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République du Sénégal Ministère de l’Education Nationale I Année : 2023 / 2024

Classe : 5ème
Deuxieme Devoir du Deuxieme Semestre

Epreuve de : Anglais Durée : 2 Heures


At the end of Ramadan, all people in the world celebrate the Korité festival. In Senegal we are
impatient to break the month of fasting by eating “Laax” in the morning.
Men and boys wear their most beautiful traditional clothes to go and pray at the mosque
behind the Imam. After the prayer at around half past two pm, people eat couscous
accompanied with chicken, beef or mutton then fruit juice or limonade can be served.
Late in the afternoon old people go and pay visit relatives and neighbours whereas children go
and ask for “Ndewenëul”. Korité is so special because everybody is happy to celebrate it.
Even Christians who represent around 5% of the population celebrate the festival with the
They also fast for 40 days and at the end of their fasting month, they celebrate Easter.

NB: fasting : jeuner; Easter : Paques ; world : monde

A. Multiple choice : Choose a, b or c correctly (0.5 x 4= 2 marks)

1. The best title for the text could be… 2. On Korité day people wear
a. The Korité Festival a. bubus
b. The month of Ramadan b. jeans and skirts
c. Eating Laax c. suits

3. Half past two pm corresponds to… 4. “Fasting”means

a. 2h 30 minutes a. running to fast to pray at the mosque
b. 14h 30 minutes b. not eating and drinking all day long
c. 15h 20 minutes c. wearing a nice bubu to ride a fast moto

B- All sentences are False .Read the text to justify them. (1x3=3 marks)
Statement Justification
5. On Korité day people eat laax false …………………………………………….
for lunch. ………………………………………….....
6. Korité is only celebrated in false …………………………………………….
Senegal. ………………………………………….....
7. Christian people don’t fast. false ……………………………………………..

C. Finding responses : read the text and answer the questions: (1x2=2 marks)
15. What is the percentage of Christians in Senegal?
16. When do people celebrate Korité Festival ?
D – Referencing : Tell what or who these words refer to in the text:
7. It (line 7) (to celebrate it) =…………………………………..
8. They (line 9) (they also fast) =………………………………

E – Matching : Match correctly words to their definition (0.5x6=3 marks)

Word Definition
9. Korité A. Money given to kids on Korité day. 9
10. Ndewenel B. Festival corresponding to the end of Ramadan 10
11. Laax C. Porridge of millet or rice with skimmed milk 11
12. Muslims D. A month of restrictions with no food all day long 12
13. Ramadan E. All people who follow Islam instructions. 13
14. Iman F. Muslim praying leader 14


F- Dialogue: Choose the most suitable word to complete this dialogue. (0.5x3=1.5marks)
Awa : (17) (Why / where / how many ) will you pray ?
Aly : I will pray at Castors mosque.
Awa : You habitually pray there (18),(aren’t you/ isn’t he /don’t you)?
Aly : Yes I do

Awa : (19)(Do you eat / are you eat/ will you eat ) Laax in the morning ?

Aly : Yes, I will eat Laax in the morning.

Awa : Ok.

G. Verbs tenses : Use the verb correctly. (2.5 mark)

20. Maty ( cooks/ is cooking / cooked) Laax every Korité day.
21. Look! Faatu she (asks / is asking / asked) for Ndewenel.
22. Last night all the girls (went / are going / will go )to the hairdressers’.
23. Next year we (are celebrate / will celebrate / celebrated ) Korité in Dakar.
III- WRITING : Choose one topic only. ( 4 marks)
Topic 1: Fatou and Rama are discussing about the “Ndeweneul’’, Fatou always goes and asks
for Ndeweneul but Rama doesn’t. Complete their conversation.
Fatou :Hello Rama , How are you?
Fatou: You have a nice dress! Are you going to ask for Ndeweneul?
Fatou: Why ………………………………………………………………………?
Rama: Because …………………………………………………………………………
Topic 2 : Tell what you did on the Korité or Easter day : in the morning, in the afternoon
and before going to bed.


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