if you’ve followed all the
previous steps.
Don’t forget, your offer should solve their biggest problem.
I also like to give an ultimatum to help people decide. Because
ultimately, that’s what I want them to do—decide. Whether they
enroll or not doesn’t matter as much as making a decision one way
or another.
Here’s what I like to say:

You can do this stuff yourself, or you can come through and
implement it at a much faster rate, which will, in turn, produce
a greater result in a shorter period.

This is my call to action when I encounter people undecided

about purchasing.
Having testimonials and case studies is great, but hero stories are
really compelling.

You could say something like:

Before someone went through my program, they were at this

point. After completing my program, they had two thousand
leads. Now their life is like. . . .

Position your past clients as the true heroes of the story, not you.
Describe where your students were before your offer, where they
are after, and the positive ripple effect on their life. Find those little
things to excite people about the opportunity to work with you.

To convince users to take action and buy on the webinar, offer
valuable bonuses after your pitch. These should be additional
pieces of training that fill gaps in your content.
Ideally, these should be paid offers like an e-book, a
complementary course, coaching call(s), and the like. Bonuses can
make or break the sale, so stack them and include the price of each
offer. This will increase the higher perceived value of your entire
If your bonuses are worth more than the course and can help
your students, they will be more motivated to invest and enroll.
These fast-action bonuses expire once the webinar is over, so
emphasize and reiterate that to your audience.
Share positive testimonials and case studies from past students
during this time. Social proof can help people relate to past clients
and make them more inclined to take action.

Step 5 – Run a Q&A After the Pitch

Once you’ve had time to explain your offer and showcase
testimonials, hold a Q&A session with the audience. During this
time, the “Buy Now” button is on the screen, and you are
answering their questions.

The Webinar
In the Q&A, address any objections to the sale so they feel
confident and ready to buy. If you have a guarantee on your
product, mention this as well.
You won’t have a live audience if you are doing automated
webinars. But don’t be concerned—you can still handle objections
even in an evergreen webinar. To do this, simply create a list of ten
of the most commonly asked questions. Many of these may already
be on your sales page. Also, think back to the questions you had a
few years ago.
Aside from FAQs, you should also include ten SAQs (Should-
Ask Questions). SAQs should address fundamental issues like who
the offer is for, how it can help, and other questions you may have
learned while creating your course.
Again, this is the time to knock out potential objections holding
buyers back. If they have any doubts, they probably won’t buy on
the spot. But address as much as possible to make them feel more

Step 6 – End Your Webinar Like a Pro

The final step to running a sales webinar is to end your webinar
like a pro. Each webinar format is different, but sales webinars
should generally be around sixty minutes.
If you’re running your first webinar, you may wonder how you
bring it to a close.
First, I suggest thanking people who have joined during your
webinar. Thank buyers and ask people to hit the chatbox, letting
you know they joined. List buyers by name so other people will see
that fellow attendees are signing up now. This will create some
FOMO from the rest of your audience—it will also make them
excited to buy your offer.
Next, simply announce that the fast-action bonuses are going away,
and the webinar will soon end. Remind them they will get even more
results than they did in the webinar by purchasing your offer.

I always like to frame it as:

You can get these results on your own, but it could take two to
three years, as it did with me. Or you can come into the
program and get the step-by-step guide and fast-track your

I’ve found this is a great way to pull people off the fence and into
the program. Suppose you’ve been doing webinars for a while and
know that people are buying. In that case, you can turn screen
capture on and show notifications of people buying. This is more
social proof to persuade people to join your program.
I also have a count-down timer that shows a declining number of
bonuses—that helps create scarcity and urgency. Sometimes you
have to offer something now; otherwise, they won’t come through.
And if you don’t get any buyers yet, I recommend analyzing
your webinar and figuring out ways to improve it. If you’re just
getting started, you won’t always have buyers, and that’s okay.
But learn from each event and figure out where you can improve
conversion rates.

Hopefully, my 6-step framework has given you everything you
need to launch a high-converting sales webinar. While it might feel
like a lot to take in right now, remember that the more webinars
you run, the easier it gets. The sooner you learn this process, the
sooner you can begin hitting your goals and impacting people with
your offer.
Coming from me, someone who started poorly with these
webinars—and hated selling—my advice is to have patience and
keep going. Eventually, you will find your stride and have
enormous success with this process.

The Webinar
Here is a quick recap of how to run high-converting sales

1. Create “buzz” for your webinar. Use organic and paid ads
to draw as many people to your webinar as possible. You
need people to sign up and attend to make the webinar
machine work. Think of yourself like a hype man before an
opening act. Promote yourself aggressively to excite people
into signing up. Then, create a buzz in the first five minutes
of signing on to seize their attention and energize them
about the webinar.
2. Get personal during the intro. Once you share your
gratitude and enthusiasm with them for attending, it’s time
to get personal. This part of your webinar will persuade
your audience to trust you. Share your transformation with
them and make it relatable so they can see themselves in
your journey.
3. Deliver epic webinar content. Once you’ve shared your
story, give them valuable knowledge during the middle
of the webinar. While you don’t want to overshare, make
sure they take away tangible advice. Your webinar should
be so good that even if people don’t buy, they leave better
equipped than when they arrived.
4. Bridge your offer after providing value. Around the forty-
minute mark, begin the transition from teaching to pitching
your proposal. Make this a natural progression (don’t hard-
sell), use social proof and testimonials from past clients, and
preview the offer.
5. Q&A after the webinar is over. Once you’ve soft-pitched
your offer, hold a Q&A session with your live audience. If
you are automated, have ten FAQs and SAQs at the ready,
so you can help answer questions about your offer.
6. End your webinar like a pro. Toward the sixty-minute mark,
wrap up your webinar, confirm the fast-action bonuses, the

enrollment deadline, and encourage people to sign up now.
Finally, thank them for spending time with you and give
them a clear next step, such as following you on a specific
social media platform or sharing their most significant
takeaway from your webinar with their Facebook group.

I hope this helps you create a “killer” sales webinar that people
enjoy watching. I hope it grows your business as well. Don’t forget,
there are lots of ways to keep scaling once you have a great live
webinar. We’ll cover that throughout the remainder of this book.

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How to Build Scalable Systems
Without Hustling

W elcome to the third section, where you will learn how to

massively scale your business without being in front of
your computer. This section is about generating more leads, sales,
and impact without more hustle. Sorry, Gary Vee.
If you’re like most overworked coaches and course creators, you
might want to hear more. As an entrepreneur, your time is insanely
valuable. While I love streaming live webinars, there is one major
downside to them: you have to be in front of your computer to
make them run.
You are the glue holding live webinars together. Without you,
it’s just a bunch of people staring at an empty screen. My biggest
issue with live webinars is that they aren’t scalable like their
counterparts, automated webinars.
Automated webinars allow you to stop trading your time for
money. They allow you to receive all the benefits of streaming live
webinars without logging into your computer at a particular time,
ready to teach. Instead, they work even when you’re sleeping.
I like to think of them as automation with integrity. They allow
you to scale the intimacy of live webinars while automating the
engagement. That’s the part I can’t stress here enough here—
The last thing you want to do with automation is dupe your
audience into thinking it’s a live webinar. Think of yourself as
Spider-Man. I’m Uncle Ben saying the celebrated line, “With great
power comes great responsibility.”

Casey Zeman

Because it’s true. As an entrepreneur, you have a moral obligation

to do the right thing. Being shady and sleazy is a quick way to lose
all credibility with your audience and damage your brand forever.
It’s not worth it, no matter how much short-term revenue you
might be able to generate.
If you cut corners and become an overnight success, you’ll likely
lose the trust of your audience. Trust is tough to reclaim. Deploy
the right strategies and automate your webinars the right way. If
you’re reading this book, I’m not too worried because I know you
have plenty of moral fiber and plan to use your gifts to improve
the world.
That being said, I love automation. Automation can change your
business and impact more people than you ever thought possible
when used correctly. But it must be done correctly. That’s what this
entire section is all about.
Before tearing into the best strategies for automated webinars,
let’s begin with more information about the power of automated
webinars, why automated engagement works better than other
media, and let’s remove any negative stigmas associated with them. I
think you will be shocked at the potential. You will begin to see
how these tools can help you massively scale your business—fast!

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Automated Webinar 101
Success is doing what you want, when you want, where you
want, with whom you want, as much as you want.
—Tony Robbins

C hances are, you got into entrepreneurship because you:

• Love helping people with your expertise.

• Don’t enjoy the structure of a typical nine-to-five job.
• Want the freedom to do what you want when you want
to do it.

Sound about right? I fully understand.

When I launched my online business after the 2008 recession, I
was determined to make it work at whatever cost. I had to make it
work to avoid going back to corporate America. I wanted to spend
more time with my family and impact people with my business.
Still, I definitely wasn’t living the “laptop lifestyle” when I started.
No—I was stressed, anxious, learning as much as possible, but
barely keeping my dreams of entrepreneurship alive.
If you were like me when I started, achieving freedom isn’t
always easy. If it were, no one would work at a regular nine-to-
five. Everyone would work for themselves. But the truth is that it’s
a lot harder than most people think because it requires constant
attention, especially in the beginning. As Richard Branson said,
“Entrepreneurship isn’t just a label; it’s a lifestyle.”
While the goal of digital entrepreneurship sounds great in
theory, sadly, most people don’t attain it. Most beginning course
creators and coaches work sixty to eighty hours a week, earn very

little money and rely on truckloads of caffeine to keep their dreams
Imagine if the opposite were true?
Imagine being able to spend more time with your family, doing
what you love, creating your own schedule, and still making sales
without struggling to find reliable Wi-Fi and a quiet space to run
live webinars.
How different would your life look if you made your business
run like a machine? How much more time would you have to spend,
time with your family, or to work on other areas of your business?
I know. It probably sounds too good to be true. It probably
sounds like one of those social media ads promising the world.
The ones that promise seemingly everything without doing any
real work are based on Tim Ferriss’s classic, The 4-Hour Workweek.
But automated webinars can help make this all happen. Before
digging into them, let me share my story about automated webinars
to show you what’s possible.
In 2015, my wife and I adopted two young boys from Haiti. At
the time, we had never been to that country and had no clue what
to expect. To make a long story short, the adoption process isn’t
easy, especially in a Third-World country. We didn’t know we
would visit more times than we could count over the next few
months. It seemed like it was more paperwork, more struggle, and
more stress for both of us each time. The process consumed every
ounce of our energy for nearly a year.
At the time, I was starting to scale EasyWebinar with a remote
team worldwide. So did my business collapse with the back-and-
forth travel?
Thankfully, no. It actually thrived, thanks to automated webinars.
We quickly shifted our business model from live webinars to
automated webinars for our higher-ticket courses and coaching.
Since the internet was unreliable in Haiti and my schedule was
unpredictable, I needed automation to keep the business running.

The Webinar
Even as I write this part of the book, I’m grateful for how automated
webinars have helped me scale and impact many entrepreneurs.
Without them, I would have been even more stressed. I remain
unsure how my business would have worked during the adoption
process without them. Thankfully, it all worked out. Now we have
a beautiful family, and I am blessed to have them in my life.
As you can tell, automated webinars let you scale your system
without trading your time for money. Unlike live webinars, which
only work if you are present to run them, these webinars work
even when you aren’t. At EasyWebinar, we have clients generating
insane amounts of revenue from evergreen webinars every day. I’ll
showcase clients like Dave McCready, Kim Constable, and others
throughout this section.
The best part? Some of their programs are under $300, while
some are $997 and above. That’s right—you can generate consistent
income month after month on autopilot, even with a low-ticket
offer. You can also use automated webinars to generate high-ticket
sales as well. In this section, we’ll cover everything you need to
know about creating and running successful automated webinars.

What is an Automated Webinar?

Automated webinars are pre-recorded webinar funnels that
generate leads and customers daily while leveraging your time.
Automated webinars allow you to sell everything 24/7/365 without
having to be in front of the computer.
Here’s how it works.

Why You Should Start Using Automated

Look and Feel of Live Webinars

Automated webinars have the look and feel of being live without
you being there, making them the best of both worlds. As we
covered in Section Two, live webinars are a tool that can help your
business in multiple ways—and convert higher than other
Automated webinars produce engagement similar to that of a
live webinar. They have the feel of a live webinar, and you aren’t
stuck in front of the computer. You can use evergreen webinars to
onboard customers, create evergreen digital courses, run
automated sales funnels, and much more.
The process for running automated webinars is similar to
streaming live webinars. In fact, the only difference is that you can
host the webinar continuously. All you need is a pre-recorded
video to upload instead of running the webinar live. The webinar
streams in real-time, with a live event’s look, feel, and experience.
Not only will it stream at a specific time, but it will actually stream
in real-time. If someone comes late, they miss part of the
This real-time streaming creates a sense of urgency in your
marketing. It demands a commitment from registrants to attend
the event. This is something video conferencing can’t create if
you’re simply using a tool like Zoom.

Reach a Larger Audience

One of the downsides to live webinars is syncing up a time that
works for you and the attendees. This is infinitely harder with a
worldwide audience. Luckily, automated webinars allow you to
access a larger audience because you can stream in your attendee’s

The Webinar
local time zone. You won’t miss out on leads and sales because
someone lives in a different time zone than you.
If you have a worldwide audience, they can conveniently access
your events. This is a game-changer and it can have a considerable
impact on your audience and business!

Repurpose Your Live Webinars

I’m all about repurposing content, and I hope you see that in this
book. As a beginning entrepreneur, you are likely trying to do
everything from recording content, creating slides, scheduling
social media, to building courses. Sometimes it’s easy to feel too
tired to create new content, and your organic lead growth often
But with webinar platforms like EasyWebinar, you can take your
live webinars and immediately convert them into an evergreen
webinar with more than nine different scheduling options. You can
literally turn your live webinar into an evergreen funnel as soon as
your recording is over.
This can often collect more marketing leads and generate more
sales on autopilot. With this system, you can either start an
automated webinar as an automated webinar or convert your live
webinars to automated ones. You can then repurpose the content
for social media, email marketing, and more.

Automated Webinar versus Webinar Replay

If it’s pre-recorded and not a live presentation, how does that differ
from the replay you can send to your audience?
Good question. In reality, an automated webinar is very different
from a webinar replay.
First, an automated webinar has the look and feel of a live
webinar, meaning if you show up five minutes late, you’ll miss the
first five minutes. Since there is no timer bar at the bottom of

the screen, it forces attendees to register as if it’s live and show up
on time.
The most significant difference between a replay video and the
automated webinar aspect of the software is that an event holds
a higher perceived value than simply a replay video itself. Users
assume if it is a video, they can watch it anytime, which most
attendees never do because there’s no urgency.
However, an automated webinar denotes specific training and
more engagement, including direct questions answered at a
particular time. As you’ll see later in this section, replays can help
your conversions, but only after you’ve had attendees view a live
or automated session.

5 Automated Webinar Pitfalls to Avoid

If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you’re ready to jump in and
create an automated webinar now. Before you do, I want to help
you avoid the pitfalls.
These suggestions will bolster your success as you plan to run
your first evergreen webinar. In addition, I’ll share five of my
biggest tips for creating highly-effective events.
Once you avoid these mistakes, get ready for remarkable results
in your business!

Pitfall 1: Not Knowing Your Numbers

I see this problem among the most successful users of EasyWebinar
above all others.
The answer might surprise you because it’s not:

• Those who have the biggest teams.

• The ones who create the most free content.
• Those who invest the most money on paid advertising.
• The people who have the largest following on social media.

The Webinar
Can all of these factors help you build your business? Sure.
Absolutely. I won’t deny that all of them can and should be a focus
in your business as well. Having a team can help you outsource
specific tasks and widely spread your message. Not to mention that
releasing free and paid content never hurts. Nor does a big
following on social media because of its potential for leading
people to attend webinars.
The biggest thing I notice is that successful entrepreneurs know
their numbers!
They understand their advertising costs, registration rates,
attendance rates, conversion rates, and follow-up sequence
numbers. This allows them to scale, attract more leads, make more
sales, and have a greater impact with their products or services.
When running automated webinars, you need to know your
numbers first and foremost. Otherwise, it’s easy to overspend on
driving traffic via paid ads or hiring more people for your launch
team, only to lose money and suffer from a negative ROI.
Knowing your numbers is step one to running successful
evergreen webinars!

Pitfall 2: Running Too Long

Automated webinars differ from live webinars in how long the
typical user attends. In general, we see automated webinar
attendance drop slightly earlier than in a live webinar. But that’s
no dealbreaker. It’s up to you to respect your time together and
adjust your webinar as needed.
While internet marketing legends like Amy Porterfield can run
ninety-minute webinars and keep people engaged, most coaches
don’t have enough experience to keep people occupied that long.
That’s okay—most Hollywood movies have a tough time keeping
people’s attention that long. When I started running webinars, I
always kept them under an hour and built a six-figure business in
twelve months!

Since people don’t linger on automated webinars for quite as
long, it’s up to you to communicate your main points faster. No
fluff, no BS, just value for your audience. But this doesn’t mean that
you need to come out of the gates selling or rushing your
Instead, each slide needs to be strategically honed to not contain
anything extra. Rehearse your webinar and record it multiple times
before sharing it with your audience. By testing and recording each
webinar, you can find ways to make it more effective.
For most automated of the webinar formulas we’ll cover in this
section, try to keep them under sixty minutes, preferably between
forty- five and fifty-five minutes.

Pitfall 3: Not Setting Deadlines

Once you know your numbers and nail your webinar presentation,
set a firm deadline for your offer. Like live webinars, your
automated webinars need urgency to help attendees take action.
One of the worst things you can do is run a webinar, pitch your
offer, and not set a firm deadline. Your webinar needs to give
people a reason to say yes and provide some sort of deadline to
make a decision.
If you don’t have a deadline, it’s easy for attendees to shrug and
say, “I’ll join someday.” Sadly, someday seldom comes. Instead,
you need a firm deadline for when your cart closes, your offer
increases in price, or the enrollment period ends.
Having a firm deadline helps people decide to buy or not to buy.
Even if they don’t buy, that’s okay—they could become future
buyers. Having a deadline creates urgency and demand for your
The only caveat here is to ensure you don’t build fake urgency.
Here’s what I mean. Don’t say your cart is closing tomorrow,
and then open it again the following week. Don’t say, “prices are
going up tomorrow,” and never raise the price. Your audience is

The Webinar
Tuned in, and they won’t be happy about it. You will lose
credibility with your audience and eventually even your business.
Don’t try to trick your customers.
Buyers are smarter than ever. They will see through the shady
marketing moves. You will instantly lose trust with your audience,
so don’t create fake urgency. Instead, plan your automated
launches strategically to create demand and desire for your offer.
I like to add urgency by using software like Deadline Funnel
when running automated events. Software like this helps you
create automated marketing campaigns that run twenty-four hours
a day. When connecting this type of software with your webinar
software, they can work together to create a customized offer for
each person who clicks specific links. Tracking their unique IP
address helps create a personalized offer, regardless of when they
attend your automated webinar.
You can also connect your email sequence, so each person
receives the offer and unique deadline. It’s a great way to build real
urgency and simultaneously maintain trust with your audience.

Pitfall 4: Forgetting To Follow Up

Another common mistake that many beginning webinar users
make is to forget a strong follow-up sequence. Here’s the thing to
remember: most attendees will not buy on your webinar, especially
if this is your first interaction. But because they don’t buy in the
first hour of meeting you, that doesn’t mean they won’t in the
This is why you need to follow up, provide value, keep selling
long after the webinar is over. When a live webinar is over, send
them three to six emails that tell them more about the offer and
answer their questions. You need to speak to their objections and
share how your offer can help their life or business.

You have something that can help them. It’s up to you to follow
up and let them know how your offer can help move them from
pain to pleasure!
I won’t spend too much time on this pitfall. We have an entire
chapter dedicated to following up in the next section. But
remember, if you create an automated machine that works even
when you don’t, you need to follow up with your attendees!

