(General Inorganic Chemistry) Test-3

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12TH X

(General Inorganic Chemistry)

Multiple Options Correct Questions

1. Which of the following compounds thermally decompose to give CO2 gas ?

(A) NaHCO3 (B) BeCO3 (C) K 2CO3 (D) Ag 2C2O4

2. Which of the following compounds would give NH 3 gas on hydrolyses in basic medium ?
(A) NH 4ClO3 (B) Ca3 N 2 (C) NH 4 I (D) NaNO2

3. Which of the following reactions are feasible ?

(A) XeF2 + H 2O → Xe + HF + O2 (B) F2 + NaOH → NaF + NaOF
(C) Cl2 + NaOH → NaCl + NaOCl (D) KCN + conc. H 2 SO4 → HCN + K 2 SO4

4. Which of the following can act as permanent bleach ?

(A) Cl2 (B) H 2 S (C) H 2 SO3 (D) H 2O2

5. How many of the following compounds cannot act both as oxidizing and reducing agent ?
(A) Na2 S2O3 (B) H 2O2 (C) H 2 SO4 (D) HNO2

6. Na2 SO3 ⎯⎯⎯→
Zn / H
A( g ) ⎯⎯⎯⎯
dil . H 2 SO4
B . Which of the following options are correct?
(A) A is SO2 (B) B : Na2 S (C) A : H 2 S (D) B : BaS

7. Thermal decomposition of which of the following salt leads to redox section ?

(A) FeSO4 (B) Ag 2C2O4 (C) Na2C2O4 (D) NH 4 IO3

8. Which of the following salt undergo hydrolysis on heating ?

(A) BaCl2 .6 H 2O (B) ZnCl2 .2 H 2O (C) FeCl2 .2 H 2O (D) BeCl2 .4 H 2O

9. Which of the following produce O2 gas on thermal decomposition ?

(A) KMnO4 (B) FeCl3 .6 H 2O (C) KNO3 (D) NH 4ClO4

10. Which of the following produce N 2 gas on thermal decomposition ?

(A) Ba ( N3 )2 (B) NH 4 HCO3 (C) NH 4 IO3 (D) N 2 H 5 NO2
12TH X


1. ABD 2. ABC 3. AC

4. AD 5. C 6. BCD

7. ABCD 8. BCD 9. ACD

10. AC

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