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This study examined the extent to which competence in applying behavioral procedures (time-
out from positive reinforcement) was sufficient to establish competence in teaching others to
apply the same procedures. During baseline, graduate students attempted to instruct parents
with a history of child abuse and neglect in the use of time-out. Students were then instructed
in the use of time-out until they achieved proficiency in a role-play context. They then reat-
tempted to instruct the parents. Finally, the students were instructed in certain consultation
skills (i.e., teaching others to apply behavioral procedures) and again attempted to instruct
parents in the application of time-out. Observations of students' consultation skills, parents'
proficiency at administering time-out, and children's compliance to parental instructions revealed
that explicit training in behavioral consulting skills was necessary to produce improvements in
these behaviors. Students' proficiency at administering time-out was insufficient to enable them
to instruct others in its application. These results were corroborated by surveys of both students
and staff. The implications for graduate training and service delivery are discussed.
DESCRIPTORS: parent training, graduate training, staff, time-out, consultation

Concern for the competent practice of be- ing programs (Hopkins & Moore, 1993;
havior analysis and therapy has been expressed Shook, 1993). Curricula for doctoral training
in many ways from many quarters. For exam- have been proposed (Chase & Wylie, 1985; Mi-
ple, there have been efforts within the service chael, 1980) and students themselves, especially
delivery system to identify and develop specific at the graduate level, may specifically seek and
areas of competence among professionals and to expect competency training (Isaacs, Embry, &
delimit the range of treatment procedures avail- Baer, 1982).
able to these professionals (Hirschenberger, However, there is no consensus with regard
McGuire, & Thomas, 1987; Risley, 1975). Pro- to the areas in which students should acquire
fessional organizations, such as the Association competency during graduate training nor the
for Behavior Analysis, have established stan- curriculum and methods to establish and assess
dards for accrediting graduate and other train- these areas. Nevertheless, most proposals for
graduate and professional training recognize
A report of the full study of individual and group train-
ing, all experimental materials, and a detailed observational that a competent professional must be profi-
code may be obtained from Brandon F. Greene. cient both as a primary treatment agent and as
Reprints may be obtained from Brandon F. Greene, Be- a consultant who can enable others (e.g., par-
havior Analysis & Therapy, Rehabilitation Institute, ents, teachers) to produce beneficial treatment
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois 62901-
4609, or John R Lutzker, University of Judaism, 15600 outcomes (Kratochwill & Bergan, 1990). The
Mulholland Drive, Los Angeles, California 90077-1599. importance of preparing professionals to man-