Pitfall 5: Becoming Complacent

The final pitfall I see among automated webinar users is
Good luck scaling if you become complacent with automated
webinars or with any facet of your business, for that matter. I love
this quote from Andy Grove about the dangers of getting
comfortable: “Success breeds complacency. Complacency breeds
failure. Only the paranoid survive.”
Once you find a webinar that converts and brings in non-stop
sales, it’s easy to think it’ll be like that forever. Who knows? It
might. But in general, it never hurts to keep testing, tweaking, and
trying out new webinar topics, offers, ads, different copy, and so
forth. The most successful webinar experts always test, tweak, and
have a healthy “paranoia.” They never become complacent.

5 Automated Webinar Best Practices

Now that you know some of the most common mistakes people
make with automated webinars, let’s get into some best practices.
Here are five proven webinar tactics to help make your automated
webinar a huge success, regardless of which formulas from this
section you test.

The Webinar
1. Keep Your Audience Engaged
While automated webinars are great, they differ from live webinars.
You can’t expect them to convert at the same rate without tweaking
your presentation.
Your presentation needs to keep people engaged. If attendees
leave early, they won’t see your pitch and likely won’t become a
customer, either. So how do you keep people engaged when you
aren’t physically presenting?
Here are my three biggest tips to keep the audience’s attention in
an automated event:

• First, don’t ever say the word “live” training in your

automated event. If you do, you risk losing the trust of your
audience. They will bail early when they realize it’s not
actually live. Don’t be a shady course creator; always
operate from integrity for the best results!
• Don’t linger on one specific slide. If you’re rambling on for
three to five minutes per slide, you’re about as boring as
a college professor reading from a PowerPoint. Instead, you
need to mix up your slides, add new visuals, and keep
the audience stimulated. Engagement is lower than in live
webinars, so keep them engaged with a rehearsed
presentation and quality visuals.
• At the beginning of your webinar, offer some kind of bonus
for staying until the end. Even if it’s a free PDF or mini-
course, adding an incentive can entice people to stay longer.
By saying something like, “If you watch this entire training
video, you’ll learn how to get $1,000 in free bonuses and
access to my free mini-course on XYZ.” This helps create an
open loop for the attendee and make them more likely to
watch the entire event.

2. Offer Several Times
While keeping your audience engaged is critical, you need to
convince them to show up in the first place. Give people multiple
timing options to find a convenient date and time, but don’t
overwhelm them with too many options.
In general, the more time that lapses between webinar registration
and the actual event, the lower the attendance rate.
Here are some of my best tips for scheduling automated events:

• Offer just-in-time webinars. This feature allows you to

schedule a new webinar time within the next fifteen minutes
in their time zone!
• Offer webinar times at most one or two days out, in addition
to just-in-time webinars. If you give people the option to
register more than two days from the event, it’s easy for
them to forget about it and not attend. This makes it harder
to track them down and persuade them to register for
another webinar.
• Choose “Local Time Zone.” In this worldwide economy, it’s
best to show webinars in your attendees’ own time zone,
where it’s more convenient for them. This is one of the many
benefits of running automated webinars!

Luckily, all these features are simple to update on your

registration page with a webinar software like EasyWebinar.

3. Focus on Serving
Automated webinars tend to not convert at as high a rate as live
webinars for a few reasons. One of them is that you aren’t there for
a live Q&A with your audience. Since they don’t have that
personalized feel, you need to focus on serving and giving more
than ever.

The Webinar
Often, an automated webinar might be a great way to introduce
yourself and your offer to a new audience. Knowing that automated
webinars won’t convert relatively well, go easy on the “selling”
dimension. You don’t want to push too hard and burn any bridges
before you can create a meaningful relationship with your audience.
The goals of the formulas in this book and building an online
business revolve around the same thing: your marketing and
content need to focus on building relationships and getting
complete strangers to know, like, and trust you!
Instead of hard-selling right out of the gates, soften your pitch,
so you don’t present as needy or desperate. An automated webinar
could be their first impression of you and your brand. Don’t ruin
your reputation by playing the 1980s Wall Street broker!
Also, it’s not uncommon that clients need to attend multiple
webinars or see your offers several times before investing. Providing
plenty of value in your presentation will help build trust and show
that you can help them. Don’t ruin your image before building up
the know-like-trust factor with them.

4. Keep Your Registration Page Simple

Many think that growing revenue with automated webinars is
about drawing more people into your funnel. While that helps, one
of the most prominent metrics is the registration page rate.
You can keep buying paid ads to bring them to the registration
page, but if they don’t register, you’re just wasting money. Instead,
you need to focus on increasing your registration page rates so you
can get more people to join without spending more on paid ads.
In the next section, I’ll teach you exactly how to build a high-
converting registration page in an entire chapter.

5. Add Urgency to Your Follow-Up Sequence
Finally, ensure that your follow-up sequence stresses the urgency
related to your offer. Even though it’s not live, your cart should
close, or your offer should increase in price at a specific time.
People need deadlines to help them make decisions. If you
simply pitch an offer at the end of your webinar but have no
deadline, they are much less likely to invest. Instead, be firm and
say something like:

• “This offer goes back up to its normal price of $X in seventy-

two hours.”
• “The doors to my signature program close in ninety-six
hours, so be sure to act fast.”

Automated webinars are an incredible tool and a great way to grow
your business. There’s no doubt about it. But running automated
webinars correctly and with integrity is crucial to sustaining an
income stream for your business.
Despite not having conversion rates as high as live webinars,
they still allow you to scale and generate more revenue without
hustling more. You don’t have to spend time every day or week
running live webinars.
The most significant benefit of automated webinars is selling
your products around the clock, seven days a week. It doesn’t
matter if you are traveling the world or sleeping. Your webinar can
help you generate revenue for your business.
That’s every entrepreneur’s dream, right?
Since you can schedule the webinar in the attendee’s time zone,
they can engage with your excellent presentation on their own
time. It still looks and feels like a live webinar, so attendees get a
great experience.

An automated webinar represents the beginning of your
conversation with leads. It’s not the end-all, be-all, or set-it-and-
forget-it. You still need the systems to follow up and carry that
conversation well past the first webinar they attend.
When you follow these best practices and avoid the common
pitfalls, I am confident that you, too, can use them to help grow your
business. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility.
Now, let’s look at some of my most effective automated webinar

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How to Get Started With
Automated Webinars
The scariest moment is always just before you start.
—Stephen King

A utomated webinars rock! I’m excited to share the highest

performing formulas that have helped me and many others
generate millions of dollars in revenue and massive impact
w h i l e on
But before showing you each one, let’s first discuss the technical
dimension. I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed with this side of
the process and hold you back from adding automation to your
business. Luckily, creating automated webinars isn’t that different
from running them live. In addition, with tools like EasyWebinar,
it’s never been easier to get them up and running, even if you aren’t
a “techie.”
If you’re ready to take advantage of the power of automated
webinars, let’s cover some basics so you can hit the ground running.

Step 1 – Pick Your Highest Performing Live Webinar

There are two ways to start working with automated webinars.
The first option is to reuse a live webinar recording. This is the
fastest and easiest way to get started with automation. To do this
option, find a webinar that has the highest conversion rate so you
can put it on autopilot for your audience. As long as you don’t
mention the words “live training” or mention the date, a previous
live recording can work well.

The second option is to create a new webinar based on a live
webinar that went well. Customize it for your evergreen funnel.
Record a new webinar geared toward your automated funnel with
this option.
This webinar should to be from forty to fifty-five minutes. Never
mention the date and time, then do your everyday routine. The
goal is to create comfortable and engaging moments that nurture
your attendees without you being present. These are merely the
CliffsNotes on converting a live webinar into automated—the next
chapter is dedicated to the five steps you need.

Step 2 – Create Your Webinar Schedule

The next step is to pick your evergreen webinar schedule. Most
webinar software that allows automation makes it easy to run
webinars whenever you want. You can give users plenty of options
to find a convenient webinar time.
The most significant downside to live webinars is that they don’t
always work for everyone’s schedule or time zone. For example, if
you’re on Pacific Standard Time and have a worldwide audience,
it’s tough to schedule with someone in Europe and vice versa.
Automation solves this problem by offering webinars in the user’s
own time zone. Not only will your webinar stream out at a specific
time, but it will stream in real-time as if it were live. For example,
if someone shows up late, they miss the beginning of the
presentation. This makes it easier to promote your webinar and
urge users to show up on time to avoid missing anything.
As far as the schedule is concerned, you can choose once a day,
a few times per week, or even a few times a day. I’ve found that
offering three to four times per day in the local time zone works
best. This means something like the morning slots of 8:00 and 11:00
and the afternoon slots of 2:00 and 5:00, which give your audience
plenty of options. I also avoid the 11:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. window
because I know users are less likely to watch and convert.

The Webinar
This real-time streaming creates urgency and commitment to
come to the webinar. As long as you never dupe your audience into
believing it’s live, you can crush it with automated webinars.

On-Time Events
A right-on-time webinar can stream presentations in increments.
For instance, if someone comes to a page at 2:25, a webinar can start
at 2:30. Or, if someone comes to the new webinar at 11:01, another
webinar can be launching at 11:15.
This will help get more people on the webinar, which means
more people can take action!

“Wait For It” Block Days

Using “wait for it” block days, you can control your viewer’s
experience by making them wait to watch a webinar. You choose
how many days, which gives you time to nurture registrants.
Having them wait a few days lets you send email reminders that
include case studies and testimonials. This will help you increase
your webinar attendance rates and, hopefully, your sales.

On-Demand Event Access

With on-demand access, you can send people straight to the
webinar replay and not have to wait at all. This is the ultimate
convenience for your users.

Dynamic “Next Available” Sessions

With “next available” sessions, the user will only see the next
available webinar time. This will remove the drop-down menu
with more time options for them to watch.
Limiting the time to watch will make your attendees submit their
names and email addresses to register. Registering will be easier,
leading to better conversions.

The Webinar
Step 3 – Get People to Your Evergreen Webinar
Once everything is set and ready to go, it’s time to persuade people
to sign up for your webinar. You can do this by running paid
ads on social media, promoting your list, or using platforms like
LinkedIn to promote organically. I offer more details on driving
traffic to your webinar in Section Five.

Step 4 – Test and Analyze Your Webinar

The final step is to test and analyze what’s working and what needs
improvement. Once you have a meaningful sample size you can
analyze the results and make real-time adjustments.
For example, if your webinar registration page is only converting
at a rate of 25 percent, you can tweak it to achieve higher
conversions. Or, if only 20 percent of registrants are attending, you
send a few additional reminder emails. That’s the beauty of
evergreen webinars—you can quickly update any part of the
webinar to obtain the results you desire.

Setting up automated webinars has never been easier! Unlike a few
short years ago, one piece of software like EasyWebinar can run
live and automated webinars even if you don’t consider yourself a
Now that we’ve covered everything you need to know about
evergreen webinars, let’s jump into our first formula and help you
start scaling with intimacy.

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Power Webinars
A dream doesn’t become reality through magic;
it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.
—Colin Powell

A s you can tell by reading this much of the book, I love

automated webinars.
They allow you to leverage the power of webinars without
trading your time to run them live every single day. Once you have
a high-converting webinar funnel, you can drastically scale your
business with paid ads.
For one of our last high-converting webinar formulas, I want to
talk about a new term I’ve coined—the “power webinar,” which is
like an automated webinar on steroids.
While we talk about automation a lot, I want to take it a few steps
further. Power webinars can help you turn your automated
webinars into high-performance personalization machines that
build better relationships and motivate your audience to take
action now!
To take advantage of these webinars, you need to use
EasyWebinar, because we offer features no other providers do.
While some competitors have one or two of the features mentioned,
none of them have the same features.
To get started, join at and find
the right plan for you.

The Differences Between Automated Webinars
and Power Webinars
Let’s differentiate the two before we delve into transforming an
automated webinar into a power webinar. First, power webinars
have a lot in common with both live and automated. Let’s start
with similarities. Both of them have:

• Registration page.
• Thank-you page.
• Countdown page.
• Event page.
• Replay page.
• One-time event scheduled.
• Recurring events.
• Before-webinar notification emails.
• After-webinar notification emails.

There are some critical differences in creating power webinars to

make them more advanced and convert at higher rates. Unlike most
webinar providers, EasyWebinar allows a ton of customization to
help you create a unique experience for your attendees. This can
turn your automated evergreen webinar into a power webinar
tailored to diverse audiences.

Here are the features that set power webinars apart

from automated webinars:
Create Just-in-Time Registration
As I’ve mentioned in the automated webinar section, the scheduling
portion of your event is vital. If you allow attendees to schedule
their automated webinars multiple days in advance, they will be
less likely to attend. Ideally, get them scheduled within the next

The Webinar
day or two. If the elapsed time is longer than that, people will forget,
and you are likely to see lower attendance rates.
A few days out is excellent for “cold” traffic, but just-in-time
registration is best for people ready to take action now. As outlined
in the section on “warm” traffic, just-in-time registration allows
attendees to join a webinar within the next fifteen minutes. This
makes it easier for them to sign up and attend today instead of
waiting a few days.
Here’s how it could work for the warm attendee already on your
email list:

• You decide to run a Facebook ad targeting your email list

about a new power webinar.
• An email subscriber sees the Facebook ad to download a
new lead magnet you created.
• Once they enter their email and go to the thank-you page to
obtain the freebie, there is a button that says, “Join the next
• The audience sees they can join at a future time, from fifteen
minutes to a few days. With EasyWebinar, this is all
automatically based on their time zone. For example, if they
see it at 3:22 p.m., they will see another option for 3:30 p.m.

I think of this as striking when the iron is hot. People become

excited and are ready to learn more about your topic—don’t make
them wait a few days. Otherwise, their excitement will subside,
and they may not attend your automated event.

Advanced Integration Fields

One perk of EasyWebinar is the ability to customize almost
everything inside your webinar without being a technical wizard.
We pride ourselves on making things easy so that you don’t have
to let systems get in the way of impacting your audience. One

of those advanced features is the integration fields to add to your
From inside your EasyWebinar dashboard, go to “Event
Integration” from the top menu. First, we integrate with multiple email
marketing platforms, such as ConvertKit, Aweber, Infusionsoft,
and more. Once you connect EasyWebinar to your email marketing
provider, you have the ability to tag your webinars so you can
understand how each attendee moves through your funnel. Inside
advanced integration, you can tag users with:

• Registered.
• Came to the webinar.
• Watched full.
• Did not come to the webinar.
• Left early.
• Watched replay.
• Asked a question.

Second, you can use the advanced settings to customize your

webinar join link, replay link, phone number, and more. This gives
you complete control over your fields to create the best experience
for attendees. Ultimately, these advanced fields can help you learn
more about your attendees and their webinar experience and help
you to keep tweaking and updating as needed.
One thing to remember here—the more fields you require from
attendees, the less likely they will do it. This is why you should
continually test different registration pages to see which ones
convert at the highest rate. Typically, the fewer fields you require
from attendees, the higher the registration rate.

Custom Replay Page

With EasyWebinar, it’s easy to send users a replay of your live or
automated webinar. To do this, simply click on the webinar replay

The Webinar
link from your dashboard for a specific event and send it to your
audience in the post-webinar email follow-up sequence.
You can also customize the replay page using some of our unique
features. Customization will differentiate the page from the
standard live or automated webinar event page for more
Simply go to the “Replay Page” inside your webinar. From there,
you can tweak all sorts of features, including:

• Replay page headline.

• Replay page sub-headline.
• Add a replay description with text, images, and video.
• Add a video URL or choose from a previous webinar

But that’s not all you can do. You can update your replay
page and convert it into a power webinar if you want even more
customization. With EasyWebinar, you can:

• Enable new offers during the replay (with countdown

• Tag people who clicked on specific offers.
• Enable polls with multiple response options several times
throughout the webinar.
• Add a chat box that syncs with Facebook, Twitter, or another
third-party app, or disable this feature entirely.
• Customize the theme using CSS. This will give you complete
customization of colors, layout, and more.

Custom Fields
Another awesome power webinar hack is the ability to use custom
fields within EasyWebinar, regardless of which plan you’re on.
Simply go to the “Registration Page” at the top of the menu and
select “Custom Fields.”

From there, you can add custom fields like phone number and
Skype. You can choose to make these fields required or optional for
attendees. These features will help you increase attendance rates
by reminding attendees of your upcoming event.
If you want even more custom fields, upgrade to our Enterprise
account to unlock:

• Hubspot integration.
• 2,000 live attendees.
• Salesforce Pardot integration.
• A dedicated concierge account rep.

And more features to go from evergreen to power webinar


Advanced Scheduling Options

One of the most significant factors in creating a power webinar is
enticing more people to attend. You can have the best registration
page rates globally, but if no one attends, none of this works.
Luckily, with EasyWebinar, we make it easy to send out several
pre-webinar reminders.
You can also choose from different scheduling options to
increase the odds of attendees showing up to your event. Unlike
many other webinar platforms, you can:

• Enable just-in-time webinars. This syncs with the attendees’

local time zone and presents an automated webinar within
fifteen minutes.
• Split date and time features, where you can split the date
and time into two different boxes.
• Enable instant replay. When you toggle this button,
attendees will get the replay email immediately after the
webinar is over.

The Webinar
• Block days. Finally, you can block out several days before a
user is permitted to attend your webinar. For example, if
you want to send a few emails to build trust before the
webinar, enable this feature for up to five days.

The Webinar

How to Scale With Power Webinars

As you can tell, there is a good deal of customization you can
perform with our webinar platform. If this feels overly complicated,
don’t worry; it’s not that hard to set up once you’re inside the
member portal. It becomes easier to tweak your customizations as
you become more familiar with the platform’s dashboard.
While the features of EasyWebinar distinguish us from many
competitors, I should mention some essential webinar strategies as
well. When you use these few suggestions and power webinars
together, you will create a revenue-producing machine.
Here are some of my best tips for scaling your webinars.

Strategy is Everything
Everything begins with strategy and clarifying your goals. As
Steve Maraboli said, “It’s a lack of clarity that creates chaos and
frustration. Those emotions are poison to any living goal.”
To help you find more clarity, ask yourself questions like:

• What are my short, middle, and long-term revenue goals?

• How do I need to set myself up to achieve my goals?
• What has worked thus far in my business? What needs
• Who do I need to be as an entrepreneur to achieve my
revenue goals?
• With whom can I partner to learn or work to attain my
revenue goals?

Once you clarify where you are and what you want, you can
reverse engineer the goals to make it happen. This isn’t a one-time
event, either. The most successful entrepreneurs I know and work
with in Masterminds constantly evaluate where they are and what
they want to create.
Steal this hack from seven-figure entrepreneurs by constantly
assessing yourself and your goals. Schedule regular checkpoints
every week, month, and quarter to stay on top of your progress.
Correct your course if needed.

Use Customizations
Webinars have been around for more than ten years, and people
are becoming more familiar with them. Many know what to expect,
which makes it more critical than ever to make their experience
with your webinars unique. Just because webinars have been
around for some time doesn’t mean webinars are dead; quite the
opposite, in fact. It means you need to improve the experience and
match your audience’s sophistication.
Customizations are one way to do that. Enhance your strategy.
Show attendees a webinar experience that goes above and beyond.
It reflects greatly on you, your brand, and the products and services
you offer.
You don’t need to use every customization technique starting
tomorrow. Instead, begin by tweaking fields and adding new
features to create a better experience for attendees over time. This
way, you don’t get overwhelmed with the process. As you go, test
what yields higher conversions in your webinars.

Focus on Messaging
Despite having all the features inside our easy-to-use platform, I
can’t overemphasize the importance of your messaging. You may
create a beautiful slide deck, deliver blockbuster content, and pitch

The Webinar
a great product. Still, if your messaging is off, you won’t see the
results you desire from your webinars.
Messaging is everything!
Your webinar attendees should feel like you are in their heads.
They are more likely to buy when you present an offer if they do.
Or even afterward, such as when they are receiving your post-
webinar email sequence. People want to purchase programs and
offers from those they believe can help them get from where they
are to where they want to be.
You are the tour guide steering them from point A to point B—
from the pain they’re in, to the paradise they want to get to.
But they won’t sign up if you aren’t speaking their language.
That is why it’s essential to know your ideal customer avatar and
speak directly to them during your presentation and in all of your
related marketing materials.
To learn to dial in the messaging—from what they’re saying out
loud and what they’re saying to themselves—use these tips:

• Send out surveys to your email lists.

