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UNIT 5: Language and skills test

Name: _________________________________

A: I9 (not spend) too much if

LANGUAGE I 10 (go) shopping this weekend.
B: You always say that!
Lesson 5.1 Vocabulary
BULATS (4 options)/Business Preliminary (3 options)
1 Choose the correct option a, b, c or d.
Lesson 5.3 Functional language
3 [BP_A2+_Test_05_01.mp3] Listen to the
1 Life is easier with a mobile on my phone. speakers and choose the polite way to say no
a currency b payment c system d wallet a, b or c.
2 Harry cash from the bank so he spends
less on his credit card. 1a b c
a pays b withdraws c uses d finances 2a b c
3 Small businesses must pay attention to cash 3a b c
. 4a b c
a payments b flow c currency d crunch 5a b c
4 For business travellers, by credit card is __/5
more convenient.
a delivery b withdraw c payment d tax
Lesson 5.4 Functional language
5 They use cash to pay for small office BULATS
items. 4 Write one word which best fits each space.
a petty b mobile c financial d short
6 When I shop at the local market, I pay in . OK, everyone, have a 1 look at this table,
a currency b wallet c dispenser d cash which 2 shows the age groups of our customers.
7 Tax supply money to healthcare and
As you can 3 see , most of them are in the
education in our country.
35–44 age group. The most surprising 4 thing
a economy b revenues c system d flow
is that we don’t have many younger customers – only
8 You can pay in dollars or the local .
10 percent are under 25. So, in 5 summary , we
a currency b cash c tax d system
9 The system is difficult to understand. need to focus on marketing to this age group more.
a financial b cashless c cash d revenue __/5
10 The town has cash in the shopping Lesson 5.5 Functional language
centre and at stations.
Business Preliminary
a mobiles b banks c dispensers d registers
__/10 5 Choose the correct option a, b or c.
Lesson 5.2 Grammar 1
Dear Mr Sato,
2 Complete the dialogues with the correct form of
the verb in brackets to make sentences in the As you know, we have not raised our accountancy
2 price
first conditional. in the last five years. However, because of
rising costs, we have to 3 increase our fees by
A: How is your savings plan going? 5 percent next year. Quality is important to us and we
B: OK. But if interest rates 1 (increase), want to continue to give our customers good service.
I2 (save) more quickly.
I4 a new list of prices for our services with
A: What 3
(change) in your life if you this letter. We appreciate your business and I hope
(get) a new job? you understand the situation.
B: That’s a good question! I don’t know yet.
Yours 5 ,
A: Do you think Vilma and Ari will move house Chris Davis
B: If they 5 (save) enough money, they 1 a Dear b Hey c Hi
(buy) a small flat next year. 2 a cost b prices c bill
A: Everything is so expensive these days! 3 a rise b increase c improve
B: Well, we 7 (have) more money soon 4 a remain b keep c enclose
5 a faithfully b sincerely c kindly
if the economy 8 (improve).

© 2019 Pearson PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

UNIT 5: Language and skills test
Name: _________________________________

Long listening
Short listening Business Preliminary Part 4
BULATS Multiple choice/Business Preliminary Part 1 7 [BP_A2+_Test_05_03.mp3] Listen to a radio
6 [BP_A2+_Test_05_02.mp3] You will hear eight discussion about spending habits. For each
short recordings twice. For questions 1–8 choose question choose a, b or c.
the correct answer.
1 How have people’s spending habits changed in
1 What does the woman spend most of her the last five years?
income on? a People spend more.
b People save more.
c People spend money on different things.

2 What has risen most in price?

a b c a taxes
b housing
2 How does the man pay at the hotel? c food
a by credit card
b by mobile phone payment 3 What suggestion does Lena make for saving
c in cash money on restaurant food?
a Use more vouchers.
3 How is the man going to save more money? b Go and eat at different times.
a walk to work every day c Eat more takeaways.
b take his lunch to work
c rent a room in his home 4 What does Lena think about buying new
4 Why does the woman like paying by credit card? a People buy new things too often.
a She doesn’t need different currency. b It often isn’t worth the money.
b It’s light to carry when travelling. c Most website offers are bad.
c She doesn’t need receipts.
5 What advice does Lena give for buying a new
5 What does the man think he is best at in his job? smartphone?
a public speaking a Buy them with a contract.
b working with numbers b Don’t buy one with a brand name.
c managing his time c Buy an older model.

6 How much have the company’s sales increased 6 According to Lena, which is the best way to pay
over the year? when you are overseas?
a about 10 percent a cash
b nearly a quarter b prepaid card
c roughly a third c credit card

7 Who is going to be the lead presenter? 7 According to Lena, where is the worst place to
a Francisco exchange currency?
b Luis a at an airport
c Gaston b at a hotel
c online
8 How was the budget for the project divided? __7

a b c

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UNIT 5: Language and skills test
Name: _________________________________

Writing From:
Business Preliminary Date:
8 You work for an internet provider and you are Subject:
going to increase your business prices. __________________________________________
Write an email to a customer:
• informing them of the price increase. __________________________________________
• giving details of the increase.
• explaining the reason for it. __________________________________________
• concluding in a positive way. __________________________________________

Write 50–60 words. __________________________________________


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