302 JAMES F. MCGIMSEY et al.
age behavior directly and to serve as a consul- competence in the application of some of those
tant has been discussed in the literature (Bern- principles (in the form of treatment proce-
stein, 1982; Kratochwill & Bergan, 1990) and dures), and exposure to the training methods
was underscored in a survey of employers of that establish their competence may be suffi-
graduates from a university program specializ- cient to enable these professionals to train par-
ing in behavior analysis and therapy (Lutzker, ents in the use of the same procedures.
Greene, Cuvo, McGimsey, & McRae, 1982). One pertinent study (Isaacs et al., 1982) de-
One area of professional practice in which scribed a program of videotaped instruction and
competence as treatment agent and consultant role-play practice that enabled professionals
is essential is in working with families. In par- both to acquire child management skills and to
ticular, professionals working in families' homes teach parents those skills. However, both sets of
may directly treat the behavior of the child skills were taught concurrently. Therefore, the
while teaching the parent to do the same study did not test the possibility that persons
(Greene, Kessler, & Daniels, 1994; Lutzker, proficient in the use of behavior management
1984; Patterson, Reid, & Dishion, 1992; Wah- techniques will, by virtue of their proficiency
ler & Fox, 1980). This approach has been wide- and the opportunity to have observed an effec-
ly used with families ranging from those expe- tive training process, be able to train others. In
riencing relatively mild difficulties managing addition, the study was based in a clinic but
children's noncompliance to those who are at involved participants who apparently were re-
serious risk for dissolution due to a history of cruited solely for the study and who were not
child abuse and neglect (Hobbs & Forehand, actually seeking services. An important next
1977; Morton & Grigsby, 1993; Patterson et step is to determine the training necessary to
al., 1992). enable professionals to work effectively directly
In some cases, however, therapists who also in the homes of parents who require clinical
act as consultants achieve little or no success at services for themselves and their children (e.g.,
enabling parents to improve their children's be- behavior management training for abusive par-
havior (e.g., Dumas & Wahler, 1983). In these ents).
cases it is often difficult to ascertain the reasons In such situations the professional will often
for treatment failure, because programs lack suf- need to be proficient both in using and teaching
ficient technological description to be replicated parents to use time-out from positive reinforce-
(Baer, Wolf, & Risley, 1968; Dore, 1991; Lutz- ment, a widely used behavior management pro-
ker, McGimsey, McRae, & Campbell, 1983; cedure (Clark, Rowbury, Baer, & Baer, 1973;
Lutzker, Touchette, & Campbell, 1988). Thus, Forehand & Long, 1991; Handen, Parrish,
failure could have been due to flaws in the treat- McClung, Kerwin, & Evans, 1992; Hobbs &
ment program, limitations in the professionals' Forehand, 1977). However, although time-out
skills in applying treatment, their inability to is a seemingly simple procedure, its ethical and
enable parents to apply treatment, or a combi- effective application is actually quite complex.
nation of these. This uncertainty suggests the Consideration must be given to various tech-
need for close examination of the process of nical aspects such as assuring the presence of a
professional training and evaluation. "time-in" environment, the duration of the
It may be, for example, that professionals in time-out period, the criteria for release, and the
behavioral graduate programs who learn to use degree of exclusion or confinement (Hobbs &
specific treatment procedures will require no Forehand, 1977).
further explicit instruction in order to teach Therefore, in this study we examined the na-
others to use those procedures. That is, their ture of training necessary to enable professionals
familiarity with behavioral principles, specific to use time-out proficiently. We also examined
whether additional training of these profession- school; 1 had a college degree. Four of the par-
als would be necessary to enable them to in- ents had established records of child abuse, ne-
struct parents with a history of child abuse and glect, or both; the other 2 were considered to
neglect to use time-out effectively. be at risk for such abuse. The income of each
family was less than $10,000 annually.
METHOD The use of time-out had been recommended
in the families' service plans, and the parents
This study was part of a larger study involv- had been receiving training based on a model
ing 12 graduate students, 22 families, and two adapted from Peed, Roberts, and Forehand
formats (individual and group) for training stu- (1977). Specifically, parents had been taught to
dents to use and to teach others to use time- reinforce (praise) their children's appropriate be-
out (McGimsey, 1987). Reported here are the havior and to use clear, simple instructions
procedures and findings associated with an eval- when attempting to set the occasion for the
uation of the individual training format. child's compliance. The parents had already es-
Participants and Setting tablished "enriched time-in" conditions (accord-
ing to the definition below) during at least 60%
Students. Six students in their first year of of the intervals in one or more of the last three
graduate study in the Behavior Analysis and baseline sessions.
Therapy Program at Southern Illinois Univer- A private residence in a middle-income
sity at Carbondale participated. All were grad- neighborhood was used for training the stu-
uate assistants employed as staff members on dents. Assessment and training with families oc-
Project 12-Ways. Their ages ranged from 20 to curred in their own homes.
24 years (M = 21.4). Most had undergraduate
degrees in psychology as well as practical expe- Materials
rience in human services.
Families. Participants were families in the ca- Development and validation ofthe protocolfor
seload of Project 12-Ways. The project serves administering time-out. A preliminary task
low-income families with a history of child analysis of the steps involved in administering
abuse and neglect. Services attempt to correct time-out was constructed from three sources:
child neglect, coercive parent-child interac- task analyses cited in the literature (Katz &
tions, and related problems (Greene et al., Lutzker, 1981; Nay, 1980), direct observation
1994; Lutzker, 1984; McGimsey, Lutzker, & of trained professionals administering time-
Greene, 1994; Watson-Perczel, Lutzker, Greene, out, and interviews with experts with time-out
& McGimpsey, 1988). Each participating fam- experience. This preliminary task analysis and
ily's service plan had identified the need for a description of the setting and clients with
time-out skills involving one parent-child dyad. whom the procedure would be used were then
Dyads from a total of 13 families were being distributed to 20 nationally prominent profes-
served by the 6 students participating in the sionals with extensive experience in using time-
study. The data for a sample (n = 6) of these out. These experts rated on a 5-point scale (5
dyads are reported here. = very good to do; 1 = very bad to do) the
One child and parent (5 mothers, 1 father, 3 importance of performing each step in the task
girls, 3 boys) from each of 6 families partici- analysis. Seventeen questionnaires were re-
pated. The children's mean age was 4.5 years turned. Steps with a mean rating of 3.5 or bet-
(range, 3 to 6 years); the parents' mean age was ter were included in the final protocol for ad-
28 years (range, 24 to 33 years). Five of the 6 ministering time-out. This protocol (Table 1)
participating parents had graduated from high is very similar to other empirically supported
Table 1
Time-Out Task Analysis: Steps in Using Time-Out Effectively