• Poll the audience using Instagram stories.
• When people sign up to your email list, ask them to reply
with the number one goal and number one obstacle they face.
• Get on the phone with your audience without any agenda. Ask
them what they’re struggling with and what their goals are.

The better you know your audience, the easier it is to write copy,
produce effective webinars, and increase sales.

Know Your Numbers

Finally, to scale your power webinars, don’t forget to study your
numbers as if your life depended on them. Well, if your life might
not depend on them, your business does. As Peter Drucker said,
“You can’t manage what you don’t measure.”

As I mentioned in the point about strategy, webinars are nothing
more than a machine to sell your product or service. If you don’t
know your numbers (registration rate, attendance rate, etc.), you
won’t know how to scale your webinars. I see many beginner
webinar users struggle with this. I want to help you avoid it.
I often see people set a goal like a $10,000 launch but don’t know
what numbers they need to generate $10,000 in revenue. Let’s use
an example to better illustrate what you need to consider for a
webinar launch.

Webinar Launch Example

Product: Online course costing $497.

Revenue Goal: $8,000 in course sales.
Number of Sales Needed: about 16 units sold.

For this example, let’s assume you have done this launch
previously and have some data to help you reverse engineer your
goal. Let’s use these results from your past webinar:

• Registration Page Conversion Rate: 40%.

• Attendance Page Conversion Rate: 30%.
• Webinar Conversion Rate: 13%.

To attain $8,000 in revenue, that means that you would need:

• 1,000 people to visit your landing page.

• 400 registrants (40% registration page).
• 120 attendees at the webinar (30% attendance rate).
• 16 people to convert during and after the webinar.

Based on the math, this means you need to draw a thousand

people to your registration page! Focus all of your time on driving
people to it via paid ads, social media, email marketing, and more.

The Webinar
Then, once your launch is over, you can run the numbers and see
what went well and what didn’t for future promotions.

Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of how to use all
the features inside EasyWebinar to turn your evergreen funnel into
a power webinar. People are savvier than ever. You can’t run a
boring webinar and expect excellent results. You need to go
above and beyond to impress your audience and excite them about
working with you. Customization and accessibility for the
attendees will help you stand out and get the results you want.
Also, don’t forget you need to create a world-class offer, nail your
messaging, and use the above features to create a power webinar.
In this way, you can transform a mediocre evergreen webinar into
a high-performance revenue machine.
Finally, don’t forget to know your numbers for all aspects of your
webinars. Registration rates, engagement, and conversion rates
play considerable roles in scaling your business. The more you
study them, the easier it will be to scale once you create a winning

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The Instant Replay Webinar Formula
To get rich, you have to be making money while you sleep.
—David Bailey

A t this point, we’ve covered a ton of automated webinar

strategies to help you generate revenue on autopilot. For this
chapter, I want to make a quick pivot for the last formula because
it’s about automation—maximizing your replays.
Think back to the Event Launch Blueprint earlier in the book.
With one webinar event, you can do much with it, including my
four-step process:

• Step 1: Run a live webinar.

• Step 2: Rebroadcast to your audience.
• Step 3: Send out a replay.
• Step 4: Automate.

The replay itself is one part of the formula that doesn’t get enough
attention. This feature can help you convert more leads without
much extra effort when used correctly. We want to maximize as
much as possible with a single webinar event!

The Difference Between a Rebroadcast and a

A rebroadcast doesn’t allow the user to rewind or fast-forward the
presentation. It’s as though the event were live but without real-
time engagement.

The Webinar
Conversely, a replay does allow users to rewind and fast-forward.
This is both a good and a bad thing for the webinar presenter.
When attendees have the option to rewind or fast-forward,
they’re not as likely to listen to the entire event because it more
closely resembles a video series. If they know they can watch the
replay on their time, they might not be as inclined to watch at all. I
always suggest sending the rebroadcast first—it provides a better
experience for attendees. But a replay is still better than nothing!
What rebroadcasts and replays have in common are the offer and
bonuses. Once the broadcast is over, that’s when the replay starts.
When you run a replay of your webinar it will give you the
opportunity to answer more questions and objections your
customers may have to buying your product. Think of your replay
as a last-ditch. This is your last chance to persuade them to enroll,
purchase, set up a call, and so forth.
Here’s how this looks:

Setting Up Your Replay Page
In a technical sense, creating a replay page doesn’t require a lot
of work. A platform like EasyWebinar is simply a different URL
that you share with your audience. It still has the look and feel of a
regular webinar, but it allows them to fast-forward and rewind.
Inside your event, copy the URL and paste it into the emails you
send to your list.

Optimizing Your Replay

Using my proven four-email formula, here’s how this works in
your launch.

Email 1
Usually, I suggest sending the replay the day after the rebroadcast
of your event. This way, users are seeing it sooner rather than later.
There’s no guarantee they will watch that day, and only about
twenty to thirty percent of recipients open emails, anyway.
Here are some subject line recommendations for the first email:

Email 1 Subject Lines

• [REPLAY Now Avail] … closes in 48 hours!

• The X event replay is avail but only for 48 hours (act fast).
• Did you miss the event? The replay is now up for a
limited time.

Inside the email, you could say something like,

What a great webinar! People who attended loved it. John said
it was the best webinar he’s ever attended. Stacy learned so
much she can’t wait to put it into action.

The Webinar
This short message is sent only to those who haven’t yet bought
from your webinar. By adding some social proof—clipped from the
chatbox during your live webinar—the attendee experiences the
fear of missing out (FOMO). They will be more likely to watch the
replay and see what they missed.
Overall, keep this first email short and sweet. Highlight the
benefit again and remind them why they should come to the
replay. I take a screenshot of me during the event and include it.
This is a fun way to build hype for the replay and remind them
what they missed.
Then say something like,

If you haven’t had a chance to watch it yet, view the replay.

But watch it soon—this is a limited-time replay, only available
for the next 48 hours.

Restricting the replay’s availability adds more urgency. I usually

set it at two or three days; if it’s any longer, we’ve seen a decline in
the number who actually watch. Please note: if you have fast-
action bonuses offered on the live webinar and rebroadcast, these
are not available during the replay! But the other bonuses are still
available in the allotted time frame you choose.

Email 2
The day after you send the first email, send a follow-up email
before the replay expires.

Email 2 Guidelines

• In the subject line, reiterate the reason for coming to the

event. Use compelling copy as to why it makes sense to
watch the replay.

• Describe the offer as an opportunity. Remember, your
deadline is probably the next day or the day after, so
reemphasize the importance of your event.
• Mention some incredible bonuses that become relevant at
the end of the event.
• Emphasize that the event will not be accessible after 24

Email 3
Twelve hours before access to the replay ends, I send another
email. This email mentions the bonuses directly in the subject line.
Include the price and the bonuses in the email and what
the recipient needs to do to obtain them. This is a great time to
showcase testimonials and case studies of people who have been
through the program. Provide screenshots, success stories, links
to video testimonials, and more. Try to include more than one
testimonial in the email, so attendees are more likely to resonate
with one of them.
This is time to pull out all the stops and demonstrate how your
offer can help them. Don’t sugarcoat anything—let them know
what the offer is, how it will help them, and that the bonuses will
soon disappear!

Email 4
By now, you should have sent emails to those who did not open
previous emails, those who came to the event, along with those
who did not. In other words, everyone should’ve been emailed at
this point. The fourth email is for the unopened only—don’t spam
your list and annoy people.
Lastly, three to four hours before the replay expires, I send a
short, sweet, to-the-point final email.

The Webinar
Here’s an example:

Did you get a chance to watch the free training we did this

If not, click here!

If you watched, how about those crazy bonuses?! They’re still

available—but only for the next few hours!

Click here to view them all.

If you want to (insert your promise/product/niche), make

sure you:

Watch the replay here,


Check out the bonuses and aggressive discounts here.

With respect,

P.S. This incredible deal expires soon. Act fast by clicking here!

Replays rock, so don’t miss sales by skipping this step. This is an
integral part of launching any offer and can help you increase sales
without running more live webinars. In addition, it will help you
learn how to write better copy and communicate urgency to the
people on your list. The more you do this, the more consistent sales
you will generate.

The best part is that once you have all these tasks completed, you
can automate everything with your email marketing software. This
way, you can ensure the right person gets the right message at the
right time.

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Converting a Live Webinar to an
Automated Webinar: 5 Easy Steps
A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all.
—Michael LeBoeuf

A lright, now for the fun part—creating your automated

webinar funnel.
When do you switch from a live webinar to an automated
If you’ve already run live webinars, you might use a past
recording and invite attendees to register for your event. Don’t get
me wrong, this strategy can work (I’ve personally done it), but I
don’t think it will yield the highest conversion rates.
Instead, strategically convert your previously live webinar into
an automated one so that you can get higher engagement and
conversions. This chapter will show you the 5 steps to transform
your live webinar into an automated webinar funnel.

5 Steps for Success

As you begin this process I want to remind you of one thing—
perfection. Please don’t feel like it has to be perfect before you
create your webinar funnel. 70 percent complete is better than a 100
percent never getting done.
As an entrepreneur, I know it’s hard because we only want
to put out the best work possible. But sadly, I see many people who
could be making money and impacting others if they simply got
going and gave up on perfection. Seth Godin talks about this

concept in his book, Linchpin. Many people need to move past fear
and publish, create, unveil their ideas to the world. Yet many of us
stop in our tracks because of a primordial part of our brains. As Seth
Godin said,

The lizard brain, your prehistoric brain stem, the part of your
brain that is responsible for revenge, fear, and anger. The lizard
brain is eternally vigilant, trying to keep people from noticing
you (which is dangerous). The lizard brain hates failure, and
thus it hates creativity or the launch of anything that might
make a fuss (which can lead to failure).

You will have to fight your lizard brain every step of the way.
Anytime you get outside your comfort zone and try out new things
(like running an automated webinar) you have to ignore those
negative thoughts and keep pushing. It will feel awkward,
uncomfortable, and scary at times. But I promise it can help you
create more impact and revenue than you could ever imagine.
Here’s my 5-step strategy to make this process as easy as possible
so you can begin taking action.

1. Record A New Webinar

Why do I need to record a new webinar? Why can’t I modify a past
live recording and insert the video file for my automated event?
The goal here is to create the perfect show.
Often, there is a certain energy that comes from live webinars.
I feel it when I have hundreds or thousands of people signing on.
I feel like an entertainer or an athlete preparing for the big game in
front of a live crowd. It’s exciting, fun, and you’re ready to wow
your audience with amazing, life-changing content.
However, you can’t control a live webinar nearly as much as a
pre-recorded one. This is important because you need to create the
best webinar possible. Automated webinars already have a lower
conversion rate—roughly 5 percent is a good benchmark.

The Webinar
Because conversions are lower than in live webinars, you need to
create a spectacular webinar (not perfect) to make sure it converts.
There are certain elements you should map in your automated
webinar. Begin from scratch, using something like Screenflow
or Camtasia (whether you’re a Mac or PC user). Then, you can
produce an mp4, which can be uploaded to your webinar software.
Or you can create a live webinar event in your software, not invite
anyone to it, and use that recording for your automated event. This
might feel as if it’s live and increase your energy!
Ideally, I would recommend creating a new webinar unless you
produce some fabulous, high-converting live webinar that you feel
you can’t replicate. If you choose to convert a live webinar to an
automated event, make sure you don’t skip number two below.

2. Leave Out Any Reference to Time

One of the reasons for creating a new webinar is to avoid time
references. Now hear this, loud and clear:
You will lose your audience’s trust if you pretend it’s a live event
when it isn’t. It’s nearly impossible to recover from that. As you
know, trust is key to building a brand and creating consistent sales.
So please, don’t call it live training when it isn’t.
Aside from not saying it’s live, avoid saying things like “good
morning” or “happy Saturday” when you’re recording these
events. One of the perks of automated webinars is that you can run
them in the attendees’ time zones multiple times during the day.
However, if you use the wrong language like “good morning”—
and the attendee watches it at 8:00 p.m., it’ll be confusing. Instead,
say something like “welcome to the event” and keep it a bit more
generic to appeal to more attendees, regardless of where they are
or when they watch.

3. Have a Q&A Section
Should I (or how can I) do a Q&A session for an automated event?
Yes. It is imperative that you include FAQs, and there is a way to
represent it correctly.
For instance, announce that you will take questions at the end of
the webinar. If you don’t answer all of them, you or a moderator
will follow up via email during or after the event. For example,
EasyWebinar allows you to receive questions that happen during
an automated webinar directly into your email. You can respond
to the person watching the automated webinar in real-time or after
the event ends.
It is good to set an expectation of when they will receive a
response. By being transparent, they won’t likely be concerned
during the live webinar when their questions aren’t answered
The best way to do this is to prepare FAQs and SAQs (Should-
Ask Questions) before recording your automated event. I like to
have a list of about seven to ten questions based on feedback from
past webinars, your Facebook group, helpdesk, and other sources.
You’ll probably find that some questions are specific to the offer.
Others may be more general and involve pricing, guarantees,
software needed, and so forth. Also, if you already have a sales
page for your product, you can reuse some of the FAQs you have
Here’s how to set up the Q&A session:

Thanks to everyone who posed a question. We’d like to answer

some of them now. We probably won’t get to all of them in this
event, but our moderators will at least try to send an email out
to you.

Please do not skip the Q&A just because it’s an automated event.
This is still a great time to break down objections, speak directly to
your attendees, and help them make a purchasing decision.

The Webinar
4. Encourage Sales and Scarcity
Live webinars are great because they allow you to create urgency
and scarcity with regard to your offer. Usually, there’s a live launch,
then you give attendees three to five days to make a decision. As
I’ve mentioned previously, if you leave your offer open around the
clock, chances are good you won’t make many sales (think about
your Amazon Wishlist).
People need deadlines to make decisions.
The most successful six- and seven-figure entrepreneurs that I
work with all have firm deadlines to encourage buyers to make a
choice. The best thing is that with automated webinars you can still
create scarcity and urgency even though it’s not live.
You can do this in a few different ways.
First, you can use a coupon or promo code that is specific to your
automated webinar. Not only will this help create urgency, but it
will also help with tracking your leads and sales. During the
webinar and post-webinar emails, tell the audience about the code
they can use at checkout to receive a discount. When you announce
the code, be sure to remind them it’s only valid for a certain amount
of time, making them more likely to invest now. Also, make sure
the code is limited to this specific automated webinar, so it doesn’t
mess with your tracking and conversion rates.
The second way is to create a launch window for your automated
event like you would with live launches. For example, many people
who run automated webinars with EasyWebinar use a countdown
software like Deadline Funnel. Using software like this you can
make it so every person who attends the webinar has their own
unique deadline.
Here is how this could work:

• Someone attends the webinar and hears the pitch for your

• After you pitch, display a link to the sales page in the
chatbox to click over and learn more.
• On the sales page for that person, they will have a countdown
timer based on their unique IP address.
• Each attendee has X amount of time (usually three to four
days) to enroll before the offer expires or the doors to your
program close.

With tools like this you can easily create scarcity and urgency
even if you aren’t running live launches.

5. Add in Timed CTA Events

When going from live to automated events, the final item you
ought to think about is adding in call-to-action events (CTAs).
Since you can’t converse and interact live with attendees in an
automated webinar, CTA events are the next best thing. CTAs are
things like asking your audience questions, displaying Buy-Now
buttons, and offering free downloads throughout the webinar.
For example, when someone first attends a webinar, display
a question under or next to the video that requests an answer. I
would typically ask a question related to the topic of my webinar.
It might read something like:

Welcome to the event. Have you ever done webinars or events

to promote your business before? Let us know below if your
answer is yes or no.

Then, throughout the webinar, ask periodic questions or have

interactive points in the event to add levels of engagement.
Finally, once you reveal your offer, immediately show the Buy-
Now button so attendees may start enrolling. I also tend to have
my slides show the price and link to join the program. At the same
time, I have the Buy-Now button pop up with a call-to-action
message above it.

The Webinar
Here’s an example: “Get EasyWebinar with this limited $1,900
bonus package and a $100 discount by clicking now.”
You can engage with your audience by using CTA events even
though it’s not a live webinar. We’ve seen that more engagement
leads to more sales on the webinar and after, so don’t skip this step
when creating your first automated event.

These five strategies will help you easily turn your live webinar into
an automated event. Live and automated webinars are different
and need to be treated as such. While you can simply convert your
live event to automated, it’s not always the best solution.

1) Record a new webinar so it’s perfect. Automated

engagement tends to be less, so create a fantastic webinar
that attendees will love.
2) Leave out references to time. If you say things like “good
morning,” it’s going to be awkward for someone who signs
on in the afternoon or evening. Keep your language general
so it can work at any time.
3) Have a Q&A section. This is one of the most critical parts of
any webinar. You can’t skip it just because it’s not a live
event. People have questions about your offer, and it’s up to
you to break down objections and help them feel confident
investing with you.
4) Create scarcity and urgency. Set a firm deadline for acting
on your offer using either of the strategies mentioned.
5) Use CTA events to keep engagement high. Using polls,
Q&A, and other features will help audiences stay longer,
which will likely increase conversions.

I’m confident when you make these five switches you’ll have
higher engagement rates and conversions with your automated
events. Once you beat your lizard brain and take action, you can
achieve amazing results with automated webinars. Perfect doesn’t
exist. It’s all about getting started.

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Frameworks Event Launch
Organize around business functions, not people. Build systems
within each business function. Let systems run the business,
and people run the systems. People come and go,
but the systems remain constant.
—Michael Gerber

I f you’re like most people, y o u w i s h t o learn how to make

money with webinars so you can work less and earn more. Does
that sound
about right?
Here’s the thing, unless you’re a well-known brand, you can’t
simply do one live webinar and make millions of dollars in sales (yet).
Instead, you need a strategy that will help you make more
revenue with webinars. In this chapter, I’m going to share my
proven “Event Launch Blueprint” to help you do just that. With
this strategy, you can make quadruple (yes—four times) what
you would make from running one live event without much extra
Here’s the deal—no matter how big your list, how many people
you get on your live events, or how many technical screw-ups
arise, you can still profit four times more than a typical promotion.
Unfortunately, most people usually do only one out of these four
crucial steps and leave stacks of money on the table. This proven
system combines both a live event and automated events in your
event launching plan.
The best part about this formula is that it really doesn’t take any
work beyond doing a live webinar one time. This will act as the core
framework for the rest of the book and help you maximize your
impact and income.

When Do You Use an Event Launch Plan?
When should you use this formula? Simple—for any product
launch promotion.
Promotions could include:

• A book launch.
• New software launch.
• New coaching program or training.
• New digital course or membership program.

The ideas are endless!

Start by inviting people who already follow you on social media
and your email list. These are usually the warmest leads—they are
already familiar with you and your business. If you don’t have an
extensive email list yet and are not ready to use paid ads, here are
a few ways to increase your potential audience.

JV Partners
Find JV partners who are in a vertical market niche similar to
you who will promote you to their existing community. You can
do this by joining Facebook groups, LinkedIn groups, and other
places where you might find people who need your products or
services. This will help attract more people to register and attend
your events without causing you a lot of extra work. We cover
everything you need to know about affiliate marketing in a later

Facebook Fan Pages

Another way to involve more people is to search on Facebook for
fan pages that appear active but where the fan page owners aren’t
doing any promotion. If they aren’t sending their communities to
a website, this is an opportunity to have your product or service
feed the need of existing communities who aren’t being fed.

The Webinar
4 Steps to the Event Launch Blueprint

Now that you understand what this formula can help you promote,
let’s delve into specifics. The key to success is having that one event
work for you long after completing step number one, your live
Here is a step-by-step breakdown of my Event Launch Blueprint
to help you make more money with webinars:

Part 1: Run a Live Webinar

The first way to make money with webinars is by running a live
webinar using my 6-step framework from the last chapter. Like any
live webinar or in-person event, you schedule this event in advance
and invite people to attend.
Once it’s scheduled, create a slide deck, rehearse your
presentation, and go live at the prescribed time. Once your sales
webinar is complete, people can buy as soon as you open the cart.
They can also buy in your post-webinar email sequence as well.

