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Under the self-owned model, a business unit capable of revenue generation to the tune of

6.0-7.5 million rupees per month (that is, processing of at least 500kg e-waste per day) are
given below (As on 2017):

Capital expenses

1. Land: 1858sq.m (20,000sq. ft) to start with

2. Plant and machinery: 3.5 million rupees

Operational expenses

Approximately 4 million rupees per month

Operational expenses include:

 Human resource cost

 Cost of scrap
 Expenses on utilities such as electricity and water
 Logistics expenses
 Marketing expenses
 Spares and consumables
 Contingency expenses
Detailed business economics, including estimated value against the above-mentioned cost
heads and other probable cost heads, along with profit analysis and breakeven point (BEP)
calculation can be worked out based on the desired scale of operation.

(One type of e-waste)Revenue calculation for recycling of 1-tonne personal computer (PC)

1. PC e-waste: 1 tonne

2. Number of PCs: 38 (assuming that each PC weighs 28kg)

Scenario 1: Complete PGM recovery

Recovery of the precious platinum-group metals (PGMs) from PCBs is the main recycling

revenue generator (refer Table III).

PCB constitutes almost 4 per cent of a personal computer (PC).

Amount of PCBs recovered from one tonne of PC waste=Around 40kg (0.04 tonne)

Therefore, revenue generated from one tonne of PC waste= ₹ 1,463,379×0.04= ₹ 58,535

Revenue generated per kg of PC waste=Around ₹ 58

Scenario 2: Partial PGM recovery and repair to resell

Thirty-five per cent of the waste PC units are repaired and resold at the rate of ₹ 2500 per
PC. Both these assumptions are conservative. The remaining 65 per cent is recycled as
mentioned in Scenario 1.

Therefore the number of units repaired=13 (35 per cent of total number of units)

Total resale price= ₹ 2500×13= ₹ 32,500

Total value of PGM recovered from 65 per cent recycling= ₹ 38,047

Total revenue from one-tonne PC e-waste= ₹ 32,500+ ₹ 38,047= ₹ 70,547

Revenue generated per kg of PC waste=Around ₹ 70

Therefore repair-and-resale model earns around 22 per cent higher revenue.

Types of e-Waste

Home Appliances

 Microwaves
 Home entertainment devices
 Electric cookers
 Heaters
 Fans

Communications And IT Devices

 Cell phones
 Smartphones
 Desktop computers
 Monitors
 Laptops
 Circuit boards
 Hard drives
Entertainment Devices

 DVDs
 Blu Ray Players
 Stereos
 Video game system
 Fax machines
 Copiers
 Printers

Electronic Utilities

 Message chairs
 Heating pads
 Remote controls
 Television remotes
 Electrical Cords
 Lamps
 Smart lights
 Night lights
 Treadmills
 FitBits
 Smartwatches
 Heat monitors
 Diabetic testing equipment

Office And Medical Equipment

 Copiers
 Printers
 IT Server packs
 IT Servers
 Cords and Cables
 WiFi Dongles
 Dialysis Machines
 Imaging Equipment
 Phone & PBX systems
 Network Hardware
 Power Strips
 Power Suppliers
 Uninterrupted Power Suppliers
 Power Distribution Systems

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