239.the 1920 Model Hart Reversible Propeller Manual and Parts List (15 July 1921)

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Vol. III July 15, 1921 No. 239



Prepared by Engineering Division, Air Service
McCook Field, Dayton, Ohio

Ralph Brown Draughon


MAR 28 2013
Auburn University


INTRODUCTION ••..•...•...•........•.••...••••.••...•••.••••••.•••••.••..•.....•....•..•...•...........•• 5
IMPORTANT POINTS TO NOTE ...•••...•••.•..•..••.••••••••••••.••..•••••••••.•..••.....••.•.....•..••.•••. 5-6
Oiling ................................................................. _.. _......................... . 5
Locking parts together .. .............. . ..... . ..... .. .. . ... ... .... .......... ... ........ .. .... . .. .. .... . 5
Balls for bearings .. .. .... .. ... . ... ................................. .. ..-............................. . 5
Blade ferrules ....................................................................................... . 5-6
Disassembling ...... .. .. ... .. .... .. . ... . . .... . .. .. .... ..... . ... : ... ....... ..... .. ........ . ........... . 6
Alignment . . ....... .......................... . ... . .......... ..... .. .. ... ....... ........ .... ........ . 6
Throttle adjustment ................................................................................. . 6
Operating .............. . ................................... .. .... .... .. . ...... ....... .. .... ...... .. . . 6
PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS .••••••••...••..••••••..•••...•••.•.•..........•.•.......•..•.....•....•.•• 6-8
Definition .. ............... . ...... . ... . .......... .... .. .. . ........ .. ........ . ... ... . .... . ....... ..... . 6
Fixed-pitch propellers .... . ... ... . ... ....... ........... .. ........ . ..... .. . ... . ... .. . .. .............. . 6
Variable-pitch propellers ............................................................................. . 6-7
Adjustable and reversible pitch propellers .. . ..... .. ... ...... ........... . .. ... ............ .. ...... . ... . 7-8
Throttle control. .................................................................................... . 8
GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF "1920" MODEL REVERSIBLE PROPELLER ••..••••.•••••••.•••••••••.•••••••.•.••.• 8-13
Propeller proper ............................ ... .. .. .......... . .... . ... . .... . ... ........ . .............. . 8-9
Hub-control unit ................................................................................... . 9
Intermediate-control unit ........ . ................................... ... ........... .... ...... ... .. .. . 9
Fore-and-aft connecting unit ......................................................................... . 12
Cockpit-control unit ........ .- .............. .. .... .. .................. .. ................ ..... .. . ..... . 12-13
OPERATION ••••••••••.••••.••.••••.•••••••••••••••••.. ••• ..••..• • ••.••.•...••..• •• ·•·••••••· ·• · · • · · · · · . ••• 13
Pitch adjustment ...... .. ............. .. .......... .. .. .. .................. .. .. .. .... .. .. ... ....... .. . . 13
Throttle adjustment ................................................................................. . 13
MANUFACTURE AND ASSEMBLY •••.•••••.• • ••••••• •. •••••••••••••••...•....•.• ••••• ...••.•.. ..•• •••.•..• .. 13-25
Propeller and hub-control unit ....................................................................... . 13-17
Blade-base bearing ................................................ ......... ..... . ...... .. ............ . 17
Sliding link ........................................................................................ . 17
Link-yoke unit ...................................................................................... . 17
Screw yoke .... . ..................... ..... ...... ...... ............ . ..................... .. ... . ....... . 17
Intermediate-pitch control unit .............. ..... ..................... . ...... .. . .. ................... . 17-21
"1921" cockpit-control .............................. ·........ .... .. ... .. .......... ....... .. .. ....... . 21-23
Fore-and-aft control connection ...................................................................... . 23-25
INSTALLATION .•••••.•••.•••••••••.•••.•.•.•••.•••.•••.••..••.•••.••.•..•..•.•..•••••••.••...•..•...•••.•• 25-30
Installation of pitch control on JN4H airplane ......................................................... . 25
Installation of "1921" cockpit-control unit ............................................................ . 25
Propeller mounting . . ..... ....... ............................. .. .......... .. . ... ... . ... : ............ . 25-29
Connection of intermediate and cockpit control units .................................................. . 29
Throttle-control adjustment ......................................................................... . 29-30
pARTS LISTS •••••••..•.•.••.••.•.............••.....•••••••..••••...••..•••••.••..•.•••.•.•••..•••••.•.• 31-32
Propeller unit . .. .. -. ................................................................................ . 31
Intermediate-control unit . .. ............. .. . .... -............................................... . .... . 31
"1921" cockpit-control unit .. .............................. . ........................................ . 31
Fore-and-aft control connections ..................................................................... . 32

INTRODUCTION. room . For instance , the blade-retaining collar is called

the " propeller reversible thrust collar" on the drawing.
This book of instructions is written with a view of intro- The arrangement of this title is for the benefit of filing,
ducing the " 1920" model of the Hart reversible propeller but to call it a thrust collar has the tendency to make one
to those who have occasion to use, install, or repair this try to associate it directly with the thrust of the propeller.
propeller and its controls. The two yokes employe d are herein termed the " link
At the start an attempt is made to distinguish between a yoke " and ' ' screw yoke" because the former is attached to
variable pitch propeller and an adjustable pitch propeller. the sliding links and the latter is attached to t he control
These two t erms are erroneously used interchangeably and screws. The titles on drawings are respectively the
the prac tice is quite prevalent. Definitions are given and " Propeller reversible yoke" and the " Propeller reversible
later ·supplemented with more extended discussions of the screw control voke ."
difference and relative merits. Under the head of " Important points to note " are some
After a brief outline of the aims which it is hoped to considerations that well deserve careful attention. It is
accomplish by the use of either variable or adjustable important that they be thoroughly studied and remem·
pitch propellers, follows a description of the " 1920 " model bered . On account Oi their importance they are presented
Hart reversible propeller and its con t rols. A great many as a separate section and immediately after the " Intro-
pictures are included , from which , no doubt, even more d uction."
can be learned than from the reading matter.
In experimental work of the character of propeller de- IMPORTANT POINTS TO NOTE.
velopment, changes take place so rapidly that a part of a
work of this nature may be obsolet e before i t is completed.
Such was the case in this treatise. The " 1920" cockpit It is essential that the propeller be kept thoroughly
control was replaced by the " 1920- A" control. Now oiled, especially the working parts, more for preventing
another design , the" 1921 " model, has been completed and rust than lubrication. However, the use of heavy oils or
supersedes the " 1920- A." It is not advisable at present, grease must be avoided . They catch and retain dust ,
however, to discard the "1920- A " type on hand for the forming a gum that is worse than no oil at all. Use only
"1921, " because the form er will prove quite satisfactory. a light oil and use it frequently . Centrifugal force may
Only the " 1921 " model is described herein. throw it out, but it will carry much of the dirt with it.
All parts that are exactly alike are given the same
number , and this system is maintained throughout the
treatise . Consequently whenever a particular part, or Be sure all parts are completely locked as explained in
duplicate part appears in the same or di fferent figures it is the discussion on assembling and as indicated in the
identified by the same number. These numbers are called drawings. Where a cotter pin is called for it must be
the " book numbers." The parts lists give the drawing used . To fail to do so may result in serious consequences.
numbers corresponding to the book numbers. Drawing After assembling parts that are to b,~secured by cotter pins,
numbers preceded by an " X " are experimental numbers, lockwires, and the like, make these attachments before
those starting with an " 0 " are production drawing num- taking up the assembling of other parts. Do this even
bers. The experimental and production numbers are too though it might be necessary to come back and undo
long and awkward to use in the discussions, and harder to them to make some change. It will be good insurance
read and remember when referri ng to the figures. that these vital elements will not be neglected or over-
Engine revolutions-per-minute or revolutions-per-second looked.
is spoken of as engine speed. The aircraft miles-per-hour BALLS. F OR BEARIN G S .
or feet-per-second is called the aircraft velocity. Thus we
have engine speed and airplane velocity, but not airplane Only the best grade of balls should be used for the
speed . bearings. Ch eck all of them on several diameters with
It will be found that many of the titles given the various micrometer calipers before using. If they 11vary more
parts in this discussion and in the parts lists herein tabu- than one ten-thousand th of an inch (0.0001 ) from the
lated are different from those on the drawings of the parts specified diameter, discard them. This care is especially
and the parts lists made up in the drafting department at necessary for the balls that go into the blade-retaining
McCook Field. This is partly because the use of the bearing. BLADE FERR U LES .
system of titling for filing at McCook :Field results in titles
that are too long and awkward for use here ; partly to pre- The blade ferrules can not be used a second time. By
vent duplication, and partly to correct misnomers and this is meant that a ferrule can not be used on the same or
confusing titles that havecreptinin thehasteofthedrafting another blad e after it has been removed from a blade.
This is because they are always distorted slightly after An "adjustable-pitch" propeller is one, the pitch of
being pressed onto the wood, and must be turned true in which can be adjusted during flight at the will of the
a lathe. This is done the first time, and obviously can operator.
not be repeated with the expectation that the standard A "reversible-pitch" propeller is in principle the same
ball races will fit. as the adjustable-pitch propeller, but with the range of
DISASSEMBLING. adjustment great enough to permit the blade angle to be
so adjusted as to give a reversed thrust.
In taking the propellers or its controls apart, do so in the
reverse order given for assembling. Never unscrew the FIXED-PI'fCH PROPELLERS.
blade-retaining collar without first removing the hub
control unit and the blade-operating pin (12). After Although fixed-pitch propellers are almost universally
once loosening this collar take the blade entirely out and used to-day they have many limits and undesirable
reassemble as explained in the discussion. This procedure features. In general they hold down the engine speed
makes sure that no balls are out of the races when the collar during take-off and climb, because, on account of the low
is again drawn up. Should any of the balls not be in the plane velocity, the effective angle of attack of the propeller
proper place when the propeller is run, trouble will is too large. This results in a reduction of the power
inevitably result. delivered by the engine and consequently also in a redu c-
tion of the thrust and climbing velocity.
In case of a seaplane or flying boat the take-off conditions
Be sure all parts are properly aligned and work freely are even more severe than with a land machine. With a
when the propeller is not running. Do not try to force land machine the velocity of the airplane increases grad-
the movements of the parts when the propeller is still. ually, and practically all the resistance to be overcome
Investigate to see what it is that is causing the binding before take-off is air resistance. With a seaplane a large
and correct accordingly. Misalignment will generally be part of the total resistance before take-off iswaterresistance.
the cause of the trouble. · To overcome this water drag it is necessary that a fixed-
pitch propeller be so designed that it will allow the engine
to turn fast enough to deliver sufficient power to pull the
If after the first set-up the engine goes to more than seaplane through the water at take-off speed; also it must
1,575 r. p. m., reset the cockpit control cam with refer- not permit the engine to turn too fast when flying. It can
ence to the propeller pitch so that in full reverse the easily be appreciated that this power is much more than

