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Request for Proposal


Selection of Concessionaire for Implementing Street Light Poles,

Bus Bays & Smart Poles for Urban Digital Infrastructure Project
in Udupi

Reference No:


Udupi Urban Digital Infrastructure Project, Karnataka

<Udupi city muncipalty>


The information contained in this Request for Proposal document (the “RFP”) or subsequently
provided to Bidder(s), whether verbally or in documentary or any other form by or on behalf of
the Authority (Udupi Urban Digital Infrastructure Project) or any of its employees or advisors,
is provided to Bidder(s) on the terms and conditions set out in this RFP and such other terms
and conditions subject to which such information is provided.

This RFP is not an Agreement and is neither an offer nor invitation by the Authority to the
prospective Bidders or any other person. The purpose of this RFP is to provide interested parties
with information that may be useful to them in making their financial offers (BIDs) pursuant to
this RFP. This RFP includes statements, which reflect various assumptions and assessments
arrived at by the Authority in relation to the Project. Such assumptions, assessments and
statements do not purport to contain all the information that each Bidder may require. This RFP
may not be appropriate for all persons, and it is not possible for the Authority, its employees or
advisors to consider the investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of each
party who reads or uses this RFP. The assumptions, assessments, statements and information
contained in the Bidding Documents, especially the Feasibility Report, may not be complete,
accurate, adequate or correct. Each Bidder should, therefore, conduct its own investigations and
analysis and should check the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability and completeness of
the assumptions, assessments, statements and information contained in this RFP and obtain
independent advice from appropriate sources.

Information provided in this RFP to the Bidder(s) is on a wide range of matters, some of which
may depend upon interpretation of law. The information given is not intended to be an
exhaustive account of statutory requirements and should not be regarded as a complete or
authoritative statement of law. The Authority accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or
otherwise for any interpretation or opinion on law expressed herein.

The Authority, its employees and advisors make no representation or warranty and shall have
no liability to any person, including any Applicant or Bidder under any law, statute, rules or
regulations or tort, principles of restitution or unjust enrichment or otherwise for any loss,
damages, cost or expense which may arise from or be incurred or suffered on account of
anything contained in this RFP or otherwise, including the accuracy, adequacy, correctness,
completeness or reliability of the RFP and any assessment, assumption, statement or

information contained therein or deemed to form part of this RFP or arising in any way for
participation in this BID Stage.

The Authority also accepts no liability of any nature whether resulting from negligence or
otherwise howsoever caused arising from reliance of any Bidder upon the statements contained
in this RFP. The Authority may in its absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation
to do so, update, amend or supplement the information, assessment or assumptions contained
in this RFP.

The issue of this RFP does not imply that the Authority is bound to select a Bidder or to appoint
the Successful Bidder JV or Contractor, as the case may be, for the Project and the Authority
reserves the right to reject all or any of the Bidders or BIDs without assigning any reason
The Bidder shall bear all its costs associated with or relating to the preparation and submission
of its BID including but not limited to preparation, copying, postage, delivery fees, expenses
associated with any demonstrations or presentations which may be required by the Authority or
any other costs incurred in connection with or relating to its BID. All such costs and expenses will
remain with the Bidder and the Authority shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for
same or for any other costs or other expenses incurred by a Bidder in preparation or submission
of the BID, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Bidding Process.

Table of Contents

Disclaimer 2

List of Definitions/Acronyms 8

Acronyms 8

1 Introduction 9

1.1 Background Information 9

1.2 Brief description of Bidding Process 11

1.3 Schedule of Bidding Process 12

2 Instruction to Bidders 14

2.1 General Terms for Bidding 14

2.2 Consortium 16

2.3 Cost of Bidding 17

2.4 Site visit and verification of information 17

2.5 Verification and Disqualification 18

2.6 Clarifications 19

2.7 Contents of RFP 19

2.8 Amendment of RFP 20

2.9 Format and Signing of Bid 20

2.10 Bid Due Date and Time 22

2.11 Modifications / Substitution / Withdrawal of Bids 22

2.12 Late Bids 22

2.13 Rejection of Bids 22

2.14 Validity of Bids 22

2.15 Confidentiality 22

2.16 Correspondence with the Bidder 23

2.17 Bid Security 23

3 Evaluation of Bids 24

3.1 Opening and Evaluation of Bids 24

3.2 Tests of responsiveness 24

3.3 Selection of Bidder 25

3.4 Evaluation of Financial Bids 26

3.5 Successful Bidder 26

3.6 Contacts during Bid Evaluation 27

4 Fraud and Corrupt Practices 28

5 Pre-Bid Conference 30

6 Miscellaneous 31

6.2 Performance Security 31

7 Pre-Qualification & Technical Evaluation 33

7.1 Pre-Qualification Criteria 33

7.2 Technical Evaluation 34

7.3 Scope of Work for the Concessionaire 38

7.4 Intelligent Poles 39

7.5 LED based Smart Street Light 40

7.6 Public Wi-Fi 43

7.7 Optical Fiber 46

7.8 Surveillance 46

7.9 Digital Billboard 48

7.10 Integration with Command & Control Center 48

7.11 Environmental Sensor 49

7.12 Partial Acceptance Testing & Final Acceptance Testing of Project 50

7.13 System Documents, User Documents 51

7.14 Helpdesk Setup 51

7.15 Planning, suggesting and submitting the System up-grade plan(s) 52

7.16 Capacity Building 53

7.17 Operation & Maintenance 54

7.18 Hand-over of the system at the end of contractual period 56

8 Responsibility Matrix 57

8.1 Other Support from AUTHORITY 58

9 Revenue Generation Modes 59

9.1 Intelligent Poles 59

9.2 Smart Street Light 59

9.3 Public Wi-Fi 59

9.4 Advertisement 59

9.5 Optical Fiber 59

9.6 Others 60

10 Common guidelines/comments regarding the compliance of equipment/systems 61

11 Technical Solution 63

11.1 Intelligent Pole 63

11.2 LED based Smart Street light 64

11.3 Surveillance 72

11.4 Public Wi-Fi 76

11.5 Optical Fiber 79

11.6 Digital Bill Board 85

11.7 Command and Control Centre 86

11.8 L2+ 8 Ports Managed PoE Switch 106

11.9 Environmental Sensors 108

11.10 Bill of Quantity (BOQ) 109

12 Payment Terms 111

12.1 Revenue Sharing 111

13 Timelines, SLA and Penalties 112

13.1 Timeline for Delivery 113

13.2 Service Level Conditions 115

14 Limitation of Liability 119

15 Liquidated Damages 120

16 Force Majeure 121

17 Exit Management 122

17.1 Purpose 122

17.2 Transfer of Assets 122

17.3 Cooperation and Provision of Information 123

17.4 Confidential Information, Security and Data 123

17.5 Employees 124

17.6 Transfer of Certain Agreements 124

17.7 Right of Access to Premises 124

17.8 General Obligations of the Selected Concessionaire 125

17.9 Exit Management Plan 125

17.10 End of Support 125

18 Annexures 126

18.1 Annexure I: Technical Bid Templates 126

Form 1: Technical Proposal Covering Letter 127

Form 2: Power of Attorney 128

Form 3: Undertaking on Total Responsibility 130

Form 4: Particulars of the Concessionaire 131

Form 5: Bank Guarantee for Earnest Money Deposit 132

Form 6: Project Citation Format 134

Form 7: Proposed Solution 135

Form 8: Technical Compliance - FRS 136

Form 9: Proposed Implementation Work plan 137

Form 10: Team Composition 138

Form 11: Curriculum Vitae (CV) of the Project Staff 139

Form 12: Deployment of Personnel 141

Form 13: Manufacturers/Producers’ Authorization Form 142

Form 14: Undertaking on Service Level Compliance 143

Form 15: Undertaking on Exit Management and Transition 144

Form 16: Declaration for opening of Project office in Udupi 145

Form 17: Declaration that the Concessionaire has not been blacklisted 146

Form 18: Consortium MoU/Joint Bidding Agreement 147

18.2 Annexure II: Financial Proposal Template 151

Form 1: Covering Letter 151

Form 2 Financial Bid Format 153

18.3 Annexure III: Template for Bank Guarantee 156

18.4 Annexure IV: Checklist 158

18.5 Annexure V: Concession Agreement 159

List of Definitions/Acronyms


Acronym Description

ABG Advance Bank Guarantee

A&M Approach & Methodology
BG Bank Guarantee
BOOT Built Own Operate and Transfer
BoQ Bill of Quantity
AUTHORITY Udupi Urban Digital Infrastructure Project
Capex Capital Expenditure
Consortium The consortium consist of multiple members (not more than 4 parties)
entering into a Consortium Agreement for a common objective of
satisfying the AUTHORITY requirements & represented by Lead member of
the consortium
DD Demand Draft
DF Discounting Factor
EMD Earnest Money Deposit
EV Electronic Vehicle
FRS Functional Requirement Specification
GoI Government of India
ICT Information and Communication Technology
ISP Internet Service Provider
INR Indian National Rupee
AUTHORITY Udupi Urban Digital Infrastructure Project
LD Liquidated Damages
LoA Letter of Award
LoI Letter of Intent
MoU Memorandum of Understanding
MSA Master Services Agreement
NPV Net Present Value
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
Opex Operational Expenditure
PoA Power of Attorney
PoC Proof of Concept
PPP Public Private Partnership
QCBS Quality Cum Cost Based Selection
RFP Request for Proposal
RI Road Re-instatement
SLA Service Level Agreement
SOW Scope of Work

1 Introduction

1.1 Background Information

The overall objective of this project is to provide pan-city smart solutions to benefit the
entire city through application of ICT and resulting improvement in local governance and
delivery of public services. The solution has been designed with a blend of technology
enabled services along with the global standard aesthetics to the city to deliver Digital
Infrastructure along with the necessary amenities to citizens.

The services and benefits under this project that could be availed by the citizens as well
as authority of Udupi are as follows:

 City Level Command and Control Center

 Mobility: Hi-Tech bus bays, auto-bays, electric bike bays etc

 Smart parking

 EV charging stations

 Information Kiosks, health kiosks etc.

 Fresh Stop

 Street Furniture

 Smart Tower (5g / telecom cells)

 Hawker Booths, Police booths

 Surveillance, Public address system, Environment sensor, public Wi-Fi etc

The implementation will be on BOOT (Build, Own, Operate, and Transfer) model.
Concessionaire is expected to recover the investment and corresponding benefits from
the various revenue sources that includes advertisement rights, rentals, revenue sharing
with the operators etc. The concessionaire period can range from 12 to 20 years
depending on Capex and Opex involved to deliver the project.
Project Scope:

This project would focus on few initiatives from the above list as a first milestone
towards the PAN city initiative.

The brief introduction of the solutions to be implemented is described below. The

detailed scope of work is described in the other section of this document. The following
set of products and solutions are needed to be implemented as part of the project
mentioned in this RFP:

1. Intelligent Street Light Poles: Future ready intelligent street light poles are envisaged
to be implemented in phased manner. As part of the current project, the Intelligent
street light poles shall host smart LED lights along with the static advertisement
boards, however, they shall have a provision to host other services such as 5g cells,
surveillance etc without replacement of poles / foundation when required.

2. Smart Poles: Smart Poles will be installed on at least 5 locations to enhance the
services to the citizens with Telecom Network, Wi Fi, Public Announcement System,
Environment sensors, Smart LED lights, Surveillance and Advertisement Billboards.
Smart poles shall also have provision to host other services in future on need basis.

3. Bus Bays: A high tech shelter for the buses with inbuilt technology enabled services &
safety for the citizens that would address concerns of the bus commuters. Bus bays shall be
equipped with wifi hotspot, surveillance, public announcement system, LED Lights and
Information/Advertisement billboards.

4. Hawker booths: Hawker booths contributes to the overall economy as well as aesthetics
of the city. It uplifts the shop keepers with better standards in terms of day-to-day business
operations and in turn improves their quality of life by way of providing aesthetically
appealing hawker booths at strategic locations throughout the city.

5. Integration with Command-and-Control Center: Command and Control Center (CCC) will
be a centralized data repository and action centers. All the data, images and videos
captured by the smart components placed in the city will communicate to the CCC. CCC
software application will be intelligent to analyze the data and to create the reports in
utilizable formats. CCC will be used to broadcast the information to the concerned
teams to perform specific actions

All the smart components and devices installed as a part of this project will be
configurable and controllable from CCC.

General Considerations:

1.1.1 The Successful Bidder (the “Concessionaire”) shall be responsible for designing,
engineering, financing, procurement, construction, operation and maintenance of the
Project under and in accordance with the provisions of a long-term concession
agreement (the “Concession Agreement”) to be entered into between the Successful
Bidder and the Authority in the form provided by the Authority as part of the Bidding
Documents pursuant hereto.

1.1.2 An Agreement will be drawn up between the Authority and the Successful Bidder (the
“Concession Agreement”). The Concession Agreement sets forth the detailed terms and
conditions, including the scope of the Concessionaire’s services and obligations (the
“Concession”). Revenues from the proposed Project will accrue to the Successful Bidder
undertaking the Project (the “Project Company” or the “Concessionaire”) and would be
appropriated as per the provisions of the Concession Agreement provided as Annexure V

1.1.3 The statements and explanations contained in this RFP are intended to provide a better
understanding to the Bidders about the subject matter of this RFP and should not be
construed or interpreted as limiting in any way or manner the scope of services and
obligations of the Concessionaire set forth in the Concession Agreement or the Authority’s
rights to amend, alter, change, supplement or clarify the scope of work, the Concession to be
awarded pursuant to this RFP or the terms thereof or herein contained. Consequently, any
omissions, conflicts or contradictions in the Bidding Documents including this RFP are to be
noted, interpreted and applied appropriately to give effect to this intent, and no claims on
that account shall be entertained by the Authority.

1.1.4 The Authority shall receive Bids pursuant to this RFP in accordance with the terms set
forth in this RFP and other documents to be provided by the Authority pursuant to this
RFP, as modified, altered, amended and clarified from time to time by the Authority
(collectively the “Bidding Documents”), and all Bids shall be prepared and submitted in
accordance with such terms on or before the date specified in Clause 1.3 for submission
of Bids (the “Bid Due Date”).

1.1.5 A Bidder shall be considered as a Successful Bidder for the project of the Authority,
where the Letter of Award (LoA) has been issued.

1.1.6 The key functions and responsibilities of Authority are to.

 Approve and sanction the projects including their technical appraisal

 Undertake review of activities of the Mission including budget, implementation of

projects, etc. and co-ordination with other missions / schemes and activities of
various ministries

 To provide site readiness and clearances for implementation of each of the

proposed solutions by the successful bidder during the concessionaire period

1.2 Brief description of Bidding Process

1.2.1 The Authority has adopted a QCBS based bidding process wherein the interested parties
are required to submit the Bid (collectively referred to as the “Bidding Process”) for
selection of the Bidder for award of the Project. The Bid in response to the RFP is to be
submitted in two parts, viz.:

 PART 1: Bid Security & Tender Fee (proof) + Qualification Technical Bid - The first
stage would involve test of responsiveness, technical and financial capability for
undertaking the Project based on the qualification and evaluation criteria as per the
RFP. Only those bids that meet the Qualification Criteria, and secure marks as
per Evaluation Criteria as set out in this RFP would be qualified for opening of
Financial Bid

 PART 2: Financial Bid - Opening and Evaluation of Financial Bid

Based on this evaluation process, Authority will issue a Letter of Award to the
Successful Bidder.

1.2.2 In the Bid Stage, the aforesaid short-listed Applicants, including their successors, (the
“Bidders”, which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context, include the Members
of the Consortium) are being called upon to for opening of their financial offers (the
“Bids”) in accordance with the terms specified in the Bidding Documents. The Bid shall be
valid for a period of not less than 180 days from the date specified in Clause 1.3 for
submission of bids (the “Bid Due Date”).

1.2.3 A Bidder is required to deposit, along with its Bid, bid security as mentioned in the clause
of the RFP (the “Bid Security”)

1.2.4 During the Bid Stage, Bidders are invited to examine the project in greater detail, and to
carry out, at their cost, such studies as may be required for submitting their respective
Bids for award of the Concession including implementation of the Project.

1.2.5 Subject to Clause 2.15, the Project will be awarded to the Bidder scoring Highest Score
(the “Highest Bidder”) based on evaluation of bids on technical and financial criteria as
set out in this RFP. In the event of a tie, the bid with the highest technical score (Th) will
be rated as the best bid as per provisions of Clause 3.5.3 of the RFP.

1.2.6 Further and other details of the process to be followed at the Bid Stage and the terms
thereof are spelt out in this RFP. Any queries or request for additional information
concerning this RFP shall be submitted by e-mail to the officer designated in Clause 1.3

1.2.7 Interested parties may obtain the RFP document from the e-procurement portal with on-
refundable fee as mentioned in the clause 1.3 by way of online payment. Further, all the
parts of the Bid (PART 1: Qualification Bid + Technical, PART 2: Financial Bid) must be
submitted online and hard copy both.

1.3 Schedule of Bidding Process

The Authority shall endeavor to adhere to the following schedule:

# Information Details
1. Name of Work Selection of Concessionaire for
Implementing Intelligent street light Poles,
Smart poles, bus-bay, hawker booth and
ICCC in Udupi
2. RFP No. and Date
3. Last date for submission of written queries
for clarifications along with email for
sending queries
4. Date pre-bid conference
5. Release of response to clarifications
6. Bid validity period 180 days from the last date (deadline)
for submission of proposals.
7. Date of Purchase of Tender document
8. Last date (deadline) for submission of bids
document online
9. Last date (deadline) for submission of bids
document hardcopy
10. Opening of Technical Bids
11. Method of selection The method of selection of the
Concessionaire shall be quality cum cost
with 70:30 weightages for technical and
financial score. Financial bids of only those
Concessionaires would be opened who
qualify the minimum technical score as
out in this tender
12. Technical Concessionaire Presentation by will be intimated later
The bidder
13. Opening of Financial Bids
14. Website for downloading RFP ,

15. Earnest Money Deposit/Bid Security Earnest Money Deposit of amount INR

5 lakhs/- through DD / FDR / Bank
Guarantee in favor of ”Commissioner Udupi
city muncipality. Bank Guarantee format is
provided in the Form 5. In case if the bidder
is a registered MSME, then a bid declaration
form can be given as attached in the
16. Tender Fee To be paid online (INR)
17. Submission of Bid Online
18. Contact person
19. Total Concession Period To be quoted by the bidder as part of the
financial bid

2 Instruction to Bidders

2.1 General Terms for Bidding

2.1.1 A bidder bidding as a lead member or consortium is not entitled to submit another bid
either as individual or as consortium.

2.1.2 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this RFP, the detailed terms
specified in the Concession Agreement shall have overriding effect; provided, however,
that any conditions or obligations imposed on the Bidder hereunder shall continue to
have effect in addition to its obligations under the Concession Agreement.

2.1.3 The Bid should be furnished in the format as defined in various forms in the RFP, clearly
indicating the duration of concession period and RoW required for total quantity of
advertising space (in sq mtr).

2.1.4 No grant shall be payable by the Authority to the Concessionaire as per the terms and
conditions of this RFP and the provisions of the Concession Agreement.

2.1.5 The Bidder/ Concessionaire may be a sole applicant (Single Entity) or a group of entities

(hereinafter referred to as ‘Consortium’), coming together to implement the Project. The
term Bidder/ Concessionaire used hereinafter would therefore apply to both a Single
Entity and a Consortium who have submitted the Bid. The successful Bidder is the one
selected by Authority to execute this Project and who has been issued LOA by the
Authority. The successful Bidder would be liable for the execution of the Project in
accordance with the terms of the Concession Agreement.

2.1.6 Any condition or qualification or any other stipulation contained in the Bid shall render
the Bid liable to rejection as a non-responsive Bid.

2.1.7 The Bid and all communications in relation to or concerning the Bidding Documents and
the Bid shall be in English language.

2.1.8 The documents including this RFP and all attached documents, provided by the Authority
are and shall remain or become the property of the Authority and are transmitted to the
Bidders solely for the purpose of preparation and the submission of a Bid in accordance
herewith. Bidders are to treat all information as strictly confidential and shall not use it
for any purpose other than for preparation and submission of their Bid. The provisions of
this Clause 2.1.9 shall also apply mutatis mutandis to Bids and all other documents
submitted by the Bidders, and the Authority will not return to the Bidders any Bid,
document or any information provided along therewith.

2.1.9 A Bidder shall not have a conflict of interest (the “Conflict of Interest”) that affects the
Bidding Process. Any Bidder found to have a Conflict of Interest shall be disqualified. In
the event of disqualification, the Authority shall forfeit and appropriate 5% of the value
of the Bid Security or Performance Security, as the case may be, as mutually agreed
genuine pre- estimated compensation and damages payable to the Authority for, inter
alia, the time, cost and effort of the Authority, including consideration of such Bidder’s
Bid, without prejudice to any other right or remedy that may be available to the
Authority hereunder or otherwise

 Bidder participates in more than one bid in the bidding process, then it will result in
the disqualification of all the bids in which the bidder is involved or

 Bidder or any of its affiliates participated as a consultant in the preparation of the

design or technical specifications of the contract that is the subject of the Bid; or

 A Bidder, or any of its affiliates has been hired (or is proposed to be hired) by the
Employer as Engineer for the contract

2.1.10 This RFP is not transferable.

2.1.11 Any award of Concession pursuant to this RFP shall be subject to the terms of
Bidding Documents.

2.2 Consortium

Where the Applicant is a consortium, all the members of the Consortium shall execute a
Consortium Agreement setting out clearly the roles and responsibilities of each member of the
Consortium and shall submit the same with the AUTHORITY. Further the members of the
Consortium shall not amend the Consortium Agreement without the prior written consent of
the AUTHORITY. Additionally, the consortium shall comply with the following additional

i. number of members in a consortium shall not exceed 2 (two) including the lead

ii. In case the work is awarded to a Consortium, then all parties to the Consortium
shall execute the agreement with AUTHORITY and all terms shall apply to the
consortium members mutatis mutandis.

iii. The lead bidder shall be jointly & severally responsible for complete scope,
whereas partner/s shall be severally responsible only for its/their respective
scope subject to the provisions of sub-clause (i) above, the Application should
contain the information required for each member of the Consortium;

iv. Members of the Consortium shall nominate one member as the lead member
(the “Lead Member”). The nomination(s) shall be supported by a Power of
Attorney, as per the RFP format, signed by all the other members of the

v. in case an Applicant is a Consortium, then the term Applicant as used in this RFP
document, shall include Lead Member of the consortium not exceeding two


vi. The consortium members shall further commit that each such member shall, for a
period of 24 months from the date of commercial operation of the Project, be a
part of consortium.

2.3 Cost of Bidding

The Bidders shall be responsible for all of the costs associated with the preparation of their Bids
and their participation in the Bidding Process. The Authority will not be responsible or in any
way liable for such costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Bidding Process.