The "time-in" environment Step 16: Minimize interaction with the child when re-
Step 1: Provide an enriched time-in environment. leasing the child from time-out.
Step 2: Reinforce appropriate behavior. Step 17: Upon release from time-out involve the child in
appropriate activities.
Getting ready to use time-out
Step 3: Make the time-out area safe. After each use of time-out
Step 4: Have a timing device available. Step 18: Record use of time-out.
Sending the child to time-out Step 19: Record the duration of time-out.
Step 5: Use a neutral tone of voice when warning and Contingency steps
sending the child to time-out. If the child is not quiet at end of time-out:
Step 6: Give a warning about time-out for the first oc- Step 20: Explain condition for release to child if not quiet.
currence of a minor inappropriate behavior. Step 21: Note the time if child is required to stay in
Step 7: Send the child to time-out. time-out until quiet. Return to Step 15.
Step 8: Inform the child why he or she must go to If the child leaves time-out early
time-out. Step 22: Return the child to time-out if he or she leaves
Step 9: Escort the child to time-out. early.
Step 10: Minimize physical interaction while escorting Step 23: If child is returned to time-out explain why he
the child to time-out. or she must remain longer.
Step 11: Minimize verbal interaction while escorting the Step 24: If child is returned, note time and return to
child to time-out. Step 15.
Step 12: Inform the child of the duration of time-out.
Step 13: Note the time after putting the child into time- If the child messes up the time-out room
out. Step 25: If the child messes up the time-out room, re-
While the child is in time-out quire him or her to clean before leaving.
Step 26: If required to clean room, explain to child he or
Step 14: Check the child's safety after putting him or her she must remain in time-out until room is clean, then
into time-out. return to Step 15.
Releasing the child from time-out
Step 15: If the child is quiet the final 2 minutes, release
the child from time-out.

