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PPL (12 Cycles)

1. Push 1
2. Pull 1
3. Leg 1
4. Push 2
5. Pull 2
6. Leg 2
⁃ (Repeat)

Make sure to watch videos online to learn and understand the form for each

How to perform warm-ups for, track and progress in compound lifts:

1. Track your weight after every working set.
2. For example, if your top set for Bench Press (ever, or last
performance) was 60kg (20kg per side), your warm-ups should look like this:
⁃ Empty bar x 8
⁃ 30kg (5kg per side) x 4
⁃ 42.5kg (11.25kg per side) x 2
⁃ 55kg (17.5kg per side) x 1
3. You don’t really need to rest in between warm-up sets but rest as
4. After your final warm-up set, rest for 3-5 minutes before performing
your top set.
5. For Bench Press, if you have successfully performed 4 reps on your best
set, you can attempt to progress by adding 2.5kg (1.25kg per side).
⁃ So the goal of your first set would be: 62.5kg (21.25kg per side) x 4
6. For your second top set, it depends on how you feel on the day. In the
stage of fast newbie gains, you can even go up to 65kg (22.5kg per side) x 4 on
your second set if you are feeling it. If not, try and perform the same 62.5kg x 4.
7. For your progressive high rep set, taking 60kg as an example, on the
first cycle you should attempt to perform 47.5kg (13.75kg per side) x 7. If you’re
able to perform it without trouble, move the weight up to 50kg (15kg per side) x 7
on your second cycle of Push 1. Prioritise form perfection over speed.

How to progress in strength:

⁃ Increase in reps performed, or increase the weight by small increments
and attempt to perform it on the lower rep range
⁃ You should aim to perform every set close to failure or with zero reps
left in your strength reserve

Example Log:
1. Bench Press - 4 warm-up (WU) sets & 3 total working sets
Muscles worked: Overall Chest
WU set 1: Empty bar x 8
WU set 2: 50% of target weight x 4
WU set 3: 70% of target weight x 2
WU set 4: 90% of target weight x 1
> 2 x 4 reps - top set
> 1 x 7 reps - progressive high rep set starting from 80% of top set
⁃ WK1: 97.5kg(4), 97.5kg(4), 90kg(7)
⁃ WK2: 100kg(4), 100kg(2), 92.5kg(6)
⁃ WK3: 100kg(4), 100kg(4), 92.5kg(7)

PUSH 1 & 2

Muscles Worked:
⁃ Chest
⁃ Shoulders (primarily front & middle deltoids)
⁃ Triceps
⁃ Core/Abs

Main compound lifts to focus on:

⁃ Bench Press
⁃ Overhead Press


Push 1
⁃ 20 total working sets
⁃ 2 minutes of light stretching
⁃ Numbered sets are to be performed in order
⁃ Unnumbered sets can be performed in any order OR according to order of

1. Bench Press - 4 warm-up (WU) sets & 3 total working sets

Muscles worked: Overall Chest
WU set 1: Empty bar x 8
WU set 2: 50% of target weight x 4
WU set 3: 70% of target weight x 2
WU set 4: 90% of target weight x 1
> 2 x 4 reps - top set
> 1 x 7 reps - progressive high rep set starting from 80% of top set

2. Incline Bench Press - 3 warm-up (WU) sets & 3 total working sets
Muscles worked: Upper & Overall Chest
WU set 1: Empty bar x 10
WU set 2: 50% of target weight x 8
WU set 3: 75% of target weight x 4
> 3 x 8-10 reps
> Note: Prioritise form perfection and mind-muscle connection.

Seated Shoulder Press (75 Degrees)

Muscles worked: Shoulders - Front & Middle Deltoids
> 3 x 8-10
> Note: The set up for this is usually making the bench as straight as possible,
then moving it down by 1 stage.
> Note: When performing this exercise, your elbows should not be parallel to your
body. Make sure to flare inwards by around 15 degrees to target your front and
middle deltoids.