2.4 Site visit and verification of information

a) Bidders are encouraged to submit their respective Bids after doing a thorough
survey of project site and ascertaining for themselves the site conditions,
traffic, location, surroundings, climate, availability of power, water and other
utilities for construction, access to site, handling and storage of materials,
weather data, applicable laws and regulations, and any other matter
considered relevant by them.

b) It shall be deemed that by submitting a Bid, the Bidder has:

o made a complete and careful examination of the Bidding Documents.

o received all relevant information requested from the Authority.

o accepted the risk of inadequacy, error or mistake in the information

provided in the bidding documents or furnished by or on behalf of the
Authority relating to any of the matters.

o satisfied itself about all matters, things and information including matters
hereinabove necessary and required for submitting an informed Bid,
execution of the Project in accordance with the bidding documents and
performance of all of its obligations there under;

o acknowledged and agreed that inadequacy, lack of completeness or

incorrectness of information provided in the bidding documents or
ignorance of any of the matters referred to in clause 2.5.1 hereinabove
shall not be a basis for any claim for compensation, damages, extension of
time for performance of its obligations, loss of profits etc. from the

Authority, or a ground for termination of the Concession Agreement by the

o acknowledged that it does not have a Conflict of Interest; and

o agreed to be bound by the undertakings provided by it under and in terms


2.4.1 The Authority shall not be liable for any omission, mistake or error in respect of any of
the above or on account of any matter or thing arising out of or concerning or relating to
RFP, the Bidding Documents or the Bidding Process, including any error or mistake
therein or in any information or data given by the Authority.

2.5 Verification and Disqualification

2.5.1 The Authority reserves the right to verify all statements, information and documents
submitted by the Bidder in response to the RFP or the bidding documents and the Bidder
shall, when so required by the Authority, make available all such information, evidence
and documents as may be necessary for such verification. Any such verification, or lack of
such verification, by the Authority shall not relieve the Bidder of its obligations or
liabilities hereunder nor will it affect any rights of the Authority thereunder.

2.5.2 The Authority reserves the right to reject any Bid and appropriate the Bid Security if:

a) at any time, a material misrepresentation is made or uncovered, or

b) the Bidder does not provide, within the time specified by the Authority,
the supplemental information sought by the Authority for evaluation of the

2.5.3 Such misrepresentation/ improper response shall lead to the disqualification of the
Bidder. If the Bidder is a Consortium, then the entire Consortium and each Member may
be disqualified/ rejected. If such disqualification / rejection occurs after the Bids have
been opened and the Highest Bidder gets disqualified / rejected, then the Authority
reserves the right to take any such measure as may be deemed fit in the sole discretion
of the Authority, including annulment of the Bidding Process subject to provisions of
Section 3 of this RFP. In case it is found during the evaluation or at any time before
signing of the Concession Agreement or after its execution and during the period of
subsistence thereof, including the Concession thereby granted by the Authority, that one
or more of the pre-qualification conditions have not been met by the Bidder, or the
Bidder has made material misrepresentation or has given any materially incorrect or

false information, the Bidder shall be disqualified forthwith if not yet appointed as the
Concessionaire either by issue of the LOA or entering into of the Concession Agreement,
and if the Successful Bidder has already been issued the LOA or has entered into the
Concession Agreement, as the case may be, the same shall, notwithstanding anything to
the contrary contained therein or in this RFP, be liable to be terminated, by a
communication in writing by the Authority to the Successful Bidder or the
Concessionaire, as the case may be, without the Authority being liable in any manner
whatsoever to the Successful Bidder or Concessionaire In such an event, the Authority
shall be entitled to forfeit and appropriate the Bid Security or Performance Security, as
the case may be, as Damages, without prejudice to any other right or remedy that may
be available to the Authority under the Bidding Documents and/ or the Concession
Agreement, or otherwise.

2.6 Clarifications

2.6.1 Bidders requiring any clarification on the RFP may notify the Authority in writing or by fax
and e-mail in accordance with Clause 1.3. They should send in their queries on or before
the date mentioned in the Clause 1.3. The Authority shall endeavor to respond to the
queries within the period specified therein, but no later than 15 (fifteen) days prior to the
Bid Due Date. The responses will be uploaded on Authority’s website and will not be
mailed individually.

2.6.2 The Authority shall endeavor to respond to the questions raised or clarifications sought
by the Bidders. However, the Authority reserves the right not to respond to any question
or provide any clarification, in its sole discretion, and nothing in this Clause shall be taken
or read as compelling or requiring the Authority to respond to any question or to provide
any clarification.

2.6.3 The Authority may also on its own motion, if deemed necessary, issue interpretations
and clarifications to all Bidders. All clarifications and interpretations issued by the
Authority shall be deemed to be part of the Bidding Documents. Verbal clarifications and
information given by Authority or its employees or representatives shall not in any way
or manner be binding on the Authority.

2.7 Amendment of RFP

2.7.1 At any time prior to the Bid Due Date, the Authority may, for any reason, whether at its
own initiative or in response to clarifications requested by a Bidder, modify the RFP by
the issuance of Addenda.

2.7.2 Any Addendum issued hereunder will be in writing and will be uploaded on the website.

2.7.3 In order to afford the Bidders a reasonable time for taking an Addendum into account, or
for any other reason, the Authority may, in its sole discretion, extend the Bid Due Date.

2.8 Format and Signing of Bid

2.8.1 The Bidder would provide all the information as per this RFP. Authority reserves the right
to evaluate only those Bids that are received in the required format, complete in all
respects and in line with the instructions contained in this RFP.

2.8.2 The Bid shall be typed or written in indelible ink and signed by the authorized signatory
of the Bidder who shall also initial each page, in blue ink. In case of printed and published
documents, only the cover shall be initialed. All the alterations, omissions, additions or
any other amendments made to the Bid shall be initialed by the person(s) signing the Bid.

2.8.3 The Bidders will submit their Bids online:

i. The online submission shall be according to e-procurement guidelines issued

by Government of Karnataka as provided on e-procurement website.

ii. Bidders can prepare and edit their offers number of times before final
submission. Once finally submitted, Bidder cannot edit their offers submitted
in any case. No written or online request in this regard shall be

iii. Bidder shall submit their offer i.e. Technical bid as well as financial bid in

electronic format on the website as mentioned in the RFP.

iv. Bid should be duly signed by the person who holds the power of attorney for
this particular bid.

v. Financial Bid shall be submitted in the same format as provided in sample

format in Annexure II of the RFP.

vi. The Bid Security (EMD) and Tender Fees should be submitted to AUTHORITY
before the bid due date and time. The proof of such submission shall be
submitted in the Part 1 of the bid. In case if the bidder is a registered MSME,
then a bid declaration form can be given as attached in the annexure

2.8.4 Bidder has to submit the hard copy of the bid to AUTHORITY. The pages and volumes of
each part of the Bid shall be clearly numbered and stamped and the contents of the Bid
shall be duly indexed.

2.8.5 The Bid shall be signed and each page of the Bid shall be initialed by a person or persons
duly authorized to sign on behalf of the Bidder and holding the Power of Attorney.

2.8.6 The Bid shall contain no alterations or additions, except those to comply with
instructions issued by Authority or as necessary to correct errors made by the Bidder, in
which case such corrections shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the Bid.

2.9 Bid Due Date and Time

2.9.1 Bids should be submitted on or before the Bid Due Date at the address provided in Clause
1.3 in the manner and form as detailed in this RFP.

2.9.2 Authority may, at its sole discretion, extend the Bid Due Date by issuing an Addendum

2.10 Modifications / Substitution / Withdrawal of Bids

2.10.1 The Bidder may modify, substitute or withdraw its Bid multiple times before final online
submission of Bid

2.11 Late Bids

2.11.1 The late bids submitted post bid submission date and time will not be accepted by the

2.11.2 The eProcurement website will be closed for bid submission post the bid submission date
and time

2.12 Rejection of Bids

2.12.1 Notwithstanding anything contained in this RFP, the Authority reserves the right to reject
any Bid and to annul the Bidding Process and reject all Bids at any time without any
liability or any obligation for such acceptance, rejection or annulment, and without
assigning any reasons therefor. In the event that the Authority rejects or annuls all the
Bids, it may, in its discretion, invite all eligible Bidders to submit fresh Bids hereunder.

2.12.2 The Authority reserves the right not to proceed with the Bidding Process at any time,
without notice or liability, and to reject any Bid without assigning any reasons.

2.13 Validity of Bids

2.13.1 The validity of the bids will be as per clause 1.3

2.14 Confidentiality

2.14.1 Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation and recommendation

for the Bidders shall not be disclosed to any person who is not officially concerned with
the process or is not a retained professional advisor advising the Authority in relation to,
or matters arising out of, or concerning the Bidding Process. The Authority will treat all
information, submitted as part of the Bid, in confidence and will require all those who
have access to such material to treat the same in confidence. The Authority may not
divulge any such information unless it is directed to do so by any statutory entity that has
the power under law to require its disclosure or is to enforce or assert any right or
privilege of the statutory entity and/ or the Authority or as may be required by law or in
connection with any legal process.

2.15 Correspondence with the Bidder

2.15.1 Save and except as provided in this RFP, the Authority shall not entertain any
correspondence with any Bidder in relation to acceptance or rejection of any Bid.

2.16 Bid Security

2.16.1 Bids need to be accompanied by a Bid Security as mentioned in the Clause 1.3. The Bid
Security shall be kept valid for 180 days beyond the Bid Validity period including any
extensions in the Bid Validity Period, and may be extended as may be mutually agreed
between the Authority and the Bidder from time to time. In case if the bidder is a
registered MSME, then a bid declaration form can be given as part of the submission.

The Bid Security shall be in the form as mentioned in clause 1.3

2.16.2 Authority shall reject the Bid, which does not include the Bid Security or Bid Security
Declaration from Bidders

2.16.3 The entire Bid Security shall be forfeited in the following cases:

i. If the Bidder withdraws any of its Bid within the Bid Validity Period;

ii. In case of a successful Bidder, if the Bidder fails:

a) To furnish acceptance of the LoA within 7 days from the receipt of LOA

b) To furnish Performance Security within 30 working days from the date

of issue of LoA or
c) To sign the Concession Agreement within 30 working days from the date

of issue of LoA or

d) If the Bidder is found to be involved in fraudulent practices.

iii. As per the provisions of the Concession Agreement

2.16.4 The bid security has to be submitted by the eligible bidder before the online submission
date and time as mentioned in the RFP, however bidder need to enclose the proof of
Bank Guarantee by the eligible bidders

3 Evaluation of Bids

3.1 Opening and Evaluation of Bids

3.1.1 The Authority shall open the Bids on the Bid Due Date, at the place specified in Clause

3.1.2 The Authority will subsequently examine and evaluate the Bids in accordance with the
provisions set out in this Section 3

3.1.3 To facilitate evaluation of Bids, the Authority may, at its sole discretion, seek
clarifications in writing from any Bidder regarding its Bid.

3.2 Tests of responsiveness

3.2.1 Prior to evaluation of Bids, the Authority shall determine whether each Bid is responsive
to the requirements of this RFP. A Bid shall be considered responsive only if:

a) it is received as per the formats as mentioned in this RFP;

b) it is received by the Bid Due Date including any extension thereof pursuant to
Clause 2.10.2;

c) it is accompanied by the Bid Security as specified in Clause 2.16;

d) The purchaser of the RFP document must be the Bidder itself or a Member of
the Consortium submitting the Bid. The Bidder should submit a Power of
Attorney as per the format enclosed as Form 2A, authorizing the signatory of
the Bid to commit the Bid.

e) In case the Bidder is a Consortium, the members of the Consortium shall

furnish a Power of Attorney in the format prescribed at Form 2B designating
one of the Members, as per the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), as
their Lead Member.

f) Any entity, which has been barred, by Authority and the bar subsists as on the
Bid Due Date would not be eligible to submit the Bid, either individually or as
Member of a Consortium. An undertaking as per the format in Form 17 should
be submitted along with the Bid.

g) Members of the Consortium shall submit a Memorandum of Understanding

(MoU), specific to this Project, for the purpose of submitting the Bid as per
format provided in Form 18. The MoU shall be furnished on a non-judicial
stamp paper of Rs. 100/-, duly attested by notary public.

h) it contains all the information (complete in all respects) as requested in this

RFP and/or Bidding Documents (in formats same as those specified);
3.2.2 The Authority reserves the right to reject any Bid which is non-responsive and no request
for alteration, modification, substitution or withdrawal shall be entertained by the
Authority in respect of such Bid.

3.3 Selection of Bidder

3.3.1 Subject to the provisions of Clause 2.13, the Bidder whose Bid is adjudged as responsive
in terms of Clause 3.2.1, the Bidder who scores the highest Final Score shall be declared
as the Successful Bidder subject to fulfilment of all other provisions of this RFP.

3.3.2 The technical and financial capability of the Bidders would be assessed based on the
evaluation process and minimum requirements as set by Authority as per Section 7, to be
submitted by the Bidders in formats in Annexure I.

3.3.3 A Bid that is substantially responsive is one that conforms to the preceding requirements
without material deviation or reservation. A material deviation or reservation is one

i. Which affects in any substantial way the scope, quality, or performance of

the Project, or

ii. Which limits in any substantial way or is, inconsistent with the RFP, rights of
Authority or the obligations of the Bidder under the Concession Agreement,

iii. Which would affect unfairly the competitive position of other Bidders

presenting substantially responsive Bids.

3.3.4 Authority reserves the right to reject any Bid which is non-responsive and no request for
alteration, modification, substitution or withdrawal shall be entertained in respect of
such Bids.

3.3.5 Bidders who’s Qualification Bids meet the minimum technical and financial capability
requirements as set out in Section 7 shall be given Technical Score (T) based on following

T = (Tb/Th) X 100,


 T is the Technical Bid Score

 Value of T shall be considered upto two decimal places

 Tb is the total technical bid marks of the bid under consideration

 Th is the highest total technical bid marks amongst all evaluated bids.

3.3.6 The Bids meeting minimum qualifying marks shall be opened and evaluated in Stage II of
the Evaluation Process.

3.4 Evaluation of Financial Bids

3.4.1 Authority will open ‘FINANCIAL BID’ of the Bidders, who pass the Technical Evaluation as
stated in clause 1.2.1 of the RFP, in the presence of the Bidder’s authorized
representatives who choose to attend.

3.4.2 Upon opening of the Financial Bid, the Bidders shall be given Financial Score based on
the parameters set in financial bid format with the Authority by the Concessioner. The
Bidder is expected to quote the evaluation parameters in the format attached as
Annexure II. The Financial Score (F) shall be assigned based on following methodology:

 F = 1/percentage quoted

Note: No of months offered are 240 months.

3.5 Successful Bidder

3.5.1 Authority will determine Final Score (FS) based on scores obtained by Bidders in Stage I
and II on the basis of following methodology:

Final Score (FS) = [70% X T] + [30% X F]

3.5.2 The Bid of the Bidder, who obtains the highest FS value, will be rated as the best bid and
the contract will be awarded to that Bidder.

3.5.3 In the event that two or more Bidders get same Final Score (the “Tie Bidders”), the
Bidder with highest technical score (Th) shall be identified as the Successful Bidder.

3.5.4 In the event that the Highest Bidder withdraws or is not selected for any reason in the
first instance (the “first round of bidding”), the Authority may invite the Bidder with next
highest final score for consideration as Successful Bidder;

3.5.5 The Successful Bidder shall be notified on its selection in writing or by fax or email. The
Successful Bidder shall also be issued Letter of Intent confirming its selection.

3.5.6 After selection, a Letter of Award (the “LOA”) shall be issued, in duplicate, by the
Authority to the Successful Bidder and the Successful Bidder shall, within 15 (fifteen)
days of the receipt of the LOA, sign and return the duplicate copy of the LOA in
acknowledgement thereof. In the event the duplicate copy of the LOA duly signed by the
Successful Bidder is not received by the stipulated date, the Authority may, unless it
consents to extension of time for submission thereof, appropriate the Bid Security of
such Bidder as Damages on account of failure of the Successful Bidder to acknowledge
the LOA, and the next eligible Bidder may be considered.

3.5.7 After acknowledgement of the LOA as aforesaid by the Successful Bidder, it shall cause
the Concessionaire to execute the Concession Agreement within thirty (30) days of the
issue of LOA. The Successful Bidder shall not be entitled to seek any deviation,
modification or amendment in the Concession Agreement.

3.5.8 In case, the Concession Agreement does not get executed within the period mentioned
in Clause 3.5.7, Authority reserves the right to take any such measure as it may deem fit
including to annul the bidding process and may invite fresh Bid for the Project. In such a
case the entire Bid Security submitted by the Successful Bidder shall be forfeited.
However, Authority on receiving request from the Successful Bidder may at its discretion,
permit extension of time for execution of the Concession Agreement.

3.5.9 Authority will notify other Bidders that their Bids have been unsuccessful. Bid Security of
other bidders will be returned within 15 days of signing of the agreement or expiry of
validity period of Bids whichever is earlier.

3.6 Contacts during Bid Evaluation

3.6.1 Bids shall be deemed to be under consideration immediately after they are opened and
until such time the Authority makes official intimation of award/ rejection to the Bidders.
While the Bids are under consideration, Bidders and/ or their representatives or other
interested parties are advised to refrain, save and except as required under the Bidding
Documents, from contacting by any means, the Authority and/ or their
employees/representatives on matters related to the Bids under consideration.

4 Fraud and Corrupt Practices

4.1.1 The Bidders and their respective officers, employees, agents and advisers shall observe
the highest standard of ethics during the Bidding Process and subsequent to the issue of
the LOA and during the subsistence of the Concession Agreement. Notwithstanding
anything to the contrary contained herein, or in the LOA or the Concession Agreement,
the Authority may reject a Bid, withdraw the LOA, or terminate the Concession
Agreement, as the case may be, without being liable in any manner whatsoever to the

Bidder or Concessionaire, as the case may be, if it determines that the Bidder or
Concessionaire, as the case may be, has, directly or indirectly or through an agent,
engaged in corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice
or restrictive practice in the Bidding Process. In such an event, the Authority shall be
entitled to forfeit and appropriate the Bid Security or Performance Security, as the case
may be, as Damages, without prejudice to any other right or remedy that may be
available to the Authority under the Bidding Documents and/ or the Concession
Agreement, or otherwise.

4.1.2 Without prejudice to the rights of the Authority under Clause 4.1.1 hereinabove and the
rights and remedies which the Authority may have under the LOA or the Concession
Agreement, or otherwise if a Bidder or Concessionaire, as the case may be, is found by
the Authority to have directly or indirectly or through an agent, engaged or indulged in
any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or
restrictive practice during the Bidding Process, or after the issue of the LOA or the
execution of the Concession Agreement, such Bidder or Concessionaire shall not be
eligible to participate in any tender or RFP issued by the Authority during a period of 2
(two) years from the date such Bidder or Concessionaire, as the case may be, is found by
the Authority to have directly or indirectly or through an agent, engaged or indulged in
any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or
restrictive practices, as the case may be.

4.1.3 For the purposes of this Clause 4, the following terms shall have the meaning hereinafter
respectively assigned to them:

a) “corrupt practice” means (i) the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting,

directly or indirectly, of anything of value to influence the actions of any
person connected with the Bidding Process (for avoidance of doubt, offering
of employment to or employing or engaging in any manner whatsoever,
directly or indirectly, any official of the Authority who is or has been
associated in any manner, directly or indirectly, with the Bidding Process or
the LOA or has dealt with matters concerning the Concession Agreement or
arising therefrom, before or after the execution thereof, at any time prior to
the expiry of one year from the date such official resigns or retires from or

otherwise ceases to be in the service of the Authority, shall be deemed to
constitute influencing the actions of a person connected with the Bidding
Process), engaging in any manner whatsoever, whether during the Bidding
Process or after the issue of the LOA or after the execution of the Concession
Agreement, as the case may be, any person in respect of any matter relating
to the Project or the LOA or the Concession Agreement, who at any time has
been or is a legal, financial or technical adviser of the Authority in relation to
any matter concerning the Project;

b) “Fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation or omission of facts or

suppression of facts or disclosure of incomplete facts, in order to influence the
Bidding Process;

c) “Coercive practice” means impairing or harming, or threatening to impair or

harm, directly or indirectly, any person or property to influence any person’s

participation or action in the Bidding Process;

d) “Undesirable practice” means (i) establishing contact with any person

connected with or employed or engaged by the Authority with the objective
of canvassing, lobbying or in any manner influencing or attempting to
influence the Bidding Process; or (ii) having a Conflict of Interest; and

e) “restrictive practice” means forming a cartel or arriving at any understanding

or arrangement among Bidders with the objective of restricting or
manipulating a full and fair competition in the Bidding Process.

5 Pre-Bid Conference

5.1.1 Pre-Bid conferences of the Bidders shall be convened at the designated date, time and
place. A maximum of two representatives of each Bidder shall be allowed to participate
on production of Authority letter from the Bidder.

5.1.2 During the course of Pre-Bid conference(s), the Bidders will be free to seek clarifications
and make suggestions for consideration of the Authority. The Authority shall endeavor to
provide clarifications and such further information as it may, in its sole discretion,

consider appropriate for facilitating a fair, transparent and competitive Bidding Process.

5.1.3 The Bidders need to submit the pre-bid queries in the following format as per the
deadline mentioned in Clause 1.3 of the RFP

# RFP Document Reference (Section No., Content of the RFP Clarification

Clause No. Page No.) requiring Sought

6 Miscellaneous

6.1.1 The Bidding Process shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of India and the
Courts in Karnataka shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes arising under, pursuant to and/
or in connection with the Bidding Process.

6.1.2 The Authority, in its sole discretion and without incurring any obligation or liability, reserves the right,
at any time, to;

a) suspend and/ or cancel the Bidding Process and/ or amend and/ or supplement the Bidding
Process or modify the dates or other terms and conditions relating thereto;

b) consult with any Bidder in order to receive clarification or further information;

c) retain any information and/ or evidence submitted to the Authority by, on behalf of, and/
or in relation to any Bidder; and/ or

d) Independently verify, disqualify, reject and/ or accept any and all submissions or other
information and/ or evidence submitted by or on behalf of any Bidder.

6.1.3 It shall be deemed that by submitting the Bid, the Bidder agrees and releases the Authority, its
employees, agents and advisers, irrevocably, unconditionally, fully and finally from any and all liability
for claims, losses, damages, costs, expenses or liabilities in any way related to or arising from the
exercise of any rights and/ or performance of any obligations hereunder, pursuant hereto and/ or in
connection with the Bidding Process and waives, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws,
any and all rights and/or claims it may have in this respect, whether actual or contingent, whether
present or in future.

7 Pre-Qualification & Technical Evaluation

7.1 Pre-Qualification Criteria

# Eligibility Criteria Document Proof Reference in Bid

1 The bidder shall submit the bid as Sole  Self-Attested

Bidder/Consortium. In case of consortium, Incorporation Certificate
maximum of 2 members including Lead Bidder
are allowed. The Bidder shall be a registered
entity under relevant Act in India. The
Registration should be minimum 3 years or
above from RFP Date for Bidder

2 The Bidder / Consortium shall have PAN and GST Self-Attested Copy of PAN & GST

3 The bidder/Consortium should have a minimum 1. Audited financial statements

average annual turnover of least INR 50 Cr in the for the financial years duly
last 3 audited financial years (2018-19, 2019- certified by the Statutory
20,2020-21) Auditors (2018-19, 2019-
20,2020-21) available

2. Certificate from the Statutory

Auditor on turnover details for
the last three (3) financial years
(2018-19, 2019-20,2020-21)

4 The Bidder or any member of the Consortium Copy of CA certificate clearly

should have positive net worth in each of last specifying net worth details
three years

5 The Bidder/Consortium should be profit making Copy of CA certificate clearly

company, latest in two years out of last three specifying profit details
financial years.

