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Week 1

Unit 1: Home
Period 1: Lesson 1/ Page 6
I. New words
No Word Pronunciation Type Meaning
1 gym / ʤɪm/ (n) Phòng tập thể dục
2 pool /pu:l/ (n) Hồ bơi
3 garage /gəˈra:ʒ/ (n) Nhà để xe, ga-ra
4 yard /ja:rd/ (n) Cái sân
5 balcony / ˈbælkəni/ (n) Ban công
6 apartment /əˈpɑ:rtmənt/ (n) Chung cư
7 survey / ˈsɜːveɪ/ (n,v) Cuộc khảo sát
8 basement / ˈbeɪsmənt/ (n) Tầng hầm
II. Structures :
There is…..
There are…
➔ Has / Have
Ex : - My house has a yard.
➔There is a yard in front of my house.
- Their house has five rooms.
➔ There are five rooms in their house.
Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with “ have / has / is / are”
1. Her house …………… four bedrooms and a living room.
2. There ………………… a library in my school.
3. I …………………….. ten books for children.
4. There ……………….. forty-five students in my class.
Exercise 2: Transformation
1. There are eighty teachers in her school.
➔ Her school…………………………………………………. .
2. There is a new supermarket in my town.
➔ My town …………………………………………………. .
3. His room has one desk, four chairs and one TV.
➔ There ……………………………………………………… .
4. Our house has five bedrooms and a kitchen.
➔ There ……………………………………………………… .
Period 2: Lesson 1/ Page 7

Structure: Present Simple

(+) Affirmative form:
+ I live in an apartment.
+ She lives in an apartment.
(-) Negative form:
+ They don’t live in a house.
+ She doesn’t live in a house
(?) Interrogative form:
+ Do you live in a house?
Yes, I do/ No, I don’t.
+ Does she live in a house?
Yes, she does/ No, she, doesn’t.
- We add -s after he/ she/ it
(e.g: I live… / He lives…)
- If a verb ends in -ch, -o, -sh, or -ss, we end -es after he/ she/ it
(e.g: I do../ He does…
I go… / He goes…
I watch…./ He watches….)
-If a verb ends in a consonant (b, c, ….) + y, we use -ies after he/ she /it.
(e.g. I study…/ He studies….
I fly….. / He flies……)
Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs (b/p. 7)
Exercise 2: Complete the dialogue (c/p.7)
Period 3 Lesson 1/ Page 8
Intonation for Yes/ No questions goes up.
Do you live in an apartment?
E.g: I live in an apartment.
→ Do you live in an apartment?
There is a yard in my house.
→ Is there a yard in your house?
Exercise 1 : Change the following affirmative sentences into interrogative sentences
1. She lives in a house.
2. They have a car.
3. My apartment has a pool.
 ________________________________?
4. There are many flowers in the garden.
 ________________________________?
5. My brother cleans the room.
 _________________________________?
Exercise 2 : Point, ask and answer (Practice a/ page 8)

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