protocols (e.g., Katz & Lutzker, 1981; Nay, time-out task analysis, four different scripts were
1980). created. Two specified correct methods and two
Role-play scripts: Management skills. Seven specified incorrect methods of executing the step.
scripts were developed for use in role-play sit- For example, Step 11 of the time-out protocol
uations to train and evaluate a student's skill in specifies the parent should not interact verbally
administering time-out (thus avoiding a child's with a child while en route to time-out. Two
exposure to potentially erratic application of a improper variations involve (a) the parent scold-
procedure taught by untrained students). The ing the child and (b) the parent arguing with a
scripts included a broad sample of problematic child begging not to be sent to time-out. Two
child behavior (e.g., aggression, severe tan- correct variations involve (a) the child physically
trums) occurring under circumstances for struggling with the parent while the parent si-
which time-out may be appropriate, as well as lently continues to escort the child to time-out
child behaviors that may function to gain at- and (b) the child pleading with the parent not
tention or escape from the time-out contingen- to be sent to time-out while the parent calmly
cy (e.g., pleading, arguing). and quietly escorts the child to time-out.
Role-play scripts: Consultation skills. Scripts The 26 steps, each with four variations,
were developed to assess students' consulting yielded a total of 104 (4 variations X 26 steps)
skills. Specifically, for each of the 26 steps in the unique scripts of parent and child behavior.
Measurement efforts and for correct aspects of the parent's
Assessment and training sessions with fami- performance; (e) accurately describe the parent's
lies were conducted using a parent training for- errors and the expected performance, and repeat
mat adapted from Peed et al. (1977). Specifi- the process of describing, modeling, and role-
cally, parent and child were asked to engage in playing.
a play session using materials they owned or Enriched time-in, appropriate requests, and
those provided by Project 12-Ways. During child compliance were measured using a con-
these sessions, an experimenter asked the parent tinuous 20-s partial-interval scoring system.
to instruct the child to perform a task, such as Management skills (applying time-out) and
to put a toy car into the toy box. During these consultation skills were measured using the task
sessions, the following parental and child be- analyses.
haviors were targeted. Observer Training and Reliability
Enriched time-in. Time-in involved parents of Measurement
making gentle, playful, or passive physical Interobserver agreement on student, parent,
touch or affectionate remarks or praise to the and child behavior was calculated by comparing
child. primary and reliability observers' data sheets
Appropriate requests. The parent's use of ap- event by event for all time-out training and
propriate requests was scored during parent- child compliance behavior, and interval by in-
child interaction sessions. An appropriate re- terval for parent time-in behavior. Reliability
quest was defined as one in which the parent observations were conducted for all participants
described a specific object (e.g., the red car) and in at least 25% sessions, across conditions. Re-
a specific behavior for the child to perform liability was calculated on the basis of agree-
(e.g., put it into the toy box) (Peed et al., 1977). ments on occurrence. Mean reliability for any
A request was not appropriate if it did not spec- target behavior during any condition was never
ify exactly what to do with the object (e.g., less than 93% (range, 83% to 100%).
"Here, use this") or if it was a request involving
more than one step (e.g., "Put this one down, EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES
lift that one up and throw the other away"). Students
Child compliance. Child compliance occurred Baseline: Student management and consulting
if the child followed the parent's appropriate re- skills. At each session the experimenter intro-
quest within 20 s. duced the student to the "child" (a graduate
Management skills. Each student's use of assistant playing the role of the child in the
time-out was scored during training sessions, script). The experimenter instructed the student
and the parent's use of time-out was scored dur- to act as if the home was his or her own. The
ing simulated and actual interactions with the child was described as a 5-year-old whose mis-
child according to the task analysis. behavior included throwing toys and aggression
Consultation skills (training time-out). The toward adults (e.g., biting, slapping, and hit-
consultation skills required the student to (a) ting), particularly when adults attempted to set
provide a rationale for time-out and each step limits on the child's behavior. The experimenter
it entails and to describe the steps using simple, informed the student that time-out from posi-
nontechnical language; (b) demonstrate the tive reinforcement had been selected as the
steps while describing them; (c) stage a role-play treatment of choice to decrease these behaviors
situation of each step with the parent in his or under these circumstances, and that the student
her own role and the student in the role of was to administer this procedure.
child; (d) deliver verbal praise for the parent's The student was allowed to explore the house
and furnishings for about 15 min and to inter- each step on the task analysis. The student then
act with the child. The experimenter then sig- attempted that step with the experimenter, who
naled the child to engage in the inappropriate assumed the role of the child. If the student
target behaviors according to one of the seven performed incorrectly, the experimenter repeat-
scripts (randomly selected without replace- ed the training process. Following two consec-
ment). Five minutes after the child emitted utive correct role-playing sessions, the experi-
these behaviors, the experimenter signaled the menter began training the next step in the time-
end of the session unless the child was in time- out protocol.
out. The student was given no feedback on per- After each individual step in the time-out
formance. protocol had been correctly role-played, the stu-
An assessment of each student's consultation dent attempted the entire sequence. The exper-
skills (i.e., the ability to train someone else to imenter provided correction and praise to the
administer time-out) usually occurred within student following completion of the training
the same session. The student was introduced trial. Training was considered to be complete
to a "parent" (another graduate assistant) who when the student performed the entire sequence
