Linear Algebra

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OG Ee TE weet. / \cctors » Space, »-Veckoro In vector caleulos closes yo" vectors. Vow we will develor He nofua of Hor popukes. at the seace £1 which ond Hank of os pn Inrles, We thn 5th an org “7 poont P, we can Irae! sa vector bos o dymensionorl rs ond Jeara eacoud feed Pheee — of a- vecho: Sore We begin by loohny space of poms with n-coocd a fewer“ pont a vector from 0 fo P. Just acm ray he coordnales (7'. A ond olive chor. Hf 0 kes: coordina col at) and ce mr Hon He components of fle vector & alé ie )\. Tas qllows vs jo put He om mosh caveat 70 un Vp wot ith 2ee coocdvates+ pont CamScanner ile tarandi The dee h denne ol by m nen 902 wreder Vhayh ay yh 0p oN P ran he dha o Sp f . wither 06 Spa to LELE For rennet a ; Wi) fs M Nr lee | feear ovsrtes 0 bre va dechmotsional | 4 0 spece porwltl py de Fors, Ielomot aplart, bee de pon-dore weetors tN Hey wih usuolly mess bem etefors ore » We mame Int. Hage! hedes of- Veelors recheee a eg hn vechenn He diskeaee fia the endear! @ ¢ he meget vase we wand te calerbke fle mos vielen ve He CCIM id pith fads unrhs aley th 4° weteg, aad te vector oe Ieulole #8 moparbide ty wee Om ize He f i Meyete con “Shee Tea 1g concider tle Euc sown loa ST jo La The 04 =) 2) "aI" = -5 of a vector: CamScanner ile tarandi 2 asted yy o bat above J a WA aeter wth wmeptlele of Tit CB) bin raleubhd Jy toly A bol (for intima doe (8) gad its wapritede Ciel) tHe privnn! ve he eugort be of Ae und veeler rath be rguel tof We /4\" aCe maaewee ed {loll [2 (hd = By (dy aad ct oa : »f e - * a in 3 l_—= gat ane Pip Trew! hades. Bept, Pond t howe tone ieecdiens bat bef for " ; os. Bae Conde) lee mm ek haf dfferrt bere” OP oe nin “ pond chee diode eis: Pond" Vester addition and subtuchoa nd i > ir The suet i Prank b comaronds Jo begng twa vectors ead fo~ tal v9 the connecting cee 2% Vee fer ‘ad and Leavin, CamScanner ile tarandi > > = av > e-v: 4 JVa0 0-7 a BA Seth Ue Ineehon ol He vtelor Ud vs being sabrocted. b= Aremnye the tue vectors from bead fo fail s, te a llert vector from dhe the Jarl of the fist veel recend, tn Second, vn = ao eter ny a teal 7 , 2 4, for is veal 4; we bare 0 vegher ®, Pha tf i seek oie part bu pute & Suppose a scolor quenttty kf shen ve ye one ) Me dvection rears Some Of the vee «| | one 3 ' se te Lok is atgntie F a rhreclion of b Bresows gt re ond if k al uh 4 direction of vector a ieepec tie ly | Z- (1, 0,0 F-(0,4,0) P.