throttle is opened so as to allow no more than 1,575 r.p.m. required for a land machine, and that the propeller be of
In fact, 1,500 r. p . m. is the desirable engine speed for full such a compromise as to sacrifice much to be desired for
reverse, and 1,575 is the limit. performance both on water and in air.
The advantage of a supercharged engine is largely lost
OPERATING. with a fixed-pitch propeller. Bearing in mind that a
In putting the propeller into reverse, do so rapidly. supercharged engine maintains its power delivery at alti-
Don't linger in the operation, but complete it with a tudes, it is evident that with the air becoming more and
uniformly swift movement. The cam must be designed more rarified the propeller will turn faster and faster . A
to pull the throttle on rather rapidly in going into reverse propeller designed to perform satisfactorily at altitude-
on account of the lag of the engine speed due to inertia. that is, to hold the engine speed to correct value-will hold
It will be appreciated that in landing at the rate of 35 to the engine speed too low a.tor near the ground. Here again
50 miles per hour-51 to 73 feet per second-that every a compromise detrimental to both ground and altitude
second is vital. This "lead" of the throttle is too great performance must be effected in the design of a fixed-pitch
when the propeller pitch is changed slowly. propeller.
Never attempt to go through low and zero pitches In the maneuvering of an airship (blimp, dirigible, etc .)
either from forward to reverse, or vice versa, with an open it is often desirable to stop or turn quickly . The best that
throttle and an automatic throttle control disconnected. can be done with a fixed-pitch propeller is to shut off the
Any practice of running the engine at all with a reversible throttle and drift or turn in a large circle.
propeller without having the automatic throttle control In landing, airplanes with fixed-pitch propellers must
connected should be discouraged and prohibited. suffer a considerable run until air and ground resistance
In testing a reversible pitch propeller on the ground, brings the machine to a stop.
chucks or blocks should be placed behind as well as in The destruction of one blade necessitates the discard
front of the chassis wheels to keep the airplane from of the whole propeller.
moving under reversed thrust. With all of its disadvantages the fixed-pitch propeller is
much lighter than a variable or an adjustable pitch pro-
PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS. peller and has no complications. It can be quickly and.
consequently cheaply produced. For ordinary flying,
DEFINITION. under favorable conditions, it is very satisfactory. These
advantages are weighty and strongly fortify for it its place
A "fixed-pitch'' propeller is one that is so constructed
in aviation.
that the pitch can not be altered during flight. VARIABLE-PITCH PROPELLERS.
A "variable-pitch" propeller is one in which the pitch
is automatically varied during flight independent of the The function of a variable-pitch prop11ller is to auto-
will of the operator. matically vary its pitch to secure a predetermined per-
formance. This variation is controlled by some type of The use of an adjustable-pitch propeller allows the pitch
governor or regulating device that is sensitive to a devia- to be reduced and the engine to speed up to rated revolu-
tion from the desired performance for which it is set, and tions per minute and horsepower. Greater airplane ve-
immediately functions to correct this departure. In locity thereby results.
general it is desirable to maintain a certain engine speed, With a seaplane or flying boat the propeller pitch is
and consequently the governing devices are as a rule made reduced to give full engine speed and power while in the
to respond to changes of speed. As yet there has not been water and then increased after "breakaway" to give a
produced a successful variable-pitch propeller for full-sized larger pitch corresponding to the higher flying velocity.
airplanes, but the variable-pitch feature has been success- In cruising with a fixed pitch propeller it is necessary to
fully applied to small windmills such as are used on wire- throttle the engine to cruising speed. The efficiency is
less and heating generators and similar-sized apparatus. appreciably impaired by throttling. As a result of re-
Obviously the advantage of a variable-pitch propeller is ducing the revolutions per minute by increasing the pro-
that it would relieve the pilot of the duty of adjusting the peller pitch and at the same time leaving the throttle wide
pitch with changing conditions, and that the variation open considerable economy is effected on a long cruise.
would be gradual, following the change of conditions. With a supercharged engine at altitude, the pitch of an
But there are many cases wherein it is almost necessary adjustable-pitch propeller is increased so as to absorb full
for the pilot to be able to adjust the pitch of his own engine power at normal engine speed and to give a pitch
accord. A purely variable-pitch propeller would not lend angle corresponding to the greater airplane velocity attain-
itself to such adjustment. An adjustable-pitch propeller able with full engine power in the rarefied air.
combining some variable-pitch features might be devel- When landing on a short field, or on a sea tender, or when
oped to nullify the last-mentioned disadvantage. approaching any obstacle that makes it necessary to stop
A purely variable-pitch propeller would .hardly incor- quickly, an adjustable pitch propeller with reverEe range
porate a reversible feature . A reversal must be made at is almost indispensable. This type of propeller has
the will of the operator and such features would be con- already shown in landing tests that it could stop an air-
sidered adjustable. plane in from one-half to one-fourth of the run, after touch-
It is quite probable that a change of pitch be desired on ing the ground; that under exactly similar conditions would
account of some condition according to which the govern- be covered without any reverse.
ing mechanism of a variable pitch is not designed to An airship cruising in search of submarines can hardly
function. Take as an example a ship that is cruising. see them until they are almost directly over them. By the
Here it is desirable to reduce the engine speed to the most time the crew has prepared to drop the bombs the craft has
efficient cruising value. The pitch-controlling device "overshot" the target and has to make a large circuit to
would struggle to maintain the speed for which it was set return. A reversible propeller would greatly assist in
by detrimentally reducing the blade angles. These stopping the ship and hovering over the mark. With twin
tendencies are antagonistic . propellers, side by side, one propeller forward and one re-
A variable-pitch propeller would necessitate a good deal versed, a very short turn could be accomplished. It can
of automatic mechanism, some of which might be rather easily be seen ·t hat reversible propellers can greatly in-
delicate and require careful adjustment. It is more prob- crease the maneuverability of airships.
able, however, that it would be excessive in weight on The advantages of an adjustable pitch propeller may )le
account of the strength required of the parts involved in enumerated as follows:
forcing the pitch change. 1. The pilot has free control of the pitch adjustment, and
It is not to be inferred that the above objections can not can at any time easily adjust the pitch to accompliEh his
be overcome. The object is to present them as the prob- own purpose, be it adjusting for climb, altitude, cruising,
lems involved. Variable-pitch propellers developed to or reverse.
date forfull-sized airplanes have proven very heavy and at 2. When necessity demands the pitch can be reversed
the same time insufficiently strong to accomplish their for a quick stop.
purpose. 3. There are no automatic pitch-adjusting governors to
get out of order and keep tuned up.
4. The simplicity of the mechanism of an adjustable,
A reversible-pitch propeller _is an adjustable-pitch pro- as compared to a variable pitch propeller holds down the
peller, but an adjustable-pitch propeller is not necessarily expense of its construction.
a reversible-pitch propeller. As explained in the defini- 5. It is quite probable that for the same weight the ad-
tion, a reversible propeller is an adjustable-pitch propeller justable can be made more rugged than a variable pitch
with a sufficient range of adjustment to permit of procuring propeller.
a reversed thrust. 6. If one blade should be irreparably damaged it can be
The pitch of an adjustable-pitch propeller is adjusted by replaced without discarding the other blade.
an operator independent of the existence of any particular With all its advantages the adjustable-reversible pro-
conditions. The operator determines when and to what peller has its disadvantages that must be taken into account
extent pitch change will be· made. when deciding whether its installation is iustified. They
When the airplane velocity is low, as in take-off and may be compared with a fixed-pitch propeller as follows:
climbing, the effective angle of attack of a fixed-pitch pro- 1. The propeller itself, for moderate-sized machines, is
peller is very large. This increases the torque drag and considerably heavier than a fixed-pitch propeller. Add
pulls down the engine speed, thereby reducing the horse- to this the weight of the controls. ·
power delivered by the engine at the very time full power 2. The complications, though few and simple, are never-
is desired. theless there and must be reckoned witli.
3. Their production per man-hour is naturally much The automatic feature must only be operative in going
lower than the common fixed -pitch propeller. through the low pitch region and into reverse. At safe
4. The cost of prod uction is naturally as high as the flying pitches the pilot must have free control of the
quantity is low. throttle, independent of the pitch of the blades. At all
5. Some slight sacrifice of efficiency and compromise intimes the throttle must be capable of being closed by the
the de8ign must be made for an ad justable and reversible pilot regardless of the propeller-pitch settings.
propeller as compared to a fixed-pitch propeller. To those Once the pitch of the propeller is set it must stay where
familiar with the layout of propeller blade angles it is put, without "creeping" until the operator desires to
easily seen that in an ideal change of the angles to suit achange it. In the " 1920" model this creeping is guarded
new pitch, the change at the different stations would be against by screw-pitch controls, and in addition by a special
different, depending upon the radius of the section. locking device located on the intermediate control shaft.
Practitally this is impossible and the change of the angle This arrangement is considered better than to have the
is the same at each station . pitch setting locked in the cockpit, as it relieves the fore-
and-aft control connections from continuous loading. In
case anything should happen with the ·control connections
In conjunction with the pitch ad justment of the earlier to the cockpit (be severed or the like) the propeller pitch
adjustable propellers the throttle was manually operated would stay locked in its last position.

