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MSBTE Diploma All Branch Notes Available in FREE Visit Now: YouTube: Diploma Solution WhatsApp No: 8108332570 22523 Industrial AC Machines In the realm of Industrial AC Machines, particularly synchronous machines like alternators and synchronous motors, the principle of operation and the concept of the load angle are fundamental. Here's a brief overview. 1. Principle of Operation Synchronous Machines: Synchronous machines are so named because the speed of the rotor and the stator's magnetic field rotation are the same, i.e., they are in synchronism. ‘+ Stator: The stationary part ofthe'machiné, which produces a rotating magnetic field when a 3-phase supply is provided. * Rotor: The rotating part of the machine. In generators, it'sdriven by a prime mover to produce a rotating magnetic field. In motors, it aligns itself with the stator's magnetic field. Synchronous Generators (or Alternators): When the rotor is turned (typically by a prime mover like a turbine), it cuts through the stator's magnetic lines of force, thereby inducing an electromotive force (EMF) as per Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. Synchronous Motors: In motors, a rotating magnetic field is produced by the stator. The rotor, when supplied with a DC current, also ¢reates a magnetic field. The rotor then aligns itself to the stator's rotating field and turns in synchronism wit 2, Significance of Load Angle (5) + Definition: The load angle, often denoted as 6 (delta), represents the angle between the rotor's magnetic field and the stator's magnetic field in’a synchronous machine. It can also be understood as the/angle of displacement between the induced EMF in the rotor and the supply voltage. + Significance: ‘+ Power Transfer: The load angle is directly related to the power transfer in synchronous machines. As the load angle increases, more power is transferred from the generator to the grid or from the grid to the motor. /: The load angle is crucial for system stability. If the load angle becomes too large due to disturbances (like a sudden increase in load), the machine might fall out of synchronism + Maximum Power: The load angle is also used to derive the maximum power that can be transferred by a synchronous machine before it becomes unstable. ‘+ Operation: In normal operation, there's always a slight load angle in synchronous generators because it denotes the energy stored in the machine, which can be released MSBTE Diploma All Branch Notes Available in FREE Visit Now: YouTube: Diploma Solution WhatsApp No: 8108332570 to the grid. The machine becomes unstable when this angle becomes too large or reaches 90 degrees, known as the ‘pull-out’ angle or maximum torque angle. Conclusion Understanding the principle of operation and the significance of the load angle is pivotal in the design, operation, and control of synchronous machines. Ensuring that synchronous machines operate within safe load angle limits guarantees system stability and efficient power transfer. MSBTE Diploma All Branch Notes Available in FREE Visit Now: YouTube: Diploma Solution WhatsApp No: 8108332570 Industrial AC Machines, especially motors, exhibit various types of torques during their operational cycle. Each of these torques signifies a different stage in the motor's operation, and understanding them is crucial for efficient machine utilization and control. 1. Starting Torque Definition: Starting torque, often referred to as the initial torque, is the torque developed by the motor when it is started from a standstill position Significance: + Itdetermines the ability of a motor to start against a load. + For applications like conveyors Or elevators, where a significant load is present at the start, a motor with ajhigh starting torque is essentiall 2, Running Torque Definition: Running torque, sometimes known as full-load torque, is the torque that the motor continuously develops to keep the machine running at its rated speed and full-load condition. Significance: ‘+ It's the standard operational torque of the motor + Ensuring a motor operates near its designed running torque ensures efficient operation and prolonged motor 3. Pull-tn Torque Definition: Pull-in torque, often associated with stepper motors, is the maximum torque at which a motor can start or stop instantaneously without losing synchronism (or."missing steps") Significance: * Crucial for applications where precise positioning is needed. ‘= Motors with a high pull-in torque can accelerate loads quickly without missing steps or losing position. 