(0,0, 4) | CamScanner ile tarandi Fe Bx, e@ 1) Find jhe onagar tole of pve vector Jal) =! rela Parry 2) Find we ngpat ade of ap aaa tar > agi -27 ak a Oy 403 +83 B (apegp al = 2 -4prok = ue-WF [aad ale Tape 2s ale 3) Find Me mraynr bade of resu Hend veclo— Cad the / veelor of rosa Heat vector, aad wart By H20 +47 ask a =0 + P +3P > BL (222g -stle(2apil) = Ce a [lle s2+6% Cal = Mla =? > SS Pool ? pak EE. igh Some rubs far sexo malyebeabinn of- qe a (mb) = (2.2) =3.2R=2?2-0 5- Re ae eeFrae Re = babe 4b apbe ter b2 Bab? bey «bat Ros at +42 b+ as" te ge +h + bs CamScanner ile tarandi ~ ~ The scale mulliehcaboa of duo veehes, Pond b tz equal b+ nullaelgng of the onagor bode of Muse vectors w ead b ond the ces of angle between fle vectors: 2 _ = 2 Bb = loll. bll.cos® e +2 4) Find the oyle behvren He giren vecton® Pearse Vab2-27 2k ell = (Gere) (ecg) = 19.009 2 6.9 = 24 cosh = 2 _ (ae 29 -T (62? -39 420) — 124) -6C) -20) iG = W2@) - 60) 220 4 2A 2 Cos6- 20.1105 SIO = =79°\ ‘A %) Show jhe ee veclors are pependicubr to each othy, a r ao ot BLE = IsNICiicose ye tat a = (22+ 9 (Park) - | 1 pp agpraph peje att 2it) -20) 02 00s D \O29% | wou Z | CamScanner ile tarandi MK. Week, Crsea and Eigen Vectors oO uct A be on aon yuere Dalen ad a Le hoe wee omponnals |e this cose Y2AX petdued can be conttderedd os 0 linger Tears forme ion frm a~ ' soce Vo iself. Ax = dX he prollens of fradling DNcalors ond differnt vectors, in lace os dle eigtn-e igen veehor Proven In general, 7 Volues and ¥ vectors can have ronoles elemants, Howey, kee wewt focus on exanpls con tadninp peal numbers ‘ eter vector prvblams cure cdlnays cacourbered 7 the j ct fuer of yibrobied and babace poblus Physics Fivcucrng , end Vipferantnal squatront Choractecste. Deleconeat , Pabgrernived Lolyromniol ond Equality > Clovacleretre delemmot! lovaciewehe Jorma mon CL. senile IC A is ava molar, chorac bghe defemmnt Of Amolexis defivel os uet(d1-A) heraclers ie Polyaomral ; the expaccion of The characterishc cdebmvent 15 4 17 p2elyrame| intumt Of A, Und 1enkuowa os Hua choreckirhe copiectiad Characleredre equality: } del(pl-A) 2° quality ov haown,os the cheactothic gual of the hoder Churocheis he pAyaomnl of 2 awler bx) : eA (dL-Me "4 ey Nhe. Ca (\In-A)aco det(ATa-Al = ©, C5 Hagat syeyr x dyeer ah malisoin srdjelore CamScanner ile tarandi dekennmt of A malar, TariPichar the clorac les bre p | 15 / i lf ; 3 7 if y) ded Ao]. 4 ea (X1-A) tes [33]}: de pr A wolerr i) Oblenw dhe chivectoss de polynoonal of -3 +27 A-3 -2] _ \% 3) +42 dehat-al = [4 f= ; Ae . Olan the chwrorferrhe equalty of A velee e(at-a)e de [19 Ne Aud +220 pi f A moliiy Ag’ and Az? which ave Cigen volues 0 Ep: Oban te yer voles of A males, {4-2 hel. | i - ss vo So7- Ole ~dlo ey ' ay nes acs UC " Scan ooy oro wo) ae cae 2) © Ass Cos, wopesbionlds sh Lo] = beste eo] 4 4[2 0-1-0] + 2-3 3-24] (A-a)(Qt-ga42) = Wes) (-aOQ2o de 5, 4222,dge4 CamScanner ile tarandi @ . > ® nd b vectors whose cechure ort Jfent (a0 4 : 7 ye ce Ae eye _£ ee Hore ton be 70nd y aoabey iy te C7808 e conthatd For ang vector 240 of thir plore, cd lott one of whith i: aea-tere, seadit hy Cunlien Reuse & Paralelossam wilh a tropa can b ba rls vectors lv othr words, 70 fhe bw, rs of the plore Can te bore veelvs Ing aoacpordil yeolors coshibile & bosis, oad al velo exposed OF a Combuation of these De lwatwar (f Vis an veclor 5pece ond See Mig be 7 : sed af vectors inthis spoce, then J is akoss fir the Virare if the following Condzfiens ove preted. | a | ®) Se Motor iadpordead b) S floors v. Theoden: [L Se SU Mp eZ iso bows for Vivectsr spore, e227 V veetoes in Vis expressed a5! VeceVet Giee... Cava Ext! Fond Nhe seluhon of He. homey enous Ieee equobon 5 Seeetty oo bows for the solakiea spoce. baa etc! Zr t2ny- ly + 1g 20 Cony why try Ty tS =O noe Fa cts ~ty 20 ty thy tH =O CamScanner ile tarandi 2) dlubes 7 De : 2 og rhed tn the awhin, th solabwg is ‘ (-2 0-10 . dldawed at it hig (ees) a fi |e of Le i [2 vs og o |+] h = 5] ' if . o . | 5 | 4 | Q : 0 ' vee - 2! ‘ 2 7 . pans the solubon sprce ( | 0 CY ‘ ee beste abe fo being Ime rackperdia? ord - Veo uy nce el yer volars and enger veetrs of Me wohl “(23 shaban, ded (21 ale | (49 4 ‘) _[ a =A. a/ (e3haa-]e 7 nreghe2e(A-2)(A-1) 20 2 aed beet (eyn sober) THis uted? af dee ela uedar to ublan jhe eyen vector corner day fo Aa (al -Alse@ (BIBI CUE JPL) - 2-22 dy Mets) heb) Drees | i bed Gu fh Dust leuaval “bis the een Picler CamScanner ile tarandi YY QD) iy order to oblann the ern veelor corespardas lo Aye?! (A1-#) X20 to) 7} tH 0) “| - i ; (LIEV CI Anne ? fect) nets) ne-t \ Lnqdtrre? | = f!] is He cies veedeor for M=2 ey volue. . ra wotiir pier Henvuerks Find de eyen valoes ond erpes Leelh* on a om the follouray . okoee ej c — 2 A (on Answer! =O? [3] Pe) 9 4-2 -2 20 M123 2 [4] 2 dye [ 1) 2 CamScanner ile tarandi St Blewett O Mallyebosfon of Weeters,(yeck*!) a? Tlee ae @ ond P wh argtlot GO befuern i wh a ob PLB PK fAl|El om (abe unl ax (“lp 59 7) y in cay 2 WD e 5 ight Hoad Cob + d 2 Paaie , Or peperdcabe wah both B ond Be r HY wes The Sector of 2 con be cefired yoy i} onbing If He v7 MN Ipod 2 eld vith four fryers F of robs, 7 andrexks Ve cSrechoa of tHe fumb. sect ef Veekirs veckerlly m be drechon Ca8xb 2) 2-2 =ou ehitiedl 22exbe Peop-al Nae xf) | L alPcs? )+(2al) (27232) #02r at )+( abast}eab bie) (o} +r) + (oe) + (2) +(-69) ~ 2(0) ap bR 28-7 =7 peat CamScanner ile tarandi wolon, y Propertes of. Eryn volves and Eryn Vectors, ® = Lalyrndone of Espa Vertes Y ciges vales Ch, hyo dn) of a nen Amatne ond He bates of Br, Bi, -. Bn cormspondiy fo terren vector, 1h unite of Br BU... Ueq rae Inarly ondkprrdeat set Bet: H aunatlin fen He tacoma. Bamaet, "hae 225 ond dge-3 and tkbases are [2 L wes d] i 2 2 pokthe [L the ania of ese bese rs wertlen 0s omalerr, Se Lalireilrs equal tb 900, these column vectors we Ineoly m if , Z Fs fi m2 | 4] |? Heal 2 2(2ee)-2(-b2) (4-1) (22 = ‘a eo lzataed 22 FO If fis 0 nen mobrx eg Ais Q