6 The Bidder/Consortium should possess the below Copy of valid certificates

Certifications which is valid at the time of bid

 ISO 9001:2015 or above

 ISO 27001:2013 or above
 ISO 14001 :2015 or above
 and CMMi Level 3

6 The bidder/Consortium should have experience in Work order + completion

executing works of similar nature in the last 5 certificate by customer/CA
years. The bidder must have completed at least

 One work of at least 40 CR in a single project or

 2 works of 25 CR in each or more or

 3 works of 8 CR in each or more

Works of similar nature completed in the

last 5 years that include Implementation/O&M
activities of Telecom Towers/ IT/ITeS (Network
infrastructure) / IoT / OFC Networking

7 Declaration of Non-Blacklisting Duly signed declaration in

Company Letter Head as per
RFP Annexure Non- Blacklisting

8 Declaration for Total Responsibility Duly signed declaration in

certificate Company Letter Head as per
RFP Annexure Total
Responsibility certificate format

10 The bidder should have a back-end support The undertaking from OEM/
agreement/arrangement with the Original License provider to be
Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) of supplied submitted at the time of
Hardware, which includes the post- sales support implementation.
activities for entire project duration
(Implementation and O&M phases).
1.1 Evaluation Criteria

# Evaluation Criteria Marks Maximum Document Required


A. Bidders Organization Capability

A1 The bidder should have a minimum >= 10 Cr but < 25 Cr =10 20 Copy of CA certificate
average annual turnover of at least INR marks clearly specifying
50 Cr during the last three (3) financial turnover details
>= 25 CR but < 50 Cr = 15

>= 50 Cr = 20 marks

A2 The Bidder should possess either of the  ISO 9001:2015 or 20 Copy of valid
below Certifications which is valid at the above = 5 marks certificate
time of bid submission:  ISO 27001:2013 or

 ISO 9001:2015 or above above = 5 marks

 ISO 14001 :2015 or
 ISO 27001:2013 or above
above = 5 marks
 ISO 14001 :2015 or above
 ISO 14001 :2015 or
and CMMi Level 3
above = 5 marks
 CMMi Level 3 = 5

B. Project Experience of Bidder

# Evaluation Criteria Marks Maximum Document Required


B1 The bidder/Consortium should have  One work of at least 20 Work order +

experience in executing works of similar 40 CR in a single completion
nature in the last 5 years. The bidder project = 20 Marks certificate by
must have completed at least  2 works of 25 CR in customer/CA

 One work of at least 40 CR in a single each or more = 10

project or  3 works of 8 CR in

 2 works of 25 CR in each or more or each or more =7.5

 3 works of 8 CR in each or more

Works of similar nature completed in the

last 5 years that include
Implementation/O&M activities of
Telecom Towers/ IT/ITeS (Network
infrastructure) / IoT / OFC Networking

C. Method & Approach (Technical Solution)

Complete Solution Document with 25 Complete Solution
technical presentation on proposed Document with
solutions for Smart Infra proposed for presentation on
the future of the city of Udupi, proposed solution
sustainable practices, stakeholder and Proof of Concept
participation with futuristic technology of the Product
& practices
Demo and Proof of Concept (PoC) of 15



The Financial Part shall be filled properly in “The Financial Bid” and shall be submitted online only.
1. All the pages of the submitted bid should be stamped and signed by the bidder/his authorised
2. The Bidder quoting the least number of concessionaire period and Least Ownership of Advertising
Assets shall be the Preferred Bidder
3. Bid sent by e-mail or fax etc. shall not be considered.


1. Minimum absolute technical score to qualify for commercial evaluation is 70 marks out of total 100 marks.

2. QCBS based selection wherein 70:30 weightage will be for technical and financial submission
3. Documentary evidence (Citation, copy of completion/ongoing client certificate and work
order/Contract/self- certificate) is required for all project experience.

a. Bidder may submit the Self certification, clearly mentioning project details like scope, value,
duration, client details etc. as required for the evaluation criteria. The self-certificate shall be signed
on the company's letter head duly signed by Company Secretary or Charter Accountant.
4. Authority (or a nominated party) reserves the right to check/validate the authenticity of the information
provided in the Pre-qualification and Technical Evaluation criteria and the requisite support must be provided
by the Bidder.

Technical Bids receiving marks greater than or equal to cut-off marks in each competency group will be eligible for
consideration in the subsequent round of evaluation. If required, AUTHORITY may seek specific clarifications from
any or all Concessionaire(s) at this stage.

AUTHORITY will evaluate the technical proposal of the Concessionaire with regard to the solutions offered,
technology proposed, technical professional(s) and time-frame etc. AUTHORITY will invite the Concessionaire for
technical presentation and discussions on the project. Concessionaires expected to depute only those officials for
technical presentations who will be responsible for providing the leadership to the project. Evaluators of Technical
Proposals shall have no access to the Financial Proposals until the technical evaluation is concluded.

8 Scope of Work for the Concessionaire

The Concessionaire shall be solely and exclusively responsible to design, implement and maintain
on as mentioned in this RFP and to provide the services as specified.

The following Smart components needed to be implemented as part of the RFP;

 Intelligent street light Poles

 Smart Poles

 Bus Bay

 Hawker booth
 Command and Control Center

8.1 Intelligent Street light poles:

Future ready intelligent street light poles are envisaged to be implemented in phased manner. As part of the
current project, the Intelligent street light poles shall host smart LED lights along with the static
advertisement boards, however, they shall have a provision to host other services such as 5g cells,
surveillance etc without replacement of poles / foundation when required.
 Approx. length of work is 19.00 kilometres
 Proposed number of poles 630 numbers (Indicative numbers & Final numbers subject to survey)
 Total number of LED light fixtures 1260 numbers (Indicative numbers & Final numbers subject to survey)
 Bidder are requested to visit the site and make sure to full acquaintance of the site situation
 Location of Street light Pole will be as mentioned by Engineer in Charge.
 Approx. average distance between poles is 30 meters
 Two sign boards per pole with separate control and with separate cable IP65 junction box at 1m height.
 Participants are required to visit the site to have clarity on number of poles, exact location of poles as
well as number of fittings per pole because in some pedestrian crossing junction, it may be required to
have three fitting per pole.
 9m pole with single, double and triple arm bracket with 1 meter length and boom angle may be between
0° to 10° Boom Angle will be 0 to 10 degrees.

8.1.1 Intelligent Street Light Pole Specifications

The scope is to supply install, test and commissioning of 9-meter, GI pole as per technical specification
given below.
i. The street lighting installation for the various works shall be carried out by use of outdoor type,
weather proof luminaries, to be mounted on tubular steel pole as per required numbers.
ii. Electric power supply at 415 volts, three phase, four wire, 50 Hz. to be tapped from the street lighting
section pillar. or street light pole
iii. The electric power shall be distributed to the street lighting poles through electric cables and shall be
distributed equally on three phases of the electric power supply system.
iv. Individual control MCB with junction box shall be provided on each pole. (The junction box shall be
weather proof, having gasket door cover from left to right with necessary accessories etc).
vi. Electric cable required for the street lighting installation shall be 1100-volt grade, XLPE insulated and
sheathed, armored cable having stranded Copper conductor of rating as mentioned in the drawing /

Detailed technical specification of conical, 9 mtr height street light Pole

Poles shall be presenting a good and pleasing appearance and based on proven design conforming to
international standards, to give an assured performance, and reliable service.

 Poles shall be made in single section. Poles shall be provided with base plate, which shall be free from
any lamination or incursion.
 The welded connection of the base flange shall be fully developed to the strength of the entire
 The base plate shall be welded to the bottom of the pole before dipping in the galvanizing bath.
 The base of the pole shall be complete in all respects with base plate before hot dip galvanizing
internally and externally as per the Standard.
 Pole shall be hot dip galvanized in single dipping method.
 No cutting or welding shall be allowed on the pole after hot dip galvanizing.
 An adequate door opening shall be provided at the base of the pole at a convenient location.
 Provision shall be given inside this door for fixing the electrical terminals.
 The opening shall be such that it permits clear access to the inside of the pole.
 The door opening shall be complete with a close fitting, vandal resistant, door; provided with a screw
type locking facility

Design of poles:
 The access shall provide easy access to a 4-way connector and 2 nos. MCB, to be mounted inside the
Junction box. Clear spacing inside the junction box will be 400mm X 100mm.
 Sticker should be placed on cover of junction box indicating “Dangers” written in red letters.
 The street light pole shall have a base plate of 300 mm X 300 mm X 16 mm or as per wind velocity IS
 The pole shall house a multi-way terminal block & MCB.
Note: - All drawings given here are indicative explanatory drawing. Please, see respective section for further
details regarding technical specification.

Required documents to be attached in technical bid for pole.

 The height and detailed dimension of Pole.
 Internal junction box and height details.
 Base plate drawing.
 Foundation and anchor bolt cage drawing.
 Detail drawing for single armed bracket (the boom angle should be designed in such way that the bidder
is capable to achieve the illumination design parameters mentioned in Illumination design synopsis and
consideration section.)
 Detail drawing for double armed bracket (the boom angle should be designed in such way that the bidder
is capable to achieve the illumination design parameters mentioned in Illumination design synopsis and
consideration section.
 Detail drawing for triple armed bracket (the boom angle should be designed in such way that the bidder
is capable to achieve the illumination design parameters mentioned in Illumination design synopsis and
consideration section.
 Imp Note: all above drawings should conform to relevant IS standard considering various factors like
wind velocity, corrosion resistivity as well as mechanical strength.

 Street lighting installation shall be carried out as per details shown in the drawing.
 The poles shall be erected in perfect plumb with muffing of 650 mm X 650 mm X 2000 mm at a location
shown in the drawing. The muffing shall withstand against the static load as well as wind velocity and
bending moment of the pole and shall be approved by the client prior to execution.
 The junction box shall then be bolted to the erected pole as per details shown in the drawing. The
junction box shall be fitted at 500 mm from ground level has shown in the drawing.
 The luminaires shall also be installed on the pole and be electrically wired to the respective junction box.
 The cable lay out shall follow the route as per the instruction of site Engineer. In case of any constraint on
the cable route the same shall be brought to notice of. Engineer-in- charge and carry-out cable laying as
per the instruction of Engineer-incharge.
 The cable lay out shall be carried out in an underground manner and the said installation complete with
electric connections.
 Earthing installation shall follow the details for the same shown in the drawing. The earthing station and
the earthing grid installation shall be carried out as per the specification for the said works given in
section under title “Earthing” of this tender document. In case of crossing the roads, then cable shall be
laid in RCC Hume pipe and after laying the pipe, both the ends of RCC pipe shall be sealed with cotton
waste and further sealed with cement and sand mixture. So that water is prevented to enter the pipe. In
no case the depth of cable laying shall be compromised.
 Special care shall be taken in erecting poles so that these are not strained or damaged during erection
and are firmly stayed till the foundation are secured.
 The placement of muffing around pole in the pit, necessary GI pipes (not less than 63mm. dia.) shall be
placed for facilitating drawing of cables.
 Separate GI pipe shall be provided for incoming and outgoing cables.
 The muffing shall be protected from premature drying by curing for at least 7 days after pouring. Supply
of water for curing will be in scope of contractor. All muffing surface from 300 mm. below ground level to
top shall be finished smooth with cement mortar 1:4.

General Notes for Street Lighting:

 For supplying and laying of cables, technical specification (wiring) shall be applicable reference shall be
made under heading Cable Work elsewhere in the tender.
 For street light poles along roads, nearest finished road level shall be taken as ground Level.
 A loop of 1.5 mtr. of cable shall be provided near each street light pole for all incoming and outgoing
 Two wire each of 2 core 1.5 flexible copper wire shall be provided for connecting luminaries.
 Each pole should have number & area code. For this, area of 50 mm X 300 mm shall be painted with
blank paint & number & letter shall be painted with yellow colours on the pole.

Pole Bracket
 Poles shall be provided with a single arm or double arm bracket with the maximum length of 1m
(single arm) and boom angle may be between 0° to 10°.
 Bracket shall be connected to the pole by using a proper connection.
 Brackets also shall be hot dip galvanized.

Advertising Sign Board (Static / LED)

 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Static / LED based Advertising sign board (3 feet X 5
feet) will be in scope of bidder.
 Housing and backplate – SS 304 or Aluminium frame
 Internal stiffner should be provided
 Internal heatsink thermal management must be provided to keep junction temperature less than or
equal to 100 dec C
 Fixing of the signboard to ensure mechanical protection
 The signboard should be weather protected

 All the non-current carrying metal parts of the street lighting installation and mechanical equipment’s
shall be earthed properly.
 The cables armour and sheath, section pillar of feeder pillar luminaries pole & pole box of metal shall be
bonded together and connected by means of specified earthing system.
 An earth continuity conductor shall be installed with all the feeders and circuits and shall be connected
from the earth bar of the panel boards to the conduit system, earth stud of the, lighting fixture, earth pin
of the socket outlets and to any metallic wall plates used.
 Earthing station with C.I. plate.
 Earthing G.I strips from earthing station to equipotential bar.
 Earthing G.I strips from equipotential bar to power panels, FSP, Section pillar & street light pole etc.
Bonding of Non-current carrying parts, and metallic parts of the electrical installation.

Plate Earthing Stations

 The street light poles shall be earthed using coil type earthing (2.5 mtr. long 8 no GI wire buried at 800
mm depth between 10 poles).
 GI running earthing has to be done for each street light pole.
 The plate electrode shall be 600 mm X 600 mm X 6.3 mm GI for plate earthing for panel earthing.
 The earthing arrangement shall be as shown on the drawing.
 The earth resistance shall be maintained below 2.0 ohms with suitable soil treatment, if required.
 The earth lead shall be connected to the earth plate through Hot Dip G.I. bolts.
 The earthing conductors shall be of copper strip in case of copper earthing and hot dip galvanized iron
strip in case of G.I. earthing. G.I. pipe with funnel of approved quality shall be used for watering the
earthing electrodes.
 The hardware and other consumables for earthing installation shall be of CI / GI in case of copper
earthing and shall be hot dip galvanized iron material in case of G.I. earthing.
 Test link / test pit cover through chequered plate.

Pipe Electrode Earth Station

 The earth station shall be as shown on the drawing and shall be used for equipment earth grid and / or
street light pole earthing.
 The earth electrode shall be 3 M long 50 mm dia class "B", Galvanized steel pipe.
 The earth resistance shall be maintained with a suitable soil treatment as shown on the drawing.
 The resistance of each earth station should not exceed 1 ohm.
 The earth lead shall be fixed to the pipe with a nut and safety set screws.
 The clamp shall be permanently accessible.
 The earthing grid and the earthing conductor shall be hot dip Galvanized iron strips of the size as shown
in the drawing. G.I. pipe with funnel of approved quality shall be used for watering the earth electrode \
 The block masonry chamber with chequered plate shall be provided for housing the above referred
funnel and pipe.
 The hardware and other consumables for earthing installation shall be hot dip Galvanized iron material as
shown on the drawing.

General Requirements
 Section pillar, shall be installed Outdoor and connected through the cables.
 Should have Blackout protection while power down mode.
 Should have been provided protective power saving feature whenever input voltage below certain level
then it will be not transfer to power saver mode until it reaches proper input voltage. This eliminates
blackout or dark patches on the road.
 Should have Settable time power staggering line facility to switch OFF the line at late night and again
restore in morning. (Save energy when no traffics)
 Individual Phase can be staggered at different time. Also, it is incorporate with rotation one-line
staggering facility for equal burning hours of lamp.
 Should have electronic sort circuit protection.
 Should have Output MCB protection
 All electrical parts used in panel are ISI mark only like Cable, Contactor, MCB, Isolator, Terminals. Power
wiring of feeder pillar with ISI mark fire retardant cable.
 Should have Systems with inbuilt spikes and surge protections
 Street lighting installation shall be carried out as per details shown in the drawing.
 The poles shall be erected in perfect plumb with concrete foundation at a location shown in the drawing
 The foundation shall be designed to withstand the static load as well as wind velocity and bending
moment of the pole and shall be approved by the client prior to execution.
 The junction box shall then be clamped to the erected pole as per details shown in the drawing.
 The luminaries shall also be installed on the pole and be electrically wired to the respective junction box.
 The cable lay out shall follow the tentative route as shown in the drawing. In case of any constraint on
the cable route the same shall be brought to notice of the client.
 The cable lay out shall be carried out in an underground manner and the said installation complete with
electric connections.
 Earthing installation shall follow the details for the same shown in the drawing.
 The earthing station (coil type) and the earthing grid installation shall be carried out as per the
specification for the said works given in section under title “Earthing” of this tender document.
 The various types of brackets shall be made of appropriate length as per attached drawing with
necessary holding brackets, PVC cap, hold fasts etc. with special reducer at the end to accommodate type
of street light fitting to be fixed.
 Bracket shall have 1 coat of anti-corrosion paint before dispatch to site and 2 coats of approved make
and shade of aluminium paint.
 This bracket shall also be provided with one M.S. water tight box complete with the connector, neutral
link, rewireable fuse etc. See enclosed drawings of street light poles.

Installation of poles shall be done as per standard practice. Special care shall be taken in erecting poles so
that these are not strained or damaged during erection and are firmly stayed till the foundation are secured.
The pole shall be grouted outside ground pit with RCC work (1:2:4). Dimensions of foundation inside ground
pit will be 650 mm L x 650 mm W x 1400 mm Depth with RCC (1:2:4) and outside ground pit will be 650 mm L
x 650 mm W x 600 mm Depth with RCC (1:2:4). Dimensions of ground pit will be 1250 mm L x 1250 mm W x
1500 mm Depth. Before the placement of concrete around pole in the pit, necessary conduit pipes (not less
than 63 mm. dia.) shall be placed for facilitating drawing of cables. Separate conduit shall be provided for
incoming and outgoing cables. The cement concrete shall be protected from premature drying by curing for
at least 7 days after pouring. Supply of water for curing will be in scope of contractor. All concrete surfaces
from 300 mm below ground level to top shall be finished smooth with cement mortar 1:4.

8.2 Electrical design synopsis and consideration

This section details the design philosophy for electrical power distribution for road lighting with sign board
considering different time of operation and energy metering criterion.
The primary objectives need to fulfil are:
 Power distribution shall be single phase 240V for each pole.
 Typical single line diagram of section pillar is attached
 Single line diagram for section pillar (as per the requirement)
 Lighting pole- typical (given in respective section)
 Power distribution scheme as given below but no. of pole. Actual no will be decided based on final
1. Parameter Value
 Input Voltage AC 180-240V Input Frequency 50 Hz +/ 3Hz Power factor 0.9
 Working humidity 10% to 90% RH Working temperature -20°C to 50°C
 At the time of hand-over of line and other equipment’s, Bidder should submit as built drawing and
total Material list.
Note: Bidder has to upload / submit detailed specifications & methodology of the system with the technical
bid. For above both systems, successive bidder has to take approval from Engineer –in- charge before start
the work.
9 Smart pole:

Smart Poles will be installed on at least 5 locations to enhance the services to the citizens with Telecom
Network, Wi Fi, Public Announcement System, Environment sensors, Smart LED lights, Surveillance and
Advertisement Billboards. Smart poles shall also have provision to host other services in future on
need basis.
 Smart pole should able to meet city aesthetic requirement and it should be visually appealing. It
should easily blend-in into city street pole master plan.
 Should be able to support 1 or 2 light arms with maximum height requirement up-to 6/9 meter (5
 Smart pole should be provided with Integrated/external fixtures and LED luminaries from reputed
 Smart Pole shall adhere to the standards for poles (wind speed, climate, aesthetics etc.) and policies
governing the Authority or as mandated by regulatory authority of Udupi Municipality.
 It should be possible to support connectivity for Smart pole
 All cabling, cooling/heating etc. should be via/inside the pole and it should not be visible from outside
due to aesthetic and security reasons
 It should meet EMC requirement of telecom sites as per Indian regulations
 It should be possible to house radio units with integrated antenna, MW /optical transmission unit,
SMPS (AC to DC convertor), batteries, controllers, power distribution etc. inside the smart pole
 It should be possible to house telecom equipment’s from all reputed OEMs.
 It should be possible to provide light connection in daisy chain with separate MCB for lighting and
telecom part
 There should be provision to have separate connection for light as well for telecom equipment for
maintenance purpose.
 The paint material (to cover the RF section) should comply to RF/Telecom requirements
 It should be possible to colour the complete body (including RF equipment camouflaging) by
 It should be possible to colour the complete body (including RF equipment camouflaging) by any
paint colour
 There should be suitable mounting options for Radio /Antenna unit mounting
 The overall power budget for smart pole should not exceed 1KW (telecom + lights)
 It should be possible to support 2 light arm option by smart pole
 Underground space should be used for telecom equipment’s with suitable telecom grade enclosure
 The smart pole should support Smart sensors, Public Address System, Smart Street Light
Management, Emergency Call Box

Note: - All drawings given here are indicative explanatory drawing. Please, see respective section for further
details regarding technical specification.

Key Features :
i. Smart Pole with LED streetlight
ii. Wi-Fi Services
iii. Optical Fiber Cable network
iv. Video Surveillance/ CCTV camera
v. Smart Bill Board
vi. Public Address System
vii. Environmental Sensors
viii. Connectivity to Central Command and Control Centre
ix. Provision for 4G/5G small cell deployment
x. Emergency Call Box

Design Parameters
Desired design parameters of the complete system are as below. The applicant should strive to exhibit
most of these to confirm suitability of their products / services for the project. The design of the smart
pole should be sleek and aesthetic. The frame should hide remote radio units and antennas inside the
pole and macro radios, baseband units, transmission equipment, extra capacity, power, batteries and
additional equipment underneath. All equipment being used should comply with relevant ISO standards.
 Smart LED Lighting: The smart LED lighting should be energy efficient. The lighting should be anti-
glare. The installation should comply with IP 66. The Lighting Management System (LMS) should be
able to send commands to the smart street lighting system based on the data analytics to increase /
decrease the luminosity as per the daylight and weather conditions, volume of population, traffic etc.
 Mobile / broadband Infrastructure: Mobile / broadband infrastructure should be at least 4G LTE
compliant and should be platform independent so that any mobile operator is able to rent space on
the poles on non-discriminatory basis. The applicant is expected to give a detailed design based on
their technology with explanation.
 Power Back-up: There should be power back-up to ensure round-the-clock functioning. The service
provider should give a detailed breakdown of the power consumption of the equipment being used
and accordingly work out back-up.
 City Surveillance System: This shall include observation by means of electronic equipment, namely,
CCTV cameras and assist in decision-making.
 Wi-Fi Hotspot services: Applicant to provide modality on providing Wi-Fi hotspot service to citizens.
 Environmental sensors: Environmental sensors fitted on the smart pole will provide real time data for
analysis and reporting.
 Public Announce System: Public Announce system on the smart pole will help the city authorities to
convey important announcements from City operation centre.
 Security: The physical and data security shall be the responsibility of the service provider.
 Integrated Command and Control Centre (ICCC): A ICCC facility will be set up centrally as part of the
smart city project by Udupi Municipality. Applicant needs to provide details about their approach for
integration of the Smart Pole Software solution with ICCC and monitoring & managing the smart pole
infrastructure. Applicant also needs to provide approach about managing the Smart Pole Solution till
the time ICCC facility comes up.

10 Bus stop/Bay
Design, development, operation and maintenance of bus stop/bay (1 Nos).
 Length: 5 m, Width: 3 m, Height: 3.50 m
 Stainless Steel Bench with seating (at least 3-seater) with drain hole pattern
 Digital advertisement display
 Vendor Console
 Public Information System (LED Display)
 NVR Recorder
The Successful Bidder is required to build the bare shell of the Bus stop/bay. The bidder may choose to alter
the standard design, as stated above, depending on site location and its extant characteristics. However, the
bidder is required to obtain a written approval from the Authority on the final design of Bus stop/bay before
initiating construction

Note: - All
drawings given here are indicative explanatory drawing. Please, see respective section for further details
regarding technical specification.