4, Pull-Out Torque Definition: Pull-out torque, or maximum torque, is the highest torque that a motor can produce without losing synchronism. Beyond this point, the motor can stall or become unstable. icance: + Indicates the maximum load a motor can handle momentarily + Essential for applications with variable loads, as it provides an upper limit to the instantaneous load that the motor can manage without stalling. MSBTE Diploma All Branch Notes Available in FREE Visit Now: YouTube: Diploma Solution WhatsApp No: 8108332570 4.3 Synchronous motor on load with constant excitation (numerical, effect of excitation at constant load (numerical) Synchronous motors hold a pivotal role in Industrial AC Machines, especially for constant-speed operations and power factor corrections. The performance of a synchronous motor under varying loads and excitations greatly impacts its efficiency, stability, and operational longevity. 1. Synchronous Motor on Load with Constant Excitation Definition: When a synchronous motor operates with a consistent excitation but with variable load, the ‘motor tries to maintain its speed (synchronous speed). However, the load angle (angle between the rotor and stator magnetic fields) may change. Numerical Example: Given: + Synchronous speed = 1500 REM * Motor Excitation = Constant at 200V * Load Torque = 50 Nmv Find the load angle when the motor is loaded. Note: For the sake of simplicity, we're omitting specific motor parameters. Ina real-world scenario, motor constants and other parameters would be needed for a precise calculation, 2. Effect of Excitation at Constant Load Definition: Varying the excitation. while keeping the load constant on a synchronous motor affects its power factor. An under-excited motor runs at a lagging power factor, while an over-excited motor runs ata leading power factor. icance: ‘+ Adjusting excitation allows for power factor correction in systems. + Proper excitation ensures maximum torque and efficiency. Numerical Example: Given: + Load = Constant at 50. Nm * Initial excitation = 200V + New excitation = 250V Determine the effect on the power factor. Note: Again, specific motor parameters would be needed for a real-world calculation. This example is just to illustrate the concept. Note: This Notes is Created by Diploma Solution Team, Don’t Sell these notes and Don't Use this Notes without Diploma Solution Admins Permission. It is Only for Diploma Solution Students. Download MSBTE Diploma All Branch - All Semester - All Subjects Notes on Google. WhatsApp No: 8108332570 YouTube: Diploma Solution MSBTE Diploma All Branch Notes Available in FREE Visit Now: YouTube: Diploma Solution WhatsApp No: 8108332570 In the realm of Industrial AC Machines, particularly when delving into synchronous motors, understanding the V-Curves and Inverted V-Curves becomes pivotal. These curves play a significant role in visualizing the motor's performance and ensuring optimal operations. 1. V-Curves: An Overview Definition: The V-Curve of a synchronous motor is a graphical representation that illustrates the relationship between the field current (excitation current) and the armature current, keeping the motor's power output constant. Characteristics: 1, The curve gets its name from its characteristic 'V' shape. 2. Atlow and high excitations, the armature current is high. 3. There's a minimum point on'the curve, signifying the excitation at which the armature current is the least. This usually corresponds to the Unity power factor. Sign Understanding and utilizing the V-Curve helps in determining the most efficient excitation level for the motor, ensuring it operates close to'the unity power factor and minimizes losses. icance: 2. Inverted V-Curves Definition: ‘The Inverted V-Curve represents the variation of the power factor of the synchronous motor with its field current, again keeping the power output constant. Characteristics: 1. Unlike the V-Curve; the inverted V-Curve has an inverted 2. The peak of this curve denotes the unity power factor. 3. On the left of this peak; the motor operates with a lagging power factor (under-excited), and on the right, it operates with a leading power factor (over-excited). icance: shape. This curve assists in understanding the motor's behavior concerning its power factor under varying excitation conditions. This is crucial for power factor.¢orrection in industrial settings. Conclusion V-Curves and Inverted V-Curves are powerful tools in the hands of electrical engineers and technicians, providing insights into synchronous motor performance. They act as a roadmap for adjusting excitation levels to achieve desired performance metrics, whether it's minimizing the current draw or optimizing the power factor. Proper comprehension of these curves ensures efficient operation of synchronous motors in various industrial applications, paving the way for energy conservation and prolonged equipment life. MSBTE Diploma All Branch Notes Available in FREE Visit Now: YouTube: Diploma Solution WhatsApp No: 8108332570 4.5 Hunting and Phase swinging. In the world of Industrial AC Machines, understanding phenomena like hunting and phase swinging is pivotal, especially when discussing synchronous machines. These conditions can lead to unstable operations and, if not addressed, can cause mechanical wear and tear or even machine failure. 