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Western and Arab diplomats and other specialists on Gulf affairs have

suggested that the American Administration should clearly outline its

policy towards the Gulf countries.
The UN Human Rights Commission yesterday urged that economic
sanctions and an oil embargo should be introduced against South Africa.
It is important that the real situation be examined because anything that
promotes irrational differences between earnings in the industry is bound
to cause trouble.
Health depends to a great extent on housing and education, said Dr A.,
who put forward the resolution asking that extra $ 2,000 million a year
should be provided initially.
We propose that all children should be transferred, at the age of eleven or
twelve, from the junior or primary school.
Before I went to sleep I went over all the things I wished I had said to
that immigration man, and some of them were incredibly clever and
Now it seemed only mildly irritating that this week-end should be
intruded upon.
I was not angry with them. I was rather afraid of them, as if I were cast
away among creatures with whom I had no community of nature.
She treated academic persons with reverence, as though they were sacred
cows; but though they might be sacred cows, they did not seem to her
quite serious.
It is obvious to many people that diets don't work — at least, not in the
long-term! If they did, we would be getting thinner, but in fact we are
getting fatter.
If you were constantly being told off for doing the wrong thing, you
would perhaps form the thought "I can't do anything right", and you may
constantly overreact if your adult partner is always criticizing your
If time travel existed, it would be a privilege to meet Alexander the
Great, this powerful man, the creator of a huge empire and the cultural
ambassador of his generation. If I could spend some time with him
privately, I would tactfully ask him about his feelings and try to get to
know him as a person.
It's a good thing he did. If he hadn't, he never would have met and
married my great-grandmother Mary Campbell.
Even if there were to be swift volcano's lava flows, transfer of refugees
would result in a far greater number of victims that would result from
any eruptive event.
If they joined the EU, they would automatically have observer status in
Europe's own defence club, the Western European Union.
This would provide additional runway capacity beyond Terminal 5's
passenger capacity.
Even if the government allowed them to use dollar, the situation would
soon become unsustainable.
Britain's argument that its nuclear weapons contribute to NATO's
strategic deterrent would be more credible if there were a credible
strategic adversary on the European scene.
Australian science is impressive and has good reason to look up and
ahead, but if all expatriate Australian scientists were still there with the
resources they now enjoy elsewhere, what a story that would be.
On the way across the Park he, who knew more about it than most men,
had been gloomy over the military future. Now he spoke as though his
daughter had really been the problem of his mind. He spoke exactly as a
Victorian parent might have spoken, as though all the future were
predictable and secure except for his daughter's marriage, 'and the well-
being of his grandchildren.
He proposed to Mrs. Bradley that the three of them should go to London
immediately, where the season was still in full swing and where new
interests and new friends would distract Isabel's mind from her
unfortunate entanglement.
She knew the travel was difficult, she had trouble breathing and she
would have preferred staying at home. But he was obstinate and she had
accepted because it would have taken too much energy to refuse.
The end of her concert brought a tremendous reception from the
audience. She returned for one encore but had the audience got their way
she would have sung all night.
The Bar had never really suited me, I had not once thought of going
back. And yet, if I could have been content with it I should have had a
smoother time. I shouldn't be in the middle of this present crisis.
Instinctively he turned his back more to the light lest she might see the
shame that burned upon his forehead.
Whatever may have been the true cause of the neglect, we have only one
biography of Newton which can in any case be deemed worthy of the
Britain's cost of living would rise steeply should the country enter the
Common Market as it is at present constituted, the National Union of
farmers warned yesterday.
It is the fate of man that his desires are never fulfilled, but it is also his
glory, for in the effort to obtain their fulfillment he changes, be it ever so
little, in ever so limited a degree, life itself.

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