This is only the start of the Event Launch Blueprint. The live
webinar lays the groundwork for earning more money from
webinars with three strategies. Most people forget to do the
following three strategies and in doing so leave bags of money

Part 2: Rebroadcast Your Live Webinar

The second step in my Event Launch Blueprint is to rebroadcast
your live webinar. A rebroadcast is an encore presentation of the
live event you already recorded. This is not the same as running
another live webinar at a different time.
With your webinar software platform, you can take the previous
live session from the day before and repurpose it. I recommend
streaming the rebroadcast in two different sections the next day.
You can choose to run yesterday’s webinar (if the conversions were
high) or use a past webinar that might’ve worked better but used
the same topic and slides.
Also, if the previous webinar didn’t go very well and you hadn’t
run it before, you can always run it live again. This allows you to
adjust your presentation and ensure it has a better flow for
When rebroadcasting, I recommend you schedule it twice the
next day, preferably at 11:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. We’ve found these
times work best and will hopefully increase your attendance rates.
You can run it in your or your attendee’s time zones as well.
The nice thing is that they are coming to the same registration
page as the live event, so you don’t need to spend any time creating
a new one. Rebroadcasting is one of the many ways to repurpose
your webinar for additional revenue without extra work.

Part 3: Timed Replay Webinar

The third step to make more money from your webinar is a timed
replay of the live event. A timed replay is where you send your list
a previously recorded video. There is a sense of urgency for

The Webinar
viewers with timed replays because the webinar won’t be online
forever. Usually, the time left before the event expires is loud and
clear at the top of the page.
While there is not as much commitment as a live webinar, the
time element creates urgency. Urgency helps you generate more
revenue and persuades them to buy on the timed replay. This is
why I love timed replays; the added scarcity will get more
attendees to commit.
To make this work it is vital that you message about how the
offer is expiring soon. You need to remind attendees if they don’t
act now they will still have the same problems in their life or
business. In general, I think it’s a good idea to make it available for
only seventy-two to ninety-six hours before the links expire. The
key to a timed replay is to make sure that the webinar and the offer
expire simultaneously.
Your offer is a tool that can help transform your audience and
solve their biggest problems. It’s up to you to position it correctly
because the transformation is in the transaction!

Part 4: Create an Evergreen Webinar

The final step to the Event Launch Blueprint is to set up an
automated webinar.
To get started, all you need to do is take the same live webinar
and schedule it to stream out every day. This is different from
a timed replay because automated webinars are streamed out
around the clock.
You can run multiple scheduled times daily or choose to offer
only one webinar per day. Depending on what you’re selling or
how warm your audience is, this can help give you enough time to
send a welcome email before the event.
As I’ll share later in the book, automated webinars changed my
life when I was selling my YouTube course, and they helped me
earn $250,000 in my first year running webinars.

I’m a big fan of automated webinars. They can help you easily
create more consistent income without working more. Automated
webinars allow you to generate reliable income and quit riding the
launch roller coaster.
Once you have a live webinar that converts well, turning it into
an evergreen webinar is simple with the right webinar software.
After that, all you need to do is generate leads to the registration
page, and you can make money on autopilot!

As you can tell, there are a number of ways to make money from
running one live webinar. While live webinars tend to yield the
highest engagement, they also make you sit in front of the
computer, which isn’t great for busy entrepreneurs. They take
up your precious time, and they aren’t scalable like automated
This is why I recommend using a combination of live and
automated webinars in the Event Launch Blueprint. Once you have
a high-converting live webinar, you can rebroadcast the next day,
turn it into a timed replay, and convert it to an evergreen webinar
as well.
Use these four strategies so you can work less and increase your
webinar revenue on autopilot!

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The No-Pitch Webinar Formula
If people like you, they’ll listen to you, but if they trust you,
they’ll do business with you.
—Zig Ziglar

N ewsflash—one of the biggest myths most struggling

entrepreneurs face is that webinars are only good for selling
your products or services. If you’re like most people, you probably
think webinars are nothing more than a medium to help you sell
your offer. I’m here to tell you webinars are not all about selling.
While webinars are the best way to do just that, they’re also
valuable for many other reasons. When you’ve finished reading
this section, I think you will have gained an entirely different
outlook on the power of webinars.
When I began selling my YouTube course years ago, I ran free,
no-pitch webinars to build my email list and test my offer. I was
just like everyone else starting from scratch—zero emails, zero
social media followers, zero raving fans.
Yet within fifteen months after I launched my online business, I
had built an email list of 14,000 people, all from running webinars!
All these years later, I can say hands-down that it was one of
the best things I could have done to grow my online business.
Not only did running free webinars help me build my list and
learn more about my audience, but it also helped me improve at
conducting webinars.
When I started, I was terrible. I don’t mean “just okay,” either.
I was awful. I would get nervous before the presentation, talk too
much during it, and doubt myself afterward. Now, I’ve made
seven figures running webinars.

To prove my point, here are some of my biggest mistakes:

• I overshared with my audience because I yearned to add

value. I was so worried people would be underwhelmed—
the entrepreneur’s curse—that I overshared to compensate
for it. Not only did this overwhelm attendees, but it made
my events too long (an hour and a half to two hours), and
so people jumped off before they ever heard my offer.
• My speaking skills were horrendous. In fact, I had a stutter
that made me feel I wasn’t worthy of sharing my expertise
and knowledge. I was constantly anxious about what people
would think of me and assumed they were focused more on
my speech than my content.
• I despised selling on webinars. While I knew my offers
could help people grow their YouTube channels, I had no
idea how to pivot from teaching to selling. I didn’t want to
be a “sleazy” internet marketer, and as a result my business

If you’re feeling that now, please know that I was once right
where you are. I’m convinced I made every mistake imaginable.
But now, I run a webinar company, speak on stage in front of huge
audiences, and help other entrepreneurs like you share their
message with the world.
The point? You can do it, too.
What changed?
I addressed my fears head-on and began running free webinars.
With bills mounting and time with my family dwindling, I knew it
was now or never. I figured if I stuck with it long enough, I would
figure it out eventually. Like Think and Grow Rich author Napoleon
Hill said, “Patience, persistence, and perspiration make an
unbeatable combination for success.”

The Webinar
He was right, and man, did it pay off! In my first year using this
strategy, I built an email list of 14,000 loyal subscribers and
generated $250,000 in sales, mainly without hard selling.
While I eventually ran sales webinars my no-pitch webinars were
such a hit that my attendees often reached out to me, begging to
work together. By being sincere, focusing on value, and serving my
people, good karma must have paid off.
Even though I had a YouTube program and wasn’t actively
pitching, attendees gained so much from my free webinars they
instantly wanted to work together. This led to course sales and one-
on-one coaching without ever pitching.
If I can do it, you can too. If you’re new at running webinars, no-
pitch webinars are a great way to lay a foundation for success.

Why You Should Run Free No-Pitch Webinars

No-pitch webinars are great because there is no pressure to sell.
Take a deep breath and remember, you don’t have to sell anything.
The best part about these webinars is that you can focus on learning
more about yourself and your audience.
As you run more webinars, you can more easily identify your
strengths and weaknesses. I realized I was skilled at providing
value but needed to strengthen other areas, like not oversharing.
Oversharing frequently led to overwhelming attendees and having
more questions than when they started, which was precisely what
I didn’t want. But I never would have learned had I not run these
types of webinars.
No-pitch webinars will help you learn more about your audience.
You will gain much knowledge about your tribe from the chat and
the questions they ask. This will help you create additional topics
and content for the future.
Here are some more reasons these can help you and your

Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking
Did you know that studies have found people would rather die
than speak publicly? I know it sounds absurd, but it’s true. The fear
of public speaking—glossophobia—is a vexing issue for many
Public speaking isn’t a big deal for many people since most jobs
don’t rely on it. But for entrepreneurs, being able to speak and
communicate confidently about your offer is a make-or-break
issue. If you can’t speak with poise and confidence, your business
will suffer. As billionaire Warren Buffett said, “If you can’t
communicate and talk to other people and get across your ideas,
you’re giving up your potential.”
I still remember having this fear in 2012. Whenever I had to speak
or run webinars, I would shake and sweat, becoming as nervous as
an American football player trying to score the winning touchdown
in the Super Bowl.
I forced myself to keep going because I knew nothing would
change in my life or business if I didn’t. If I could overcome it,
so can you. I knew I had to conquer my fears . . . what did I do? I
switched the narrative: how was I looking at webinars?
I took all the pressure off myself and focused on serving my target
market. I told myself doing nothing wouldn’t help my situation, so
I adapted and committed to running webinars. I allowed myself to
fail to improve my presentation skills and communicate my ideas
with others.
If you’re afraid of public speaking or speaking on webinars, take
the pressure off. Instead of worrying about your pitch and offer,
begin running free webinars to build your confidence as a
Mastery comes from practice, not sitting around hoping for the best.
Sometimes, you have to take a risk. If you go into the webinar
with the right mindset, you’ll instantly feel more relaxed. Focus on
serving your people. Take the pressure off yourself.

The Webinar
Don’t forget: this isn’t about you. It’s about the people you can
help with your message and offer.

Establish Trust With Your Audience

The second benefit of no-pitch webinars is the amount of trust you will
build with your audience. Developing a bond with them will help you
establish that trust and ultimately become the teacher they seek.
People buy from those they trust!
Live no-pitch webinars are one of the best ways to build trust
with complete strangers around the globe. When I started, I ran
these webinars solely to construct the know-like-trust factor with
my audience. Not only did this help me build rapport, but it also
allowed me to gain confidence in front of the camera. Doing
presentations, I became more aligned with my offer and those for
whom it was perfect. Here’s the thing: any course creator or
influencer can write a blog post or film a YouTube video and
click “publish.” A tiny percentage of people actually show up
live and get to know their audience. One sixty-minute session can
help you gain instant trust and grow to know your audience at a
deeper level. This is one of the many reasons I love webinars—
you can establish a tremendous
amount of trust in a short time.

Build Your Email List

As I mentioned in the intro, I grew my email list to 14,000 using
this strategy in one year. I’m not the only one, either. One of our
top clients, Amy Porterfield, has grown her list to over 250,000
loyal followers using webinars. Growing your list of contacts as
people who would bring in further sales is essential to the success
of your webinars and business.
Even with email open-rates declining in the past five years, email
marketing is still the best way to sell goods and services to your
audience. But for many struggling entrepreneurs, growing an
email list with the right audience is challenging.

After running an online business for so long, I know there are
two options to grow your list—paid ads and organic traffic.
While organic traffic is technically “free,” it can take a long time
to see results, and there are no guarantees that people will opt-in
from a blog post, podcast episode, or YouTube video. For example,
with paid traffic from Facebook or Instagram ads, you can target
the exact kind of person you want to work with.
Running paid ads to a webinar is a win-win scenario.
Not only do you get their email address, but you also get to make
a fantastic first impression with your no-pitch webinar. Instead of
sending them to a piece of free content (like a blog post, podcast
episode, or YouTube video), you get to interact with them live. This
allows you to learn more about their problems and show that you’re
an expert in your field from the beginning of your relationship.

Future Sales
If you’ve ever done a live webinar launch or run an evergreen
webinar funnel, you know that not everyone will buy the first time.
Sometimes attendees aren’t in the right place—they may not have
the money for your program, or something else is going on in their
life. But if ten percent buy, it’s considered a win.
It’s important to understand that even if they don’t invest now,
they can still buy in the future. You build more trust and goodwill
for future promotions when running free webinars. Even if they
aren’t ready now, you are warming them up for future offers and
gaining experience hosting the best webinars possible.

Formula 1 Breakdown: How to Run Free No-

Pitch Webinars
Hopefully, you’re excited and inspired to run these no-pitch
webinars, build your email list, and begin mastering your webinar
skills. Let’s dive into running these events and persuading people
to register and attend.

The Webinar
Step 1: Pick a Date
The first step is choosing a date and time for your no-pitch webinar.
Here are some guidelines for picking optimal dates and times:

• Offer multiple times, if possible. Evenings tend to work best.

• Generally, run your events on weekdays, not weekends,
depending on your audience.

Step 2: Create Your Registration Page

After confirming the date of your no-pitch webinar, create your
webinar registration page. This landing page has one goal—
persuade people to register!

Step 3: Promote Your Event

Once you’ve set the date and time, figure out how to get people to
register. When I ran these in 2012, the social media landscape was
different. I primarily drove organic traffic through my Facebook
business page and YouTube channel.
Depending on your audience and the size of your following,
these two may or may not work. Regardless, there are still plenty
of ways to persuade people to register and attend.
It’s up to you to create a buzz. Whether you’re running free
webinars with or without a pitch, promote your event so that more
people show up. You can do this organically or use paid ads to help
you build your list.
Here are some of my favorite strategies:

• Run short Facebook and Instagram lives about the same

topic and tease your event. You can also start the webinar on
a live stream, invite everyone to attend, and sign off the live
stream. This will help build a buzz and excitement while
turning your social media followers into email subscribers.
• Promote on your YouTube channel. While recording videos
related to your webinar, plug your upcoming event.

• Create Facebook and LinkedIn events and notify your
connections now. Don’t forget to tap into your existing
network and encourage them to share with their friends.
• Paid ads. We’ll go deeper into this in a future chapter, but
promoting your webinar with paid ads is a great way to
increase the number of registrants.

Step 4: Prepare For the Event

Now it’s time to prepare. For no-pitch webinars, you have two options:
you can either create slides for your topic or omit slides and make it
an AMA (Ask-Me-Anything) webinar. An AMA style is the easiest
method—you don’t need to prepare anything. Still, I only suggest this
strategy if you’re knowledgeable about the topic at hand.
If you decide to create slides, don’t feel like you must have a
hundred slides, as in a typical sales webinar. Instead, keep it simple
enough to build momentum and start running webinars. Creating
ten to fifteen slides can help guide the conversation and give you a
few talking points.

Step 5: Crush Your Webinar

The final step is showing up and delivering on your promise. This
is where you demonstrate your passion for the subject, build trust
with your audience, and provide a good amount of free value.
Here are a few pointers to make the most of your event:

• Grab their attention. As soon as people log on to the

webinar, introduce yourself and preview what they’ll learn
throughout the live event. Suggest they turn off their phones
to eliminate distractions—focus on the content instead. You
can also have people introduce themselves in the chatbox to
increase engagement early in the webinar.
• Get personal! Share your story early to build up the know-
like-trust factor. While this might feel uncomfortable at

The Webinar
first, sharing your story will help people relate to you and
build rapport. Vulnerability is a superpower.
• Provide valuable information. Attendees should learn
something new from their time with you. After sharing more
about your story, provide them with valuable content that
will aid them in solving some of their biggest challenges.
• Do a question-and-answer segment toward the end. The
Q&A session should typically last ten to fifteen minutes. It’s
a great way to engage with your attendees. This is helpful—
you can provide instant feedback and learn more about your
target market. With EasyWebinar, you can also download
the chat after the webinar is over and learn even more about
the people who attended the live webinar.
• Automate your webinar. The final thing you can do with
free no-pitch webinars is to automate them so you can build
trust on autopilot. I offer more in the next section on
automating webinars.

Whether you’re pitching or not, streaming live webinars can

have many positive side effects on your business. Focus on serving
your attendees, providing valuable content, and building trust
with them to create a long-term relationship.

Suppose you’re starting out on your entrepreneurial journey. In
that case, free no-pitch webinars are among the best things you can
do for your business. I used this exact formula to:

• Build trust with my audience.

• Learn how to sell on webinars.
• Gain 14,000 email subscribers.
• Overcome my fear of public speaking.

And much more.
As you can see, there are many benefits to running free webinars.
You can gain experience running them, build rapport with your
audience, grow your email list, and nail your offer. This is the exact
strategy I used to grow my business to over $250,000 in one year!
By using free webinars, your business can grow just helping you
establish a bond with your audience before pitching any sales.
Sincerity and value are essential for starting and growing
your online business.
Building trust with your audience is more important than ever during
these chaotic times. One benefit of many people working remotely is
that you will likely see higher registration and attendance rates.
Free webinars can help you become an expert in your niche and
build trust with total strangers faster than any other medium. Once
you have an offer or begin producing sales webinars in the future,
you’re more likely to persuade people to enroll.
Everyone has to start somewhere. Learning the ropes for a
successful webinar doesn’t always come easy, but persistence is vital.


• The Times: Speaking in Public Is Worse Than Death:

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Evergreen Webinars: Warm Traffic
Unless you have a reliable, duplicable, scalable,
and consistent way to bring in potential customers,
you don’t have a business, you have a hobby.
—Mark Cuban

N ow that you are ready to take action and understand how

to convert a live webinar, let’s talk about different traffic
sources. Creating evergreen webinars is how you get leads and
sales around the clock without extra effort. Once you set up your
automated webinar funnel, you can simply “rinse and repeat” to
obtain more leads and sales.
If you think back to the Event Launch Blueprint, you might
remember that automating is the final step in the process. Once
you’ve done the live webinar, the rebroadcasts, and the replays, it’s
time to automate.
Once you have completed your replay sequence, the goal is to
have your events still collect leads and generate sales.
While you probably won’t generate as much as you did during
the event launch, you also don’t have to run live webinars. Like
live webinars, traffic is what we need to make automated webinars
convert. Without people landing on your registration page, none
of this works.

In terms of automation, there are two types of traffic, and

each has its own framework in the following two
chapters. Cold Traffic and Warm Traffic.
Cold traffic refers to people who are new to you and your business.
They have no clue about your offers, experience, brand, or anything

else. Before seeing your ad, they don’t know you from anyone in
the world.
Since you’re a complete stranger, the strategy to convert this
traffic into leads and sales requires a longer runway than warm
traffic. It requires its own strategy (next chapter).
On the other hand, warm traffic refers to people who already
know about you and your business. Warm traffic is defined
differently by everyone, but here are some examples of existing
warm traffic:

• Website visitors.
• Social media followers.
• People on your email list.
• Those who watched a previous webinar from you.
• People who followed or engaged with you on Instagram.
• Someone who watched a video on social media.
• People who signed up for your mini-course and entered
into your funnel.

Warm traffic could represent a combination of variables. You

decide what dictates warm traffic and what doesn’t. This chapter
will break down how to run automated webinars for warm traffic.
Warm traffic is usually a much smaller segment of your audience.
The length of time you’ve been running your business and actively
growing your email list or followers will also play a role. Here’s
how you can set up a simple automated webinar geared to warm
traffic to finish the Event Launch Blueprint.

Step 1 – Create a Just-in-Time Event

Since this traffic is warm, strike while the iron is hot. Give them
a chance to register as soon as possible. Moving warm traffic into
watching a webinar right away is an effective method for closing
the deal faster. To do this, you’ll want to have a just-in-time event

The Webinar
that allows people to register for the next training session every
fifteen minutes.
Since the traffic is warm, you don’t need to send them as much
content beforehand to build extra trust and educate people on
your offer. Because they’re warm, don’t make people wait a few
days before they’re allowed to sign up. Instead, have a just-in-time
feature on your registration page where users can sign up to attend
in the next fifteen minutes. Additionally, include several other
time slots that day so they can register for what’s most convenient.
When someone lands on the registration page, I like to present
options for that day and the next day. Since people are already
familiar with you and your brand, I suggest offering same-day or
just-in-time events.
Here is when we see the best conversion times:

• Late morning (11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.)

• Afternoon (3:00-4:00 p.m.)
• Evening (7:00-9:00 p.m.)

The sooner you get them to attend, the higher chance they will
actually show up. The further you schedule events in the future,
the more likely they will not show.

Step 2 – Send Several Email Reminders

Your warm audience needs email reminders about your upcoming
event. People are busy, life happens, schedules change, so it’s up
to you to remind them why they must show up.
These emails are automatically sent through your webinar
provider. They go out automatically once the user registers for the
event. I suggest having three to four pre-webinar reminder emails,

• A confirmation email.
• An email sent twenty-four hours before the webinar.

• Email one to three hours before the webinar.
• Email fifteen to thirty minutes before the webinar.