1, Hunting (or Cyclic Variation) Definition: Hunting, often referred to as cyclic variation or oscillation, is the tendency of a synchronous machine to oscillate about its equilibrium position, This happens when a machine, which has been displaced from its synchronous speed, tries to restore itself but overshoots due to inertia, ‘The machine then oscillates at its natural frequency. Causes: 1, Sudden Load Changes: A sudden change in load.can push the rotor away from its stable position. 2. Improper Synchronizing: If a synchronous machine is not synchronized properly with the grid, hunting can occur. 3. Inertia: The machine's inertia can make it overshoot the equilibrium, leading to oscillations. Effects: 1, Mechanical stress on the shaft. 2. Fluctuations in output voltage. 3. Potential damage to the machine if not controlled. Mitigation: Damping windings or damper bars are Usually provided in the rotor construction to suppress these oscillations and stabilize the machine. 2. Phase Swinging Definition: Phase swinging refers to the telative movement or shift of the rotor angle concerning the stator magnetic field. This can be visualizedias the rotor ‘swinging’ in relation to its stable equilibrium position. Causes: 1. Major Disturbances: Events like short-circuits, sudden application or removal of large loads, or system faults 2. Initial Start-up: Incorrect synchronization during initial start-up can result in phase swings. Effects: 1. Potential loss of synchronism, causing the machine to become asynchronous. 2. Voltage and frequency fluctuations in the power system. 3. Mechanical stress and potential damage to the machine. Mitigation: 1. Protective Relays: These detect large phase swings and disconnect the machine to prevent damage. MSBTE Diploma All Branch Notes Available in FREE Visit Now: YouTube: Diploma Solution WhatsApp No: 8108332570 2. Dynamic Braking: Used to decelerate the machine and reduce the swing. 3. Power System Stabilizers: These provide supplementary control signals to the excitation system, improving system damping during low-frequency oscillations, Conclusion Both hunting and phase swinging can be detrimental to synchronous machines if not managed properly. Understanding the causes, effects, and potential mitigation strategies for these phenomena ensures the stable and efficient operation of synchronous machines in industrial environments. Proper measures, including the use of damping windings and protective systems, can prevent these issues and extend the machine's operational lifespan. Note: This Notes is Created by DiplomalSBlUition TeatfiDon’t Sell these notes and Don't Use this Notes without Diploma Solutio Admins Permission. It is Only fOnDiploma Solution Students. Download MSBTE Diploma All Branch - All Semester - All Subjects Notes on Google. WhatsApp No: 8108332570 YouTube: Diploma Solution MSBTE Diploma All Branch Notes Available in FREE Visit Now: YouTube: Diploma Solution WhatsApp No: 8108332570 4.6 Methods of Starting of Synchronous Motor. Synchronous motors are not self-starting. When AC is applied directly, it doesn’t start rotating. Instead, it might hum and produce excessive vibrations. To bring the synchronous ‘motor into operation, it must be rotated at synchronous speed by some means and then excited. Here are the common methods used to start synchronous motors: 1. Using a Small DC Machine (Pony Motor) Procedure: 1. The synchronous motor is started by a separate small DC motor (or an AC motor) connected to its shaft. 2. The DC motor brings the synchronous motor close to the synchronous speed. 3. Once near the synchronous speed, the DC supply to the rotor winding (field winding) is switched on. 4, The synchronous motor locks'into step with the supply and runs as a synchronous motor, ‘The DC machine is then disconnected. 2. Using a Damper Winding (Amortisseur Winding) Procedure: 1. Damper windings are short-circuited synchronous motor. 2. When AC supply is given to the stator, the motor starts as an induction motor due to the damper winding. 3. Once near the synchronous speed, DC excitation is given to the rotor, 4, The motor locks into step and continues to operate as a synchronous motor. The damper winding only coines into play during starting and during transient conditions. \dings embedded in the pole face of the 3, Starting Using an External Prime Mover Procedure: 1. Anexternal prime mover (like a diesel engine) is used to rotate the synchronous motor to near its synchronous speed. 2. DC excitation is applied to the rotor windings 3. The motor locks in with the supply, and the external prime mover is disconnected. 4, Starting by VFD (Variable Frequency Drive) Procedure: 1. The VFD is used to provide a variable frequency supply starting from zero frequency. 2. The motor starts at zero frequency and speed. 