was described as the parent of a disruptive child. of steps correctly one time.
The experimenter instructed the student to Individual training of students in consultation
train the parent in the use of time-out. When skills (teaching parents to administer time-out).
the role-play session began, the confederate par- The same instructional procedures used to train
ent acted according to the script and the stu- behavior management skills were used to train
dent's consultation skills were assessed. For ex- consulting skills. Students received a task anal-
ample, if the parent implemented some steps of ysis of consulting skills, definitions, and exam-
time-out correctly, the student should provide ples. The experimenter modeled and role-
descriptive praise. If the parent performed in- played each skill in the task analysis. Instruction
correctly, the student should provide corrective was complete when the student demonstrated
feedback, describe and model the correct be- proficiency in all consultation skills one time.
havior, and role-play with the parent. Role-play- Maintenance. Approximately 6 weeks after re-
ing continued until eight scripted scenes (ran- ceiving training, each student participated in
domly selected without replacement from the role-play sessions as in baseline.
set of 104 scripts) had been presented.
Individual training of students in behavior Families
management (administering time-out). Five days Baseline. During baseline, several activities
before the first instructional session, each stu- transpired at each session in the familys home.
dent received a training packet containing (a) First, the experimenter involved the parent and
instructions for using the written materials, (b) child in 20 min of toy play, during which the
a written description of each step in the time- parent's provision of time-in and the child's
out task analysis, and (c) a 20-question self-ad- compliance to instructions were assessed. Spe-
ministered quiz. cifically, the experimenter provided the parent
At the next session, the experimenter an- with cue cards. After 5 min of free play, the
swered questions regarding the materials and experimenter signaled the parent to read a card.
readministered the quiz to anyone who had not The card prompted the parent to instruct the
scored at least 95%. If the student failed to pass child to perform a task. The parent was to
the quiz after two opportunities, the student praise the child if the child complied within 20
was instructed to review the materials and to s. (The cue card provided an example of praise
return on a later date for training. for the parent; e.g., "Good boy, Bobby, you
The experimenter described and modeled placed the airplane into the yellow box.") If the
child did not comply within 20 s, the parent Maintenance. Six weeks after the parent was
was to ignore the child until the experimenter's taught to administer time-out by a student
next signal. Parents were signaled to deliver a trained as a consultant, a maintenance assess-
total of 15 requests, one per minute. ment session was conducted at the family's
Next, the parent's use of time-out was as- home. Parent-child interaction sessions (in situ)
sessed in a role-play session (with staff acting in and time-out skill assessment (in a role-play ses-
the role of child) and occasionally at home with sion) were conducted as described earlier.
the parent's own child. The assessment was con-
ducted in the same manner as the assessments Experimental Design
of students administering time-out. Many par- The study was designed to coordinate the
ents had been instructed in time-out by social various phases of assessment and training be-
service agents. If a parent stated that he or she tween students and families. A schematic of the
knew nothing about time-out or could not ap- design appears in Figure 1. Each parent's time-
ply the procedure, a score of 0% was recorded. out skills were probed in role-play sessions and
Finally, we periodically probed the perfor- with the actual child (whose compliance was
mance of students (who had yet to receive be- assessed) during the course of instruction by
havior management or consultation training) as students who successively completed baseline,
they attempted to train parents to use time-out. behavior management and consultation train-
For these probes the experimenter briefed the ing. The training of students was evaluated in
student about the family's history and the target a multiprobe fashion across behaviors (manage-
child's inappropriate behavior. The student was ment, consultation) and across groups of stu-
told to train the parent to administer time-out dents. Similarly, training of families was evalu-
using any method with which the student was ated in a multiple baseline fashion.
familiar. Students were allowed as much time to In addition, the design provided that stu-
train as they wished (they averaged 1 hr). With- dents who had attempted to train certain par-
in 12 hr after the student indicated that training ents in the use of time-out during baseline, after
was complete, the experimenter met privately achieving proficiency as a behavior manager, or
with the family and assessed parent-child inter- both were assigned different parents to train af-
actions during free play and the ability of the ter achieving proficiency as a consultant. This
parent to administer time-out in a simulation. arrangement was intended to minimize poten-
Parent trained by students proficient as behavior tial practice effects associated with training the
managers (applying time-out). During this con- same family.
dition, the same activities conducted during Finally, some families were trained only by
baseline sessions continued. However, by this students who had completed consultant train-
time the students had completed behavior man- ing. That is, these families had no prior expo-
agement training (in the use of time-out). They sure either to untrained students or to students
again attempted to instruct parents to admin- trained only as behavior managers. This ar-
ister time-out. rangement provided an evaluation of whether
Parent trained by students proficient as a be- such prior exposure was necessary for the parent
havior consultant. Sessions were conducted in to achieve competence in the use of time-out.
the same manner as the previous two condi-
tions. However, parents were instructed in the Consumer Satisfaction
use of time-out by students who had demon- Following the 6-week maintenance assess-
strated proficiency in both behavior manage- ment session, each student completed a brief
ment and consultation under simulated training questionnaire regarding their previous experi-
conditions. ence in using and teaching others to use time-
308 JAMES F. MCGIMSEY et al.