Construction / Commissioning of Bus Shelters and Platforms

 The bidder can outsource operations of the vendor console under Type 1 bus shelters to any party and is
entitled to collect revenues/ fees from the same. The bidder shall be solely responsible and held liable for
activities undertaken by this third party. The Private Operator shall in no case license/ lease/ rent out any
part of the Bus stop/bay.
 The bidder is required to plan for the placement of digital advertising boards at bus shelters and
platforms. The bidder shall be entitled to collect revenue from external parties through display of
advertisement at the Bus stop/bay. The bidder shall ensure that advertised content does not include any
advertisements deemed illegal as per law of the land or contain Political/ Racial/ Vulgar messaging.
 The bidder shall ensure adequate and appropriate supply of electricity with meter for functioning of all
components, proper lighting of the Bus stop/bay and advertisements.

Maintenance of Bus stop/bay

 It is sole responsibility of the bidder to maintain the bus stop/bay along with the all components in good
condition and ensuring that they are safeguarded from vandalism or any physical damages during the
term of the agreement. In case of any theft or damage to the bus stop/bay or all components within it,
the bidder is required to file necessary police complaints and coordinate with local stakeholders /
necessary parties.
 The bidder is required to undertake required repairs and/or maintenance of the bus shelters and
platforms during the Term of the Agreement. In case of any damage to the components, the Authority
will arrange for replacement of the same, subject to insurance deductions as applicable.
 The safety and security of the bus shelters and platforms rests with the bidder 24X7, during the day and
night. Every bus stop/bay will be equipped with CCTV cameras whose feed will be monitored in the
Command Control Centre, which is under the overall supervision of the Authority. The bidder shall
ensure safety of the components installed by the Authority and shall inform the Authority in case of non-
functioning or breakdown of any components.
 The bidder shall install litter bins (separate for dry and wet waste) as specified near the bus stop/bay.
 Undertake routine and periodic maintenance works in the bus stop/bay such as Civil, electrical, and
mechanical works Furniture and Equipment (excluding the components) maintenance and servicing.

11 Hawker Booth

Hawker booths contributes to the overall economy as well as aesthetics of the city. It uplifts the shop
keepers with better standards in terms of day-to-day business operations and in turn improves their
quality of life by way of providing aesthetically appealing hawker booths at strategic locations throughout
the city.
 Hawker booth will be made up of hard ACP, MS square pipe, min 8’ X 8’ size with structure work min 7’ X
7’ 10-gauge MS square pipe, flowing aluminium ruff plate with internal desk, shelves, Chair, light, Fan,
back gate with lock system & Electrical and civil work.
 The booth should be modular in structure, agency has to submit the detailed specification of the drawing
and it should be approved by the Authority.
 It should have long functional life, require low maintenance, high quality, high performance, shiny
appearance, superior luster, smooth edges, attractive colours & designs and perfect finish.

Note: - All drawings given here are indicative explanatory drawing. Please, see respective section for further
details regarding technical specification.

12 Optical Fiber

 The Concessioner will utilize existing Fiber network available with the AUTHORITY. AUTHORITY
will make available 2 pairs of fiber for this project.

 The Concessioner may also utilize an existing fiber network of any private firm (including their
own), however in this scenario Concessioner will submit an agreement with the private firm to
utilize their existing fiber in Udupi.

 Concessioners need to lay incremental fiber from the nearest Point of Presence (PoP) to provide
last mile connectivity up to the poles. The O&M of the incremental fiber will be the responsibility
of the Concessioner throughout the concessioner period.
 AUTHORITY will provide RoW, free of cost, for laying incremental fiber. The Road Re-instatement
charges will be borne by the Concessioner.The Concessioner may be allowed to generate
revenue from the fiber laid by them, however they will have to strictly follow the route to
connect poles without any deviation.

13 Digital Bill Board

As a part of the beautification of certain specific locations in the city of Udupi, Concessionaires are
required to implement digital billboards housed on intelligent poles / smart poles / bus stops /
hawker booth and other places identified by the authority. AUTHORITY shall provide exclusive
advertisement rights to Concessionaire for the digital billboards.

It shall be possible to change the advertisements /Messages on these billboards from a centralized

13.1 Integration with Command & Control Center

The Concessioner will integrate the implemented solution with the Centralized Command &
Control Center of Udupi.

Following will be the integration requirement.

 Intelligent Poles
o Location of all poles on GIS map
o Permitting the use of Intelligent Poles for smart elements as listed in the RFP

 Smart Street Lights

o Location of the street lights on GIS maps

 Public Wi-Fi
o Location of all the Wi-Fi Access Points to be mapped on GIS
o Wi-Fi dashboard and use cases for Wi-Fi user management

 Surveillance Camera
o Feed of camera up to the Centralized Command and Control Center
o Location of all the cameras to be mapped on GIS
o VMS for monitoring camera feed and provision for integrating more analytics
 Environmental Sensors
o Location of all the sensors to be mapped on GIS

o Receiving of environmental data at the Centralized Command and Control Center

 Digital Billboards
o Location of all the sensors to be mapped on GIS
o Control the display of advertisements on billboards through Centralized Command
and Control Center
13. 2 Command Control Centre

Command & Control Centre;

Functional Specifications of the Application Software

Various functional requirements of the CCC application System are given in the table below:
S. No Functions Minimum Specifications

The Command & Control solution should be implemented and

1. complied to the industry open standards based on Commercial-off-

the-shelf (COTS) products.

The CCC shall embody the following characteristics:

Client/server architecture
Support multi-site, multiple-hierarchy deployment
Provide clear scalability
Central administration capability
Support local redundancy and high availability options Employ
encrypted communications over TCP/IP LAN’s and WAN’s
Capable of running in a virtual environment
Provide a mechanism to define key performance indicators, trends,
Solution &
leading indicators and visualize the indicators on a web-based
configurable dashboard infrastructure
The overall smart platform must also be viewed through mobile
devices. The platform must be responsive and scale to a mobile
version without any change in the UI Display a configurable
indication of the overall situation and threat level
Provide communication capability to include email, text, telephone,
intercom, mass notification, and application- based messages
Support the simulation of events, such as alarms, for training
Software (Application, Database and any other) must not be
restricted by the license terms of the OEM from scaling out on an
unlimited number of cores and servers during future expansion.

Systems must provide a comprehensive API (Application

Programming Interface) or SDK (Software Development Kit) to allow
interfacing and integration with existing systems.

The solution should be network and protocol agonistic and provide

an option to connect legacy systems through APIs with either read,
write or both options. It should connect diverse on-premise and/or
cloud platforms and make it easy to exchange data and services
between them.

The system shall allow seamless integration with all of the

department's existing and future IoT solutions

The platform should be able to integrate with any type of sensor

platform being used for the urban services irrespective of the
technology used. The platform should also allow the manufacturers
of the sensors to develop integrations themselves using SDKs without
affecting the northbound applications and existing integrations

Systems need to have a provision that integrates various services

and be able to monitor them and operate them. The solution should
provide an option to integrate existing deployed solutions by City
Convergence of
and also need to provide a scalability option to implement new use
Multiple feeds /
8. cases. System should have capability to source data from various
systems implemented in Jammu & Kashmir (being implemented as
part of this project or other projects) to create actionable
Industry The solution should adhere to the industry standards for

9. Standards for interoperability, data representation & exchange, aggregation,

the CCC virtualization and flexibility

The solution shall provide a unified viewing and management GUI

CCC that enables operators to manage situations in a consistent
Operations manner, regardless of underlying integrated systems.

The Solution shall process events automatically, perform

11. correlations, prioritization and rule-based calculations based on

predefined business logic.

The Solution shall facilitate the management of individual alarms


The Solution shall have facilities to support seamless escalation to

higher levels/emergency management.

The Solution shall have an at-a-glance operational status view that

will indicate all exceptions such as alarms, outstanding events that
still require attention, and escalations.

The system must provide Incident Management Services to facilitate

15. the management of response and recovery operations:

Define automatic procedure tasks that initiate actions, including

sending messages
16. popping up pre-configured map views
adjusting incident’s details, such as editing incident name or raising
the severity level

Define key performance indicators, trends, leading Indicators for

17. visualization on a web-based configurable dashboard

configure and monitor service levels and trigger actions for
monitored key performance indicators

An operator shall be able to perform below on map-based tool

add points, polylines, and polygons to maps to identify multiple

locations related to an incident
place or directly open incidents on a map
filter display multiple locations related to an incident

The system must identify and track the status of critical

20. infrastructure/resources and provide a status overview of all the


Should provide integrated dashboard with an easy to navigate user


Should provide a holistic perspective of incidents and situations,

22. including incident handling time, number of false alerts, and

Integrated User number of active and closed incidents
Specific &
Multi-display configurations
Use of map-based tool which allows easy map editing for
23. Dashboard
wide-area monitoring (Google map / Bing map / Any Open Source
Should provide dashboard filtering capabilities that enable end-
users to dynamically filter the data in their dashboard based upon
criteria, such as region, dates etc. and capability to drill down to the

Should provide integration of the Incident Management

Integration with
application with social media. Should provide analytics based on
Social Media &
25. the social media feed collected from the open- source intelligence
Open Source
and collate them to alert the responders for immediate action on
the ground.
Should be able to extract and correlate messages from social media

26. with existing other events and initiate an SOP.


Device Status, Should provide an icon-based user interface on maps to report non-
Obstruction functional devices.
Detection and
Availability Should also provide a single tabular view to list all devices along
Notification with their availability status in real-time.

Standard Operating Procedures should be established, approved

sets of actions considered to be the best practices for responding to
30. a situation or carrying out an operation.

The CCC shall allow the definition of key performance indicators,

trends, Leading Indicators and visualize the indicators on a web-
31. based configurable dashboard infrastructure.

The CCC shall allow configuration and monitoring of service levels

for key performance indicators and triggering of actions towards
32. Performance
the incident management system when those service levels are

Green indicates that the status is acceptable, based on the

parameters for that KPI, no action is required.

Yellow indicates that caution or monitoring is required, action may

be required.

Red indicates that the status is critical and action is

Command & Control Centre should provide easy to use user
interfaces for operators such as Click to Action, Charting, Hover and
36. Pop-Ups, KPIs, Event Filtering, Drill down capability, Event Capture
and User-Specific Setup

The CCC shall provide a repository of built-in relevant reports, such

Reporting as detailed incident reports which should include an incident
37. Requirements summary, all the tasks associated with the incident, relevant
snapshots, and maps.

The CCC shall have a built-in reporting engine that will allow on-
demand or automatic report generation, configurable by the
Administrator and with customization options

The CCC shall enable stakeholder collaboration where

incidents/tasks triggered automatically or manually by control
room operators are distributed to the correct owners in
incident/task context, such collaboration to include:
among allowing departments to work autonomously
Stakeholders allowing logical locations or project groups to work autonomously
allowing inter-department collaboration

Collaboration shall include content such as markups, comments,

tasks, and forms.

Asset management shall be fully integrated with the events

Asset Management
correlation/workflows/rules engine and shall allow defining various
triggers based on specific assets, asset types, asset groups and assets
The system shall enable assets to be displayed on maps with their
corresponding locations and unique icons.
The context menu associated with an asset’s map icon
shall allow direct dialling of a phone number, if available.

The solution should adhere to the below mentioned communication

Requirements The system shall allow email messages based on templates to be

44. initiated by users in response to incidents or invoked by rules-based

automatic actions.

Use authentication information to authenticate individuals and/or

45. Authentication
assign roles.

Should provide the capability for the events that are produced from
a sub-system and are forwarded to the Command & Control Centre.
Events could be a single system occurrence or complex events that
are correlated with multiple systems. Events could be ad hoc, real-
46. time, or predicted and could range in severity from informational to
critical. At the Control Centre, the event should be displayed on a
Events and dashboard and analysed to determine a proper directive.

Directives issued by the Command & Control Centre should depend

on the severity of the monitored event. Directives will be designed
and modified based on standard operating procedures, as well as
state legislation. A directive could be issued automatically via rules,
or it could be created manually.

The system should provide the software component for the

Alert &
message broadcast and notification solution that allows authorized
48. Notification
personal and/or business processes to
send messages to the target audience (select-call or
global or activation of pre-programmed list) using multiple
communication methods

Provide Role-based security model with Multi Factor Authentication

Security & Access
49. to allow only authorized users to access and administer the alert
and notification system.

Provide comprehensive protection of web content and applications

on back-end application servers, by performing authentication,
credential creation and authorization.

Comprehensive policy-based security administration to provide all

users specific access based on user's responsibilities. Maintenance of
51. Authorization
authorization policy in a central repository for administration

Should provide support to enable assignment of permissions to

groups, and administration of access control across multiple
52. User group applications and resources. Secure, web-based administration tools
to manage users, groups, permissions and policies remotely

Should have the ability to respond to real-time data with predefined

Rule Engine &
53. automated actions including triggering of push notification, SMS,
email etc.

Functional Specifications of Non-IT components at CCC

Proposed specifications for various non-IT components, required at Command & Control Centre and
the Edge Level, are given in this section. It is essential that Fire Proof material be used as far as
possible and Certification from the Fire Department be taken for Command & Control Centre before
Go Live.
Indicative CCC Layout

i) Furniture and Fixture Command Control Center:

● Maintainability Feature - The worktops should be installed with a tapered edge. The Edge shall
be mechanically replaceable in case of damage or wear for increased longevity without opening
or removing the worktop. The worktops should comply with industrial safety standards.

● Quality & Durability - The proposed console must be highly durable. The Control Room Turnkey
Solution Provider must ensure that the offered product is an engineered solution.

● Environmental Concern - The Control Room Turnkey Solution Provider must ensure that timber
products originating from a forest are managed in a responsible and sustainable way

● Operator’s Health - The entire console must be ensured low chemical emission level to ensure
healthy indoor environment for operators

● Up gradation - For quick & easy installation, maintenance and retrofitting it is recommended to
define the Monitor Arm Assembly as mentioned below: -
o Monitor arm assembly shall comply with industrial safety standards and have provision to
add or remove the extendible arms with minimum tools to cater future requirements.
o Quick & Easy Maintenance - monitor arm assembly shall support tool less maintenance with
features allowing ease of maintenance of the assembly as well easy installation of monitors.

● Fire Safety - Valid certifications for control room wall tiles to be submitted to ensure that the
material does not provoke fire and does not generate smoke.

● Easy replacement - Modular wall Panelling tiles should have a secure locking arrangement for
equidistant mounting and easy replacement. The feature shall provide easy flexibility of locking
all tiles in one column through gravity.

● Load bearing capacity- Panelling structure shall have load carrying capacity of minimum 250-
300 Kg to hold any display unit on clamp.

● All doors should be a minimum of 1200 mm (4 ft.) wide.

ii) Flooring

● False flooring systems shall be provided with tiles which are resistant to fire and have acoustic
properties to add ergonomic value to the ambience of the control room.

● Top finish material must not emit any harmful VOCs, and should be durable in nature.
iii) Painting

● Fire retardant paint of pre-approved make and shade to give an even shade over a primer coat as
per manufacturers’ recommendations after applying painting putty to level and plumb and
finishing with 2 coats of fire retardant paint. Base coating shall be as per manufacturer’s
recommendation for coverage of paint.

● For all vertical Plain surface.

● For fire-line gyp-board ceiling.

● POP punning over cement plaster in perfect line and level with thickness of 10 – 12 mm including
making good grooves, edge banding, scaffolding pockets etc.
● Fire retardant coating on all vertical surfaces, furniture etc. as per manufacturer’s specification.
iv) PVC Conduit

● The conduits for all systems shall be high impact rigid PVC heavy-duty type and shall comply with
I.E.E regulations for standardized conduit 1.6 mm thick as per IS 9537/1983.

● All sections of conduit and relevant boxes shall be properly cleaned and glued using appropriate
epoxy resin glue and the proper connecting pieces, like conduit fittings such as Mild Steel and
should be so installed that they can remain accessible for existing cable or the installing of the
additional cables.

● No conduit less than 20mm external diameter shall be used. Conduit runs shall be so arranged
that the cables connected to separate main circuits shall be enclosed in separate conduits and
that all lead and return wires of each circuit shall be run to the same circuit.

● All conduits shall be smooth in the bore, true in size and all ends where conduits are cut shall be
carefully made true and all sharp edges trimmed. All joints between lengths of conduit or between
conduit and fittings boxes shall be pushed firmly together and glued properly.

● Cables shall not be drawn into conduits until the conduit system is erected, firmly fixed and
cleaned out. No more than two right-angle bends or the equivalent shall be permitted between a
draw or junction boxes. The bending radius shall comply with I.E.E regulations for PVC pipes.

● Conduit concealed in the ceiling slab shall run parallel to walls and beams and conduit concealed
in the walls shall run vertical or horizontal.

● The chase in the wall required in the recessed conduit system shall be neatly made and shall be of
angle dimensions to permit the conduit to be fixed in the manner desired. Conduit in chase shall
be held by steel hooks of approved design of 60cm centre the chases shall be filled up neatly
after erection of conduit and brought to
the original finish of the wall with cement concrete mixture 1:3:6 using 6mm thick stone
aggregate and coarse sand.

v) Wiring

● PVC insulated copper conductor cable shall be used for subcircuit runs from the distribution
boards to the points and shall be pulled into conduits. They shall be stranded copper conductors
with thermoplastic insulation of 650 / 1100 volts grade.

● A looping system of wiring shall be used, wires shall not be jointed. No reduction of strands is
permitted at terminations.

● Wherever wiring is run through trunking or raceways, the wires emerging from individual
distributions shall be bunched together with cable straps at required regular intervals.
Identification ferrules indicating the circuit and D.B. number shall be used for sub-main, subcircuit
wiring the ferrules shall be provided at both ends of each sub-main and sub-circuit.

● Where single-phase circuits are supplied from a three-phase and a neutral distribution board, no
conduit shall contain wiring fed from more than one phase in any one room in the premises,
where all or part of the electrical load consists of lights, fans and/or other single-phase current
consuming devices, all shall be connected to the same phase of the supply.

● Circuits fed from distinct sources of supply or from different distribution boards or
M.C.B.s shall not be bunched in one conduit. In large areas and other situations where the load is
divided between two or three phases, no two single-phase switches connected to different phases
shall be mounted within two meters of each other.

● All splicing shall be done by means of terminal blocks or connectors and no twisting connection
between conductors shall be allowed.

● Metal clad sockets shall be of die-cast non-corroding zinc alloy and deeply recessed contact tubes.
Visible scraping type earth terminal shall be provided. Socket shall have push on protective cap.
● All power sockets shall be piano type with associated switches of the same capacity. Switch and
socket shall be enclosed in an M.S sheet enclosure with the operating knob projecting. The entire
assembly shall be suitable for wall mounting with Bakelite insulators connected on the live wire
and neutrals of each circuit. It shall also be continuous everywhere having no fuse or switch
installed in the line except at the main panels and boards. Each power plug shall be connected to
each separate and individual circuit unless specified otherwise. The power wiring shall be kept
separate and distinct from lighting and fan wiring. Switch and socket for light and power shall be
separate units and not combined one.

● Balancing of circuits in three phases installed shall be arranged before installation is taken up.
Unless otherwise specified not more than ten light points shall be grouped on one circuit and the
load per circuit shall not exceed 1000 watts.
vi) Earthing

● Earthing shall be in conformity with provision of rules 32, 61, 62, 67 & 68 of Indian Electricity rules
1956 and as per IS-3043. The entire applicable IT infrastructure in the Control Rooms shall be

● All metallic objects on the premises that are likely to be energized by electric currents should be
effectively grounded.

● The connection to the earth or the electrode system should have sufficiently low resistance in the
range of 0 to 25 ohm to ensure prompt operation of respective protective devices in event of a
ground fault, to provide the required safety from an electric shock to personnel & protect the
equipment from voltage gradients which are likely to damage the equipment.

● Recommended levels for equipment grounding conductors should have a very low impedance
level of less than 0.25 ohm.

● There should be enough space between data and power cabling and there should not be any
cross-wiring of the two, in order to avoid any interference or corruption of data.
● The earth connections shall be properly made. A small copper loop to bridge the top cover of the
transformer and the tank shall be provided to avoid earth fault current passing through fastened
bolts when there is a lighting surge, high voltage surge or failure of bushings.

● A complete copper mesh earthing grid needs to be installed for the server farm area, every rack
needs to be connected to this earthing grid. A separate earthing pit needs to be in place for this
copper mesh.

● Provide separate Earthing pits for Servers, UPS & Generators as per the standards.
vii) Cable Work

● Cable ducts should be of such dimension that the cables laid in it do not touch one another. If
found necessary, the cable shall be fixed with clamps on the walls of the duct. Cables shall be laid
on the walls/on the trays as required using suitable clamping/ fixing arrangement as required.
Cables shall be neatly arranged on the trays in such a manner that crisscrossing is avoided and
finally take off to switchgear is easily facilitated.

● All cables will be identified close to their termination point by cable number as per the circuit
schedule. Cable numbers will be punched on 2mm thick standard strips and securely fastened to
the cables. In the case of control cables, all covers shall be identified by their wire numbers by
means of PVC ferrules. For trip circuit identification additional red ferrules are to be used only in
the switchgear panels, cables shall be supported so as to prevent appreciable sagging. In general,
distance between supports shall not be greater than 600mm for a horizontal run and 750mm for a
vertical run.

● Each section of the rising mains shall be provided with suitable wall straps so that the same can
be mounted on the wall.

● Whenever the rising mains pass through the floor they shall be provided with a built- in fireproof
barrier so that this barrier restricts the spread of fire through the rising mains from one section to
the other adjacent section.
● Neoprene rubber gaskets shall be provided between the covers and channel to satisfy the
operating conditions imposed by temperature, weathering, durability etc.

● The necessary earthing arrangement shall be made alongside the rising mains enclosure by means
of a GI strip of adequate size bolted to each section and shall be earthed at both ends. The rising
mains enclosure shall be bolted type.
viii) Fire Alarm System

Fire can have disastrous consequences and may affect the operations of a Control Room. The early
detection of fire for effective functioning of the Control Room.

A. System Description

i. The Fire alarm system shall be a single loop addressable fire detection and alarm system. It
must be installed as per NFPA 72 guidelines.

ii. Detection shall be by means of automatic heat and smoke detectors (multi- sensor) located
throughout the Control Room (ceiling, false floor and other appropriate areas where fire can
take place) with break glass units on escape routes and exits.

B. Control and indicate component

i. The control panel shall be a microprocessor-based single loop addressable unit, designed and
manufactured to the requirements of UL/EN54 Part 2 for the control and indicating
component and UL/EN54 Part 4 for the internal power supply.

ii. All controls of the system shall be via the control panel only.

iii. The system status shall be made available via panel mounted LEDs and a backlit 8-line x 40-
character alphanumeric liquid crystal display.

iv. All system controls and programming will be accessed via an alphanumeric keypad. The control
panel will incorporate form fill menu-driven fields for data entry and retrieval.

v. The system will include a detection verification feature. The user shall have the option to
activate a timely response to a fire condition. This time shall be
programmable for up to 10 minutes to allow for investigation of the fire condition before
activating alarm outputs. The operation of a manual call point shall override any verified
Control Centre.

C. Manual Controls i.Start

sounders ii.Silence
sounders iii.Reset system
iv.Cancel fault buzzer
v.Display test
vi. Delay sounder operation
vii.Verify fire condition
viii.Disable loop

D. Smoke detectors
Smoke detectors shall be of the optical or ionization type. Devices shall be compatible with the
CIE conforming to the requirements of UL/EN54 Part 7. The detectors shall have twin LEDs to
indicate the device has operated and shall fit a common addressable base.

