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Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

Office of the Registrar

Academic Calendar 2023/24
First Semester
Date G .C Activities/Events
2023 G.C
September 13 - Academic staff on duty report to their departments
15 - Deans submit Semester I course offerings to Academic Program Directorate (APD)
October 15 - Regular students in internships will report to the university
16-17 - Defense date of internship report
18 - Last date for internship grade submission to registrar
October. 19-20 - Registration for 2nd year and above UG regular students
- Registration for ALL PG regular students
- Last date for NG case application by All students to respective departments
- Departments post Class Schedules
Oct. 21-22 - Registration for 4th year and above UG extension students
- Registration for ALL PG extension students
23 - Class begins for 2nd year and above UG regular students
- Class begins for ALL PG regular students
- Registration with penalty for ALL 2nd year and above UG regular, 4th and above UG extension
and ALL PG students
23-27 - Application period for eligible UG regular students to their respective departments to join
- Grade remarking period
26 - Senate Meeting (Tentative)
28 - Class begins for all PG extension and 4th year and above UG extension students
November 1 - Quality Day
2 - Departments send list of students accepted in FAST-TRACK PROGRAM to School of Post
Graduate Studies (SPGS)
2-3 - Last date for Settling NG-I cases by colleges
3 - School of Post Graduate Studies (SPGS) send list of students accepted in FAST-TRACK
PROGRAM to registrar
9-10 - Course Add/Drop period
20-24 - First round application for readmission for Semester II of 2023/24 A.Y.
December 7-8 - Make-up Examination Registration
Dec. 15 - Last date for dropping courses
- Registrar reports attrition statistics of Semester II of 2022/23 A.Y and enrollment statistics of
2023/24 A.Y. to VPAA
- Deans Report Semester I staff list, teaching load & statistics to VPAA
2024 G.C.
January 1-5 - Second round application for readmission for Semester II of 2023/24 A.Y.
- Instructors Performance Evaluation week by students
Jan. 12 - Last date for submitting approved final examination to departments
- Deans submit Semester II course offerings to Academic Program Directorate (APD)
- Registrar distributes Readmission Applications to Colleges
15 - Final exam schedule posted

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
Office of the Registrar
Academic Calendar 2023/24
22 - Deans submit list of students accepted for readmission for semester II of 2023/24
26 - Class ends
Jan. 29- Feb.9 - Final exam Period
- Thesis/Dissertation defense period
10-14 - Period of Explanatory Sessions to Students on the Marking and Grading of Exams and Other
Graded Exercises
12-16 - Progress report defense period for 2nd year and above PhD students
15 - Last date for grade submission to departments by instructors
16 - Grade Vetting date at Department Level
19 - Deadline for submitting grade to Registrar Office
21 - Departments collect students’ grade reports from College Registrar office
- Departments post Semester II Class Schedules
23 - Deadline for submitting course-portfolio to the department

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
Office of the Registrar
Academic Calendar 2023/24
Second Semester
Date GC Activities/ Events
2024 G.C.
February 22-23 - Registration for ALL 2nd year and above UG and ALL PG regular students
- Last date for NG case application by students to respective departments
24-25 - Registration for ALL 4th year and above UG and ALL PG extension students
26 - Class begins for ALL 2nd year and above UG and ALL PG regular students
- Late registration with penalty for ALL 2nd year and above UG regular, 4th and above UG
extension and ALL PG students
Feb. 26-March 1 - Grade remarking period
Feb. 28-March 1 - Period for Exit Exam Mock-I
March 2 - Class begins for all PG extension and 4th year and above UG extension students
7 - Last date for NG-I settlement by colleges
Mar.14-15 - Course Add and Drop Period
15 - Senate Meeting (Tentative)
29 - Teaching Load Report to the Office of the VPAA
- Academic Staff List & statistics report to the office of the VPAA
- Registrar reports Semester II enrollment statistics to VPAA
April 1-5 - First round readmission application for Semester I of 2024/25 A.Y. and for Summer
semester of 2023/2024
19 - Last date for dropping Courses
25-26 - Make-up Examination Registration
May 13-17 - Second round readmission application for Semester I of 2024/25 A.Y. and for Summer
semester of 2023/2024
20 - Final Exam schedule posted for ALL 2nd year and above UG regular, 3rd and above UG
extension and ALL PG students
20-31 - Thesis/Dissertation defense period
21 - Registrar distributes Readmission Applications to Colleges
23 - Deans submit list of students accepted for readmission for semester I of 2024/25 and
for Summer semester of 2023/2024
24 - Qualified readmission applicants list posted
- Class end for Regular Graduating Class Students
20-24 - Instructors Performance Evaluation by students
26 - Class end for Extension Graduating Class Students
May 27-June 7 - Final Exam Period for Graduating Class UG students
28 - Deans/Departments Submit course offerings list to Registrar for semester I of 2024/25
- Last date for submitting approved final examination to departments
31 - Class end for Non-graduating regular students
June 2 - Class end for Non-graduating extension students
June 3-14 - Final exam period for Non-Graduating Students
10-11 - B.Sc. Thesis defense period for UG Graduating Class
13 - Deadline for grade submission to registrar for graduating Class students
15-19 - Period of Explanatory Sessions to Students on the Marking and Grading of Exams and
Other Graded Exercises

