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ome docs aren't set for download.

You can get a lot of them with browser


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[S] 2 points 1 year ago

Could you recommend some browser extensions please?

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1 point 1 year ago

Ok I'm using a Mac, and I do this on Firefox because you can pack it with
extensions. My current favorite for getting web pages is SingleFile. #2 is probably
Print Friendly & PDF. #3 is probably PDF Mage. Probably any of these would do the
trick but you can also just go to the extensions page and search for PDF or else
download web page or some such words.

You could also try websites such as

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2 points 3 months ago

This site worked. Thanks man

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1 point 1 year ago

can you get this for me?

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2 points 3 months ago

this URL method worked perfectly as of 2/26/24..

have a paid scribd account, but wanted to download a document that could only be
saved and not downloaded.. this handled it all smoothly.

thank you for this! :)

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