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Upsi Deut Times

Wabash Slaughters DePauw, Again

John dykstra 13
Wabashs first series with a few quarterback-keepers to set-up a 32 yard field Editor in Chief goal. Wabash was not done scoring in the Many dont understand why they call it a rivalry game anymore. Wabash kept first quarter, though. The Little Giant defense forced and recovered a fumble The Bell for its third straight year with at about mid-field. The offense scored its yet another blowout victory. first touchdown of the game on a 33 DePauw reported that the game sold yard run by Vann Hunt 13. DePauws out with all of Blackstock Stadiums 8,000 seats sold out. However, the Dan- next offensive series ended 27 seconds later with a 22 yard pick-six by Jonathan nies emptied their stands during Koop 13. Redshirt senior Wes Chamhalftime, just like last year. It appears blee 12 returned a punt 44 yards to the DePauw no longer has interest in the house at the end of the quarter. Wabash Monon Classic. led DePauw 24-0. Wabashs defense and running game The second quarter was not as actionoverpowered DePauws struggling footpacked, but Wabash defense added sevball team. Wabashs offense gained a total of 180 en more points to the board. The defense yards on the day. The Little Giants run- sacked DePauw quarterback Will King in the DePauw end zone, which resulted ning game dominated DePauws selfin a fumble. Pat Clegg 13 recovered the proclaimed strong rushing defense. fumble for the score. Wabash led DeQuarterback Chase Belton 13 opened Pauw 31-0 at halftime.

The Wabash football team hoists The Bell to celebrate their 45-7 victory over DePauw in this years Monon Bell Classic.

DePauw scored its first and only 12. The score was 31-7 Wabash at the touchdown against Wabash in two years end of the third. at the end of the third. DePauws deWabashs defense and rushing game fense recovered a Wabash fumble which continued to have success in the fourth. resulted a 3 yard touchdown by Jon Ellis

See Monon on page 2

TDX Celebrates 164th Birthday at Beef House

John Dykstra
Editor in chief Brothers of Upsilon Deuteron had a meal too luxurious for a college student on the evening of October 31. Every four years, Upsilon Deuteron celebrates TDXs birthday by eating at The Beef House in Covington, IN. The Charge eats at the restaurant every four years so that every member has an opportunity to eat there to celebrate the Fraternitys existence (as long as the Brother joined the Fraternity during his freshman year). Brothers had a full-course man meal consisting of an all-you-can-eat salad bar, a choice of soup, potatoes and, of course, steak. Matt Meyer 13 ordered the Jack Daniels New York strip steak and gave almost everyone at his end of the table a sample. The steak was amazing, Meyer said. You could taste the Jack Daniels marinade. The Brotherhood decided to limit meal costs to $30. As usual, the House paid for one alcoholic beverage for each senior. All Brothers who were 21 and not seniors had to pay for their own drink. The Beef House provided a wonderful all-around meal. The steak was topnotch; the potatoes were not made from boxes; and the salad bar had a variety of options to decorate a salad with. After the meal, the Brothers returned to the House for cake. Happy 164th Birthday, Theta Delta Chi!

Chris Zabriskie 12 and Kris Klondaris 12 took a networking trip to New York City. The trip was sponsored by Wabashs Career Services.

Zabriskie, Klondaris Network in NYC

Chris zabriskie 12
Immersion columnist This past Fall Break, myself (Chris Zabriskie 12) and Kris Klondaris 12 both got accepted to go on a Networking/Corporate Visit trip to New York City. We spent Thursday, Friday, and Saturday seeing the city and places like Times Square, Ground Zero, Wall Street, Occupy Wall Street Protests, and the Brooklyn Bridge. Most importantly, we got to see a variety of business in many different professions where Wabash men were working. Some of places we got to see were Bank of America Merrill Lynch with Jay Allen 79, Rich Calacci 91 at Bleacher Report, Ian Campbell 01 at Major League Soccer, Tom Halverson 87;at Goldman Sachs, and many more. We even saw some really cool nonprofits including and Pencils of Promise. All in all, it was great to see so many different types of businesses like investment banking, insurance, startups, and non-profits. I know Kris and I had a great time, especially with an Alumni Networking event we had on Friday evening. The open bar was awesome! Overall, I think Kris and I got a better idea of life in New York City, the types of business we want to go into, and the networking possibilities with Wabash Alumni. We both had a great time and thank Career Services for this opportunity for both of us.

The Brothers pose for a picture at The Beef House restaurant in Covington, IN. Upsilon Deuteron goes to the restaurant every four years to celebrate TDXs founding.

