Investigation of Methods of Making Manganese Bronze Castings To Meet Air Service Specification No.11021 (15 October 1921)

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Vol. III October 15, 1921 No. 275



. Prepared by Engineering Division, Air Service

McCook Field, Dayton, Ohio
June 4, 1921

Bibliography ............. . ... . ... . .. . .. . .............................................................. . 3
Object ................................................................... ·.· ........... : ............... . 5
Conclusions ............................................................ . .............. . ............ . .. : . 5
Introduction ........ . .................... . ............................................................. . 5
Equipment .......... : .. . .......................................................... '. ................... . 5--6
Melting ........ . ........ . . . .... .. ... . ... : . . ................. . . . ... .. ... . .................... . ...... . 5
Crucibles ............... . ................................................................... . ....... . 5
Temperature measuring ..... . ................................................ . .......... .. ... . ...... . 6
Molding ................. ............................................................................ . 6
Method of procedure .............. _. _.. .. ....... . ........... . ....... . ..... . ...................... . ..... . 6-8
General foundry practice ..... . .................... _..................... _........................... . 6
Method of casting test bars ....._............................... , ..................................... . 6
Manufacture of hardeners ................... . ................... ... .. . ............ . ............ . .... . 6
Results ................................................................................................ . 8-9
Explanation of tables .............................................................................. . 8-9
Table I-Chemical analysis._ . . ... . .... . ..... . ... . ... . ................................ . ........ . .... . 13-15
Table II-Melting data ............................................................................. . 15--16
Table III- Physical test results ............... . .......... . ......... . .. . ....... . .... . ........... . .... . 16-22
Discussion of results ................... . ............................ _... _................................ . 9-13
Chemical composition .................................... _......... _.. . ..................... , ....... 9- 10
Purity of raw materials ................................................................... ,........... 10
Manufacture of hardeners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Shrinkage ......................... ·.................................................................. , 10
Method of casting test bars ........................................................ .. ... .. .... . .... . .. 10-11

:t:~tt:tJ:ur::~u:!~;:!:fi:e·.:: _·_·_::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ll- ~!

Effect of remelting...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13
Comparison of results of different series ....................................... ·........... _........... . 13


FIGURE 1.-Attempts at casting test bars according to general scheme of pattern TB-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.-Methods of casting test bars with wedge risers ................................ _.. _... _. _....... 23
3.-Castings from which test bars of melt No. 175 were cut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.-Casting from which test bars of melts Nos. 597 and 620 were cut .... __ ._ .............. _....... __ . 24
5.--Test specimens cut from castings............................................... . .. .. ... .. .... 25
6.- Test bar pattern-TB-I ............ _............................................... _......... 26
7.- Test bar pattern- TB- 2A.................................................................... 26
8.-Test bar pattern- TB-2B ....... . .. .. ......... . .................... . ... . ..... : . ... : . . . . . . . . . . . 27
9.-Test bar pattern- TB-2S.................................................................... 28

REFERENCE BOOKS . Wm. Campbell, A Note on the Constitution of Certain Tin

Sexton, Alloys, p . 145. Bearing Brasses, June, 1920.
Brannt, The Metallic Alloys, pp. 157 to 159, 254 to 258. METAL INDUSTRY.
·C. H. Desch, Metallography, pp. 192, 389, 394.
W. R. Dean, Manganese Bronze, Jan., 1911; F eb ., 1911.
G. H. Gulliver, Metallic Alloys, pp. 277 to 280.
J. B. Rhodes, Manganese Bronze, vol. 13, p. 462, 1915.
A. McWilliams and P. Longmuer, General Foundry
REV. DE METALLURGIE. Arthur F. Braid, Bulletin, 1919, p. 97 .
Guillett, Ternary Brasses, vol. ii, p . 97, 1905; vol. iii, p. P. E. McKinney, Manganese Bronze, N . Y . meeting, Feb.,
243, 1906. 1919.
E. S. Shepard, Constitution of Cu-Zn Alloys, vol. 8, No. 6.
Merica & Karr, Annealing T emperatures, Dec. 1, 1916,
Corse & Skillman, Manganese Bronze, vol. 12, p. 113, 1915. Milton and Larke, Iron in Brass, vol. c/iv, p. 138, 1903.
Geo. P. Comstock , E lastic Properties of Bronze Castings,
June 16, 1920.
Guillett, T ernary Brasses, Jan. 26, 1921. J. A. Capp, vol. xxxii, p. 273- 284.
Guillett, Nickel Brasses, Feb. 9, 1921.
E. Millington, Influence of Small Quantities of Some
F. J ohnson, The Influence of Tin and Lead on the Micro- Metallic Elements on the Mechanical Properties of
structure of Brass, Vol. VII, No. 1, 1912. Brass, Vol. XXXVII, No. 10, p. 149 to 155, T, 1918.
Samuel L. Hoyt, On the Copper-Rich Kalchoids, Vol. X,
No. 2, 1913.
0. F. Hudson and R. M. Jon es, The Constitution of Brasses Manganese Bronze T ests, vol. 3, p . 25.
Containing Small Percentages of Tin, Vol. XIV, No. 2, IRON AGE.
C. H. Mathewson and Phillip Davidson, Metallography L . P. Wehbert, Manganese Bronze as an Engineering
of Brass, 11-12-63, 1918. Material, vol. 94, p. 538-9.

W. M. Corse and G. F. Comstock, Tension and Endurance Navy Department Specification 49B3a.
Tests on Aluminum and Manganese Bronze, Vol. XVI, A. S. T. M. Specification B7-14.
p . 118, 1916. Air Service Specification No. 11021.
Merica and Woodward, Bronze Corrosion T ests, Vol. X I X, Ordnance Specification, Chemical Code Nos. MB-58,
1919, Part II , p. 280. MB-59; Physical Code Nos. 6320, 7320, 7330, 8315.
TION NO. 11021.
OBJECT. with small amount of charcoal and on top of this the
desired amount of copper, carbon-free manganese, and
To develop a satisfactory method for making manganese
tinned sheet iron scrap ; cover with charcoal and fire until
bronze in a small foundry.
copper is melted: melt proper amount of aluminum in
To standardize the method of separately casting test
separate furnace and pour in on top of the molten copper.
specimens as a check on melts of small castings of this
The heat thus generated will be sufficient to melt down
the iron and manganese. Stir thoroughly and pig im-
To determine the best physical properties obtainable mediately. · ·
in manganese bronze as determined by this standard test
The adoption of the separately cast test bar joined to
bar, and to compare these with results obtained on test
a wedge riser by a !-inch web, as shown in figure 8,
bars cut from actual castings.
TB-2B, is recommended. Thi.s gives uniform results and
CONCLUSIONS. one closely comparable with those obtained from test
bars cut from castings made in accordance with the best
The chemical requirements of Specification No. 11021 foundry practice_ ·
are satisfactory. These are given below: INTRODUCTION.
P er cent.
Copper. ______ . _____ _______ __. __ _____ ___ _. __ 56-60 When the nonferrous foundry was first established in the
Zinc ____ - -- - -- - -- --- - -- --- - - - - . - --- - --- - . --- 37-41 Material Section, it was called upon to make a rather diffi-
Lead (maximum) _______ . _____ . ____________ _ 0. 15 cult manganese bronze- casting for a gun mount. Inas-
Hardening constituents (tin, iron, manganese, much as the castings were required immediately and it
aluminum), maximum ________ . ___________ _ 3 was impossible to receive ingot metal from an outside source
The physical requirements of 70,000 pounds per square in time, an expenditure order was issued to cover the
inch tensile strength, with 15 per cent elongation, are low development of a satisfactory method of making manga-
enough to be met in ordinary production. It is suggested nese bronze which would havP. the physical and chemical
that by taking special precautions the following specifica- requirements of Specification No. 11021. The castings
tion values could be regularly met: were satisfactorily made at an early date, but so many
important problems in connection with the manufacture
Tensile strength, lb. per sq. in .. _- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 80,000 and handling of manganese bronze arose that it was thought
Elongation in 2 in., per cent _____ ._ .. _____ . ___ _ 15 desirable to continue this investigation, and as a result a
great deal of very valuable data have been accumulated.
Tensile strength, lb. per sq. in_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 70 . 000
Elongation in 2 in. , per cent. _.. __ - ___________ - 20 This data is given in considerable detail in the following
report as a permanent record for the guidance of future
The following composition in added per cents is recom- work in the foundry.
mended for castings of high strength and shock resistance:
7:inc. ___ . _--- --- ____ --- -- - ----- - -- _--- -- __ 40. 00
Iron. __ .. __ . _______ - _- . - . - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - 1. 00- 1. 50 · MEI,TING.
Tin ____ .·-··- - ----- - --- - - -- ---- - -·--- - --- 0. 35- 0. 75 Monarch No. 20 gas-firnd crucible furnace.
Aluminum _____ . _.... _. __ ; _____ . ________ _ 0. 50- 1. 00
Iler No. 40 gas or oil-fired crucible furnace. This fur-
Manganese .. __ .. - - - - . - - . - . - - . - - . - - . - - - - - - - 0. 25- 0.50 nace is of an unusual ty pe, having a chamber for preheat-
Copper ___ _______ . __ . _. __ . _. __ .. ____ . ___ . _ Balance.
ing the air supply and thus gives very efficient melting.
The following composition in added per cents is recom- Hoskins resistor type electric crucible furnace. This
mended for the hardener: furnace can only accommodate a No. 10 crucible, but is
Copper ____ . _- ______ . __ . __ . ______ . ______ . _____ . _. _ 50 capable of attaining a temperature of 3,000° F.
Iron ___ --- __ - - -- - -- - - . -- . - -- - -- - - - . - - --- - -- - -- - - . - 28 CRUCIBLES.

Aluminum_ - - - -·---·--·--·--·--·-··--·-----·---·- 17 The melting in the Monarch and Iler furnaces was ac-
Manganese. - - - - - - - - - - - - · · - - · - - - - - - - - - - · - - · - - - · - - - - 5 complished in the ordinary type of plumbago crucible.
This hardener may be made very satisfactorily in an Various crucibles were tried out with limited success in
oil or gas fired crucible furnace in which the maximum the electric furnace; first, a small clay crucible; second,
temperature need not be over 2,400° F. Charge crucible a fused magnesite crucible obtained from the Thomas
Dixon Crucihle Co.; third, a plumbago crucible lined low but were also not uniform. Figure 1 shows the various
with fused magnesite, also obtained from the above schemes which were tried out in attempting to use the
company. standard method referred to (fig. 6). Method A has the
TEMPERATURE MEASURING. usual l}-inch diameter pouring head and riser. In method
The temperatures were obtained in all cases by means B the metal is led into the mold by a long skim gate and
of chromel-alumel thermocouples protected by different the two risers are 1± inches in diameter. Method C is the
types of tubes as follows: (1) Wrought iron; (2) chrom e! ; same as method B, except that 2-inch diameter risers are
(3) chromon; the latter two being obtained from the Hos- used .
kins Manufacturing Co. For the first few melts a Leeds It was soon evident that these methods were all very
unsatisfactory, therefore a pattern was made up according
& Northrup potentiometer was used , but this was soon
to method D in figure 1. This consists of a wedge riser
replaced by a Hoskins high-rn~istance millivolt meter.
joined to the test bar by t-inch web; the details of which
MOI,DING. method are shown in figure 8- TB- 2B. This method
The following test bar patterns were used: Figure 6 was found to be very satisfactory, but it was thought
(Match plate); figure 7; figure 8; figure 9. advisable to obtain comparisons between this method
The following patterns were used in making castings and several others as shown in figure 2. In this figure
from which test bars were cut: X24701, X24702, Xl9342 . TB- 2A was tried out because the Air Service specifica-
The molding sand was a mixture of Sandusky and tion for manganese bronze specifies that the test bar
Hamilton, well adapted for brass and bronze molding. should be jointed to the casting by a !-inch thick gate,
therefore the web to the wedge riser was made that thick-
METHOD OF PROCEDURE. ness. Pattern TB- 2S, shown in figure 2, is a method
recommended by one large manufacturer of manganese
bronze. It has a 7-inch cope as compared to the 3-inch
The regular foundry procedure of numb ering melts and cope used in all other methods .
marking test bars was. used throughout this investigation The American Society for Testing Materials specifies in
and may be described as follows: their manganese bronze ingot metal specification that the
Each melt of metal poured is given a consecutive num- test bar shall b e cut from one corner of an ingot near the
ber and a separate melt sheet made out which contains bottom, and therefore several test bars were prepared in
all the information relative to that melt. These are on this manner for comparison. '
file in the Metallurgical Branch. This melt number is In order to d etermine the actual physical properties of -,
further extended to cover lots of raw ingot metal purchased commercial castings as compared to the separately cast test
on the outside, such as copper, zinc, etc. Molds of test bar results, small test bars were cut from several typical
bars are numbered in the order poured, thus mold No. 1 castings. Two of these are shown in figure 3, a small test
is poured from the hottest metal. Where molds are poured bar being cut from the web of each casting, and a third
one after the other without an interruption, the pouring casting is shown in figure 4, from which a numb er of test
temperature recorded is that of the first mold and the other bars were cut as shown in the sketch figure 5.
temperatures will be very slightly lower. The test bars MANUFACTURE OF HARDENERS.
within a mold are lettered as will be explained later.
Where only one bar is cast in a mold, no letter is given, as A consideration of the melting points of the various
the mold number is sufficient identification. elements which enter into the chemical composition of
The general melting procedure followed was to first manganese bronze will at once show the first difficulty to be
charge the crucible with a small amount of charcoal, on overcome in manufacturing the alloy, namely, that of pre-
top of which was placed the necessary weight of copper paring a suitable hardener of a sufficiently low melting
and sometimes the hardener, the whole being covered point to be melted down at nearly the same temperature
with another layer of charcoal. After the copper was as the copper. Manganese bronze is essentially a 60-40
molten, the zinc was preheated and added in small chunks brass in which about 3 per cent of the copper is replaced
with constant stirring. The other low melting point by the following hardening constituents:
Melting point.
hardeners were then added and the mass thoroughly
Iron ........................... . 2, 786° F. or 1, 530° C.
stirred before pulling from the furnace. Great care was
Manganese ....................... . 2, 300° F. or 1, 260° C.
taken throughout the melting to see that the surface was
Aluminum .... .. . ... . .... . . . .... . 1, 217° F . or 659° C.
always well covered with charcoal.
Tin ... . ......................... . 450° F. or 232° C.