9ll!ll G"tlllUIII' "Ill
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1921- IODEL


under all conditions. When landing and throwing into GENERAL DESCRIPTION.
reverse, the pilot first closed the throttle, threw through PROPELLER PROPER.
neutral into 1·everse and then opened the throttle. All
this had to be done with one hand for the other could not It will be noticed that the general plan form of the
be removed from the control stick. blade (figs. 13 and 14) is different from that of the con-
This changing of the hand from throttle to pitch control ventional fixed -pitch propellers now in use. This form
and back to the throttle was slow, awkward, and even dan- is the result of an attempt to place the aerodynamic center
gerous. The danger arose out of the slowness of the opera- of the airfoils of the different sections on the axis of the
tion itself, and out of the possibilities of the throttle being pitch, changing rotation of the blade.
opened when the angles of the propeller were in the region The root of the blade is cylindrical, so that it can be
of low or zero pitch. In the latter case the engine would rotated in the hub barrel to change the pitch. The
race to dangerous speeds. cylindrical form further lends itself very readily to
It soon proved that for speed and safety of operation some machining.
type of automatic throttle control was a necessity. How- A ferrule (2) pressed over the root of the blade (1) and
ever, whatever control be utilized it must be simple, secured by means of an expanding wedge (3) and dowel
positively effective, and proof against thoughtlessness. pins (5) carries ball bearings at each end. The bearing
nearest the shaft (6) carries the loading against the barrel The control-shaft outer support (75) carries the front
(torque-thrust loading), while the blade-retaining bearing sprocket unit (85) with a special locking device. This
(13, 8, 14) carries both torque-thrust loading and centrifu- device consists of a hardened locking-clutch cage (77),
gal force loading. The blades are held in the barrel containing the clutch eccentric (79), clutch rollers (81),
(17) against centrifugal force by the blade-retaining roller shoes (82), and jam springs (83). The cap to the
collar (15). clutch cage, called the roller knockout plate (84), carries
Power is transmitted from the engine shaft to the, pro- the roller knockouts and the front sprocket (85).
peller barrel through what has been termed the shaft plug The clutc;h eccentric is keyed onto the control shaft,
(18). This is assembled and goes with the propeller hub and any attempt of the shaft to turn in either direction
as a unit. is arrested, because a pair of diagonally opposite clutch
rollers are pinched between the clutch eccentric and the
The blade is rotated in the barrel by the manipulation clutch cage. The greater the turning effort of the shaft
of a small operating pin (12) attached to the root of the the greater the wedging against the rollers and the tighter
blade near the base. The pin extends through the barrel, the locking.
and its head engages in a sliding link (25) . This link
slides in a V groove in the barrel (17), figure 15, and link '"1920"
guide (32), the motion being transmitted from the link
yoke (37), to which the sliding links are attached. HART
The link yoke spins with the sliding links and propeller
and carries the hub-control ball races (38). It can slide
back and forth along the shaft plug, which serves as a
guide. A screw yoke (43) floats between the ball bear-
ings of this link yoke and is stationary with respect to
the engine housing and plane. It is directly connected to
the intermediate-control unit (50).

Two control screws, one right hand (61) and the other .
" 1, •u~ ttwm _f.,o1.:.r,
left hand (62), of the intermediate-control unit turning t fnlhllt
s Milt l'.!1
• l'UGllUTAIIUlt.M
in opposite directions and engaging in corresponding J U:fA.IOllGWf &5£
, IU9!81St '!Ua!lfG
threads in the screw yoke (43) force the latter back and ufROlf S?a0£(U '
n UCKIIG WJT f. Nl:Ai(
forth, carrying with it the spinning-link yoke along the 11_. lj..U( ·tH.l lf!I G CJ~l..~ l
SI !llli!IIUUJf CtlUi,W'.)
guiding-shaft plug. The screws are double thread, with ~IIT[lll£O!m ;QM,m 1
~ COIUOl mn LH.
a one-half inch pitch. The end thrusts of the screws are THIS PICTURE SHOWS THE MECHANISM •t tOIUOt StUW l!I
taken on screw double bearings (67). Each screw is AS APPLIED TO THE
,~CO-IQl)l Sl!JJJ OIITtl!:
turned by a pair of helical gears operatedby the inter- 150 H-P HISPANO ENGINE. "
mediate-control shaft (53). For the right-hand control
screw (61) there are the screw right-hand helkal gear (64) PROPELLER BRANCH . MCCOOi rlELO.
and the shaft right-hand helical gear (56). For the left- DAYTON OIUO.
hand control screw (62) there are the screw left-hand
FIG. 2.
helical gear (65) and the shaft left-hand helical gear (57).
The ends of the control screws have screw caps (72), If, . on the other hand, the turning effort comes from the
which serve as stops during assembly and prevent the sprocket or knockout plate side, the rollers that would, on
screw yoke from being run off the screws. account of the direction of turning, be wedged, are "kicked
The end thrusts of the helical gears on the shaft are out" from their wedge seats and held out while lugs on
balanced by the left and right feature of the gears. How- the "knockout" plate catch the eccentric, and thereby
ever, additional provision is made against end thrust by turn the shaft.
using combined radial and thrust bearings (53) of the The scrt ws themselves offer considerable mechanical
shaft. disadvantage to any movement originating from the pro-
The whole intermediate-control unit is held together by peller side, but on account of the high pitch angle of the
the intermediate-control bracket (51), which is bolted control-screw threads, the control element might, due to
onto the engine crank case at the flanges. vibration, creep and allow the pitch to change were it
At present it is necessary to cut out a part of the radi- not for this locking clutch. The jam springs, even against
ator, as shown in figures 5, 6, 7, 35, 36, and 37, to make the vibration, keep the rollers seated to wedge except
room for this control unit. Notice the channel cut across when overcome by the roller knockouts. The clutch is
the face of the radiator to make clearance for the control so placed as to relieve the fore-and-aft control connections
shaft (52). of the continuous strain of holding the pitch setting. It
Helical gears are used because it is necessary to connect also has the advantage over the notched type of locks, in
the control shaft with the i:;ontrol-screw gears, the axes of that the pitch can be set anywhere within the adjustment
which do not intersect the control-shaft axis. The latter range. Obviously, the clutch is relieved of considerable
must pass to the side of the engine nose and shaft in order load by the interception of the control screws.
to connect with both screw gears, the axes of which are The front sprocket, attached to the knockout plate, hw
in the same plane as the engine shaft. eight teeth.
53025- 21-2



FIG. a.-Assembly drawing of" 1920" model Hart reversible propeller .

... H.>nU V ,U .¥-.~·

~- ~ i1j l:,/,Y,h V

Fm. 4.-Assembly drawing of intermediate control nnit for" 1920" model Hart reversible propeller.

Fm. 5.-"Close up " of hub and intermediate co ,1trol uni t in stalled on J N-4H airplane .

