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Republic of the Philippines

University Of Southeastern Philippines

College of Education
Bachelor of Physical Education
S.Y. 2024-2025



At the end of the class the students will be able to:

• Discuss the nature of infection and its four stages.
• Portray a creative tableau showing the signs and symptoms of their
selected infectious disease based on the four stages of infection; and

• Value the significance of being knowledgeable about the stages of

infection in fostering a sense of responsibility for personal health
management and prevention.


Topic: Stages of Infection

Reference: Health Quarter 3 -Module 1: Stages of Infection 8. (n.d.).
Retrieved March 27, 2024, from
Materials: Visual Aids, Scoresheet, Yarn, Manila Paper, Projector, Laptop,
Marker, Tape.

• Cleanliness and Orderliness

• Prayer
• Greetings
• Classroom Rules
• Checking of Attendance
• Review of the previous lesson


I. Lesson Proper
Before the discussion start, let the students will have an interactive
activity entitled “String Scribble” and after they will guess what will be the

Discussion Proper:

Stages of Infection

Infection is the invasion and multiplication of microorganisms

such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites that enters enter the body
and cause a reaction of the body.

And it comes with four (4) stages:

1. Incubation Stage
2. Prodromal Stage
3. Illness Stage
4. Convalescence Stage

Incubation Stage
The period starting from the entry of the pathogen into the body until
the appearance of the first sign.
• Covid 19 has an incubation period lasting 2-14 days.

Prodromal Stage
The period where the pathogen continues replicating, which activates
the body's immune response, allowing mild, nonspecific symptoms to

Illness Stage
It happens when more specific signs and symptoms appear to the
infected host. For example, the common cold is characterized by
sore throat, sinus congestion, and rhinitis, mumps manifested by
earache, high fever, and salivary gland swelling.

Convalescence Stage
The last stage of infection, an interval where acute symptoms of
infection disappear. The length of recovery depends on the severity
of the infection and the sick person’s general state of health.

Importance of Understanding the Four (4) Stages of Infection

• Early Detection and Intervention
• Adoption of Preventive Behaviors
• Prompt Action and Isolation

II. Generalization

After I discussed my topic in the class and shared a deep

information about the Stages of Infection. They now have some
knowledge on the infection’s progression each level and its associating
common signs and symptoms.

The students can identify the nature of the four (4) stages of
infection and use it to manage their personal health and prevent
diseases. They can also be able to portray a tableau showing the sign
and symptoms of their selected disease based on the stages on


Multiple Choice: Read the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct
answer. Write your answers in a ¼ sheet of paper.
1. When does the incubation stage of infection occur?
a) After specific signs and symptoms appear
b) Before the onset of non-specific signs and symptoms
c) After the convalescence stage
d) During recovery

2. How long does the incubation period for COVID-19 typically last?
a) 3-10 days
b) 2-14 days
c) 12-25 days
d) 1-3 days

3. Which stage of infection is characterized by fever, headache, and fatigue?

a) Incubation stage
b) Prodromal stage
c) Illness stage
d) Convalescence stage

4. Why does the length of recovery vary among individuals?

a) Due to the severity of the infection
b) Because of the specific signs and symptoms
c) It is predetermined by the pathogen
d) Recovery time is always the same for everyone

5. When do more specific signs and symptoms appear during an infection?

a) Incubation stage
b) Prodromal stage
c) Convalescence stage
d) Recovery stage

6. How does the convalescence stage differ from the prodromal stage?
a) Convalescence stage occurs before prodromal stage
b) Convalescence stage is shorter than the prodromal stage
c) Convalescence stage marks the disappearance of acute symptoms
d) Convalescence stage is characterized by non-specific signs and

7. Which stage of infection involves the appearance of sore throat, sinus

congestion, and rhinitis?
a) Incubation stage
b) Prodromal stage
c) Illness stage
d) Convalescence stage

8. Why is understanding the incubation period important in infection control?

a) To determine the specific signs and symptoms
b) To prevent the spread of the infection
c) To shorten the convalescence stage
d) Incubation period has no relevance in infection control

9. When does the prodromal stage end?

a) When acute symptoms appear
b) At the onset of non-specific signs and symptoms
c) When convalescence begins
d) It varies depending on the infection

10. Which infection has an incubation period lasting 3-10 days?

a) COVID-19
b) Mumps
c) Dengue
d) Common cold


1. B 5. C
2. B 6. C
3. B 7. C
4. A 8. B
9. A 10.C


• The students are required to complete this form, by selecting at least one
disease they have personally experienced and listing all indications and
symptoms they have experienced throughout the infection's stages.
They must also provide any advice on what they are going to do to
prevent and manage those illness.
• Follow this format:
- Arial (Font Style)
- 12 (Font Size)
- Normal Margin
- A4 (Paper Size)
• The printed output must be submitted next session.

Experienced Incubation Prodromal Illness Convalescence How Am
Illness Stage Stage Stage Stage Going to
Prepared By:

Jenny Rose M. Magandam

BPEd 3

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