One of the first difficulties encountered in this investi- The only hardeners available in the foundry at the be-
gation was that of determining upon a satisfactory method ginning of the investigation were the manganese-copper
of casting test bars. It was realized at once that the alloys manufactured b y the Thermit Metals Corporation.
methods used by a large number of manufacturers give These were of two grades-grade A, composed of 30 per cent
fictitiously high tensile strength and elongation, but on manganese and 70 per cent copper, and grade B, contain-
the other hand , the test bar which at the beginning of ing approximately 27! per cent manganese, 70 per cent
this investigation was used as standard for the foundry, copper, and about 2! per cent iron . Therefore, the first
did not properly feed up the shrinkage of manganese melts were made up using these alloys as hardeners and
bronze, and hence gave results which were not only very hence contain little or no iron .
MELTS 171 AND 384. tions of iron were made on samples taken from as many
different ingots, with the following results:
I n order to introduce iron into the mixture, a number Iron.
of hardeners Wern attempted. The first attempt was ac- Ingot No. 1. ..... . ... ... ..................... 0. 75--0. 75
cording to directions received from an outside source. Ingot No. 2.......... . .......... . ............ . 74- . 70
The composition of the hardener was to be, manganese Ingot No. 3.. .. ....... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82- . 85
14.3 per cent, iron 57 .1 per cent, aluminum 14.3 per cent, MELT NO. 483.
tin 14.3 per cent. The directions given were as follows:
Use a fire-clay lined crucible and not a graphite. Use Another method tried out for introducing iron into
the oil furnace and not the electric, as the carbon electrodes manganese bronze was to make up a hardener by attempt-
feed carbon into the mixture. Use pure metallic manga- ing to dissolve 25 per cent of iron into molten zinc. It
nese and ingot iron (Swedish) and not ferromanganese, as was found necessary to rather overheat the zinc, and even
the latter carries carbon, which raises the melting point. then an extremely long time was required to dissolve only
Add half a cup of borax to a No. 10 crucible, mix, and put 10 per cent of iron. The attempt was given up after about
a cover on the crucible. When the manganese and iron a three-hour trial. The analysi~ obtained is as follows:
are melted add the tin and then the aluminum after with-, Iron. Zinc.
drawing crucible from the fire. When all is liquid pour Top ingot .... . ... . ..................... 10. 17 Diff.
the contents of the crucible, without skimming, into a large Bottom ingot ... . .......... . ... . . .. ..... 12. 29 Diff.
tube of cold water from a height of over 5 feet. This No melts were made up from this hardener.
results in a homogeneous material in small pi~ces ready MELT NO. 530.
for use.
It was found impossible to carry out a great many of the It had previously been found in manufacturing a hard-
details of these instructions. First, a sufficient temperature ener of copper, iron, and aluminum for aluminum alloys
could not be obtained in the oil furnace to melt the man- that the addition of molten aluminum to molten copper
ganese and iron. Second, in using the electric furnace generated a sufficient heat to melt down pure iron in a
much trouble was experienced in obtaining a crucible very few seconds. It was accordingly determined to
which could be removed from the furnace without break- endeavor to make a hardener for manganese bronze by
ing after being subjected to the high temperature required the same process. A No. 40 crucible was charged with
to melt the iron and manganese. A clay crucible was copper, melt No. 495, and pure carbon-free manganese
first tried but did not stand up at all. The ordinary plum- (94 to 95 per cent) from the Thermit Corporation and iron
bago crucible became too soft to be lifted out with tongs, wire (soft core wire) covered with charcoal and fired in
which was also true of the fused magnesite crucible. the Iler furnace with oil as a fuel for 11 hours. The pot
However, by using a plumbago crucible lined with fused was pulled and skimmed and 4.2 pounds of l).luminum,
magnesite it was possible to get out two melts of this previously melted in the Monarch furnace, poured in very
hardener which were very close to the desired composi- slowly with frequent stirring, the wire being pushed down
tion, except that the tin in melt No. 384 was increased · into the melt. By this means most of the iron wire was
and the iron decreased, the analyses being as follows: melted, but noi all. Therefore, the pot was put back in
the furnace and kept at a good heat while an additional
2.3 pounds of aluminum were melted down in the Monarch
Tin. ~a- Iron. num furnace. As soon as this was molten the large pot was
again pulled and this additional aluminum poured into it,
- - -- -- - - - - Ii - - - - - - - - - - - -
with the result that all of the iron and manganese were
Melt No. 171. ....... . ....... . 13.00 12.40 58. 70 15. 9
Melt No. 384 ...... . ...•...... 23.40 11. 55 48.60 16. .55 completely melted. The pouring was so slow that at only
one time was there a violent evolution of heat, and this
occurred at only one small spot for a brief instant. The
In preparing the above the use of borax had to be aban-
pot was skimmed and poured into iron molds, giving a
doned, inasmuch as it was found that it cut a ring through
total of 31.2 pounds as against 35.8 pounds originally mixed.
the fused magnesite in a very short time and fluxed with
The metal was close grained, very clean, and had a silvery
the plumbago, thus cutting a hole clear through the
tinge. Below is given the composition in per cents "as
crucible wall.
mixed" and ''by analyses":
MELT NO. 381.
As By
:Finding the electric furnace of the type available very mixed. analysis .
unsatisfactory for preparing these hardeners, it was decided
to try and prepare a hardener in the oil furnace. An alloy Copper .......... . ....... . ................ . ...... . 46.80 46.60
Manganese . . . . _.... _. ............ , .. . . ,, _. ...... . . . 11. 70 11. 33
of iron and copper was prepared in this way by melting Iron ....... . .... . ...... . .................... . .... . 23. 40 23.10
down 21.1 pounds of copper and dissolving into it 0.38 Aluminum ..... . ..•.....•................. .. ..... 18. 10 18. 90

pound of iron core wire. After the iron was thoroughly

dissolved the manganese was added in the form of grade Melts Nos. 621 and 63.5.-'J'hese melts were made up in
B manganese copper, and the desired amount of zinc, tin, much the same way as the one just described except that
and aluminum added in the order named. This metal the manganese was added in the form of ferromanganese.
was thoroughly stirred and pigged. Three determina- Following is given the charge data for these two melts:

Melt No. 621. Serws 2.- This series contains the melt made from the
- - - - ----------.---.---------,.-------. - - ~ hardeners manufactured in the electric furnace. Seven
Material. Melt No. Composi- Per cent Weight melts (series 2a) were made from the first lot of hardener
tion. of charge. · manufactured (melt No. 171) and two melts (series 2b)
- - -- - - - - - · 1- - - - 1- - - - - - -- - - - - -
were manufactured from the second lot of hardener made
Iron ........... , .......... . (1) . . ••. . •. . . •. 21. 50 9. .54
(melt No. 384).
Tin ...... ................. . 525 . . .. . . . .. .. . 9. 10 4.0! Series 3.-This series consists of one melt, made up by
Aluminum ............... . 591 13. 65 6.06
Manganese ............ .... . 67 {. · 1i:i,.1!i." iii. } introducing the iron directly into the copper.
Fe. 15. 68 5· 74 2. 55
Series 4.- The melts in this series were made from hard-
~. ~
22. 20
Coppe:~~~~:::: :: : : : : : :: :: : . ..... : : :: : :: :: : : :, .... ~: eners manufactured in the oil furnace , using the heat
I produced by the combination of molten copper and
1Core wire (soft iron wire). molten aluminum to melt down the iron and manganese
as previously described. The first eight melta of this
}.fell No . 635. series (series 4a) were made from the hardener (melt No.
540) made from pure carbcn-free manganese. The other
Material. Melt No. Composi- Per cent Weight melts (series 4b and 4c) wer~ made from hardeners in
tion. of charge. · which ferromanganese was used instead of the pure man-
- - - - - - -- -· [ - - - - - - -- - - - -- -
iron....................... (I) ... .... .. •.. 25. 50 12. 72 Series 5.-This series consista of melts made from man-
Aluminum........... .... . 591 ........ .. . . 13. 65 6. 81 ganese bronze ingot, purchased from an out.aide source to
F erromanganese... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { Mn. Fe. 79.0
15. 68 } 5. 74 2. 86 meet Air Service Specification No. 11021.
Copper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · 569 99. 80 55.10 27. 50
Series 6.-This series consista of melts made from a lot
Total. ............... , .................. ... ......... . 49. 89 of ingot, purchased from another out.aide source.


In making melt No. 621, the aluminum was poured in The results are tabulated in three tables as described
below: · ·
rather rapidly, causing considerable agitation and a great
heat. When skimmed, balls of metallic oxides were found TABLE I. Chemical analysis.- This table contains the
undissolved. In melt No. 635 more care was taken and ·chemical analysis of the raw materials (copper, zinc, tin,
the whole mass melted down quietly. The total weigbt and aluminum) used in the manufacture of the alloys and
of pig in this melt was 45 pounds as against the total of the composition o.f the melts of the six series in percent-
50 pounds prepared. The analyses of these two hardeners ages "as mixed" and "by analyses. " The analyses of the
are as follows: hardeners are given under t.he description of the process
of the manufacture of the hardeners.
TABLE II. Melting data.-In this table the following
T m. C Man- Alumi- . .
opper. 1ron. ganese. num. 811icon. data relative to the melting of the alloys are given:
------- --- --- - ----- ---- - - (1) Total weight of melt.
Melt No. 621. . . . . . . . 11. O! 51. 52 23. 90 3. 56 9. 97 Trace. (2) Per cent of scrap used. By scrap is meant metal
Melt No. 635. . . . . . . . . 58 55. 98 27. 00 3. 05 15. 34 ...... . . previously mixed-that is, gates and ingots left over from

previous melts but which were carefully identified.