E. Heat detectors

i. Heat detectors shall be of the fixed temperature (58° C) or rate of temperature rise type with a
fixed temperature operating point.

ii. Devices shall be compatible with the CIE conforming to the requirements of UL/ EN54 Part 5 the
detectors shall have a single LED to indicate the device has operated and shall fit a common
addressable base.

iii. All bases shall be compatible with the type of detector heads fitted and the control system
component used. Each base shall comprise all necessary electronics including a short circuit

iv. The device shall be automatically addressed by the CIE on power up of the loop without the
need of the insertion of a pre-programmed EPROM or setting of DIL switches.
v. Detector bases shall fit onto an industry standard conduit box.

vi. Addressable Manual Call points must also be provided

vii. Control & Monitor module must be provided for integration with 3rd party systems.

F. Audible Alarms –
Electronic sounders shall be coloured red with adjustable sound outputs and at least 3 sound signals.
The sounders should be suitable for operation with a 24V DC supply providing a sound output of at
least 100dBA at 1 meter and 75 dBA min, for a bedhead or sounder base type device. The sounder
frequency shall be in the range of 500Hz to 1000Hz.

G. Commissioning
The fire detection and alarm system will be programmable and configurable via an alphanumeric keypad on
the control panel.

ix) Aspirating Smoke Detection System

This specification covers the requirements of design, supply of materials, installation, testing and
commissioning of Aspirating Smoke Detection System. The system shall include all equipment,
appliances and labour necessary to install the system, complete with highly sensitive LASER-based
Smoke Detectors with aspirators connected to a network of sampling pipes.

A. Codes and standards

The entire installation shall be installed to comply with one or more of the following codes and
o NFPA Standards, US
o British Standards, BS 5839 part :1

B. Design Requirements

i. The System shall consist of a highly sensitive LASER-based smoke detector, aspirator, and
i. Shall provide very early smoke detection and provide multiple output levels corresponding to
Alert, Action, and Fire 1 & 2

C. Displays on the Detector Assembly

i. The detector will be provided with LED indicators.
ii. Each Detector shall provide the following features: Alert, Alarm, Fire 1 and Fire 2 corresponding to
the alarm thresholds of the detector/Smoke Dial display represents the level of smoke present,
Fault Indicator, Disabled indicator
x) Access Control System

The Access Control System shall be deployed with the objective of allowing entry and exit to and
from the premises to authorized personnel only. The system deployed shall be based on Biometric
Technology. An access control system consisting of a central PC, intelligent controllers, power
supplies and all associated accessories is required to make a fully operational on-line access control
system. Access control shall be provided for entry / exit doors. These doors shall be provided with
electric locks and shall operate on fail-safe principle. The lock shall remain unlocked in the event of a
fire alarm or in the event of a power failure. The fire alarm supplier shall make potential free contacts
available for releasing the locks in a fire condition especially for staircase and main doors. Entry to
the restricted area shall be by showing a proximity card / facial recognition near the reader and exit
shall be using a push button installed in the secure area. The system shall monitor the status of the
doors through magnetic reed contacts. The system should be designed and implemented to provide
following functionality:

i. Controlled Entries to defined access points

ii. Controlled exits from defined access points
iii. Controlled entries and exits for visitors
iv. Configurable system for user defined access policy for each access point
v. Record, report and archive each and every activity (permission granted and / or rejected) for
each access point.
vi. User defined reporting and log formats
vii. Fail safe operation in case of no-power condition and abnormal condition such as fire, theft,
intrusion, loss of access control, etc.
viii. Day, Date, Time and duration-based access rights should be user configurable for each access
point and for each user.
ix. One user can have different policy / access rights for different access points.
xi) Structured Cabling Components

S. No Parameter Minimum Specifications

1 Standards ANSI TIA 568 C for all structured cabling components

OEM Certification and Warranty of 15-/ 20 years as per OEM

2 OEM Warranty

3 Certification UL Listed and Verified

xii) Temperature Requirements

The environment inside the Primary and Secondary Data Centres (If the SI selects the cloud-based
deployment, a certificate to ascertain safety can be provided) shall be continuously maintained at 23
± 1 degrees Celsius. The temperature and humidity shall be controlled at desired levels. The
necessary alarms for variation in temperatures shall be monitored on a 24/7 basis and logged for
providing reports.

● OFF indicating lamp: Green

● TRIP indicating lamp: Amber
● PHASE indicating lamp: Red, Yellow, Blue
● TRIP circuit healthy lamp: Milky

A. Temperature and Relative Humidity Recorders

Temperature and relative humidity recorders shall be deployed for recording events of multiple
locations within the Primary and Secondary Data Centres. Records of events for the past 7 days shall
be recorded and presentable whenever required.
Sensors shall be located at various locations within the Data Centre to record temperature and
humidity automatically.

B. Air Quality Levels

The Data Centre shall be kept at the highest level of cleanliness to eliminate the impact of air quality
on the hardware and other critical devices. The Primary and Secondary Data Centres shall be
deployed with efficient air filters to eliminate and
arrest the possibility of airborne particulate matter which may cause air-flow clogging, gumming up
of components, causing short-circuits, or blocking the function of moving parts.

C. Additional Points

● The air conditioners shall be capable of maintaining a temperature range of 20 degrees Celsius
with a maximum of ±1 degree variation and relative humidity of 50% with a maximum
variation of ±5%.

● The system shall include fully deployed Dynamic Smart Cooling with auto sequencing and auto
power management features.
○ Line voltage value
○ Temperature set point
○ Humidity set point
○ Working hours of the main component i.e. compressors, fans, heater, humidifier.
○ Unit working hours
○ Current date and time
○ Type of alarm (with automatic reset or block)
○ The last 10 intervened alarms
○ Following alarms shall be displayed on screen of microprocessor unit:
○ Compressor low pressure
○ Compressor high pressure
○ Smoke /Fire
○ High/Low room temperature
○ High/Low room humidity
○ Spare external alarms
○ The control system shall include the following settable features:
○ Unit identification number
○ Start-up delay, cold start delay, and fan run on timers
○ Sensor calibration
○ Remote shutdown and general alarm management
○ Compressor sequencing
○ Return temperature control
○ Choice of modulating output types
○ The unit shall incorporate the following protections:
○ Single phasing preventers
○ Reverse phasing
○ Phase disbalancing
○ Phase failure
○ Overload tripping (MPCB) of all components
xiii) Other Requirements

i. The Command-and-Control Centre will be the nodal point of availability of all online data and
information related to various current and future smart elements and will be connected to
other network of services in Udupi cmc through an integration layer.

i. The CCC will be established with all hardware, software and network infrastructure including
switches and routers and will be maintained by the successful bidder throughout the
mentioned period.

ii. All required Servers, Storage, Software, Firewall, Network Switches for entire project shall be
installed in an integrated manner.

iv. The controls and displays should be mounted in ergonomically designed consoles to keep the
operator’s fatigue to a minimum and console’s efficiency high.

v. Integration with Telecom / Internet service providers would aid in automatically capturing the
CDR database for person of interest

vi. Security: Under no circumstances the data accumulated and processed by Control Centre
should be compromised. Hence, provisions will be made to keep all the data stored in the
platform that is highly secured with required security framework implementation.

vii. The platform must have the ability to ingest APIs to integrate with other previously deployed
applications while also being able to share data to other applications on the request of Client.
Technical Specifications

i. Active LED Video Wall Panel

S. Parameter Minimum Specification


50” or higher- LED Technology or

1. Screen
Direct LED IPS based technology or equivalent
Full high definition (1920X1080) or higher 16:9
2. Resolution

3. Contrast Ratio 1800:1

4. Brightness Uniformity of 85%

5. Viewing angle 178 degree/178 degree (H/V)

Access to the
6. Front/Rear access

7. Input HDMI/DP

8. Control On Screen Display (OSD)- IP/IR remote control

9. Operations 24 x 7, Life of light source 100000 hrs in eco-mode.

10. Standards BIS or equivalent

ii. Wall Management Software

Parameter Minimum Specifications

Must allow free scaling of displayed content on video wall

1 Display & Scaling

All input sources can be displayed on the video wall in freely

2 Input Management
resizable and movable windows

Scenarios management Save and load desktop layouts from local or remote machines
Layout Management Support all layout from input sources, Internet Explorer, desktop
and remote desktop application

Multiple view of portions or regions of Desktop, multiple

5 Multi View Option
application can view from single desktop

iii. Workstation for CCC

S. Parameter Minimum Specification


1 CPU Quad core CPU

2 Memory 8 GB DDR4 or better

3 Hard-Disk Drive 512 GB SSD or better

4 Display 1 No’s of 27”-inch LCD / LED Display

5 Display ports 4 Display Port / mini Display Ports

6 Keyboard Wired keyboard with 104 keys

7 Mouse Wired Optical with USB interface

USB Ports including 2 USB 3.0 Ports and audio ports for
8 Ports
microphone and headphone

9 Cabinet Mini Tower.

10 Operating system Windows 10 64-bit operating system

11 Antivirus To be provided

Network RJ-45 (10/100/1000 Base-T)

Connectivity Wireless 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac or better

Power Supply
13 700 W or better
iv. Network MFD Color Printers

S. Parameter Minimum Specification


Black: 24 ppm or above on A4

1 Print Speed
Colour: 12 ppm or above on A4

2 Resolution 600 X 600 DPI

3 Memory 8 MB or more

4 Paper Size A3, A4, Legal, Letter, Executive, custom sizes

250 sheets or above on standard input tray, 100 Sheet or above on

5 Paper Capacity
Output Tray

6 Duty Cycle 25,000 sheets or better per month

7 OS Support Linux, Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10

8 Interface Ethernet Interface

9 Shall have the ability to Scan, Send and Receive Fax

v. IP Phone Specifications

Parameter Minimum Specifications

2 line or more, Monochrome display for viewing features like

1 Display
messages, directory, operator name, etc.

10/100 mbps for a direct connection to a 10/100BASE-T Ethernet

2 Integral switch
network through an RJ-45 interface

3 Speaker Phone Yes

4 Head set Port for Head set (Headset also to be provided)

5 VoIP Protocol SIP V2

6 PoE IEEE 802.3af or better


8 Codecs G.711, G.722 including handset and speakerphone

Full duplex speaker phone with echo cancellation Speaker

9 Speaker Phone
on/ off button, microphone mute

Easy decibel level adjustment for speaker phone, handset and ringer
. 10 Volume control

11 Minimum 100 contacts
ress book

Access to missed, received, and placed calls. (Minimum 20 overall)

12 Call Logs

13 Clock Time and Date on display

14 Ringer Selectable Ringer tone

15 LDAP standard directory

vi. Digital Calling VoIP & SIP Trunking

The system shall support minimum 30 simultaneous calls with features like –

a. Provide reports for calls based on records, calls on a user basis, calls through gateways etc.
b. Able to add bulk, delete, and update operations for devices and users
c. Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Trunk support
d. Centralized, configuration database, Web based management
e. Facilities to users like Call Back, Call Forward, Directory Dial, Last number Redial, etc.
f. Calling Line Identification

Description Minimum Specification

1 Technology IP, Non-blocking

The VOIP interface should support: the following:

SIP for signalling and controlling communication sessions G.711(64

kbps), G.729a (8 kbps), G.723.1 (5.3/6.4 kbps)
2 Interface
and G.726 audio codecs
FAX Support - G3 FAX or better Modem
Support up to V.90, or better at least 30 VoIP

The gateway should have the following identification features:

Caller ID presentation
3 Identification
Caller ID screening to allow connections to be accepted only from
selected call sources
SIP Registration & Digest Authentication

Type of
Digital and IP
4 Extension

Dial planner to enable call routing capabilities and standalone or proxy

Direct Inward Dialling service to forwards incoming calls directly to
Routing &
5 voice over IP (VoIP)
SIP registration to multiple proxies
NAT traversal to establish and maintain IP connection across gateway
Security &
6 Protocols - HTTPS, SSH, Telnet Configurable
user login passwords

7 0° - 40°C or higher
0% - 90% humidity or higher

The System should have features like echo cancellation, silence

8 Call quality suppression, comfort noise generation, adaptive jitter removal etc.
to enhance call quality

The Gateway should be certified with information technology

9 Safety
equipment safety standard IS 13252-1 or its equivalents like

vii. Online UPS (100 KVA)

S. Parameter Minimum Specification


Adequate capacity to cover all above IT Components at respective

1 Capacity

Output Wave
2 Pure Sine wave

Input Power
3 Factor at Full

4 Input Three Phase 3 Wire for over 100 KVA

Input Voltage
5 305-475VAC at Full Load

6 Input Frequency 50Hz +/- 3 Hz

7 Output Voltage 400V AC, Three Phase for over 100 KVA UPS
8 Output Frequency 50Hz+/- 0.5% (Free running); +/- 3% (Sync. Mode)

9 Inverter efficiency >90%

Over All AC-AC

10 >85%

UPS should shutdown with an alarm and indication on following


1) Output over voltage

UPS shutdown 2) Output under voltage

3) Battery low

4) Inverter overload

5) Over temperature

6) Output short

12 Battery Backup 4 hours in full load

VRLA (Valve Regulated Lead Acid) SMF (Sealed

13 Battery
Maintenance Free) Battery

Indicators for AC Mains, Load on Battery, Fault, Load Level, Battery

Low Warning, Inverter On, UPS on Bypass, Overload, etc.
Indicators &
Metering Metering for Input Voltage, Output Voltage and frequency, battery
voltage, output current etc.

Battery low, Mains Failure, Over temperature, Inverter overload,

15 Audio Alarm
Fault etc.

16 Cabinet Rack / Tower type

17 Operating Temp 0⁰C to 50⁰C

viii. Indoor Fixed Dome Cameras for internal surveillance with storage

S. No Parameter Minimum Specification

1 H.264 / H.265 or better

2 Video Resolution 1080p or better

3 Frame rate Min. 25 fps

4 Image Sensor 1/3” Progressive Scan CCD / CMOS

Varifocal, IR Correction Full HD lens compatible to camera

5 Lens Type

6 Lens#

Dual streaming with 2nd stream at minimum 720P at 30fps at H.264

7 Multiple Streams
individually configurable

8 Colour: 0.1 lux, B/W: 0.01 lux (at 30 IRE)

9 IR Cut Filter Automatically Removable IR-cut filter

10 Day/Night Mode Colour, Mono, Auto

11 S/N Ratio ≥ 50 dB

Auto adjustment Colour, brightness, sharpness, contrast, white balance, exposure

+ Remote Control of control, backlight compensation, Gain Control, Auto back focus
Image settings

Wide Dynamic
13 True WDR upto 80 db

14 Audio Full duplex, line in and line out, G.711, G.726

Micro SDXC card 128GB (Class 10) or better in the event

15 Local storage
of failure of connectivity to the central server the camera
shall record video locally on the SD card automatically. After the
connectivity is restored these recordings shall be automatically
merged with the server recording such that no manual intervention
is required to transfer the SD card- based recordings to server.


16 Protocol
DHCP, ONVIF Profile S &G

Password Protection, IP Address filtering, User Access Log, HTTPS

17 Security

18 Intelligent Video Motion Detection & Tampering alert

19 Alarm I/O Minimum 1 Input & Output contact for 3rd party interface

20 0⁰C to 50°C

21 Casing NEMA 4X / IP66 rated & IK 09

22 Certification UL / CE / FCC

23 Power 802.3af PoE (Class 0) and 12VDC/24AC

ix. L3 Switch

Parameter Minimum Specification

24 or 48 (as per requirements) 10/100/1000 Base-TX Ethernet ports

and extra 2 nos of Base-SX/LX ports
1 Ports
All ports can auto-negotiate between 10Mbps/ 100Mbps/ 1000Mbps,
half-duplex or full duplex and flow control for
half-duplex ports.

2 Switch type Layer 3

3 MAC Support 8K MAC address.

56 Gbps or more Switching fabric capacity (as per network

4 Backplane
configuration to meet performance requirements)
5 Forwarding rate Packet Forwarding Rate should be 40.0 Mpps or better

Must support Port Mirroring, Port Trunking and 802.3ad LACP Link
6 Port Features
Aggregation port trunks

Support IEEE 802.3x flow control for full-duplex mode ports.

7 Flow Control

Support 802.1D, 802.1S, 802.1w, Rate limiting

Support 802.1Q VLAN encapsulation, IGMP v1, v2 and v3 snooping
802.1p Priority Queues, port mirroring, DiffServ
Support based on 802.1p priority bits with at least 8 queues DHCP
support & DHCP snooping/relay/option 82/ server support
8 Protocols
Shaped Round Robin (SRR) or WRR scheduling support. Support for
Strict priority queuing & Sflow
Support for IPV6 ready features with dual stack
Support upto 255 VLANs and upto 4K VLAN IDs

Support port security

Support 802.1x (Port based network access control). Support for MAC
9 Access Control
Should support TACACS+ and RADIUS authentication
Support 802.1Q Tagged VLAN and port based VLANs and Private VLAN
The switch must support dynamic VLAN Registration or equivalent
10 Dynamic Trunking protocol or equivalent

Network Time Protocol or equivalent Simple Network Time Protocol

Protocol and
11 Switch should support traffic segmentation
Traffic classification should be based on user-definable application
types: TOS, DSCP, Port based, TCP/UDP port
Switch needs to have RS-232 console port for management via a
console terminal or PC
Must have support SNMP v1,v2 and v3 Should support

Management 4 groups of RMON

Should have accessibility using Telnet, SSH, Console access, easier
software upgrade through network using TFTP etc. Configuration
management through CLI, GUI
based software utility and using web interface

x. Touch screen Smart TV for conference room

S. Specification Minimum Requirements


1 Type Industrial Grade Touch Display for 24x7 operations

2 Screen Size 75” or better

3 Type LED Backlit

4 Panel IPS LCD

5 Aspect Ratio 16:9

6 Resolution Ultra HD (4K), 3840 x 2160 or better

7 Brightness 300 nits or better

8 Orientation Portrait and Landscape

9 Contrast Ratio 1200:1 or better

10 Connectors DVI, HDMI, VGA

RJ-45 (10/100/1000 Base-T)

11 Network Connectivity
g. Wireless 802.11 b/g/n or better

12 Colour Depth 16-bit colour

13 Input Voltage 150-240v, 50 Hz

Operating temperature
14 0⁰C to 50⁰C or better
15 Viewing angle 178-degree x 178 degree

16 Response 12ms or better

17 Power supply inbuilt or external

Accessories for Wall mount, Desktop with suitable

18 Accessories
specification for video Conferencing,1080p/30fps camera
with microphone required

19 Certification CE, FCC

Android or other similar TV operating system with ability to

20 Operating System
install applications from a publically available application

Shall support casting from iOS, Android and Windows devices

21 Other requirements
through Wi-Fi

CCC Application Software for Overall Monitoring of IoT Infrastructure

S. No Features/ Specifications

1 ICCC Application Software

This shall be a highly scalable enterprise level software solution. It shall offer a solution
that have a distributed network architecture, user-friendly interface, scalable to required
numbers of sensors to be added in the future

The user with administrative rights shall create clients (users) and give access to the
software client application based on predefined user access rights.

The system shall allow the historical data migration if any, live monitoring, and viewing of
past data

The software shall support Third Party Hardware / Software Integration through SDKs and

The area map shall be configurable to pop up upon the receipt of an alarm received from
any sensor on the field.
The software shall provide an alarm management module.

The alarm management shall be able to display field device status automatically in response
to alarms.
The Central alarm management Module at the CCC shall be able to reset any
alarm if deemed false

It shall be possible to search for historical data in the software by Sensors, date and time. If
a date and time is specified, data would be visualized for that specific time period. It shall
be possible to view data from more than one field sensor simultaneously.

The Software shall be seamlessly integrated with Machine Learning Algorithms to provide
insights and raise alerts when specific conditions are visualized

Software shall regularly ping all field sensors to receive their real time running status and
raise SMS / Email / CCC Alert if sensor running status is off.

KVM Module (If required - Applicable only for Physical Server Deployment)

S. Item Minimum Specifications


Keyboard, Video Display Unit and Mouse Unit (KVM)

1 KVM Requirement for the IT Infrastructure Management at Data Centre

2 Form Factor 19” rack mountable

3 Ports minimum 8 ports

4 Server Connections USB or KVM over IP.

5 Auto-Scan It should be capable to auto scan servers

6 Rack Access It should support local user port for rack access

The KVM switch should be SNMP enabled. It should be

operable from remote locations
8 OS Support It should support multiple operating system

It should have dual power with failover and built- in

9 Power Supply
surge protection

It should support multi-user access and

10 Multi-User support

Back-up Software/Solution

i. The software shall back up all of the data collected from the Field IoT devices, with data tagged
under various categories as required. The data would be backed up on multiple levels, with
varying speed of retrievability. The SI, based on the understanding of backup requirements will
select the architecture for the same. The other data that would require backing up would include
the various databases that shall be created for the various IoT based solutions as part of the Jal
Jeevan Mission.

ii. Scheduled unattended backup using policy-based management for all Server and OS platforms.
iii. The software should support on-line backup and restore of various applications and Databases.
iv. The backup software should support different types of backup such as Full backup, Incremental
backup, Differential backup, Selective backup, Point in Time backup and Progressive Incremental
backup and snapshots.

v. The backup software should support GUI and Web-based interface.

S. Minimum Specifications

1 Product details-

2 Please mention Make Model No. or Part Code

The proposed appliance must be a converged, integrated appliance for long term data
retention and disaster recovery

The solution must support data protection of physical systems as well as virtual
The Proposed backup solutions should support online backup of all the database systems

5 being used for this project. The proposed solution should reduce network bandwidth for
backup by sending only changed data blocks over network.

The proposed solution should support Instant Access and Restore of the required data.

The proposed solution must have minimal footprint in the Data Centre. The bidder must
7 provide details on the rack, power and cooling requirements (If applicable)

The proposed solution must support monitoring and simplified management via standard
browser and intuitive user interface

The proposed solution must be able to de-duplicate backup data globally across sites,
desktop, laptops and servers, applications or databases

The proposed solution must provide efficient data reduction by using variable block length
deduplication at the source as well as target side.

Must support 256-bit AES encryption or better for data at rest and data-in- flight during
11 replication. It must offer internal and external key management for encryption

It must support web based advance search from the backup catalog based on dates, time,
12 full text and patterns etc. and also able to recover the data close to original / alternate path
from the same search console

Must have an option for extensive alerting and reporting with pre-configured and

13 customizable formats. The proposed solution must have capability to do trend analysis for
capacity planning of backup environments not limited to Integrated Backup Solution/Clients,
Virtual Environment, Replication etc.

The proposed solution must have the ability to reduce network bandwidth and source side
14 compute overheads by only transferring the changed blocks to the backup target.

The proposed solution should be capable of throttling Network Bandwidth if necessary in

certain situations
The solution should be capable of integration with active directory infrastructure for
16 ease of user rights management along with role-based access control to regulate the
level of management

17 The proposed backup solution must have advanced analytic & reporting capabilities built in

For an on-prem system, the proposed solution must have the ability to move long term
18 backup data to the public or private or hybrid cloud storage as well as provide DR

The proposed appliance must be configured with minimum 3 months backup of all
application data

Database Licenses;

20 SI should provide DBs Licenses/ enterprise/full version as required for the proposed System
and following all standard industry norms for performance, data security, authentication and
database shall be exportable into XML.

Enterprise Management System (EMS)

The Enterprise Management System (EMS) should have the following components:

A. Network Management System

Following are key functionalities that are required, which will help measuring SLAs as well as assist
administrators to monitor network faults & performance degradations in order to reduce
downtimes, increase availability and take proactive actions to remediate & restore network services.

