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Possible Questions for the Socratic Seminar

1. To what extent do you agree that smart city technologies should be adopted?

2. What can be the benefits of smart cities?

3. What can be the risks of smart cities?

4. Do you think smart cities offer effective solutions to the problems cities are facing today?

5. In which areas should smart city technologies be adopted? (e.g. free internet kiosks,

garbage sensors, parking sensors, smart streetlights, city buses connected to the system,

police officers wearing body cameras, police officers with cameras installed, cameras

installed in public squares, e-governance apps)

6. How can risks/threats of smart cities be eliminated or minimized?

7. Do you agree that immense data accumulation is an issue we need to consider? Why/why


8. Who will be affected by immense data accumulation, and in what ways?

9. How does immense data accumulation affect the freedom and social justice?

10. What are the antidemocratic consequences brought by smart cities & surveillance

capitalism, which are the most threatening/serious ones? Why?

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