FORE-AND-AFT CONNECTING UNIT. teeth. To the other end of the shaft is attached the oper-
The connection between the intermediate and cockpit- ating wheel (176) and· the operating-wheel throttle gear
control units is made with sprocket chains and stranded (180)-the latter so termed because it turns with the
steel cables. The chain (No. 61 Diamond bicycle, or operating wheel.
equivalent, 1-inch pitch, 3/16-inch wide) is in two sections, The operating-wheel gear (180) is 48 pitch and has 68
each 5 feet long, and one section (134) at each sprocket. teeth. It drives the cam internal gear (188) through a
There are also two sections of cable, one (136) shorter than pair of diametrically opposite idler gears (182).
the other (135) by the length of a turnbuckle (138), which The cam gear is of the internal type, with 204 teeth and
is used for tension adjustment. turns about the operating-wheel shaft on which it bears.
A chain guide (144) is held to the side of the fore part It forms a half housing or cover for the operating-wheel
of the ship by the same bolts that hold the ·c ontrol shaft gear and idler gears.
outer support (75). The chain passes through holes in this The cam gear has attached to its face a cam (191) over
chain guide. and stop plugs (140) in the fore cbain on each which plays a follo,ver (197) which actuates the throttle

FIG. 6.-View showing fore-and-aft connecting unit installed on JN-4H airplane.

side of the front sprocket limit the pitch-operating range lever (201) thrnugh the follower lever (195) and connector
by coming against the chain guide. These stops are spring (171). In going from a forward pitch into reverse
necessary to prevent the temporary stops on the ends of the cam and follower start to close the throttle, so that by
the control screws from being forced off when thrown into the time the pitch is at a dangerously low valve the engine
reverse. is throttled down. While going on through into reverse
COCKPIT-CONTROL UNIT. the cam hook (192) catches the follower and pulls the
throttle open.
The cockpit-control unit comprises both the propeller- The follower lever is connected through the connector
pitch control and the throttle control. Both complete with spring (171) to the throttle lever (201). The latter is
their mechanisms are built into the bracket (173) which placed directly over the follower lever and both levers
is secured to the top left-hand longeron by means of U fulcrum about the same stud (202). When the cam hook
bolts (174) and clips (175). pulls the throttle open it does so through the tension of the
Through the bracket and carried on ba11 bearings ex- . connector spring. To throttle the engine down at any time
tends the short operating-wheel shaft (179). One end that the c·am follower is caught between the cam and cam
extends through the side of the ship and has keyed to it hook, the pilot pulls the throttle lever "off" against the
the rear or cockpit sprocket (106). This sprocket h.as 12 connector-spring tension.
After going into full reverse- that is, after the cam gear ting wheel is turned toward the rear. Decreasing the
has made a complete revolution, the cam follower comes pitch is, of course, accomplished by turning in the opposite
out from under the cam hook and the pilot can pull the direction. This is the most natural and easiest direction
throttle lever "off." Here it can be left without any for turning, and for this reason is adopted as the direction
spring tension and hence free from any tendency to open for reversing the propeller, because a reverse may gen erally
the throttle. The operatcH" can then .t urn the propeller have to be made very rapidly. There is generally not so
from reverse into forward pitch without at the same time much hurry in adjusting the pitch to procure the desired
holding the throttle "off" with one hand. The cam fol- engine speed for flying.
lower rolls over the back of the cam hook until the other Ti·ace the operation through the train of mechanism
end is reached . Here a barb on the cam hook catches the beginning at the cockpit:
follower and forces it up a little incline against the pressure When the operating wheel is turned clockwise the top
of the follower spring (198) to the concave side of the hook. part of the connecting chain and cable (see fig. 6) moves
forward and the bottom part moves aft. This turns the
front sprocket (85) and control shaft h elical gears (56 and
57) in a counterclockwise direction as seen in figure 5. 1
The screw yoke (43) is forced toward the propeller, carry-
ing with it the link yoke (37 ) and links (24). The action
of the slide links against the operating pin heads turns
the propeller blades toward reversed pitch .


For all the safe flying pitches the pilot has as free control
over the throttle as h e would have with a fixed-pitch pro-
peller . As the pitch reduction reaches the point where
the engine speed would b e excessive with full open
throttle, the cam starts to reduce the amount of opening
the pilot can give the throttle. Thi.s reduction becomes
more and more until the throttle is clear "off" for the region
of zero and low pitches.
Going into reverse is generally a rapid operation, and it
is desired to get a reversed thrust as quickly as possible .
An appreciable lapse of time is necessary to accelerate the
engine to an effective speed. For this reason the cam
rapidly recedes while passing from neutral into reverse
and allows the cam hook to pull open the throttle . This
permits the engine acceleration to follow the reversal of
pitch and be fully effective immediately upon reaching
full reverse.
However, it is necessary to guard against having the
throttle control open the throttle too rapidly. If, as will
probably happen at some time or other, the pitch is slowly
run into reverse, the cam must be so designed that the throt-
tle will not at any time be opened too much.
The pilot can always-at any pitch setting- pull the
throttle off.
When the airplane has come to rest after using a reversed
pitch, . the pilot should pull the throttle off and turn the
pitch into a forward position.


Fm. 7.-Full front view of installed propeller and controls.
The blades of this propeller are made of birch only, ac-
cording to A. S., U. S. A. drawing No. X-26369. The
At present the cockpit pitch control is mounted on the resulting propeller (for the 150 Hispano Suiza JN--4-H) is
left-hand side of the cockpit. With this arrangement the a right-hand tractor with a normal rating of-
pilot can keep his right hand on the control stick and ope- 150 h. p. 1,600 r. p. m. 95 m. p. h.
rate either the throttle or the pitch adjustment with the 8 feet 9 inches diam. 5.22 feet eff. pitch.
left hand. Station........ 12f 1 1811 2411 3011 3611 4211 48"
To increase the propeller pitch the operating wheel is Blade angle ... 48.8° 28.8° 22° 20° 18. 5° 17° 16°
turned in a counterclockwise direction, as viewed from
the pilot's position-in other words, the top of the opera- 1 The left-hand helical gear (57) can not be seen in this figure.

I I~ 5

FIG. 8.-Root of blade showing ferrule, dowel pins, retaining colla r, etc .

FIG. 9.-Details, ferrule, ball races, and retaining collar .


Fro. 10.-Details, blade base bearing.

Unlike the present practice of cutting out the lamina- snugly into their seats, but hardly tight enough to be
tions to approximate final form in the manufacture of fixed- called press fits. Then the wedge (3) is centered about
pitch propellers, for this propeller they are built up in the the 2i inches diameter guiding lug turned onto the base
block form. This adds more labor to the carving of the of the blade and pressed in until it is flush with the first
blades, but is necessary for strength when turning down shoulder. These operations require a press of not less
the roots of the blades, pressing on the ferrules, and then than 40 tons capacity.
turning the ferrules to final dimensions. The guide lug is next cut off at the base flush with the
end of the ferrule. The radial sawcuts are then filled with
wood wedges glued in place. The glue is allowed to dry
and the wood to set for about 24 hours.
The ferrule is next turned to the final dimensions as
In order to locate the holes for the dowel pins (5) and the
wedge pins (4), a jig is used which locates the holes from
the end of the finish ed ferrule . It is very essential that
all corresponding holes be uniformly located so as nearly
as possible to insure balance of the assembled propeller.
The holes for the dowel pins and wedge pins are reamed.
The dowel pins, two to each blade, are set at 90° to each
other and 45° to the planes of the blade laminations. The
wedge pins are set at 90° to the laminations planes. The
dowel pins are pressed into place so that their ends extend
equal distances beyond the outside of the ferrule. The
ends are then riveted over very tightly. Each wedgepin-
one to each blade- is pressed in so that its end is -1,,
Fro. 11.-Base of blade, showing metal and wooden wedges, blade
base bearing in place, etc.
inch from the outside of the ferrule.
A section is next cut out from the flange at the base of
After the laminations are glued together, the resulting the ferrule, as shown in the drawings, so as to make room
block is centered on a wood lathe and the root of the blade for the operating pinhole. This hole is immediately
is turned to the dimensions shown in drawing X-26369. drilled and tapped.
In the blade assembly the blade-retaining collar (15) The blade-base bearing (6) figures 10 and 11 (see "Assem-
with the blade-retaining outer ball race (14) in it, is first bling of blade-base bearing ") , is pressed against the flange
slipped on the blade root. Then the blade-retaining on the base of the ferrule. This fit is sufficiently close
inner ball race (13) is slipped on and followed by pressing that the assembled bearing will stick on its seat. Par-
on the ferrule (2). Both these retaining races fit very ticular attention must be directed to the correct placing of

FIG. 12.-Root of finished blade.

FIG. 13.-Finished blade before covering; cambered face .