● The proposed solution must automatically discover manageable elements connected to the
infrastructure and map the connectivity between them. Solution should provide a centralized
monitoring console displaying network topology map.

● The system should be able to clearly log any configuration changes and identify them as the root
cause of network problems, during an occurrence. Administrators should receive an alert in case
of any change made on routers.
B. Server Performance Monitoring System

● The proposed tool should integrate with the network performance management system

● The proposed tool must provide information about availability and performance for server nodes.

● The solution should provide a unified web-based console, which consolidates all aspects of role-
based access under a single console.

● Proposed Network Management shall supply KPI metrics like availability, utilisation, and
performance in order to measure central SLA’s and calculate penalties.

C. Centralized Help Desk System

● The proposed helpdesk solution must provide flexibility of logging, viewing, updating and closing
incidents manually via web interface for issues related to the current project.

● Helpdesk system should provide incident management, problem management templates along
with helpdesk SLA system for tracking SLA’s pertaining to incident resolution time for priority /
non-priority incidents.

● The proposed helpdesk solution must have a built-in workflow engine to define escalations or
tasks to be carried out after issues or change orders are logged pertaining to the current project.

● The Centralized Helpdesk System should have integration with Network/Server Monitoring

● System should also automatically create tickets based on predefined alarm types.

D. Helpdesk Management
It is envisaged that the centralized helpdesk, functioning as proposed below, would be managed by
the System Integrator and shall serve following objectives:

● Own an Incident throughout its Lifecycle

● Communicate effectively with Dept. Officers and IT support teams.

● Maintain high user satisfaction levels

● Maintain the SLA statistics & submit quarterly report to Department.

A general process flow for the helpdesk management is depicted in the flow-chart given as
follows. Systems Integrator shall prepare a detailed Helpdesk Policy in consultation with JJM
prior to the Go Live date.

System Integrator shall deploy a State-of-Art Enterprise Management System to handle the
complexity of Operations & SLA Management

Command and Control Centre Infrastructure

The CCC consists of various infrastructure components that need to be built as per requirement for an effective

● Video wall Screen

● Video Wall Management Software
● IP CCTV camera for Control Room
● ICT Infrastructure and IoT Platform
● AC
Indicative Layout

Data Centre and DR;

The DC & DR services shall be provided by the GoI and the solution design by the system Integrator
shall be compatible in data sharing with the central cloud.
A. Backup Software
● The software shall back up all of the data collected from the Field IoT devices, with data tagged under
various categories as required. The data would be backed up on multiple levels, with varying speed of
retrievability. The SI, based on the understanding of backup requirements will select the architecture
for the same. The other data that would require backing up would include the various databases that
shall be created for the various IoT solutions as part of the Jal Jeevan Mission.
● Scheduled unattended backup using policy-based management for all Server and OS platforms.
● The software should support on-line backup and restoration of various applications and Databases.
● The backup software should support different types of backups such as Full backup, Incremental
backup, Differential backup, Selective backup, Point in Time backup and Progressive Incremental
backup and snapshots
● The backup software should support GUI and Web-based interface.
B. Centralized Antivirus Solution

It is proposed that the following features are required for a centralized antivirus solution, to protect
all computing resources (servers, desktops, other edge level devices, etc.)

● Must update itself over the internet for virus definitions, program updates etc. (periodically
as well as in push-updates in case of outbreaks)
● Able to perform different scan Actions based on the virus type (Trojan/ Worm, Joke, Hoax, Virus,
● Shall provide Real-time Product Performance Monitor and Built-in Debug and Diagnostic tools,
and context- sensitive help.
● Should be capable of providing multiple layers of defence
● Shall have facility to clean, delete and quarantine the virus affected files.
● Should support online update, where by most product updates and patches can be performed
without bringing the messaging server off-line.
● Updates to the scan engines should be automated and should not require manual intervention
● Updates should be capable of being rolled back in case required
● File filtering should be supported by the proposed solution; file filtering should be based on true file
● Shall scan at least MQTT, HTTP, FTP traffic (sending & receiving) in real time and protect against
viruses, worms & Trojan horse attacks and other malicious code.
Monitoring Dashboard

Technical and functional Specification

● Procure necessary hardware, system software for successful running of the dashboard.
● Liaison with necessary stakeholders, understand and collect the required information.
● Install data collection mechanism to monitor the distribution network.
● Set up redundancy layers to ensure 24x7, 365 days availability of the system
● Ensure timely backup of database.
● Troubleshoot the database and application modules
● The dashboard BI tool shall support both real time and offline data collection and
sync mechanisms. The offline mode shall be used when the networks seize to exist and data is
transmitted in batch when the communication network resumes.

● The access to dashboard software should have user name and password for login into appropriate
accounts created on the Server side.

● After login, the user should view the statistics which are assigned to that particular user only.
● Dashboard software shall have filtering options based on Time, Region, Zone, District etc. This
filter facility should be available for the users.

● Dashboard software should alert if a new version of software is available in the data centre and
should have the option to update the software using internet connection.

● The dashboard must also have a real time field sensor working monitoring solution.
● The real-time system shall be provided in a graphical user interface that is easy to operate by the
operator, but that can also be configured in the future in the same tool to run more complex
scenarios requested by the engineer and planner.

● The real-time system shall be able to combine historic view and real-time view in the same user
interface for easy accessibility.

● The operator shall not be required to possess any in-depth knowledge of modelling to use the
water management system. By scrolling back and forth on a simple button interface he shall be
able to obtain real-time and historic information required such as pressure, flow and quality

● The management system shall be visualized in a control room atmosphere with focus on simplicity
and easy access to information – enabling everyone to obtain qualified information about the

● In the main view it shall be possible to scroll in and out – visualizing what is relevant for the
specific water utility

● Alarms:
With appropriate privileges, it shall be possible to display or acknowledge any alarm and/or the most
recent alarm on any page. The system shall provide multiple levels of alarm priority or category. The
priority of an alarm shall be identifiable by the colour and font settings of the alarm message on the
screen. Sound indication for each alarm category can be added if required and shall be configurable.
This must be possible at each station. It shall be possible to have the alarm sound either by internal
or external
speaker The software shall have a standard alarm display page that can be modified for the project.
The standard alarm page shall have the facility for scrolling through multiple pages of alarms and for
acknowledgment and disablement of individual alarms. It shall be possible to display the following
information for each alarm as it appears on an alarm display page:

1. Alarm Name
2. Alarm Description
3. Value
4. Threshold
5. Alarm Status - Disabled, Acknowledged, Unacknowledged
6. Alarm Priority
7. Time & Date
8. Operator Comments.
It shall be possible to display each alarm category in a different font and colour (including flashing
colours) dependent on whether the alarm is Active Unacknowledged, Active Acknowledged,
Acknowledged Cleared, Unacknowledged Cleared or Disabled.

a. Video Wall
A command centre or (often called a war room) is any place that is used to provide centralized
command for some purpose. These can be used in many other cases by governments or businesses.
Every Command-and-control centre has a video wall which visualises each and every action
happening in the control centre to know the instant statuses of the Jal Jeevan Mission.
Selection of Concessionaire for Implementing Intelligent Poles for Digital infrastructure Projects in Udupi on BOOT model

Fig: Prospective set up of a video wall.

Functional Specifications

● Procure necessary hardware, system software for successful running of videowalls.

● Liaison with necessary stakeholders, understand and collect the required information
● Set up redundancy layers to ensure 24x7, 365 days availability of the system
● Perform initial configuration of the systems and as required
● Provide troubleshooting guide to enable self service
● The access to the video wall (in the CCC) should be through biometric access control for the room.
Video wall software shall have the capability to display required information on the specific screens

13.3 System Documents, User Documents

The Concessionaire will provide documentation, which should follow the ITIL (Information
Technology Infrastructure Library) standards. This documentation should be submitted as the
Project undergoes various stages of implementation. Indicative list of documents include:

 Project Commencement Documentation: Project Plan in giving out micro level activities
with milestones & deadlines.

 Cabling Layout: Systems Integrator shall submit the detailed cabling layout including
cable routing, telecommunication closets and telecommunication outlet/ connector
designations. The layout shall detail locations of all equipment and indicate all wiring
pathways.The drawings will HLD, LLD, Circuit, SLD etc in line with the scope of work

Selection of Concessionaire for Implementing Intelligent Poles for Digital infrastructure Projects in Udupi on BOOT model
 Equipment Manuals: Original Manuals from OEMs.
 Installation Manual: For all the application systems
 Training Material: Training Material will include the presentations used for trainings
and also the required relevant documents for the topics being covered. Training
registers should be submitted for same.

 User Manuals: For all the application software modules, required for operationalization
of the system.

 System Manual: For all the application software modules, covering detail information
required for its administration.

 Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) Manual: The Bidder shall be responsible for
preparing SOP Manual relating to operation and maintenance of each and every service
as mentioned in the RFP. The draft process (SOP) document shall be formally signed off
by AUTHORITY before completion of Final Acceptance Test. This SOP manual will be
finalized by the Concessionaire within 2 months of operationalization of each phase, in
consultation with the AUTHORITY and formally signed off by the AUTHORITY.

Note: The Concessionaire will ensure upkeep & update all documentation and manuals during
the concession period. The ownership of all documents, supplied by the Concessionaire, will be
with AUTHORITY. Documents shall be submitted in two copies each in printed (duly hard bound)
& in softcopy formats.

13.2 Helpdesk Setup

Concessionaire will set up a 24X7 centralized helpdesk for the project for entire concession
period. The help desk will handle user queries and issues relating to implemented solution
 Helpdesk is required to ensure that users can log calls and complaints for any technical
issues they face while accessing the system. The following is included in the scope of
work of the Concessionaire.
 Help Desk to have Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system for first level of call
 Accordingly Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) shall be created by Concessionaire
 In addition to the telephone call, the Concessionaire shall also provide other channels
for call logging like email and web interface.

Selection of Concessionaire for Implementing Intelligent Poles for Digital infrastructure Projects in Udupi on BOOT model

13.3 Planning, suggesting and submitting the System up-grade plan(s)

As we are aware, constant changes / updates happen in technology, and it is very important
that the Smart Solution implemented by the Concessionaire keeps its pace with the technology.
AUTHORITY would want the Concessionaire to submit a report, every 6 months, on the
advancements available in technology to make the best use of the existing infrastructure. In this
report, the Concessionaire can suggest certain improvements in the system to make the
operations more effective. Any upgradation / augmentation suggested by the Concessionaire
would be analyzed by AUTHORITY and appropriate decision would be taken.

13.4 Capacity Building

Concessionaires need to provide training and capacity building to AUTHORITY employees and
other stakeholders like PWD, DISCOM etc. The following is a broad level scope.

 Concessionaire will develop a training and capacity building strategy that will also
include a detailed plan of implementation

 Concessionaire will prepare the training and capacity building strategy including
training material finalized with AUTHORITY before starting the training programs.

 Concessionaire will prepare all the requisite audio/visual training aids that are required
for successful completion of the training for all stakeholders. These include the
following for all the stakeholders:

 Training manuals for AUTHORITY employees / stakeholder departments such

 Computer based training modules
 Video (recorded sessions) for portal functionality, back-end modules, business
intelligence, dynamic reporting Digital infrastructure System

 Presentations

 User manuals
 Operational and maintenance manuals for Smart Components implemented
 Regular updates to the training aids prepared under this project

 Concessionaire will maintain a copy of all the training material on the portal and access
will be provided to relevant stakeholders depending on their need and role. The access
Selection of Concessionaire for Implementing Intelligent Poles for Digital infrastructure Projects in Udupi on BOOT model
to training on the portal would be finalized with AUTHORITY. Operation &

Operation and Maintenance

The Concessionaire shall follow the following Operation and Maintenance guidelines:

i. The Concessionaire has to adhere to the operation and maintenance policies and
procedures, as applicable from time to time, for managing and operating the entire
project. This includes (but not limited to) approach related to manpower, resources,
vendor management, security, customer service, repair and maintenance and other
primary functions, training programs to staff, user manuals, technical manuals, financial
management, risk management, life/safety management, employee management and
administrative policies and procedures. It also includes the key elements of a
management plan for this project to include considerations for cost containment/
expense reduction, revenue enhancement (including non-operating revenue sources),
customer service improvement, enhanced economic impact generation to the key this
project operational characteristics

ii. Concessionaire will be responsible to deploy on-field and off-field (but on-site at
AUTHORITY) resources for appropriate up-keeping, maintenance, and operation of all
network, hardware, and software components, and ensure smooth functioning of the
project throughout the entire O&M period.

iii. Concessionaire will operate and maintain all equipment installed at Command & Control
Center. Day to day operations at Command-and-Control Center will be monitored and
operated by AUTHORITY. Timely rectification of all the hardware and software issues will
be the responsibility of the Concessionaire

iv. After implementation period of 12 months, the Operations and Maintenance (O&M)
period shall be upto a period of 12 to 20 years based on Concession agreement.

v. The Concessionaire shall provide comprehensive on-site warranty for all the hardware
items and peripherals, both on field and inside the Command and Control Center

vi. The Concessionaire shall provide comprehensive Facility Management Service (FMS) for
all devices, equipment and its related hardware, software, electrical and network
infrastructure components supplied for this project. This involves comprehensive
maintenance of all components covered under the Concession Agreement, including
configuration of servers, desktops, routers, switches, firewall, CCTVs, LED luminaries,
Environmental Sensors, Smart Billboards and various other active and passive
components along with repair, replacement of parts, sensors, providing spare parts,
updating, security alerts and patch updating, regular backup of the data etc.

vii. The Concessionaire shall depute adequate manpower as full time dedicated onsite FMS
team. The FMS team shall be deputed to identify, acknowledge, troubleshoot, manage,
replace and repair the hardware/ system software. The FMS team shall undertake day-
to- day troubleshooting and maintenance requirements for this project.

viii. The FMS team shall also be responsible for regular monitoring of all the equipment,
proactively perform warranty checks, and generate SLA reports from the SLA monitoring

ix. The Concessionaire shall setup a 24X7 central helpdesk dedicated (i.e. on premise) for
the Project, which shall be supported by their field units, proposed to be setup at
Command Control Centers. The helpdesk will be operational for the entire Concession

x. The FMS team shall be required to take regular backup of the application data as per the
frequency defined by AUTHORITY. Security and safety arrangements for safe custody of
the backup data shall also be the responsibility of Concessionaire throughout the O&M

xi. Time frame for regular data backup will be provided by the Concessionaire in its
proposed architecture of the system. AUTHORITY reserves its right to ask the

Concessionaire to do modification in such time-frame, if required, at any time
throughout the O&M period.

xii. The Concessionaire shall ensure that the FMS team has appropriate skill-sets for
managing data center, networking, hardware and application software tools.

xiii. The Concessionaire shall ensure that the instruction manuals, technical manuals and user
manuals supplied by the manufacturer/ OEMs/ Concessionaire are referred, referenced,
reviewed and maintained up-to-date at all times.

xiv. All patches and updates to any software and hardware devices shall be provided by the
Concessionaire without any additional costs.

xv. AUTHORITY reserves the right to ask for replacement of any hardware, software and
network components if it does not conform to the specification/requirements specified
in the RFP document.
xvi. During the O&M period, if any hardware or software needs to be replaced, the same will
be replaced with same or better OEM and with same or higher configuration free of cost.

xvii. The O&M also covers the specific O&M activities mentioned under scope of work.
xviii. Concessionaire to ensure on site OEM support during the whole concession period
xix. The SLAs calculation will not include preventive and scheduled maintenance
xx. The due clearances, if required, will be facilitated/provided to the Concessioner, by

13.5 Hand-over of the system at the end of contractual period

Concessionaire will supply to the AUTHORITY the following before the expiry of the contract:

 Information relating to the current services rendered and data relating to the
performance of the services; Entire documentation relating to various components of
the Project, any other data and confidential information related to the Project;

 All other information (including but not limited to documents, records and agreements)
relating to the products & services related to the project to enable AUTHORITY and its
nominated agencies, or its replacing Concessionaire to carry out due diligence in order
to transition the provision of the Project Services to AUTHORITY or its nominated
agencies, or its replacing Concessionaire (as the case may be).

 Concessioner is expected to all the deliverable(like light pole, advertisement boards,
smart poles, hawker booths, smart poles) in good and workingcondition.

14 Responsibility Matrix

The roles of the stakeholders shall change over a period of time as the Project will evolve from
design to implementation and enter the operations phase. Stakeholders’ responsibilities,
illustrative organizational structure for the design & implementation phase, operational phase is
given below:

Following are the various stakeholders identified for the project;

 AUTHORITY: Udupi Municipality

 IA : Implementation Agency/Concessionaire (Bidder to be selected for the
Project’s Implementation)

Responsibilities are shown using RACI Matrix which splits Project tasks down to four
participatory responsibility types that are then assigned to different stakeholders in the Project.

 R (Responsible) : Those who do work to achieve the task

 A (Approve) : The Stakeholder that ultimately approves the task
 C (Consulted) : Those whose opinions are sought (2 way communications)
 I (Informed) : Those who are kept up-to-date on progress (1 way communication)

# Activity AUTH IA
1. Issuance of LoA/LoI A I
2. Signing of the Contract R R
3. Preparation of the Inception Report I R
4. Preparation of Detailed Project Plan for A R
the implementation
5. Preparation and finalize various reporting formats A R
6. Validate the Technical Design and sample review A C
of the specifications
7. Supply, Installation, Configuration and I R

Commissioning of various equipment,
components, systems such as pole, junction box,
smart components, electrical cabling etc
8. Supply, Installation facilities such as Interiors, I R
Electrical, UPS, Access Control System, BMS Fire
detection and suppression System for ICCC setup
9. Provisioning of Connectivity the field equipment I R
and Command & Control Center
10. Preparation of the Policy Documents for Use & A R
Operations of Digital infrastructure implementation
11. Training and Capacity Building of AUTHORITY R R
12. Submission of the Partial Acceptance Testing & I R
Final Acceptance Testing Formats
13. Partial Acceptance Testing & Final Acceptance A C
Testing of IT & Non-IT Equipment
14. System Documents, User Documents as per ITIL I R
(Information Technology Infrastructure Library)
15. Review and Validation of the A C
Documentation submitted by
16. On-Site Facilities Management service A R
17. Comprehensive warranty maintenance of I R
the supplied equipment/Services
18. Provision of on-site spares/Services I R
19. Weekly Progress Reports I R
20. Monthly Progress Reports I R
21. Penalty for breach of SLA A R
22. Completion certificate after each phase A R
23. Hand-over of the system at the end of A R
contractual period along with all documentation
required to
operate and maintain the system

14.1 Other Support from AUTHORITY
 AUTHORITY will provide electricity free of cost for Surveillance Camera, LED lights and
Environmental Sensors that are exclusively used by the Authority, however for other
components like Telecom Equipment’s, Digital Billboards, Access Points etc. Electricity
will be borne by the Concessionaire.
 Udupi CMC to allot Rights of hoardings of 8.80 Sqmt per pole to the concessioner
Preferably on the location where deliverable of the concessioner will be executed, in
returns the concessioner is expected to pay the department the ground rent and
other taxes as applicable.
 Concessioner has to reserve/ give approximately 2% of the total advertisement area to
announce /publish governments add at free of cost

 Rates of billboards must be approved by the General Assembly of Udui CMC

 There will be main meter and sub-meters, both will be installed by Concessioner.
Telecom Equipment’s, Digital Billboards, Access Points etc. will relate to main meter,
however other components will be connected with the sub meter.

 Concessioner will liaison with power discoms (AUTHORITY will facilitate the meeting) to
get the meter installed, however the cost of installation and recurring cost will be
borne by the Concessioner. AUTHORITY will send a monthly bill pertaining to the
submitter to the Concessionaire basis the consumption against which the
Concessionaire will make the required payment.

 AUTHORITY will provide meters, wherever required, for energy accounting of LED

 Authority shall provide office space (approx. 500 sq ft to 200 sq ft) free of cost exclusively
for setting up ICCC infrastructure required for the project. The location shall be identified
based on mutual discussion

 AUTHORITY shall not provide warehousing facility in Udupi

 AUTHORITY shall be responsible for supply, installation and maintenance of the LED
luminaires across all the intelligent street light poles and smart poles installed as part of
this project.

15 Revenue Generation Modes

15.1 Advertisement

Following are the modes of revenue from advertisement;

 Exclusive RoW on street light poles for installing advertisement billboards (dual side
back lit or non-lit)
 Exclusive RoW on installing advertisement billboards (dual side back lit or non-lit) on
the median strip including the space available between the poles as well as on the
median/safety barrier.
 Exclusive RoW for installing Billboards on identified locations with written consent from
the Authority for every location identified by the Concessionaire

 Municipal Corporation will not renew the contract of existing advertising agencies
 No fresh contract will be offered to any other agency for afore mentioned Intelligent
Poles, Smart Poles, Bus by and Hawker booths from the date of signing of contract up
to the end of concession period

 No permission will be granted, to any other agency, for advertisement up to 30 meters

on either side of Intelligent Poles, Smart Poles, Bus bay and Hawker booths. The same
will be applied from the date of signing of contract and throughout the concession

15.2 Public Wi-Fi

Exclusive and free RoW across Intelligent Poles, Smart Poles, Bus bay and Hawker booths to
house access points for Public Wi-Fi. Following are the indicative modes of generating revenue;

 Earn revenue on account of usage of Wi-Fi beyond the free period

 Advertisement on the login page of Wi-Fi
 Concessionaire can utilize multiple SSIDs for providing paid services

15.3 Hawker booth and Telecom cells

 Exclusive Right of Way (RoW) throughout the Concession period, Concessioner has to
pay the ground rent as applicable, for hawker booth and telecom site deployment on
the Intelligent Poles, Smart Poles, Bus bay and Hawker booths installed by
concessionaire and generate revenue out of tenancy

15.4 Optical Fiber

 Exclusive RoW, free of cost, for laying incremental fiber. The Road Re-instatement
charges will be borne by the Concessioner, however AUTHORITY will reimburse the
same on quarterly basis post receiving of invoice and bills in original from the
Concessioner. The Concessioner may be allowed to generate revenue from the fiber
laid by them, however they will have to strictly follow the route to connect poles
without any deviation.

15.5 Others

 During the implementation phase Concessionaire can suggest any additional revenue
generating modes from the implemented smart components and can submit a
proposal in this regard. AUTHORITY will review the proposal and decide go/no-go.

 Any damages to the poles/ smat poles , concessioner has to replace it with their cost

 AUTHORITY shall coordinate with other governmental departments, if any, for

facilitating the RoW. The delay in obtaining clearances from such department will not
attract any penalty towards the Concessionaire

16 Common guidelines/comments regarding the compliance of equipment/systems

 The specifications mentioned for various IT / Non-IT components are indicative

requirements and should be treated for benchmarking purpose only. Bidders are
required to undertake their own requirement analysis and may propose higher
specifications that are better suited to the requirements.

 None of the IT / Non-IT equipment’s proposed by the Bidder should be End of Life
product. It is essential that the technical proposal is accompanied by the OEM
certificate and Manufacture Authorization Form, where-in the OEM will certify that
the product is not end of life product & shall support for the entire concessionaire

 All IT Components should support IPv4 and IPv6

 Technical Bid should be accompanied by OEM’s product brochure / datasheet.

Bidders should provide complete make, model, part numbers and sub-part numbers
for all equipment/software quoted, in the Technical Bid.

 Bidder should ensure that only one make and model is proposed for one component
in Technical Bid for example all PTZ cameras must belong to a single OEM and must
be of the same model etc.

 Bidders should ensure complete warranty and support for all equipment from OEMs.
All the back-to-back service agreements should be submitted along with the
Technical Bid.

 All equipment, parts should be original and new.