RESULTS. (3) Melt number of scrap. T.his number identifies all
of the scrap used as explained in t.he previous heading.
For convenience in tabulating, the results of this inves- (4) Time in furnace. The given is the total
tigation have been divided into six series, according to that the metal was in the furnace. It varies consider-
the hardener used. A brief description of these series ably, depending upon whether or not the furnace was hot
follows: at the beginning of the melt.
Series 1.- The six melts included in series 1 were made (5) Maximum temperature. This item gives the maxi-
up, using the gmde B manganese-copper hardener manu- mum temperature to which t.he metal was heated at any
factured by the Thermit Corporation. As this hardener stage after mixing as recorded by the thermocouple instal-
contains only 2~ per cent of iron, and since only 2 to 3 per lation previously described.
ceut of the hardener was used, very little iron was intro- (6) Pouring temperature. This item is the temperature
duced by this means. In order to further increase the taken after the pot of had been skimmed and just
iron content, the aluminum was added in the form of an before the first mold was poured. When molds were
iron-copper-aluminum hardener, which had previously poured without interruption, only one temperature is
been made up for aluminum alloys. The analysis of this given. In several ·cases a considerable period was main-
hardener was: tained between pouring each mold and the pouring tem-
Per cent.
Iron .. _. ... ___ .. __ . - ... _.. _... _... _........... __ . 14. 4 perature taken and recorded for each mold.
Copper __ .... __ . __ . __ ..... _.... . ........ .. - .... ___ . 35. 1 TABLE III. Physical lest results.-This table gives the
results of tension, Brinell, and scleroscope liardness tests,
Aluminum-·-·--···-- ............. . - .. _. - . - - ...... 50. 5
and specific gravity determinations. The type of test bar
However, again only a small amount was used-less is identified by the ·pattern number, these numbers refer-
than 1 per cent. Therefore, the total added iron in this ring to illustrations included in this report and previously
series was in all cases less than 0.2 of 1 per cent. described. Unless otherwise noted, the test bars from pat- -
tern TB-1 (fig. 6) were tested " as cast. " the bars being certain amount of zinc . The equivalent ratios whfrh he
pulled in wedge grips, and all other test bars were machined has determined are as follows:
to the standard 0.505 inch diameter test bar with threaded Aluminum ............... . ......... . .......... _.. _. 6. O
ends. The symbols used to denote the location of fracture Tin ...... _. . .... _.... . . . .... . ....... . _._ . _._ .. __ . 2. 0
in the tension tests are as follows: Iron ........ __ . __ . __ ........ . ...... ___ ....... . _. . . . 9
M. T ....... _... _............... Middle third. Manganese .. . .......... . .... . ....... _. _...... _.. _. . 5
0. T. or 0. S. T. : . . ............. Outside third. Thus aluminum and tin tend to increase the apparent
0. S. G ............. . ........ _.. Outside of gauge length.
zinc content and iron and manganese to decrease it. As
For a strict comparison of elongation, only the M. T . an example, the calculation for fictitious zinc for melt No.
values should be considered. In series 4a, melts Nos. 597 540 is given below:
and 620 , the specimens were cut from the castings from Analysis. Factor.
pattern Xl9342 and the specimen numbers refer to loca- Aluminum ....... : .... _. . ..... . . 0. 99 X 6.0 = 5.94
tions sho)Vn in figure 5. These specimens were prepared Tin ........... . .. . .. . ..... . . . . . . . 59 X 2.0 = 1. 18
according to the Air Service standards, the different sizes Iron ...... _. ______ .... _. . . . . . . . . l. 14 X .9 = 1.03
being given in notes at the bottom of the tabulations. The Manganese .... _ .. __ ............. . 47 X .5 = . 24
Brinell and scleroscope determinations were made on a Zinc .. _..... . ... . ....... _. . . .. . . 40. 00 X 1. 0 =40. 00
transverse section of one end of the test bar near the center. 48.3[)
The specific-grav ity determinations were made on a speci- C'opper .. . ... ______ .... .. ... . . . _ 56. S2
men cut from the end of a te~t bar by the usustl method of
This figure is th en recalculated so as to give a tota.I of
weighing in air and water ..
100 per cent, as follows:
46 0
48. ~9-t-56.82 ·

A study of the physical properties of the copper-zin c: Since all of these clements in the amounts used in
series shows that as the copper content is decreased and manganese bronze are taken into solid solution , the metal -
the zinc content c::orrespondingly increased· an increase lographic structure of this bronze, after thorough annealing ,
in both tensile strength and elongation results up to about would be equivalent to that of a simple copper-zinc alloy
35 per cent zinc. This is appro)(imately the boundary containing M per cent copper and 46 per cent zinc.
of the alpha fi eld (region of single solid solution of copper Individually each of these elements has a slightly dif-
and zinc). A furth er increase in the zinc content results ferent effect upon the physical properties of the bronze ;
in a rapid increase in tensile strength and se vere decrease thus aluminum, be3ides increasing the temile strength at
in elongation. A maximum tensile strength of about the expense of the elongation, has the tendency of prevent-
50,000 pounds p()r square inch is attained at approximately ing the formation of _dross and " spelter spots " in the
45 per cent zinc . The elongation which at 35 per cent castings. It also gives the beautiful golden color and
zi_nc: was about 30 per cent has dropped to about 15 per gloss to the metal. Too much aluminum has a tendenc y
cent at .45 per cent zinc . A further increase in zinc to make the metal porous and should not be used in
content results in a still further decrease in elongation and amounts over 1 per cent; in castings required to ,~ithstand
a sudden falling off in tensile strength, so that with about h ydraulic pressure the aluminum must .be still further
60 per cent zinc both the tensile strength and elongation reduced. In commercial bronzes the usual range of
are very low indeed. It, is thus seen that no advmitage aluminum is from 0.35 to 1 per cent.
can be gained b y raising the zinc content much above 45 Tin exerts a very severe hardening effect, raising the
per cent . However , if a very ductile allo y is desired , the elastic limit and tensile, but severely reducing the elon- .
zinc content may be kept somewhat less than 45 per cent gation. One per cent is also the upper limit for this ele-
and t.hns a fair tensile strength obtained with a ver y good ment, and the commercial range is about the same as that
elongation. of aluminum, namely, 0.35 to 1 per cent. It should be
It has been found that th e tensile strength and understood that the maximum of any one element de-
elongation relation to the zinc content holds in manganese pends to a large extent upon the amounts of other hard-
brom:e. The hardening constituents, namely, iron , tin, eners present, for instance in melt No. 178 a tin content of
aluminum , and manganese, have a twofold effect- first , 1.34 per cent gave a very ductile bronze of 74,000 pounds
their presence raises th e tensile strength usuall y at th e per square inch tensile strength and 33 per cent elongation,
expense of the dnctility, and second, they cause a shift-ing but the either elements- aluminum, iron, and manganese-
of the tensile strength and elongation relation to the zinc were very low.
content. L eon Guillet has studied this latter effec t very Iron and manganese seem to exert a similar effect which
carefully and has arrive<l at a met.hod of determining just is very mucn less severe than that of the first two elements
how much the relation of the physical properties to the considered; thus both iron and manganese increase the
zinc content is shifted b y th e hardening elements. This tensile strength and seem to have very little effect on the
is done by means of a "' fic titious zinc " calculation. H e elongation, slightly decreasing it, if any. Owing to the
figures that each of these elements is equivalent to a cheapness of iron , it is usuall y held at from 1 to l! per
66536- 21- 2
cent; manganese being far more expensive, is usuall y held SHRIN KA GE.
to very low limits, even less than 0.1 per cent. Of course
Th e great drawback to the use of manganese bronze for
the chief function of the manganese is to deoxidize the
casting purposes is its extremely high crystallization
alloy. It is, therefore, possible to so regulate the amount
shrinkage which necessitates abnormally large risers and
of manganese added that all of it will be consumed in de-
gates and makes castings of nonuniform section extremely
oxidizing the alloy and only a trace win be shown in th e
difficult to manufacture. This should be borne in mind in
chemical analysis. However, since excess manganese is
connection with the design of castings to be made from this
a benefit to the alloy rather than a detriment, as is the case metal. Heavy lugs should not be used next to thin
when phosphorus is used as a deoxidizer, it is usual to sections of metal wit-!,out gradually tapering the metal
play on the safe sid e and add an ex cess of manganese, say and generous fillets must be used in all cases. In planning
0.25 to 0. 50 per cent. cores it must be borne in mind that heavy sections must
PURITY OF RAW MATElUALS. be fed by large risers. Risers of the cone type, as shown on
the casting of figure 4, have been found most desirable.
In reading over the literature on manganese bronze, it This gives a relatively small section to be cut through in
is curious to find that some writers demand a very high removing the riser and gives a large section at the top
quality in the raw materials to be used for manganese which will remain molten to the last and thus feed liquid
bronze, whereas others claim that most any old scrap will metal into the casting to take care of the crystallization
do. It is believed that the reason for this variation in shrinkage. In gating maganese bronze castings, care must
opinion is the seYeral methods by which mangan_ese bronze be taken to use some means of skimming back the dross
may be made. The one consisting in large quantity pro- which is certain to be formed even in the most careful
duction using scrap metals and obtaining ch e desired com- foundry practice. One method of doing this is shown in
position by a mixture of melts is typified by the method figure 4. The pouring sprue is joined to a skimmer head
used b y McKinney, and the -o ther a small quantity pro- and dross rises in this h ead and is thus prevented from
duction is typified by the work of this investigation . The reaching the metal. Horn gates as shown in figure 4 are
raw materials used in this investigation were all ingot frequently of great advantage in manufacture of manganese
metal of high quality, so that it is difficult to draw any con- bronze castings.
clusions from the experience in this investigation. How-
ever, in the matter of manganese vers us ferromanganese, METHOD OF CASTING TEST BARS.

i t is believed that, whereas a reasonably high quality Due to the high crystallization shrinkage and tendency
bronze can be made from ferromanganese , in order to get to draw as explained above, manganese bronze requires a
the best results obtainable pure carbon-free manganese different method for casting test bars than that used for
should be used . A comparison of melts 540 versus 622 and other nonferrous metals. As previously explained, figure 1
637 leads to this conclusion, although it is true that the shows the various schemes which were tried in attempting
two bronzes compared are of different ty pes- that is, in to adapt the old tes't bar pattern (TB-1, fig. 6) for use with
melt No. 540 a very high strength has been aimed at with- manganese bronze. The results obtained by these methods
out regard for the elongation, whereas in melts Nos. 622 are shown in Table III, series 2a, melt No. 193. It will be
and 637 a high elongation was sought. seen that a 2-inch diameter riser at each end, poured by
It is also often claimed th at pure Swedish iron should be means of a ..:hoke gate, gave th e best results, although all
used in the manufacture of manganese bronze. The only lack the uniformi ty required in test bars. The strength
supply of this iron available was in the form of large ingots and elongation are also low as compared with the method
which had to be cut up and were often then very diffi cult finally adopted (TB-2B) . The degree of uniformity
to melt, therefore, other forms of iron were used , and very obtainable in method TB- 2B is well shown in the five
good success was attained using ordinary iron core wire test bars cast according to this method in melt No. 213,
without any special preparation. This wire, however, series ]. The average maximum and minimum results of
was very bulky and was difficult to get any amount of it these five bars are given below:
in even a No. 40 crucible. It was therefore found that
scrap tinned sheet. iron was very much easier to use and was Maxi- Mini-
Average. mum.
perhaps more satisfactory, due to the fact that the tin coat- mum.
ing insured against any great amount of iron oxide. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, - - - --- ---
Tensile strength, lb. per sq. in. . . . . . . . . . 71, 200 71,980 70 580
MANUFACTURE OF HARDENERS. Elongation, per cen t................... . 22. 9 2-4. 5 21. 0
It has been previously shown that it is very difficult to
attain the high temperature necessary to melt both iron Similar examples of uniformity may he noted in series
and manganese in the furnaces usually available in a non- 2a, melts 189 and 216 and series 4a, melt No. 540. (See
ferrous foundry . It is possible in the old-type coal-fired Table III .)
crucible furnaces to accomplish this melting, but tee time Comparing method TB-2B with the somewhat similar
required is from four to five hours. The method of manu- methods TB- 2A and TB-2S , it is found that TB-2Susually
facture . used for melt No . 530 has been found to be very gives much higher strength and elongation, as for instance,
satisfactory and is recommended as th e most practical series 4a, melt No. 568, in which the tensile strength ,
method of manufacturing hard eners. according to method TB-2B is 84,000 pounds per sq uare
inch against the 93,000 pounds per square inch obtained SERIE S 4A- MELT NO. 56~.
- - - - - -- - - -·- - - -- -- - - - -- ·
by method TB-2S. Ithasbeenfound that method TB-2A
Ingot. TB- 2B I
does not give uniform results. This is due to the thin
web which freezes under certain conditions and cuts off
Tensile ~tre.ngth, lb. per sq. in.. .. ......... . . . .. . ..
the feeding of the metal from the riser, but under other Elongatwn, per cent....... . ........ . ...... . ......
conditions remains open long enough to properly feed up
20. a 17. O
85,4~0 1~
the metal. This lack of uniformity is shmrn in series 5, SERIES 5-MELTS NOS. 271, 431, 433, 435.
Melts Nos. 431 , 433, 435, and in series 6, Melt No. 366. TB- - -- - - - -- - -- - -
11,s2 1 I ·I
2S gives a very satisfactory uniformity, but as before stated Tensile
the results are fictitiously high and would be misleading.
strength, lb. per sq. in ......... . .. . ... . ...
Elongation , p,:-r cent_ ................... . .. _._ ... _ 33: 5
70, ,i40
34. 7 I
('ompare Series 6, Melt No. 366 for uniformity . SERIE S 6-MELTS NOS. 240 and 366.
It is interesting to compare the metal in series 4a, 5,
and 6 on the basis of the several different methods of TElongat10n,
ensile ~treugth, lb. per sq . in . .. . . . . . . ............
per cent. _.... _. _. ... .. . ....... . ... .. .
68, 890
casti1~ test bars. For convenience this comparison 1s
given below:
From these results it is seen that in general the TB- 2B
SERIE S 4A- MELT NO. 568 . method gives results of about the same order as test bars
cut from the ingot.
TB- I 'l'B-2A TB- 2B TB- 2S