While it might feel excessive, remember that most people won’t

open all four emails. If you get them to open even one (a 25 percent
open rate), I would consider it a win—it increases their chances of
showing up.

Step 3 – Crush Your Webinar

Record a specific webinar for your automated event as outlined in
the previous chapter. While it doesn’t need to be perfect, make sure
it keeps their attention and has them excited about your offer when
you make the pitch. Don’t forget to prepare FAQs and SAQs
(Should-Ask Questions).

Step 4 – Incentivize Attendees to Enroll Now

The final strategy for increasing sales is to use a discount or coupon
code related to your webinar. This slight discount can get people
to take action and give them the extra incentive to buy now. When
using coupon or discount codes, ensure that the code is specific to
your automated webinar. Don’t have only one code for several
marketing channels because it’ll make tracking the success rate
nearly impossible.
Also, I suggest having a limited-time option to use the discount.
Don’t let this code float around forever; instead, align it with the
time of your automated launch window, roughly forty-eight to
ninety-six hours from the webinar.

This warm traffic strategy will help you convert people who already
know about you and your brand into paying customers. Typically,
a warm audience will convert at higher rates and furnish you with

The Webinar
a quick boost in sales without much work. This is the final step in
the Event Launch Blueprint. It is a great way to convince people
who already have some sort of relationship with you to enroll in
your programs.
Now, let’s dive into cold traffic. This strategy requires more
finesse, but it can turn your business into an engine for massive

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Evergreen Webinars: Cold Traffic
Building a good customer experience does not happen
by accident. It happens by design.
—Clare Muscutt

N ow, it’s time to discuss the evergreen “cold” traffic strategy.

As I mentioned in the last chapter, cold traffic comprises
people who have never heard of you or your brand.
Since these people don’t know you from a complete stranger, it’s
vital to treat them differently for the best results. You can’t expect
to send them through an automated funnel built from warm traffic
and convert at the same level. It just won’t happen (trust me—I’ve
learned the hard way).
Once you master this strategy, expect your business to take off
like never before. Think about it—more people don’t know you
than those who do. If you can create a machine where new people
can enter and, in a few short days, know, like, and trust you—
maybe some become clients, and you hit the jackpot.
But you must have a unique strategy to build up your know-like-
trust factor. Luckily, after much testing and tweaking, we’ve found
you only need to make three tweaks to begin converting cold traffic.
The best example for generating leads from cold traffic is paid
advertising. For instance, we use Facebook and Instagram ads a
lot at EasyWebinar. We target people in our ideal demographic for
these ads and run different campaigns to draw them into the funnel.
For cold traffic, you have two options: (a) invite them to an
automated webinar two to three days out, or (b) send them to a
lead magnet. If you go with option b, you’ll then invite them to an
automated webinar from the thank-you page after they grab your

The Webinar
lead magnet. Acquiring leads with this strategy usually costs less, but
fewer people register for your event because it’s a two-step process.

Strategy 1: Lead Magnet to Automated Webinar

Think about it: cold traffic usually finds you through a paid ad on
Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, or another platform. If you burst
through the gates and invite them to a webinar, it might feel a bit
forward and overwhelming. Sometimes it’s hard for total strangers
to go from scrolling through social media to vaulting straight into
a webinar.
Instead, focus on building rapport and expertise before
inviting them.
For example, you could send them to a free lead magnet (a mini-
course, PDF, short video series, etc.). This will help you get them on
your email list and provide them with a preview of what it’s like
working with you. Then, on your thank-you page, you could invite
them to attend an automated webinar one to three days in advance.
You could then send them a “nurture” sequence of emails before
the event by blocking out same-day and next-day registrations.
These emails have two core objectives— to seed authority and
The Webinar
build trust with total strangers.
Here’s how that could look if you were a yoga coach with an
automated webinar selling an online course for at-home yoga:

• A new person sees your Facebook ad about “5 Best Yoga

Stretches To Do Each Morning.”
• They click on the ad, download the PDF, or get access to a
video series with the five stretches.
• Once they enter their email address to receive the lead
magnet, they are sent to a thank-you page.

• On the thank-you page, there is a confirmation that the free
lead magnet is headed their way with an invitation for your
automated webinar.
• When they register for the automated event, they can choose
from different times two to three days in advance.
• Once they register, send several emails to familiarize them
with you. Give them reasons to attend the event.

Although this lead magnet to the automated webinar is the

longer route, it is cheaper for acquiring leads. However, it doesn’t
guarantee they will register for your event because many people
will close out the thank-you page and simply read, watch, or listen
to your lead magnet. You have to follow up with them to attend
your automated event in the future.

Strategy 2: Automated Webinars to Cold Traffic

Strategy number two for cold traffic is to create paid ads with one
focus—enticing people to register for your automated webinar.
If you decide to run ads straight to an automated webinar, here
are three steps you need toZeman
take. Please note: use the same tips from
the last chapter regarding automated webinars except step number
one, sending them to a just-in-time webinar. Otherwise, you still
want to:

• Send reminder emails.

• Record an epic webinar.
• Nail your pitch at the end.
• Follow up with your audience.

The Webinar
Step 1 – Don’t Send Them to a Right-on-Time Webinar
Unlike warm traffic, you don’t want to send cold traffic to a webinar
registration page with a just-in-time webinar. This won’t give you
enough time to educate, inform, and build any real relationship
before your presentation.
To build more rapport and create a relationship before the event,
you need to send them content that will help establish yourself as
an expert. Unless you’re a towering figure in your space—like Jay
Shetty, Ed Mylett, Amy Porterfield, and Lewis Howes, for instance,
you should always send them content beforehand.
Schedule your webinar times two to three days in advance. While
this will lead to fewer people showing up than for a just-in- time
webinar, they will likely be attendees with a greater interest.
Because they will have gone through your nurture sequence, they’ll
have a better understanding of you and your business.

Step 2 – Nail Your Nurture Sequence

Once they register for your event, they should get a nurture email
sequence with your email marketing provider. You will set up this
autoresponder to deliver several emails before their webinar. Keep
in mind, not all nurture sequences are created equal. After writing
hundreds, if not thousands, of emails at this point in my career, I’ve
found this is something that will get better with time.
When writing emails for people who are about to attend your
upcoming webinar, focus on three types:

• Your best free content.

• Give them a solid reason to attend.
• Share content that showcases your expert status.

Here is how that could look in your welcome nurture sequence:

Email 1: Build Trust and Seed Expert Status
→ Send immediately after registration.

Send congratulations for signing up, and share more about your
story in the first email. This is where you talk about your expertise,
your journey mastering whatever subject you’re teaching, and any
links to relevant featured media. This could include podcast
interviews, written interviews, TV appearances, and more.
But suppose you don’t have any media appearances yet. In that
case, you could even link to content you created, like a top-viewed
YouTube video or popular podcast episode about your journey to
show that you’re relatable to your audience.

Email 2: Provide a Quick Win

→ Send twelve hours after registration.

Give them a quick win in your second email. Make them feel
more confident before attending the webinar. Not only will this
make them more excited about the event, but it will show that
you’re the expert in the subject.
This is when you send them to your best piece (or pieces) of
content—a viral blog post, a popular podcast episode, or an
awesome video sharing some of your best tips . . . that they can take
action on right now! Don’t give them something overwhelming.
Instead, provide them with something they can do in five to fifteen
minutes to help improve what they’re struggling with.

Email 3 (optional): Establish a Need for Them to Attend

→ Send six to twelve hours before the webinar.

This email is optional. It depends on how far in the future you

allow people to register for an event. If you have time to send it,
this email is more about confirming the details of your webinar.

The Webinar
Establish what they will learn and how it will help them ease the
pain they’re suffering.
People clicked on your ad and plan to attend your event for one
reason: they have a problem and want help. Show that you
understand their situation and give them the hope that they can
remove that problem from their life and/or business.
Here are five other tips to help you write more effective nurture

• Always write to one person. Never say things like “you

guys” because only one person is reading your email. The
more personal you make it, the more they will feel connected
with you before attending your webinar.
• Tell stories and share your vulnerabilities. While this might
not be easy, it’s crucial to build trust with your audience.
Sharing your challenging moments makes it easier for them
to relate to you and understand you’re the person who can
help. No one can connect to a perfect person. Vulnerability
is a superpower. It’s up to you to share relatable moments.
• Format your email wisely. When writing email copy,
remember that most people will read it on a mobile device.
Don’t write long paragraphs that darken the entire screen
when they read it. Instead, use small words and short
sentences with plenty of white space to keep them scrolling.
Also, avoid images in your header or footer because some
email servers might mark them as spam. Believe it or not,
generic and straightforward emails tend to work the best,
and they require the least amount of time to create.
• Test subject lines. Most email marketing software will allow
you to A/B test subject lines. Try out a few to see which
subject lines yield the highest open rates and use them in
your nurture sequence. Don’t forget—the most successful
entrepreneurs constantly test to see what works best.
• Use “P.S.” strategically. When closing emails, be sure to include
a P.S. reminding them to attend the event. Many people will

skim to the end, so use a P.S. to summarize the email. Include
a friendly reminder about their upcoming event.

Hopefully, this nurture sequence will create qualified buyers

who show up ready to learn and invest in your programs.

Cold leads are different from warm leads and need to be treated
accordingly. You can’t have a single automated webinar funnel for
warm and cold leads and expect them to convert at the same rates.
In fact, this might skew your funnel’s numbers and make scaling
your entire enterprise more challenging.
Instead, maintain two automated funnels: one for cold traffic and
one for warm. This will give users a better experience and help you
track your metrics.
While you might get people to register and attend, they likely
won’t have the retention factor without a good nurture sequence.
You will almost definitely have fewer people register. Still, my
guess is that the attendance and engagement rate will increase.
In addition, they are a more qualified lead than completely cold
traffic coming to your automated event.
At the end of the day, those who learn how to convert cold traffic
become the most successful coaches and course creators.
Cold traffic typically converts at a lower rate, but this is how you
can scale significantly with your automated event. Once you know
your numbers and understand the process of scaling ads, you can
create a huge list of loyal followers. Even if they don’t buy
immediately, they are more likely to become customers in the
future. Not only will this help you get people in your ecosystem,
but it will build your email list like crazy!

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High-Ticket Offers 101:
Everything You Need to Know
It’s never a waste of time or money to invest in yourself,
no matter the source. True wealth begins inwards and emits its
light outward into everything else, including the people
you surround yourself with.

S o far, we’ve covered many ways to sell your digital products

to your audience using live and automated webinars. In this
chapter, I want to pivot and help you think bigger. I find that most
entrepreneurs, myself included, usually undervalue our services.
Sometimes it’s hard to charge your true worth because you have
imposter syndrome—you worry you might not be “good enough”
to charge higher prices.
I challenge you to think differently about this: you aren’t selling
a digital course, coaching, or membership. No one wants that.
You’re selling a transformation. That’s what people want—a
transformation. And that’s how you need to think as we move
forward into creating high-ticket offers.
A high-ticket offer is one step above your average offer, and
it provides even more transformation to your audience. A high-
ticket offer is one step in your ascension model. It provides clients
with a chance to work with you more closely. This is a win-win
because you will earn more per customer, and they’ll likely get
better results. Remember this: the people who pay, pay attention.
Every entrepreneur needs a high-ticket offer not just to earn more
money but to also meet the needs of every person.

Why You Need a High-Ticket Offer
Here are four reasons why I think every entrepreneur can greatly
benefit from a high-ticket offer in their business.

1. More Revenue
The first reason to have high-ticket offers is apparent—additional
(and more) revenue per customer.
Charging higher amounts for your services will instantly add
more top-line revenue to your business. You can use this additional
revenue to build your business by hiring freelancers, virtual
assistants, running paid ads, and more.
In your business, cash is oxygen. The more revenue you produce,
the faster you can scale, helping you to impact more people while
also reclaiming your precious time.

2. Better Results (Testimonials and Case Studies)

As I said earlier, “People who pay, pay attention.”
This concept is why customers who join your paid offers (like
a membership or digital course) always get better results than
people who simply consume your free content. Paying customers
have “skin in the game.” They are invested in obtaining results and
are more likely to act on your advice.
This principle is magnified with high-ticket offers. Someone can
still play small with a $37-per-month membership or $297 digital
course. But when you start asking people to spend $2,000 or more,
they become eager to earn it back. The individuals who pay more
for your services tend to take even more action and get even better
results. These fantastic results that your students get can then
become case studies and testimonials for additional marketing.
Don’t forget to reach out to them for testimonials

The Webinar
3. Act as a Price Anchor
Another way that high-ticket offers can help your business is by
acting as a price anchor.
For example, let’s say you have a $497 digital course and a one-
on-one coaching offer that goes along with it for $1,997. With the
coaching offer, students get the digital course, but they also get
additional training and six one-on-one coaching sessions.
You can have both offers side-by-side in a comparison table
in your marketing, specifically on your sales page and in launch
emails. This way, the $1,997 investment acts as a price anchor and
makes your digital course priced at $497 look like an incredible deal.
Having an offer that is three to four times the price of your
core offer shows potential customers the value of the core offer. It
makes them feel like they’re receiving your teaching at a fraction
of the price. Even if you don’t sell any high-ticket offers for this
program, you’re still likely to obtain more enrollments as an effect.
People love seeing a VIP option—some individuals are even
more likely to purchase a higher-ticket item. But here’s the thing:
people like choices but not too many options. Too many options
overwhelm them, so keep it simple with only two choices—your
core offer and a high-level VIP offer. When you have two options
for your offer, like the example, you can appeal to individuals who
have a “VIP mindset.” Use your high-ticket coaching to act as a
price anchor for more sales. Talk about a win-win!

4. Learn More About Your Customer

Finally, a high-ticket coaching offer allows you to become
acquainted with your customers at a deeper level than in a self-
paced digital course or membership. Since you’re interacting with
clients more frequently in a group or one-on-one coaching
program, you’re in their world. You can hear what they’re saying,
experience what they’re feeling, and help them shift much faster.

Then you can use everything you learn to continue upgrading
your signature program, improving your messaging, and creating
better free content. The more you know about your ideal customer
before you ask them to purchase something, the more likely you are
to make the sale. If your messaging and free content speak directly
to their pain and what they desire, you’ll build more rapport and
trust and likely make more sales.

Conquering the Fear of Charging More

As you can tell, there are many benefits for launching your high-
ticket offer alongside a digital course. Sadly, one of the biggest
problems is that many people don’t feel comfortable charging large
amounts of money.
Many entrepreneurs say things like:

• “My audience will never spend that kind of money.”

• “Am I good enough to sell a $2,000+ product?”
• “No one else in my industry is making this kind of offer.”

Many other negative things hold people back from scaling their
business. Let’s address these issues now so you can free yourself
from these limiting beliefs and start selling higher-ticket offers.

Limiting Belief 1: My Audience Won’t Pay That Much

How do you know your audience won’t pay a higher price? That’s
a pretty big assumption, especially if you have hundreds and
thousands of people on your email list, plus those following you
on social media.
Unfortunately, many of us think this way before we ever make a
higher-priced offer. Many never even bother creating one.
The reason? Safety.
By offering a high-ticket program, you open yourself to criticism:
“Who is he/she to charge that much?” You also might believe you
aren’t “good enough” to provide those kinds of services.

The Webinar
If you’re reading this book, I know you’re a heart-centered
entrepreneur. Your goal isn’t to be a flashy internet marketer with
generic offers who ignores their clients. No, you have a gift and
want to help others achieve results. The sheer fact that you worry
whether you’re good enough means that you are. I promise you
that no sleazy internet marketer cares—they’re only in it for the
money. But you’re in it for the impact more than anything else.
As I’ve mentioned throughout this book, it’s all about testing and
putting your offers in front of more people.
People want results more than anything else.
If you have an offer that can help them speed up success, they
will enroll. People aren’t looking to buy courses or coaching. They
want results. If a high-ticket offer can help them achieve results
more efficiently, a certain number of your audience will go for it.

Limiting Belief 2: I’m Not “Good Enough”

Like many entrepreneurs, you always want to over-deliver on your
promise. Ensure that paying clients have the best experience when
working with you.
When it comes to charging three to five times your standard
rates, you may ask, “Am I good enough to charge these rates?”
Good old imposter syndrome is kicking in here. I’ve been there
“Good enough” is subjective; it all comes down to producing
results. If you feel that working with you will help them achieve
better results, you should create a high-ticket offer for that.

Limiting Belief 3: No One Else In My Industry Is Doing It

First, stop looking at it negatively. If no one else is offering high-
ticket services, consider it a huge opportunity. This will make you
and your brand the Nordstrom—not the Walmart—in your industry.
A higher-priced offer differentiates you from all the other people
offering similar services. This will help you stand out and show
that you’re not afraid to cut your own path.

Second, maybe your ideal clients haven’t bought a similar digital
course or membership because it doesn’t have a high-ticket offer
component. Sometimes, people want that additional support and
are willing to pay for it. But if it’s not available, they can’t invest.
Don’t be afraid to be different and stand out in your industry,
even if people think you’re crazy. As the late Steve Jobs said, “The
people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world
are the ones who do.”

Nailing Your High-Ticket Offer

Now that you have the right mindset to offer high-ticket products,
it’s time to figure out the right vehicle to scale your business.
Here are three of the most common types of high-ticket offers to
help get you started.

One-on-One Coaching
The easiest way to launch your high-ticket offer is to begin
coaching one-on-one. If you already have a digital course (or are in
the process of creating one), simply add some coaching to charge a
higher investment price.
For example, suppose your digital course is $497. In that case,
you can offer one-on-one coaching for $1,997 - $4,997, depending
on what’s included in the additional price.
To get started, make sure you define:

• What is the transformation for your student?

• What kind of support do you provide (number of calls,
email support, messaging).
• How long does the coaching program last? Hint: I’ve found
that eight to twelve weeks is perfect; any longer might be
too much of a commitment.

The Webinar
One-on-one coaching is effortless to start and allows you to
get up and running quickly. The convenient part of one-on-one
coaching is that you don’t have to create more content.

Group Coaching
While one-on-one coaching is a great way to begin your high-ticket
coaching experience, it’s not very scalable. You only have so much
time in your day to coach and do everything else that your business
requires. The last thing you want is your high-ticket coaching offer
to take up all your time as you might burn out or come to resent
the work altogether.
Instead, opt for group coaching—it’s highly scalable and easy to
After you’ve worked with enough people in a one-on-one
capacity, map out a group coaching program that connects like-
minded people and delivers similar results. In my experience, I’ve
found that group coaching might be even more beneficial than one-
on-one coaching.
Sometimes people don’t always recognize what they’re
struggling with or don’t know how to communicate effectively
in a one-on-one setting. If you have a group coaching call with
students, someone might ask a question, and you find that another
student is struggling with the same problem. Instead of answering
the same question over and over, you can do it once for the benefit
of everyone.
Another advantage of group coaching is that you can repurpose
the content easily. For example, you could theme each coaching call
around a specific module in your offer, record it, and add it to the
course or as a bonus lesson.
Finally, group coaching usually has a lower cost than one-on- one
coaching, so it’s more accessible to a larger portion of your
audience. Lower cost, plus more scalability than one-on-one
coaching, makes group coaching a great asset to your business.

Like one-on-one coaching, all you need is to map out deliverables,
length of program, cost, and decide whether you’re going to cap it
at a set number of students.

The final way to make a high-ticket offer is to do exclusive, high-
level Masterminds.
If you’re starting out on your entrepreneurial journey, this might
not be for you, but it’s great to know what’s available for you in the
future. I’ve been involved in several Masterminds, including Lewis
Howes’s “Greatness Mastermind.” I can say they’ve had a
profound impact on my life and business.
If you don’t know, a Mastermind is a group of people who come
together with a shared interest to grow their business. The term
“mastermind” was first coined by best-selling author Napoleon
Hill in his book, The Laws of Success. As Hill said, “The mastermind
principle consists of an alliance of two or more minds working
in perfect harmony for the attainment of a common definite
Unlike coaching, Masterminds are more about collaboration than
anything else. It’s about convening a group of people to help solve
each other’s problems, discover new solutions, and provide new
With Masterminds, a leader is responsible for scheduling,
interviewing applicants, and ensuring everything runs smoothly.
There is usually a predetermined number of people (between five
and fifteen, twenty maximum) and specific criteria to join, such as
annual revenue. Masterminds are the highest investment and can
range from $5,000 to $100,000 for each member.
Even if you aren’t there yet, keep this option in mind because it
can grow your business and build new relationships.