 The user interface of the system should be a user-friendly Graphical User Interface

 Critical core components of the system should not have any requirements to have
proprietary platforms and should conform to open standards.

 The Concessionaire should also propose the specifications of any additional servers /
other hardware, if required for the system.
 The indicative architecture of the system is given in this volume. The Concessionaire
must provide the architecture of the solution it is proposing.

 Concessionaire shall place orders on various OEMs directly and not through any sub-
contractor / partner.

 All licenses should be in the name of Concessionair. However at the end of the.

 For implemented components registered service/support center should be existing

or established in India within 30 days of award of contract. The Concessionaire
should submit an undertaking from the OEM to that effect.

i. SLA & Contract management System

The SLA & Contract Management solution should enable AUTHORITY to capture all the System
based SLAs defined in this RFP and then calculate quarterly (or for any duration) penalty

automatically. Measuring service performance requires incorporation of a wide variety of data
sources of the project. The SLA solution should support the collection data from various sources
in order to calculate Uptime / Performance / Security SLAs. Various features required in this
component to EMS are -

 It must be a centralized monitoring solution for all IT assets (including servers, network
equipment etc.)

 The solution must have integrated dashboard providing view of non performing components
/ issues with related to service on any active components

 The solution must follow governance, compliance and content validations to improve
standardisation of service level contracts

 Application should be pre-configured so as to allow the users to generate timely reports on

the SLAs on various parameters.

 The solution must support Service Level Agreements & Lifecycle Management including
Version Control, Status Control, Effectively and audit Trail to ensure accountability for the

 The solution must have the ability to define and calculate key performance indicators from
an End to End Business Service delivery perspective related to the project

 The solution should support requirements of the auditors requiring technical audit of the
whole system

 The solution must have an integrated dashboard, view of Contract Parties & current SLA
delivery levels and view of Services & current SLA performance

 The solution should support SLA Alerts escalation and approval process.

 Solution should support effective root cause analysis, support capabilities for investigating
the root causes of failed service levels and must make it possible to find the underlying
events that cause the service level contract to fail.

 Accept Data from a variety of formats; provide pre-configured connectors and adapters,
ability to define adapters to data source in a visual manner without coding.

 Support for defining and calculating service credit and penalty based on clauses in SLAs.

ii. Reporting

 Ability to generate reports on penalty and credit due, to check on non-compliance of SLAs
for the surveillance project
 Monetary penalties to be levied for non-compliance of SLA, thus the system must provide
Service Level Performance Report over time, contract, service and more.

 The solution should provide historical and concurrent service level reports for the
surveillance project in order to ensure accountability of the service provider’s performance

 Automatic report creation, execution and scheduling, must support variety of export formats
including Microsoft Word, Adobe PDF etc.

 The solution must support templates for report generation, report filtering and
consolidation & context sensitive Drill-down on specific report data to drive standardisation
and governance of the surveillance project

 The solution must support security for drill-down capabilities in dashboard reports ensuring
visibility for only relevant personnel of the surveillance project

 Support real-time reports (like at-a-glance status) as well as historical analysis reports (like
Trend, TopN, Capacity Planning reports etc.)

o Resource utilisation exceeding or below defined limits

o Resource utilisation exceeding or below predefined threshold limits

An indicative List of SLAs that need to be measured centrally by SLA contract management
system are given in the RFP. These SLAs must be represented using appropriate customisable
reports to ensure overall service delivery.

11.3 Bill of Quantity (BOQ)

Following is an indicative Bill of Quantity to deploy overall solution. Concessionaire to note that
the following is only indicative and bare minimum requirement. Concessionaire can enhance the
BoQ basis his solution requirement;

SNO Description UOM Qty
1 Intelligent Street Light Pole
1.01 9mtr pole structure Nos 630
1.02 Foundation Nos 630
1.03 Junction Box Nos 630
1.04 Electricity meter connection with Meter Box Nos 14
1.06 Cable and casing for signage Nos 630
1.07 Provision for additional servicess Nos 630
1.08 Earthing for Pole Nos 630

Electrification of all the services(Light pole, Smart tower, Bus bay,

2 Hawker booth)
2.01 Cable(10 sq 4 core mm urmourd cable) Kms 18
2.02 50mm DWC Pipe Kms 18
2.03 Cable laying Kms 18
2.04 Connectors and miss items LS 18

3 Smart Poles with Smart Elements

3.01 12 Meter Pole Nos 5
3.02 PTZ camera Nos 5
3.03 Fixed Camera Nos 10
3.04 PA System Nos 10
3.05 Environment Sensor Nos 5
3.06 Digital Billboard Nos 5
3.07 SOS Nos 5
3.08 Mount for Street light Nos 10
3.09 Mount for 5G Cell Nos 10
3.10 Provision for EV Nos 10
3.11 Junction Box Nos 5
3.12 UPS 3 KVA Nos 5
3.13 Earthing Nos 5
3.14 Cable, Connectors and Miss LS 5

4 Bus Bay
4.01 5 meter Shelter structure with provision for smart componensts Nos 1
4.02 Foundation and floor for Shelter Nos 1
4.03 PTZ camera Nos 1
4.04 Fixed Camera Nos 2
4.05 PA System Nos 2
4.06 Environment Sensor Nos 1
4.07 Digital Billboard Nos 1
4.08 SOS Nos 1
4.09 9 m pole for 5G cell hosting Nos 1
4.10 Junction Box Nos 1 10
4.11 UPS 3 KVA Nos 1
1 Payment Terms

 The project is to be executed in BOOT model and therefore

• Concessionaire will generate revenue as per the various modes mentioned in the
RFP and recover the Capex and Opex required for managing the project.

• During the implementation phase Concessionaire can suggest any additional

revenue generating modes from the implemented smart components and can
submit a proposal in this regard. AUTHORITY will review the proposal and decide

• Authority is not liable to pay any fees towards CAPEX and OPEX during the
concession period except the charges towards supply, installation and
maintenance of LED luminaire and electricity charges associated with the smart
components that are exclusively used by the authority

1.1 Timeline for Delivery

T=Date of Signing of Contract

# Project Activity Deliverables Responsibility Timelines

1 Supply of Hardware /  Delivery Challan Concessionaire T+20
Software/equipment  Invoice Copy weeks
etc from the date of  Standard product inspection
signing the Contract reports from a third party
 Warranty certificate

 License in case of software


2 Installation,  Lattitude, Longitude of each Concessionaire T+28

Configuration assets for Intelligent street weeks
Integration light poles, Smart poles, Bus
bay and Hawker booths
of Hardware/  Electrification route details
Software/ systems  Report formats for
approval of Client
UAT/testing report
 Helpdesk and SLA compliance

 Inventory Reports

3 UAT and  UAT Report and Successful Concessionaire T+36

Commissioning of Commissioning
entire system as per  Certificate/ Rectification

scope of work

4 Rectifications  Test reports and Concessionaire T+39
based on UAT
5 Go-Live  All project locations Concessionaire T+42
working successfully
6 Operations Phase  Inspection to be done by AUTHORITY T+54
Satisfactory Working AUTHORITY followed by submission
and approval of Satisfactory
Inspection Report

7 Comprehensive  All project locations Concessionaire Quarterly

Annual operation & in working after Go-
maintenance post condition (after satisfactory live period
go- live inspection)
 Quarterly user feedback
reports- Location wise
 Quarterly report user
complaint- Location
wise showing
complaint, complaint time &
date, solution given
complaint clear time and date

Conditions for No Penalties

 There is a force majeure event effecting the SLA which is beyond the control of the
Concessionaire. Force Majeure events shall be considered in line with the clause 17ofthe

 The non-compliance to the SLA has been due to reasons beyond the control of the
successful Concessionaire.

 Theft cases would not be considered as “beyond the control of Concessionaire”. Hence,
the Concessionaire should be taking adequate anti-theft measures, spares strategy,
Insurance as required to maintain the desired Required SLA.

1.1.2 SLA Reporting System

 The Concessionaire shall design, implement/customize, deploy the Enterprise

Management System (EMS) and shall develop any additional tools required to monitor
the performance indicators listed as per the SLAs mentioned in the RFP.

 The EMS deployed for the project, based on SLAs, shall be configured by the
Concessionaire to calculate the payment to be paid to AUTHORITY. EMS should be
integrated with the toll free call center (established by the Concessionaire) for site fault

2 Limitation of Liability

The liability of Concessionaire (whether in contract, tort, negligence, strict liability in tort, by
statute or otherwise) for any claim in any manner related to the work, deliverables or services
coveredunder this RFP, shall be the payment of direct damages only which shall in no event in
the aggregate exceed the 10% of the total amount of revenue realized by the Concessionaire
over a period of 5 years from the date of go-live.

In noevent Concessionaire shall be liable for any consequential, incidental, indirect, special or
punitive damage, loss or expenses (including but not limited to business interruption, lost
business, lost profits, or lost savings) nor for anythird party claims even if it has been advised of
their possible existence.

3 Liquidated Damages

In the event of delay or any gross negligence, for causes attributable to the Concessionaire, in
meeting the deliverables, the AUTHORITY shall be entitled at its option to recover from the
Concessionaire as agreed, liquidated damages, as per the criteria mentioned in Service Level
Conditions as mentioned in this RFP document. LDs (if any) shall be applicable only for delays
solely attributable to the Concessionaire.

4 Force Majeure

In the event that any Damages to items due to Vandalism (physical Majeure attack by public,
tampering of equipment by AUTHORITY staff and damage due to accidents) or due to Force
Majeure events (such as earthquake, fire, natural calamities, war, act of God) of any kind during
Warranty Period and Maintenance Period shall be the liability of AUTHORITY. In such case,
AUTHORITY shall request the Concessioner to repair/replace the damaged unit and reinstall the
same. All costs towards the same shall be reimbursed by AUTHORITY to the Concessioner less of
insurance proceeds if need of replacement so arise then replacement shall be on tender rates

The Concessioner shall not be liable for forfeiture of its Performance Guarantee, imposition of
liquidated damages or termination for default, if and to the extent that it’s delay in performance
or other failure to perform its obligations under the contract is the result of an event of Force
Majeure. For purposes of this Clause, “Force Majeure” means an event beyond the “reasonable”
control of the Concessioner, not involving the Concessioner’s fault or negligence and not
foreseeable. Such events may include Acts of God & acts of Government of India in their
sovereign capacity.

For the Concessioner to take benefit of this clause it is a condition precedent that the
Concessioner must promptly notify the AUTHORITY, in writing of such conditions and the cause
thereof within 2 calendar days of the Force Majeure event arising. AUTHORITY, or the
consultant / committee appointed by the AUTHORITY shall study the submission of the
Concessioner and inform whether the situation can be qualified one of Force Majeure. Unless
otherwise directed by the AUTHORITY in writing, the Concessioner shall continue to perform its
obligations under the resultant Agreement as far as it is reasonably practical, and shall seek all
reasonable alternative means for performance of services not prevented by the existence of a
Force Majeure event.

In the event of delay in performance attributable to the presence of a force majeure event, the
time for performance shall be extended by a period(s) equivalent to the duration of such delay.
If the duration of delay continues beyond a period of 30 days, AUTHORITY and the Concessioner
shall hold consultations with each other in an endeavor to find a solution to the problem.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary mentioned above, the decision of the AUTHORITY
shall be final and binding on the Concessioner.

5 Exit Management

5.1 Purpose

i. This clause sets out the provisions which shall apply on expiry or termination of the
“Contract Agreement” on account of material breach by Concessionaire. In the case of
termination of the Contract Agreement due to any illegal activity performed by the
selected Concessionaire during/ as part of the activities related to the project, or due to

material breach by the Concessionaire of Contract, Client shall have the right to, at its
sole discretion, apply this clause.

ii. The Parties shall ensure that their respective associated entities, in case of the Client or
its nominated agencies and any nominated agencies in case of the selected
Concessionaire, carry out their respective obligations set out in this Exit Management

5.2 Transfer of Assets

This clause is valid till the date of expiry or notice of termination of the agreement after which the
asset shall have to be transferred to Client.

 During this period, the Successful Concessionaire will transfer all the assets in good
working condition and as per the specifications of the bidding document including the
ones being upgraded to the Client.

 The Concessionaire, if not already done, shall transfer all the right to use software
licenses under the name of Client during the Exit Management Period. The
Concessionaire shall also transfer all the relevant Software Passwords, User Names and
Keys. If such a transfer of Assets happens before the expiry of Work Contract Period,
Parties shall mutually discuss and agree on the transfer value of the Assets together with
the termination and transfer assistance fee.

 The Successful Concessionaire shall be entitled to use the Assets for the duration of the
exit management period which shall be three months from the date of expiry or notice of
termination of the Agreement.

 For any material breach on the part of Concessionaire during the Project Implementation
Phase and Operation & Management Phase, Client is entitled to provide notice in writing
on the selected Concessionaire at any time during the exit management period as
detailed here in above requiring the selected Concessionaire to provide the department
or its nominated agencies with a complete and up to date list of the Assets within 30
days of such notice.

Upon service of a notice as mentioned in point above, the following provisions shall apply:

 All risk in and title to the Assets to be transferred to Client on the last day of the exit

management period. All expenses incurred during transfer of assets shall be borne by the
Successful Concessionaire.

 That on the expiry of this clause, the Successful Concessionaire and any individual
assigned for the performance of the services under this clause must hand overall

Information and all other related materials in its possession, including all the software
and hardware supplied by selected Concessionaire under this clause to the department.

 As Concessionaire is supposed to provide 15 years of comprehensive maintenance of all

the hardware/Software as detailed in RFP, Concessionaire must ensure that all the items
are in working condition with support of OEM related to repair/replacement/availability
of spare parts for at least 05 years at the time of exit.

5.3 Cooperation and Provision of Information

During the exit management period:

a) The Concessionaire shall permit Client or its nominated agencies access to information

reasonably required to classify the current mode of operation related with the provision
of the services to enable it to Client assess the existing services being delivered.

b) In the event of there being a termination owing to material breach by Concessionaire, on

quick request by Client or its nominated agencies, the selected Concessionaire shall
provide access to and copies of all information held or controlled by it which it has
prepared or maintained in accordance with the MSA (Master Service Agreement), the
Project Implementation, the Operation and Management SLA and SoW (Scope of Work)
relating to any material aspect of the services (whether provided by the selected
Concessionaire). Client or its nominated agencies shall be entitled to copy all such
information. Such information shall include details pertaining to the services rendered
and other performance data. The selected Concessionaire shall permit Client or its
nominated agencies and/or any entity nominated by Client to have reasonable access to
it employees and facilities as reasonably required to understand the methods of delivery
of the services employed by the selected Concessionaire and to support appropriate
knowledge transfer.

5.4 Confidential Information, Security and Data

 The selected Concessionaire shall be quick on the commencement of the exit

management period and supply to Client the following:

o Information relating to the present services provided and customer satisfaction

o Documentation pertaining to Project related data and confidential information.

o All current and updated data as is needed for purposes of the Client or its
nominated agencies for transitioning the services either to Client or the entity
nominated by Client.

o All other information (including but not limited to documents, records and
agreements) relating to the services reasonably compulsory to enable Client or its
nominated agencies, or to the entity nominated by Clientto carry out due
diligence in order to transition the provision of the Services to the Client or its
nominated agencies, or to any entity nominated by Client (as the case may be).
 Before the exit management period expire, the selected Concessionaire shall deliver to
Client or its nominated agencies all new or up-dated materials from the categories set
out in point (i) above and shall not keep any copies thereof, except that the selected
Concessionaire shall be permitted to keep one copy of such materials for archival
purposes only.

 Before the exit management period expire, unless otherwise provided under the MSA,
Client or its nominated agencies shall deliver to the selected Concessionaire all forms of
selected Concessionaire confidential Data which is in the possession or control of Client
or its nominated agencies or during the exit management period In any time, the
selected Concessionaire shall, subject to applicable laws, restraints and
regulations(including in particular those relating to privacy) provide to Client or its
nominated agencies a list of all employees (with job titles) of the selected
Concessionaire dedicated to providing the services at the beginning of the exit
management period; its users.

5.5 Employees

 Where any national, regional law or regulation relating to the mandatory or automatic
transfer of the contracts of employment from the selected Concessionaire to the
department or its nominees, or an entity nominated by Client applies to any or all of the
employees of the selected Concessionaire, then the Parties shall comply with their
respective obligations under such Transfer Regulations.
 To the extent that any Transfer Regulation does not apply to any employee of the
selected Concessionaire or its nominated agencies or its entity nominated by Client may
make an offer of employment or contract for services to such employee of the selected
Concessionaire and the selected Concessionaire shall not enforce or impose any
contractual provision that would prevent any such employee from being hired by the
Client or its nominated agencies or any Replacement Concessionaire.

5.6 Transfer of Certain Agreements

On request by the Client or its nominated agencies, the selected Concessionaire shall
effectsuchassignments,transfers,novation,licensesandsub-licensesin favor of Client or its
nominated agencies, or its entity nominated by Client in relation to any equipment lease,
maintenance or service provision agreement between selected Concessionaire and third party
lessors, Concessionaires or Concessionaire, and which are related to the services and
reasonably necessary for the carrying out of replacement Concessionaire.

5.7 Right of Access to Premises

 At any time during the exit management period, where Assets are located at the selected
Concessionaire's premises, the selected Concessionaire shall be obliged to give full rights
of access to (or, in the case of Assets located on a third party's premises, procure
reasonable rights of access to Client or its nominated agencies, and/or any entity
nominated by Client in order to inventory the assets or Assets.
 The selected Concessionaire shall also give the Client or its nominated agencies, or any
entity nominated by Client right of reasonable access to the selected Concessionaire's
premises and shall procure the department or its nominated agencies and any entity
nominated by Client rights of access to relevant third party premises during the exit
management period and for such period of time following termination or expiry of the
MSA as is reasonably necessary to migrate the services to Client or its nominated
agencies, or a Replacement Concessionaire.

5.8 General Obligations of the Selected Concessionaire

 The selected Concessionaire shall provide all such information as may reasonably be
necessary to effect as seamless a handover as practicable in the circumstances to Client

or its nominated agencies or any entity nominated by the Client and which the selected
Concessionaire has in its possession or control at any time during the exit management

 For the purposes of this Clause, anything in the possession or control of any selected
Concessionaire or associated entity is deemed to be in the possession or control of the
selected Concessionaire.

 The selected Concessionaire shall commit adequate resources to comply with its
obligations under this Exit Management Clause.

5.9 Exit Management Plan

The Successful Concessionaire shall provide the Client or its nominated agencies with
recommended exit management plan ("Exit Management Plan") which shall deal with MSA as a
whole and in relation to the Project Implementation, the Operation and Management, SLA and

AUTHORITY have the rights to audit the equipment before the exit process to check the
conditions of all the components, hardware, software and other devices. Concessionaire will
rectify/ replace the non-working components.

5.10 End of Support

While handling over the completely working and functional network andsystems, Concessionaire
must ensure that OEMofallhardware/software/ equipment are contractually bound to provide
supportforrepair/replacement/availabilityofits sparepartsforfurtherfive years( post concession
period) .Itshallbepart of exitplantosubmitletterfromOEMsin thisregard.

5.11 Annexures

a) Annexure I: Technical Bid Templates

b) The Concessionaire is expected to respond to the RFP using the forms given in this

section and all documents supporting Technical Evaluation Criteria.

c) Technical Proposal shall comprise following forms:

i. Form 1: Technical Proposal Covering Letter

ii. Form 2: Power of Attorney

iii. Form 3: Undertaking on Total Responsibility

iv. Form 4: Particulars of the Concessionaire

v. Form 5: Bank Guarantee for Earnest Money Deposit

vi. Form 6: Project Citation Format

vii. Form 7: Proposed Solution

viii. Form 8: Technical Compliance - FRS

ix. Form 9: Proposed Implementation Work plan

x. Form 10: Team Composition

xi. Form 11: Curriculum Vitae (CV) of Project Manager (dedicated on-site)

xii. Form 12: Deployment of Personnel

xiii. Form 13: Manufacturers/Producers’ Authorization Form Undertaking

xiv. Form 14: Undertaking on Service Level Compliance

xv. Form 15: Undertaking on Exit Management and Transition

xvi. Form 16: Declaration for opening of office in Udupi

xvii. Form 17: Declaration that the Concessionaire has not been blacklisted

xviii. Form 18: Consortium MoU

xix. Form 19: Bid Declaration Form

Form 1: Technical Proposal Covering Letter



Udupi Urban Digital

Infrastructure Project
(AUTHORITY) & Address

<insert address>

Tender No.

Ref: “Proposal for Selection of Concessionaire for Implementing Intelligent Poles for Digital
infrastructure Projects in Udupi on BOOT model”.

Bid Reference No:.

Sub: Technical Proposal covering

Letter Dear Sir,
We, the undersigned, offer to provide the services for [Insert Title of the Assignment] in
accordance with your Request for Proposal dated [Insert Date]. Our
attached Technical Proposal is based on our full understanding of scope of work, requirements,
terms & Conditions and we unequivocally accept the same and shall be binding as mentioned in
the RFP.

To undertake the project on BOOT basis for a period including implementation phase of 12
months and ___________ years of O&M post go-live.

Yours sincerely,

Company Seal:

Form 2: Power of Attorney

Form 2A: Power of Attorney for signing of bid

(On Non – judicial stamp paper of Rs 100 duly attested by notary

Know all men by these presents, we (name and address of the registered office of the Single Entity

/ Lead Member) do hereby constitute, appoint and authorize Mr. / Ms. S/o, D/o, W/o,
R/o (name and address of residence) who is presently employed with us and holding the
position of as our attorney, to do in our name and on our behalf, all such acts, deeds and things
necessary in connection with or incidental to the bid of the consortium consisting of , and
(please state the name and address of the Members of the Bidder/Consortium) for submitting
bid for Selection of Concessionaire for Implementing Intelligent Poles for Digital infrastructure
Projects in Udupi on BOOT model (the “Project”), including signing and submission of all
documents and providing information / responses to Authority, representing us in all matters in
connection with our bid for the said Project.

We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things lawfully done by our said attorney pursuant
to this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our aforesaid attorney shall
and shall always be deemed to have been done by us.

(Name, Title and Address)

(Name, Title and Address of the
Attorney) Notes:
 To be executed by the Single Entity or the Lead Member in case of a Consortium.
 The mode of execution of Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the
procedure, if any, laid down by the applicable law.
 Also, wherever required, the executant(s) should submit for verification the certified

documents such as a resolution / Power of attorney in favour of the Person executing
this Power of Attorney for the delegation of power hereunder on behalf of the

Form 2B: Power of Attorney for Lead Member of the Consortium

(On Non – judicial stamp paper of Rs 100 duly attested by notary

Whereas the Authority has invited applications from interested parties for Bid for Selection of
Concessionaire for Implementing Intelligent Poles for Digital infrastructure Projects in Udupi on
BOOT model called the “Project” for a specified Concession period (the “Concession Period”).

Whereas, M/s and M/s (the respective names of the Members along with address of
their registered offices) have formed a Consortium and are interested in bidding for the Project
and implementing the Project in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Request for
Proposal (RFP), Concession Agreement and other connected documents in respect of the
Project, and

Whereas, it is necessary under the RFP for the members of the Consortium to designate one of
them as the Lead Member and its said employees, as with all necessary power and Authority to
do for and on behalf of the Consortium, all acts, deeds and things as may be necessary in
connection with the Consortium’s bid for the Project and to appoint one of them as the Lead
Member who, acting jointly, would have all necessary power and Authority to do all acts, deeds
and things on behalf of the Consortium, as may be necessary in connection with the
Consortium’s bid for the Project. The Lead Member is hereby authorized to delegate the said
powers to any of its employees duly approved by the Board of Directors of the Lead Member.