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
Office of the Registrar
Academic Calendar 2023/24
17 - Non-graduating students clear from campus
18 - Graduation approval of prospective graduates by their respective college AC
19-20 - Period for Exit Exam Mock-II
20 - Deadline for grade submission by instructors to departments for non-graduating class
21 - Grade Vetting date at department level for non-graduating class students
24 - Deadline for grade submission to registrar for non-graduating class students
25 - Senate meeting
- Registrar reports prospective graduate list to the senate
29 - Graduation day
- Registrar prepares Academic calendar for 2024/25 A. Y. for senate approval
July 2 - Graduating class students clear from campus
July 5 - Deadline for submitting course-portfolio to the department
Aug.26-Sep. 6 - Second round thesis/dissertation defense period
- Progress report defense period for 2nd year and above PhD students

Note that: 1. all extension students will take Final Exam on Normal Week Days.

2. Mock Exit Exam period and Graduation date are subject to change depending on national exit exam


Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
Office of the Registrar
Academic Calendar 2023/24

Summer Semester
Date G.C Activities/Events
2024 G. C
July 6-7 - Registration for extension students
8 - NG cases application by students to colleges
9-10 - Late Registration with penalty
- NG-I settlement period by colleges
23 - Class begins
15-19 - Grade change
22-26 - Add & Drop Courses
- First round application for readmission for Semester I of 2024/25 A.Y.
August 2 - Last date for dropping courses
5-6 - Make-up Examination Registration
12-13 - Second round application for readmission for Semester I of 2024/25 A.Y.
18 -- Class ends

19 - Deans submit list of students accepted for readmission for semester I of 2024/25
Aug. 24-25 & Aug.31- - A.Y.
Final Exam Period
Sep. 2-8 - Period of Explanatory Sessions to Students on the Marking and Grading of Exams
and Other Graded Exercises
9 - Deadline for submitting grade by instructors to department
10 - Grade vetting at department level
13 - Deadline for submitting grade to registrar office

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
Office of the Registrar
Academic Calendar 2023/2024
UG EXTENSION 3rd YEAR (2014 E. C Entry)
First Semester
Date GC Activities/ Events
2023 G. C.
December 9-10 - Registration
11 - Last date for students for settling NG cases to college
12 - Late Registration with penalty
- Last date for settling NG-I cases by college
14-15 - Grade remarking period
16 - Class begins
2024 G. C.
January 3-4 - Course Add and Drop Period
8-12 - First round readmission application for Semester II of 2023/24 A.Y.
24 - Last date for dropping Courses
25-26 - Make-up Examination Registration
29-31 - Second round readmission application for Semester II of 2023/24 A.Y.
February 2 - Registrar distributes Readmission Applications to Colleges
Feb. 16 - Final Exam schedule posted by CEP directorate
17-18 - Instructors Performance Evaluation by students
19 - Last date for submitting approved final examination to departments
21 - Qualified readmission applicants list posted
March 4 - Class ends for 3rd year UG Extension students
5-10 - Final exam period for 3rd year UG Extension students
14 - Deadline for submitting grades for 3rd year UG Extension students to the
15 - Departments collect students’ grade reports from College Registrar office

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
Office of the Registrar
Academic Calendar 2023/2024
UG EXTENSION 3rd YEAR (2014 E. C Entry)

Second Semester
Date G.C Activities/Events
2024 G. C
March 16-17 - Registration
18 - Last date for students for settling NG cases to college
19 - Late Registration with penalty
- Last date for settling NG-I cases by college
21-22 - Grade remarking period
23 - Class begins
28-29 - Add & Drop Courses
April 1-5 - First round application for readmission for Summer Semester of 2023/24 A.Y.
19 - Last date for dropping courses
25-26 - Make-up Examination Registration
May 13-17 - Second round readmission application for Summer semester of 2023/2024
- Deans submit list of students accepted for readmission for summer Semester of 2023/24 A.Y
June 23 - Class ends
25-30 - Final Exam Period
July 4 - Deadline for submitting grade to the registrar
5 - Departments collect students’ grade reports from College Registrar office

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
Office of the Registrar
Academic Calendar 2023/2024
UG EXTENSION 3rd YEAR (2014 E. C Entry)
Summer Semester
Date G.C Activities/Events
2024 G. C
July 6-7 - Registration for extension students
8 - NG cases application by students to colleges
9-10 - Late Registration with penalty
- NG-I settlement period by colleges
23 - Class begins
15-19 - Grade change
22-26 - Add & Drop Courses
- First round application for readmission for Semester I of 2024/25 A.Y.
August 2 - Last date for dropping courses
5-6 - Make-up Examination Registration
12-13 - Second round application for readmission for Semester I of 2024/25 A.Y.
18 -- Class ends

19 - Deans submit list of students accepted for readmission for semester I of 2024/25
Aug. 24-25 & Aug.31- - A.Y.
Final Exam Period
Sep. 2-8 - Period of Explanatory Sessions to Students on the Marking and Grading of Exams
and Other Graded Exercises
9 - Deadline for submitting grade by instructors to department
10 - Grade vetting at department level
13 - Deadline for submitting grade to registrar office