Cable Tricep Pressdown (Straight Bar)

Muscles worked: Triceps
> 3 x 10-12
> Use a straight bar instead of the ropes.

High-To-Low Cable Flye

Muscles worked: Lower Chest
> 2 x 12-15

Egyptian Cable Lateral Raise

Muscles worked: Shoulders - Middle Deltoids
> 2 x 12-15
1-Arm Cable Overhead Tricep Extension
Muscles worked: Triceps
> 2 x 12-15

Leg Raises
Muscles worked: Lower Abs
> 2 x as many reps as possible (AMRAP)
> Note: It can be a chest-supported leg raise setup, pure hanging leg raises, lying
leg raises, or substitute with any exercise that hits your lower abs the best.


Push 2
⁃ 20 total working sets
⁃ 2 minutes of light stretching
⁃ Numbered sets are to be performed in order
⁃ Unnumbered sets can be performed in any order OR according to order of

1. Overhead Press - 3 warm-up (WU) sets & 3 total working sets

Muscles worked: Shoulders - Front & Middle Deltoids
WU set 1: Empty bar x 5
WU set 2: 50% of target weight x 3
WU set 3: 75% of target weight x 2
> 2 x 5 reps - top set
> 1 x 8 reps - progressive high rep set from 80% of top set

2. Dips
Muscles worked: Triceps
> 3 x 6-15
> Note: Make sure the handles are in a narrow set up. The wide set up is for lower
> Note: Perform bodyweight dips until you are able to hit 15 reps on all sets.

Incline Dumbbell Press (30 Degrees)

Muscles worked: Upper Chest
> 3 x 8-10
> Note: The set up for this inclination is usually 2 stages up from a flat bench.

Machine Flyes (Pec Deck Machine)

Muscles worked: Overall Chest
> 3 x 12-15

EZ-Bar Upright Rows

Muscles worked: Shoulders - Front & Middle Deltoids
> 2 x 10-12

Ez-Bar Skullcrushers
Muscles worked: Triceps
> 2 x 10-12

Smith Machine Decline Bench Press

Muscles worked: Lower Chest
> 2 x 10-12
> Note: If there isn’t a decline bench or smith machine set up, substitute this
exercise with elevated push-ups (AMRAP).
> Note: An example of elevated push-ups will be to perform them on standing
dumbbells. Your torso should go below the top of the dumbbells to feel the stretch
in your lower chest.

Leg Raises
Muscles worked: Lower Abs
> 2 x as many reps as possible (AMRAP)
> Note: It can be a chest-supported leg raise setup, pure hanging leg raises, lying
leg raises, or substitute with any exercise that hits your lower abs the best.


PULL 1 & 2

Muscles Worked:
⁃ Lats
⁃ Mid Back (Rhomboids)
⁃ Upper Back
⁃ Traps
⁃ Rear Deltoids (Rear end of shoulders)
⁃ Core/Abs

Main compound lifts to focus on:

⁃ Pull-Up
⁃ Pendlay Row


Pull 1
⁃ 20 total working sets
⁃ 2 minutes of light stretching
⁃ Numbered sets are to be performed in order
⁃ Unnumbered sets can be performed in any order OR according to order of

1. Pull-Up
Muscles worked: Entire Back, primarily Lats
> 3 x 6-12
> Note: Make sure your grip is slightly wider than shoulder width.
> Note: Perform bodyweight pull-ups until you are able to hit 12 reps on all sets.
> Note: Make sure you are in a complete dead hang before starting every rep. Watch
pull-up tutorials from Jeff Nippard.

Seated Cable Row (Wide Grip)

Muscles worked: Entire Back, primarily rhomboids
> 3 x 10-12

Omni-Grip Lat Pulldown

Muscles worked: Primarily Lats
> 3 x 10-12
> Note: Perform set 1 with 1.5x shoulder width. Set 2 at shoulder width. Set 3
using a supinated grip.

