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- It is the management function which involves influencing others to engage in the work
behaviours necessary to reach organizational goals.

How Leaders influence Others?

leaders can influence others by:

1. Giving them Vision and Direction: Effective leaders set a clear vision for the team and
provide a sense of direction. They help the team to understand the bigger picture and the goals
they are working towards.

2. Inspiration and Motivation: Leaders inspire and motivate their team members by fostering a
positive work environment, recognizing their contributions, and encouraging them to take on

3. Decision-making and Problem-solving: Leaders make important decisions and help the
team navigate through complex problems. They involve the team in the decision-making
process, which helps build trust and buy-in.

4. Coaching and Mentoring: Leaders act as coaches and mentors, providing guidance,
feedback, and support to help team members grow and develop their skills.

5. Communication and Collaboration: Leaders facilitate effective communication within the

team and encourage collaboration. They ensure everyone is on the same page and work
together towards common goals.

6. Adaptability and Change Management: Leaders are able to adapt to changing

circumstances and help their team navigate through organizational changes. They provide the
necessary support and guidance to ensure a smooth transition.

Bases of Power
The power possessed by leaders may be classified according to various bases.

1. Legitimate power. A person who occupies a higher position has legitimate

power Over persons in lower positions within the organization.
2. Reward power. When a person has the ability to give rewards to anybody
who follows orders or request, he is said to have reward power.
3. Coercive pOwer. When a person compels another to comply with orders
through threats or punishment, he is said to possess coercive power.
4. Referent power. When a person can get compliance from another because
the latter would want to be identified with the former, that person is said to
have referent power.
5. Expert power. Experts provide specialized information regarding their
specific lines of expertise. This influence, called expert power, is possessed by
people with great skills in technology.

Nature of Leadership
- It is the process of influencing and supporting others to work enthusiastically toward achieving

Leadership traits
1. A High Level of Personal Drive
- This is the ability that keeps you pushing you to work hard and achieve your goals, even
when things get tough. It’s about having the motivation to keep us striving for success and not
giving up easily.

2. The Desire to Leave

- It's the urge to make a significant impact or move on when you feel you're not growing in
your current environment. It's the feeling that drives you to seek for new challenges and
opportunities for growth, rather than staying stagnant.

3. Personal Integrity
- This is about being honest and having A Good moral principles. this means doing the right
thing, even when no one is watching, and being trustworthy and reliable in any circumstances.
People with this kind of personal integrity are consistent in their actions and values.

4. Self-Confidence
- It's is the belief in your own abilities and judgment. having the assurance that you can handle
whatever comes in your way, make a decisions, and having the trust in your capabilities. The
Self-confidence helps you face challenges in the future.

5. Analytical Ability or Judgment

- This Ability of being capable on thinking critically and make well-informed decisions. It’s
about breaking down each problems, understanding every details, and using logic and reason to
come out with a solution. It’s the skill of seeing the bigger picture and having a better judgments.

6. Knowledge of the Company, Industry, or Technology

- This is the understanding of how things work in your specific field. this shows how well-
informed you're about the company’s operations, the industry trends, or the technology you
work with. This knowledge helps us to a make better decisions and contribute our thoughts

7. Charisma
- This is the ability to attract, It’s about having a Charm personality that draws people in,
making them want to listen to you and follow your lead. Charismatic people are often persuasive
and inspiring.

8. Creativity
- This is the ability to think outside the box and come up with new ideas. It’s about seeing
things from different perspectives and and having fresh imagination to solve problems or create
new opportunities.

9. Flexibility
- This means being adaptable in any specific place and open for changes. this is having the
ability to adjust your plans and strategies when necessary, and Can handle unexpected
situations with ease.

Behavioral Approaches to Leadership Styles:

1. According to the ways leaders approach people to motivate them.
2. According to the way the leader uses power.
3. According to the leader's orientation towards task and people.

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