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
Office of the Registrar
Academic Calendar 2022/23

Second Semester
Date G.C Activities/Events
August 5-6 - Registration for 1st year extension students
7 - Last date of application of NG cases to college
8 - Late Registration with penalty
- Last date for settling NG-I cases by college
10-11 - Grade change
12 - Class begins
16 - Last date for settling NG-I cases
24-25 - Add & Drop Courses
28-2 Sep. 1 - Application for readmission for Summer Semester of 2022/23 A.Y.
September 26 - Last date for dropping courses
October 5-6 - Make-up Examination Registration
23 - Deans submit list of students accepted for readmission for Summer Semester of 2022/23 A.Y.
26 - Senate Meeting (Tentative)
29 - Class ends
November 1 - Quality Day
Nov. 4-5 & Nov. - Final Exam Period
16 - Deadline for submitting grade to the registrar
17 - Departments collect students’ grade reports from College Registrar office

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
Office of the Registrar
Academic Calendar 2022/23
Summer Semester
Date G.C Activities/Events
2023 G. C.
Nov. 18-19 - Registration
20 - Last date of application for NG cases to college
21 - Late registration
- Last date for settling NG-I cases by college
20-24 - Grade remarking period
25 - Class begins
24-25 - Add & Drop Courses
27-30 - Application for readmission for Semester I of 2023/24 A.Y.
December 6 - Last date for dropping courses
7-8 - Make-up Examination Registration
24 - Class ends
25 - Deans submit list of students accepted for readmission for semester I of 2023/24 A.Y.
26-31 - Final Exam Period
2024 G.C
Jan. 4 - Deadline for submitting grade to the registrar
5 - Departments collect students’ grade reports from College Registrar office

10 | P a g e
Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
Office of the Registrar
Academic Calendar 2023/2024
2nd YEAR UG EXTENSION (2015 Entry)
First Semester
Date GC Activities/ Events
2024 G. C.
January 13-14 - Registration
15 - Last date for students for settling NG cases to college
16 - Late Registration with penalty
- Last date for settling NG-I cases by college
18-19 - Grade remarking period
20 - Class begins
30-31 - Course Add and Drop Period
February 5-9 - First round readmission application for Semester II of 2023/24 A.Y.
March 8 - Last date for dropping Courses
25-26 - Make-up Examination Registration
27-29 - Second round readmission application for Semester II of 2023/24 A.Y.
April 4 - Registrar distributes Readmission Applications to Colleges
15 - Final Exam schedule posted by CEP directorate
20-21 - Instructors Performance Evaluation by students
22 - Last date for submitting approved final examination to departments
25 - Qualified readmission applicants list posted
28 - Class ends for 2nd year UG Extension students
April 30-May 5 - Final exam period for 2nd year UG Extension students
May 9 - Deadline for submitting grades for 2nd year UG Extension students to the
10 - Departments collect students’ grade reports from College Registrar office

11 | P a g e
Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
Office of the Registrar
Academic Calendar 2023/24
2nd YEAR UG EXTENSION (2015 E. C Entry)
Second Semester
Date GC Activities/ Events
2024 G. C.
May 11-12 - Registration
13 - Last date for students for settling NG cases to college
14 - Late Registration with penalty
- Last date for settling NG-I cases by college
16-17 - Grade remarking period
18 - Class begins
30-31 - Course Add and Drop Period
June 3-7 - First round readmission application for Summer Semester of 2023/24 A.Y.
21 - Last date for dropping Courses
25-26 - Make-up Examination Registration
July 2-5 - Second round readmission application for Summer Semester of 2023/24 A.Y.
9 - Registrar distributes Readmission Applications to Colleges
August 12 - Final Exam schedule posted by CEP directorate
17-18 - Instructors Performance Evaluation by students
19 - Last date for submitting approved final examination to departments
21 - Qualified readmission applicants list posted
25 - Class ends for 2nd year UG Extension students
Aug. 27-Sep. 1 - Final exam period for 2nd year UG Extension students
September 5 - Deadline for submitting grades for 2nd year UG Extension students to the
6 - Departments collect students’ grade reports from College Registrar office

12 | P a g e
Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
Office of the Registrar
Academic Calendar 2023/2024
2nd YEAR UG EXTENSION (2015 E.C Entry)

Summer Semester
Date G.C Activities/Events
2024 G. C.
Sep. 7-9 - Registration
9 - Last date of application for NG cases to college
10 - Late registration
- Last date for settling NG-I cases by college
13 - Grade remarking period
14 - Class begins
24-25 - Add & Drop Courses
Oct. 1-4 - Application for readmission for Semester I of 2024/25 A.Y.
10 - Last date for dropping courses
10-11 - Make-up Examination Registration
13 - Class ends
15 - Deans submit list of students accepted for readmission for semester I of 2024/25 A.Y.
16-21 - Final Exam Period
25 - Deadline for submitting grade to the registrar
30 - Departments collect students’ grade reports from College Registrar office

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