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Lección 11ª: Verbos seguidos de infinitivo / gerundio


Cuando un verbo va acompañado por otro, este segundo puede ir en:


Infinitivo (sin "to")



Last summer we decided to go to the beach

We can speak English fluently

I hate driving at night

Hay una serie de verbos que cuando van acompañados por otro este segundo va en gerundio:

Admit / Appreciate / Avoid / Consider / Delay / Deny / Detest / Excuse / Finish / Forgive / Imagine
/ Keep (=continue) / Miss / Postpone / Practise / Prevent / Propose(=suggest) / Regret / Resist /
Risk / Stop / Suggest / Understand

Veamos algunos ejemplos:

When I lost my job I postponed buying a new house

After the heart attack my father stopped smoking

My boss told me that he is considering promoting me for the new post

If you drive when you are drunk you risk losing your driving licence

The detainee admitted doing business with the mafia

También suelen ir seguidos de gerundios los siguientes verbos:

Like / Dislike / Hate / Love / Enjoy / Mind


I like travelling with my girlfriend

I hate tidying my bedroom

I enjoy dancing

I don´t mind going to English classes

El verbo "like" puede también ir seguido por un infinitivo pero el significado es diferente:

to like + gerundio: disfrutar

to like + infinitivo: querer hacer algo porque considero que es positivo

I like playing tennis

I like to do my homework on Saturday mornings

Algunos de los verbos anteriores si va precedido del auxiliar "would" pide entonces un
Would like to…

Would love to…

Would hate to…

Would prefer to …

I would like to visit Paris

I would love to go out for dinner tonight!

I would hate to spend the summer in Seville

I would prefer to go to the cinema than go to the gym

Los siguientes verbos, si van acompañados por otro, este segundo va en infinitivo:

Agree / Appear / Arrange / Ask / Choose / Claim / Decide / Decline / Demand / Fail / Forget /
Happen / Hesitate / Hope / Learn / Manage / Offer / Plan / Prepare / Pretend / Promise / Refuse /
Remember / Seem / Swear / Threaten


He agreed to help me with my homework

She promised to phone her mother

My brother decided to sell his car

El verbo "try" puede ir seguido de infinitivo o gerundio pero con distinto significado:

+ infinitivo: hacer un esfuerzo

+ gerundio: probar algo en plan experimento

I will try to wash my car before lunch

I tried calling my girlfriend with this mobile but it didn't work

La expression "I am afraid" puede ir seguida de:

Infinitivo: no quiero hacer algo porque creo que es peligroso

"of + gerundio": existe la posibilidad de que algo malo me ocurra

I am afraid to climb up the tree

When I drive through the centre of town I am afraid of having an accident

Lección 10ª Ejercicios

Lección 11ª: Ejercicios


1.- Escribe (únicamente) el verbo entre paréntesis en infinitivo o en gerundio según convenga

1. I hope ________ my studies this year (to finish)

2. She promised ________ to me during her trip (to write)

3. My boss postponed ________ a decision about my promotion

(to make)

4. I learned ________ English at school (to speak)

5. My son detests ________ his medicine (to take)

6. I dislike ________ up early, especially on Monday (to get)

7. The police pretended ________ the terrorist at the border (to


8. The old couple swore ________ a formal complaint against the

hotel (to make)
9. After my injury I missed ________ tennis a lot (to play)

10. Forgive me for ________ you but your boss wants to see you
immediately (to interrupt)

11. I imagine ________ a sailing boat and travelling around the

world (to have)

12. She decided ________ her holidays in Italy (to spend)

13. When the teacher entered the classroom the students stopped
________ a noise (to make)

14. Driving so fast he risks ________ an accident (to have)

15. The company postponed ________ its American franchise (to


16. My sister agrees ________ me money for my new house (to


17. The fire brigade decided ________ the fire with two helicopters
(to extinguish)

18. I completely detest ________ to the beach on Sundays; they are

totally crowded (to go)

19. Last weekend I tried ________ from Madrid to Seville without

stopping (to drive)

20. You must remember ________ your mum before leaving (to
21. Every morning my dad likes ________ the newspaper during
his breakfast (to read)

22. I am afraid ________ to the boat; it is too far for me (to swim)

23. I will try ________ the washing machine this afternoon (to

24. My girlfriend dislikes ________ the dishes (to wash)

25. The thief admitted ________ the bag (to steal)

Lecc. 11ª Lecc. 12ª

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