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1. Data Collection: We used the dataset 'HR_comma_sep.csv' for this project, which contained
information on the employees of a company, including features such as satisfaction level,
last evaluation, number of projects, average monthly hours, time spent at the company,
whether they had a work accident, whether they left the company, their department, and

2. Data Cleaning and Exploration: We checked for missing values using the function
any(, and replaced them with appropriate values. We converted categorical
variables such as 'left', 'sales', and 'salary' to factors using the function factor(), which
allowed us to analyze these variables effectively. We explored the data using summary
statistics, barplots, boxplots, and correlation tests to identify any patterns or trends in the
data that could be useful for predicting employee churn. For example, we explored the
relationship between time spent at the company and employee satisfaction, the relationship
between department and salary, and the percentage of employees who had left the
company in each department.
3. Data Preprocessing: We converted categorical variables such as 'sales' and 'salary' to
numerical using the function unclass(as.factor()), as some machine learning algorithms
require numerical inputs. We randomly split the data into training and test sets using the
function sample(), where the training set was used to train the machine learning algorithm
and the test set was used to evaluate its performance. We scaled the data using the function
scale() to ensure that each feature was on the same scale, which helped the machine
learning algorithm perform better.

4. Feature Selection: We selected the most important features that were predictive of
employee churn. This was done using techniques such as correlation analysis, feature
importance, or principal component analysis (PCA).

5. Model Building and Evaluation:

• We chose an appropriate machine learning algorithm for the classification problem, such
as logistic regression, decision trees, random forests, or support vector machines (SVMs).

• We trained the machine learning algorithm using the training set and evaluated its
performance using metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score.

• We tuned the hyperparameters of the machine learning algorithm using techniques such
as grid search or random search to achieve better performance.

• We evaluated the model using the test set and compared the predicted values with the
actual values using metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score.

• If the performance of the model was not satisfactory, we repeated with different
algorithms or feature selections until the desired level of performance was achieved.

6. Deployment: Once a satisfactory model has been built, it can be deployed for predicting
employee churn. The model can be integrated into the organization's HR management
system or used as a standalone tool. The predictions can be used to identify employees who
are likely to leave the company, so that appropriate measures can be taken to retain them.

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