We, M/s and M/s (the respective names of the Members along with address of their
registered offices) do hereby designate M/s (name along with address of the registered office)
being one of the members of the Consortium, as the Lead Member of the Consortium, to do on
behalf of the Consortium, all or any of the acts, deed or things necessary or incidental to the
Consortium’s bid for the Project, including submission of Bid, participating in conference,
responding to queries, submission of information / documents and generally to represent the
Consortium in all its dealings with , any other Government Agency or any person, in connection
with Project until culmination of the process of bidding and thereafter till the Concession
Agreement is entered into with .

We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things lawfully done by Lead Member our said
attorney pursuant to this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our
aforesaid attorney, shall be deemed to have been done by us

Dated this day of 2022

(To be executed by all the members in the Consortium)

 The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the
procedure, if any, laid down by the applicable law.
 Also wherever required, the executant(s) should submit for verification the certified
documents such as resolution/ Power of attorney in favour of the person executing this
Power of attorney for the designation of power hereunder on behalf of the Bidder.

Form 3: Undertaking on Total Responsibility

Tender No.


<insert name and address

of the authority >

Dear Sir,

Sub: Self certificate regarding Total Responsibility

This is to certify that we undertake total responsibility for the successful and defect free
operation of the proposed Project solution, as per the requirements of the RFP for Udupi Urban
Digital Infrastructure Project.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully

(Signature of the Authorized signatory of the Bidding

Name :
Designation :
Date :
Seal :
Business Address :

Form 4: Particulars of the Concessionaire

[In case of Consortium, all members of the Consortium need to fill this form]

# Information Sought Details to be Furnished

1. Name and address of the bidding

2. Incorporation status of the firm (public
limited/private limited, etc.)
3. Year of Establishment
4. Date of registration
5. ROC Reference No.
6. Details of company registration
7. Details of registration with appropriate
authorities for service tax
8. Turnover in the last 3 years 2018-19
9. Name, Address, email, Phone nos. and
Mobile Number of Contact Person

Form 5: Bank Guarantee for Earnest Money Deposit


<insert name and address

of the authority >

Whereas <Name of the Concessionaire> (hereinafter called 'the Concessionaire') has submitted
the bid for Submission of RFP # <RFP Number> dated <Date> for Implementing Intelligent Poles
for Digital infrastructure Projects in Udupi on BOOT model(hereinafter called "the Bid") to Udupi
Urban Digital Infrastructure Project

Know all Men by these presents that we <bank name> having our office at <Address>
(hereinafter called "the Bank") are bound unto the Udupi Urban Digital Infrastructure
Project(hereinafter called "the Purchaser") in the sum of INR<Amount in figures> (Rupees
<Amount in words> only) for which payment well and truly to be made to the said Purchaser,
the Bank binds itself, its successors and assigns by these presents. Sealed with the Common Seal
of the said Bank this <Date>

The conditions of this obligation are:

1. If the Concessionaire having its bid withdrawn during the period of bid validity specified

by the Concessionaire on the Bid Form; or

2. If the Concessionaire, having been notified of the acceptance of its bid by the

Purchaser during the period of validity of bid

a) Withdraws his participation from the bid during the period of validity of bid

document; or

b) Fails or refuses to participate in the subsequent Tender process after having been

short listed;

We undertake to pay to the Purchaser up to the above amount upon receipt of its first written
demand, without the Purchaser having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its demand
the Purchaser will note that the amount claimed by it is due to it owing to the occurrence of one
or both of the two conditions, specifying the occurred condition or conditions.

This guarantee will remain in force up to <insert date> and including <extra time over and above

mandated in the RFP> from the last date of submission and any demand in respect thereof
should reach the Bank not later than the above date.


I. Our liability under this Bank Guarantee shall not exceed INR<Amount in figures> (Rupees

<Amount in words> only)

II. This Bank Guarantee shall be valid up to <insert date>)
III. It is condition of our liability for payment of the guaranteed amount or any part thereof
arising under this Bank Guarantee that we receive a valid written claim or demand for
payment under this Bank Guarantee on or before <insert date>) failing which our liability
under the guarantee will automatically cease.

(Authorized Signatory of the Bank)


Form 6: Projects Citation Format
Tender No.
<insert name and address
of the authority >

General Information
Name of the project
Client for which the project was executed
Name and contact details of the client
Project Details
Description of the project
Scope of services
Technologies used
Outcomes of the project
Other Details
Total cost of the project
Total cost of the services provided by the
Duration of the project (no. of months,
start date, completion date, current status)
Other Relevant Information
Work Order/Completion Certificate/ Self
certificate (duly signed by the Power of
Attorney holder for signing the bid)

Form 7: Proposed Solution

Technical approach, methodology and work plan are key components of the Technical
Proposal. Thisneeds to be provided for implementation of;

i. Intelligent Poles

ii. LED street light

iii. Public Wi-Fi

iv. Optical Fiber

v. DigitalBill Board

vi. Central command and control Centre

vii. Environmental Sensors

viii. Ground Based Monopoles

You are suggested to present Approach and Methodology divided into the following sections
foreach of the above areas:

a) Solution Proposed

b) Understanding of the project (how the solution proposed is relevant to the understanding)

c) Technical Approach and Methodology

Form 8: Technical Compliance - FRS

The Client will randomly check the compliance provided by the Concessionaire against the
functionality during PoC and in case of any discrepancy the marks will be reduced to zero for this

Note: Please refer to Section 8 of the RFP for detailed Specifications.

Please mention the compliance (Yes/No) against each specification (as mentioned in Section 8) of
the following Components:

i. Intelligent Poles
ii. LED Street light
iii. Smart Surveillance
iv. Wi-Fi Services in 42 hotspots
v. Optical Fiber
vi. Digital Bill Board
vii. Central command and control Centre
viii. Environmental Sensors

Further Concessionaire need to share the complete Bill of Quantity (indicative mentioned section
12.11) with make and model of the equipment.

Form 9: Proposed Implementation Work plan
Tender No.
<insert name and address
of the authority >

# Activity Months2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1. Indicate all main activities and drill down to sub-activities of the assignment, including

delivery of reports and other benchmarks.

2. Duration of activities shall be indicated in the form of a bar chart.

Form 10: Team Composition

Name of Staff Area of Position Task Assigned Time committed

with Qualification Expertise Assigned for the
and Experience engagement

Form 11: Curriculum Vitae (CV) of the Project Staff

General Information
Name of the person
Current Designation/Job Title
Current job responsibilities
Proposed Role in the Project

Proposed Responsibilities in the Project

Academic Qualifications:

• Degree
• Academic institution graduated from
• Year of graduation
• Specialization (if any)
• Key achievements and other
relevant information (if any)
Professional Certifications (if any)
Total number of years of experience
Number of years with the current company
Summary of the Professional/Domain

Number of complete life
cycle implementations carried
The names of customers (Please provide

relevant names)

Past assignment details (For each assignment
provide details regarding name of
organizations worked for, designation,
responsibilities, tenure)

Prior Professional Experience covering:

• Organizations worked for in the past

• Duration and dates of entry and exit
• Designation Location(s)
• Key responsibilities

Prior project experience

• Project name
• Client
• Key project features in brief
• Location of the project
• Designation
• Role
• Responsibilities and activities
• Duration of the project

Please provide only relevant projects.

Proficient in languages (Against each

listed indicate speak/read/write)

Form 12: Deployment of Personnel
Tender No.
<insert name and address
of the authority >

Staff input in Months (in the form of a bar Full Part
Name of man-
# Time Time
Staff chart)2 months
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 n Total


For professional staff the input should be indicated individually; for support staff it should be
indicated by category

Months are counted from the date of signing of contract.

Form 13: Manufacturers/Producers’ Authorization Form Undertaking

Tender No.

<insert name and address

of the authority >

Dear Sir,
Subject: Undertaking on Service Level Compliance

1. I/We as Concessionaire do hereby undertake that we shall submit MAFs of all the OEM related
supply during the execution phase before beginning of work to the concerned department. The
product/solution supplies will comply with the service levels stated in the RFP to provide
quality service to AUTHORITY

Yours faithfully,

(Signature of the Authorized signatory of the Bidding

Name :
Designation :
Date :
Seal :
Business Address :

Form 14: Undertaking on Service Level Compliance

Tender No.


<insert name and address

of the authority >

Dear Sir,
Subject: Undertaking on Service Level Compliance

1. I/We as Concessionaire do hereby undertake that we shall monitor, maintain, and comply with
the service levels stated in the RFP to provide quality service to AUTHORITY

Yours faithfully,

(Signature of the Authorized signatory of the Bidding

Name :
Designation :
Date :
Seal :
Business Address :

Form 15: Undertaking on Exit Management and Transition

Tender No.


<insert name and

address> Dear Sir,
Subject: Undertaking on Exit Management and Transition

1. I/We hereby undertake that at the time of completion of our engagement with the

Department, either at the End of Contract or termination of Contract before planned

Contract Period for any reason, we shall successfully carry out the exit management and
transition of this Project to the AUTHORITY or to an agency identified by AUTHORITY to the
satisfaction of the Department. I/We further undertake to complete the following as part of
the Exit management and transition:

a) We undertake to complete the updation of all Project documents and other artefacts

and handover the same to AUTHORITY before transition.

b) We undertake to design standard operating procedures to manage system (including

application and IT systems), document the same and train AUTHORITY personnel on the

c) If Department decides to take over the operations and maintenance of the Project on its

own or identifies or selects any other agency for providing operations & maintenance
services on this Project, then we shall provide necessary handholding and transition
support, which shall include but not be limited to, conducting detailed walkthrough and
demonstrations for the IT Infrastructure, handing over all relevant documentation,
addressing the queries/clarifications of the new agency with respect to the
working/performance levels of the infrastructure, conducting Training sessions etc.

2. I/We also understand that the Exit management and transition will be considered complete

on the basis of approval from AUTHORITY.

Yours faithfully,

(Signature of the Authorized signatory of the Bidding

Name :
Designation :
Date :
Seal :
Business Address :

Form 16: Declaration for opening of Project office in Udupi
Tender No.

<insert name and address>

Ref: “Selection of Concessionaire for Implementing Intelligent Poles for Digital infrastructure
Projects in Udupi on BOOT model”.

Bid Reference No:

Sub: Undertaking to Open a Project Office in Udupi for the execution and monitoring of the Project

Dear Sir,
We hereby undertake to open a Project office in Udupi within 30 days for the execution and
monitoring of the Project in the event wherein we are declared successful in the bidding process.

We also declare that we have carefully read and understood the entire tender document. We do agree
to all the terms and conditions mentioned in the RFP.

Yours faithfully,

Company Seal

Form 17: Declaration that the Concessionaire has not
been blacklisted
(To be submitted on Judicial Stamp paper)

Tender No.



<name and address>

Ref: RFP Notification no dated

Subject:Declaration of Concessionaire being not blacklisted

Dear Sir,
We confirm that our company, is not blacklisted in any manner whatsoever by any of the
State/UT and/or central government in India on any ground including but not limited to
indulgence in corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or
restrictive practice.

Place :

Date :

Concessionaire’s Company Seal :

Authorized Signatory’s Signature :

Authorized Signatory’s Name and Designation:

Form 18: Consortium MoU/Joint Bidding Agreement

<To be printed on a stamp paper and signed by authorized signatories of the Lead Concessionaire
and Consortium Members>

This Memorandum of Understanding is made in on the Day of , 20

By and Between

M/s having its registered office at (hereinafter referred to

as ) acting as the Lead Partner of the first


M/s having its registered office at (hereinafter referred to as )
in the capacity of a Joint Partner of the other part

The expressions of and shall wherever the context admits, mean

and include their respective legal representatives, successors-in-interest and assigns and shall
collectively be referred to as “the Parties” and individually as “the Party”


Udupi Nagarasabha (AUTHORITY) [hereinafter referred to as “Purchaser”] has invited bids for
Selection of Concessionaire for Implementing Intelligent Poles for Digital infrastructure Projects
in Udupi on BOOT model’.


The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as an integral
part of this MOU.

i. RFP document comprising

ii. Any corrigendum/addendum issued by Purchaser

iii. The bid submitted on our behalf jointly by the Lead Partner

The ‘Parties’ have studied the documents and have agreed to participate in submitting a ‘bid’

M/s shall be the lead partner of the Consortium for all intents and purpose and shall
represent the Consortium in its dealing with the Purchaser. For the purpose of submission of bid
proposals, the parties agree to nominate as the Leader duly authorized to sign
submit all documents and subsequent clarifications, if any, to the Purchaser. However M/s

___________shall not submit any such proposals, clarifications or commitments before securing
the written clearance of the other partner which shall be expeditiously given jointly by M/s ,
and M/s______________The lead partner shall be authorized to incur the liabilities and receive
instructions for and on behalf of any and all partners of consortium. The lead partner will be
solely responsible for the entire project implementation.

The ‘Parties’ have resolved that the following distribution of responsibilities will be followed in
the event that the Consortium Bid is accepted by AUTHORITY.

a) Lead Partner share %;


i. --

ii. --

iii. --

b) Consortium Partner 1 share %;


i. --

ii. --

iii. –

Assignment and Third Parties

The parties shall co-operate throughout the entire period of this MOU on the basis of exclusivity
and neither of the Parties shall make arrangement or enter into agreement either directly

indirectly with any other party or group of parties on matters relating to the Project except with
prior written consent of the other party and Purchaser.


Lead Concessionaire will be responsible for the overall execution of the project, while the
consortium partners will be responsible only for their part of execution during the concession

Executive Authority

The said Consortium through its authorized representative shall receive instructions, payments
from the Purchaser. The management structure for the project shall be prepared by mutual
consultations to enable completion of project to quality requirements within permitted cost and

Guarantees and Bonds

Till the award of the work, the lead partner shall furnish bid bond and all other
bonds/guarantees to the Purchaser on behalf of the Consortium which shall be legally binding
on all the partners of the Consortium.

Bid Submission

Each Party shall bear its own cost and expenses for preparation and submission of the bid and
all costs until conclusion of a contract with the Purchaser for the Project. Common expenses
shall be shared by both the parties in the ratio of their actual participation.


Each party hereto agrees to indemnify the other party against its respective parts in case of
breach/default of the respective party of the contract works of any liabilities sustained by the

For the execution of the respective portions of works, the parties shall make their own
arrangements to bring the required finance, plants and equipment, materials, manpower and
other resources. All the payments from AUTHORITY will be received by the Lead partner.

Documents and Confidentiality

Each Party shall maintain in confidence and not use for any purpose related to the Project all
commercial and technical information received or generated in the course of preparation and
submission of the bid.


Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this agreement shall be settled in
the first instance amicably between the parties. If an amicable settlement cannot be reached as
above, it will be settled by arbitration in accordance with the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation
Act 1996 or any amendments thereof. The venue of the arbitration shall be Udupi.


This Agreement shall remain in force till the occurrence of the earliest to occur of the following,
unless by mutual consent, the Parties agree in writing to extend the validity for a further period.

a) The bid submitted by the Consortium is declared unsuccessful, or

b) Cancellation/shelving of the Project by the Purchaser for any reasons prior to award of work

c) Execution of detailed Consortium agreement by the parties, setting out detailed terms

after award of work by the Purchaser.

This MoU is drawn in number of copies with equal legal strength and
status. This MoU shall be construed under the laws of India.

Notices shall be given in writing by mail and confirmed by registered mail or commercial
courier to the following addresses:

Lead Partner
Consortium Partner

(Name & Address) (Name & Address)

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE PARTIES have executed this MOU the

day, month and year first before written.
M/s 2. M/s

(Seal) (Seal)

1. (Name
& Address)

M/s M/s
_ _

(Seal) (Seal)

5.12 Annexure II: Financial Proposal Template Form 1:
Covering Letter

Tender No
<name and address of the authority>

Dear Sir,

We, the undersigned, offer to provide the Implementation services for Implementing Intelligent
Poles for Digital infrastructure Projects in Udupi on BOOT model in accordance with your
Request for Proposal dated <Date> and our Proposal (Technical and Financial Proposals). Our
attached Financial Proposal is for the sum of <Amount in words and figures>. This amount is
inclusive of the local taxes.

1. Price & Validity

• All the prices mentioned in our Tender are in accordance with the terms as specified
in the RFP documents. All the prices and other terms and conditions of this Bid are
valid for a period of 180 days from the date of submission of Bid.

• We hereby confirm that our prices include all taxes. However, all the taxes are
quoted separately under relevant sections.

• We understand that the actual payment would be made as per the existing indirect
tax rates at the time of payment.

2. Unit Rates

We have indicated in the relevant forms enclosed, the unit rates for the purpose of on account
of payment as well as for price adjustment in case of any increase to/decrease from the scope of
work under the contract.

3. Deviations

We declare that all the services shall be performed strictly in accordance with the Tender
documents except for the variations and deviations, all of which have been detailed out
exhaustively in the following statement, irrespective of whatever has been stated to the
contrary anywhere else in our bid.

Further we agree that additional conditions, if any, found in the Tender documents, other than
those stated in deviation schedule, shall not be given effect to.

4. Tender Pricing

We further confirm that the prices stated in our bid are in accordance with your Instruction to
Concessionaire included in Tender documents.

5. Qualifying Data

We confirm having submitted the information as required by you in your Instruction to

Concessionaire. In case you require any other further information/documentary proof in this
regard before evaluation of our Tender, we agree to furnish the same in time to your

6. Bid Price

We declare that our Bid Price is for the entire scope of the work as specified in the RFP. These
prices are indicated Commercial Bid attached with our Tender as part of the Tender.

7. Bank Guarantee

We hereby declare that in case the contract is awarded .to us, we shall submit the Performance
Guarantee as as per RFP terms .Our Financial Proposal shall be binding upon us subject to the
modifications resulting from Contract negotiations, up to expiration of the validity period of the

We hereby declare that our Tender is made in good faith, without collusion or fraud and the
information contained in the Tender is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief.

We understand that our Tender is binding on us and that you are not bound to accept a Tender you
receive through some other party

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,
Authorized Signature :

Name and Title of Signatory :

Name of Firm :


Selection of Concessionaire for Implementing Intelligent Poles for Digital infrastructure Projects in Udupi on BOOT model

Form 2 Financial Bid Format

Tender No


<insert name address of the authority>

Concessionaire need to fill the price in the following format;

Total area of advertisement hoardings excluding the locations which are developed by the concessionaire :
Total number of concessionaire period :

Selection of Concessionaire for Implementing Intelligent Poles for Digital infrastructure Projects in Udupi on BOOT model

5.13 Annexure III: Template for Bank Guarantee

Form 1: Bank Guarantee


<insert name address of the authority>

Whereas, <name of the supplier and address> (hereinafter called “the Concessionaire”) has
undertaken, in pursuance of contract no. <Insert Contract No.> dated. <Date> to provide
Implementation services for ‘Selection of Concessionaire for Implementing Intelligent Poles for
Digital infrastructure Projects in Udupi on BOOT model’ to Udupi Urban Digital Infrastructure
Project (hereinafter called “the beneficiary”)

And whereas it has been stipulated by in the said contract that the Concessionaire shall furnish
you with a bank guarantee by a recognized bank for the sum specified therein as security for
compliance with its obligations in accordance with the contract;

And whereas we, <Name of Bank> a banking company incorporated and having its head

/registered office at <Address of Registered Office> and having one of its office at <Address of
Local Office> have agreed to give the supplier such a bank guarantee.

Now, therefore, we hereby affirm that we are guarantors and responsible to you, on behalf of
the supplier, up to a total of INR <Insert Value> (Rupees <Insert Value in Words> only) and we
undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand declaring the supplier to be in default
under the contract and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the limits of
INR<Insert Value> (Rupees <Insert Value in Words> only) as aforesaid, without your needing to
prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand or the sum specified therein.

We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the Concessionaire before
presenting us with the demand.

We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the
contract to be performed there under or of any of the contract documents which may be made
between you and the Concessionaire shall in any way release us from any liability under this
Selection of Concessionaire for Implementing Intelligent Poles for Digital infrastructure Projects in Udupi on BOOT model

guarantee and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition or modification.

This Guarantee shall be valid until <Insert Date>)

Notwithstanding anything contained herein:
I. Our liability under this bank guarantee shall not exceed INR. <Insert Value> (Rupees

<Insert Value in Words> only).

II. This bank guarantee shall be valid up to <Insert Expiry Date>)

III. It is condition of our liability for payment of the guaranteed amount or any part thereof
arising under this bank guarantee that we receive a valid written claim or demand for
payment under this bank guarantee on or before <Insert Expiry Date>) failing which our
liability under the guarantee will automatically cease.
(Authorized Signatory of the
Bank) Seal:

Date :

Selection of Concessionaire for Implementing Intelligent Poles for Digital infrastructure Projects in Udupi on BOOT model

Form 19: Bid Declaration Form

Bid No:


We, the undersigned declare that;

We understand according to your conditions, bids must be supported by a Bid Declaration, We accept
that we are required to pay the bid security amount specified in the Terms and Condition of the bid in
the following cases:
a) When we withdraw or modify our bid after opening of the bids
b) When we do not execute the agreement, if any after placement of supply/work order
within the specified period;
c) When we fail to commence the supply of the goods or service or execute work as per
supply/work order within the time specified;
d) When we don not deposit the performance security within specified period after the
supply/work order is placed and
e) If we breach any provisions of code of integrity prescribed for bidding specified in the act
and chapter VI of these rules
In addition to the above, the State Government shall debar us from participating in any
procurement process undertaken for a period not exceeding three years in case where the bid
security or any part thereof is required to be forfeited by the procuring authority
We understand that this Bid Declaration shall expire if;
i) We are not the successful bidder
j) The execution of agreement for procurement and performance security is furnished
by us in case we are the successful bidder
k) Thirty days after the expiration of our Bid
l) The cancellation of the procurement process or the
m) Withdrawl of bid prior to the deadline for presenting bids, unless the bidding
documents stipulate that no such withdrawal is permitted.
Selection of Concessionaire for Implementing Intelligent Poles for Digital infrastructure Projects in Udupi on BOOT model

In the capacity of
Duly authorsied to sign the bid for and on behalf of
Dated on Day of

Corporate Seal

Selection of Concessionaire for Implementing Intelligent Poles for Digital infrastructure Projects in Udupi on BOOT model

5.14 Annexure IV: Checklist

Following is the check list for Concessionaire’s reference;

# Particulars Included in the

Annexure 1
1. Form 1: Technical Proposal Covering Letter
2. Form 2: Power of Attorney
3. Form 3: Undertaking on Total Responsibility
4. Form 4: Particulars of the Concessionaire
5. Form 5: Bank Guarantee for Earnest Money Deposit
6. Form 6: Project Citation Format
7. Form 7: Proposed Solution
8. Form 8: Technical Compliance: FRS
9. Form 9: Proposed Implementation Work Plan
10. Form 10: Team Composition
11. Form 11: Curriculum Vitae (CV) of Key Personnel
12. For 12: Deployment of Personnel
13. Form 13: Manufacturers Authorisation Form
14. Form 14: Undertaking on Service Level Compliance
15. Form 15: Undertaking on Exit Management & Transition
16. Form 16: Office Undertaking
17. Form 17: Declaration of non-blacklist
18. Form 18: Consortium MoU
19 Form 19: Bid Declaration Form
Annexure II
20. Form 1: Covering Letter
21. Form 2: Financial Proposal
Annexure III
22. Form 1: Bank Guarantee

Selection of Concessionaire for Implementing Intelligent Poles for Digital infrastructure Projects in Udupi on BOOT model


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