The Webinar
Setting Up Your High-Ticket Automated Funnel

• Invite.
• Short webinar.
• CTA: book a call or fill out an application.

While many of you may not have considered a high-ticket offer yet,
I hope this chapter has you seeing the potential for them.
The most significant advantage is that you can set up an
automated webinar that generates leads and appointments on
autopilot. While we’ve covered all sorts of different funnels, I want
to give you the rundown of creating automated high-ticket funnels
because they’re different from sales webinars.
How do you craft the offer for a coaching program?
You need a high-ticket webinar funnel. I have coined something
with my webinar expert friend Jon Schumacher—an evergreen
profit center.
The basics of a high-ticket funnel are concerned with qualifying
the kind of audience that will receive your offer. The more your
message aligns with the audience in the funnel, the better you will
perform once you get these people on the phone.
The offer on a high-ticket funnel should take someone to an
application, a strategy call, or preferably both. Your webinar does
not end with a pitch to a checkout page. High-ticket offers need
more finesse and strategy.
Whether you first take people to an application or not, it is
imperative to have it for your own benefit to know if someone is
worth your phone time trying to convert them to a client. High-
ticket offers tend to require a one-on-one connection and selling
over the phone. Don’t worry if you’re a solopreneur without a sales
team, either. This can be as simple as booking a call with people to
see if they are the right fit for your offer.
What should the webinar be about?

The content of your high-ticket automated webinar should solve
one particular problem. The goal is to help someone get clarity
in the shortest amount of time. This is a high-impact, high-touch
webinar with no fluff or pitch.
Usually, these webinars are around the thirty-minute mark. They
have the same flow as the framework, “6 Steps to Creating a High-
Converting Webinar,” but there is no pitch at the end. This will
make the webinar shorter, and once you’re done teaching, you will
direct attendees to book a call.
You can have them book a call with you directly using something
like Calendly to sync your calendar and show available time slots.
Or you can have them fill out an application first to ensure they are
a good fit for your program. Once they submit the application, you
can reach out and schedule a call.
Test this as a live webinar to make sure it converts and then
automate it.

Thinking of Coaching Differently

The key to a high-ticket offer is to think “less is more.”
It’s best to offer a familiar, concise, and simple process. People
simply want clarity; they want the secrets without the fluff.
Often, doing less than more is critical. At the same time, do it in
an engaging way that promotes exciting education and lightning-
fast implementation.
High-ticket targets should be high-touch, engaged, leveled-up
methods for education. The coaching should require commitment
and accountability from students to achieve the best results.
We use webinars to acquire clients. We also use webinars as a
backbone to our TribeMinded system, which provides this high-
touch, leveled-up training, and accountability.
The ultimate benefit is that this method also gives time back
to you.

The Webinar
As such, if you add the TribeMinded method to your coaching
offer (which is how you fulfill your program), you will convert
more clients into coaching clients. This unique system allows you
to always be closing people into your program, which creates a
learning track specific to them.
Most coaching programs n o t o n l y open doors, but also
have to close every so often. When you close your doors for,
say, your eight-week coaching program, it means no revenue
coming into your business. The standard solution has been to
open the program and close the program every two months to
create scarcity and urgency. But this means once you close the
program, even if you only have one person enrolled, you have to
run it. This is a terrible use of your
time and makes it nearly impossible to scale your business.
What’s the solution? Fulfilling with automated webinars.
Our method lets you acquire and close people into evergreen
high-touch programs that work without you being there but still
have that high-touch experience.
In fact, your total time commitment per week can be as little as
one hour. This also means there is no ceiling for how many people
can be added to your program.
The TribeMinded evergreen coaching program allows you to
create a more significant leveraged impact that brings in more
coaching clients more often.

Fulfilling High-Ticket Offers With Webinars

While webinars can help you book more leads and set more
appointments, you can also fulfill using automated webinars.
Here’s an example of how we use automated webinars to run a
high-ticket offer inside our business.
Offer: Online course plus twelve weeks group coaching to scale
their business with webinars.

• Once someone signs up, they get a confirmation email and
• Every week for the next six weeks, each student does the
training for that week, delivered via automated webinar.
Since it’s not live training each week, students can pick a
convenient time for their schedule. This way, anyone can
buy it and not fall behind.
• During that week, there is also a live coaching call with me
and my team for six weeks. Students can ask questions, get
feedback, and get hot seats to work through issues on the
group coaching call. This is also helpful for students because
they can interact with others and see where they are in their
journey. For example, students in week one might learn a
great deal from someone who’s further ahead in week six.
This sort of collaboration is a huge benefit to group coaching

As I mentioned, this only requires sixty to ninety minutes of my

time each week. I can easily scale it and ensure new students are
always joining, which means consistent revenue month after

Hopefully, you now understand how a high-ticket offer could help
you scale your revenue and improve your business at all levels.
While there are other ways to scale your business without the
endless hustle (automated webinars, outsourcing, etc.), having a
high-ticket offer will help you and your clients.
If you can help people more by working together in a more
intimate setting, you can offer a high-ticket program. Don’t let the
fear of a higher price hold you back from charging what you’re
Offering higher prices will allow you to work with more
committed people who want results at the highest levels. Plus,

The Webinar
as you gain more experience and expertise, you can try different
methods and see what you enjoy the best.
This is your business, and you should focus on spending more
time doing what you love. For example, you might find that you
love one-on-one coaching but hate group coaching (or vice-versa).
Keep testing. See what works best for you and your audience.
Then, launch it with your next webinar or float the idea in emails
to your list. Once you have students, use automated webinars to
keep people going through specific content each week and do live
coaching calls.
Finally, have fun with the process. Be proud of believing in
yourself enough to launch new offers. These offers will help you
scale, grow your business, and hit your goals faster than you ever
thought possible.

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How to Acquire Leads and Build
Your Business With Webinars
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence,
then, is not an act but a habit.

How to Use Webinars in the Top of a Sales


T he top of the sales funnel is about brand awareness more than

anything else.
This is not the time to come out of the gates hard-selling and
looking desperate for business. At this point, you hardly have
a relationship with them, and the last thing you want is to play
Jordan Belfort in The Wolf of Wall Street trying to sell penny stocks.
Don’t force the issue; you might ruin the relationship before you
ever give it a chance to succeed. Instead, the awareness stage is
all about building rapport and letting your audience get to know,
like, and trust you.
Think about it from the other side of the coin. I’m sure you join
people’s funnels all the time. At this point, you may or may not
have a problem you want to solve. Or maybe you’re still researching
something you want to do in the near future.
As a prospective buyer, you probably start looking for a brand
and person with whom you feel a connection. You’re looking
for someone to guide you through the journey to success, which
usually starts with free content, whether a lead magnet, a YouTube
video, or something else to help you build momentum.
From the expert side of things, do everything you can to build
authority and trust quickly. Webinars are the fastest way to do

that, and that is one of the million reasons I love them for all parts
of your sales funnel.
Here are some of the best ways to use webinars in this part of the

1. Automated Webinar as a CTA to Free Content

If you’re like most online marketers, you’re likely putting out new
content each week to attract new leads, whether it’s a weekly blog
post, podcast episode, or a YouTube video related to your niche and
A webinar can help make this free content even more effective.
Instead of consuming more content, a webinar can help people
learn more about you and your brand. In addition, it helps build
trust quickly.
Regardless of which piece of content you put out each week,
having some sort of CTA is vital to your success. Ideally, your CTA
should hand your audience a quick win and get them on your email
list so you can further segment and cultivate the relationship.
A webinar can help with both.
For example, if you put out a weekly podcast, place links in your
description to persuade people to sign up for a free, educational
webinar. This will help move them along in their own journey and
help build your email list simultaneously. It’s an actual win-win

2. Paid Ads
While organic traffic is great (and free), it won’t guarantee that you
will grow your email list. As you probably know, sometimes you
can create the best piece of content ever, only to have it fall flat and
not resonate with your audience. This is a momentum killer for
many entrepreneurs because you haven’t built the necessary
awareness you want (and need) to grow your business.

The Webinar
The solution is to use a combination of organic and paid traffic,
like Facebook ads. While you should have an organic traffic
strategy, don’t forget about the power of paid ads as well.
Paid advertising is one of the best ways to pull targeted leads
into your funnel. Yet many entrepreneurs hold back because
they get overwhelmed and think of it as an expense instead of an
I challenge you to think differently. Instead, understand that
paid ads with organic content can help you gain more awareness
and get people to the next phase of your funnel.

3. AMA Webinar
Finally, one last type of webinar to help you in the “ t o p o f
f u n n e l ” ( TOFU) stage is an AMA (Ask-Me-Anything) webinar.
An AMA webinar is a great way to build rapport with your
audience and provide them answers to their most pressing
questions. It also instantly helps you stand out as an expert in your
niche—someone to serve the audience.
Amy Porterfield, the creator of Digital Course Academy, has
implemented this lately. She’s also a wildly successful entrepreneur
who serves her audience with lots of content on building an online
course business. Webinars are her secret weapon for success.
Aside from her podcast episodes on Online Marketing Made
Easy, she does monthly live Q&A sessions. These are informative
and free for her audience, yet informal compared to some webinars.
She sends these out when you join her email list and runs an AMA-
style webinar about list-building and digital courses.
These are three of the best ways to use webinars at the top of your
funnel. Think about how one (or all) of them can help you gain
awareness about your business.

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Webinars x MOFU = More Sales
& Higher Conversion Rates

I t’s time to keep moving down the funnel.

Imagine your funnel is the path new people take when they learn
about you and your brand. The top of the funnel is a sales
program’s first stage that guides new leads into a buying cycle.
Essentially, funnels convert your email subscribers into buyers.
The more effective your funnel is, the more people you can impact
and the more revenue you can generate as you acquire new leads.
The goal is to obtain new leads through the funnel effectively
so you can scale your business but not too aggressively. As Brian
Tracy said, “Approach each customer with the idea of helping him
or her to solve a problem or achieve a goal, not of selling a product
or service.”
Now that we’ve covered ways to use webinars at top of funnel,
let’s get into middle of funnel (MOFU) strategies.

How to Use Webinars in the Middle of a Sales

The middle of the funnel is well past the awareness stage, and the
mindset is different for you and your potential customer.
Here’s what I mean.
At this point, you should have educated your new subscribers with
more information about yourself and what you believe in.

The Webinar
The top of the funnel helps them build rapport and begin learning
how you can help them.
Once through your top of funnel emails, it’s time to get to the
middle of the funnel. This is where they are more likely to buy your
product or service, or at least be open to hearing more about it.
From the other side, the middle funnel is also different from you.
As you go from top to middle of funnel, teach how your offers can
help them solve their most significant problems. This is the time to
display your skills, share case studies, and stand out as an expert.
What’s the best way to do all that? Webinars.
Webinars build trust and rapport with people faster than video
sales letters or an email autoresponder. They also convert at a much
higher rate.
Webinars are great because they leverage the three Bs—Being
there, Building a trust bridge, and Big results, making them perfect
for the middle of your funnel.
Here are two great strategies to help you maximize the middle
of your funnel using live and automated webinars.

1. Freebie Method
If you read about Tanya Aliza’s massive success using webinars,
you might know a little more about her freebie method. This
strategy helped her grow her business from side hustle to a full-
time seven-figure business! Webinars were a crucial part of her
growth and success.
Here’s how it works: instead of inviting people straight to a
webinar via Facebook ads or organic content, convince them to
download a freebie first. This helps for a few reasons:

• First, it’s a smaller request than asking someone you don’t

know (cold traffic) to attend a sixty-minute webinar.

• Second, it helps you build trust and start a relationship with
them before asking them to sign up for a webinar. This will
help them learn more about you and, hopefully, build the
know-like-trust factor much faster.
• Finally, it makes your automated webinar more of an
exclusive event and something only available to your email
list. The key is to make sure it’s only offered to people who
opt into your email list, not just anyone who stumbles across
your blog or social media channels.

Learn From The Best: How Tanya Uses The Freebie Method
Setting up this invite is easy.
After they enter their email to download the freebie, direct them
to a thank-you page. Have a section dedicated to inviting them to
the webinar on your page.
Tanya Aliza does it like this:

• Tanya has a short video that thanks them for downloading

the freebie. She then tells them about the webinar.
Specifically, she focused on the benefits of attending and its
relation to the freebie.
• Then comes a button to register for the automated webinar.
In her case, 65 percent of people who downloaded the
freebie signed up for the webinar.
• Finally, she includes invitations to the webinar in her email
sequence for those who chose not to sign up on the thank-
you page.

2. Live Launches = Live Sales Webinars

While webinars work great with freebies, they’re also a fantastic
way to generate sales from your email list. Top entrepreneurs
use our platform to run launches and generate buzz around their
products and services throughout the year.

The Webinar
A live launch window (instead of an automated webinar) helps
email subscribers learn more about your offer. For example, one of
our EasyWebinar users, Amy Porterfield, does yearly launches for
her signature program, Digital Course Academy.
This is a higher-ticket offer, and she only opens its doors once per
year. Webinars are how she converts her massive email list into
Live launches are significant because:

• They help you teach instead of only providing free content.

• They build your email list by inviting cold traffic to your
live webinars.
• With a strict cart close deadline, they help people on your
list decide if now is the right time to invest in your offer. But
even if they don’t buy, it helps them gain more awareness
about you and your offer.

And a lot more.

How to Use Live Webinars Effectively

Ready to begin using live sales webinars for launches? Then follow
these best practices:

Share More Stories

Let’s face it, people don’t recall much of what they learn. Think
about the last informative book you read. How much of it do you
remember? My point exactly.
But stories are what people do recall.
Storytelling is highly effective in helping people retain more
information and build more rapport. As Margaret Atwood said,
“You’re never going to kill storytelling because it’s built in the
human plan. We come with it.”

Don’t merely share information during your webinar. Share
more stories instead. The more examples you can use and the more
you can relate to your audience, the better.
When I started running webinars, I shared my failures and
low moments with my audience. Even though it wasn’t easy, it hit
home with them, and I saw better conversion rates than ever

Show Your Passion

Webinars are effective because they allow you to develop a deeper
connection with your audience. Unlike a YouTube video or
podcast, you’re not talking “at” them. Instead, you’re sharing and
hanging out with your audience—live.
Live interaction allows you to reveal your passion and excitement
about your topic and business. Your energy has a direct impact on
your audience as well.
The more energy and passion you have, the more likely your
audience will stay longer, engage, and learn. With live webinar
launches, go all in. Don’t skimp on energy.

Talk About the Benefits

One of the biggest mistakes I see with sales webinars is focusing on
the offer itself. But here’s the thing: no one necessarily wants an
online course, coaching, or membership—they want an answer to
their problem!
It falls to you to discuss how your offer is the solution. Instead of
focusing on the modules and training videos, share how each part
of your offer helps solve their biggest problem. Link each part of
your offer to a specific benefit, and I promise you’ll create a higher-
converting webinar.

The Webinar
Provide Useful and Helpful Content
Finally, make sure your webinar content is beneficial for anyone
who attends. In your time together, make sure you reward your
audience for showing up, whether they buy or not.
Remember, most people won’t buy.
If you get 10 percent or more of your attendees to become
customers—great! But that means 90 percent or more won’t buy
your offer. Make sure you still deliver for your audience, so they’re
more likely to sign up for a future webinar.
Don’t forget the rule of seven in marketing. Sometimes it takes
people several times (usually seven or more) to actually buy your
offer. If they don’t buy the first few times, don’t worry about it.
Keep showing up, providing them value, and thanking them for
being with you.

Final Thoughts on MOFU Strategies

As you can see webinars are beneficial in the middle of your funnel.
Webinars help move your target audience one step closer to
becoming customers in the consideration stage. This is the time to
reveal your unique solution and show them how it can help with
their biggest problems.
There is no single way to run webinars. While I shared a few
ideas that have worked for other EasyWebinar users and myself,
don’t be afraid to experiment.
Finally, make sure you have a good top of funnel sequence
to set yourself up for success in the middle. Otherwise, it’ll be much
harder to make the sale, and you will probably see lower

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Increase Conversions With These
Bottom of Funnel Hacks

A lright, now comes the fun part—the bottom of your

funnel (BOFU).
The bottom part of the funnel is where the sales happen. You can
master the top and middle, but none of this works without the
bottom funnel converting buyers.

Bottom of the Funnel 101

Why is the bottom portion of your funnel so important? One
This is where your prospect moves into the decision stage. At this
point, the customer is at a crossroads, and your goal is to help them
make a decision.
It’s essential to understand the potential customer’s mindset at
this point. They likely want to invest in a solution to their problem,
or they wouldn’t have gone through the first two stages of the
funnel. Yet something still holds them back.
Maybe it’s a broad objection like time, money, or feeling like they
aren’t good enough. Or it could be a product-specific objection like
price, deliverables, and the like. It’s up to you to give them the
answers and the belief that your offer can help them obtain real-
world results.
The best channel for pulling traffic into a webinar for the bottom
of the funnel is a “warm” audience. These strategies are not meant

The Webinar
for cold traffic—you don’t want the first interaction with customers
to be a hard sell.
Here are three examples and actionable ideas for using webinars
at the bottom of a sales funnel.

1. Product Showcase Webinar

The first type of webinar to use is all about showing off your
product. The old saying, “show, don’t tell,” applies to this part of
the funnel. You can do this two ways: a free trial offer or a product
First up is a free trial offer. For example, let’s say you’re selling a
membership site that costs $49.99 per month. With a product
showcase webinar, you could offer them a free seven-day trial to
see what it’s like behind the scenes.
You could run them through a set of automated webinars to give
them an unforgettable first impression of your product. Hopefully,
they’re so impressed with the onboarding and coaching that they
decide to keep the membership past the expiration of the trial period.
The other way to show off your product is with a demonstration.
This might be more complicated if you’re selling digital products,
but it’s great for physical products.
For example, suppose you have an e-commerce product. In that
case, you could have a brand ambassador share the product with a
live audience. Or you could have interviews with past customers
who have benefited from the physical product as well.

2. AMA or Case Study Webinars

The second strategy for the bottom of your funnel is a webinar
geared solely toward decision making. You can do this in two
specific ways:

• AMA (Ask-Me-Anything) webinars.

• Case study or testimonial webinars with past clients.

Ask-Me-Anything Webinar (AMA)
The first strategy is an AMA webinar.
Unlike a traditional webinar, an AMA doesn’t have a slide deck
or formal structure. It’s simple: you show up live and allow your
audience to ask questions about the program after a traditional
sales webinar. For example, you could do a few webinars, then a
day or two before your launch closes, offer an AMA webinar.
This type of webinar is terrifying for some people. Others love it
because the presenter speaks off the cuff. I used this strategy when
I started running webinars.
I would do AMA webinars for hours—some that actually lasted
four hours— and I loved it. These help you sell more of your offer
and provide valuable information about your audience. These
webinars helped me gain more clarity about my offer, learn about
my audience, handle objections, and help get people off the fence
to join.

Case Study Webinar

The second strategy is a case study webinar. This type of webinar
requires a little more work, but it’s worth it.
A case study webinar lets you showcase your top students—
those who have already used your product or offer and have
experienced significant results. The goal is to persuade your
audience to imagine themselves as that same case study if they
invest in your product.
Like an AMA webinar, this is informal but helpful for your
audience. You can interview them, have an open roundtable
conversation, have your audience submit questions (like an AMA),
or use a hybrid model.
Of course, this requires a little more work. You’ll need to have
past students on the webinar. But it’s worth it for the social proof.
Remember, people are on the fence, and sometimes hearing from
past students is all they need to finally pull the trigger.

The Webinar
3. Sales Webinars
Finally, you could run a conventional sales webinar as well. It
really depends on what you did in the middle of your funnel. If
you already did a sales webinar, don’t do it again for the bottom of
your funnel.
But if you offered something like a $7 training, low-cost ebook,
or another sort of specialized deal, then you can run a sales webinar.
Again, it depends on your audience, offer, and marketing strategy.
Don’t forget, there is no single “perfect” strategy. Sometimes you
have to test different webinars at different stages to see which
works best for your audience.