3. The frequency and voltage are gradually increased by the VED to bring the motor to its, synchronous speed, 4, Once at the synchronous speed, the rotor is excited, and the motor operates as a synchronous motor. MSBTE Diploma All Branch Notes Available in FREE Visit Now: YouTube: Diploma Solution WhatsApp No: 8108332570 Synchronous motors are among the most efficient machines in use. But like all electrical machines, they also encounter various types of losses. Here's an overview of the losses in synchronous motors: 1. Copper Losses (I*2R Losses) ‘These losses occur due to the resistance of the windings. + Stator Copper Loss: Occurs due to the current flowing through the stator windings. + Rotor Copper Loss: In wound rotor synchronous machines, copper loss occurs due to the current flowing through the rotor windings. 2. Core Losses (or Iron Losses) ‘These are losses that take place in the’stator and rotorrcores when they are subjected to a magnetic field + Eddy Current Loss: Due to the formation of eddy currents in the iron cores. + Hysteresis Loss: Due to the continuous magnetization and demagnetization of the core. 3. Stray Load Losses These are additional losses, which are not accounted for under normal copper and core losses. They can be due to leakage flux, harmonic currentsyetc 4, Windage and Friction Loss ‘These losses are due to the friction in the bearings and air friction (windage) of the rotor movement. 5. Field (or Excitation) Loss ‘The power consumed to\excite the rotor winding in wound rotor synchronous motors. It's the product of the voltage and current supplied to the field winding and can be significant in some cases, Efficiency of a Synchronous Motor Efficiency is the ratio of useful power output to the total power input. © Efficiency (n In terms of losses © Efficiency (n er - Total Losses lutput PowerInput Power€fficiency (n}=Input PowerOutput Power iput Power - Total Lossesinput Poweréfficiency (n input Powerlnput Pow For synchronous motors, the total losses would be the sum of all the above-mentioned losses. ‘The efficiency of synchronous motors is generally high, especially for larger motors, because the relative magnitude of the losses decreases with the increase in the motor's size. MSBTE Diploma All Branch Notes Available in FREE Visit Now: YouTube: Diploma Solution WhatsApp No: 8108332570 Industrial AC (Alternating Current) machines have a wide range of applications across various industries due to their efficiency, reliability, and versatility. Here are the primary application areas of different types of industrial AC machines: 1. Three-Phase Induction Motors © Manufacturing: Used extensively in manufacturing plants for driving conveyor belts, fans, pumps, compressors, and various other types of machinery. ‘+ Agriculture: Employed in irrigation systems for driving water pumps. ‘+ Transport: Used in electric trains and tram systems. 2. Single-Phase Induction Motors + Domestic Appliances: Widely Used in refrigerators, washing machines, fans, air conditioners, and vacuum cleaners. + Small-Scale Industries: Driving small machinery, sewing machines, and office appliances. 3. Synchronous Motors + Constant Speed Applications: Because of their ability to run at a constant speed irrespective of the load, they're used in clocks, teletype machines, and other precision tools. + Power Factor Correctior system. * Variable Speed High-Performance Applications: Stich as robotics and servo systems. in industries, they're used to improve the power factor of the 4, Alternators + Power Generation: Used in power plants to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. They can be found in hydroelectric, thermal, and nuclear power plants. = Automotive: Used in cars to charge the battery and power electrical systems when the engine is running, 5, Special AC Motors * Servo Motors: Applied in robotics, CNC machinery, camera autofocus, and other precision control applications. + Stepper Motors: Used in printers, CNC machines, computer disk drives, and wherever precise control of motor rotation is required. 6. Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) and Soft Starters + Pump Control: in water supply systems to control the speed of water pumps based on demand, saving energy. + Conveyor Systems: To smoothly start and control the speed of conveyors. MSBTE Diploma All Branch Notes Available in FREE Visit Now: YouTube: Diploma Solution WhatsApp No: 8108332570 Conclusion Industrial AC machines play a critical role in modern industries, homes, and services. ‘Their versatile nature, combined with advancements in motor control and electronics, has expanded their application domains even further. As industries evolve, and as new technologies emerge, the role of AC machines will likely continue to grow and adapt. Note: This Notes is Created by Diploma Solution Team, Don’t Sell these notes and Don't Use this Notes without Diploma Solution Admins Permission. It is Only for Diploma Solution Students. Download MSBTE Diploma All Branch - All Semester - All Subjects Notes on Google. 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