High-To-Low Face Pulls

Muscles worked: Primarily Upper Back & Rear Deltoids
> 2 x 12-15

Cable Pullover (Long Rope)

Muscles worked: Primarily Lats
> 2 x 12-15
EZ-Bar Bicep Curl
Muscles worked: Biceps
> 3 x 6-8

Incline 1-Arm Dumbbell Curl (60 Degrees)

Muscles worked: Biceps
> 2 x 12-15
> Note: The bench setup for this exercise is usually setting it to the straightest
and then going down by 2 stages.
> Note: Perform 12-15 reps for your weaker arm first in one go, then do the same
for your dominant arm.
> Note: Your non-performing hand should still be holding the weight while your
performing hand is doing the work.

Bicycle Crunches
Muscles worked: Obliques
> 2 x 50 slow reps (25 reps a side)
> Note: It can be Russian Twists, or substitute with any exercise that hits your
obliques the best.


Pull 2
⁃ 20 total working sets
⁃ 2 minutes of light stretching
⁃ Numbered sets are to be performed in order
⁃ Unnumbered sets can be performed in any order OR according to order of

1. Pendlay Row - 3 warm-up (WU) sets & 3 total working sets

Muscles worked: Entire Back
WU set 1: Empty bar x 10
WU set 2: 50% of target weight x 8
WU set 3: 75% of target weight x 4
> 2 x 8 reps - top set
> 1 x 10-12 reps - progressive high rep set from 80% of top set
> Note: Refer to this video for technique -

2. Chin-Up
Muscles worked: Entire Back, primarily Lats, secondarily Biceps
> 3 x 6-12
> Note: Perform bodyweight chin-ups until you are able to hit 12 reps on all sets.
> Note: Make sure you are in a complete dead hang before starting every rep. Watch
pull-up tutorials from Jeff Nippard.

1-Arm Dumbbell Row

Muscles worked: Entire Back, primarily rhomboids
> 3 x 10-12
> Note: Watch Sean Nalewanyj’s videos for form and technique.

Dumbbell Shrug
Muscles worked: Traps
> 2 x 12-15
> Note: Hold the tension at the top as you squeeze your shrugs.

Reverse Pec Deck (Deltoids)

Muscles worked: Deltoids and Upper Back
> 2 x 12-15
> Note: Keep elbows locked out and imagine pushing the weight out with your rear
deltoids (rear shoulders).
> Note: The range of motion should end at you doing a T-pose.

Alternating Hammer Curl

Muscles worked: Biceps
> 3 x 8-10
> Note: Perform the reps in alternative order, i.e. left, right, left, right.

Superset Pronated & Supinated Ez-Bar Curl

Muscles worked: Biceps
> 2 x 12/10
> Note: Perform Ez-Bar Curls with the pronated grip for 12 reps, then immediately
perform the same weight with a supinated grip for 10 reps.
> Note: Go light with the weights here.

Bicycle Crunches
Muscles worked: Obliques
> 2 x 50 slow reps (25 reps a side)
> Note: It can be Russian Twists, or substitute with any exercise that hits your
obliques the best.


LEGS 1 & 2

Muscles Worked:
⁃ Quads (front thighs)
⁃ Hamstrings (back thighs)
⁃ Glutes (ass)
⁃ Calves
⁃ Core/Abs

Main compound lifts to focus on:

⁃ Squat
⁃ Deadlift


Leg 1
⁃ 20 total working sets
⁃ 2 minutes of light stretching
⁃ Numbered sets are to be performed in order
⁃ Unnumbered sets can be performed in any order OR according to order of

1. Squat - 4 warm-up (WU) sets & 3 total working sets

Muscles worked: Quads
WU set 1: Empty bar x 10
WU set 2: 50% of target weight x 5
WU set 3: 70% of target weight x 3
WU set 4: 90% of target weight x 1
> 2 x 5 reps - top set
> 1 x 8 reps - progressive high rep set starting from 80% of top set
> Note: Feel free to choose between a high-bar or low-bar squat set-up. Watch
videos online to learn the difference and the technique.