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How to Create Epic Webinar Slides
That Keep People’s Attention
Storytelling is the most powerful way to put
ideas into the world today.
—Robert McKee

L et’s dispel a myth in the webinar world—your slide deck.

I meet many starting entrepreneurs who are struggling. They
think they can just “wing it” with their slides. However, your slides
play an essential role in delivering an engaging webinar. If
you’re currently “winging it” or have tried that strategy in the past,
I’ll bet you’re losing out on lots of revenue.
Why? Because your webinar slides can make or break your
presentation. They allow you to tell a story for the attendees using
images, graphs, and the right text. As Mary Catherine Bateson said,
“The human species thinks in metaphors and learns through stories.”
If your slides don’t captivate your audience from beginning
to end, they’ll leave early. When they go early, fewer will see
your offers and buy your products. A slide presentation is how
you visually communicate with your audience. It is a tool that
illustrates your message and expresses the value of your event.
It’s the perfect recipe for success, paired with a strong transition
from teaching to selling valuable information. I’m confident your
webinar slides will help you create an impressive presentation that
keeps your audience engaged when you follow these tips.

The Webinar
1. Start With an Outline
Before writing a word of this book, do you know what I did?
I created a crystal-clear outline from start to finish. I identified
my most significant points, broke down the sections, and made it
flow from beginning to end. This is the same process to use when
creating your webinar slides.
While you might feel eager to jump right into the slide creation
process, I’ve found this isn’t the best strategy. If you don’t have
a clear plan for the flow of your webinar, it’s easy to waste time,
create too much content, and not have an effective presentation.
Instead, start with an outline so you can craft a clear flow for
your webinar experience.
Here’s what you should do first:

Establish Your Hook

The first five or ten minutes of your webinar is essential for hooking
your audience early in the process. Like a good movie or binge-
worthy TV series, start with a bold promise or statement.
Don’t lecture like a boring college professor. Instead, think about
different ways to hook your audience so they’re more likely to stay
until the end. Ask yourself what your audience needs to hear right
now so they’re intrigued and want to learn more.

Outline Key Points

Once you have your hook, outline the core lessons attendees will
learn from showing up. To make this easy, I title my webinars with
a number of points associated with them.
For example, instead of having a webinar titled “How to Run 6-
Figure Webinars,” I would call it “3 Ways to Build a 6-Figure
Webinar” or “5 Tips for Making Your First Webinar Sale.”
Having a number in the title ensures that your webinar has a
built-in structure and doesn’t take too much time. One of the
biggest mistakes early in my webinar journey was oversharing and
having the event run too long. A number in the title forces you

to stick to three to five talking points for a concise, more effective

Gather Data and Stories

Finally, make sure you gather relevant data that will help back up
your claims. Providing a few sources will help substantiate your
data and show audiences you aren’t “winging it” as you go. I’d also
suggest thinking about one to three personal stories to share with
your audience.
For example, when I was selling my YouTube course, I shared
stories in my webinars about what it was like when I started out. I
shared my early struggles and successes to help people relate to me.
I wanted to clarify that I knew where they were and demonstrate
my expertise because I had since found success using the platform.
Stories sell more than most people realize. This will help your
audience develop a relationship with you and see you as the
person who
can help them get out of the pain they’re suffering.

2. Use a Consistent Color Palette

Your webinar slides should look professional and be easy to follow.
I suggest picking a color palette. This will make your slides clean
and easy to read throughout your presentation. Simply google
“color palette generator” to find one that works for your brand.
Keeping a consistent color palette will give your slides a cohesive
and polished look. Use colors for text boxes, shapes, transparent
image overlays, and backgrounds. You might not have realized
it before, but different colors will evoke specific feelings in your
audience. You can emphasize a point, add meaning, create a mood,
and more with the right color.
For example, warm colors, including red, orange, and yellow,
tend to evoke positive feelings, energy, and passion. Meanwhile,
cool colors—blue, green, and purple—are calming and relaxing.

The Webinar
Lastly, always have someone outside your organization give
your slides a final run-through if possible. Make sure you choose
colors that make it easy for your attendees to read your text and
not distract them. Also, use colors and easily read fonts to create
contrast and highlight essential parts of your message.

3. Create an Awesome Title Slide

Your attendees get only one first impression, making your
webinar’s title slide extremely important. In addition, the title slide
may be used for webinar promotions, and it’s usually the
thumbnail on social media posts.
Here are a few things that every title slide needs:

• Webinar Title. Choose a simple, large sans serif font that

fills the top quarter of the slide. Be sure your title grabs the
readers’ attention and conveys value.
• Subtitle. Use a bold, sans serif font smaller than your title.
Expand on your title, so your audience knows exactly what
they will learn when registering and attending.
• Logo. Clearly show who is hosting the webinar. If you’re
partnering with a well-known influencer, you’ll want to
mention their name or display their logo on the title slide as
• Eye-catching Image. Your image shouldn’t make it hard to
read your title, but it should help catch your audience’s

4. Use a Simple and Clean Presenter Slide

I can’t stress this enough: keep your slides clean and simple. Less
is more when it comes to creating effective webinar slides.
It’s best to showcase your webinar speakers with a presenter
slide. This slide should include professional headshots of each of
your presenters along with their name, title, and company logo.

Don’t feel like it’s necessary to include a bio on the slides. But I
would recommend having it as part of your webinar script to build
credibility and trust with your audience.

5. Create a Powerful Agenda Slide

People want to know what they’re attending and what’s in it for
them. Don’t make them wait until the tenth slide to tell them what
the webinar is about.
Inform them at the beginning with a simple agenda slide. Use
bullet points to keep your ideas clear and concise.
Also, use language that teases the engaging content you’re about
to deliver.

6. Use GIFs, Icons, and Graphs

A well-designed slide deck means each slide is part of the same
narrative you’re teaching during your webinar. Every slide should
help them move one step closer to the call to action you have at the
end. While you should keep the formatting and text the same, don’t
get stuck making a dull college PowerPoint presentation with the
same slides. The last thing you want to create is a lackluster slide
deck that reminds people of the mind-numbing presentations they
experienced in school.
Don’t be afraid to break your consistency with graphs, icons,
memes, or even a GIF. Have four to six types of slides, and don’t
use the same layout for more than a few slides. Keep mixing it
up to hold their attention. Constantly test and look for ways to
transform your message without drifting too far from the structure
you’ve created.

7. Use Engaging Photography

Photography is one of the easiest ways to make your webinar stand
out and engage your audience. A picture is worth a thousand
words. A well-placed image in your slide deck can help you tell

The Webinar
a story and get your message across better than text on a slide. If
you use boring stock images unrelated to your webinar topic, your
slides won’t be nearly as effective.
For example, when running webinars for a target audience of
burnt-out coaches, I use strategic images that resonate with them.
I might show photos of a coach ready to punch their laptop or a
fully booked calendar with zero free time. I prefer my images to
speak to my audience about where they want to be after enrolling
in my offer. The right images can show them what’s possible when
they enroll.
One recommendation is to have professional photos of you
and your business. Even if you can’t yet afford a professional
photoshoot, have a friend take some clear images using portrait
mode on your phone. This way, you can have someone on your
team edit and customize your webinars. You can also use the
photos on the registration, sales, and thank-you pages.

8. Don’t Forget a Recap Slide

A recap slide is crucial to finishing your webinar. People learn best
through repetition. Make it easy for your attendees with a slide
listing the webinar’s most significant takeaways. Confirming what
they learned will help ingrain the key points and get them excited
about taking action.

9. End With a Call to Action (CTA)

Webinars are about providing value and building trust.
But if you’re running a sales webinar, after you’ve taught for
forty-five minutes be sure to end with a call to action. Whether you
want your audience to sign up for another webinar, complete a
purchase, or try a new product feature, you need to tell them
exactly what you want them to do.
Let me repeat this: you need to tell them what to do.

Don’t assume they will understand the next steps. While you
might have spent weeks or months designing this project, don’t
expect them to understand it all. Create a strong CTA that resonates
with your audience and place it on your last slide. This will make
it the last thing people see before they log out.

Your slides are nothing more than tools that enhance your message.
Don’t fall into the trap of believing your slides are your message.
They’re not. They are a way to structure your webinar and keep
your audience engaged through the end.
To a beginner, slides might feel a little overwhelming. I created a
tremendous resource to help you get started in return for buying
this book. Instead of beginning with a blank slate, here is a free
template to help you create a world-class webinar slide deck.

Get more resources and book bonuses by going to

20 Best Practices to Increase Registration,
Attendance, and Sales
Success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally;
it comes from what you do consistently.
—Marie Forleo

W ow! You are so close to running live and automated

webinars. Are you excited? Are you beginning to see how
webinars can grow your business and increase your impact on
Hopefully, your answer is yes, because I am excited for you!
Now that you know how to create an impressive slide deck, let’s
cover some general best practices before you go out and start
running webinars. Top webinar experts use these strategies to sell
coaching, courses, and other online products.
They’re broken down into the three phases of webinars to make
it easy for you to implement in your business. Use this guide to run
high-converting sales webinars that people will love attending.

Part 1: Pre-Webinar

1. Choose a Convenient Date and Time for Live Events

The first step for your webinar is to choose a convenient date and
time for your audience. Each audience is different. Understanding
their schedule is the key to convincing registrants to show up.
Think about it—if your ideal avatar is a stay-at-home mom
instead of a busy professional, the timing is likely going to be
different. Don’t schedule your webinar based on what’s convenient

for you. Think about your attendees first and foremost. This comes
from knowing your audience and testing different times and days
of the week.
In general, here are a few times we’ve seen to be the most

• Wednesday and Thursdays.

• 12:00-3:00 p.m. EST.

Ideally, run two to four webinars when running live launches to

give yourself the best chance of having more attendees show up. If
someone misses the first webinar, they can attend another live
webinar instead of a replay.

2. Focus on Messaging for Your Registration Page

As I mentioned in section four, your registration page is crucial to
success. I would argue this is one of the essential parts of creating
a highly successful webinar. Your registration page determines
whether people sign up or not. It’s like a blockbuster movie poster:
it makes people interested to learn more.
The higher the number of registrants, the more people will see
your offer and become paying clients.
Do not skimp on this step.
Whether you use a third-party landing page or a template from
your webinar provider, make sure each registration page has:

• An enticing and bold headline.

• A sub-headline that tells more about the webinar.
• A clear image or short promo video (one or two minutes).
• Bullet points speaking to your ideal audience.
• Testimonials or social proof.
• A clear call to action.

The Webinar
What separates a good registration page from a great one is
The more research you’ve done on your target audience, the
easier it is to speak directly to them. By using their words on the
registration page for what they desire and want to avoid, you’ll
have much higher conversion rates.

3. Promote Your Webinar Like Crazy

Webinars are simply a numbers game.
The more people you get to register, the more attend, and the
more sales you generate. But to convince people to register in
the first place you need to promote it as effectively as possible.
Aggressively promote your date if you’re running live webinars.
Scream it from the rooftops on social media, emails, paid ads, or
wherever you have an online presence.
If you’re running automated webinars, emphasize the importance of
registering by using the problem-solution strategy. Show them
they have a problem and explain how your automated training can
give them the solution.
Some of the best ways to promote your webinar include:

• Paid ads.
• Email list.
• Affiliate partners.
• LinkedIn (groups, paid ads, feed posts).
• Instagram (stories, live, and feed posts).
• Facebook (promoting inside groups, pages).
• YouTube (cards, end screen, during videos, description).

Get creative and promote your webinars on as many platforms

as possible. Constantly communicate the benefits users will get
from attending your event and direct them to the registration page.

4. Use a Thank-You Page
As soon as someone registers for your webinar, direct them to a
thank-you page. On your thank-you page:

• Remind them of the time and date.

• Provide links to any freebies or workbooks to download.
• Remind them of what they will learn when they show up.

These are simple and easy to create but vital to the webinar

5. Send Several Reminder Emails

With email open rates declining, it’s more important than ever to
send more than one email before your webinar. I suggest sending
one immediately after they register, one twenty-four hours before
the event, another email one hour prior, and one final email fifteen
minutes before. This is one of the best strategies to increase your
webinar attendance rates.
The more people you get to the live webinar, the more sales you
can make. Even if they don’t buy on your live webinar, you can still
pitch in the subsequent three phases using the Event Launch

6. Use Facebook Messenger

While email reminders effectively get more people to your event,
don’t forget about messenger bots. Using a program like
ManyChat, you can get more people to your webinar using
Facebook Messenger.
Messages tend to boast much higher open rates than emails, so
it’s another layer to urge people to show up. Paired with email
reminders, it’s the perfect one-two punch. And if you’re using text
reminders, it’s all three types of reminders that are bound to get
people to attend.

The Webinar
7. Segment Your List
Segmenting your list is essential to follow up more effectively
afterward. Tag each attendee into one of the four categories for
every live webinar. This is easy when you begin using EasyWebinar.
Include tags for attendees into these four categories:

• Heard your offer and bought.

• Listened to the offer and didn’t buy.
• Didn’t hear the offer and left early.
• Registered but didn’t attend the webinar at all.

By having a tag for each attendee, you can create a customized

email for each segment in your post-webinar sequence.

Part II: During The Webinar

At this point, you’ve done everything right leading up to the event.
You’ve created a world-class slide deck, promoted your event, and
rehearsed the presentation. Now it’s time to go live with your
audience and make the magic happen. Here are some webinar best
practices for the live event.

8. Hit “Record”
As soon as you go live with your webinar, make sure you hit the
“record” button. This will allow you to repurpose the recording
once it’s complete. Add a sticky note to your computer so you
never forget; with a recording you can automate, use clips on social
media, or study your event to see how you can improve. If you fail
to record it, you’ll have to do another encore presentation to
complete the Event Launch Blueprint.

9. Master Your Intro
As you know, first impressions are crucial for building trust with
strangers. Master your introduction by starting on time, speaking
confidently about yourself, and pre-framing what attendees learn
during the webinar. Also, don’t forget to acknowledge them for
showing up. Speak to how much value they’ll get when they stay
engaged and don’t leave early.
Finally, within the first five minutes of your presentation, set the
stage and create clear expectations for what’s to come. Incentivizing
them to stay the entire time with a free gift is also a great idea.

10. Engage Attendees

During your webinar, make sure you constantly engage with your
Don’t talk “at” them. Instead, encourage them to participate.
Make them feel as if they’re part of the event. The more actively
engaged they are, the more likely they won’t jump off early. If they
stay, they’ll see your offer. Participation will create a better
experience for them and give you a chance to connect with them.

11. Keep It Fun

While you want to be professional and make sales, of course, don’t
forget to have fun with your events. One of the worst things you
can do is be stiff and awkward during a webinar.
Think about it: this webinar is a preview of what it’s like working
with you or your program. Make it fun so that people are excited
about working together. Also, be mindful of your energy
throughout your event. Many presenters start off strong but fade
toward the middle or end.
If you sound like a droning college professor reading slides, you
won’t build much rapport with your audience. Instead, teach with
enthusiasm to excite attendees about the information.

The Webinar
12. Give People a Sneak Peek of Your Offer
Another webinar best practice is to show your attendees what
the program looks like behind the scenes. For example, John Lee
Dumas does this by offering a sneak peek of his online program,
Podcasters’ Paradise.
At the end of his webinar, he shows attendees what it’s like when
you log in as a new student. This allows him to exhibit all the
lessons, modules, and training inside his online course. It gets
attendees excited and makes them want to join the program during
the event.

13. Include a Fast-Action Bonus

After you’ve pitched, another way to convert attendees to buyers
is to include a fast-action bonus. This is a way to persuade more
people to buy based on the webinar and reward them for staying
the entire time.
Fast-action bonuses could be access to another course, a free
coaching call, access to your membership site, or something else
that is valuable to your audience. Get creative with your fast-action
bonus and entice attendees to take action while they’re excited and
in a piqued state.

14. Show Social Proof

Another expert hack to get more people to buy during the webinar is to
use social proof as people enroll in the webinar. Think about it—
people are more likely to purchase if they know others are already
doing it. As people take action (buy your course, book a call),
acknowledge them on your webinar by name and congratulate
You can say something like, “I’m so excited that Susie just
joined.” Or you can type in the chatbox and say, “Looks like Tim
just bought—I’m excited to work with you inside the program.”
Doing this will create “FOMO” and get people to hit the “buy”
button while on the webinar.

15. Watch Your Time
Finally, don’t forget to be mindful of the length of your webinar.
Usually, the sweet spot is between forty-five and sixty minutes.
Much longer, and it’s tough to keep the attention of attendees, so
be mindful of everyone’s time.
You can go longer as you become more advanced and get the feel
of webinars down.

Part III: Post Webinar

Just because the show is over doesn’t mean it’s time to throw in
the towel. After the webinar ends the fun begins. While you will
likely get some sales during the webinar, many of them will
happen after the event.
Use these best practices to increase sales and follow up with your

16. Send Out The Replay

As long as you hit the record button, you can send a timed replay
to your audience (the third phase of the Event Launch Blueprint).
The replay will live inside your webinar platform, along with all of
your other recordings. Replays allow you to send the webinar out
to people who want to rewatch it.
Replays are great because they can create urgency. Ideally,
a deadline of forty-eight to seventy-two hours will help urge
people to take action quickly after the event. This will increase the
likelihood of them watching and also becoming a customer.

17. Follow-Up With Your Audience

If you segment your list properly, following up is easy.
Why? Because you can speak directly to them.

The Webinar
As I discussed in Section Four, the message to someone who
watched the entire sixty minutes but didn’t buy should be different
from someone who watched for five minutes and left. This is why
it’s crucial to segment your audience before any follow-ups are
Then follow-up with them and speak to common objections
based on their watching behavior. You can include the replay, link
the sales page, showcase testimonials, provide case studies, talk
about bonuses, and even have a link to schedule a call if it’s a high-
ticket item.
Your messaging should speak to where they are and build the
know-like-trust factor. Ideally, the follow-up will help them get
more comfortable with you and your offer.

18. Retarget with Facebook Ads

Sometimes people will be on the fence after your webinar. They
may have gotten busy or simply forgot to buy your offer. One way
to give them a subtle reminder is a Facebook retargeting ad.
Direct them back to the sales page or checkout page. These ads
are usually lower priced than those designed to convert a cold
audience. They can get people to take action. It’s also one of Greg
Hickman’s strategies to entice more people to the webinar.

19. Study Your Webinar Results

As Peter Drucker once said, “You can’t manage what you don’t
This principle works in all parts of life and business, including
your webinar performance. Once the webinar is over, study what
worked and didn’t work for future events.
You’ll want to review metrics like:

• Registration page conversion.

• Show up rate.
• Attendance rate.

• How long attendees stayed.
• Total purchase on the webinar.
• Total purchases post-webinar.
• Referral source.

20. Poll Your Attendees

Finally, don’t forget to poll attendees when the launch is over. Send
them a short survey and learn more about why they didn’t buy.
This will help you create a better webinar in the future.
Also, don’t be afraid to ask for feedback. Maybe they liked you
but didn’t resonate with the topic, wanted the webinar to be shorter,
or something else. Learning from your webinars—both the good
and bad ones— is key to scaling your future webinars .

As you can tell, there are many webinar best practices to help all
aspects of your webinar’s flow. Your overall success is determined by
the pre-webinar, the event itself, and how effectively you follow up.
But is there a secret ingredient that brings it all together?
Yes: consistency.
Without consistency, it’s impossible to find long-term success
running webinars. Consistent action will create reliable, replicable
results. Many coaches and course creators get discouraged if things
don’t go their way early in their webinar journey.
I struggled through many webinars before I finally felt
comfortable and made sales. While these twenty tips will help you,
don’t forget that you control your reality more than anything else.
Just keep going. Eventually, you will find success, too.

Get more resources and book bonuses by going to

How to Repurpose Webinars:
7 Easy Strategies
Repurposing a single piece of content into several types of
media will be more efficient and faster than developing the
content for each type of media from scratch.
—Denise Wakeman

L et’s get real—webinars take time and effort to put together.