Baseline , Training in , Training in Trained by, Trained by I Trained by

(Untrained ' Behavior : Consultation Untrained Behavior Behavior
Student) Managernent: Student Manager Consultant
==m . . . . . . . . . .
.....9m4.. .. ..4

Ommommummml d
''''''' A
;-----I1 --1




Figure 1. A stylized depiction of the experimental design. See Experimental Design section for details.

out. In addition, the questionnaire asked the ing). Table 2 presents the mean performance of
students to rate the usefulness of the training all 6 students both in role-play sessions and in
provided during the study. situ.
Following the last maintenance session of Training students in behavior management
parent-child interaction, each parent was asked improved only their behavior management
to rate the training and to compare training re- skills. It had no apparent impact on consulting
ceived from the trainers (skilled and unskilled) skills in role-play sessions or in situ. Direct role-
over the course of the study. Each parent was play training in the use of the targeted consult-
also asked to rate satisfaction with the training ing skills was required to improve role-play per-
and the extent to which his or her child's com- formance to approximately 100%.
pliance had improved. The impact of this training was ultimately
reflected in students' performance with families
and in the behavior of the families themselves.
RESULTS Figures 4 and 5 depict the performance of stu-
Figures 2 and 3 present the performances of dents and families who received training from
a sample of 4 students (S1, S2, S5, and S6) untrained students, students proficient in be-
from among the 6 who were individually havior management, and, ultimately, students
trained during role-play sessions first to apply proficient in behavioral consulting skills. It is
time-out (behavior management) and then to evident that (a) parents' and children's behaviors
teach others its application (behavioral consult- did not improve following their exposure to un-
Individual Training
-100 - 1 Baseline Manager Maintenance
1 90 -
= 80 -
o 70 -
a 60 -
a 50 -
> 40 -
30 -
o 20 -_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _

90 -
Individual Training
80 Consultant
O 60 -
50 -
40 -
< 30 -
E- 20 -
z 10
C) ___ __

- ~ ~ ~~1
2 3 4 5 6 7


Individual Training

100 --
S2 Baseline Manager Maintenance
W 90-
P4 80-
> 70-
- 50-
2 40-
X 30-
o 20-

v 100
H 90 Individual Training
U) 80 Consultant
p, 70
o 60
p 50
C:) 40
Z 20
4 01 2 3 4 5 6 7

Figure 2. A multiple baseline analysis of the performances of SI and S2 in role-play application of behavior
management (administering time-out) and behavioral consulting skills (teaching others to administer time-out).
310 JAMES F. MCGIMSEY et al.