2. Romanian Deadlift - 3 warm-up (WU) sets & 3 total working sets

Muscles worked: Primarily Hamstrings, secondarily Glutes
WU set 1: Empty bar x 10
WU set 2: 50% of target weight x 8
WU set 3: 75% of target weight x 4
> 3 x 8-10 reps
> Note: Lead with your hips. Prioritise form perfection and mind-muscle connection.

Hip Abduction Machine

Muscles worked: Glutes
> 3 x 30
> Note: If your gym doesn’t have it, substitute with Rope Pull-through for 12-15
reps per set.
> Note: Use a low weight and practice utilising purely your glutes to push the
weight. Don’t perform your reps quickly.

Walking Dumbbell Lunge

Muscles worked: Quads
> 3 x 20 (10 per leg)
> Note: Pick a pair of comfortable dumbbell weights and perform lunge walks. Refer
to online videos for good technique.

1-Leg Seated Leg Curl (Machine)

Muscles worked: Hamstrings
> 3 x 10-12
> Note: Always lead 1-limb exercises with your weaker side first.

1-Leg Calf Raise on Leg Press Machine

Muscles worked: Calves
> 3 x 12-15
> Note: Stop at the bottom for 1 second, and hold at the top for 1 second.

Decline Plate Crunch (On a decline bench)

Muscles worked: Upper Abs
> 2 x 12-15
> Note: Make sure to descend slowly on the eccentric movement. Alternatively,
perform any ab exercise that targets the upper abs.


Leg 2
⁃ 20 total working sets
⁃ 2 minutes of light stretching
⁃ Numbered sets are to be performed in order
⁃ Unnumbered sets can be performed in any order OR according to order of

1. Deadlift - 4 warm-up (WU) sets & 3 total working sets

Muscles worked: Hamstrings, Glutes & Upper Lats
WU set 1: Empty bar x 6
WU set 2: 50% of target weight x 3
WU set 3: 70% of target weight x 2
WU set 4: 90% of target weight x 1
> 2 x 3 reps - top set
> 1 x 6 reps - progressive high rep set starting from 80% of top set
Note: Prioritise progressing with a conventional set up. Watch videos online to
learn the difference and the technique.

2. Hip Thrust - 3 warm-up (WU) sets & 3 total working sets

Muscles worked: Primarily Glutes
WU set 1: Empty bar x 10
WU set 2: 50% of target weight x 8
WU set 3: 75% of target weight x 4
> 3 x 8-10 reps
> Note: Prioritise form perfection and mind-muscle connection. Learn how to set
this up with the equipment available in your gym, such as the box jump block, or
using a bench.
> Note: Purchase a pad that protects your pelvic area. If you don’t have one, roll
up a yoga mat from the gym to give your pelvic area some padding.

3. Bulgarian Split Squat

Muscles worked: Quads
> 3 x 10-12
> Note: Pick a comfortable pair of dumbbell weights and learn how to set yourself
up with a bench to perform this exercise.
> Note: This exercise will train your stability well.

Lying Leg Curl (Machine)

Muscles worked: Hamstrings
> 3 x 10-12
> Note: Make sure to perform the eccentric bit with increased duration. Don’t
speedrun your reps.

1-Leg Leg Extensions (Machine)

Muscles worked: Quads
> 3 x 10-12
> Note: Make sure to perform your reps slow and steady.

Smith Machine Standing Calf Raise

Muscles worked: Calves
> 3 x 10-12
> Note: Find some elevation to stand on (the gym usually has some portable stands
for HIIT stuff) or use some plates. Hold at the bottom and the top for 1 second

Decline Plate Crunch (On a decline bench)

Muscles worked: Upper Abs
> 2 x 12-15
> Note: Make sure to descend slowly on the eccentric movement. Alternatively,
perform any ab exercise that targets the upper abs.


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