FIG. 14,-Finished blade before cov ering; flat or thrnst face.

this bearing. Start first the side on which the inner race [ ring with the smooth edge up. Within and without this
is chamfered. half of the ring place an internal (7) and external (11) ball
Into the hub barrel (17) is pressed the shaft plug (18) to ! race so blocked up that a ball resting on the inverted spacer
which ·are attached the front (21) and rear (23) shaft plug ring will about center with the grooves in the two races.
keys by means of pins (22) . The shaft plug is secured in By pinching the inner and outer races together on one
the barrel by the shaft plug nut (19) which is kept from side-lifting them above the spacer ring on this side if
turning by the lock screw (20) . necessary- the space between the races is opened suffi-
Before putting a blade in the barrel it is stood on its ciently to allow the balls (8) to be dropped in place . As
base, the retaining collar (15) with the outer ball race (14) they are dropped in, keep crowding those already in
in place is held clear of the inner race (13) which is smeared around to the sides, but not over half way. Be sure that
with vaseline. Sixty-eight balls (8) are then stuck in the all are kept in the grooves. After 30 balls have been
vaseline, one against the other in the race, and the collar crowded into half the circumference of the races, then start
containing the outer ball race is cautiously lowered over to work them around into the other half. When there are
>. the balls. 2 With one party holding the retaining collar a few in this half, it is safe to pick up the races and balls
and outer race firmly against the balls and inner race, a without fear of them falling apart. Do this, turn the half
second party slips the root of the blade into the hub barrel of the spacer ring over so that the ball seats are up, and then
until the first party can start the retaining collar threads replace the races carrying the balls. When the balls are
\ into those of the barrel. From this point on, while the correctly spaced the parts will drop together. Now place
first party screws on the collar, the second party pulls out the other half of the spacer ring so that its mark will coin-
on the blade so as to keep the balls pinched between the cide with the corresponding mark on the first half. Secure
two races. It should be remembered that there is no ball the assembled unit with the spacer screws (10).
retainer on the blade-retaining bearings, and that if the
balls are not at all times securely pinched between the
races they will be ' 'lost." Into the sliding link (25), screw the longer threaded
The collar should be first drawn up fairly tight to make portion of the link stud (26) until tight. Lock by drilling
sure that the blade is properly" seated," and then" backed and pressing in the stud pin (27). On·to the opposite end
off " just enough to permit free play without any loose- of the link attach the link cap (30) with the link cap screws
ness. In this position it is drilled and tapped for the lock (31). Care should be taken to get the square corner of
screw (16). this cap at the edge of the link which is in line with the
The next procedure is to screw the operating pin (12) chamfered opening provided for the operating pin.
into the hole tapped for it near the base of the blade. It
should be screwed down until the center of the head is on
a line with the outside surface of the barrel. The assem- Press on the link yoke (37) one of the yoke ball races (38)
bled slide link (24) is placed over the operating pin, the so that it seats squarely. Slip on one of the yoke ball
bef eled side of the rectangular hole being toward the bar- spacer 1ings (40) and in each place drop a link yoke ball
rel. The link is then secured in place by attaching the (39) . Then follow with the assembled screw yoke (43)
link guide (32) . The longer cap screws (33) go in the and another spacer ring (40). Again fill the spacer ring
holes nearest the shaft axis, and the shorter screws (34) go with balls and follow with the second ball race (38) and
in the farther holes. All the screws are secured with the yoke nut (41) . Run the nut on until all parts are
lock wires (35). tightly seated, then back away the nut until the screw
It will be noticed that dowel pins (36) are provided for yoke (43) turns freely but without undesirable play. In
locating the link guide. In manufacture the guide is this position, drill along the threads of the yoke nut, tap
attached, drilled and doweled, and then broached to and secure all with a yoke nut lock screw (42).
make sure of a proper fit with the slide link.
The link yoke (37) with its ball races (38), balls (39), SCREW YOKE.

ball spacers (40), yoke nut (41), and the assembled screw Into the threaded holes of the screw yoke (44) screw the
yoke (43) is slipped on the guiding butt of the shaft plug screw yoke bushings (45) until the ends opposite the lugs
(18). Connection is made between the link yoke and slide are flush with the corresponding side of the yoke. If the
link by means of the link stud (26) and nut (28). To pre- keyways in the bushings are not in line with the keyways
vent the nut from loosenip.g a cotter pin (29) is inserted. of the yoke, then further advance the bushings until the
This completes the assembly of the propeller and propeller keyways align. Drive in the yoke bushing keys (46) .
control unit. · The bushings are then dressed off until flush with both
sides of the yoke. The holes are then drilled and the
A very convenient method of assembling the blade-base control screw threads are cut.
bearing (6) is as follows:
Take the ball-spacer ring (9) apart by loosening the small
acrews ( 10). Notice if the two halves of the ring are marked It will be noted from the pictures and drawings that the
showing how they go together. If they are not, then mark intermediate-control shaft (52) extends toward the left or
them. Place on the table one of the halves of the spacer port side of the machine. This is so that the pitch con-
trol in the cockpit can be on the port side with the throttle
'In the shop a specially constructed ring is used to hold these balls in
place until the collar can be lowered. The ring retreats as the outer and not require the pilot to take his right hand from the
ball race covers the balls. This eliminates the necessity of using vaseline. stick. Accordingly will the starboard and port side of

' FIG . 15.-Details; barrel, sha lt p lug and nuts.

FIG. 16.-Propeller ready for carving.

FIG. 17.-Hub and carved blades just before covering.


FIG. 18.-Sha!t plug with yokes and yoke races .


FIG. 19.-Assembled screw yoke.

the intermediate-control unit be considered. The front shaft to which it is already attached , firmly into the port
and back of the intermediate control unit will be con- bearing housing and secure by following with the shaft- ·
sidered with respect to the fore and aft directions of the bearing retainer (54). This retainer is made to be
airplane. The forward bolt holes of the bracket are closer tightened with a spanner wrench.
together than the back bolt holes. The control screws Turning to the starboard end of the intermediate-con-
extend forward from the bracket toward the propeller. trol shaft, press into place the other shaft-bearing unit (53).
On each of a pair of control screws, one right hand (61) As before start the thick edge of the inner race first. Be
and one left hand (62), press a screw single bearing unit sure that both inner and outer races are pressed together,
(63) until it bears firmly against the turned collar near the
ends of the threads. Fit a gear key (58) into the keyways
in each of the shanks of the screws.
Now take the control right-hand screw (61) which is
so fitted and, while holding a screw right-hand helical
gear (64) in its relative position in the intermediate-
control bracket (51), slip the shank of the screw into the
gear by entering through the hole into which is to fit the
screw single bearing unit. The gear and screw should be
forced together until the former is tight against the shoulder
on the shank. Notice that it is necessary that the gear
and screw be assembled in place in the casting and that
the single hearing must float into its annular seat without
any side play. Over the threaded end of the screw shank,
slip the screw spacing sleeve (66) until it bears against
the gear boss. Next press into place the screw double
hearing unit (67). The inner race of this bearing should fit
over the screw shank and against the spacing sleeve. The . .37 41
outer race will fit into the aluminum casting, squarely
seating against the internal shoulder. The outer race is
secured in its seat by the internal double bearing retaining FIG. 21.-Assembled screw and link yokes on shaft plug.
nut (68). A spanner wrench is used in drawing this nut.
The inner race, followed by a screw washer (69) is drawn since the former fits tightly onto the shaft and the latter
against the screw-spacing sleeve by the screw nut (70). fits tightly into the aluminum housing. Secure the outer
The latter is locked with a cotter pin (71). The same proce- race in the housing by means of another bearing-retaining
dure of assembly applies to the control left-hand screw (62) nut (54). Return to the port side of the control bracket.
and screw left-hand helical gear (65), which two go together. Slip onto the shaft a shaft spacer collar (55). Push it
The other parts are like the corresponding parts entering against the inner race of the shaft bearing. Place a gear
into the assembly of the right-hand screw and helical gear, key (58) in the adjacent shaft keyway. Now put on a
and consequently carry the same numbers. shaft helical gear, right hand (56) or left hand (57) de-
pending upon whether the screw helical gear on this
side is right or left hand, respectively. Mesh the two
gears while the shaft gear is slipping over the key. Follow
with a shaft gear washer (59) and a shaft gear nut (60).
Secure with ·a cotter pin (29) .
Before putting on the other shaft helical gear it will be
necessary to put the assembled screw yoke (43) on the
control screws in order to make adjustments so as to keep
the screws from getting one ahead of the other in the yoke.
If the screw yoke is already mounted on the propeller
hub, it must be temporarily removed. Slip a shaft
spacer sleeve (55) onto the right-hand end of the control
shaft, pushing it back against the inner race. Insert a
key in the shaft keyway. Run the yoke out flush with
the ends of the control screws. Now put on the other
shaft helical gear and push it into mesh with the screw
FIG. 20.-Link yoke . helical gear. Notice how much and in what direction
this action skews the yoke between the two control screws.
Over the small end of the intermediate-control shaft (52) Now back the shaft gear out of mesh thereby causing the
slip a shaft bearing unit (53) starting the thick edge of yoke to again become square and flush with the screws.
the inner race on first. Press until the inner race seats Turn the control screw so as to skew the yoke the same
against the collar about midway the shaft. Now starting amount but in the opposite direction to what it is when
on the port side of the control bracket, poke the other end the shaft gear is meshing with screw gear. When the
of the shaft through the shaft-bearing housings of the gears are again slipped into mesh, the result should be
bracket. Press the shaft bearing, carrying with it the that the yoke is square with the screws. If so, then put


FIG. 22.-Details sliding link, link guide, a nd operating pin.

on the washer (59) and nut (60) and lock with a cotter pin ends of the control screws attach th e screw caps (72) with
(29). the screw-cap screws (73). Drill along the threads of the
Remove the screw yoke and reassemble it on the pro- cap screws, tap and screw in the small lock screws (74).
peller hub, taking care that the side toward the inter- Onto the control-shaft outer support (75) attach the
mediate-control unit·dw-ing adjustment of the screws and locking clutch cage (77) with the clutch-cage screws (78).
gears is placed away from the bub. This is done to make The casting is recessed to allow th e cage to seat well.
sure that on installation on th e plane th e same side of the Push the assembled outer-support shaft bearing (76) into
yoke is toward the intermediate control unit. Onto the the casting. Slip this partially assembled unit on the
intermediate-control shaft end (52). Place the clutch
eccentric key (80) in its k eyway in the shaft and slip on
th e clutch eccentric (79). Turn the control shaft, and
with it the control bracket, in an up-and-down position,
37 with the end of the shaft carrying the outer support
pointing upward. Stand two clutch rollers (81) on end in
the clutch cage and on the same side of the clutch eccen-
tric. Holding a clutch roller shoe (82) to each end of a
clutch roller jam spring (83) place th e combination be-
tween the two rollers with the shoes bearing evenly
againsttherollersandjamming the rollers tightly between
the clutch cage and the eccentric. R epeat with rollers.
shoes and a spring on the other side of the eccentric.
Cover the clutch cage with the clutch roller knockout
plate (84) to which h as been attached the front sprocket
(85). Follow with the front sprocket washer (86) and the
control shaft bend nut (87) . Lock with the control shaft
I end cotter pin (71).