Tens ile strength , lb. pe :· ::;q. in. i-1, 660 84, 310 93, I IO Tn choosing a method of casting test bars, it is desirable
Elongatiou , per t·e nt ... .... . . 9. 5 . 17. 0 21. ;) that the properties obtained in separately cast test bars
should approximate as nearly as possible the results ob-
SERIES 5-MELTS NO S. 431, 433, 435. tained in commercia l castings. It is, however. ,rnll
known that no one test bar can represent the physical
'~ensile ~trength, lb.-p er sq. in .I
Elongation, per cent"_ ... _. . _.
15. 9 II 69, 360
30. 7
I 70,540
34. 7
I 70, 300
31. ;i
properties of different parts of a casting, because th e
physical properties throughout the casting vary consid-
--------- erably , due to the different rates of cooling; for instance,
SERIE S 6- MELT NO. 366. a thin section cools much more rapidly than a heavy sec-
tion, and consequently a test bar cut from this section
Tensile strength , lb. per sq. in.
Elongation, per cent . ....... .
I 66, 660
14. 7
I 64, llO
14. 8
I 68. 890
26. 0
I 69, fii\0
30. 0
will be stronger and more ductile than oue cut from a
heavy section. Also in heavy sections the metal near
the center of the section is always inferior to the outside .
• Broke outside of gauge.
( 'onsideriDg figure 5 it will be seen that the test bars A 1,
2, and 3 are cut from the heaviest portion of the section
If compared on th e basis of method TB-2S the metal in
and they therefore show the lowest strength and elonga-
series 5 and series 6 would b e judged of about the same
tion. (See Table III, series 4a, melts Nos. 597 and 620. )
quality, whereas series 4a would be judged very much
Test bars B 1, 2, and 3; C 1, 2, and 3; D 1, 2, and 3, and E
superior. On the basis of TB- 2B , series 6 is shown to be 1, 2, and 3 were all cut on the same thickness of metal.
inferior and series 4a and 5 are about the same quality Th e (' and D Lars were cut radially and do not show as
with the exception that series 4a is a harder alloy; that is, high a strength or elongation as do the B and E bars,
the tensile strength has been increased at the expense of which were cut at right angles to them . It will be noted
the elongation. Compared on the basis of TB- 2A, series that the maximum tensile properties, say in melt No.
6 would be judged very inferior, series 5 the best, and 597, are 80,000 pound per square inch with 21 per cent
series 4a in between. It is thought that the explaDation elongation as against a minimum of 66,000 pound per
of these apparent contradictions lies in the quality of one square inch with 9.3 per cent elongation.
metal to develop its maximum physical properties with a Below are tabulated the averages of the 15 test barH of
co:nparatively small amount of feeding; that iE, the wedge each melt as compared with the test bar TB- 2B, <'ast as a
riser in method TB- 2B is sufficient to completely feed up check on the melt:
the .metal of series 5 but the metal in both series 4a and 6 ,1ELT NO. 597.
require the method of TB- 2S in order to develop the max-
imum physical properties. It is suggested that for this of speci-
reason TB-2B is a more satisfactory check on the usual mens TB- 2B.
run of commercial castings because it is impossible to feed castings.
a commercial casting to the extent of method TB - 2S.
TB-2A cannot be considered because of the lack of uni- Tensile strength, lb. per sq . in .... . . . . . . ... . ...... . 72,240 83,630
Elongation, per cent .... . ..................... _.. _ 13.50 21. 50
formity which has previously been mentioned.
Method TB-2B should fuither be compared with the MELT NO. 620.
method given by the American Society for Testing Mate-
rials, which specifies a test bar cut froin an ingot. The Tensile strength, lb . per sq. in . .. . .... . .... . . . ..··-I
Elongation , per cent ....... . ... . ... ···- · · ... . . . .. .
12. 23
I 71, "\HO
15. 50
comparison of these results is here given: •
Comparing the two melts on the basis of TB-2B , melt trouble if a reaso nab le amount of care is e xercised in the
No. 597 is judged to be considerably superior to melt No. molding. .
620 . The average of the test bars from tqe casting of melt In connec tion with the casting shown in figure 4 i t
No. 597 is only slightly higher in both strength and elonga- may be profitable to cite a difficulty encountered in the
tion than the average from melt No. 620. Reference to foundry. The cope for this mold was very heavy, and
figure 5 will show that in melt No. 620 the size of the risers the molder naturally rammed the sand pretty hard . As
over the two horn gates was increased over the size used in a result the first castings made showed an ex_tremely
melt No. 597; thus it would be expected that for metal of dirty and rough surface which was at first blamed to
a given quality, casting with the large risers would show drossy metal. A careful examination of the surface
the highest physical properties. Thus in melt No. 620, showed little particles which looked like shot giving the
where the heavy risers were used, the average of the test indication of a too low pouring t emperature . It was,
specimens from.the casting compares very closely with the however , found that by light ramming all of these surface
result from the test bar TB- 2B. However, in melt No. difficulties were overcome , the explanation being that
597, where the risers were not large enough as eyidenced b y the metal has a tendency to kick back from hard rammed
draws which were corrected by the larger risers , the average surfaces, thus producing little cold shots which kicked
results from the castings are considerably lower than the back from the upper surface of the cope. Manganese
result from TB-2B. This shows very thoroughly that bronze molds should therefore be worked as soft and dry
although the sparately cast test bar may function as a very as possible.
good check on the quality of metal, it is also of paramount
importance that the casting shall be properly gated and
fed up by risers. In the specimens cut from the two cast- In the majority of foundries, the pouring tempe rature
ings shown in figure 3, the tensile strength and elongation for manganese bronze is judged by the zinc flare . That
lie between the values obtained by methods 'J'B-1 and is, me tal at the pfope r temperature for pouring most cast-
TB-2B being higher than TB-1 and lower than TB-2B. ings will show a clean, clear surface after skimming, but
It is, however, readily conceivable that by better gating when disturbed b_y a skimmer a flam of zinc is produced.
or heavier risers, the physical properties of the casting By means of the thermocouple used in this in vestigation ,
could be easily brought up to the figures represented by it was possible to obtain much greater accuracy in con-
TB-2B. nec tion with pouring temperatures . In series 2a a range
If in the manufacture of castings, sufficient precautions of pouring temperatures was experimented with. In
were taken to insure the highest ·physical properties ob- melt No. 212 the pouring temperatures of three bars
tainable, there is no reaso n why castings could not be pro- were 1.810° F ., l ,7H0° F. , and 1,700°- F . The mold
duced with the same, or nearly the same, uniformity as poured at 1,760° F. showed the highes t strength of any
obtained in forgings. For instance, a casting required to but the elongation increased as the p :mring temperature
stand severe service in an airplane should be first of all decreased ; however , for this range of temperatures very
designed with the precautions, previously mentioned, of little difference was noted. In melt No. 216 a slightly
generous fillets and easy tapering from heavy to thin sec- higher range of p ouring temperatures was used , that is,
tions. It should then be tried out in the fo undry, using 1,850 to 1,700° F. , but very little difference was noted.
several methods of gating, including the placing of proper As a result of the experience gained in this investigation ,
risers, and poured from the same melt of metal, using the foundry has instructions to never allow manganese
TB-2B as a check on the melt. These castings should then bronze to be heated above the t emperature of 1,800° F. ,
be tested if possible in the manner approximating the way and it is the practice to pull the pot at a temperature
the castings will be used in service, or if this is not feasible, b etween 1,750 and l , 775° F . It is then skimmed and
small specimens cut from the various parts and tested. poured immediately. It has bee n found that the zin c
The best method of gating specimens sho"uld then be flare previously mentioned disappears at abou t 1, 700° F.
chosen, using the values from TB-2B as an indication as The melting point for manganese bronze as given by
to whether the maximum properties had been obtained. Technical Paper No. 60 of the Bureau of Mines is 1,600 °
In some cases it might be necessary to try various pouring F. , but it has bee n found impossible to run the test bar
temperatures before selecting the proper one, then with of pattern TB- 213 at a temperature less than 1,650° F.
pouring temperature and method of gating fixed a test bar
c·a st according to TB- 2B would furnish a satisfactory check
on the quality of the metal; and if the quality is main- 1-nasmuch as the sc rap of manganese bronze castings is
tained constant in addition to the method of gating and very great (the metal in the casting often being less than
pouring temperature, the manganese bronze castings can 50 per cent of the total), it is important to know the effect
be depended upon with the same certainty as a forging of remelting. Most manufacturers advise adding a per
provided a careful visual inspection is maintained . An cent or two of zinc in a reme lt in order to make up for that
exception to these statements must of course be mad e in burnt out in the first melting . How much zinc it is neces-
the matter of dross which may slip by the skimmer, or of sary to add depends entirely upon the melting practice ,
blows, or kick backs due to hard ramming or moisture in and it has been the experience of this foundry that with
the mold or due to improper venting of the cores. These carefu1-:telting used in the gas or oil fired crucible {urnaces
difficulties, except in very com plicated castings, are usu- very little , if any, zinc is lost. For instance , melt No.
ally evident from a visual inspection and should not cause 608 is a reme lt of gates of melts Nos . 568 and 577 . The
percentages of zinc, by analysis, in the two original melts Tin.
568 and 577 are 40.54 and 39.91, respectively, whereas t he
analysis of 608 sh owed 39.85 per ce nt zinc. In general it
Melt No.
has been found that if melts are made up, using approxi- 326 525
mately · 50 per cent of scrap and 50 per cent new metal,
just as good physical properties can be obtained as though fl.s +Sb ..... . . . . .... . . . . . ..... . . . . ..... . ..... . .. . 0. 11
new metals were used entirely. In fact it is the practice Cu ........ . .. . . . ... .. . . .... .. . .. . .. . . .. .... . . .... . Trace.
Pb ....... . ................. . ................ . .... . . 16
m a large number of foundries to pig the original melt of Sn .. .. .. . ............. . ........ . .......•..... .. ... 99. 70 99.95
mang;tnese bronze and to remelt these pigs when castings
are desired. It is th ought by this means that t he most Melt 326 used in m elts 175, 176, 180, 189, 207, 540.
Melt 525 used in melts 568, 577, 603, 620, 637.
desirable physical properties can be obtained. This
foundry ·has not found it necessary to do this double A luminum .
melting. l Melt No.


I 4 ·190
In comparing the results of the manganese bronze made - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ~ 1 -- - - - -.
by the various methods, it will be readily seen that the
best results were obtained in series 5, the melts made from ~;: .: : ::!!:
the hardener of melt No. 530 being the highest of all.
!!! ~: !~; : ~ :~:I. <{ :; ~\ i
~ ~ ~ !::::~: ~ :~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~
However , it is found that i n series 1, melt No. 178, a very 1 More than trace.

sitisfactory bronze has been made without the addition Mel t 4 used in m el~ 189 and 207.
Me: t 190 used in melt 491.
of any iron . Other melts of this series 176, 194, and 213
are also very sa.t isfactory. In series 2a it has been found Series 1.
that although an analysis of the hardeners used showed the Melt No.
desired percentages of iron , tin, and manganese , yet the
resulting bronze showed very littl\l i ron, and the tin and 175 176 178
manganese were also in some cases a little low. It would
appear as though the hardener did not entire ly dissolve As By As As By
mixed. analysis . mixed. Mixed . · analysis.
and that a greater proportion of iron was lost in this manner
than of either tin or manganese . However, again , very Copper. .... .. .. . . .
s1tisfactory physical properties were obtained from several Zinc .. .. .......... . 40. 01
~ 40. 30 40.57. 75
57. 75 ~
40. 01
·1 -----;;;;,
39. 34
Iron ........ . ..... . . I9 . 13 . 19 . . 19 . 20
of the melts- 189 for instance , and in melt No . 174 a very Tin.... . . . . . . . . . . . . · 1. 00 1. 13 1. 00 1. 00 1. 34
Aluminum. . . . . . . . 1
· high elongation was obtained , 4.25 percent,although it was, Manganese . 50 . 78 . 50 . 50 . 44
......... I
of course , at the expense of the tensile strength. Series Fictitious zinc .... ·
Total hardeners. . .
. oo
2. 24
. 56
45. 50
2. 60
. 55
44. 00
2. 24
. 55
2. 24
. 57
4'3. 70
2. 55
2b, melt No. 460, also shows a very high elongation, 45.5
per cent, but with correspondingly low tensile strength. Melt N o.

