XI - Sample Paper - CompSc - 2022-23

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Sample Paper (2022-23)

Class: XI Computer Science

Time – 3 Hrs M.M. -
General Instructions:
1. This question paper contains five sections, Section A to E.
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. Section A have 18 questions carrying 01 mark each.
4. Section B has 07 Very Short Answer type questions carrying 02 marks each.
5. Section C has 05 Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each.
6. Section D has 03 Long Answer type questions carrying 05 marks each.
7. Section E has 02 questions carrying 04 marks each.
8. All programming questions are to be answered using Python Language only.
Section A
Q1. What are the different ways to avoid plagiarism? 1
(a) providing references (b) quoting the exact phrase
(c) citing the original author (d) all of these
Q2. To allow operations to be repeated until a given condition is met, you use the 1
__________ structure.
(a) sequence (b) selection (c) iteration (d) conditional
Q3. Which of the following is not a component of the CPU? 1
(a) Memory unit (b) Control unit (c) ALU (d) CLU
Q4. Which of the following is not an example of a cybercrime? 1
(a) cyberbullying (b) identity theft (c) netbanking (d) phishing
Q5. A ______________ converts paper-based text and images into digital form and can be 1
stored on the computer system.
(a) Printer (b) Speaker (c) Scanner (d) Monitor
Q6. An algorithm is ________________. 1
(a) a collection of symbols (b) a set of well defined instructions
(c) program written in coding language (d) a written document
Q7. The __________ function is used to convert the value to a floating point value. 1
(a) int() (b) float() (c) input() (d) str()
Q8. In the decimal to octal conversion, the given decimal number should be divided by 1
number _________ to convert to octal number.
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 8 (d) 10
Q9. Negative index in memory to store a string character starts with __________. 1
(a) 0 (b) -1 (c) 1 (d) -2
Q10 Which of the following is a valid Python expression? 1
. (a) C+=1+2,4+5 (b) a**2+b**2=c (c) x=3+(45/2) (d) all of these
Q11 Which of the following can contribute to be an electronic waste? 1
. (a) an old mobile (b) an old electronic watch (c) keyboard (d) all of these
Q12 range(8) is equivalent to _________. 1
. (a) range(1,8) (b) range(0,8) (c) range(0,8,2) (d) range(1,8,1)
Q13 The slicing statement using print(S[-4:]) will give ___________if S=”Good Morning”. 1
. (a) Good (b) Good M (c) gnin (d) ning
Q14 The ____________ project is a part of the ‘Digital India’ programme, which aims to raise 1
. awareness about e-waste and aid in the implementation of E-waste Management.
(a) Make India (b) Greene (c) Ganga (d) None of these
Q15 A tuple that stores another tuple as an element is called ____________. 1
. (a) nested tuple (b) empty tuple (c) nested loop (d) dictionary
Q16 Which of the following function is used to calculate X ? 1
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. (a) pow(X**Y) (b) math.pow(X**Y) (c) math.pow(XY) (d) math.pow(X,Y)
Q17 and 18 are ASSERTION AND REASONING based questions. Mark the correct choice as
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation for A
(b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation for A
(c) A is True but R is False
(d) A is false but R is True
Q17 Assertion (A): Python is a dynamically – typed language 1
. Reason (R): While programming, you do not need to declare the type of the variables
before their use.
Q18 Assertion (A): None is a special literal, which is used to define a null variable. 1
. Reason (R): It indicated the absence of a value. If ‘None’ is compared with anything else
other than a ‘None’, it will return false.
Section B
Q19 Why was the Information Technology Act 2000 enacted? 2
Q20 What is software licence? Explain Apache Licence. 2
Q21 Distinguish between a compiler and an interpreter. 2
Q22 Write a Python program that prints all the numbers from 0 to 6 except 3 and 6. 2
Q23 Convert the following as directed – 1+1
. (a) 9910 into octal (b) B416 into binary
Q24 How is tuple different from the list data type? 2
Q25 What is the difference between copyright and patent? 2
Section C
Q26 What is type conversion? How many types of data types conversions are there in Python? 3
. Explain using example.
Q27 Draw a truth table and a Boolean circuit diagram for the given expression – 3
. F = AB + BC (B+C)
Q28 Write a Python program that accepts the gender, total number of years of experience 3
. and salary from the employee. If the gender is M, then it increase the salary by 5% and if
the gender is F, then increase the salary by 6%.
Q29 (a) Differentiate between append() and insert() functions of list in Python. 1+2
. (b) Explain the purpose of the following list functions in Python –
(i) count() (ii) pop()
Q30 (a) Write a Pyhton program to guess a number between 1 to 8. 2+1
. (b) Merge the following dictionaries into one and also write the new dictionary formed.
Dict1={‘Ten’:10, ‘Twenty’:20, ‘Thirty’:30}
Dict2={‘Thirty’:30, ‘Forty’:40, ‘Fifty’:50}
Section D
Q31 Smridh has recently changed his school so he is not aware of the people, but someone is 1+1+1
. posting negative ,demeaning comments on his social media profile. He is also getting +2
repeated mails from unknown people. Everytime he goes online, he finds someone
chasing him online.

On the basis of above information answer the questions below.

(a) Smridh is a victim of which cyber crime?
(b) What action should Smridh take?
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(c) What are cyber ethics?
(d) What were the amendments of 2008 in IT ACT?
Q32 What will be the output of the following given codes ? 5
. (a) str1=”hello”
for x in str1:
if(x!= “l”):
(b) x=0
for x in range(5):
for y in range(-1,-10,-1):
(c) print(float(4+int(2.39)%2))
(d) random.randint(3,7)
(e) d={‘x’:100, ‘y’:200, ‘z’:300}
for dk, dv in d.items():
Q33 Find errors in the following code – 5
. num =int(input(“Enter a number:”)
while (Num>0):
Print(“The number is palindrome”)
print(“The number is not a palindrome”)
Section E
Q34 Riti has written Python program to check if the year entered by the user is a leap year or 4
. not. But she is not able to complete the code. Help her to complete the code.

year=_______________________ #statement 1
if(_______________): #statement 2
if(year___400==0): #statement 3
print(“leap year”)
print(“not a leap year”)
print(“leap year”)
print(“not a leap year”)

(a) Write the statement to input the year from the user in statement 1.
(b) Write the condition to be checked in statement 2.

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(c) Which operator should be used in statement 3? If she want to get the absolute
value at any step, which module and function should be used by her?
Q35 Write a program that reads a string and count & print number of vowels present in the 4
. string. Example: if input string is: “This is the world of Python”, then the output should
be: Number of vowels present in the string = 7

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