Into the two holes in the bracket (173), one above and
the other below the large operating-wheel shaft-bearing
hole, fit the idler gear stud bearings (183). Draw them
FIG. 23.-Sliding link attached to link yoke. tight to the bracket with the nuts (185) following the

F1G. 2'1.- Top fro n t view intermecliatecon trol unit.

Fw. 25 .- Top rear view intermediate control wTi t.

washers (184). Screw th e throttle-lever stud (202) into over the bushing with th e countersunk face away from
the threaded boss and, after drilling through the boss and th e disk. Turn the cam until the four holes in it are,
st d , lock with a cotter pin (123) . respectively, in line with the remaining four in the web .
From the operating-wheel side press into the bracket Rivet in place with th e cam-hook rivets (193). Next fit
one of the cockpit bracket bearings (103). From the same h e internal gear ring (188) to th e disk from the back-
side slip in the operating-wheel shaft (179) until the side. The disk seats snugly into the recess in the gear
turned shoulder comes against the inner race of th e bearing ring, and the two are fastened together with gear rivets
just inserted . The other end of the shaftshould protrude (189). Extending through t he barbed end of the cam
beyond the other side of the bracket casting. Over this h ook , the disk, and the gear ring put two rivets (190).
protruding end of the shaft slip the bearing spacer (181) To assemble the cam-follower lever (195) press the fol-
and follow with the other bracket bearing (103). Place lower bushing (197) into the lever proper (200) and dip
a Woodruff key (80) in the keyway and push on th e cock- braze; then drill and ream th e bushing. Attach the cam-
pit sprocket bushing (105) to which has been attach ed follower spring (198) to the lever b y means of two rivets
the sprocket (106) locked with the lock screw (107). (199). Slip the cam follower (196) into its bushing, the
Draw up with the cockpit sprocket nut (87) bearing squarer end being against the spring. In assembling this
against the sprocket washer (108) , and lock with a cotter lever unit to th e cockpit-control unit, the follower must
pin (102). be held in place until it is secured between the follower
Now onto the other end of the shaft slip the operating spring and the internal gear disk. After the throttle-lever
gear (180) so that th e pair of ''dogs'' on the gear engage
in notches provided in the collar turned on the shaft.
Place the idler gears (182) on their stud bearings. Over
the shaft and idler gears slip the assembled internal cam
gear (186) , the internal and idler gears meshing. An
outline of the procedure of assembling the internal cam
gear is given in a later paragraph.
Put a throttle-lever fib er washer (203)-one of the thin
fiber washers- on the throttle-lever stud (202) already
screwed into the bracket. This is followed in turn by
the assembled cam-follower lever (195), the throttle-lever
fiber spacer (205) , which is the thick fiber washer, the
throttle lever (201) to which has been attached the knob
(168) with the knob rivet (169), another throttle-lever
washer (203), and the throttle-lever spring washer (204).
The spring points of this spring washer must bear against
the fiber wash er and point away from the nut. Secure
them all to the stud with th e nut (206) and cotter pin
(207). Draw the nut just tight enough to create the fric-
tion needed to prevent the throttle lever from creeping Fm. 26.-Starboard side intermediate control m1it .
under the vibration of the airplane in flight.
Connect the cam-follower lever (200) to th e throttle nut (206) has been locked in place the follow er can not
lever (201) by means of th e throttle-lever connector spring get out of its bushing. It can not swing off the gear disk,
(171). The ends of the spring hook into the little ears because the wing of the follower lever will strike against
on the two levers. Now slip on the end of the shaft the the operating-wheel shaft.
pitch-operating wheel (176) to which the wheel handle
(155) has been a ttach ed by m eans of the riveted handle
pin (156), and to which with the bushing screws (178) has Take two pieces of i\--inch fl exible steel cable, one piece
also been attached the wheel bushing (177). Tighten 5 feet 21 inches long (135) , and the other 4 feet lll inches
with the nut (116) and lock with the cotter pin (ll7). long (136). To each end of the longer piece splice accord-
To assemble the internal cam gear, proceed as follows: ing to splicing specifi cations No. 25515, a round thimble
Notice that the internal cam-gear disk (187) has 12 small (140) such that the distance from center to center of th e
rivet holes around the edge and 7 larger ones in the web two thimbles is 4 feet 61 inch es. To one end of the short
of the disk. Cli.ll the side on which the smaller rivet cable splice another round thimble (140) and to the other
holes ·are countersunk the "front" and call the side on end splice an almond thimble (137) into which has been
which the larger rivet holes are countersunk the "back." looped one eye of th e turnbuckle (138). The distance
Press the internal cam-gear bushing (194) into the central from the center of the round thimble to the point of bear-
hole in the disk from the back side. Place the cam hook ing on the almond thimble is 4 feet 31 inches.
(192) on the face of the disk so that its barbed portion is Get two lengths (134) of 4 feet 9.6 inches each of No. 61
at the edge of the disk and the holes in the stem p ortion Diamond roller chain, or eq uivalent, -h inch wide and
align with three of th e larger rivet holes. The counter- 1 1 inch pitch . T o th e ends of one length of chain attach
sunk side of the cam hook should be away from th e disk. a round-thimbled e nd of each of the long and short cables.
Fasten the cam hook in place with three rivets (193). Attach to the ends of the other chain the other round-
Do not yet put any rivets through the small holes in th e thimbled end of th e long cable and the remaining eye of
end near the edge of the disk. Now place the cam (191) the turnbuckle on the short cable. All these chain attach-

FIG. 27.-Details intermediate control unit.

FIG. 28.-Details specia l locki11g device.

ments are made with clevis pins (141) secure with washers I over the right-hand screw. Screw the yoke back on the
(132) and cotter pins (97). To the turnbuckle attach a screws until the blades are at full foreward pitch. Now
piece of lock wire (139) size 0.040 by 14, for use after with the hands shove the propeller squarely onto the en-
assembly of controls on the airplane. gine shaft. From the intermediate-control sprocket-
front sprocket- turn the screws by hand so that the pro-
INSTALLATION. peller is forced through the entire range of adjustment in
both directions. Notice if there are any indications of
sticking. If there are, the sticking is probably due to
The first step in preparing an airplane for the " 1920 " Inisalignment between the intermediate-control unit and
model adjustable and reversible propeller is to cut out a the propeller-control unit. See if the directions of travel
part of the radiator as shown on the installation drawing of the screw yoke and that of the link yoke are parallel.
No. 046355. Next remove from each side of the engine The screw yoke can float between the link-yoke bearings
shaft two front bolts from the flanges of the crank case. sufficiently to take up a liinited amount of misalignment.
Make a trial alignment to see if the facing on the bracket By watching the screw-yoke and link-yoke ball races
feet fits evenly with that of the flanges and to see if the while the control is turned through the pitch range, it
bolt holes are all correctly located. The control bracket can be seen if the travel of the two is parallel. If the
fits to the under side of the bottom flange with the control operation is free through a portion of the range , but sticks
shaft extending to the left side of the airplane. Since for in other portions, it is almost a sure indication of mis-
engines now in service no provision was made for the • I