TABLE I. 180 194 213

Copper .
As As By As
mixed. mixed. analysis . mixed.
Me:t N o. - - -- - - - -- -- 1 - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- -
Copper.. . . . . ... .... . ... • 57. 75 57. 75 58. 57 57. 75
8 147 495 569 Zinc ......... . ............... . · 40. 01 40. 01 39.16 40. 01
Iron. : ... , . ...... .. .......... . . 19 .19 . 35 . 19
- -- ~ - - -- - -- - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - Tin ....... .. . . ... .. . . . . . . ... . 1. 00 1.00 .80 1.00
Purity, per cent_ . . __... ___... 99. 72 99. 85 99. 80 99.80 Aluminum ...... --- . .. ...... -1 .50 .50 . 57 . 50
Manganese . . ... . ........... . . . 55 . 55 . 55 .55
Fictitious zinc ............. . . 44.00 43. 30 44.00
Total hardeners ..... .... .•. . . 2.24 2.24 2. 27 2.24
Melt 8 used in m elts 174, 175, and 176. I
Melt 147 nsed in melts 180, 189, 207, 260 .
.M elt. 4951,sed in melt 540.
Melt 569 used i n m elts 568, 577, 603, 620, 622, and 637. Series 2a. ·

Zinc. Melt No.

- - - -- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - - -- --
174 189 193 . 207
Melt No.

Ry As By
As As As
327 543 mixed. anal
mixed. sis.
y- mixed . mixed. analy·

- -- -- - -- - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - -- -
Fe ...... .. . . . . ..... ... .. . ... .. . . . . . .. . . . 0. 05 o. 07 0. 04
- -- - - - - -- - -- - - - - --
Pb .... .. . . . • . . . . .... .. . ... . .... . . . .. . . . N il. , N il. .22 Copper ......... 57. 00 57.08 58.20 56. 83 57. 51
Cd .... . ..• •.... ... .. . .... . . . ... . .. . .. . .. Zinc ....... ... .. . . . 40.50 40. 00 40.68 40. 00 40. 85
Sn ........ ... .. .. ...... ....... . . . .. . . . . . ..~iL. .. . . N i5 1·······:~? Iron ... . ..... . ..... 1.43 1.17 . 21 1.17 .25
AL ... . . . . . . . .. . ..... . . .. . . ..... .. ...... .
Z11 ..... . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . .. . . . . ..• • • ·• • .. 99. 95
. ....
99. 68
99. 24
Tin ... . .......... .
Aluminum .. .. . . .. \
Manganese ........
. 33
. 31
. 50
. 25
. 52
of 189. 1.25
. 50
1. 06
. 21
F ictitious zinc ..... 44. 10 43. 05 43.60
Mel t 5 used in m elts 174,175,176, 180, 189,207, aud 208. Total hard en ers ... 2. 50 2. 92 1.12 3. 17 l.64
Melt 327 used in melts 460 540 M8 arnl -577.

6653G-21- -3
Series 2a- Continued. Serifs 4a-Contihued.

Melt No. Melt No.

208 212 216 597 603 608

As As Bv As As By \. By A By
mixed. mixed. analYsis. mixed. . d anal- ! sd anal- . sed anal-
- - - -- - - -- - -- 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- m.. xe · 1 ~sis._ m_L:e . ~sis . \- mix . y:is.
57. 00 58. 47
f~rr~:::::: :::: :::::::::::::
Iron ................. .
40.00 39. 63 Copper... ... . ..... 56. 77 • 56. 61 07. 10 o7. 41 o7. 18
Remelt 1.17 . 54 Zinc. . . .. . . .. . . . . . 40. 00 40. 15 40. 00 39. 63 39. 85
Tin .... . .......... . . . of207 1.00 . 81 Remelt Iron...... ... . ..... 1. 25 1. 41 I. 04 1. 08 Remelt 1. 30
Aluminum ............ .. .... . + .50 . 51 or 208 Tin.. ....... . ..... .35 .53 .50 .32 of . 55 ........ .
} 1ct1t10us zmc . .............. .
2% Zn. . 25 .04 Aluminum........ 1. 00 . 74 . 85 1. 15 and 568
5_77 . . 65
43. 40 Manganese.... . .. . . 61 · . 50 . 51 . 39 . 47
Total hardeners ... . 2.92 1.90 Fictitious zinc.. . . . . . . . . . 45. 40 45. 60 44. 80
Total hardeners.. . 3. 21 3. 18 2. 90 2. 94 2. 97

Series 2b.

Melt No.
616 620

460 491
As As By a na l-
--------- --- - ---- mixed. illLXed. ysis .
mLxed. ~
By anal- As
I~ By anal - - - - - - - -- -- -- - - -- - - -- - ---
Copper ..... . . . . .. . . . 56.62 57.37
Zinc . ......... . .. ... .. . .... . . . . . 40. 00 39. 16
Copper ...... ... ....... . 57.11 58. 07 57. 60 57. 83 Iron ....... . .... ... ... ... ... . Remelt I 1. 25 1. 23
Zinc .............. .... . Tin ............. . . . . . . . . of 540, . 50 .43
Iron .... . ....... . . . .... ... .
Tin ... . . , . . ................ .
1. 25
40. 76
. 27
. 58
40. 76
, 27
. 58
. 30.
. 27
Aluminum ...... . c... . ..... . . . ... . .
Manganese ......... .. .. . . . . ... ... .
I 1.00
. 61
1. 34
Aluminum ..... ...... ... . .. . . 43 . 26 . 76 . 47 Fictitious zinc . ... _ 46.30
Manganese .............. .. . . . . 30 . 03 . 03 I Trace . Total hardeners .. 1 ·· 3.36 3.47
Fictitious zinc. __ ..... . . _... -1· .. 43. 05 1... 43.60
Total harden ers ...... .... ... . 2. 58 1.14 .i." 64. i 1.01
S ~ries 4b.
S eries .J . - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - -- - --
Melt No. 622.
Melt No. Melt No.
527, as 527, as As By

- - -- - - - -1- - - -11- - --
·-- - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - -
mixed. anal ysis.

Copper . .... . . .. . . . .... . 56. 90 Aluminum .. . 0.50 Copper. ....... . . ...... . . . 57. 25 58. 59
Zinc ...... .•.. 40.00 Manganese . ..... . .55 Zinc..... . . . .. . ..... ... . ...... . . . .. . . .. . .. . ..... . . 40. 00 38.97
Iron.. . . . . .. . 1. 05 Fictitious zinc .. . 44.80 Iron ........... . ... . . ... .. . . . . . . .. . . 1.25 1.06
Tin ................... . 1.00 Total hardeners .. . 3.10 Tin .......... . . 50 . 43
Aluminu1n .. . . 75 . 81
Manganese. . . . . . . ... .. . . .. . ... . . • . .. . . .. . . 25 . 14
Fictitious zinc. . . ... . ... . .... .. . 43. 80

- - - - - - -- ~ - - -- -- - - - - - - - -·
Series 4a. T otal hardeners . .
l 2. 15 I 2. 44

Melt No.
Ser·ies 4c.
540 568
·-.----:- - - - - - - - - ~ -- - Melt No. 637 .
As By As By By
anal- As
mLxed. anal- 1nixed. 1 mb,:ed. anal- As By
ysis. ys is . ys1s . mixed. analysis.
- -1- -
Copper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56. 60 56. 82 56.62
, - - - - -- - - -
56.68 56. 62 56.68 Copper. ... .. .. . . . . . .. ... . 59.36
Zinc....... . . . .. 40. 00 40. 00 40. 00 40. 54 59. 54
40.00 39.91 Zinc.... .... . . ... .... . .... . . .. .. . ... . . .. . 37. 93 37. 70
Iron.......... 1. 25 1. 14 I. 25 I. 31 1. 25 1. 31 Iron ... . ..... . . . . . . . . _..... .. .... . . . ... .
Tin.... . .... . 50 . 59 1. 29 l. 13
. 50 I . 42 .50 . 42 Tin ........ . . . . ...... .. .. .... . .50 . 41
Aluminum.. I. 00 . 99 1.00 . 63 1.00 1. 20 Aluminum . . ....... .. .
Manganese... . . . 61 . 47 . 61 .69 1. 08
. 41 . 61 . 46 Manganese . . ... . . . . 23 . 14
Fictitious zmc. . . . 46. 00 45.10 46.50 Fictitious zi nc ... . . .
T otal h ardeners . . . 3. 36 3. 18 3. 36 2. 7i 43.60
3.36 3.39 Total hardeners .. ... ... . . . . .. . . ... .. .
I ·····1 2. 71 2. 76
Series :,. TABLE II.

Melt No.
Series 1.

271 431 4.33 .M rltNo ... ..... . . .. . . .. 11~~~ ~ 1_!._I~

By By By Wei~ht, lbs : .... ... . . . .. I 53 65 57 .... .... 58
As As anal- As anal- Per cent scrap .......... ' O 50 100 50 100 100
mixed. anal- mixed. mixed.
ysis. ysis. ysis. Melt No. of scrap. ..... .. ... . 175 177 ·1·7·7·'· 1·7·8·· 18.! 195
Timei nfur .,hrs...... . . ...... . ... .. 2 .,
- -- - -- - - - - Max . t emp. deg., F. .. .. . ... . . ... ....
Pouring t emp., deg. F .. . . . . . . . . . . . .
1,725 . ... ..... 1 1,800
1,1\80 ........ ·I
1, 91 5
Copper ..... 5S. 40 57.86 57.30
Zinc ........ 39.15 1 39.42 39.89
I ron. ~. _.. .. I. 50 I. 31 Hal! new I. 21 1 Pouring temperatures: Mold lJ 1,900; mold 2, 1,835; mold 3, 1,775;
Tin ... .. .. . Ne·.Y . 55 New . 46 ingot . 51 mold 4, 1,735; mold 5, 1,685: mold 6, 1,635 .
Aluminum.::::: \ ing1L. .35 ingot. .92 a nd half 1.06
)!anganese ...... . 05 · . 03 melt 431. .03
Fictitious zinc ... 42. 80 I 44.90 45. 80 8eries 2a.
T otal harden ers . 2. 45 i 2. 72 2. 81
Melt No.
~ t N~ .-.-:-=: . . . . . ·I ~ ~93 . 201 20s - 212 m
- - - - - - -- - - -- - Weight, lbs ... . . . ... ..... p 7. 82 ,'i9. 03 43 'l 59. 29 52 31 40
Percentscrap ... ..... . .. 0 0 100 0 98 100 100
435 583
Melt No.of scrap . ..... . . .... .. . ... .. 189
Time in fur., hrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4\ 2}!
Max.temp.,de~.F .......... 1 . . 1, 920 1, 820 ,1,820 .. .. . .. 1,905 1,900
As By As Pou,ring temp .,de~ . F . .. 1· ·· ··· 1,f\85 1,720 1,700 1 1,725 (') (')
mixed. a nal ysis. mixed.
- - - - - - -- i- -- - 1 2 per cent Zn added.

9~pper.... . . . . . . .. .... . Half 5S. 27 ' Pouring t emr,eratures: Mold 1, 1,810 mold 2, 1,760; mold 3, 1,700.
Zinc........ . ........ . . . ..... .. . ... . . . new 39. 46 3 Pouring temreraturrs : MoJd 1, I, ~50 , mold?, 1,7£0: mold 3, J,7.rl)
Iron .............. ....... • . .... . .... ingot . 90 New, mold 4, 1,700 .
Ti11 .. ...... .. ... ......... . . . ...... . . 51 ingot
Aluminum . ................... . ... . . . . . . and . 75 of m elt Series '! b.
Manganese .... .. ...... . .. _._ . ___ ._ . _.. . . half .06 271.
Fictitious zinc ..... _.. .. ... _. . . . . . . .... . melt H.00
Total hardeners . ....... .... . . . 433. 2. 21
Melt No ......... . . ......... ·1_ 4_6_o___49_1__

Series 6.
Weight, lbs .......... .......... . . ...... . . ........ .
Per cent scrap ... .. .. . .. . ..... . . . . . . . . . ... . ... . .. .
I 116
99. 75
Melt No. of scrap .. ...... . . .... . .. . .. . . . .. . . . ....• . ... 460
Time in f11r., hrs ............. _. ... .... . _._ ....... _ . __ .... . . . H
Melt No.
• Max. temp., der. F ... .. .. .... . , . .... , . .. . ................. . l 750
Pouring temp., deg. F . . . .. . . .. . . ... . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . ..... . I }; i()()

240 247 1 \percent Al added.