Crpen value o f te feeke, | CA te on exer vale of CA wolrx. Ce is a eral number afer fan) Ener valves 0 f Traaguler Mafaces OH 1g Hy a0 0 0 or ]221 O20 0 93 932 3 O Oy, 42 O43 Oy, O 05, G27 Qa, OO Of; Os, GEO 'O Om, Lye consider ape lesngpels olor: A-ay) “1. M3 - sa(sa-) «det Oo" 2 Oe 0 (d-ban eras -e24 | © (N-ou) (A-021 )(A-01) (ba, | oO 0 (A-033) f= 0 5) 9 DO 0 (het) Ant, APen2, Meaay Theorem: Ligier values of Darnley are diporal d= Ouy cheats yf te maljrx Ay if drs den Hiwupalee CamScanner ile tarandi Tronsformadia fhe Mtahrres to Ormpannd Rm Matrices had cnr he beaks J, O>yaral A squee A mofer (ava) can be transformed to cligernl form, rf Hhere 13 on inutse of Parodie by voublay PAC” bea dryarnl matar. The Seffrevead condrhen — Jobe fengfomed He A males Je drepsral fom s Thad Cisen veeters of A aatse shoall be Insecly ale If Shee is Vifferiad cigar volves, Ie capa veelors correspentin Jo Lhe ecpea valers ove Imeetly mdepordead, Heefre, UL A moter hes iffewsl eager values, Me malin com be Iensforovd f9 digaral fare Exp; Oeleemoe whether the A mabix can be tenasformed to diag sre frm, a5 A) or aod, a2 & / lee(AL-A)e [AA -t _ anal tee deh alas) Che Med Aged Ne end de we dffrat He A mmbin con be eyfored bo Ke cause choy eral Bap: AB Sheps of Ha mefliodelyy fon roms formny Be x walkers fe dingral far a) forty Ske-4: Obtem He expen values (At, Az -- da) Sk Find a lncar ondhperchat eymn vectors (Pr, P2 --ra) Skp-3: Creole o Pmabax meladiy Pits Pa vets P2(A,4r--Pad | Ske-by Bef ' Sep-51 Find O= PAP dhagaral malar , The cheporal elements of thes wolix awe fle olen values Av, dada. CamScanner ile tarandi Coa Me mabe sn below be fronsfornd to Snyeral form Jf 1 con, Iran yporo. Ae i 0 -2 2 {0 3 -Ale | > 2 1 Lili s Ra Bp Mabdeb = (Yl A-2) =O “0 dS del dae? ee 5 te ty moe, a roles be orsfrned fodiyeel? ) (Al-A)x20 for Ave Ge nh G& b ee el eS pin ( ON Oli erate 1ol'to } 1 1 lean oe 000:0 BS Soko | '. 00010 ronktA)=4 A230 A-ee3-l2 dhoe 2 independent vorrables. The deperdead variable 13 Xy- NM4ry-O ma-%y fe=S fyet Ad He hater ly mbbpordyd enpenr veekrs ore [3] ond a ° \@) ()t-A)k2O for art (O24 9 ev if] x, [Bho +o-2Ala} }o or 102 10)nm24aTl o2!'0 10210 antté) = 2 a oats gag [OE Clpeerclo iyo A-ts 3-2 21 ndprtse Ad%lo 00010 ooo!o] veo (x1) CamScanner ile tarandi Yet Mey =O Mz Hey , y -2¢] 4 ;> yyets : hye t2 20 Kye unt =) ale] *]* t ‘ %5 ¢ -2 :[f (|: 2] ff ube) e-(t2e! £0 - : dy on Oger i hod 4 cua Ay =z 22. ptqp.[' 9 2)[0 0-2)(-1 or ya Fae Ulli at ot] HIS oO] is Beceem! AO-ULI OSFLt oF 0 0 (| formol Amatmt one Ase At Ack Wo Pandas 1s vdeed os ~1 +20 2 oS a ene o4 fs loa 9 fief of oor Lonewarh: # (io -2 Terdilern the dora ay fo, ager! farm “[O -t -2)) Maser: 0 00 2-20) D-pwep = 103 0 Oo-3 1 CamScanner ile tarandi

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