attachment of adjustable-pitch propellers, it may be found

necessary to especially dress the bracket feet or bracket
bolt holes to make the control screws parallel to, in the
same plane as, and equidistant from the shaft axis.
When proper alignment is procured, bolt the ruisembled
intermediate-control unit (50) to the engine flange by
means of .special crank-cruie bolts (149) and nuts (150).
Lock with cotter pins (97). The control-shaft outer sup-
port (75) hrui hitherto just been hanging freely to the end
of the shaft. Now turn it up to the side of the nose cowling,
The bolts (146) which secure this outer support must pass
through the side of the airplane nose plate. If the foot of
the support is too far out, it will be necessary to shim be-
tween the foot and nose plate. If the support is too near
in, loosen the control-shaft end nut (87) , thereby allowing
the outer support as a unit to slide out on the shaft suffi-
ciently far to permit the foot to properly seat.
As a rule it will be found either necessary or advisable
to shim for a fit. Brass is very good for this purpose.
When properly aligned , drill through the nose plate, and Fm. 29.-Dctails locking device in place.
cowling if desired, to accommodate a j-inch bolt. With alignment. This , of course, is all on the assumption that
two bolts (146), washers (147), and nuts (148) draw together all the unit assemblies worked freely before being in-
the airplane nose plate, shims if any, outer support, and stalled, and that the installed intermediate-control unit
the chain guide (145). The chain guide is so mounted worked smoothly before being connected to the propeller.
on the outside of the support that the angle is aft the bolts. Screw on and tighten the propeller-retaining nut (47).
The intermediate control should now work freely from the Again try the controls to make sure they are still working
INSTALLATION OF THE "1921" COCKPIT-CONTROL UNIT. There has been at least one case known to the propeller
branch at McCook Field wherein everything worked
On the top, left-hand or port longeron, in the rear cock- smoothly throughout the pitch-adjusting mechanism after
pit, mount the cockpit-control unit (172) so that the dis- the propeller had been jammed in place with the hands,
tance from center to center of the front and rear sprockets but as soon as the propeller-retaining nut was tightened
is 8 feet 11-h- inches. All of this unit except part of the with a wrench, the mechanism would stick near the ex-
U bolts and clips and the sprocket wheel is inside the treme reverse position. It proved that the key was too
cockpit; the cam gear being toward the front from the high and when pinched between the two tapers and drawn
operating wheel. The bracket is drawn tight against the up with a wrench, the shaft plug (18) was so distorted that
underside of the longeron by means of U bolts (174), U-bolt the link yoke would bind. After the key, which was not
clips (175), washers (152) , and nuts (151) . a standard key, was dressed down the retaining nut could
be drawn up tightly without interfering with the free
operation of the controls anywhere within the range.
Remove the control screw caps (72) and start the as- In another known instance of binding wherein the con-
sembled propeller on the shaft. Also start the control trols could not be made to operate satisfactorily, shims were
screws into the screw yoke, being sure that no effort is found between the intermediate control bracket feet and
expended in attempting to start the left-hand thread the flanges of the crank case.

FIG. 30.-Assembled intermediate control unit.

FIG. 31.-Detail "1921" cockpit control unit.


Fm. 32.-Internal, idler and operating wheel gears.



••• ••

Fm. 33.- Cockpit control unit with operating wheel removed showing cams, etc.

FIG. 34.-Cockpit control unit complete; operating wheel side.


FIG. 35.-Cockpit control unit complete; sprocket side.

When the full change of pitch in both directions can be and if not correctly mounted the cockpit sprocket might
effected smoothly with the retaining nut drawn tightly, be set at an angle to the line of approach of the chain.
then run on and tighten the propeller lock nut (48). Next turn the operating wheel until either the link yoke
Lock with the lock wire (49). or the screw yoke is at the forward extreme of its range.
Then back up just enough to bring to the aft side of the
CONNECTION 0~' THE INTERMEDIATE A ND COCKPIT chain guide the link that has last passed in a forward
CON TROL UN ITS. direc tion thr·ough, or at least halfway through the guide
hole. To this link attach a stop plug (142). Pass the
Take the assembled fore-and-aft control connections and
open the loop (cables and chains) at the turnbuckle (138).
Start the chain encl through the top hole of the chain
guide (145) , and pull through until about half of the next
section of chain is through. Then start back through the
lower hole in the guide. By hand run the pitch adjusting
mechanism to tlrn middle of its range of travel. Without
turning the front sprocket, place the chain on it so that
the middle of the length of chain is directly in front oi the
center of the sprocket. K eep the chain in this position
relative to th e sprocket and pitch setting.
Next tmn the cockpit control so that the cam follower
bears on the cam at the point designated for "Full re-
verse." Either block or have some one hold the control
in this position until the chain connection is made .
By pulling on the lower half of the sprocket chain and
at the same time taking care that all the links feed onto
the sprocket teeth in order , force the propeller pitch into
full reverse. This puts the link yoke against the hub
barrel. Hold the lower half of the chain very taut and

FIG. 37.-lntermediate control unit installed without propeller.

stem of the male half (143) of the plug up through the link
and screw on the female half (144). Lock with a cotter
pin (97) .
This done, turn the operating ' wheel in the opposite
direction until the other extreme is reached. Again
back away until another chain stop can be attached to the
last link halfway or over halfway through the other chain
guide hole. It is n ecessary to use these chain stops to
protec t the intermediate and propeller control units from
undue stresses which would develop through the mechani-
cal advantage from the front sprocket to the screw yoke.
For instance, the control screw caps (72) are just used to
act as stops during installation and at times when the chain
is off. They are not strong e nough for stops when a pilot
FIG . 36.-Radiator cut-out for " 1920" H art reversible propeller hastily throws the propeller pitch into full reverse. The
force against the screw caps would be about 16 times as
wrap i t about the cockpit sprocket. Join the ends at the great as that in the chain, and about 28 times that at the
tmnbuckle. Tighten the turnbuckle enough to take out operating-wheel handle.
practically all of the slack so as to eliminate the backlash . THROTTLE-CONTROL ADJUSTMENT.
H owever, do not tighten so much as to induce unnecessary
stresses in the connec tions or as to make the chains and After the assembly is completed put the pitch of the pro-
sprockets work hard. Fmthermore take special care to see peller into forward and start the engine. With one hand
that th e sprockets are properly aligned so that the chain pull the thr·ottle to off and hold it there . With the other
approaches them squarely . The top longeron is bowed hand turn the pitch to full reverse .


. FIG. 38.-Complet( 'installation drawing.

Now, by restraining its free operation with the hand that preferable that the engine turn about 1,500 r . p . m. in
is on the throttle lever, allow the connector spring to full reverse, and in resetting the cam try to attain such
gradually pull the throttle open. Watch the revolution setting as will give this latter engine speed.
indicator all the time and do not let the engine speed reach In adjusting the throttle control in the "1921" model it
more than 1,575 r. p. m. If the speed should reach this is necessary to open the turnbuckle in the fore-and-aft
value before the throttle lever reaches the stop on the fol- control connections, disengage the chain from the cockpit
lower lever, pull the throttle off and stop the engine. sprocket, then set the cam and replace the chain without
Such a condition means that the cam will have to be further disturbing the setting of the throttle or the pro-
turned so that the throttle can not be opened far enough peller pitch.
to allow more than 1,575 r. p. m. in full reverse. It is


Book Exp. Prod. Ntun- Book Exp. Prod. Ntun-

No. Dwg. Dwg. Name of part . ber of No. Dwg. Dwg. Name of part. ber of
No. No. pieces. No. No. pieces.

1 X -26369 . . ......... . Blade ...................... . .•. 2 24 ·· ·-·· ··-··· 046183 Sliding-link assembly:
2 . . . . .. . .. .. . 046136 Ferrule ....•................... 2 25 046134 Link ............... .... . - .. 2
3 ... . . . . . . . . . 046123 Expanding wedge ............. . 2 26 046181 Stud ........• ·-·-··· ··· ···· 2
4 . .. . . . . ... . . 046121 Wedge-retaining pin . .... .... .• 2 27 PS-2896 Stud-link pin .... ... .. .... . 2
5 . .. .. . . .. ... 046122 Dowel pin ......... .. . .. ...... . 4 28 NS-305 Stud nut .. . ....... .. _..... . 2
6 . ...•.. .. .. . 046120 Blade-base bearing assembly: 29 PK-1859 Stud-nut cotter pin ...... . . 2
7 . ... . .. .. .. . 046126 Inner race .... .. .... ... . . .. . 2 30 046182 Link cap .................. . 2
8 .. ....... .. . AA-3159 Balls ....•.........•........ 60 31 SF-3056 Link-cap screws ....... .... . 8
p9 . . .•. .. . . .. . 046131 Ball spacer................ . 2 32 046177 Link guide ........•............ 2
10 • ••• • • • • . • • • SF-3564 Spacer screws .... : ........ . 30 33 SD-2658 Long guide-cap screws ........ . 6
11 . . .• •• •• .• •. 046124 Outer race .... ... ..... ...•. 2 34 SD-3328 Short guide-cap screws ........ . 6
12 . ... .. . . .•. . 046142 Blade-operating pin .. ......... . 2 35 LC-3103 Guide-cap screw lock wire .. . .. . 4
13 . ... .•. . .. . . 046133 Blade-retaining bearing inner 2 36 PS-3587 Guide-cap dowel pins ......... . 4
race. 37 046141 Link yoke •.................... 1
8 ·••• • • ••• ••• AA-3159 Blade-retaining bearing balls ... 136 38 046130 L\nk-yoke"ball races .......... . 2
14 046132 Blade-retaining bearing outer 2 39 AA-3332 Lmk-yoke oalls ................ . 60
race. 40 046129 Yoke ball-spacer rmg . .. ....... . 2
15 ··-·······-· 046135 Blade-retaining bearing collar .. 2 41 046127 Yokenut ........ . ............ . 1
16 SR-773 Blade-retaining collar lock 2 42 SR-800 Yoke-nut lock screw .......... . 1
screw. 43 046186 Screw-yoke assembly:
17 · · -··· ·· ···· 046138 Hub barrel.. ..•................ 1 44 046185 Screw yoke .. ·········-··-· 1
18 046140 Shaft plug ......• .. ... ... ...... . 1 45 046187 Screw-yoke bushing ... .... . 2
19 046178 Shaft-plug nut .......... _..... . 1 46 KS-3367 Yoke-bushing key . ... .... . 2
20 037940 Shaft-plug nut lock screw ... _. • 1 47 046139 Propeller-retaining nut ..... ... . 1
21 046179 Shaft-plug front key. __..... _.. 2 48 046137 Propeller lock nut ........... _.. 1
22 PS-1330 Shaft-plug key pins .. .. ..... .. . 4 49 11397 Propeller lock-nut lock wire . .. . 1
23 046180 Shaft-plug rear key ...... .. .•.. 2