- - ,- -
Series 3.
As By As By
analysis. I mixed. i
__ mixed .
__i_\- analysis. Melt No ...... . . . . . ·· ·····! 527 Melt No.... . .. . . .. .. ..... 527

Iron.... . ..... ... . . . ... . . .. ...
1. 38
I ~J
1. 27
Weigh t, lbs ..... .
Per cent scrap . .......... ,
Time in fur., hrs . . ...... .
Max . temp., deg. F . .... . 1,900

Melt No. of scrap ... .. . . . . . Pouring temp., deg. F .. . I, 700

Tin.... . ...................... New . 49 New . 65
Aluminum.. ............ ..... ingot. 1. 37 ingot . 1. 41
Ma llganese.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06 • 07 Series 4a.
Fictitious zinc....... .. . ... 45. 80 46. 60
T otal hardeners. . . . . . . . . . 3. 31 3. 40
Lead. ............ .. . ... .. .
.06 1folt No ..... 510 I 568 57, ii97

Melt No.
_W_e_i-gh_ t_,-1-bs- .- .-.-. -. .-.-..- - - -l·--4-7.- 6-9- l;--1-24- .-2-41 97. 2o• 1 127. 45
Per cent scrap .... ... . 0 0 0 0
Melt No. of scrap... . . .... .... . . . . . .... . . . .. ..... . . . .... .
257 366 Time in fur., hrs... ...... 2t 2 I 2 21
Max. temp., deg . F. . . . .. . 1,800 1, 800 1,800

\ Bv As
a na.l)rsis.
mixed. analysis.
I Pouring temp. , deg. F..
- - - - --~=~~~~-====
I, 750 l. 1, 750 I, 760

- - - - - -- - - -- - ---- · - - - - - - - --- -
Melt No ... .. . . . .. .. . ...... . . . 603 608 616 620
Co pper.... . . .. .. . .. . . .. . . 57.10 56.98
Zinc ......... .. . .. . . . . .. .. . 40.35 39.90 Weight , l bs .. 85.60 129 128 129
Iron ..... . . ........... . . 97 1. 18 Percent scrap..... O 100 : 100 0
Tin ........... .......... .. . New . 73 New . 88 1
Melt No. of scrap .. .......... . . !.. . '68
a 5"7 577 .

I l
Aluminum ..... ..... : ... . ingot. . 75 ingot. .97 I 540,597 7

Ma ngan ese . . . . . ... . . 10 .09 Timcinfur.,hrs ... . .... . .. . . l li It 1!

Fictitious zinc . .. .. . 45. 20 46.00 Max .. temp., deg. F . ........ 1,820 1,780 1,750
Total hardeners .... . 2.5..5 3.12 Pounng t emp. , deg. F . ..... 1, 700 1, 700 1, 700
Serws 4b. Seri ts 5-Co'n ti nucd.

Melt No ... ....

\Veight, lbs ......

........ . 1


Melt . No ...............

Time in fur., hrs .........

·1~ li
Melt No . .. .. .. .... . .... ...... j

Melt Not of scrap . ... .... .

271 431 433



Per cent scrap... O Max. temp., deg. F...... 1,750 Time in fur., hrs ............ . 2
Melt No. of scrap ... : :::: :
... .
Pouring temp., deg. F.. .
1, 700 Ma-x . temp., deg. F .. ........ . .. .
Pouring temp. , deg . F .. .... . . . . _ l 1,750
1, 700
1, 800

Series 4c .
Series 6.

_ _________
MeltN~: .. : .. . . . . •.. ....
[_ .
6.37 I' Melt N o...... ... .. .. ... .

· W~ight, lbs ...... ·......

Per cent scrap...... . ....
I lOJ. 45
O I' Timeinfnr
J .,hrs . . ...... .
Max . temp., deg. F ..... . 1,760
Melt No ..

Weight, lbs .. , ....... ~ . ~ ---

240 247

25___ _ _60_ ____60-1~

257 \ 366

Melt No. of scrap ... . .... . ... .. . .. . ; Pouring temp., deg.F .... 1, 700
Per cent scrap.. .. . .. . . . . . O O O
:::::t :·::::::::
1 1

Series 5. ¥i:~efiriJ.~c~~r.·.·.·.::::: ::: .:. ... ::::1,850

Max. t~mp., deg. F.......... ..
::: ::: ::::1,920 ..... ... . .
Pouring temp., deg. F . .. .. .. . . 1,750 (2 ) j·.... .

' This melt made up in three meltings or 100 p ounds each, t he first
being all new metal and the other 50 per cen t scrap from previous m elts.
2 P ouring t emperatures: Mold 1, 1,850; mold 2, 1,800: mold 3, 1,750;
mold 4, 1,700; mold 5, 1,655; mold 6, 1,565 .

Series 1 .

Melt No . . ....... . .. ..... . ..

l ~ ~ -175

l'att. No....... . . . ... .... .. . .... .... . . .... . . TB-I TB-2B

1_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _______ - - -- - - -- -- -- -- --

s_p_e_c_._N_o~ . ·~·-·_·_·._._·_· _· ._._·_· _·._._· _· ._._·_· _· ._._·_· _·._._·_· _· ·- ·.\, _ _

1-_A___ ,___1_-_B_ _ ,_ _ 1_- c
__ l A nrage. l_ _ _2_ _ i ____3_ _ ,_1_\_v_e_ra_g_e_._ ,__ _' _4_ _

Y . P. lb. per sq. in ........ . ... . ... . . .......... .. .. . .• ........ j 52,750 1· 54, 280 53,515
T : S per sq. in. ...... . ... . . . . . . ..... . .
Elongati~n, per cent. .. .
76, 120
11. 5
71, 700
9. 5
73, 030
78, 020
18. 5
I 77,960
18. 5
77, 990
18. 5
74, 620
18. 5
· Fracture:
Location . . . . ............ . . . ... .
Brin ell, 500 kg .............. ..
M. T. M.T .
M.1'fis1. iL_T: .... ......... .. ..~r.?
Scleroscope . . . ........ . 24 24 1··· .......................... .
. MeltNo . . . .. .... .. ...,......... ....·.......... ! 175 178

Patt. No . , . . ..... .. . ... . . . . . ..... . .. . .. . . ... . X24701 X24702 TB-1 TB-2B

-----! -· ---~-~I AYerage.(
Spec. No... . . .. .. .. ................... 2 1 '2 J 1-A 1-B 1-C Average.
i -- -
I .... ·65: 000 I· 45, 770
5i~ I ~?;13.~z sq .in ....... .. ............ . ... .~ 050 ·1~ ~
iio~i;~;if;~ ;i; ~'~;,i: .:·.:: :·:::::.·.. :·.:::: :::: 73, 3~g 69, 5
9. 5
65, 100
8. 5

:~t~~~:i?F(.:: :::: :: :::: :::::::: :::::::: :f:::::::::!:::::: :: :: :y:: :: :: :

0. T.

Melt No ... , ....... . ................... ·.... .. li6 194 -213

- - -- - - - - -~ - -- - - -- ~~ -- -- - - -- -- - - -- - -
Patt. No.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . ... . ... . .. ... TB-2B TB-2B TB-2B
- ---
Spec. No .......... .. ................................................ . 2 3 4 I 5 Average.

Y. P. lb. per sq. in .... .......... . .......... . 53, 660 52,630: 36, 590 42,200 43,110 37,340 I 35,890 39, 030
T . S. lb. per sq. in.. . ... . . . . . . .. .. .. . 76, 790 73, 780 71,380 71, 380 71,980 70, 6'-0 70,580 71,200
Elongation, p er rent ................ .. 30, 5 21. 5 22.c 23 24. 5 21 23'.-5 ·22. 9
Location . .. ....... . .. . .. ... . ... .... .. ... . M.T . M.T. M. T. M.T. M.T. M.T . 1'.L' T . M.T.
Brin ell, 500 kg .... .. . . . . . . ............. .. .. 100 95
Scleroscope................. .. .. . . .. .. . .. 24 25 ............. ::·:::::::: :: ...... .. .. :::: :· :.:::r :::: :::::: ::::::: ::: ::
1 Bar tested without removing skin.
' Casting shown in figure from which test specimens 0.250 i nch diameter wit h 1 inch gauge length wer e cu t as indicated.
[n locatbn of fracture: 0 . T. indicates outside thi rd; M. T. indicates mi<Mle t hird.
Series 2a.

Melt No .................... . 189

- -- - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - ~- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --
Patt. No .... ,TB-I TB-I

Spec . No .... . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . .... . . . 2-A 2- B 2-C Aver. 7-A 7-B 7-C Aver.

Y . P . lb. per sq. in.

T. S. lb. per sq. in ... · ~;g:;g ··· ' ·ti2 ·-ioo · ··· "'tis; s.10 · · · · · ·64,-490 · · · · · ·1i;wo · · · · · ·tii;s15 · · · · · ·10;:iio · · · · · · ·tis;oti.i
Elongation, per cent. . 19. 5 . 12. 5 · . 20 17. 3 22. 5 15 21 19. ,;
Location .... . . M.T. M. 'f . M.T . 0. S. T. M.T. M. T.
Type ..... . Jagged. Jagged. Jagged . Jagged . Jagged. I Jagged.

Melt No. 189 174

Patt . No. TB-2B TB-2B

Spec. N o. 4 5

Y . P. lb. per sq . in.

....:::::::::::::.::.: :.:.::::.:::::.:.:.::.. ::::1--:-8-,6_50_ , _ _ 32
_ _,-97_0_ ---3- 7-,-790
-- ,- - -:-7,-03~0 I- -A- :-·:-:-6-10- l· -- -3-4,-3-40
T. S . lb per sq. in
E longation, p er cent.
F racture:
.:::::::::::::::::::::::::' 6\g~g 6\fg 6\~ 68z?~g I _(l82~~g 5\~
I -
Location. . . _ . ... . . . . __ - ---- --- .. .. . . .. __. . ___ M .T . M.T. M.T. M.T . ,....... . .... M.T.
Type . ....... . . . .. ... . . .. .
Brinell, 500 kg ...... .
Scleroscope .. : ........ . . . . .. .
Jaggef: i: ::~~~~e~:: ::::'.?~t:\ ::::::::r ·····.· ri
Melt No .. .... .... . 193

Patt. No .......... . TB-I• TB- 1 2

Spec. No .. . . . .. . . . . • ... . .. ... . . .. . .. .. , . 1- A 1-B 1- C Aver. 2- A 2- B 2-C Av er .

Y . P. lb. per sq. in .. 37, 830 36,620 33,080 35, 843 39, 470 34,620 39,030 37, .706
T . S. lb. per sq. in . .. 62, 740 · 67, 920 65,920. 66,050 66,050 67,250 64, 720 66,000
Elongation, p er cen t . 20. 5 17. 5 25. 5 21.2 18 19. 5 18.5 18. 7
Location . ... . . . M.T. M.T. M.T. · ········· · · M.T . M.T . - M.T.
Type . .. . ... ... . . Jagged. · Jagged. Jagged . ------- -···· Jagged. ·Jagged . Jagged. ------.-- --··

Melt No ..... . 193

Patt. N o . TB-1 2 TB-I'

Spec. N o. 5-A 5-B .'>-C A v er. 3- A 3- B 3-C Av er.

Y. P. lb. per sq. in '. .. 34,000 37,990 34,530 35,507 40,670 34, 210 36,570 37, 150
T. S. lb. per sq. in .... 66,130 65,690 69,100 66,973 67,550 68, 000 61,440 65, 660
Elongation, per cent. 17 , 18 19. 5 18. l 19 21 16 18. 7
Fracture: · ·: : · ··r ·
Location ....... . . . .
Type ........ . . . . . .. .
M.T .
M . T.
Jagged. Jagged. ···········'I
M. T . , ............
M . ·T .
Jagged .
J_a gged.

Melt No . . ....... .. . : .. . 193

Patt. No ... .. ....... . . . . . .... ... . .. .. . . . . . .... . .. . ..... . . . TB-1 '

Aver. 1 A ver.2 Aver. 3
Spee. No ..... .. . .. . . . . .. . .......... . . .......... . . . .. . . ... . 4- A 4-B 4- C Aver.

Y. P. lb. per sq. in ..... .

T . S. lb. per sq. in ........ ...... . . .. . . . . ........ • .
E longation, per cent ... 19 9 18. 5 18. 8 21.2 18. 4 18. 7

t1fi:i········ · . .. ....• . . .. . ... •. . . ,::,,x••,.t:: ... ,::.~ 1···· i ••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••• • •

See figure I. TB- 1 with 2-inch diameter riser and choke gate.
'See figure l , TB- I with lt-inch diameter riser and choke gate.
See figure I, TB- 1 with 11-iuch diameter riser poured in regular way.
Series 2a-Continued.

Melt No .......... . ..... . . 207 208

Patt. No ..... ... . ....... . .. . TB-2B TB- 2B

Spec. No .. ... . ..... . ... . . ... •. . . . ...... .. . •. ........ 2 Aver. 2 3 Aver.