Now Introducing: Mini Minerva

John dykstra
Editor in chief Being a Theta Delt at Wabash has a variety of perks. On October 30, the Fraternity brought in its new house dog, Mini Minerva. Other Fraternities at Wabash are not allowed to have animals in their houses due to liability issues. Upsi Deut resolved such issues by making one person, Jacob Anderson, respon-sible for taking Mini home during breaks. Last year, we expressed our de-sire to get a house dog. Those desires were followed by creating a dog com-mittee this school year. Brothers walked numerous dogs and decided upon two dogs. How-ever, Joe Granger 13 went to his hometown Celina, Ohio the weekend of October 27 and found Mini, who was born on a nearby farm. The Fraternity named the dog in honor of TDXs goddess, Minerva. Mini is approximately 11 weeks old. She has grown at a rapid pace. Almost all of the Brothers are at-tached to her, despite her late-night barking. During the day, she is rare-ly in her cage and walks around the house with supervision. Peter Santa Maria 13 placed a whiteboard in the pool room so that the Brothers can keep track of the dog. For instance, we write down the times Mini ate or was taken outside. Mini has received lots of atten-tion from Wabash men. Students and faculty crowd around her when the Brothers take her for a walk on cam-pus. Having Mini in the house has brought the Fraternity more respon-sibilities, but having a dog is a privilege nonetheless.

Mini is hardly ever in her cage during the day and ventures around the house with supervision.

TDX Continues to Head Breast Cancer Walk

John dykstra
bash and the Crawfordsville community. The House was part of the route so that the Editor in chief walkers could see the float. Prior to the event, TDX Philanthropy The Upsilon Deuteron Charge continued its reign of being the most helpful fraternity Chair Peter Santa Maria 13 gathered a group of Brothers to pink the campus. for the Breast Cancer Walk at Wabash. The Brothers tied pink ribbons all over the The Charge won the events Spirit Mall, which was where the American CanAward by painting the Senior Bench pink and converting the Freshmens homecom- cer Society placed signs to honor breast cancer survivors. ing float into a breast cancer awareness The majority of the Fraternitys fundraisadvertisement on 231. The float was 2-D ing events are based around the American image of Wally Wabash composed of plywood. Instead of having red stripes, Wally Cancer Society. The Brothers made the Fraternitys contributions more apparent by had pink stripes and a pink shirt. helping out with the walk more than any The Brothers led the walk around Waother fraternity on Wabashs campus.

Left to right: Pledge Joe Sukup 15, Philanthropy Chair Michael Hodge 13, Pledge Zach Boston 15, and Pledge Fritz Coutchie 15 lead the Breast Cancer Walk.

Monon Traditions
Members of the Fraternity decided to alter their hairstyles to show Wabashs virility for the Bell Game. They might have ruined a few family photos for Thanksgiving or created a stereotype for Wabash men who go to Model UN bald. All the men chose to do this on their own accord.
Left: Matt Meyer 12 gets a Monon Mullet. Meyer told the pledges that if they won Chapel Sing, he would get a mullet for the Bell Game. He certainly lived up to his word, as we can see. The Monon Mullet has become a new tradition at Wabash along with the Monon Mustache and Monon Mongoose.

Back, left to right: Tim Tan, Fritz Coutchie, JD Burns, Joe Sukup, Eddie Pingel, Matt Bupp; front, left to right: Corey Egler, Zach Boston.

Monon from page 1

Denzel Williams 12 intercepted King and returned the ball 22 yards for Wabashs second pick-six of the day. Quarterback Chase Belton was injured in the third and was replaced by Andy Walsh 14. Walsh added the final score to the game with a three yard rushing touchdown. Wabash won 45-7. Wabashs offense gained a total of 180 yards - 21 through the air and 159 on the ground. Belton was 2-11 in passing and rushed for 38 yards on 13 carries. Hunt led the rushing category with 59 yards on eight carries. The Wabash defense had the biggest impact on the game, scoring 18 points and forcing five DePauw turnovers. They held DePauw to 111 passing yards and 39 rushing yards. Wabashs victory concluded DePauws first losing season since 1995. The Little Giants had a perfect season at 10-0 and won their first two playoff games. This years Bell Game was almost a repeat of last years. Wabash was only two points off of last years total, but DePauw actually scored this year. The Dannies showed yet again how much the Bell does not mean to them, as their bleachers were half-empty at the start of the third quarter. They are a disgrace to the rivalry, but its enjoyable to watch their football team get demolished nevertheless.

A Distinctive Class of Gentlemen

Upsilon Deuteron Officers, Fall 2011

Executive Council Jordan Ferguson 12, President Brett Birch 12, Vice President Peter Santa Maria 13, Treasurer John Dykstra 13, Corresponding Ian Baumgardner 14, Recording Philanthropy Peter Santa Maria 13, Chair Michael Hodge 14, Chair IFC Peter Santa Maria 13, Representative Rush Matt Meyer 12, Chair EC Contact Information ( Chris Zabriskie 12, Chair Social Events Garret Redweik 12, Chair Alejandro Maya 13, Chair Kris Klondaris 12, Risk Manager Intramurals Joe Granger 13, Chair House Management Mark Stoops 14, House Manager Scholarship Michael Hodge 13, Chair Student Senate Michael Hodge 13, Senator

In the Next Issue

Jordan Ferguson, jbfergus12 Brett Birch, bdbirch12 Peter Santa Maria, pjsantam13 John Dykstra, jhdykstr13 Ian Baumgardner, idbaumga14

Soon to be Brothers Philanthropy Recap

A civilized society is one which tolerates eccentricity to the point of doubtful sanity. -Robert Frost, Omicron Deuteron

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