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Nama : Syamsul muarif

Nim :220203601011
Mata kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

1. They buy the books yesterday

The books are bought by them yesterday
2. I am riding a motorcycle to go campus
A motorcycle is being ridden by me to go campus
3. Fajri has beaten his brother in the park
His brother has been beaten by fajri in the park
4. Dina kale had been working on her homework today
Her homework had been being worked on by Dina kale today
5. Ismail will be meeting with misna in the park at seven o'clock
Misna will be being met ismail in the park at seven o'clock
6. The animals would have eaten their food
Their food would have been eaten by the animals
7. Those workers will eat lunch in the restaurant today
The lunch will be eaten by those workers in the restaurant today
8. I would be finishing my homework
My Homework would be being finished by me
9. I and my parents had been staying in Makassar city
In Makassar city had been being stayed by me and my parents
10. I am repairing my motorcycle now
My motorcycle is being repaired by me now

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