0_4B Individual Training

5J Baseline Manager Maintenance
z 80-
O 70-
60- __--_
1 50-
p 30-

W 90- Individual Training
on _
70 Consultant
. 30-
EH 20-
Z 10- _ _
'1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5


04 C1 ^ Individual Training
V 100 -
S U Baseline
-___ __

= 90
; 80
O 70
n 50
W 30
O 20

Xloo- -_~~~~~~~~-------
H- 80 Individual Training
70 -
O 60-
50 -
E- 20 -
= 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Figure 3. A multiple baseline analysis of the performances of S5 and S6 in role-play application of behavior
management (administering time-out) and behavioral consulting skills (teaching others to administer time-out). Training
was conducted individually with these students.
Table 2 clusively by students who were proficient in
Mean Percentage of Steps Accurately Completed by both management and consultation. This was
Students Administering (Managing) and Teaching Others
to Administer (Consulting) Time-out sufficient to improve the performance of the
children and parents.
Training by In response to the questionnaire, most stu-
Con- dents rated both the behavior management and
Base- Mana- sul- Main- consultation skills training highly and acknowl-
line ger tant tenance
edged that the training improved these skills.
Student 1 Students criticized the training as too time con-
Management (role-play) 22 100 100 96 suming.
Consultation (role-play) 0 0 100 97
Consultation (in situ) 10 10 95 NC Three of the 6 parents had been exposed to
Student 2 trainers who were proficient in behavior man-
Management (role-play) 31 99 100 95 agement only as well as trainers who were pro-
Consultation (role-play) 12 11 100 98 ficient in behavior management and consulting.
Consultation (in-situ) 2 3 98 NC All of these parents indicated that the trainer
Student 3 who was proficient in both behavior manage-
Management (role-play) 55 100 100 100 ment and consulting had done the best job of
Consultation (role-play) 14 13 100 100
Consultation (in situ) 8 10 96 NC training.
Student 4
Management (role-play) 14 100 100 92
Consultation (role-play) 7 0 98 92 DISCUSSION
Consultation (in situ) 9 11 92 NC The skills examined in this study represent
Student 5 only a small set of those that may be necessary
Management (role-play) 59 100 100 100 to be thoroughly competent in consultation in-
Consultation (role-play) 10 12 100 100
Consultation (in situ) 9 6 97 NC volving behavior management. Such compe-
Student 6 tence also involves the ability to conduct func-
Management (role-play) 48 100 100 91 tional assessments, to synthesize behavioral
Consultation (role-play) 22 12 100 95 principles into ethical and effective treatments,
Consultation (in situ) 14 NC 92 NC to anticipate problems, and to work within
Note. NC = not a condition. complex organizations (Kratochwill & Bergan,
1990). Nevertheless, graduate students' acqui-
sition of the behavior management and con-
trained students or students trained only in be- sulting skills targeted in this study required di-
havior management (Families 3, 7, and 9), (b) rect hands-on instruction. This may be signifi-
the benefits of students' role-play training in cant given proposals for graduate curricula that
consultation skills generalized to performance dismiss such specialized training as "digressions"
with families and, in so doing (c) improved the (Michael, 1980). Even proposals to include
performance of family members. Finally par- practical experience in graduate training (e.g.,
ents' mastery of time-out required training from Chase & Wylie, 1985) have not recognized or
a student proficient both in behavior manage- explicitly identified the experience that is ap-
ment and consultation. It did not require prior parently necessary for students to develop com-
exposure to instruction by a student proficient petence in aspects of behavior management and
only in behavior management. For example, consultation. Our findings suggest that "prac-
Families 2, 4, and 12 had no initial exposure to tical experience" itself may be either insufficient
students who were proficient in behavior man- or, at best, inefficient at shaping such compe-
agement only. Their training was provided ex- tence.
312 JAMES F. MCGIMSEY et al.
Trained By
Baseline Manager Consultant Maintenance
Family 3
2" --"Sr
90 -
Ix 80

F-' 70-
rw 60 -
1% 50 - U Child Compliance
0 40 - 0 Parent Time-In
30- A Parent Timeout, In Situ
20 - A Parent TimeoutIn Simulation
E- 10 A....... ) Consultant Training Skills
X 0