Y. P. lb . per sq. in . . ... .... ................•............ .. 50,320 49,430 49, 875 54 700 54 650 54, 720 54 690
T . S. lb . ...................... .. ...... . .. . .. . . . . . 74,380 71,340 72,860 75' 290 75:590 79,630 76'.840
i1. 5
Elongation, per cent .... ...... ... ... . . .... ... .... .. .. . ... . 12 11 11.5 11
F r acture:
Location ................. . M.T. M.T. ...... .... .. M. T . M.T . o. ~o 1. . . ..... '.~..

Melt No .......... , ........... ................ ,_ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

20_s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Pat t. No .. . .. .. . .. . . . .... . .. . . .. . ... .. . . • .. . . TB-I

Spec. No . . . ........ . 4-A 4-B 4-C Aver. ,;-B 5-C Aver.

Y. P . lb . per sq. in .......... ................................ .. .. . ... . ......... . . ... ................ .......... ........ ... ... . . . . . . ........... .
T.S . ........ . . .... . . . .. . .. . ..... 62,100 65,690 73,560 67,120 G3,5 10 64,980 70,550 66, :l50
Elongation, per cent.......................... 4 4. 5 7 5. 2 4 5 6 ,;
Fracture: . ·
Location .... . ................... .... .... . M.T. 0.T. M.T. M.T, M.T . Q.T.

Melt No ......... . ........ . 208 212 216

Patt. No .... .. ... ... . . . ... . TB- I. 'l'B- 2B . 'l'B- 2B.

- - -- - -- - - , - - -- - -
Spec. No.. ... .............. 6-A. I 6-B . [ 6-C . Aver. 0;:~~~ J I 2 Aver. A ver.
- - -- -1 - l_____ ___ __ _
Y . P. lb. per sq. in ............................ . ........... . .. . ... . 4:l, 440 38, 400 38 290 40,040 45,810 52,170 56,890 50,630 51,370
'J'. S. lh. persq. i n.... 62,130 63,100 72,650 65,960 66,477 66, 700 68,020 67'. 170 67,300 63, 710 60, 160 67,970 68,670 65, 130
Elongation, per cent....... 4. 5 4. 5 7 5. 3 5. 2 32. 5 34. 5 36 34.3 7 5. 5 7. 5 8 7
Location............... ~£. T. M. T. M. T. ...... .. ... . . ... 0 . T . M. T. }!. T. ........ lL T. Q. T. M . T. M . 1' .
Type ................. . ...................... ...... ........ . ......................................... .. Flaw . .. .. ... . .....

NoTE.-111 Io ,atioa of fracture, 0. 1'. indicates outside third; M . T. indicates middle third; 0. S. T. inrlicates outside third.

Series 2b.

:Melt No .. .. . .... .. ....., .. .. .. 460 49 1

Patt. No..... .. .. . ...... . .. 'l'B- 1. . I TB- 2A . I TB- 2B. I 'J'B- 2S. ____ 'l'B_-_2_s_. _ _ _ _ __

S pec. No.. . . . ... ... .... . ...... 1- A \ 1- B [ 1- C. I A Yer 3- A . :J- B. 5 A I B I C Aver. ................ . .................... . ................. . ......................... 36,820 35, 650 37, 180 36,550
T . S. lb. per sq . in. . .... ....... 61,580 52, 700 60,460 61,020 59,540 59,690 59,160 67,680 I 66, 720 68,450 67,620
Elongation, per cent........... 34 22 33. 5 33. 75 38 45. 5 47. 5 35 J 32. 5 32. 5 3:l. 3

r: :: :r:: :::. . . ~;;.\. . - ~.

Location .... . ..... ...... .. M . T. 0. T. 0. T. 0. T. M. 'I'. M. T. M . T. 0. 'l'. 0. 'l'. /
Type. . ........... . ........ Jagged.. Flaw. Jagged. Diagonal. Jagged.
121 121
li'.i:1~1r~:·: : ::::::::::::: ::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1 24

Se:rus 3.

MeltNo ..... . . ...... . ... .. ........ . -127

Patt . No ..................... ....... '1'B- 2B.

T. S . lb per sq. in ....... . .. . . ...... . 69, 770

Elongation, per cent ......... .. .. .. . ao
Location .. . . . ...... . ... . ....... . M . 'l' .
Type .......... . ... ... ........ .. .Jagged .
ftf!~~~:e.~~:: ·. :: ::::::: ::::: :::::
Sp . gravity ....... . ................ .
Series 4a.

Melt No-.-·--··----· 540

Patt . No . . . _. _. __ .. T B-2B. TB-I. TB-2A . TB-2B. TB-2S.

Spec. No---·-··-·-- Aver . 3-.\ . 3-B. 3-C. .-\ Yer. 1- \ . 1-B.
- - -- - - - - - - --- - -- --- ---
Y. P. lb. p er sq. lll.. 45 470 38, 90039,580 34,36C 40,4r.O 42, 11r. 41 , 600 52, 920 56 200 53, 790 60193')
•r. S. Jb. per sq. ,n. __ 83'. 770 83,370 83,980 81,480 80,280 61, 780 78,910 7-l,b57 72,730 s1'. 310 93.110 85,490
E longation , per cent 22.5 20.5 22.2 23.5 11 . 5 5 12 9. 5 17 21.5 2!1. :,
Location --· · ·-- M.T. O.T . 0. T. -·-·· · ····
Type---·- ·· ··-···-- · ·· ·· · ....... . . . · · -----------····· · ·
Hri nell , 500 kg .. __ . 156 156 159 la7
Jagged. I 0. s. <1.
J agged.
121. I M.T .
~ ;~ ~; ~.
163 119
~~J.e~~;:1rr: :: :: ::: 8. ~! ....... ~'. ........ 2~ . . . -· - .2 1·I 30
8. 6t .. ....... . . . .. . .
8. 55

~l elt No_ ........ ___ ._ .. ___ ._._. ___ _ ;,77

·-·--!_ _ _ __ _ _ __
Patt. No . . _.. _____._ ... ___. __ . __ ._._ TB-I. TB-2,\ . TB-2B.

S pec. No __ ......... ___ __ -· .... _·· ·- 3A. 313. :ic. AYcr. L\. IB . 2 .\ . 28 .
- -- -
Y .···· · · · · · · -- -··· · · · · · - · · 54, 770 51,050 58, 780 56, 770 57,370 56,810 60, 700 52,0;""il
T. S. !b. per sq. in-·-_._·-. _... . . _. __ .. _._.- ·.
Elongation, p er cent_ - _. _. _. ... __ . _. _. __ ..... _
83, lr:l 57,670 86 , 810
84 ,950
14. 25
19. 5
84 , 390
Location . ..... _. _.. . . . . ... . . . . ... . . . .. _. _ O. T . M.T. M.T . . . .......... M. T . M. T . M.T. ~I. T.
T)'pe-. _. . . . - - .. ... -.... - .. - - - - - - . - ... . .. . J agged. I.
Jagged. Jagged . ···· ····· · · · Jagged . Jagged. Jagged . Jagged.
Hnnell, 500 kg . . . __ .. _. __ . ... _.. _. _.. 119 109 119 115. 7 130 124 J2t 130
Sclcroscope . . . . _... __ . ___ .... . _. __ .. _ 2.; 30 27 27. 3 32 30 32.5 31
Sp. gravity ......... -...... _ 8. 17 8. 15 8. 21 8.20 8. 2.i 8. 30 8.2 8. 17

Melt No ___ ..... _._. _____ .. . _. ___ _.. ___ ._ .. _._ 603 608 616

Patt. No.--· · ·· TB-2B. T B-2B. TB-2£!.

Spec. No .... ·-· - _. • ... _..... __ .-·· .. -· . ... _._ 2 3 Aver . 2 Aver.

Y . T:'. Jh. p er sq. in- . - - _. . _. _.. _. .. _.... . .... . 40, 7-10 41,760 45,810 H,560 H,050 38,0-10 37,990 :IB. 020
T . S. l b. per sq. in .. . - .. - · ··· ·· ·-· -·· · ·· · · ··-· 70 , 590 82, 100 83,680 84,800 83,530 77,150 77,930 77'.540
E longation, per cent ... __ ..... _._. _. ___ .... _._ 13 20. 5 27.0 22 23.2 23 24 23 . 5
Location .. - . - .... ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... _. 0 . S. G. O.T. M. T . M: . T. · ···· · · ·· ··· O.S :-T . M.T. ········-· -·
Type . .... ... . . . .. ... . . . ..... . . ..... .. ... . Jagged. Jagged. Jagged. Jagged. ···· ··· ··--· J agged. Jagged. . . . . . . .. ....
llrinen. 500 ki; .. . .. . . . _... _.. - . - • . - . - .... .... . 10.; 153 [.i6 156 155 143 143 U3
Sc]eroscope . . ....... _. _. _. _... __ .. _. _.. . ..... . 26 30 3C 30 30 27 27 27
Sp. gravity . ·-.·- ... ___ ._._ ..... ·- ·- __ .. - ... . 8. 29 · · · · · ··· · ··· 8. 26 8. 55 . ...........

Melt No . . _._ ...... . 597

Patt . No .. - -· ····-· X 19342 1

Spec.No_········-· ~ 1 ~ ~ 1~· ~ I ~ . K ~ U ~ .

