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Learning Guide Unit 6: Discussion Assignment | Home


Learning Guide Unit 6

◦ Your topics this week:

Write a SINGLE-SENTENCE example of each of the four types of knowledge as they directly describe something in your life you believe to be
true. Number them 1-4. For example:

“___ is true based on intuitive knowledge.” (or) “We all believe _________ to be true based on _______ knowledge.”

Be creative and use challenging ideas.

◦ Your topic posts in the Discussion Forum this week:

After you’ve posted the �rst one (and ideally after you have had a couple of responses from others), cut and paste your 1-4 into a new post and
defend your reasoning for each:

1. For Intuitive, describe why it’s obvious to you
2. For Authoritative, de�ne why the source is an authority in your life
3. For Logical, give the reasoning you went through
4. For Empirical, explain the process of proving it

• After posting, you must converse with the class about their (equally valid) opinions versus yours.
• Revisit the discussion forum throughout the week to continue to respond to classmates and post to anyone who has responded to you
• Be sure to peer assess 3 of your fellow students' initial posts

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Learning Guide Unit 6: Discussion Assignment | Home

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