Family 9

z 100
£0 90
0 70

0 60 A

L) 0

II, Family 7
ch "S4'
z 100

U) 90

80 'a
0 A
0 70 -

E-' 40-

lz 30 -
Im 20 - A

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 4. A multiple baseline analysis of the performances of a sample of Families 3, 9, and 7 and of students
consulting with these families. Parental time-in in situ (open circles), time-out in situ (closed triangles), and time-out
in simulation (open triangles) are depicted during baseline, following training by a competent behavior manager and a
competent behavioral consultant, and during maintenance. The particular students providing training are identified and
their use of consultation skills is depicted.(X).
Trained By
Family 12 Maintenance
Baseline Consultant
CDUt 100- "S6"
0 90-
to 0
80- A
W. A
70- An
50- * Child Compliance
3 40- o Parent Time-In
30- A Parent Timeout, In Situ
IC, 20- A Parent Timeout,In Simulation
z X Consultant Training Skills
C.) la
X: 0-L

Trained By
Family 2 Baseline Maintenance
Ut ..Si.. Consultant
z x

0 90 -
80 - a .
70 -
tC:) 60 -

C-, 40 -

30 -
20 -
C; 10-

n Family 4
n 100-
° 90 -


70 -


420 -
& ......................
W 0 -L

I 2 B 4 6 7

Figure 5. A multiple baseline analysis of the performance of a sample of Families 12, 2, and 4 and of students
consulting with these families. Parental time-in in situ (open circles), time-out in situ (closed triangles), and time-out
in simulation (open triangles) are depicted during baseline, following training by a competent behavior manager and a
competent behavioral consultant, and during maintenance. The particular students providing training are identified and
their use of consultation skills is depicted (X).
The fact that students who were proficient in that the scripts and other elements of training
the use of time-out could not effectively instruct closely approximated the actual conditions of
others in its use was somewhat surprising. Their working with families. An optimistic possibility
own instruction in the use of time-out provided is that the consulting skills themselves may have
a model of necessary skills. However, until stu- considerable generality. That is, the basic con-
dents were explicitly trained in those consulting sultation skills studied here probably have con-
skills, their training of parents tended to be pri- siderable generality for training a variety of
marily didactic, with little emphasis on mod- skills. Thus, their mastery may enable students
eling, rehearsal, correction, and reinforcement. to be proficient at teaching other behavior man-
This finding may have important implications agement skills. Research is needed to test this
both for research and practice in a variety of possibility.
settings. Finally, further research is needed to identify
For example, in clinical practice and in pop- more efficient approaches to professional train-
ular parenting literature, time-out is frequently ing (e.g., in groups instead of individually). In
recommended for various child management addition, it would be worthwhile to consider
problems, yet parents often reject it on the whether a core of skills can be identified for
claim that it is ineffective. This paradox is prob- graduate and postgraduate training that gener-
ably explained by the fact that time-out appears alize either because they embody several behav-
to be a simple procedure. Therefore, instruction ioral principles or because of their wide appli-
in its use has been attempted in various ways cability to various settings and populations.
(e.g., lectures, popular media) by various pro- Competence with time-out, for example, entails
fessionals (e.g., social workers, pediatricians, competence with positive reinforcement (time-
teachers) for application with various popula- in), extinction (by removing, when possible,
tions and settings. However, given the numer- contingencies maintaining the problematic be-
ous details that must be engineered to make its havior) and managing children's escape or
application successful, it is possible that much avoidance behaviors that often occur during the
of this instruction is simply ineffective. application of time-out. Moreover, time-out is
Similarly, much of the technical literature on applicable to various problems and populations.
training parents to use procedures such as time- Thus, it may be a skill whose mastery may help
out is equivocal. Some studies report success at to establish generalized competence in behavior
producing changes in both parent and child be- management. These are considerations for fu-
havior, whereas others report little or no success ture research that may help in the broader effort
(Dore, 1991; Greene et al., 1994; Lutzker et to promote the competent and responsible prac-
al., 1983). These differences may be attribut- tice of behavior analysis.
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