Y. sq. in ..
T. S. Jb. per sq. in ..
41,760 I, 40,740 38,040 40,180 ~ 48,890 45,270 4.5,950 ~ 41,880 43,460 43,800
~ ~ ~ffl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- ~ ~00 ~B ~ ~
E longation, per cent. 13.5 1 7 7. 5 9.3 22 20 7.33 21.0 4 14 14
Location . . _.. _. 0. 1'. 0. T. • 0. T . ... . . ..... M . T. M. T. 0. T .... . . . ... . 0. S. G. 0 . 1'. M . T . . . ... . ... .

~~~~~~~~~/??\(?~?)~~\\)\ \ \ \ )\\ /~t\:??t(\\ \~\

Type .. . . .. ·--··
Brinell, 500 kg ..... .
Scleroscope ........ .
Sp. gravity .... . . . . . Jag:J1 I Ja~t Ja:i r ··- ~ 1

1 All A s ,,ecimens 0.5 inch diameter by 2 inches Jong. B- 2 and E - 1 0.25 inch diameter by I inch long. All others 0.375 inch diamet er by lj
inches lorn{.
2 Not included in averages.
Series 4a- Continued .

Melt No ...... , ..... . 597

Patt. No ........... . XI9342 t 'l'B 213

Spec. No ........•.. . 1-D 2- D 3-D .Avef~ 1-E 2- E 3- E Aver. Gran d aver.

'{. P ."lb. pei' sq . in .. '42,780 43,590 44,130 43,5()() 55,300 42, 550, · 39,140 45,660 43,820 53,990
1': .s. lb. per sq. in .. • 61,600 58,540 77, 900 .66; 013 67,830 79,860 80,650 76,110 72,240 83,630
Elongation, per cent. 8 5.33 ·IS. 7 10.67 6 19. 33 22 12. 44 13. 5 · 21.5
Location... . .. . . · M. 'l'. 0. T . 0 . T. ...... . .. . .. 0 . S: G. M. T. M. T ........... . .. . ..... . . .. . M.T.
Type.... . ....... Square. Square. Square. . . . . . . . . . . . . Jagged. Jagged. Jagged ............ . .. . ... . ... . ·. Jagged.

ff~E~ir:~\::::l:::::::::::·::::::::::::i: ::::::.::::: :::::'.:::::t:::·:::::::::::::::::::::(:::::::!:: :::::::i:::::::::::::::::


Melt No ..... . ..... . 020

Patt. No . .... ·...... 1- XI93-12 2

Spec. No..... . . . .. . 1- A I 2- A 3- A Aver. 1- B 2- 8 3-B Av er. 1-C 2- C 3-C A n r.

Y . l'.lb.per .. 41.760 1 •!0, 740 38, 040 40,180 43,010 48,890 45,270 45,057 44,130 41 , 880 43,460 43,157
T. S. lb. persq. in.. 73;540 63,150 60,970 65,887 80,580 79,450 61,930 73,987 73,490 46,380 72,890 64,253
Elongation, percent. 13. 5 r 7. 5 9.3 22 · 20 7.33 16.44 4 14 9
Fracture: ·
Location....... o:·r. l 0.T. 0. T . M. 1'. M. 'I' . O. T ........... 0. S. G. 0. 1'. M. T.
. .. . .99j. : :: : ::: : :: I. .J.~~~~~.·.'... ~~·a''.':. :::::::::: :: :: :::::: .. ? ~:." .
, Type........... Jagged. Jagged. Jagged. 1
Brinell, 500 kg...... 93 100 ·105 .~'~_- .. :: :: : : :: : :
Scleroscope .. .. . . . . . 25
Sp. gra,ity......... 8. 17
s. 27 1
8.29 f\~ j::::::::::f:::·::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::: :::::::::: :::::::::r:::::::r ::::::::
Melt No ............ . 620

Patt. No ....... . ... . XI9342 2 ~l.'R 2.13

Spec. No ..... . ..... . 1- D 2- D 3-D Aver. 1- E 2- E 3- E A ver. Grand aYer ......... . .. .

Y.P .l b.per 42,780 43, 590 44,130 .43,500 55,300 42,550 39,140 45,663 43, 531 39,720
1'. S. lb per sq. in . .. 61,600 58, 540 77,900 · 66,680 ,67,830 79,860 80,650 76, 447 69,450 71. 910
Elongation, per cent. 8 5. 33 1 18. 7 ' IO. 67 6 19. 33 22 15 '77 12. 23 15.5
Location. . ...... T. M. T.1············
0. T. 0. I T. 1·········--· ........... .
0. S. G. M. T. M. O.S.T.
Bri~~fi~sixi kg.-.:::: ....~~u~:~.· .... ~:.
· ....~: ~ .- ::::·:::::::: ....J.~- ·I· ::.::::::::: ::: ::::::::: Jagged.
~ ..;~~wr::'. :.:::: :: ::. : ::::: :::::::::::::::::::::: :: :::::::: :·:::::: :: :::: :: r ::: ::::::::::::::: :::::!::: .:::::::: ::: :.::::::: 27
8. 27

1 All A s pecimens 0.5 incb diameter by 2 inches long. B-2.and E - 1 0.25 inch diameter by I i nch long. All others 0.375 i nch diameter by I}
inches long. .
• All A sµe cimens 0.5 inch diameter by 2 inches long. Specimens 3- B and 1-E 0.25 inch diameter by I inch long. All other 0.375 inch
diameter by I ~ inches long.
In location of fracture 0. S. G. indicates outside gauge.

Series 4b.

~folt No . . .. . . 622

l'aft. No .. TB- 2A TB-2B

---- - - ------- ---,---~~- ----~----~---- -~- - --~---~
S pec . No .. ..... . . . 3-A 4-A Aver. 1- B I 2-B 3- B 4- B 5-B Awr.

Y. P .'lb." per s q .'in ....... .

T. S. l b. per sq . in ...... . . .. .
t'~ longation, per cent .... . . .. .
2i, 710
i~: ·····w:sitr ···o5:sgf 23,940
66, 210
24,340 ........... .
32 . .. .. ... .. ..
35. 5
6.';, 740
Location . .. ............ .
Type ......... .. .. . . . .... .
0 . S. G.
M.T. .. ..... .. . . .
Oblique. . . . . . . . . . . . .
0. 8. T.
I 0. S. T .
O.S . G.
Jagged. 0 & J.
ll rinell, .50() kg ..... . . 100 93 96. 5 86 86 9"J 93 86 00
Scleroscope ............. . 20 20 20 19 19 21 21 19 20
Sp. gravity . .. .. .... ........ . . •. ··I 8. 20 --· ........ ... "!"" .. ····I 8.33
Series 4c.

Patt. No................... TB-2A TB-2B TB-2S

Spec. No •.... .. . ........... 4- A 2- B 3- B 4-B Aver. 5-2-S

Y. P. lb . per s q. in . . . .. ... . 33,990 39, 570 50.300

T. S. lh . per sq. in ........ . . 61 , 130 65 100 66,700 66, 660 66,151 68,090
F.lon ~ation, per cent . ...... . 20. 5 ' 28 35. 5 37 33.5 25.5
Loeation .. ..... ... . . . . . O.T. O. S.T. M . T. M.T. M.T.
Type .................. . Jagged. Jagged. Diag. Diag. Dia g.
Brinell, 500 kg ...... .. .. ... . 100 100 83
Scleroscope ........ .. .... . . . 22 21
Sp. gravity ............... . . 8. 24 8.11 8. 34

-Series li.

Melt No ... ..... .. .. .. ........ .. .. . . 431 433 415

Patt. No .. ....... .. ... . ........... . TB- 1 TB- 1 TB- 1 Avr.r .


Spec. No ..... ... .• . .. .. ... . . .. ..... 1-A ~ Aver. ___i:__~~ ___i:__~1~~ Aver. Aver. _ __

Y. P . lb. per sq. in........ ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . ........ ........... ... . .

T .S. lb .. ................ 68,860 67,020 48,770 67,940 65,090 69,410 62,330 65,610 41,680 65,670 68,310 5~,550 64.033
E longation, per cent .. . .. . ......... 19 17. 5 9. 5 18. 3 15 20. 5 12 15. 8 6. 5 15 19. 5 11. 7 15. 9.
Location .............. ......... M. T. M. T . 1 F law .... . . . .. M. T . M . T. M. T ..... . . .. M. T. M. T . M. T . . ... ...... . .... .
Type .•. . .. .............. . ...... Sqnare. Diag . . ............... Jagged. Jagged . Jagged . ... . . . .. Jagged. Jagged. Jagged ......... . . .... . .

Melt No ........... .. ....... .. . . . . .. . ......... 1 435 431 433 435

Patt. No ... ... .. ... .. . ... . .. . . .. ... . .... . . .. . •TB-1 TB-2A Aver.

: : : ' ; ~ ;, :,
T. S. lb. per sq. in.. . .... . . .... . .. . ..... ... . . .
... ~A
43 ,090
I~ 7o,840
56, 280
... . ~ 70,540
. .. ..... ~ ...... ........ . .
71,0-10 69. 360
E longation, per cent.......................... 12 12. 5 22 15. 5 23. 5 32 36..5 30. 7
F racture:
Location . ....... . ............ .. ......... .
T ype ...... ... .. ..... . .. . ... . .. . ......... .
I M.T.
Cupped .
M. T . M.T.
Diag. ·- · -· · ·· · ···

Melt No ........... . . 431 433 43.5 431 433 435 271 58.3

Patt. No .... .. ... . . . T B - 2B Aver. TB-28 Ave.r. Ingot TB- 2B

Spee . No ........... . 2-B 2-B 3·B

- - - - -- - -1- - - -- 1- - - - - 1-- - - - - - -- - - - - - - 1- - - -- 1- - - - -1 - - - - - 1·- - - - · 1 - -- - -
Y. P . lb . pers<J. in ........... .. . . ....... . ...... . ......... . . .. .................. . .. .. . .............................. . 44,820 •2. 910
'J'.S. lh. pers<J . in. . .. 70,210 71 , 150 70, 260 70,540 70,380 69.290 71,2.10 70,300 71,820 12; 290
E longation, per cent. 30 37. 5 36. 5 34. 7 30. 5 33. 5 an 34. 5 33.5 25. 5
L~ation ....... . M. T . M. T . M . T. l\LT. M.T. M.T. M. T. M.T.
Tvpe . ... ... .. . . . Jagged . Jagred. Diag. Jagged. Jagged . Jagged. Jagged. J agged.
Brinell, 500 kg ...... . 96 100 105 100 . . ... . . ... . .... ..... .. .. ... .. . ... ....... .. .. . . . . 109 105
Scleroscope . ........ · 1 23.5 24 22.5 23.3 ... ... . ... ...... . . .. . ..... . . . . ... . . ..... . .•..... 24.5 24
Sp. gravity .......... 8. 28 8.30 8.33 8.30 ..... .. ... . . . .... . . ..... .. .. .... . ... ........... . 8. 21 8. 22

1Not included in the average.

'Skin turned off reducing diameter about 0.02 inch.
Series 6.

Melt No ..... . ...... . . . . ... . 240 247 257

Patt. No.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ingot. TB-2B TB-2B

Spec. No .......................... . 4 5 6 j Aver. 2 3 4 5 6 Aver.

- - - - - - - -- - - - - · - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ·- - - -- ......... 50,930 ...... .... .... .. .... .. . ...... . .. ...... . .... . 33,100 35 940 36,670 35, ~90 37,330 35,790 35, 770 ......... 76,900 65,820 68,400 68,600 72,740 68,890 69,520 62; 120 70,890 63, 460 67, 700 71,740 67,570
Elongation, per cent. . . . . . . 22 10. 5 12 12 15 12. 4 15. 5 9.5 18.5 10.5 14.0 22 15
Location............... M. T. 0 . T. 0. T. 0 . S. G. 0. S. G. . . . . . . . . 0. S. G. 0. S. G. 0 . T. 0. T. 0. T. 0. T. . ...... .

!~~~;~;~~~~\\\\)\) S7ff \((\\) (~()(~(\((()~( ((((~)(~ ()(~(f ()(~(()~(((((~(~)~ \()(~(((~(~( \~\(\((\ ~\(~ (~(;
Melt No .. ... . . .... . ......... . . . ... . ... . ... . . . 366

P att . No ..... . ... . ........ . ....... . . . . . . .. .. . TB-1

Spec. No . . .... . . . .'. ... . .. . ...... . .. . . . .. . . . . . 1-A 1- B 1-C Aver. 4-A 4-B 4-C Aver.

Y. P . lb. per sq . in .. .. .. .. . .. . . : . . .. . . . . . . . . . 38,790 36,000 40,800 38,530 33,420 41,570 39, 770 38 250
T. S. lb. per sq. in ...... ... .. . . . ... . . ....... . 64 650 67, 390 65,520 65,850 65,7.'iO 65,530 68,680 66:660
Elongation, per cent ........ . ............... . ' 13 16 12 13. 7 13 15 16 14. 7
F racture:
Location... . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . ... . . . . M. T. M. T. M. T . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. T. M. T. M. T. . .... . .... . .
Type .... ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . .. . ... . .... ... ... ... . ... . ... . .. . · · · ···· ·· ··············· ...... .... .. ············ ................ . . . .... .
Brinell, 500 kg............... . . . ... ... . ....... 48 80 100 76. O 55 93 114 87.3
Scleroscope....... . ................... . .... . .. 17 18.4 21.9 19. 1 19.8 21.8 21.8 21.0
Sp. gravity.... . .............. . ............ . .. . . .. . ... .... . ........... . .. ... . ... .. 8. 27 ..... . .. .... . .. ..... ... . .... . ... . .. . 8.34

Melt No .... ....... . 366

P att. No .. . . .. . ... . TB-2A TB- 2B TB-2S

._N_o_._··_·_· _··_· _··_·l·-- 4- · - -6-- - -9- - Aver. _ _a_ ___ 1_ ___ 8_ _ Aver. ~1- 2-S - ~ Aver.

Y. P. lb. per sq. in . . 34,240 30,610 34,330 30,060 32,810 30,570 31,680 31, 690 31,320 32,190 31,030 31,510
T. S. lb. per sq . in..
Elongation, percent.
16. 5 59ib~ 6\~ 64i!~g 67~ 70, 1: 69:J~g 68, 8: 69, 7~g 6\~:i 69~ 69, ~
Location . .. ... . [ 0. S. T . 0. S. G. 0. S. G. M. T. 0 . S. T. , M. T . M.T. M. T. M.T.
Type, granular · J

D, wedge riser ; C, choke gate, 2-inch diameter risers ; B, choke gate, lt-inch diameter risers ;A, l t-inch diam eter risers.
· All sprues l t-inch diameter; cope, 3 inch es deep.
Fm. 1.- Attempts at casting test bars accord ing to general schem e of pattern TB-1.

Fm. 2.-Methods of casting test bars with wedge risers.


FIG. 3.-Castings from which test bars of Melt 175 were cut.

FIG. 4.-Casting from which test bars of Melts 597 and 620 were cut.

W'~Jgl,r or C4d'h',,p 5.3 ~ .


t,4--2' ·.-i
j 1-- 2 ~..c,.-'
H,:s.,...$ U.S{!>(K ,;, Me# S-..9 7, R1se,u- u,,t!'G' ov•r
d. #8/t' 6ZO ~xc ove!I\,'" <>~. t,qre.s- /,, Me/r 62a
Tesf- Sp(SIC/n7<!'n.s" Ctrr fron7 C~1ngs.

i:;::::==::_- - - - - -- //J ,!_ - - -- - - - - - - - - - -


-- Z -Ll--z----1
FIG. 6.- Pattern TB-1.
I ,j I
6 /6 I



1~1 ~1~1



6 ;

./ ...... . "-•ao

I· .LL
z /6
.1 ·I
l 'I«>

5cc TIOIY A t\

FIG. 7.- Pattern TB-2A .




FIG, S.-PattemTB2B .

-----,.-----1 H~
7 3

:r:=============-_ _ _ _ _ _ _....1. ~1 .

6 ..J.
r ~
r ~ &
16 ~ ;. ,,,
FIG. 9.- Pattern TB- 2S.


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