But the return on time investment is worth it. One webinar can
literally help you create hundreds of thousands of dollars in
A webinar is all about teaching and providing as much as
possible for your audience. It’s definitely not something you can
prepare ten minutes before the event and hope for sales—it’s not a
college exam. You have to build a slide deck, write a script, plan
for questions, and rehearse to make sure you get everything just
right once you go live.
Since it does require so much work in advance, it’s crucial to find
ways to repurpose your content. You don’t want to see all your
hard work and time wasted.
Sadly, I see many new webinar users create extraordinary
presentations only to let the content die afterward. This is a huge
Everyone learns in different ways. Some people might love
webinars, while others learn by reading blog posts, listening to
podcasts, or watching YouTube. By offering content that caters to a
mix of learning styles, you’re more likely to grow your business
and impact your audience.

Why Repurpose Webinar Content?
Why repurpose? As an entrepreneur your time is insanely valuable!
Here’s what I mean.
If you’re at the beginning of your journey you’re probably
wearing all the hats in your business. Part-time content creator,
coach, accountant, janitor, and email copywriter . . . does that
sound about right?
While most of us start that way, myself included, make growing
your business a goal so that eventually, you only focus on your
zone of genius. That way, your time is spent doing tasks that only
you can do.
For many people, this means recording podcasts, filming
YouTube videos, running webinars, and of course, coaching your
students. Then, hire freelancers or team members to do what you
don’t enjoy doing.
If you’re a one-person show, you need to spend as much time on
the meaningful things that move your business forward. You don’t
want to be stuck creating content all day, every day.
Luckily, a webinar can help you create an effective content
calendar from one single recording.
This will help you save time, energy, and money instead of
creating endless amounts of content for every platform.
People tell me they worry about becoming redundant to their
audience. I have two thoughts about stress over whether your
content will be redundant:

• First, your audience isn’t as closely aligned to the content as

you are. Just because you post on Instagram, publish on
YouTube, and have weekly emails, doesn’t mean that
everyone sees every single one.
• Second, repetition is key to success. You need to put your
offer and teachings in front of your audience with all types
of content. The more your message and offer are top-of-

The Webinar
mind, the more likely your audience will turn to you when
they’re ready to start. Repurposing content helps you do
that without a lot of extra work.

7 Ways to Repurpose Your Webinars

Now that you have a much better understanding of why you
should repurpose webinars, here are seven strategies you can use

1. Video Content
Video, video, video. In 2021 and beyond, video is key to marketing
your business. According to this study, “seventy-four percent of
marketers say video has a better return on investment than static
People love video content, especially on YouTube. This makes it
an excellent option for content creators because it’s the only social
media platform that grows over time.
Unlike Instagram or TikTok, your content lives forever and, with
the right strategies, keeps producing leads. With enough
subscribers and watch time, it’s the only platform that will pay you
directly from running ads on your channel.
You can repurpose your webinars by:

• Creating effective “how-to” stand-alone YouTube videos

from the middle portion of your webinar.
• Using clips to make a highlight reel to hype your next live
webinar or promote an automated one.
• Sharing the Q&A section where you can help subscribers
learn more about your product and overcome objections.

Instagram and TikTok
Besides YouTube, Instagram and TikTok are still powerful video
tools. But because creating content takes a lot of time and effort on
both, repurpose your sixty-minute webinars into short, bite-sized
clips to save time.
Here’s how you can do it on these two platforms:

• Use short clips (fifteen to thirty seconds) to create Instagram

Reels and TikTok videos.
• Create one- to three-minute clips for IGTV. Add a header
and captions at the bottom since most people watch without

Paid Ads
Finally, you can also repurpose webinar content for paid video ads
on Instagram or Facebook. You can share portions of your webinar
to make users want to learn more and send them to your
registration page. Or you can write compelling ad copy with a
screenshot of your training and send them to your webinar page to
register and sign up.

2. Create Epic Written Content for SEO

While webinars are great for repurposing videos, there’s a lot of
fantastic written content you can get as well. Here are two strategies
to help you get started:

Blog Posts
Most likely, your webinar is split into different topics or key points
to help the user find a solution to a specific problem. This makes it
easy to create several blog posts on your webinar. Each blog post
can help you focus on the webinar’s main points.
Before you begin, I recommend making a transcript of your webinar
using Rev. At ten cents a minute, it’s affordable, and it makes it easy
to find content within your webinar to create blog posts.

The Webinar
You can simply add an intro, images, and a summary to turn it into
a relevant blog post for your audience. Make sure you have a call to
action at the end of each post. You can direct readers to sign up for
the next live webinar or enroll in an automated webinar as well.
Also, please don’t post your transcript and assume it’s worthy of
a blog post. Get creative. Hire a writer or make it a stand-alone
post. Make sure it has enough content to be helpful if someone
stumbled upon it without your webinar.
Here are two types of blog posts you can create:

• A webinar summary post. Create one mega-post that

includes a summary and takeaways of the entire webinar.
Then share a link to register or get on the waitlist for your
next one.
• How-to posts. Take one or two of the major points from
your webinar and convert them into a step-by-step post.
“How-to” articles will help solve a specific problem for
readers and work well for SEO, too.

Create an e-book
Another great way to repurpose a webinar is to turn it into a paid
e-book or low-ticket offer.
You can add content from blog posts, images, infographics, and
more to make it a free opt-in or low-ticket offer. If it’s valuable
enough, you can make it low-priced ($7 to $20) to generate some
additional revenue.
This will help you begin to qualify individuals for higher-ticket
offers in the future. If you have several webinars on the same topic,
you can combine them into a longer e-book. Or you might add
video content as well. The more comprehensive and helpful the
webinar, the more you can charge.

3. Email Your List
Let’s not forget about your email list, the lifeblood of your business.
While email marketing isn’t dead, creating unique content for your
subscribers isn’t always easy.
Luckily, you can repurpose your webinar so you don’t have to
create loads of brand-new emails. Here’s how.

Share the Replay

First, make sure you share the replay link with your subscribers.
This can help your subscribers get to know, like, and trust you.
Plus, it could help generate a few sales.
In your email, share some of the chats from people who had
a good experience and add any poll results. Finally, make sure you
give readers a timeline for when the replay is no longer available
to incentivize them to watch the replay.

Use for Email Copy

If you’re like many webinar users, you might type out your script
for each slide. While some people are better at “winging it” than
others, some prefer to read from each slide. If this sounds like you,
don’t let all that excellent written content go to waste.
Instead, use some of what you read from slides for email copy.
This could be part of an autoresponder campaign people get when
they join your list or part of your weekly broadcast emails.
Think about it—since you have fifty to a hundred slides or more,
I’m sure you have a ton of content that could be helpful to your
audience. Once you have your webinar transcribed from step two,
you can clip portions and use them to email your list.

4. Convert Live to Automated Evergreen Webinar

While repurposing webinars can help you create a ton of content
for social media, it can also help you generate more revenue,
specifically by converting your live webinar into an automated

The Webinar
webinar funnel. This is incredibly easy to do when using
Once you’re running webinars, review the analytics to find
which one converts the best and automate it. Preferably, stream
several live webinars to see which converts the best, then use that
recording for your automated one.

How to Promote an Automated Webinar

You can have this webinar throughout your content to attract new
clients or students on autopilot. I recommend strategically placing
links to automated webinars all over the place, including:

• In the show notes of your podcasts. If you choose this

option, direct users to the notes throughout your episodes;
otherwise, they might not know the free training is available.
• At the end of blog posts. Every piece of content should end
with a CTA to join your list with a freebie or register for a
webinar. Both will help grow your list and get people into
your ecosystem.
• Add to your link in bio. Since you only get one link with
most social media platforms, use something like LynxInBio.
com to allow more than one link. Make your automated
webinar one of the options so new social media followers
have the choice to register.
• Drop in the description within YouTube videos. Finally,
don’t forget to add your automated webinar link in your
YouTube description, too. This is prime real estate to give
people who loved your videos the next step to learn more
and, hopefully, work with you.

If people already consume this kind of content, they will want

more of it. Additionally, automated webinars make it easy for them
to schedule learning on their time if they can’t show up to a live

5. Share New Podcast Episode(s)
Podcasts are growing at an incredible pace. In fact, according to
Podcast Insights, “50 percent of all homes are podcast fans (that’s
over sixty million homes).”
If you don’t have your own show yet, it might be something to
think about moving forward. And if you’re already podcasting,
repurpose your webinar content using these three strategies.

Create a Highlight Episode

While most webinars are forty-five to sixty minutes long, uploading
the entire audio might not make for the best podcast episode.
Instead, pull three to five of your biggest “a-ha” moments to give
people a preview of what they missed.
Tease your listeners and ignite some “FOMO” so they’re more
likely to join the next one. Or tell them they can register using the
automated webinar link in the show notes.

Interview One of Your Clients

If you’ve been streaming webinars and selling online courses for a
while, chances are you have some excellent testimonials and case
studies. Leverage those results by asking your best case studies to
appear as guests on your show.
Let your audience know they took your webinar, joined your
course, and are crushing it, thanks to your strategies! Having your
best case studies share results is marvelous social proof and will
likely become a hit with your audience.

Upload the Audio From an AMA Webinar

The final option is to grab the audio from an AMA (Ask-Me-
Anything) webinar and upload it to your podcast platform. Add
an intro and outro, and let your listeners know it’s going to be jam-
packed. This raw and real content is an excellent way for people to
become acquainted with the real you.

The Webinar
6. Create Infographics and Website Content
The more webinars you run, the more information you can learn
about consumers and create custom content.
Here’s how:

Make an FAQ Page

As you develop into a webinar pro, I’m sure you’ll find that many
of the questions people ask become common questions. Make a list
of these questions and answers on a separate FAQ page on your
site. You could also make it into a stand-alone blog post and send
it to your email list to further educate readers.

Create Infographics
Creating infographics and critical takeaways is a great way to
make visual information for your social media audience. Try to
pull out the most exciting and insightful numbers or even quotes.
Then make sure you share them regularly with your audience
on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Don’t forget to include your
business website, name, and handle on the image so that content
isn’t used without your permission.

7. Repurpose Your Webinar Slides

If you’re doing a sixty-minute webinar, having between fifty
and a hundred informational slides is not uncommon. Instead of
letting that valuable slideshow go to waste, here are three ways to
repurpose it for tons of content.

Convert To Instagram Content

As you probably know, the middle of the webinar is the teaching
portion. This is where you share facts and figures with your
audience and give them helpful advice. Your content should be so
good that they walk away with tangible lessons learned, whether
they buy your offer or not.

Don’t let this priceless information go to waste. Instead, use the
middle portion of your webinar to create helpful Instagram posts.
You or someone on your team can create graphics that look good
for Instagram and make them part of your content schedule.
If you don’t have anyone else working with you yet, you can
easily hire someone on to do a batch of ten to twenty
posts. This way, you have tons of content for your feed without
creating individual Instagram posts.

Convert Your Slides Into a Slideshare

I recommend converting the webinar into a Slideshare presentation.
Slideshare is part of LinkedIn and is one of the top destinations for
professional content online. The platform currently has over 18
million uploads in 40 different content categories.
Plus, they are among the top one-hundred sites visited on the
entire internet. Converting your webinar into a Slideshare is
outstanding because it allows your audience to go through the
deck at their leisure. Webinar attendees can also use it as a guide if
they missed anything on the live show. This won’t take much time
and creates a valuable resource for future events.

Final Thoughts on Repurposing Webinars

As you can tell, there’s no shortage of ways to repurpose webinars
into content for your blog, podcast, website, or social media.
Remember that your time is precious. You can’t sit around
creating content for every social media platform every day and
expect to become wildly successful. Instead, you need to create
content that can be repurposed so you can stay in your zone of
Don’t get overwhelmed; start with one strategy at a time. Even
adding one or two of these can free up your time and allow you to
work on the big issues in your business.

The Webinar
Finally, my best tip is to be creative and see what works. Once
you’ve found the “secret sauce,” automate it so you or your team
can make it a simple process once each webinar is recorded.
Don’t think of webinars as “one-and-done” and move on to the
next. Using these tips will ensure your webinar continues to drive
leads, clients, and revenue to your business well beyond the one-
time event.

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The path to success is to take massive, determined actions.
—Tony Robbins

“Casey, this sounds awesome. I fully understand how webinars

can make a huge impact on all parts of my business. But how
the heck do I set all this up? I’m an expert in my niche, not a
tech wizard. What can I do to get going ASAP?”

T his is a great question, and I’ve been there myself. In fact,

when I started in 2012, it wasn’t easy. Even creating an online
course felt like you needed an engineering degree. Luckily, times
have changed, and there are lots of resources to help coaches and
course creators like you.
Webinars have never been easier and more affordable. But not
all webinar platforms are created equal. Some of them cannot run
automated webinars, some don’t integrate with email marketing
software, and some are still clunky, outdated pieces of software.
I founded my company, EasyWebinar, in 2014 with one goal in
mind: to create an easy-to-use platform that makes high-converting
webinars a reality for everyday people.
As I’ve mentioned throughout this book, webinars changed my
life, and I want others to have this experience as well. I don’t want
technical frustrations to hold you back from building the business
of your dreams (and one that the world needs). Your goals are too
important to let technology slow you down. To help you turn your
dreams into reality, I want to let you know about the most notable
features of EasyWebinar.
EasyWebinar combines the power of a full-suite marketing
platform with the impact of face-to-face interaction so you can

connect with customers, automate engagement, and optimize
every campaign.
At EasyWebinar, we understand that picking a webinar platform
for your business is a big decision. It is nothing you should take
lightly. When selecting a webinar platform, choose one that is easy
to use, powerful, has all the features you need, and doesn’t make
you jump through hoops to stay in your genius zone!
With EasyWebinar, you can do it all, including:

Run Live Webinars

Live webinars are one of the best ways to launch your offer and
interact with your audience. Share your message in pixel-perfect,
high-definition quality. No more frustrating delays or buffering!
EasyWebinar’s Live Engine allows you to connect with your
audience without interruption.
In addition, you can choose up to four simultaneous presenters
in a live webinar to present to your audience. It’s perfect for
interviews, group calls, meetings, and more. You can always
choose to stream it live or keep your event private. You can share
everything in HD, including presentations, documents, browser
windows, and more.
Our audio is impressive, too. Your voice will be crystal-clear with
our award-winning TrueVoice technology. TrueVoice technology
allows for noise reduction plus high-bandwidth streaming with no
delay, even with two people speaking simultaneously.
Don’t forget about live chat! Super-easy live chat makes
engaging with your community a breeze. Send links and any
communication you’d like in real-time (including emojis, which are
fully supported).

Run Automated Webinars

At EasyWebinar, we obsess over automated webinars because they
allow you to scale your business without doing more work. We

The Webinar
make it easy for all users to convert recordings from a live event to
an automated event, upload pre-recorded videos, and completely
customize evergreen funnels.
But our obsession doesn’t end there. We take it one step further
by offering Power Webinars as well. Power Webinars allow you to
personalize and customize your automated webinars to be relevant
to your audience and motivate them to act now. Plus, you can
showcase automated webinars on your custom website.

Live Streaming Options

EasyWebinar has gone all-in with live-streaming. We understand
the power of social media and make it easy for your audience
to watch your event. With our Live Engine, you get no-delay, high-
definition streaming. Even more impressive, EasyWebinar
integrates seamlessly with social media platforms.
At any point during your event, you can click one button and
immediately stream live to YouTube, Facebook, or both. This
allows you to create multi-camera professional events, scale to
unlimited attendees, and build your social following all at the same
time. Most other providers do not offer any live social media

EasyWebinar offers marketing, sales, business, and other API
integrations. We integrate with Zapier, which opens many possibilities
for customizing your business needs. We recognize how dynamic
your business is and how crucial it is to have all your programs work
together. You’ll be able to easily add webinar registrants to your
email provider. Plus, with these email providers, you can also easily
trigger specific campaigns based on a user’s actions.

• Drip
• Keap

• Aweber
• Ontraport
• Mailchimp
• Get Response
• Active Campaign
• Constant Contact

And we’re always adding more to make it easy to connect all

parts of your online business with EasyWebinar. In addition,
EasyWebinar was designed to work with all the software you
already have: PayPal, Stripe, Samcart, ThriveCart, InfusionSoft,
Messenger, and more.

Track and Analyze Your Metrics

Data is king when it comes to running successful webinars.
Knowing what your audience is doing and when they’re doing it
can often tell you why they are doing it.
Our detailed analytics track every action that happens during the
webinar. We track those who register but don’t attend, those who
leave early, and those who stay for the offer, download a PDF, ask
a question, or click an action button. We track all the data points to
tell you those who were the most engaged in your broadcasts and

Additional Features
Check out even more awesome features that make EasyWebinar
your one-stop shop for running webinars:

• Enjoy customizable, responsive webinar pages, standard

with every subscription.
• Use EasyWebinar’s social sharing feature to spread the
word and increase viral traffic.

The Webinar
• Offer the option for instant replays directly on your
registration page.
• Add third-party tracking pixels, such as Google Analytics
and Facebook Pixels, for more in-depth analysis.
• Easily duplicate your highest-converting event funnels over
and over to save yourself time as you develop new sales
• Send automatic reminder and recap emails to your attendees
before and after the webinar with the built-in notification
• Create a sense of urgency by setting expiring replay pages
for date-based and evergreen webinars.

Next Steps
EasyWebinar offers a more robust overall experience with tools
available for all stages of business. It is designed to help you grow!
EasyWebinar empowers you to create more sales and build better
relationships with more features, integrations, and automation
Choose EasyWebinar and grow your business with a partner who can
support you at every stage.

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Final Thoughts
Amateurs sit around and wait for inspiration,
the rest of us get up and get to work.
—Stephen King

H opefully, you’re inspired and ready to use webinars to create

or scale an online business around your passion. Before
wrapping up, I first want to congratulate you for finishing this
book. The sad truth is that most people who buy books never finish
them, let alone implement them.
But I know that if you’re the type of person who picked up this
book (or scrolled through it on your iPad or eReader), you’re not
like most people. You likely already have a business or are ready
to start one. You’re willing to share your gifts with the world and
influence others with your knowledge and expertise.
For that, I applaud you. The path of entrepreneurship is the path
most people avoid because they’re afraid of failure. But you’re
different; you’re not like most people.
Running webinars is the most effective way to increase your
impact and income for your online business. Here’s a quick recap
of what we covered:

• Get clear about who you are, your niche, and your ideal
client avatar. The more you know your people, the more you
can create content that speaks to them. Your messaging and
content should resonate to the extent that they wonder how
you knew what they needed.
• Test different offers with live webinars. Not only will this
get you feedback on your offer, but it will also help you

The Webinar Lab

learn more about your audience. Testing will help you get
comfortable presenting and pitching. And if you’re afraid of
pitching, start with no-pitch live webinars to build your
confidence and overcome imposter syndrome.
• Once you become an expert with live webinars, automate one
or more of your offers for round-the-clock enrollment. This
will help you work less and impact more people on autopilot.
• Keep testing and tweaking your registration page to
improve sign up conversion. Then, try out several strategies
to persuade your registrants to show up. Keep your
audience engaged. Don’t forget to follow up with them
using a cultivated follow-up sequence and move them
closer to investing in your programs.
• Use social media, affiliate marketing, and paid advertising
to drive traffic and get more leads. While social media
platforms may come and go, your email list is the natural
growth driver in your business. Do everything you can to
entice people to sign up for your email list so you can share
valuable free content and invite them to webinars.
• Finally, make sure you repurpose your content and follow
our best practices to create the most effective webinars possible.
Then, sign up for EasyWebinar and our exclusive offer so
that it’s easy to build your entire webinar funnel in one place.

This is your time to take advantage of this fantastic opportunity.

Whether you’re brand new or a seasoned online entrepreneur, our
team at EasyWebinar is here to support you. It’s our mission to
impact thousands of entrepreneurs, share their message, and
impact the world with their gifts.
Don’t forget, if I can do it, you can too. Keep taking action, never
give up, and continue to evolve so you can stand out in your niche
and create the life you deserve.

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