50 X-26406 --·------··- Intermediate-control unit as- -- ----- 66 X-19826 ············ Screw iacing sleeve ........•.. 2
sembly. 67 X-26406--4 ······ · ····- Screw ouble bearing.......... 2
51 X-19834 Intermediate-control bracket... 1 68 X-19825 Double-bearing retaining nut .. 2
149 ... iii.:.iioo· Intermediate-control bracket 4 69 · ·wu.:.22os· Screw washer ............... _. _ 2
············ 70 ·x.:.2i«1· .. 2
150 ............ NA-344
Intermediate-control bracket 4 71 ····· · · ·····
Screw nut . . ...•. . . _... .. .....•.
Screw cotter pin ........•.....• 2
nuts. 72 X-24755 Screw cap ...................... 2
97 ···· ···· ·· ·· PK-106 Intermediate-control bracket 4 73 ·········· ·- ····si<;.:.2a1· Screw-cap screw •.. _..•... ..•. • 2
cotte~s. 74 ·----------- Cap-screw lock screw .... ... .. .. 2
52 X-19831 .......... .. Interm · te-con trol shaft . _. .. 1 75 X -26428 ··· ··-·- ···· Control-shaft outer support ..... l
53 X-26406-5 ·····-· · ···· Shaft-bearing unit ... ...... . •. .. 2 76 X-26406-3 ------·-···· Outer-support shaft bearing.... 1
54 X-19827 ········· ··· Shaft-bearing retainer ....•...•. 2 77 X-23201 ---SD-3693
-----···· Locking-clutch cage ......... _.. 1
Shaft-spacing collar __ _.....•...
Shaft right-hand helical gear ...
78 ········-··-
79 X-26408
Clutch-cage screw .... _._ . . .. _. .
Clutch eccentric .. ... ...... • ••.•
57 X-26555 ············ Shaft left-hand helical gear . .•.. 1 80 ··Kw.:.3fi3s· Clutch eccentric key ..• _.... _.. l
58 ········ ···· KS-3298 Gear key ........ ·-············· 4 81 ·x.:.nssi ... · ····-- ·- -·· Clutch roller._ ....•.. _.....••.. 4
···--·-··--- WE-3369
Shaft-gear washer .• ... .•.. .. _•.
Shaft-gear nnt .......•.•... _.. .•
82 X-24958
83 X-22549
-· ·······--· Clutch roller shoes ... .• ....•• . .
Clutch-roller ~m spriog .•.•••..
·· ·······--- PK-1859 Shaft-gear cotter pin ...... _. _.. , 2 84 X -26413
---·-· ······ Clutch-roller ockout plate.... 1
29 -·-··-------
61 X-19836--1 ------- -· ··· Control rifht-hand screw ....... 1 85 X - 26406-8 ·- --- ----·-· Front sprocket ... ........ ....•. l
X-26406-3 -----·-·····
····- ·······
Controlle t-hand screw_ ........
Screw single-bearing nnit .......
86 ·· ······ ·· --
87 ·· ····- -- ---
Front-sprocket washer ....•.•..
Control-shaft end nut_ ......•••
····· · ------
Screw right-hand helical gear ...
Screw left-hand helical gear ..••
71 -- -·-······· PK-1895 Control-shaft end cotter pin .••• l


172 X-28236 ············ Cockpit-control unit assembly. 185 -- ---------- NP-895 Idler-stud nut ••. ...... .. .• . . .. 2
173 X-28194 ----------·- Cockpit-control bracket ....•... 186 X-28174 ··-········· Internal cam-gear assembly:
X-28195 ---·····--·-
~i:. ~:.l _-.._::::::
-·-· -· ····-- Disk .. ·-··· ··- ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ···
Internal gear riog ....... _..
151 ··· ········· ··wT.:.i4a!i· Cockpit-bracket U-bolt washer.
NP-390 Cockpit-bracket U-bolt nut_ ...
-········· -· ···iic.:.2101·
Gear rivets . •...•.. .. .• . ...
Gear and cam-hook rivets . .
176 • X-28170 -·---··· · ··· Pitch operating wheel_. - _.•• _. 1 191 ... x.:.2ai12· ·······- ---- Cam .. ·-····-············-· l
155 X-27635 ··------ --- · Pitch operating-wheel handle •• 1 192 X-28173 Camhook-·-·············· 1
156 X-27640 ---- ------·· Handle pin •. _...•....•.•.•.... 1 193 ...i!:C.:.ifioi- Cam and cam-hook rivets •. 7
177 X-28183 ... s:i.:.si5/i. Operating-wheel bushing ...• _. 1 194 ·--x.:.2si1!i" ·······--- ·· Bushing_ .........•... . ..•. 1
Operating-wheel bushing screws
X - 28180 ·· ··- --- ---- Operating-wheel shaft ....•... •
----------- · Cam-follower lever assembly:
Follower ... _...•..•...•. -•. 1
197 X-28182 ······ ······ Follower bushing .......••. 1
180 X-28192 Operating-wheel gear . .••••..•.
............ ····N's.:.soa· Operating-wheel nut._ . .....••.
1 198 X-28190
··----- ----- Follower spring._._ .. .....• 1
117 ········--·· PK-109 Operating-wheel cotter pin .•.•• 1 199 .. iiii.:.S958- Follower spriog rivets •••••. 2
103 ······--·-·- 037945 Cockpit-bracket bearings .. _...• 2 200 ·--x.:.2aiai· ·· ··----- ---. Follower lever. __ ....•.••.. 1
181 X-28193 Cockpit-bracket bearing spacer. 1 201 X-28171 ........... Throttle lever ... •... .....•... _. 1
80 -----· --·-·- ··Kw.:.3rai;· Sprocket-shaft key_ .. ... ...... . 1 168 X-24904
.. iiE.:.Sfi24· Throttle-lever knob._ .. _. .. _._. 1
------ -- ------
046323 Cockpit-sprocket bushing . ... _
046324 Cockpit-sprocket .. . _.•........•
202 X-28184 -------·····
Throttle-lever knob rivet .•• . .•
Throttle-lever stud •.•.•.. _...•
107 ·········--- PS-2697 Cockpit-sprocket lock screw •... 1 123 ···--------- PK-433 Throttle-lever stud cotter pin•.. 1
108 ·· ..
······-··· 046325 Cockpit-sprocket washer •• _._ .. 1 203 X-28188 ------······ Throttle-lever fiber washer ..... 2
87 .. .. ...... NS-279 Cockpit-sprocket nut_ .. ____ .•. 1 204 X-28185 -------··-·· Throttle-lever s°fbing washer • •• 1
102 PK-239 1 205 X-28189 Throttle-lever ti er spacer_ . _.. 1
182 --·x.:.2ai1a· ··---······ · Cockpit-sa{ocket nut cotter pin
Cockpit i er gear .. .•. .... .•. . . 2 206 --------· ··· •. NS-302 Throttle-lever nut .... •.. _..•.• 1
183 X-28186 Cockpit idler-gear stud bearing. 2 207 PK-697 Throttle-lever nut cotter pin . _. 1
184 ------------ ..wT.:.3476. Idler-stud washer._ .. . . _... _. .. 2 171 ·· ·x.:.0w· -----------· Throttle-lever connector spring 1


if"~_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ __:::__.._ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ ..,...__ ..:=._..;___ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ __ _


Dwg . Name of part. !~r Book! Exp.
Dwg. Name of part.
ber of
No. No. pieces.
No. No. No. pieces.
- -,- - ---,-----,--- -- - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - ---1 -- -- ,-- - - - -- - - - -
134 X - 26557-1 ........... . Sprocket chain 4feet 9.6 inches .. 2 142 2
135 X-26557-3 ........... . Longcable5feet2 inches ...... . 1 143 Stop:J~~~ -~s-~-~1-~:: : ::::::::: 2
136 X-26557-2 ........... . Short cable 4feet 111 inches .. . . 1 144 Female .. . ...... . .... . . . .. . 2
137 . ........... CT~307 Thimble (almond) .. ... .. .... . . 1 97 2
138 ....... ... .. TH--3070 Turnbuckle assembly ..... . ... .
139 .......... . . LC-3593 Turnbuckle lock wire ..... . ... .
146 -~~~- -- ··'80~002·
~!~~~-------: :: ::::: ::::::
Chain-guide bolt ... .... ....... . 2
HO . . . . . . • . . .. . 037830 Thimble (round) .... .. ....... . 3 147 WU-882 Chain-guide washer ........... . ~
141 ... . . ...... . PC-476 Clevis pin ... . .. . . . ......... . .. . 4 148 NP-368 Chain-guide nut ............ . . , 2

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